Module 5 Exam

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Which of the following describes a function of cerebrospinal fluid? 1. Maintain optimum ionic environment 2. Maintain pH homeostasis 3. Provide circulation for exchange of nutrients/wastes 4. Serve as a shock absorbing fluid system of spinal cord 5. Provide buoyancy of the brain

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

A typical spinal nerve has how many connections to the spinal cord?


Anosmia may result from head injuries in which the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone is fractured. This condition results in impaired function of which cranial nerve in the diagram?


In this diagram, respiratory distress can occur if damage occurs to which group of spinal nerves?


In this diagram, which of these types of channels contributes to more potassium diffusing down their concentration gradient compared to sodium?


Which diagram represents the type of circuit commonly used to send sensory signals to multiple areas of the brain?


Which of the labeled cells in the diagram is a neuroglial cell that can be found in gray or white matter and makes contact with blood capillaries, neurons and pia mater of brain and spinal cord?


Which of the labeled structures allows doctors to safely introduce antibiotics or anesthetics and measure CSF pressure ?


In the diagram, where do graded potentials occur? Select all that apply?

A, B

Which type of brain wave occurs at regular intervals when a person is awake but not when a person is sleeping?

Alpha waves.

In this diagram injury to which area would affect sensory impulses reaching the cerebral cortex?


In this diagram, where is a node of Ranvier?


Which diagram represents the type of circuit involved in controlling the movement of the biceps brachii and triceps brachii skeletal muscles?


Which of the labeled cells in the diagram is a neuroglial cell that removes debris and acts as a phagocyte?


Which of the structures in this diagram contains a higher amount of voltage-gated sodium channels where action potentials are propagated?


Which part of the neuron in this diagram produces proteins that can regenerate damaged axons in the PNS?


In this diagram where are tracts located? Select all that apply.

B, I, D

This type of neuron has one dendrite and one axon emerging from the cell body.

Bipolar neuron

The hypothalamus affects which functions in the body? Select all that apply.

Body temperature, Emotional behavior, Reflexes related to smell, Hunger and thirst, and Control of the sympathetic and parasympathetic system

Frontal lobe damage left an individual unable to speak. What area was specifically damaged?

Broca's area

In this diagram which portion of the spinal cord contains cell bodies and axons of interneurons as well as incoming axons of sensory neurons?


In this diagram,which of the channels is predominantly located on sensory neurons somas and dendrites and responds to vibration, touch, and stretch?


Which of the cells in this diagram sends electrical signals to glands, muscles and other neurons?


A pupillary reflex is integrated in the brain stem so it is classified as a ________ reflex. The smooth muscle of the iris is the effector, so this is classified as a(n) ___________.

Cranial; autonomic

Which of the nerves in this diagram only have anterior and posterior rami branches and do not form plexuses?


Which spinal meninges is composed of collagen fibers arranged in an irregular pattern that is very strong?

Dura mater

In this diagram, where is the space that contains a buoyant liquid to form a hydraulic cushion that absorbs shock?


Which of the labeled structures is composed of squamous to cuboidal cells and is very vascular?


In the process of spatial summation, _____ are added together and _____ are subtracted from that total to determine whether _____ will be created at the trigger zone of the postsynaptic neuron.

EPSPs; IPSPs; action potentials

Which division of the peripheral nervous system only innervates the gastrointestinal tract's wall?

Enteric nervous system

Which of the labeled cells in the diagram is a neuroglial cell that produces and assists in the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid?


Which of the labeled structures would receive injections to cause loss of sensation to control pain in childbirth?


Which of the nerves in this diagram innervates muscles that extend the toes and if damaged results in foot drop (plantar flexion)?


Damage to which of the cranial nerves in the diagram would result in strabismus? Select all that apply

F, D, C

Which portion of the cerebellum contributes to equilibrium and balance?

Flocculonodular lobe

In the diagram which structure contains nerve roots that arise from the lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal region of the spinal cord?


In this diagram, where is the structure that adheres to the spinal cord and brain?


Left side face paralysis could result from damage to which nerve in the diagram?


In this diagram where would somatic motor nuclei be located?


In this diagram, where is the avascular structure located between the subdural and subarachnoid space?


In this diagram, which layer is the thickest protective covering?


You smell fresh baked cookies, and your mouth begins to salivate. Which cranial nerves are involved? Select all that apply

I,G, A

When the quadriceps muscle extends the lower leg in the patella reflex, what is occurring in the motor neuron to produce an action potential?

Influx of sodium and efflux of potassium

Which of the following parts of a reflex arc can be monosynaptic or polysynaptic?

Integrating center

Which is a function of the nervous system? Select all that apply.

Integrative function, Sensory function, and Motor function

Which cranial nerves in the diagram innervate the tongue? Select all that apply

K, G, E, I

Which ion channels are used in the production of electrical signals in neurons? Select all that apply

Ligand-gated channel, Leak channel, Voltage-gated channel, and Mechanically gated channel.

__________open and close in response to physical deformation of receptors.

Mechanically gated channels

Electrical excitability is seen in which cell? Select all that apply.

Neurons and Muscle cells

A patient shows no effect when a light shines in the right eye, but shining a light into the left eye causes both pupils (right and left) to constrict. This could be caused by a lesion on the ______ nerve.


Which region of the brain contains the pontine respiratory group that help control breathing?


A nerve impulse initiated at a muscle spindle has to travel through which of the following structures to enter the integrating center?

Posterior root of spinal nerve

Which functional area of the cerebrum is responsible for perception of touch, coldness and warmth?

Primary somatosensory area

The left cerebellar hemisphere receives information from the ___ cerebral hemisphere. This type of input is considered _____.

Right contralateral

Hearing your cell phone ring in an quiet lecture hall is an example of which nervous system functions?

Sensory function

Which of the following parts of a reflex arc monitors the rectus femoris muscle stretching?

Sensory receptor

A patient with Wernicke's aphasia would exhibit what issues upon examination?

Slow, non-fluent speech devoid of meaning

A child riding a bike falls and hits their head. The child was not wearing a helmet. In the emergency room, cerebrospinal fluid taken during a spinal tap reveals blood. The doctors diagnosed the child had torn cerebral veins as they pass to the superior sagittal sinus. What area of the body was the fluid taken?

Subarachnoid space

A patient who has loss of pin prick sensation starting at the level of the nipple and downward on the right side would have a lesion in the spinal cord at which level?


Which region of the brain is separated by the third ventricle and projects most sensory information to the cerebral cortex from the spinal cord and brain stem?


Why is a spinal tap performed below L2 of the spinal cord?

The spinal meninges and spaces extend passed the proper spinal cord, allowing fluid to be withdrawn with a minimal risk of damage to the spinal cord.

What events must occur for the creation of an action potential? Select all that apply.

Threshold at the trigger zone and Summation of depolarizing graded potential.

Which of the following statements best describes the structure of the blood-brain barrier that provides its functional characteristics?

Tight junctions tightly seal endothelial cells of capillaries in the brain.

Which cranial nerve is associated with nuclei in both the medulla oblongata and pons?


Damaging which cranial nerve could decrease gastrointestinal secretions?


The area of the skin that provides sensory input to the CNS via one pair of spinal nerves is called

a dermatome.

Which are functions of the spinal reflexes that use muscle spindles and tendon organs as sensors? Select all that apply.

a) Awareness of muscle tension in body b) Prevention of damage to muscles c) Awareness of muscle length d) Prevention of damage to tendons e) Maintenance of muscle tone

Which cranial nerves innervate only one eye muscle? Select all that apply.

abducens (VI) nerve trochlear (IV) nerve

During an action potential's ___________, a second stimulus will not produce a second action potential (no matter how strong that stimulus is). This event corresponds to the period when the __________ remain open and the sodium inactivation gates have not reopened.

absolute refractory period; voltage-gated potassium channels

With respect to neurons, the term "nerve fiber" refers to what structure? Select all that apply.

an axon and a dendrite

Which nerve innervates the muscle that abducts the arm at the shoulder and the skin overlying the deltoid?

axillary nerve

Which are areas of gray matter found in each cerebral hemisphere that are important in helping to control the initiation and termination of skeletal muscle movements?

basal nuclei

Brain waves that generally appear during periods of sensory input and mental activity are called

beta waves.

The adult brain consists of what four major regions? Select all that apply.

cerebrum brainstem cerebellum diencephalon

Which of the following spinal nerves does not travel through an intervertebral foramen to reach its destination?

cervical spinal nerve 1

Plasticity means the ability to

change based on experience.

Brain waves that appear during deep sleep are called

delta waves.

The brain and spinal cord develop from the _____ neural tube.


A postsynaptic neuron responds to acetylcholine neurotransmitter by creating

either EPSP or IPSP

Which of the following lists the connective tissue coverings of the axons, fascicles, and entire nerve in the correct order?

endoneurium, perineurium, epineurium

Which layer of protective connective tissue covers a nerve and fuses with the outer menix layer?


Acetylcholine is _________ at the neuromuscular junctions and ________ at cardiac muscle in the parasympathetic pathway.

excitatory; inhibitory

In temporal summation, a single presynaptic neuron stimulates the creation of action potentials in a postsynaptic neuron when it

fires at a fast enough rate that the sum of EPSPs in the postsynaptic neuron moves above threshold.

Which neurotransmitters are used in virtually all of the inhibitory synapses found in the spinal cord?

gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine

Folia are to ___ , as arbor vitae are to ___.

gyri; tracts

After birth Schwanncells

increase their presence and amount of myelination in the peripheral nervous system.

Which types of membrane channels can cause an IPSP on a neuron when acetylcholine binds to the receptor? Select all that apply.

ionotropic ligand-gated channels and metabotropic ligand-gated channels

In an action potential, the electric current that flows is generated by the movement of _____ across the membrane.


An electroencephalogram (EEG) measures brain waves primarily generated by

neurons in the cerebral cortex.

The ___ nerve would be involved with a dancer performing pointe (standing on their toes). Select all that apply

obturator nerve, tibial nerve

The basal nuclei are formed from which masses of gray matter? Select all that apply.

putamen, globus pallidus, caudate nucleus

Excitation of the quadriceps femoris group and inhibition of the hamstring group is termed _______ innervation.


Diffusion, enzymatic degradation, and uptake by cells are all ways to

remove a neurotransmitter

Which of the following branches of the trigeminal (V) nerve terminate in the nuclei of the pons?

sensory branches of Opthalmic nerve sensory branches of Maxillary nerve sensory branches of Mandibular nerve

The neuron labeled B in this diagram would be classified as what type of functional neuron?

special senses neuron

Which structure listed contains cerebrospinal fluid?

subarachnoid space

A baseball player is hit by a line drive on the temporal area of his skull. At the hospital the doctors give a CT scan which shows an accumulation of blood between the dura mater and arachnoid mater, creating pressure on the cerebrum. The hemorrhage from the fracture would be located in which space?

subdural space

The motor portion of the autonomic nervous system can be divided into

sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.

In this diagram which area is continuous with the 4th ventricle of the brain?

the central canal and subarachnoid space

The nervous system can distinguish between a light touch and a heavier touch because

the frequency of impulses sent to sensory centers is changing.

All of the cranial nerves listed exit the cranium by bony openings in front of the petrous portion.


An individual with shingles presents with pain and lesions in the mouth, ears, and pharynx. Which dermatomal region would be sending the afferent signals?


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