Module 35 Study guide

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Explain the elements and penalty of TEC 37.123 Disruption of Classes.

*A person commits an offense if the person, alone or in concert with others, intentionally engages in disruptive activity on the campus or property of any private or public school. *An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor

Explain the elements and penalty of PC 42.055 Funeral Disruption.

*A person commits an offense if, during the period beginning three hours before the service begins and ending three hours after the service is completed, the person engages in picketing within 1,000 feet of a facility or cemetery being used for a funeral service. *An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.

Explain the elements and penalty of TEC 37.125 Exhibition of Firearms.

*A person commits an offense if, in a manner intended to cause alarm or personal injury to another person or to damage school property *An offense under Subsection (a)(1) or (2) is a third degree felony.

Explain the negative consequences of ineffective public service.

*Negative consequences of ineffective public service: o Lack of trust and respect o Reduced budgetary support for needed personnel, equipment, programs, etc. o Increased citizen complaints

Identify the positions of a diamond or linear T formation

*Point man *Contact/rescue man #1 or "left flank" *Contact/rescue man#2 or "right flank" *Rear guard

Explain the hazards encountered by officers while on patrol.

*Silhouetting *Telltale noises *Suspects' hands *Report hazards

Explain the 7 basic tactics for making contact with the violator

*Standard right side approach *Standard left side approach *Tactical right side walk up: *Tactical right side walk up: *Walk back *Walk through *Low profile position

Explain the purposes of a field inquiry.

*Used to learn about people *A vital source of information *Used to learn about places:

Explain the elements and penalty of PC 42.03 Obstructing Highway or Other Passageway

*obstructs a highway, street, sidewalk, railway, waterway, elevator, aisle, hallway, entrance, or exit to which the public or substantial group of the public has access. *(c) An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.

mobs definition

A crowd develops into a mob when all or most members of the crowd have been instilled with a purpose and intent to carry out their purpose, regardless of the consequences.

Mob classifications *Escape Mob

A mob in a state of panic. In their attempt to secure safety by flight, members of an escape mob may have lost their power of reasoning.

Mob classifications *Acquisitive Mob

A mob motivated by a desire to acquire something, i.e., food riots

Immediate Action defined

A plan for the immediate deployment of law enforcement personnel confronted with a homicide in progress situation, where a delayed response may result in death or serious bodily injury to innocent persons.

define crime prevention

A proactive anticipation, recognition, and appraisal of a crime risk and the action needed to remove or reduce that risk.

Rescue Team:

A slow moving and methodical team whose mission is to search for and recover downed citizens or officers.

Explain the advantages of the patrol modes -Mounted patrol:

Advantages: Person-to-person contact, good public/community relations, better mobility in crowded areas, visibility increases in a crowd

Explain the advantages of the patrol modes -Fixed wing and helicopter patrol:

Advantages: available in emergency situations, can cover enormous area, allows sky view of fleeing persons or vehicles, excellent apprehension tool when used with ground units.

Mob classifications *Aggressive Mob

An aggressive mob riots and terrorizes as in the case of race riots, lynching, political riots, or prison riots.

Explain the elements and penalty of TEC 37.107 Trespass on School Grounds

An unauthorized person who trespasses on the grounds of any school district of this state commits an offense. An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor

Crowd Classifications: *Expressive crowd

Are assembled for some purpose. They have leadership and the intention of expressing an attitude for or against some person or idea, i.e., political rallies and picket lines.

Crowd Classifications:

Casual Crowd Cohesive Crowd Expressive Crowd Aggressive Crowd

HIPS: stands for Homicide in Progress School.

HIPS situations involve random acts of violence committed by an active shooter, whose intent appears to be that of mass murder rather than some other criminal conduct. Furthermore, these acts are usually committed in public places, like a school or an office occupied by many unsuspecting victims.

Crowd Classifications: *Casual Crowd

Has no unity of purpose and no leadership, i.e.. shoppers, on-lookers, or watchers who come and go, and will usually respond to direction by police.

Explain why an active shooter situation is placing a responding officer in a no-win situation

Herein lies the no win situation. If you stop to render aid, the suspect's actions may create more victims. If you continue, the person you have passed may die.

Crowd Classifications: *Aggressive Crowd

Is usually assembled for some purpose. They have positive leadership, are determined to accomplish a specific end, and move actively toward their objective. Usually high emotional tension is present. This type crowd can easily become a mob. Consequently, this type of crowd presents an acute police problem.

Define active shooter

One or more persons who participate in a random or systematic shooting or stabbing spree, demonstrating their intent to continuously harm others

Explain proactive plans to crowd control situations.

Proactive plans should be forwarded through the chain of command for any needed approval prior to implementation. After receiving approval from the departments chief or sheriff officers should then move in teams or squads to the troubled area and take the necessary steps to eliminate any problems

Explain what an officer will encounter when responding to a homicide in progress.

Situation: • Multiple victims with varying degrees of injuries • Numerous people throughout the danger area and the inner perimeter • Potential victims fleeing and hiding • Hysteria when encountering people • Significant auditory and visual impairment, such as screaming, radio blaring, explosions, alarms, poor lighting, etc • Gunfire, possibly from multiple locations • Sprinkler systems activated • Improvised explosive devises Self: • Shaking, sweaty hands • Increased rate of breathing or holding one's breath • Dry mouth • Loss of peripheral vision • Reduced auditory ability • Loss of fine motor skills • Fear • Intense physical and mental duress

Explain crowd management?

Techniques used to manage lawful public assemblies before, during and after the event for the purpose of maintaining their lawful status

Explain the statute CCP 2.15 Person Refusing Aid.

The peace officer who has summoned any person to assist him in performing any duty shall report such person, if he refuse to obey, to the proper district or county attorney, in order that he may be prosecuted for the offense.

Crowd Classifications: *Cohesive Crowd

Usually assembles for a common purpose without leadership, i.e. spectators at sporting events, along parade routes, and other activities. They have a common interest but behave and think as individuals.

Explain the statute CCP 2.14 Officer May Summon Aid.

Whenever a peace officer meets with resistance in discharging any duty imposed upon him by law, he shall summon a sufficient number of citizens of his county to overcome the resistance; and all persons summoned are bound to obey.

knowledge of Cover

any material that can reasonably, be expected to stop the travel of a bullet fired from small arms such as handguns, shotguns, and rifles that provides an adequate level of protection from danger/injury (brick walls, automobile engine, etc.) Cover is typically hardened, thick, bulky material

Preventive patrol

conduct property checks, question suspicious persons, vary patrol patterns and predictability and maintain high visibility.

Knowledge of Concealment

hides you from view but without protection. Any object that prevents a person from seeing you is concealment. A thick bush, a closed set of window blinds or a shower curtain all qualify as concealment

Crowd definition

is a large number of persons temporarily congregated. Generally, the members of a crowd think and act as individuals and are without organization

• The mission of a rescue team is:

o Enter and/or approach location to locate victims o Report suspect's location if possible o Extract victims to safe area o Notify medical personnel if necessary o To gather intelligence on other hazards

• The mission of a contact team is:

o Stop the deadly behavior o Limit the suspects movement o Prevent an escape o Continue past victims o At the first opportunity provide intelligence to other teams (i.e. intelligence on victims, explosives, suspects, weapons, etc)

Explain response procedures to crowd control situations

the overall objective is control: 1. officer safety first, 2. protection of life 3. protection of property, 4. request for any assistance from other officers or agencies and 5. EMS/Fire Department if needed.

Identify basic unit positions of vehicle stops

• 20' back and offset to the left • 20' back and offset to the right (not used for a left side walk-up) • 3' back and offset to the left • 3' back and offset to the right (not used for a left side walk-up)

Explain the advantages of the patrol modes -Bicycle patrol

• Advantages: flexibility where use of motorized vehicles is impractical or impossible, allows for high visibility and intense patrol. Many cities and college campuses choose bicycle patrol in preventive efforts and to improve community relations.

Explain the advantages of the patrol modes -Foot patrol:

• Advantages: immediate traffic control; person-to-person contact; good public/community relations; increased knowledge of physical beat; develop informants; increased knowledge of community needs and potential crime hazards.

Explain the advantages of the patrol modes -Motorcycle patrol:

• Advantages: quick response, flexibility to cover large area, can be used as escort units, and are effective in traffic law enforcement

Explain the advantages of the patrol modes -Automobile patrol:

• Advantages: speed, mobility; visibility increases preventive potential; protection of officer; permits officer to carry extra equipment

Mob classifications

• Aggressive Mob • Escape Mob • Acquisitive Mob

Identify the crime prevention roles within law enforcement.

• An officer's primary responsibility is that of crime prevention. Every law enforcement officer is a crime prevention officer by the technical definition as well as the moral responsibilities of the job. • The crime prevention officer must assess the crime problems in his particular area of responsibility and devise ways to prevent their further development. • Investigation and arrest after the occurrence of a crime may help to prevent further crimes by that individual, but the procedure is reactive rather than proactive.

Identify the elements of beat characteristics.

• Area and its socio-economic and geographic characteristics • Conditions • Crime hazards • Crimes committed in area • Knowledge of your assigned area • Familiarization with known offenders

Explain the disadvantages of responding to an active shooter

• Arriving officers receive minimum information regarding the suspect's description, actions, weapons or the environment where the situation is occurring • Specialized weapons and ballistic protection may have to be left behind or may not even be at the scene • Heavy radio traffic may interfere with communication • There is minimal time for planning prior to immediate action • If homicides have already occurred or people have been critically wounded, one is more than likely confronting a no win situation

Identify the elements of a crime prevention program Personal Safety:

• Assault, robbery, purse snatch, pickpocket, fraud • Sexual assault prevention, self-defense

Explain interview techniques used during pedestrian stops *One officer with two or more persons:

• Assume the recommended field interview position and speak to the person to be interviewed • Stand in a safe position where persons can be restrained if necessary • Maintain overall observation of persons • Move as necessary to prevent persons from closing in or surrounding officer

Explain the elements of an appropriate pedestrian stop

• Carrying something suspicious • Acting strangely • Staying in the same place • Stopping other people on the street.

Identify the elements of a crime prevention program Operation ID/property inventory

• Citizens are encouraged to mark their personal property, e.g., cameras, stereo, appliances, etc., with their driver license number • Many law enforcement agencies provide electric engravers for the citizen to use, as well as labels to attach to the home, indicating all valuables have been marked for identification by law enforcement • Citizens are encouraged to make an inventory list of personal property (including manufacturer, model number, serial number, size, color, description) for insurance and stolen property reports and identification

Identify resources for gathering information (crowd management)

• Civic leaders and organization • Citizen and church groups • Street rumors • Arrestees, utilize information from all known offenders with criminal history in civil unrest, not just those known to patrol

Explain the methods of physical preparation.

• Cleanliness • Personal grooming • Uniform • Personal Equipment • Personal Actions

the contact team:

• Definition - A proactive search team dedicated to locating and eliminating the deadly conduct that is occurring.

Suspects' hands:

• Demand suspect place hands in front of him/her and turn palms up. • Do not allow subject to put hands in pockets. • Possibly hiding contraband (evidence) in pockets, weapon, and/or identifiable marks, scars, or tattoos. • If hands are already in pockets, do not allow removal. • Situational discretion needed - suspect to turn head away and/or kneel or lay on ground before frisking for weapon

Identify factors for considering whether to search for an explosive device.

• Determine size and location of area, and possible locations for a bomb • Is there time for a search? • Is time of detonation known? • Can area be evacuated or not?

Explain the key objectives of crowd control situations.

• Disperse crowds • Arrest violators

Explain interview techniques used during pedestrian stops *One officer with one person:

• Field interview position recommends the officer to place gun side away and stand approximately one arm's length or more from the person. Depending upon the situation and the size and disposition of the person, the officer may want to use discretion in positioning. • The "gun hand" should remain free when practical • Maintain overall observation of the person • Be aware of surroundings

Identify the elements of a crime prevention program Security Surveys-residential/commercial:

• Fill out form/report, including who has keys to house and vehicles; makes, models and license numbers of vehicles; lights left on; animals • Check exteriors - doors, windows, locks, and alarms • Check perimeter - landscaping, lighting, fences, and walls • Check interior - operation ID, security habits

Identify the elements of a crime prevention program. Methods of opportunity reduction:

• From a citizen awareness point of view, prevention of specific crimes requires specific action. • It is the function of the patrol officer to spot opportunities and take steps to correct them by working with the citizens. • The patrol officer should be aware of crime prevention practices for the most common crimes.

Explain the patrol methods *Two-officer patrol:

• Greater safety factor. • Can be used as a training aid for the correction of officer mistakes. • Share driving duties. • Two pairs of eyes are better than one. • One officer can operate the radio while the other drives.

Explain in order the eight-step tactical vehicle stop

• Greeting • Identify yourself and the Department • Reason • Justification (may outweigh the violation) • Driver's license • Insurance • Decision • Close

Explain the patrol methods. *One-officer patrol:

• Having twice as many patrol vehicles on the street doubles preventive enforcement. • When the officer is alone, more attention is devoted to patrol functions and duties. • An officer alone develops self-reliance, rather than depending on a partner for backup. • A lone officer in a patrol vehicle takes fewer chances. • Personality clashes are reduced

Patrol Patterns ▪ Double-Back pattern

• Helpful when learning the beat • Helpful in problem areas or in cases where a second look at someone or something is necessary

Explain crowd control response factors.

• In some instances, a group may gather to protest real or imagined infringements of its rights. Officers at such scenes should comply with their agency's guidelines, which dictate each officer's actions. • Assess the crowd control situation, and be prepared to advise your supervisor or agency of the changing status. At all times, your manner should be professional, unbiased, and firm in all contacts with the crowd or its representatives. • The task of handling different situations is complicated by the fact that various person will view the law enforcement officer's activities differently. • One of the primary considerations is to assess the makeup of the group and the reason(s) for its gathering. • Officers should remember that most persons in a crowd are not the "enemy." • Manpower, equipment and tactical alternatives usable in crowd/mob management. • Control crowd/mob with necessary use of force. Police objectives are different from those of the military in that police officers may use only that amount of force necessary to make an arrest. And this force cannot, in any case, be disproportionate to the degree of resistance offered. See CCP 14.05, PC 9. • Containment is essential • Law enforcement must respond as quickly as possible to curtail rioting activity and control its spread • HOWEVER, officers should not be sent to a riot area before sufficient personnel are on hand to effectively control the perimeter of the affected area. • Once a perimeter is established, egress and ingress traffic must be strictly controlled, thus preventing the spread of the riot, and preventing outsiders from entering to loot or join the riot. • Dispersal of the rioters can begin once the perimeter has been established and ingress and egress traffic has been controlled. • The dispersal plan should be accomplished systematically. The affected area can be divided into sections and officers will then clear one section at a time. • Part of the plan must establish or create a path for rioters to flee without allowing violators an opportunity for vandalism and continued involvement. • After one section has been cleared, it must be patrolled by sufficient personnel to prevent any resumption of riotous activity • The front and center of the mob is usually the highest point of tension. The leaders and excited individuals who are exercising unusual influence upon the others will be located here. The show of force (if necessary) should be concentrated at this point. • Legality of a demonstration, e.g., political rally, spectators at sporting events • Identify leaders and agitators • Procedures for communicating with crowd/mob

Patrol Patterns ▪ Circular pattern

• In this pattern, the car is driven either from the approximate center of the beat in ever increasing "circles" or from the outside of the beat in ever-decreasing circles. Obviously, the pattern is not truly circular, but approximately so.

Identify the categories of vehicle stops

• Low risk: traffic infraction, daytime conditions, etc. • Unknown risk: suspicious vehicle, tinted windows, van, etc. o From a tactical standpoint, majority of stops will fall here • High risk: (felony stops): known suspects, weapons, pursuits, etc.

Apprehension patrol

• Low visibility and surveillance

explain the role of each member in a diamond or linear T formation *Contact/rescue man #1 or "left flank"

• Maintains radio contact or communications with other officers • Makes room entries • Searches for victims • Physically carries out victims on rescue • Covers unknown threats on left flank

explain the role of each member in a diamond or linear T formation *Contact/rescue man#2 or "right flank"

• Makes room entries • Searches for victims • Physically carries out victims on rescue • Covers unknown threats on right flank

Identify the elements of a crime prevention program Neighborhood watch/residential security

• Neighbors getting to know each other and working together with local law enforcement in a program of mutual assistance • Residents being trained to recognize and report suspicious activities in their neighborhoods •Implementation of crime prevention techniques such as home security, operation ID, etc.

Explain the procedures responding to crimes in progress

• Never a "routine" call • Safety in approach: driving/vehicle operation policies, watching for fleeing suspects. • Danger cues: observe layout of situation, observe suspects, awareness of suspect v. victims. • Adhere to department policy - communicate with dispatcher. • Communicate and cooperate with other officers - radio, verbal signals, and hand signals. • Department policy - waiting for back up.

Identify the various safety awareness tactics that should be implemented by an officer.

• Never approach a potentially dangerous situation without first notifying someone (dispatch, supervisor) and, if needed, without backup. • Never go into a building or structure where criminal activity is suspected without backup. • Maintain constant awareness of the police sidearm. • Practice good officer-survival techniques day in and day out.

Explain where to perform a pedestrian stop.

• Note escape routes • Gauge number of people that could be hurt • Place where least number of hostages possible • Gauge officer safety • Report location to dispatcher

Explain in order the procedures for responding to building searches

• Notify dispatch • Request backup • Secure point of entry • Secure other exits • Request dispatcher to notify property owner to advise location of office, safe, cash register • Leave enough officers outside to secure perimeter • At least two officers should enter the building to make search. • Search should be based on all knowledge available. • Backup team covers search team as they enter the building and then guards the place of entry/exits providing any help possible • Members of search team should be aware of other members and their location • Search the premises using appropriate techniques • The team should stay together and search each room thoroughly before moving to the next room. Each room searched should be secured or under observation if possible • In most cases, the team should leave the suspect(s) an opportunity to leave the building - a trapped intruder may start shooting

Patrol Patterns ▪ Parking the patrol vehicle

• Parking is an important consideration while on patrol. • It can influence the citizen's attitude toward the police. • Proper parking can gain voluntary compliance of traffic laws. • Proper parking can offer officer cover or concealment in other situations


• Placing yourself, others or your patrol unit in a position as to provide the suspect(s) with a definite identifiable target. • Provides suspect(s) with knowledge of how many officers are present, fire power, and approach. • Allows suspect(s) to plan course of action. • Attempt to select location for vehicle stop. • Back-up units secure headlights, reds and ambers upon approach of primary unit. • Hold flashlight well in front and away from body. Do not point toward other officers. • Do not stand in doorways and hallways or peer openly through broken or otherwise open windows

Explain the positive consequences of effective public services

• Positive consequences of effective public service: o Increased trust and respect, resulting in improved dialogue and general sense of well-being. o Support for budgetary requests o Reduction in citizen complaints

List the the importance of patrol.

• Protection: prevention of crime is the soundest of all criminological theories. • Service: to the community of which each peace officer is a part.

explain the role of each member in a diamond or linear T formation*Rear guard

• Provides rear security for the team • Acts as point man on the team's egress

Identify community resources that can be utilized during an emergency.

• Request assistance arising from emergency cases: ambulance for injured, fire department, patrol transportation • Salvation Army • Battered spouses/children • Rape Crisis • United Way • Animal control officials • City services • Medical examiner (ME) & Justice of the Peace

Report hazards such as

• Roadway hazards, dead animals, animals on roadway, traffic control devices, crime hazards. • Contact appropriate authorities, depending upon the type of hazard, as soon as possible.

Identify the elements of a crime prevention program Business crime prevention for crimes such as:

• Robbery • Burglary/business watch • Fraudulent checks, credit cards • Shoplifting, internal theft • Arson/vandalism

Explain what an officer may experience after the encounter.

• Self doubt about one's action • Grief, anguish, and anger by the survivors and relatives of the victims • A relentless media in pursuit of blame and sensationalized stories • Monday morning quarterbacking by many "tactical experts"

Explain the priorities of an officer responding to active shooters

• Stopping the action of the suspect by using deadly force or isolating the suspect from potential victims • Rescuing victims the suspect has wounded or may have access to • Apprehending the suspect

explain the role of each member in a diamond or linear T formation * Point Man

• Team leader/lead cover man • Covers unknown threats while team enters a room to search • Acts as a rear guard during the egress

Explain the advantages of responding to an active shooter

• The ability to rapidly deploy officers to confront then neutralize the suspect • To quickly contain and isolate the suspect from other potential victims • To move in and rescue the wounded or evacuate potential victims.

Explain the characteristics of an active shooter

• The active shooter lacks a desire to conceal his crime spree or intent to escape apprehension • The active shooter may very well be using this form of mass murder to gain final notoriety and go out with a bang • The active shooter positions himself with access to potential victims, such as a school, office building, or restaurant

Patrol Patterns ▪ Lane Selection:

• The lane nearest the center of the roadway lends itself to effective observation-a clear view between buildings on both sides of the street and on-coming traffic effectively. • Driving in the lane nearest the curb, at a decreased speed, allows a ready stop at the curb and it affords a better view of street-front windows, sides of buildings, and potential hiding places

Factors to be considered when organizing for crowd management

• The legal rights of the group to assemble • Right of the public to carry on business • Tactical ability of the law enforcement agency to handle the situation at the time of the occurrence • Emotional complexion of the group due to court verdicts, union strikes, police shootings or incidents in a tense community

Explain interview techniques used during pedestrian stops *Two officers with one person

• The officer initiating the contact should exercise all the precautions noted above • The second officer should take position to the right or left rear of the person being interviewed (avoid cross-fire situation) • One officer should take lead in gathering information

Explain interview techniques used during pedestrian stops *Two officers with two or more persons

• The officer initiating the contact should proceed as previously described • The second officer assumes a position, which allows maximum visibility of the persons, avoid lengthy conversations, which would detract from safety awareness, and communicate any observations of threat or hazard to the primary officer

Explain the methods of mental preparation.

• The single most important factor in officer survival is mental conditioning. • The transition from civilian work to employment as a police officer necessitates some mental and emotional conditioning to adapt to the psychological pressures of police work • Some factors involved in psychological preparedness: o Attitude development and preparation o Sociological and psychological maturity o Both formal and informal education o Personal value system • Officers must avoid developing attitudes that are counterproductive of job performance: o Isolationism and ostracizing others o Becoming paranoid and regarding all people suspiciously or as would-be criminals o Withdrawing from or failing to be a normal part of the community

List the objectives of patrol.

• To preserve the peace by mere presence and by proper action. (CCP 2.13) • To prevent crime by opportunity reduction; duty to prevent. (CCP 6.06, 6.07) • To suppress crime by timely response to crimes in progress and by properly investigating offenses. (CCP 6.05, 6.06) • To apprehend suspects. • To regulate non-criminal conduct by obtaining and maintaining good officer - citizen relationships to protect life and property (CCP 6.07)

Explain an officer's duty to prevent injury as stated in CCP 6.06

• To prevent crime by opportunity reduction; duty to prevent. (CCP 6.06, 6.07) • To suppress crime by timely response to crimes in progress and by properly investigating offenses. (CCP 6.05, 6.06)

Explain how to perform a pedestrian stop

• Use effective verbal communications • Approach carefully: maintain visual contact with suspicious person, approach on right side since most people are right-handed, watch for furtive movements or attempts to flee, establish early eye contact, and be aware of surroundings

Telltale noises:

• Vehicle, engine • Parking unit too close to scene • Radio volume too loud • Seat belts/pop the buckle • Letting unit door slam shut • Equipment, i.e. radio, keys, whistles, baton, handcuffs, portable radio

Identify the techniques used when conducting the search.

• What are possible types of device-size, makeup, mechanical, electrical-may be obtained from initial report? What to look for • Identify common types of bombs or suspicious objects that could be bombs. • Solicit information from individuals that would be familiar with the area and what would be out of the ordinary/suspicious. • Search for bomb using proper techniques-turn all radios off within 500 feet of search area, do not touch anything that looks suspicious. • If a device or suspicious object is found evacuate the immediate area and call specialized assistance. Do not move the device!

Patrol Patterns -Random pattern:

• Whatever pattern is chosen, the beat must be covered with a lack of predictability.

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