Module 1: Transcultural Module, 1.01-1.07

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If our goal is to provide health care that is congruent with a patient's beliefs and values, we must begin with what?

Conducting a cultural self-assessment

Which of these terms aligns with transcultural nursing philosophy? Select all that apply.

Congruent Approach Integrate into

Which standards were developed to assist nurses in providing culturally competent and culturally congruent care?

The Standards for Transcultural Nursing

Having a nursing staff with diverse cultural backgrounds increases the likelihood that patients from a variety of backgrounds will receive care more effectively.


What is the best definition of transcultural nursing?

An aspect of nursing that stresses the respectful acceptance of varying cultures between nurse and patient

Which statement reflects how the discipline of transcultural nursing addresses overcoming generalizations and stereotypes.

Because culture influences health and well-being in a myriad of ways, as a professional nurse, you must understand what that means for each patient individually.

A nurse who is consistently accurate in assessing dark-skinned individuals for cyanosis is demonstrating what aspect of culturally competent nursing care?

Culturally competent psychomotor skills Mastery of certain specific psychomotor skills, such as the assessment of cyanosis in people with darkly pigmented skin, is sometimes critical for client survival.

What did Dr. Leininger say is the essence of nursing?

Dr. Leininger said "Care is the essence of nursing." Additionally, Dr. Leininger believed that care could happen without curing, but curing could not happen without care.

Which nurse-anthropologist debated the conceptual differences between transcultural and cross-cultural in the mid-1950s?

Dr. Madeleine M. Leininger was a nurse-anthropologist who, in the mid-1950s, envisioned transcultural nursing as a formal area of study and practice for nurses and coined the phrase "transcultural nursing."

Which author's evidence-based article addresses the background for the three exemplary lessons learned in working with translators?

E. G. Jones Jones's article, "Working with translators and interpreters in research: Lessons learned," addresses the background for the three exemplary lessons learned in working with translators.

Which perspective has the highest potential for increasing empathy but decreasing objectivity?


In addition to written and oral communication, what techniques can a nurse implement to successfully communicate with a client from a different cultural background? Select all that apply.

Facial expressions Touch Physical gestures

Because nonverbal communication is so often misinterpreted within cultures, cross-cultural communication should examine only words.

False Nonverbal communication refers to how people convey meaning without words, for example, through the use of facial expressions, gestures, posture (body language), and the physical distance between the communicators (proxemics). The many nuances of verbal and nonverbal communication are interconnected, interwoven, interrelated, and often embedded in one another.

Determine from the following statement whether it is true or false that the Jewish religion has vague rules regarding funeral traditions: "My father, who is Jewish, is terminally ill. When he dies, we must contact the funeral home or rabbi immediately. His body must not be left alone, so the rabbi or funeral home will coordinate a shomer [guardian] for the length of time it takes to prepare for burial. There will be no cremation, and he will not be an organ donor."

False The rules mentioned here are only a small sample of the very specific rules and rituals Jews follow regarding funeral traditions and treatment of the dead.

Which transcultural model helps nursing students provide care to culturally diverse patients by introducing six cultural phenomena?

Giger and Davidhizar transcultural assessment model

Which of these is a benefit to your patient when you read transcultural nursing publications? Select all that apply.

Increased insights into why existing care might be ineffective Decreased potential for misunderstanding Increased potential for culturally congruent care

Which of these is a rationale for establishing transcultural nursing? Select all that apply.

Increased litigation, based on lawsuits steeped in a misalignment between health care providers and their patients, as to what quality care looked like to the patients An increased interaction among cultures, both peacefully and otherwise An increase in migration worldwide

Which term is used when referring to a complex integration of knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, skills, and encounters when interacting with someone whose culture differs from our own?

Individual cultural competence Individual cultural competence is referred to as a complex integration of knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, skills, and encounters with those from cultures different from one's own. Cultural competence enhances cross-cultural communication and appropriate and effective interactions with others.

How does completing a cultural assessment help a nurse overcome stereotypes and increase the potential for patients to receive culturally congruent care? Select all that apply.

It provides information specific to that person and can reveal the cultural phenomena that influence them. It lets the nurse know what things are important to the patient about receiving professional care.

Which author represented in the evidence-based articles provided focused on Samoan sociocultural customs, beliefs, values, and practices?

L. Siaki Siaki conducted her research with Samoans who were at risk for heart disease. She found that showing respect for the culture enhanced her interaction with the Samoan community and presented that information in the article, "Translating questions for use with Samoan adults: Lessons learned."

Which transcultural model focuses on describing, explaining, and predicting nursing similarities and differences?

Leininger's Theory of Cultural Care Diversity and Universality

Which statement is true regarding the clarity and preciseness of transcultural terms?

Nurses struggled to achieve clarity in determining the difference between the concepts of cultural competence, cultural awareness, and cultural congruence.

In which situation would you be likely to find cultural differences? Select all that apply.

Preparing rituals for the dead Planning a wedding ceremony **rationale: Ceremonies like weddings and funerals that contain rituals are situations where vast cultural differences can be observed. Applying for a Social Security card is a bureaucratic process that is the same regardless of one's culture. Sending an email is subject to technological requirements, not cultural ones.

Which transcultural model presents 12 domains that assist in determining the beliefs, value, and practices of an individual's cultural heritages?

Purnell model for cultural competence

Which social and political power complexities are not addressed explicitly by transcultural nursing? Select all that apply.

Racism Discrimination

Which of these models espouses the idea that cultural competence is more of a journey and a state of becoming than a destination and a state of being? Select all that apply.

Ray's Transcultural Caring Dynamics in Nursing and Health Care Papadopoulos, Tilki & Taylor Model of Developing Cultural Competence Dr. Leininger's Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality Campinha-Bacote Model of Cultural Competence

Which traits must the nurse be able to demonstrate in order to ensure success in cross-cultural communication? Select all that apply.

Sincere interest in the patient Patience when interacting with the patient

Which term is used to identify the idea that all members of a particular culture hold the same beliefs and values?


What makes the term cultural diversity ethnocentric in nature?

The termis said to focus on how others differ from ourselves Ethnocentric is a term that focuses on "how different the other person is from me" rather than "how different I am from others."It has been suggested that the term cultural diversityimplies that the white panethnic group is viewed as the norm to which all other cultures are compared

What aspect of transcultural nursing has been criticized by some health care professionals?

There is a basic assumption that an awareness of other cultures results in tolerance and respect for all cultures.

Which of these statements is a strength of transcultural nursing? Select all that apply.

Transcultural nursing is flexible enough to be used with individuals, families, groups, and communities. In an increasingly diversified world, transcultural nursing increases the likelihood that care provided will be congruent with the patient's beliefs and worldview, and therefore better accepted.

Which of these is the best place to start when you have questions about a particular patient's culture?

Transcultural nursing literature and peer-reviewed articles relating to that culture and its context in terms of medicine and health

An etic perspective refers to not being a member of the culture and viewing it from the outside.


Definitions—even with interpreters—differ across cultures.


How does a nurse best demonstrate a respect for patient diversity?

Values the differences in race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, and sexual orientation of patients

Which of these phenomena are included in a patient cultural assessment using the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence? Select all that apply

Workforce Issues: Sense of autonomy, and pre-existing beliefs about care practices Health Care Practitioners: How do they view the status or gender of the care provider? High-Risk Behaviors: Statistical frequency of key risk factor Pregnancy: Fertility practices, beliefs, and expectations about pregnancy Bicultural Ecology: Awareness of variations in how ethnic and genetic origins affect frequency of inherited diseases, and even drug metabolism

One of the criticisms of transcultural nursing is that its terminology can be ambiguous. Which concept is an example of this ambiguity? Select all that apply.

cultural awareness/cultural sensitivity cultural competence/cultural congruence

If a person is curious about how others think and what they find important, that person exhibits traits of _________.


Which of these statements about culturally based care is associated with Dr. Madeleine Leininger?

"...there can be no curing without caring, although caring can occur without curing."

Which strategy can be used to avoid making assumptions when communicating with patients? Select all that apply.

Complete a cultural assessment with the patient. Approach each patient with respect and genuine interest. Don't take anything for granted. When in doubt, ask about the patient's perspective or preference.

When considering the psychomotor skills required of effective transcultural nursing, which activities are associated with the nursing assessment process? Select all that apply.

Conducting a vaginal examination in a culturally appropriate manner when caring for a Muslim woman in labor Accurately identifying bruises on the body of a physical assault victim who is African American

Which of these nursing publications is not refereed?

The Minority Nurse Newsletter Remember that refereed publications have been peer reviewed by qualified members of the nursing profession, as a method of self-regulation on the accuracy of the articles and other information; refereed publications are considered the gold standard for additional information.

A conceptual model that focuses on understanding the cultural influences on nurse-patient interactions would include which component?

The environmental context of the relationship

The Journal of Transcultural Nursing is the only publication focused on transcultural nursing theory, research methods, consultation, teaching, and clinical community practices.


Because nursing reflects the attitudes of the society it functions within, how can it begin to reverse the criticisms made of transcultural nursing?

Encouraging nurses to be active in establishing social policies at all levels of society

What is transcultural nursing?

Integrating culture care knowledge of the patient's values, beliefs, practices, and expressions into the co-developed plan of care toward optimal care outcomes.

Which author's evidence-based article described the education, training, and experience of the interpreter working with Dinka women?

M.B. Baird Baird described the education, training, and experience of the interpreter working with Dinka women and the importance of having a translator in the article, "Lessons learned from translators and interpreters from the Dinka tribe of southern Sudan."

Being self-aware is particularly difficult because culture affects us subconsciously. It takes conscious effort and hard work to become aware of one's own cultural biases and influences.


Determine whether the following statement is true or false regarding the evolution of nursing to the point where the theory of transcultural nursing was introduced: Nurses were initially brought in to assist medical personnel in an administrative capacity. As the need for a more direct relationship with patients presented itself, nurses filled the gap and developed the interpersonal skills that would facilitate patient-centered care.


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