Mongol Final Exam

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He was born in 1167 somewhere in the Onon River Valley. He was raised from a misfortunate childhood and was elected as a ruler by the Mongol nobles in 1206.


Merkits had stole Temujin's wife Bortei. The Merkits were incorporated into the new Mongol military.

Ren Refa

A contemporary artists who initially started his career under the Song dynasty. He used his art to depict Mongol's military tactics in China.

Golden Horde

The Golden Horde was the steppe where Batu ruled as a leader. The Golden Horde increased the speed for the Turkish language to become the language of the Mongols because there was more Turks than Mongols in the empire at the time.


This was the nomad practice of granting the grazing lands furthest away from the home camp to the eldest son. This custom was not brought forth by Genghis Khan because he did not give the furthest land away from the home camp to his eldest son.

"Chisel Attack"



A fermented milk provided as an alcoholic drink. Mongol nobles died young if they drunk too much of this drink.


After Great Khan died, Batu inherited the land that the Great Khan left him. This part of land goes as far west as the the hoof of the Mongol horse had trodden. He was not suppose to inherit the land because he was not the next son in line.


Chaghadai was throne of the first violent confrontation between the descendants of Genghis Khan. Both sides rallied for the support for the nobles of the Mongols.

Chang Chun

Chang Chun was demanded by Genghis Khan to travel to his court. His account offers what he found among his travel through Samakrand.

Feigned retreat

Feigned retreat was one of the Mongol's military tactics. This military tactics involved the Mongol's pretending to withdraw from the battlefield and in result their enemies fell into a trap.

Rashid Al- Din

He converted his faith from Judaism to Islam, which gave him a job under the Il Khan Abaqa.He was ordered by this empire to prepare food that was suitable for everyone that was apart of the Mongol empire.

Marco Polo

He traveled to China, when the Mongol empire was separated into several khanates. In his account, he describes the Mongols in a positive way. He explains what life was life like for the royals and the non-royals.


In 1206, the chiefs of the leading Mongol groups gathered together on the banks of the Onon River to establish Temujin of their leader. They also gave Temujin his new name as Genghis Khan.


Jochi was the oldest of Genghis Khan's son. He possessed the land north of the Khwarazmian domains stretching to the Volga River.


Karakorum is the capital of the Mongol empire. Karakorum ruins lie on the upper Orhon River in north-central Mongolia.

Khubilali Khan

Khubilai Khan is portrayed by Macro Polo as a benevolent ruler. He is also portrayed by Marco Polo as someone who appreciates beauty of the Daidu.

30. Khwarazm

Khwarazm is a very fertile province in the area where the river of Oxus flow into the Aral Sea. The ruling dynasty was governed by a principal governor appointed by the Saljud saltan.


Orda is the founder of a Mongol khanate to the east of Batu's future Golden Horde. He is known as the White Horde.


Pegolotti had worked for a Floretine merchant firm of Bardi.He had to knows the products and prices of the major centers of Eastern trade and as a result of this he wrote a travel guide based on his findings.

Peking/ Kanbalu

Peking is the Chin northern capital. This capital fell to the Mongols in 1215.


Sarai is the capital established by Batu. After the Mongol's withdraw, Batu lead his troops here.


She was Genghis Khan's wife. She was required for Genghis Khan to become into power as a Khan.

Si Yu Lu

Si Yu Lu offers people nowadays an account of the West through Eastern Eyes. In his account, he provides information about the Silk Road and the geography of Central Asia.

Black Death

The Black Death is a bubonic plague that spread throughout Europe. It help corrupt the Mongol empire in the 1340s.

Song Dynasty

The Song Dynasty was one empire that stood their ground when trying to be conquered by the Mongols. The Mongol empire finally defeated the Song dynasty after 70 years.

Yam System

The Yam system was used for the transportation of goods. This system was designed to conducts travel going to and from the Mongol empire.

Yuan Dynasty

The Yuan Dynasty failed to be a successful empire because it went through many natural hardships. The Yuan Dynasty was destroyed because their rulers failed to fight with other rulers besides their own.

Genghis Khan Airport

The airport was first established as an airport in 1957. This airport represents the legacy of Genghis Khan as a great emperor.

Jin Dynasty

The jin dynasty established much of the Chinese style as part of their customs. The jin dynasty was ruled by the Jurchens of the North China but did not raise questions or attacks from the Mongols.


The yasa was the legal code that made up the foundations of the Mongol empire. There is no evidence for its conventional view because there was no written document kept of it.


This is a type of religion that knows the necessary materials of the present life. The religion pertains specific goals of the past and present that were not known to the Christians, Islams, or Jews.

Pax Mangolia

This movement facilitated the exchanges of people, ideas, and technologies. The various Eastern and Western civilizations were exposed to foreign techniques and chose to borrow from others to suit their own needs.

Secret History of the Mongols

This piece describes the Mongols origins down to the reign of Ogedei Khan. This piece also depicts the childhood of Genghis Khan.


Tumen was the major fighting unit of 10,000 soldiers. Tumens were classified as 7,000, 3,000, or 5,000 soldiers but this system was not an innovation of the Mongols and had been in place many years before.


Uygurs were Turkish people who resided to the Mongols until the 9th century. They had created a flourishing culture in the oases of modern Northwest China


While Huglegu was in power, he demanded that the Mongol empire expand towards Syria and Egypt. His mission might have been secretive and therefore is no record of it nowadays.

William of Rubruck

William of Rubruck had participated in the crusade of King Louis IX. He had been the first European traveler to write about his visit to the capital of the Mongol empire, Karakorum.


Yurt were Mongol tents made out of sheep skin. These were nomads homes.

Zhao Mengfu

Zhao Mengfu is one of the famous Mongol artists, who uses horses to depict motifs. His most famous work in the Sheep and the Goat.

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