Module 11

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This famous experiment by _____ involved raising monkeys with two artificial mothers. A. Harry Harlow and Margaret Harlow B. Erik Erikson C. Konrad Lorenz D. Jean Piaget


In animals, the process of _____ occurs during a brief developmental phase known as a critical period.


Jenna is 15 months old. When she is with her mother, she feels free to explore her environment and plays comfortably. When her mother leaves, she cries but is comforted when her mother returns. Jenna is displaying _____ attachment.


Children's anxiety over parental separation peaks around _____ months of age.


Angela is a 7-month-old baby who rolled over for the first time at 4 months of age and can now sit without support. These milestones reflect: A. a maturing nervous system. B. assimilation. C. learning. D. imitation.


Mary's inability to toilet train her 10-month-old infant is MOST likely because: A. the necessary physical skills have not yet matured. B. of infantile amnesia. C. she uses punishment instead of rewards. D. of the pruning process.


After Nadia learned that penguins cannot fly, she had to modify her existing concept of birds. This BEST illustrates the process of: A. conservation. B. assimilation. C. accommodation. D. egocentrism.


Children are able to think logically about events, grasp certain analogies, and perform arithmetical operations during Piaget's _____ stage of cognitive development. A. pre operational B. formal operational C. concrete operational D. sensorimotor


Lee is an 8-month-old infant who is already walking around the house. What would Lee's pediatrician likely say to his parents? A. This is normal, as most babies are walking by 9 months of age. B. This is normal, as most babies are walking by 11 months of age. C. This is actually rare, as most babies do not start walking until around their first birthday. D. This is actually rare, as most babies do not start walking until they are 15 months of age.


A child's realization that others may have beliefs the child knows to be false BEST illustrates the development of: A. egocentrism. B. object permanence. C. stranger anxiety. D. theory of mind.


A doctor at the local hospital has always told new parents to make sure that their babies sleep on their backs and not their stomachs because this will reduce the risk of a smothering crib death. How might following this good advice impact their baby's development? A. Walking will be delayed. B. Neural pruning will occur. C. Infantile amnesia will occur. D. Crawling will be delayed.


Mason has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. When others around him yawn, he does not yawn. When asked to imitate someone's facial expression, he cannot and does not experience a similar emotion. This difficulty in imitating has been attributed to: A. childhood MMR vaccinations. B. reduced levels of testosterone in the body. C. more-than-normal fiber tracts connecting the front of the brain to the back. D. the brain's inability to mirror observed activities.


Aaron is the son of a teenage mother. She could not handle taking care of him and put him up for adoption when he was 4 weeks old. Aaron was placed in a foster home where he was repeatedly abused. As an adult, Aaron is more likely to be a(n) _____ parent.


Five-year-old Lilah is beginning to show signs of being able to plan ahead in a somewhat rational manner. At her age, this development is likely due to the growth of neural networks in her _____ lobes.


Kelly is unable to toilet train her 10-month-old infant because the infant does not yet have the necessary muscular and neural _____.


The orderly sequence of developmental growth, relatively uninfluenced by experience, is referred to as _____.


As a 5-year-old, Elvis suffered a brain injury and lost his ability to speak. With help, he relearned how to speak. As an adult, Elvis had a stroke and again lost his ability to speak. This time, however, he could not relearn speech. His inability to relearn how to speak after the stroke was most likely due to the _____ process.


As a child, Joseph was physically abused by his father, who often came home from work drunk and angry. Joseph attended college and is now an emergency medical technician. He is also a father himself. Joseph is _____.


Every time 2-year-old Neva goes near the stove, her mother stops her and says, "No, hot!" Neva's mother is providing her with a _____ to help her internalize.


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