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a key trait of the family "lost child" is perfectionism


Transtheoretical model AKA stages of change

1. pre-contemplation 2. contemplation 3. preparation 4.action 5. maintenance 6.relapse

why, according to the authors, are 12-step programs such as AA, GA, or NA compatible with a harm reducation philosophy

12-step programs encourage people to decide for themselves if they have a problem with addiction and a desire to stop

the hero

1st born child in the family, high-achieving and competent individual--- baby sitting, caring for other siblings helping professions or perfectionism

researchers show that ______% of gambling revenues come from persons with gambling addictive problems


the country where internet addiction is perhaps the most rampant, as described in the text, is

Southern Korea

which question is not included in the GA Twenty Questions?

A. after winning, did you put your winnings in a savings account for the future? b. have you ever gambled to escape a worry or trouble? c. have you ever sold anything to finance gambling d. did gambling cause you have difficulty in sleeping?

which question is not included in the GA Twenty Questions?

A. after winning, did you put your winnings in a savings account for the future? b. have you ever gambled to escape worry or trouble c. have you ever sold anything to finance gambling d. did gambling cause you to have difficulty in sleeping

the following statement is true

A. alcohol consumption and binge drinking are more common in Europe than America b. binge drinking by youths is no longer the problem it once was c. binge drinking is less dangerous than addictive patterns d. Alcohol consumption and binge drinking are more common in THE US than in Europe

the following statement is true

A. internet gambling is the fastest growing sector of the market b. the higher the social class, the higher the rate of gambling c. video poker is rarely addictive d. women start gambling earlier than males

Methadone maintenance failure, according to the text, is associated with all except

A. overduse due to failure to take into account the patient's body size. b. inadequate doses being described c.treatment programs located too far away from the potential patients causing undue hardship in accessing treatment d. inadequate funding by federal and state sources.

how was the advent of integrated treatment programs changed treatment?

COD is treated in a stage-wise fashion with different services provided at different stages.

which of the following is a spiritually-based mutual help program

Gamblers anonymous

Safety Q examples

Have you ever thought about hurting yourself or anyone else? in the past month have you wished you were dead and wish you wouldn't wake up? if yes, then.... have you thought about how you might do it? IPV Q do you feel threatened by him in anyway? have you been touched in any unwanted sexual ways? do you have a safety plan in case he/she threatens you again?

OARS MI Technique

Open Questions Affirmations Reflective Listening Summary Reflections

MI Techniques

REDSA roll with resistance express empathy develop discrepancy support self-efficacy avoiding argumentation

theories of addiction include the following except:

a. weak moral character b.heredity and disease C. psychological trauma d.modeling (behavioral; environmental observation)

what are the major differences between assessment and diagnosis?

a diagnosis is usually made by a licensed psychologist, physician, social worker, or chemical dependency counselor.

what did you learn about step 1 from the 12 step Journaling except...

a. Identification of my issue? B. Marijuana can help cure other addictions c. in some ways my life may have become unmanageable d. I can learn from others regarding step 1

which of the following drugs does NOT help smokers to quit/reduce smoking?

a. Wellbutrin b. Zyban C. Ritalin d. Chantix

because continued smoking (like drinking) changes the brain, quitting is likely to bring about all except:

a. irritability B. psychosis c. depression d. intense cravings for the drug

which is the least effective model of group therapy in addiction treatment

a. motivational interviewing groups b. focuses on coping skills and relapse prevention c.films and lecture on the nature addiction

each one of these is a step of strengths-based counselling as described in the book except

a. reframe b. renmame C. refocus blame d. reclaim

common techniques for enhancing motivation interviewing model include all of the following, except:

a. roll with resistance B. confront client denial c.admit diminished control over the addiction d. develop discrepancy between present behavior and important personal goals

The following statement is true except

a. the government spends 25 times as much to combat illicit drug use than alcohol misuse b. the youth gambling problem is not emphasized (as of 2012) by the government c. ads for gambling casinos are not allowed on any show during prime viewing time (as of 2012) D. children get addicted to gambling at a higher rate than adults.

a good beginning to "closing the deal" in MI is to:

ask the client, "what changes, if any, are you thinking of making?"

in a harm reduction approach, "assessment as treatment" means that:

assessment may take a back seat to helping a client meet survival needs


aware of the problem but ambivalent about making a change or has anxiety about what change will mean

why are addicted women said to suffer from a "double whammy"?

because they experience discrimination from being addicted and the oppression of being women in this culture.

DSM-5 has made the following change to include _____ as a mental disorder

binge-eating disorder

problem gambling among substance abusers is

characterized by borrowing money to pay debts.

efforts to remedy the time-crunch of the adoption and safe families act regulations include

co-locating substance abuse professsionals within the child welfare office

roll with resistance (contemplation stage)

compliance from the client is not goal, resistance be directed by the simple statement, " it's really up to you". reluctance and ambivalence are understood to be natural stage of the change process

which stage of change is characterized by a person who argues against change, but at the same time, agrees with the need to change


develop discrepancy

create and amplify the discrepancy between present bx and important personal goals, relative listening and focused feedback can help to highlight discrepancies using the client's own words.


defensiveness about substance abuse

which of the following are benefits of using the AUDIT screen for substance abuse problems

discriminates between different levels of risky behavior with alcohol

Avoid argumentation

don't persuade or confront or argue with client's they are in deep trouble and would be much better off giving up addiction "break through denial" is a useless tactic

the mascot

encouraged to be cute and joke around attract positive attention often hyperactive


enhance sexual feelings in both regular use in men decreases testosterone levels, affect sperm reduction and fertility, cause effective difficulties menstrual abnormalities, abnormal ova, prolonged childbirth

therapists working with gays and lesbians are advised to

focus on the clients self-determination and adopt the terms used by gays and lesbians

early outcome research on specialized women's program

had mixed results

gambling q's

has anyone ever approached you in a threatened way about repaying a debt?

Alcohol q's

have you ever blacked out due to too much alcohol? have you ever had more alcohol to get rid of a hangover.

support self-efficacy

if people have no hope for change then regardless of how serious they perceive the px, they will not make an effort to change. the counselor can support people's confidence that they can change by removing the false idea the counselor will change them, by showing them the success of others and by inviting them to choose from alternative approaches to what they have already tried

substance addiction vs. non-substance addiction

in substance addiction withdrawal and tolerance differ than non-substance addiction for diagnostic criteria.


in women high risk of menstrual irregularity and pain older women= decrease in estrogen levels and earlier menopause refuse to quite due to risk of weight gain

in working with latin american families the therapist should

incorporate recognition of the impact of toxic social enviornment as a contributor to substance use problems.

moderation management is best suited for

individuals who want to drink moderately.

Open Questions

invite others to "tell their story" in their own words without leading them into a specific directions

the lost child

lives in a fantasy world, little or no trouble can entertain self, even though they may seem lonely has an escape mechanism when family members fight will help facing problems realistically.

the term for phenomenon of changing the brain through changing one's thinking is known as:


the scapegoat

often second born, blamed child, early risk for pregnancy in girls and delinquency in boys, school performance is poor early experimentation with drugs and alcohol is common makes friends easily

Harm reduction psychotherpay

practices are designed to help people move through the stages of change at their own pace, offers a wider path that encompasses and honors all stages in the change process. collection of clinical principles that guide the practitioner on how to view the consumer, how to create the helping relationship, how to select various interventions view in context of whole person in their soc env. develop a collaborative, empowering rel. with the client goals and strategies, emerge from the therapeutic process. look for and mobilize the client's strengths in service of change

the part of the brain that continues to develop during youth until the mid-20's is the

prefrontal cortex

Reflective Listening

primary skill in outreach, pathway for engaging others in rel. building trust and fostering motivation to change; affirmations build confidence in one's ability to change learn to think reflectively---accompanies good reflective listening

an example of a harm reduction strategy to reduce barriers to treatment is:

promote access to treatment without requiring abstinence as a condition for receiving treatment.

Closing the deal

second phase of MI occurs after the client has built framework of intrinsic motivation for change visible due to decrease in resistance, an increase on change talk and more questions about how a change might occur may start to envision life after change or experiment with some changes between sessions Be cautious of : 1. about underestimating ambivalence and to recognize the likelihood that ambivalence will occur 2. aware of inserting your own agenda for change, when your client's goals do not correspond with what you have in mind as an ideal outcome.

The chemically dependent person

selfishly preoccupied with the sources of addiction, often charming and talented, high expectations on them men: often treated with great fondness by children women: inclined to either divorce or married to a fellow alcoholic or addict-- great criticism for neglect of motherhood responsibilities

Wegsheider's role theory

small clanging mobile - represent family interaction pattern as one piece of mobile is moved- the whole apparatus moves roles individual family members play reinforce or clash with roles of other members

the family manager (chief enabler)

sober partner of an alcoholic or addict; over function to compensate for partners under-functioning plagued by feelings of shame and guilt worries, nags and struggles to balance checkbook denial in early stages then bitter awareness later on uses cover-up devices

summary reflections

special applications of reflective listening. Can be used throughout a conversation but are particularly helpful at transition position. Helps ensure that there is a clear communication between the speaker and listener.


statements and gestures that recognize client strengths and acknowledge bx that lead in the direction of positive change, no matter how big or small.

the purpose of the family sculpture exercise is to

teach participants how the family system works.

people who attend GA meetings

tend to be older with more debt

express empathy

the MI stage is warm, respectful and accepting. irrational ideas and ambivalence about change are accepted as a normal part of human experience. the client is seen as "struct" not pathological

The persuasion stage in integrated treatment may be the most challenging for clinicians trained in traditional practices because:

the client's continually will test the assertion that it's the therapist's job help them find their own goals and make their own decisions.

According to Erikson

the crisis at each stage must be resolved before going on to the next one.


the strain of being a partner to a chemically dependent person this phenomena is described as a disease that predated the relationship with a partner who was addicted to alcohol or drugs

the US center for Substance Abuse Treatment recommends age-specific treatment for older adults with addiction rather than treatment in mixed settings.


the highest level of alcohol use occurs in the early 20's.


the term self-efficacy is a term found in motivational interviewing theory


women who come into treatment are more likely to have started drinking later in life compared to men in treatment.


which of the following are ways to build trust with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people?

use friendly intake forms that use terms such as partner or significant other

Fisher and Harrison on co-dependence

view the condition of co-dependence as a potential problem among substance abuse professionals who themselves have experienced this.

roles in a family with addiction

when stress is high, roles become rigid and often used as a coping mechanism family manager keeps things organized and are flexible children in alcoholic homes develop coping skills that can be useful for later. the roles children play in alcoholic homes are similar to those in dysfunctional families or disease ridden families


when the person consolidates gain and works to prevent relapse


when the person intends to make change in the near future or has unsuccessfully taken action in the past year


when the person takes action to change his or her bx or env. to overcome a px bx; such as becoming abstinent or cutting down on drug use.


which may occur repeatedly and is considered normal, inevitable part of the bx to the change process

which of the following is not a gender difference in biology

women become intoxicated after drinking smaller quantities of alcohol than men

Biological gender differences

women become intoxicated after drinking smaller quantities of alcohol; higher concentration in blood, even when drinking same amounts as men shorter interval between regular use and entry into treatment programs more medical consequences; higher rate of physiological impairment earlier in their drinking career

drug use and tx outcomes study

women higher rate than men: greater proportions of health issues, respiratory problems, gynecological problems, then std's 2/3 AIDS cases= drug abuse woman are dx later and have poorer access to tx inherited alcoholism exists among men, unequivocal evidence in women women with history of alcohol in family have higher tolerance than woman without it genetics plays a role in susceptibility

why are women less likely than men to enter treatment over their lifetime?

women may fear losing custody of their children if they go to treatment

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