MOD3 CH. 18

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b​ack and side muscles

50. ​Sit up straight on the floor with both legs straight out. Bring the left leg up with your knee bent and place your foot on the floor to the right of the right knee. Then place your right elbow on the upper part of your left knee. Your left hand should be in back of you to help you look over your left shoulder. Take in a deep breath before you begin to twist your upper body and exhale slowly while you hold this posture for 10-25 seconds. Repeat for the right leg

o​uter thigh muscles

51. ​Stand next to and press your left hand against the wall as you place your right hand on your right hip. Bend the right knee slightly, rest the left foot on its side, and hold for 15-25 seconds. Repeat for the left leg


12. All the processes involved in the taking in and utilization of food substances by which growth, repair, and maintenance of activities in the body as a whole or in any of its parts are accomplished


28. Artificial opening of the colon, allowing fecal material to be excreted from the body through the abdominal wall


29. Strong laxative

13. Eating no more than a total of ____ percent of calories from fat each day is recommended for a healthy heart.


CT scan

30. Computerized axial tomography study


31. These supply about two-thirds of the energy calories needed each day

splenic flexure

32. Bend in the colon at the spleen


33. Bend in the colon at the liver


34. Chewing

endocrine gland

35. Gland that secretes directly into the bloodstream


36. Folds found in the inner lining of the stomach


37. Tiny telescope instrument inserted into the abdomen during gallbladder surgery


38. These are obtained primarily from plant and animal sources, but are not stored by the body


39. Regulating chemicals needed for growth and control of body activities


40. Roof of the mouth


41. Gland that secretes through ducts 42. Intestinal lymphatic capillary

outer thigh muscle

51. ​Stand next to and press your left hand against the wall as you place your right hand on your right hip. Bendthe right knee slightly, rest the left foot on its side, and hold for 15-25 seconds. Repeat for the left leg

thigh muscles

52. ​Lean into the wall with your left hand, and pull your right ankle up gently with your right hand for 15-25 seconds. Repeat for the left ankle

thigh muscle (quadriceps)

52. ​Lean into the wall with your left hand, and pull your right ankle up gently with your right hand for 15-25seconds. Repeat for the left ankle


94. Mass of tissue that results from an overgrowth of upper epithelial cells of the mucosal membrane of the GI tract

pruritus ani

95. Itching of the area surrounding the anus, often associated with irritation and burning


96. Blood poisoning that can be caused by a perforation of the colon resulting from severe colitis


97. Condition of repeated passage of unformed wastes


98. Dilated vein in the mucosa of the folds of the anal canal or lower portion of the rectum


99. Inflammation of the pancreas

Labels on dietary supplements should contain all but which of the following? a. an FDA endorsement b. list of ingredients c. suggested dosage d. any warning to their use

An fda endorsement

neck muscles

Keep shoulders down while you tilt your head to the right. Place your right hand on the left side of your head,and pull gently toward your right shoulder for about 15-25 seconds. Repeat for the left side

lumbar muscles (lower back)

Lie on your back with your knees bent up to your chest. Place your hands behind your knees, press into your chest, and hold for 10-25 seconds; relax and repeat several times

Lumbar muscles (lower back)

Lie on your back with your knees bent up to your chest. Place your hands behind your knees, press into yourchest, and hold for 10-25 seconds; relax and repeat several times

59. Hepatitis is an inflammation and infection of the:



Organic substances found in foods that are essential to good health and growth

Scurvy is the result of a deficiency of:

Vitamin C

Fluorine is important for proper:

bone and tooth formation

A single portion of which of the following foods contains only a trace of carbohydrates?


The _____ or cuspids are pointed to puncture and tear.


Which of the following is digested first?


Which of the following is not a symptom of gastroenteritis?


The stomach is:

constructed of 3 layers of strong muscle tissue

24. A _____ deficiency can lead to convulsions in infants.

vitamin B6


10. Condition in which a person eats a very large quantity of food at one time, but uses purging to rid the body of the calories


100. Protrusion of an internal organ through a natural opening in the body wall


11. Burns calories and makes us more flexible, strong, and healthy


93. Condition of sluggish bowel action

h​ip muscles (hip flexor)

53. ​Get into a kneeling position with your right foot flat on the floor and bend the right knee up to touch your chest. Keep your left leg on the floor behind you (arms at your sides) and stretch and hold for 15-25 seconds. Repeat; bring the left knee to your chest; keep your right leg on the floor behind you

​hip muscles (hip flexor)

53. ​Get into a kneeling position with your right foot flat on the floor and bend the right knee up to touch yourchest. Keep your left leg on the floor behind you (arms at your sides) and stretch and hold for 15-25seconds. Repeat; bring the left knee to your chest; keep your right leg on the floor behind you

l​ ower back

54. ​Lie flat on your back and bring your left knee up. Cross it over to your right hip (keep your arms stretched out to your sides). Keep your shoulders against the floor, turn your head to the left, and then press your left thigh with your right hand to the floor and hold for 10-25 seconds. Repeat for the right leg

​lower back

54. ​Lie flat on your back and bring your left knee up. Cross it over to your right hip (keep your arms stretchedout to your sides). Keep your shoulders against the floor, turn your head to the left, and then press your leftthigh with your right hand to the floor and hold for 10-25 seconds. Repeat for the right leg

calf muscle

55. ​Place feet flat on the floor, two to three feet away from a wall. Lean your forearms flat against the wall, then step toward the wall with the left foot, bending the knee while keeping the heel of the right foot flat on the floor for about 15-25 seconds. Repeat with the right leg

calf muscle

55. ​Place feet flat on the floor, two to three feet away from a wall. Lean your forearms flat against the wall, thenstep toward the wall with the left foot, bending the knee while keeping the heel of the right foot flat on thefloor for about 15-25 seconds. Repeat with the right leg


56. ​Lie flat on your back and bend your knees, placing both feet flat on the floor. Raise your right leg up so that your heel is toward the ceiling. Hold your right leg behind the knee with both hands and pull into your chest. Relax your foot and keep straightening your leg until it becomes uncomfortable, and then hold the position for 10-20 seconds. Repeat for the left leg


56. ​Lie flat on your back and bend your knees, placing both feet flat on the floor. Raise your right leg up so thatyour heel is toward the ceiling. Hold your right leg behind the knee with both hands and pull into your chest.Relax your foot and keep straightening your leg until it becomes uncomfortable, and then hold the position for10-20 seconds. Repeat for the left leg


6. Caused by a sodium deficiency


67. ​An organic combination of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen as a sugar, a starch, or cellulose


68. ​To become abnormally thin; the loss of too much weight


69. ​Absence of menses; without menstruation


7. Caused by a magnesium deficiency


70. ​A unit for measuring the heat value of food


71. ​To be deprived; without; having to do without or unable to use


72. ​A spree; to overindulge, such as with alcohol or food


73. ​A disease resulting from lack of vitamin B, thiamine


74. ​One who is trained in dietetics, which includes nutrition, and in charge of the diet of an institution


75. ​One suffering from anorexia


76. ​A substance deliberately added to a material to fulfill some specific purpose such as enhancing taste or coloror prolonging shelf life


77. ​To empty; to cleanse of impurities; clear


78. ​Lack of necessary or proper food substances in the body


79. ​(Albumin); a normal substance found in serum but when found in urine means the presence of an excess ofserum proteins excreted in the urine rather than reabsorbed by the renal tubules; a nutrient found in foodssuch as eggs, meat, fish, legumes, and soy products that provides energy to the body


8. Enhance the taste or color of food or prolong the shelf life of a product


80. ​Illness, disease


81. ​A disease of the bones primarily due to the deficiency of vitamin D

​sleep apnea

82. ​Brief episodes of the cessation of breathing during sleep


83. ​Weighing more than 30 percent above your ideal body weight

​REM (rapid eye movement)

84. ​A stage of sleep in which the sleeper experiences rapid eye movement; in a healthy young adult, accounts for10-25 percent of sleep time

​NREM (non-rapid eye movement)

85. ​A stage of sleep in which the sleeper does not experience rapid eye movement; in a healthy young adult,usually accounts for 75-90 percent of sleep time


86. ​The odorless and tasteless liquid that descends from the clouds as rain, forms streams, lakes, and seas, and is amajor constituent of all living matter


87. ​Relating to the sense of touch


88. ​A disease caused by lack of fresh fruits, vegetables, and vitamin C in the die


9. Naturally occurring, inorganic, homogeneous, solid substances


92. Before jaundice

Which of the following is not a symptom of gastroenteritis? a. abdominal cramping b. fever c. constipation d. vomiting

C. Constipation


Caused by a calcium deficiency


Caused by a potassium deficiency

anorexia nervosa

Condition in which a person refuses to eat over a period of time

44. W​ hich of the following would be considered a dietary need or consideration for patients with lactose sensitivity? a. I​ nclude foods with calcium and vitamin D. b.C​ onsumeonlylactose-freeandlactose-reducedmilkandmilkproducts. c. ​Patients must be advised to carefully read food labels as many products contain lactose. d. A​ ll of the above

D. All of the above

W​ hich of the following has been suggested to reduce the incidence of cancer? a. f​ ruits and vegetables b. w​ hole grains c. m​ ost alliums (garlic, onions, leeks, and shallots) d. a​ ll of the above

D. All of the above

44. ​Which of the following would be considered a dietary need or consideration for patients with lactose sensitivity? a. ​Include foods with calcium and vitamin D. b. ​Consume only lactose-free and lactose-reduced milk and milk products. c. ​Patients must be advised to carefully read food labels as many products contain lactose .d. ​All of the above

D. all of the above


Device that exerts pressure directly over a herniated opening, to hold the protruding mass inside the cavity

46. Some food labels include the designation "Exchange" to assist patients with ____ to select food within a particular category.


n​eck muscles

Keep shoulders down while you tilt your head to the right. Place your right hand on the left side of your head, and pull gently toward your right shoulder for about 15-25 seconds. Repeat for the left side


Intestinal lymphatic capillary

back and side muscles

Sit up straight on the floor with both legs straight out. Bring the left leg up with your knee bent and place yourfoot on the floor to the right of the right knee. Then place your right elbow on the upper part of your left knee.Your left hand should be in back of you to help you look over your left shoulder. Take in a deep breathbefore you begin to twist your upper body and exhale slowly while you hold this posture for 10-25 seconds.Repeat for the right leg


State of complete physical, mental, and social well-being

A copper deficiency can cause:

anemia in malnourished children

roin muscles

While sitting on the floor, bring your heels together, and hold them with your hands. Gently push your legs down with your elbows (or ask someone to do it for you), and hold for 5-10 seconds; use resistance to feel stretching (avoid straining) and then relax. Repeat 5-10 times. This is often called the butterfly stretch

Groin Muscles

While sitting on the floor, bring your heels together, and hold them with your hands. Gently push your legsdown with your elbows (or ask someone to do it for you), and hold for 5-10 seconds; use resistance to feelstretching (avoid straining) and then relax. Repeat 5-10 times. This is often called the butterfly stretch

A crack or tear in the lining of the anus is called a(n):

anal fissure

The early symptoms of colorectal cancer with right side colon involvement may include:


43. The stomach is:

d. constructed of three layers of strong muscle tissue

Which of the following is not a primary source of thiamine? a. dried yeast b. potatoes c. nuts d. leafy vegetables

d. leafy vegetables

Some food labels include the designation "Exchange" to assist patients with ____ to select food within aparticular category.


Bulging pouches in the wall of the GI tract where the lining has pushed into the surrounding muscle is characteristic of:


​Several servings of ________ foods (fruits, vegetables, peas and beans, whole grain cereals) should beincluded in the daily diet to promote a healthy digestive tract and prevent constipation

fiber rich

What is the main dietary source of vitamin D?

fortified milk

The MyPlate program:

is intended to encourage Americans to make healthier food choices

When a colonoscopy is performed

it is possible to obtain tissue samples through a scope

Which of the following is not a primary source of thiamine?

leafy vegetables

Hepatitis is an inflammation and infection of the:


Which of the following is a function of vitamin B12?

maturation of red blood cells

Vitamins are called:


W​hen patients have food allergies, they will follow an allergy avoidance or elimination diet. Depending on the severity and type of symptoms, an elimination diet may range from:

m​ oderately to severely restrictive in the amounts of foods allowed

14. A vitamin A deficiency can cause:

night blindness

The liver secretes _____ of bile a day.

over a pint

Patients with irritable bowel syndrome commonly have stools that are:

small and contain mucus

The only effective treatment for appendicitis is:

surgical removal

Crohn's disease is most common in the?

terminal ileum

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