Motion of the Earth and Moon

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tilt of the Earth

23.5 degrees; the tilt of the earth is responsible for the procession of seasons on Earth


An Earth day is ________ hours long.


Another term for the fall equinox is a ____________________ equinox.


Another term for the spring equinox is a ________________ equinox.


Another word that describes the movement of the earth around the sun. One year goes by when the earth makes one complete _________________ .


Another word that describes the spinning of the earth which causes day and night.

New moon

At point 1, the Moon is a...

Waxing crescent

At point 2, the Moon is a...

1st quarter

At point 3, the Moon is a ...

Waxing gibbous

At point 4, the Moon is a...

Full moon

At point 5, the Moon is a ...

Waning gibbous

At point 6, the Moon is a ...

3rd or Last quarter

At point 7, the Moon is a ...

Waning crescent

At point 8, the Moon is a ...

According to Newton's 1st Laws of Motion, an object in motion continues in the same path / direction unless acted on by an outside force. Even though the pendulum appears to change paths, it is actually the Earth rotating underneath the pendulum

Describe how Foucault's Pendulum gives evidence to the Earth's rotation on its axis.

Directly - more perpendicular. The sun is higher in the sky and causes more of the sun's energy to be in a smaller area. The higher concentration of the sun's rays cause it to be warmer.

Describe how sunlight hits a hemisphere during summer.

Indirectly. The sun's rays are spread out over a large area and are angled. The causes the sun's rays to be less intense and therefore the temperatures are lower.

Describe how sunlight hits a hemisphere during winter.

The curving of an air mass due to Earth's rotation; evidence that the Earth rotates on its axis; causes the deflection of air masses and ocean currents to the left (SH) or to the right (NH

Describe how the Coriolis Effect gives evidence to the Earth's rotation on its axis.


Describe the shape of the Moon's orbit about the Earth.

An extra day is added to make up for the 1/4 of rotation that we ignore each year. This keeps the calendar in sync with the seasons. Occurs every 4 years; last 2 digits must be evenly divisible by 4; years ending in 00 ( 1300, 1600 ) must be divisible by 400.

Explain why we have Leap Years.

They added leap days to the years to ensure that the calendar and the seasons stayed in sync.

How did Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII improve the calendar system?


How does the sun hit the Northern and Southern Hemispheres during the equinoxes?

For each time zone you travel east, you move your clock ahead one hour. You set your clocks back 1 hour as you travel westward in time zones

How does time change as you travel East?

365.25 days or rotations on its axis

How long does it take for Earth to orbit around the Sun?

1 day

How long does it take for Earth to spin once around on its axis?

1 day or 24 hours

How long does it take for the Earth to complete one rotation?

29.5 days (Lunar / Synodic Month)

How long does it take the Moon to complete a cycle of phases or a lunar month (new moon to new moon)?

27.3 days (sidereal month)

How long does it take the Moon to completely orbit Earth?


How many Earth rotations are in one revolution of the Earth?

29 1/2 days (lunar / synodic month)

How many days does it take the moon to complete a set of phases?


How many degrees is the tilt on Earth's axis from perpendicular?

15 degrees of the Earth's rotation

How many degrees of rotation (or right ascension) does one hour of time represent?


If light seen from the Moon is on the right side as seen from the Northern Hemisphere, the Moon is...


If light seen from the Moon is seen on the left side of the Moon in the Northern Hemisphere, the Moon is...

365.25 rotations or 1 revolution

In one year, the Earth will complete...

the imaginary line on the Earth that separates two consecutive calendar days.; Going West: add a day; Going East: subtract a day

International Date Line

No. When the Earth is tilted more toward the sun it is warmer. When the Earth is tilted less toward the sun, it is colder.

Is Earth's axis always pointed in the same direction, toward the Sun, during its entire orbit (Yes or No)? What effect does this have?

D - Waning Gibbous

Name the moon phase, seen from Earth, when the moon is in position d?

C (waning crescent)

Name the moon phase, seen from Earth, when the moon is in position f? (A,B,C, or D)

year or revolution

One complete orbit of Earth around the Sun = one _____________.


One complete spin of Earth on its axis = one __________.

Label and define aphelion and perihelion

Perihelion: closest point of the Earth to the Sun Aphelion: farthest point of the Earth to the Sun



one season

The Earth would have ___________ _____________ all year if it were not tilted.

tilt; The greater the tilt of a planet on its axis, the greater the variation in seasons.

The ______________ of the Earth is the main cause of the seasons.

reflecting light from the sun

The moon shines by _____________________ as it revolves around the Earth.


The season in the Northern Hemisphere when the Southern Hemisphere has summer


The season in the Southern Hemisphere when the Northern Hemisphere has fall


The season in the Southern Hemisphere when the Northern Hemisphere has spring

June 21

The start of summer and the longest day of the year for the Northern Hemisphere (Summer Solstice). This is day winter starts in the Southern Hemisphere

December 21

The start of winter and the shortest day of the year for the Northern Hemisphere. This date starts summer and the longest day of the year for the Southern Hemisphere.


What % of the Moon is always reflecting sunlight in space?

Less than 1/2 lit

What does crescent mean?

More than 1/2 lit

What does gibbous mean?


What is the most likely position of the Sun in this diagram? (A,B,C,or D)

Revolution / ellipse

What is the motion and shape of the Moon's orbit around the Earth called?


What is the term for Earth spinning on its axis?


What is the term for Earth's orbit around the Sun?


What percentage of the Earth is experiencing daytime right now?


When one hemisphere is tilted more toward or away from the Sun. The Sun is directly over the 23.5 degree North and South latitude lines. Winter and summer occur when the Earth is in this position.


When the Northern and Southern Hemispheres have summer, their days get _________________.


When the Sun is directly overhead the equator resulting in 12 hour days and equal sunlight for both hemispheres. fall/ autumn and spring occur when the Earth is in this position.


When the lit portion of the Moon is becoming smaller , does it wax or wane?


When the lit portion of the moon is becoming larger , does it wax or wane?


Which direction does the Earth rotate and revolve when viewed from above?

Earth's orbit around the sun; Earth's rotation on its axis

Why do constellations appear to change their position during the year? Why do constellations appear to change their position over several hours during the night?

The shifts the daylight hours to the "time" that most people are active.

Why do we have daylight saving time?

The Moon revolves around the Earth and rotates on its axis the at the same angular velocity.

Why does an Earth bound observer always see the same side of the Moon?

We see different portions of the sunlit side of the moon as it goes around Earth

Why does the Moon appear to change shape throughout the month?

29.5 Days (Lunar / Synodic month)

You saw a full moon on June 11, how long will you have to wait to see a full moon again?


an imaginary line that passes from the North Pole to the South Pole through the Earth's center; the point around which an object rotates (spins)


natural science that deals with the study of celestial objects (such as moons, planets, stars, nebulae, and galaxies


one half of a sphere, or one half of Earth


one of 88 regions into which the sky has been divided in order to describe locations of celestial objects; a group of stars in a recognizable pattern


the Earth's equator extended into space

winter solstice

the day with the fewest hours of sunlight in the year

summer solstice

the day with the most hours of sunlight in the year; June 21 / 22; when the sun is as far north as it will be

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