mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son, sa, ses and clothes

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my suitcase

ma valise

my jacket

ma veste

my swimming trunks

mon maillot de bain

my shorts

mon short

his / her shirt

sa chemise

his tie

sa cravate

her dress

sa robe

his / her socks

ses chaussettes

his / her sunglasses

ses lunettes de soleil

her sandals

ses sandales

his T-shirt

son T-shirt

his / her anorak

son anorak

her blouse

son chemisier

his / her trousers

son pantalon

his / her umbrella

son parapluie

your skirt

ta jupe

your shoes

tes chaussures

your camera

ton appareil-photo

your jeans

ton jean

your pyjamas

ton pyjama

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