Morality chapter 5 conscience formation quiz

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A conscientious person is someone who possesses a properly informed conscience that is guided by good principles.

Two important principles regarding conscience

(1) you must always form and keep informing your conscience (2) you must follow your conscience

What conscience is

-Conscience is awareness of God's call to be. -Conscience is awareness of God's call to know and do the good, that is, to love -Conscience is a practical judgment of the intellect These three points stress the personal nature of conscience, that is, an individual call by God to be a loving person, to search for moral truth, to do good in the concrete, here-and-now situation.

FAQ on conscience

-Must I always follow my conscience? -Can my conscience be wrong? -What factors contribute to an erroneous conscience? -How do I guard against a wrong conscience?

What conscience is not

-conscience as majority opinion -conscience as a feeling -conscience as superego -conscience as gut-instinct -conscience as "Jiminy Cricket" -conscience as a myth

How can i resist negative peer pressure?

-resolve to be your own person. If it doesn't feel like you, don't do it. -know your own standards. You have the right to do right. -use humor and grace to say "no" -stay away from situations that might tempt you. -remember the power of prayer

How conscience works Vice/virtue

A good habit is a virtue that empowers us to do good with ease. A bad habit, or vice, inclines us to choose the evil rather than the good. Because most daily decisions tend to be semiautomatic like the ones described above, you can see why becoming virtuous is important. Virtues are like spiritual muscles. They help us act responsibly with ease of effort. Both spiritual disciplines-acquiring virtues and conquering vices-are essential practices for growing in holiness and training Christian consciences.

Martyr 犧牲

A witness ready to suffer and even die for truth and virtue; martyrdom is the ultimate act of fortitude.


After studying the issues involved in a particular situation, it is time to elect, that is, to choose the right course of action. Your decision should ultimately be based on whether your proposed action is consistent with who you are as God's special creation made in his image.

Study, elect, execute, review

Another method for making moral decisions is known by the acronym SEER- study, elect, execute and review.

Peer pressure definition

At any age, conformity to the standards and actions of members of our age group or social group greatly affects our way for looking at life, our values, and our way of behaving.

How do I guard against a wrong conscience?

Be acting freely, make our own decision.


Conscience is a judgement of the intellect. Conscience I concerned with discovering objective truth so we do not simply act on our feelings or preferences. Key: form our consciences and work throughout our lives to keep them informed. This requires study accomplished by reflections and deliberation. -Never do evil so good may result from it. (A good end does not justify evil means to attain it.) -Do to others whatever you would have them do to you -love your neighbor as yourself

Conscience is practical judgment of the intellect

Conscience is very practical. It urges us to do good or keeps us from doing evil, or guides us in doing an action, or judges as good or evil acts done.


Educate, constant use, lifelong

Can my conscience be wrong?

Even a well-formed conscience can make mistakes. However, we must always follow the dictates of our conscience, even if it is erroneous (mistaken)


Execution is the next part of making a moral decision. This involves putting into action what you have decided in conscience is the right course of action for you right now. Execution includes responsibility. You must do what your conscience tells you is right. Be an actor, not a reactor. Execution-doing the right thing-is the hardest part of the moral-decision process.


Ignore, underemployed isn't self Start to wonder truly good and bad



Conscience as "Jiminy Cricket"

Jiminy Cricket is dictating to us what we should do. 來自動畫片 指出這個動畫人物叫主人公做物主人公就做物

What factors contribute to an erroneous conscience?

One major reason for an erroneous conscience is ignorance. Sometimes a person may have overlooked an important factor, or simply was never taught the truth about some issue in morality. Free choice and human intellect are two important qualities of being human. Another type of ignorance results from insincerity. In this case, a person makes little or no effect to discover what the truth is or where goodness lies. This type of person is lazy or closed-minded. Another sign of an insincere conscience is the person who has fallen into a bad habit of sinfulness that makes choosing evil an easy thing to do.

Conscience is awareness of God's call to be

Our conscience is the secret place at the core of our beings where we are alone with the Tribune God. Conscience is very personal.


Our conscience not only helps us discern the right course of action before we decide and as we act, but it also helps us evaluate and reflect on actions we have already performed.

Fortitude (courage)

The moral virtue that ensures firmness堅固 in difficulties and constancy堅定不移 in the pursuit追求 of the good

Conscience as a myth

Some people deny the very existence of personal conscience. We think conscience is a thing but someone thinks it is not a thing.


The awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one's conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong. (Dictionary) A practical judgment of reason that helps a person decide the goodness or sinfulness of an action or attitude. It is the subjective norm of morality that we must form properly and then follow.

Conscience as superego

The leftover rules of childhood that we carry around in our subconscious. In contrast, Christian conscience is a personal, self-chosen response to God's invitation to love. Conscience is based on our own study, decision, acting, and evaluating.

Conscience as majority opinion多數的意見

There are those who claim conscience is simply a matter of doing what the crowd does.

Church in the Modern World

This tells us that our individual conscience must join the human community in a search for truth, in discovering and applying the objective norms of morality to issues that affect the common good. An important element of a Christian's responsibility is to help the community examine its conscience and to judge the morality of those policies and practices that affect our life together.

Conscience as a feeling

This view of conscience holds that individuals are the creators of their own moral rules and are only answerable to themselves. The trouble with feelings, whether they are good or bad, is that our feelings may be out of touch with reality, and with what is truly right or wrong.

Conscience is awareness of God's call to know and do the good, that is, to love

We do this when we respond to the good. We do this when we love. We do this when we shun that which is evil. We do this when we obey the law. Conscience is a basic awareness of good and evil.

Conscience as gut-instinct直覺

With little thought or studym some peopke will make moral decisions based on gut-instinct. Christian conscience applies one's intellect and judgment to figure out how we are to love both God and others.

Must I always follow my conscience?

Yes. Remember that through your conscience, God calls you to be the person he made you to be. Through your conscience God instructs you how to act in the concrete decisions you have before. A human being must always obey the certain judgment of his conscience. A conscience judgment instructs us to follow the course of action that makes sense to us given all our study and reflection on the facts at hand.

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