MOR 340 - Embalming II - PQ3 - DMACC
Worm suture
(inversion, draw stitch) a method of sewing an incision along the edges without entering the opening whereby the suture becomes invisible and the line of suture becomes depressed, which lends it ease of concealment by waxing.
11. Describe the differences between and air tray and a combination air tray.
-Air Tray; for casketed remains, only the bottom is wood; side, ends and top are made of heavy-grade cardboard -Combination Air Tray; wood-based container with sides, ends and inside top all made of wood with an exterior cardboard covering
13. List some problems caused by the use of corticosteroids.
-Cell membrane less permeable -fluid retention -mild to severe waterlogging of tissues -"protects" proteolysis enzymes (more rapid breakdown of proteins) -gastrointestinal ulcerations and perforations of the gut -disseminated tuberculosis
14. List some problems caused by antibiotics.
-Cotton like circulatory blockages (fungal growth) -jaundice -bleeding into skin -poor penetration
27. List some potential complications of congestive heart failure.
-blood congested in right side of heart -neck veins become engorged with blood -lips, ears & fingers often cyanotic -generalized pitting edema -edema of legs/feet & ascites may be present
8. What are some occasions in which re-embalming would be necessary?
-fluid not distributed to all areas -too little solution was injected -concentration of fluid was too low and preservative demand not met -injected solution was neutralized by body chemistry -rigor mortis was mistaken for tissue fixation
11. What are the five general classes of tranquilizers and mood-altering drugs?
1. Sedatives 2. Stimulants 3. Tranquilizes 4. Narcotics 5. Anti-depressants
9. What are three major factors that affect the degree and length of preservation?
1. condition of body at time of preparation 2. embalming thoroughness and chemical formulations 3. aftercare
1. What are the three layers of an artery?
1. intima the inner lining 2. media the middle layer 3. adventitia the outer layer
6. What are the three categories of shipping?
1. intrastate 2. interstate 3 international
15. List and describe the three types of arteriosclerosis.
1; inner wall hardened & thickened but lumen well defined & large 2;lumen reduced in size & pushed to one side of artery 3; artery completely occluded
15. According to the text, how long might a funeral director expect the processing of international shipping to take?
5 to 14 business days
5. What is an atheroma and how might it affect the placement of the cannula?
A patchy or nodular thickening of the intima of an artery; Incision should be made where the artery is soft, a smaller cannula should be used to avoid damage to the lumen
11. How should the embalmer proceed when arterial solution is present in purge and drainage has stopped?
A sectional injection will need to be implemented because a major fluid loss is taking place and distribution is not happening
10. What two factors are needed for purge to occur?
A substance to purge Pressure on an organ to evacuate the material
7. Define a private carrier.
An individual or company that transports only in particular instances and only for those whom it chooses to contract
4. What is a mycotic infection?
An infections caused by a fungus
Secondary dilution of ARTERIAL solution is caused by what type of Edema?
24. A term describing the localized dilation of an artery.
5. Define a common carrier.
Any carrier required by law to convey passengers or freight without refusal if the approved fare or charge is paid; travels according to a set schedule
30. In cases of advanced decomposition, what are one of the last "organs" to decompose?
What is the fluid accumulation in peritoneal cavity called?
Secondary dilution of CAVITY fluid is caused by what type of Edema?
12. List three types of mycotic infections.
Aspergillosis Phycomycosis Histoplasmosis
Effective way to treat ascites?
18. List some responsibilities of a receiving funeral home.
Avoid making promises to family about time/date of funeral services; Cooperate with shipping funeral home in providing statistical information ; Be prepared for unexpected delays
22. In the dead human body, what two factors are responsible for decomposition?
Bacteria and autolytic enzymes
1. When re-embalming the unautopsied body, why might a multi-point injection be required?
Because cavity embalming already completed disrupts the vascular system
4. The term used to describe a blister filled with serous fluid which is usually caused by tissue gas.
23. How would an embalmer create a "barrier" between an extremity exhibiting tissue gas and the rest of the body?
By hypodermically injecting undiluted cavity fluid after sectional embalming is completed [Jack Adams recommends Dryene be injected around wrists and neck to keep gasses from entering hands and head]
9. This is the term describing the physical wasting with loss of weight and muscle mass caused by disease.
17. What are some (generally) required documents needed for international shipping?
Certified copy of death cerficiate Non-contagious disease letter Embalmer's affadavit Non-contraband letter
1. The term used to describe an agent having an affinity for metallic ions such as calcium and magnesium.
Chelating agent
5. What is the term for the treatment of disease with chemical agents and drugs?
1. This is the organism responsible for the formation of tissue gas and gas gangrene.
Clostridium perfringens
19. Why is disinfection of instruments so important after treating cases of tissue gas and gas gangrene?
Clostridium perfringens can be passed from one body to another via contaminated instruments
19. The condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to the organs of the body.
Congestive heart failure
21. How should the embalmer proceed if arterial solution is present in purge and drainage is occurring?
Continue injecting until the preservative demand is met
3. What are the two main classes of chemotherapeutic agents?
Cytotoxic Antimetabolite
10. Describe the difference between the two general classes of chemotherapeutic agents.
Cytoxic drugs act diretly on tumor cells to bring abut their death Antimetabolite drugs substitute for an essential metabolite required by caner cells for growth, depriving tumors cells of nutrition
15. This type of gas usually stops when tissues are properly embalmed.
Decomposition Gases
4. What are two major concerns in long-term storage at a medical school?
Desiccation Mold
6. Describe a febrile disease and how it can affect the vascular system.
Disease accompanied by elevation of body temp; May speed decompositon, lead to dehydration, coagula, drainage difficulties and swelling of small vessels and tissues on injection
2. Describe subcutaneous emphysema.
Distension of the tissues beneath the skin by gas or air; an antemortem condition brought about by a surgical procedure or trauma; e.g. CPR that breaks a rib which punctures a lung, allowing air to escape into the body cavity.
13. List two precautions all embalmers should take when a mycotic infection is suspected.
Do not compress the abdominal or thoracic cavity Handle bodies with gloves Use a sporicidal arterial fluid
19. What are some embalming restrictions when shipping to Israel?
Does not require embalming, but if embalmed, the remains must be embalmed by the gravity method and no drainage taken
22. A condition caused by poor arterial circulation into an area of the body, causing death of body cells.
Dry gangrene
26. Of the two types of gangrene, which type cannot be treated arterially?
Dry gangrene
14. When positioning an obese case, why is keeping the head high important?
Easier to raise vessels and helps prevent purge
16. The term used to describe a detached blood clot.
4. These are specialized proteins that break down other proteins.
Best to treat recent facial edema with what type of chemical?
Epsom salt
10. What are some objectives accomplished by long-term preservation?
Families have assurance of professionally prepared loved one and subsequent peace of mind; Greater value, function and purpose of protective products surrounding the deceased
3. List some reasons for a delayed viewing.
Family of deceased needs to make travel arrangements; Difficulty in locating the family of the deceased; Remains are being shipped to a foreign country; Family members are waiting for someone to be released from the hospital or waiting for an imminent death of another family member (accident cases)
21. Which artery is most likely to be affected by arteriosclerosis?
2. Define canalization.
Formation of new channels in a tissue
What does nitrogenous waste come from?
From kidneys- neutralizes HCHO
9. What are four ways that pressure responsible for purge can develop?
Gas Visceral Expansion Arterial solution Ascities/Hydrothorax
20. This is a fatal disease caused by contamination of a wound infection by a toxin-forming, spore-forming anaerobic bacterium.
Gas Gangrene
16. This is the term used to describe a container that is airtight and impervious to external influence; or one that is completely sealed by fusion or soldering.
Hermetically sealed
17. What ingredient of stomach purge can dry and discolor the skin?
Hydrochloric Acid
28. With regard to fluid injection, how might an embalmer avoid dislodging coagula in the vascular system?
Inject with a slow rate of flow
5. What are the two categories of facial trauma?
Injuries in which the skin is broken; Injuries in which the skin is not broken
What type of drainage will maintain moisture balance?
24. Why might an embalmer raise the iliac artery to inject the leg of an obese case?
It is more superficial than the femoral artery; arteries in obese cases can be quite small.
6. Which organ would a nephrotoxic chemotherapeutic agent adversely affect?
Kidney; cause a breakdown in kidney function
16. This is the body's main center of detoxification.
Liver; the hepatic circulation system
20. When embalming a case of an aortic aneurysm, what would little or no drainage indicate?
Loss of embalming solution into thoracic or abdominal cavity
2. The term defined as the amount of radioactive material in which 37 million atoms disintegrate each second.
14. How would a funeral director obtain the regulations required to ship a body to a foreign country?
Notify local consulate of foreign country & obtain regulations
18. Define saprophytic fungi.
Obtains nourishment from dead organic material
18. The term describing an increase in red blood cells.
25. What is a main embalming concern of diabetes?
Poor peripheral circulation can reduce solution distribution.
8. The term used to describe a severe systemic itching sensation affecting kidney dialysis patients.
7. The term used to define the postmortem evacuation of any substance from any external orifice of the body.
12. List some responsibilities of a shipping funeral home.
Removal from place of death; Embalm and thoroughly preserve remains; Prepare an embalming case report; Secure necessary documents; Arrange for private or common carrier transportation; Communicate to receiving funeral home condition of remains and time schedule of carrier
17. What is ischemia?
Restriction in blood supply generally resulting in damage or dysfunction of tissue
6. List some signs of renal failure.
Sallow color to the skin; Excoriations on the skin from repetitive scratching due to uremic pruritis; Distinct odor from increased amount of urea, ammonia, etc; edema; (harder to observe; acidosis, anemia and gastrointestinal bleeding)
16. With regard to renal failure, how much more preservative chemical than normal is needed to achieve preservation?
Six times more preservative chemical
8. What should be done if no drainage occurs in a case of an aortic aneurysm?
Stop injection & begin multi-point injection
What type of solution must be used when nitrogenous waste is present?
Strong solution 25+
3. What are the five gases that are found in the dead human body and cause distension?
Subcutaneous Emphysema Air from the Embalming Apparatus Gas Gangrene Tissue Gas Decomposition Gas
14. This is a disease caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum.
2. When storing a casketed body for delayed viewing, should the casket be sealed or unsealed and why?
The casket should be left unsealed because sealing the casket encourages mold growth
Baseball suture
The type of stitch seen on a baseball cover; used for vascular or autopsy incisions
8. With regard to embalming complications, what is the main effect of corticosteroids?
They block the cell membrane by decreasing its permeability
7. Describe how a chelating chemotherapeutic agent affects the cell membrane.
They have an affinity for metallic ions (particularly calcium and magnesium) and tend to lodge in the cell membrane, creating an impenetrable layer of calcium around the cell
3. This term describes blood clots attached the inner wall of a blood vessel.
13. Why should a casket not be completely sealed before shipment on a commercial airliner?
To allow for air pressure changes inside cargo hold of the airplane
12. What are the two types of chemotherapeutic agents used to control diabetes? (Include their "market" names as well.)
Tolbutamide (Orniase) Chlorprpomide (Diabinase)
17. What are two ways embalming renders proteins resistant to catalytic enzymes?
Treating the proteins so they aren't susceptible to enzymes; Rendering the enzymes inactive so they cannot act on other proteins
What dehydrates more, thoroughly or under embalmed??
Under embalmed
15. How might an embalmer restore permeability to cell membranes affected by corticosteroids?
Use of a pre-injection will restore some permeability; the surface-acting chemicals (surfactants) will facilitate entry of the preservative into the cells
7. This is the term for narrowing of a blood vessel.
What do you do to speed up fluid tissue reaction and reduce swelling?
Warm water
23. A condition caused by occlusion of veins draining a body area that becomes the site of bacterial infection.
Wet gangrene
What embalming process do you utilize for a dessicated (mumified) body?
You cant do anything. Have to tell family it will need to be a closed casket
What is hydrocephalus?
a condition in which fluid accumulates in the brain, typically in young children, enlarging the head and sometimes causing brain damage.
purse suture
a suture made around a circular opening or puncture that closes the margins when it is pulled is called a:
29. The term which describes an endocrine disease affecting the control of blood glucose levels.