Modern world chapter 21

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Absolute monarch

King or queen who has absolute power and seeks to control all aspects of society, within the boundries of their state/country.

Ruler of hapsburgs 1740-1780

Maria Theresa

Louis xiv's second wife who founded a boarding school for girls at st-cry in 1686

Marquise maineton

Cardinals riechelue qualities

"Although he tried sincerely to lead according to moral principles, he was also ambitious and enjoyed exercising authority. As Louis XIII's minister, he was able to pursue his ambitions in the political arena. "

What land did Philip get

Because Philip was the king's nephew, he seized the Portuguese kingdom. Counting Portuguese strongholds in Africa, India, and the East Indies, he now had an empire that circled the globe

What decision did Henley iv have to make to become king*

Become catholic


Believed in theory of mercantilism

Louis xiv expanded his power by?*

Building a strong army


Don Quixote, mocked chivalry or story about about idealistic person who longs for romantic past, because he is frustrated with materialistic world.


128 years long Hundred Years' War over

Russian timeline

8 century Slavs, 9th Norse, 10 influenced by Byzantine and converted due to Vladimir, 13th mongols for 200 yrs , 15-16 Moscow leads russia


Absolutism was the political belief that one ruler should hold all of the power within the boundaries of a country.

Mother of Louis xiv, regent for her son 1643-1661



Began as lesser feudal lords , governed Austria during 30 yrs war, headed Holy Roman Empire, after war increased power by, 1 re conquering Bohemia (set up new Czech), 2centralized govt, 3 drove Muslims from Europe (retook Hungary) also during reign made alliances, political weddings, expanded family domains

Family of French rulers


Temperate of Westphalia religious provisions.

Calvinists would have same privileges as Lutherans had in peace of Augsburg , rulers of each state could determine its official religion ( except hapsburgs) and ruler must permit freedom of private worship. Ended religious wars in Germany. German Princes free from Holy Roman Empire(weekend Hapsburg states of Spain, Austrian), United provinces of the Netherlands became officially United, French reversed German speaking province alisance(France awarded German territory), Sweden got north German lands and lands on Baltic Sea and Black Sea coasts, Switzerland independent, of Holy Roman Empire (Swiss confed) , Sweden won voice in diet of Holy Roman Empire, Brandenburg got important territories on northern sea and in central germeny, new method of peace negotaitaion(book)

Pros / cons to cromwell

Capble, economic prosperity, suppressed rebellions, Heavy taxes, role in Charles execution , intolerance of Anglican religion, sever Puritan morale code.

England France, spain

Common nationality, people gradually transferred loyalty, strong monarch molded United natl states, common language , ethnicity, geography

Factors strengthening royal power

Crusades, reformation, gun powder, rising middle class, spirit of nationalism.

What was the alphabet of kieven russai


which term is the title of the Russian emperor and is the Russian version of the term Caesar? q



Defeat of armada

Russia, Prussia, austria

Diverse nationalities, established powerful states, people did not develop feeling of natl unity.

Rubrik first

Fisrt Russian ruler set up colony at kiev in 862 and Novgorod.

Maria Theresa faced

Gender predictive, resentment of power, ethnic conflicts, scattered empire, alliances against Austria, growing rivalry with Prussia.

Peace of Westphalia (political provisions)

German Princes free from Holy Roman Empire(weekend Hapsburg states of Spain, Austrian), United provinces of the Netherlands became officially United, French reversed German speaking province alisance(France awarded German territory), Sweden got north German lands and lands on Baltic Sea and Black Sea coasts, Switzerland independent, of Holy Roman Empire (Swiss confed) , Sweden won voice in diet of Holy Roman Empire, Brandenburg got important territories on northern sea and in central germeny, new method of peace negotaitaion(book)

What was the Mongol empire in Russia called? Khanate of the

Golden horde

Family of German rulers


Family of Prussian kings


Reasons for Spain's decline

Ineffective rulers, Dutch revolt, defeat of armada, inflation, lack of industrialization, expulsion of Jews and moors, prolonging of feudalism

Who was Ivan moneybag

Ivan 1

Who used title czar

Ivan 3

French musician at Louis xiv court

Jean baptists the Lully

French dramatist who modeled his tragedies on the works of Ancient Greek playrights

Jean baptists vivven

Divine right of kings

Justified unlimited royal power, contrasts democratic belief, King ruled by God, obedience to King equals obedience to God, King could not do anything wrong

Frederick the great

Military genius, agressive foreign and military policy, softened domestic affairs and encouraged legal reform plus religous toleration

French dramatist an actor who's stage name is Jean baptists poquelin


Famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci in Louis xiv room

Mona lisa


Offended puritans, harmed middle class by taxing it heavily and neglecting to further trade, imports ones opponents without fair trial, raised taxes by means not approved by parliament


Opposed James


Philip defeated by England

First bourbon king of spain


French dramatist who modeled tragedies on works of aeshylus and sophocles

Pierre cornel lie


Reddish complexion

Family of Russian czars


Civil war(1621-1649)

Royalists vs parliament rise

What effect did the Mongol invasions have on Kievian Russia? They were

Slaughtered, destroyed

Groups inhabiting forests north of Black Sea


Which people's traditions were combined with those of the Greek Byzantines to provide the foundation for Russian culture?

Slavs or Mongols, likely Slavs.


Supported james


Under which Kievan ruler did all of the citizens of Kiev convert to Byzantine Christianity?

Yaroslav the Wise

WHo created a legal code for Kiev that emphasized and protected property and commerce?


Which group of invaders probably founded Novgorod and later setteled in Kiev?


Which people attacked and demolished Kiev?

Ivan 3

Which prince of Moscow led the Russians to freedom from the Mongols?

Causes of absolutism

• Religous and territorial conficts created fear and uncertainty. • The growth of armies to deal with conflicts caused rulers to raise taxes to pay troops. • Heavy taxes led to additional unrest and peasant revolts.

Charles V

"As the Hapsburg king, Charles inherited Spain, Spain's American colonies, parts of Italy, and lands in Austria and the Netherlands. As the elected Holy Roman emperor, he ruled much of Germany. It was the first time since Charlemagne that a European ruler controlled so much territor" Had almost as much control as ottoman suley man

What were causes of the economic decline inflation in spain

"Inflation in Spain had two main causes. First, Spain's population had been growing. As more people demanded food and other goods, merchants were able to raise prices. Second, as silver bullion flooded the market, its value dropped"

What were causes of Spain's economic decline other than inflation

"Spain's economic decline also had other causes. When Spain expelled the Jews and Moors (Muslims) around 1500, it lost many valuable artisans and businesspeople. In addition, Spain's nobles did not have to pay taxes. The tax burden fell on the lower classes. That burden prevented them from accumulating enough wealth to start their own businesses. As a result, Spain never developed a middle"

What helped centralize authority

"The decline of feudalism, the rise of cities, and the growth of national kingdom , In addition, the growing middle class usually backed monarchs, because they promised a peaceful, supportive climate for business. Monarchs used the wealth of colonies to pay for their ambitions. "

What does the work of famous Dutch artist like rambrandt and vameer reveal

"important merchants, civic leaders, and the middle class in general were in 17th-century Netherlands. "


"inflation, which is a decline in the value of money, accompanied by a rise in the prices of goods and services"

Armada *

A fleet


A group of advisers or ministers chosen by the head of a country to help make govt decisions

Edict of nantes

1598 declaration of religious toleration which Henry iv promised that Protestants in France could live in peace in France and set up houses of worship in some cities

War of Spanish succession

1701-1703 number of European states fought to prevent the bourbon family from controlling Spain as well as France. Ended with treaty of urekt

How many times did Phillip declare Spanish state bankrupt

3, as economy so feeble.


30 years war


A France regained power, new intellectual movement formed, philosophy based on the idea that nothing can ever be known for certain.


Adoption of social , political and economical institutions especially of European or American countries.

Treaty of Ais la chappelle

Although Maria Theresa did stop Prussia's aggression, she lost Silesia in the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748. With the acquisition of Silesia, Prussia became a major European power

Ottoman Empire central Europe

Although Suleyman the Magnificent had conquered Hungary and threatened Vienna in 1529, the Ottoman Empire could not take its European conquest any farther. From then on, the Ottoman Empire declined from its peak of power.

Heabus Corpus

An act requiring a prisoner to be brought before a court or judge so that it can be decided wether his imprisonment is or isn't legal.

What did having the largest trading fleet allow Dutch to do

Asian spice trade and the Indian Ocean trade. Gradually, the Dutch replaced the Italians as the bankers of Europe.

Central Europe economy

By contrast, the landowning aristocracy in central Europe passed laws restricting the ability of serfs to gain freedom and move to cities. These nobles wanted to keep the serfs on the land, where they could produce large harvests. The nobles could then sell the surplus crops to western European cities at great profit. Additionally, blocked the development of strong kings. For example, the Polish nobility elected the Polish king and sharply limited his power. They allowed the king little income, no law courts, and no standing army. As a result, there was not a strong ruler who could form a unified state

7 years war

Conflict in Europe India and North America from 1756 to 1763 in which Britain and Prussia battled Austria France Russia and other countries.(started by Frederick attacking saxony an Austrian Ally


Court ceremony celebrating kings rising

*Phillip 2 felt goall

Defend Catholicism against protestantism


Developed essay brief written piece that expresses a persons thoughts and opinions, in one essay wrote that whenever a new belief arose it replaced an old belief that people once accepted as true,also believed humans could never have absolute knowledge of what is true

Charles iv plan

Developed plan to help haps-burgs continue to rule his lands. Eventually persuaded European leaders to sign a contract to let hi eldest daughter Maria rule peacefully and have a peaceful reign.

Western Europe economy

During the late Middle Ages, serfs in western Europe slowly won freedom and moved to towns. There, they joined middle-class townspeople, who gained economic power because of the commercial revolution and the development of capitalism

League of Augsburg

Dutch prince William of Orange became the king of England. He joined the League of Augsburg, which consisted of the Austrian Hapsburg emperor, the kings of Sweden and Spain, and the leaders of several smaller European


Economic system based on ownership of land(fief) Land = wealth/ power


Economic theory that nations should protect their home industries and export more than they import.

What were Louis xiv goals for France to attaiin

Economic, cultural and political brilliance

30 years war

European War for religion territory and power among ruling families from 1618-1648: can be divided into two phases, Hapsburg triumphs and haps-burgs losses

Maria Theresa defends lands

Even though Maria Theresa had recently given birth, she journeyed to Hungary. There she held her infant in her arms as she asked the Hungarian nobles for aid. Even though the nobles resented their Hapsburg rulers, they pledged to give Maria Theresa an army. Great Britain also joined Austria to fight its longtime enemy France, which was Prussia's ally.

During his reign Charles v faced major challenge of?*

Fighting wars to suppress Protestant ism

Henrey iv

First bourbon King dynasty , ruler of France

How did riechelue increase power of burboun

First, he moved against Huguenots. He believed that Protestantism often served as an excuse for political conspiracies against the Catholic king. Although Richelieu did not take away the Huguenots' right to worship, he forbade Protestant cities to have walls. He did not want them to be able to defy the king and then withdraw behind strong defenses. Second, he sought to weaken the nobles' power. Richelieu ordered nobles to take down their fortified castles. He increased the power of government agents who came from the middle class. The king relied on these agents, so there was less need to use noble officials.

Phillip 2 fought both wars against?*

France and england

What did Phillip want his palace to demonstarte

He wanted his place to demonstrate his faith, within its walls stood a monastery as well as. a place. It demonstrated his great power during his monarchy too.

Louis xiv mixed legacy : posotives

France was certainly a power to be reckoned with in Europe. France ranked above all other European nations in art, literature, and statesmanship during Louis's reign. In addition, France was considered the military leader of Europe. This military might allowed France to develop a strong empire of colonies, which provided resources and goods for trade

War of Austrian succesion

Frederick 2 fought Maria Theresa would not be difficult to fight against because she was a woman, so he sent his army to occupy Silesia, the Austrian land that bordered Prussia

Great elector

Frederick William

Frederick the great

Frederick the Great, followed his father's military policies when he came to power. However, he also softened some of his father's laws. With regard to domestic affairs, he encouraged religious toleration and legal reform. According to his theory of government, Frederick believed that a ruler should be like a father to his people:


French government official appointed by monarch to collect taxes and administer justice.


French protestants

During Loius Xiv what was arts purpos

Glorify King and promote values that supported Loius absolute rule., had not. Been European monarch who supported arts as much as Louis since Augustus.

How did Spain make enemies rich

Guilds that had emerged in the Middle Ages still dominated business in Spain. Such guilds used old-fashioned methods. This made Spanish cloth and manufactured goods more expensive than those made elsewhere. As a result, Spaniards bought much of what they needed from France, England, and the Netherlands. Spain's great wealth flowed into the pockets of foreigners, who were mostly Spain's enemies. To finance their wars, Spanish kings borrowed money from German and Italian bankers. When shiploads of silver came in, the money was sent abroad to repay debts.

How did Frederick William believe they would protect Prussia

Having strong army only way to ensure safety. To protect their lands, the Great Elector and his descendants moved toward absolute monarchy. They created a standing army, the best in Europe. They built it to a force of 80,000 men. To pay for the army, they introduced permanent taxation. Beginning with the Great Elector's son, they called themselves kings. They also weakened the representative assemblies of their territories.

How did Louis xiv having nobles at his palace increase royal authority

Having the nobles at the palace increased royal authority in two ways. It made the nobility totally dependent on Louis. It also took them from their homes, thereby giving more power to the intendants.

What caused a revolution in Spain, by dutch

King Philip 2 raising taxes

How did Louis xiv increase control and weaken nobles

He weakened the power of the nobles by excluding them from his councils. In contrast, he increased the power of the government agents called intendants, who collected taxes and administered justice. To keep power under central control, he made sure that local officials communicated regularly with him.

Louis xiii weak King, but what made his rule strong

His financial adviser, minister cardinals Richelieu ( in effect became ruler of France)


Huguenots and Catholics fought 8 religious wars under Catherine de Medici, she tied to preserve royal authority in 1559.

Louis xiv motto

I and state are same

Divine right

Idea that monarchs are gods representatives on earth and are therefore only answerable to God.God created the monarchy An absolute monarch answered only to God, not to his or her subjects.

Did Charles V agree to peace of Ausburg

In 155, he unwillingly allowed roman princes to choose territory of their state

Hapsburg loses

In 1630, the Protestant Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden and his army shifted the tide of war. They drove the Hapsburg armies out of northern Germany, additionally Cardinal Richelieu and Cardinal Mazarin of France dominated the remaining years of the war. Although Catholic, these two cardinals feared the Hapsburgs more than the Protestants. They did not want other European rulers to have as much power as the French king. Therefore, in 1635, Richelieu sent French troops to join the German and Swedish Protestants in their struggle against the Hapsburg armies

Holy roman empire central Europe

In addition, the Holy Roman Empire was seriously weakened by the Thirty Years' War. No longer able to command the obedience of the German states, the Holy Roman Empire had no real power. These old, weakened empires and kingdoms left a power vacuum in central Europe. In the late 1600s, two German-speaking families decided to try to fill this vacuum by becoming absolute rulers themselves"

Nobles hated Mazrin and rioted, but why did they fail

In the end, the nobles' rebellion failed for three reasons. Its leaders distrusted one another even more than they distrusted Mazarin. In addition, the government used violent repression. Finally, peasants and townspeople grew weary of disorder and fighting

How did Peter the great force Change on his people

Increased his power as an absolute ruler, brought Russian Orthodox Church under state control, abolished office of patriarch, set up holy synod to run church in his direction.


Increased taxes and strengthened centrel government., greatest triumph 1648 was end of 30 yrs war, was richeules successor

What did Peter try to do to westernize russia

Introduce potato, started Russia's first newspaper, raised women's status, ordered nobles to give up traditional cloths, started schools Beloved education only way to Russia's progress Economic system based on ownership of land(fief) Land = wealth/ power

What did Louis xiv do in 1685 after Culberts death

Introduced policy canceling edict of Nantes , slowed economic progress as lost many skilled Huguenot workers.

What type of age was Spain when celebrates wrote a book.

Materialistic age

Louis xiv mixed legacy negatives

On the negative side, constant warfare and the construction of the Palace of Versailles plunged France into staggering debt. Also, resentment over the tax burden imposed on the poor and Louis's abuse of power would plague his heirs—and eventually lead to revolution

Why did Henry give up Protestantism for catholicism

Paris well worth a mass

When Charles V retired to monastery who inherited his land, who did he give it to.

Philip 2 all of Spain, Spanish Netherlands and American colonies and his brother Ferdinand he gave Austria and the Holy Roman empire

Effects of 30 years war on Germany

Population dropped, agriculture and trade greatly disrupted. Economy ruined, Germany had great difficulty recovering.

French and Dutch wanted to maintain a balance of power to?

Prevent France from dominating Europe

Diego Vazquez

Pride of Spanish monarchy

Who did Charles v fight

Protestants, muslims


Prussia's landowning nobility, the Junkers (YUNG•kuhrz), resisted the king's growing power. However, in the early 1700s, King Frederick William I bought their cooperation. He gave the Junkers the exclusive right to be officers in his army. As a result, Prussia became a rigidly controlled, highly militarized society

Cardinals riechelue other goal

Richelieu also wanted to make France the strongest state in Europe. The greatest obstacle to this, he believed, was the Hapsburg rulers, whose lands surrounded France. The Hapsburgs ruled Spain, Austria, the Netherlands, and parts of the Holy Roman Empire. To limit Hapsburg power, Richelieu involved France in the Thirty Years' War

El greco

Showed great faith of Catholicism in spain

Differences in central and Western Europe economy

Strong states formed more slowly in central Europe than in Western Europe.

Hapsburg triumps

Succeeded first 12 years, Hapsburg armies from Russia and Spain crushed soldiers hired by Protestant rulers. Also succeeded in crushing Czech uprising, and German Protestant Czech supporters. We're allowed to plunder German towns, crush everything in path.

Catholics in Germany joind

Tensions caused 1609 catholic league, tried to gain followers, didn't like Calvinism, felt threatened by Calvinism.

What did Lutherans in Germany join

Tensions caused Protestant Union 1608, tried to gain followers, didn't like Calvinism, felt threatened by Calvinism

What spark set off German Catholics and protestants

That spark came in 1618. The future Holy Roman emperor, Ferdinand II, was head of the Hapsburg family. As such, he ruled the Czech kingdom of Bohemia. The Protestants in Bohemia did not trust Ferdinand, who was a foreigner and a Catholic. When he closed some Protestant churches, the Protestants revolted. Ferdinand sent an army into Bohemia to crush the revolt. Several German Protestant princes took this chance to challenge their Catholic emperor.

Hapsburg empire as absolute monarchs

The Austrian Hapsburgs took several steps to become absolute monarchs. First, during the Thirty Years' War, they reconquered Bohemia. The Hapsburgs wiped out Protestantism there and created a new Czech nobility that pledged loyalty to them. Second, after the war, the Hapsburg ruler centralized the government and created a standing army. Third, by 1699, the Hapsburgs had retaken Hungary from the Ottoman Empire, 1711 Charles iv became ruler, only because he wore the Austrian Hungarian and bohemian crown did he keep the empire together.

What did stability of Dutch government allow

The stability of the government allowed the Dutch people to concentrate on economic growth. The merchants of Amsterdam bought surplus grain in Poland and crammed it into their warehouses. When they heard about poor harvests in southern Europe, they shipped the grain south while prices were highest.

Skeptic feelings

These thinkers expressed an attitude of doubt toward churches that claimed to have the only correct set of doctrines. To doubt old ideas, skeptics thought, was the first step toward finding truth.


This title meant "caesar," and Ivan was the first Russian ruler to use it official

Hapsburg, Hohenzollern ambitions

Threatened to upset central Europe balance of power.

How did Colbert help Louis Xiv

To prevent wealth from leaving the country, Colbert tried to make France self-sufficient. He wanted it to be able to manufacture everything it needed instead of relying on imports. To expand manufacturing, Colbert gave government funds and tax benefits to French companies. To protect France's industries, he placed a high tariff on goods from other countries. Colbert also recognized the importance of colonies, which provided raw materials and a market for manufactured goods. The French government encouraged people to migrate to France's colony in Canada. There the fur trade added to French trade and wealtH

Modern states begin

Treaty abandoned idea that a catholic empire would rule most of Europe, recognized Europe of independent equal states, beginning of modern states system , most important result of 30 yrs war.

The gold and silver coming from the Americas made Spain temporarily wealth true or false

True, it ventually lead to many economic long term problems

7 northern

United Provinces of the Netherlands. The ten southern provinces (present-day Belgium) were Catholic and remained under Spanish control.

Treaty of Westphalia

Weakened Hapsburg states of Spain and Austria ,Strengthens France by awarding it German territory, made German princes independent of holy roman emperor this ended religious wars in Europe, introduced new method of peace negotiation where participants settle to discuss problems of war and settle terms of peace (used 2 day)

When aided by wise financial adviser, what did Henley do during his reign

Worked to rebuild France and its posterity, and restore French monarchy to a strong position


Wrote meditations on first philosophy, examined skeptical argument of how humans can never be sure of anything. Descartes used his observations and his reason to answer such arguments. In doing so, he created a philosophy that influenced modern thinkers and helped to develop the scientific method. Because of this, he became an important figure in the Enlightenment

Philip 2

expanded Spanish influence, strengthened Catholic Church and made his power absolute

Bill of rights

no suspending of Parliament's laws no levying of taxes without a specific grant from Parliament no interfering with freedom of speech in Parliament no penalty for a citizen who petitions the king about grievances

Effects of absolutsim

• Rulers regulated religious worship and social gatherings to control the spread of ideas. • Rulers increased the size of their courts to appear more powerful. • Rulers created bureaucracies to control their countries' economics

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