Mr. Berry Bible Exam

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The Catholic Bible text contains eleven of the fourteen books found in this text


Some portions of the Old Testament were written in this language


What were the priests carrying when the crossed the Jordan River?

Ark of the Covenant

The Persian king who allowed both Ezra and Nehemiah to go to Jerusalem was ___


Israel soon forsook the laws of God. Frequently, the throne went from one king to another by violent means. Eventually, Israel was captured by the ___ in ___ B.C.

Assyrians, 722

At this place people said, "Come let us build ourselves a city and a tower..." They tried to avoid inhabiting the whole earth.


There were numerous evil kings, and in the course of time Judah was taken into captivity by the ___ in ___ B.C.

Babylonians, 586

"within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to your office..." Who heard these words?


He was Israel's commander who was sent into battle by Israel's only female judge


Tragically, David commits adultery with ___ and has her husband ___ killed in battle.

Bathsheba, Uriah

What two things did the Lord emphasize to Joshua in Joshua 1?

Be strong and courageous; Obey the Covenant Laws

Jacob's youngest son. His mother dies while giving birth to him.


A man has a dream of a ladder to heaven in this place


He was the great grandfather of King David


This man once said, "Let her glean even among the standing sheeves, and do not reproach her."


What three items were placed in the Ark of the Covenant?

Bowl of Manna (God's provision); Aaron's staff (historical significance); Stone tablets (contained the Laws)

He killed his brother and became a "fugitive" and a "wanderer."


When Moses sent out twelve spies to scout the land of Canaan, only two returned with a positive report about the possibility of taking the land. Who were they?

Caleb and Joshua

The ancient name for Israel. Jacob's body was taken there to be buried.


"within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head - from you! - and hang you on a pole..." Who heard these words


In 539 BC the Persian king ___ conquered Babylon


The rebuilding of the temple was completed during the reign of the Persian king named ___


After several years of conflict with those still loyal to Saul, ___ becomes king of all Israel


Despite his sins and faults, ___ can legitimately be called Israel's greatest king.


God tells the prophet to anoint a son of Jesse named ___, who is described as "a man after God's own heart."


Saul goes into a cave where ___ and his men are hiding.


Saul tries to kill ___ himself.


___ "inquires of the Lord" before going into battle.


___ becomes a successful commander in Israel's army.


___ confesses his sin.


___ is tending his father's sheep when we first read about him.


___ sneaks into Saul's camp with one of his men.


___ then runs away and becomes a fugitive, and several hundred men became his followers.


The second time that ___ spares the life of ___ is in the Wilderness of Ziph.

David, Saul

She was a "prophetess" and the Israelites "came to her for judgement"


For several hundreds pieces of silver, she betrayed the man she "loved"


Ninth Commandment

Do not bear false witness against thy neigbor

Seventh Commandment

Do not commit adultery

Tenth Commandment

Do not covet thy neighbor's possessions

First Commandment

Do not have any gods before Him

Sixth Commandment

Do not murder

Eighth Commandment

Do not steal

Third Commandment

Do not use the Lord's name in vain

Second Commandment

Do not worship false idols

___ had been living among the exiles that had stayed behind in Babylon. He "had set to study the law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach its statues... in Israel."


___ was a direct descendant of Aaron


This festival followed the Passover meal

Festival of Unleavened Bread

What was the purpose of the bronze altar?

For the people to make sacrifices to atone for their sins

The earliest American settlers, including those who signed the Mayflower Compact, used this English version of the Bible


Men of this city used dry and moldy bread, along with worn out garments and sandals to deceive Joshua


"Go from your country... to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you... I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

God to Abraham

"If I find at Sodom fifty righteous in the city, I will forgive the whole place for their sake"

God to Abraham

"You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day you eat of it you shall die."

God to Adam

"Cut two tablets of stone like the former ones, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the former tablets, which you broke."

God to Moses

"Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples born of you shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, and the elder shall serve the younger."

God to Rebekah

In the confirmation of the covenant, what does the blood on the altar represent?

God's forgiveness and acceptance of the Israelites

Most of the Old Testament was originally written in this language


Fifth Commandment

Honor thy father and thy mother

Moses sees the burning bush on this mountain


In Genesis 1:27, what unique distinction is given to human beings?

Human beings were made in God's image.

Moses at point asks God for His name. How does God reply?


Conquering this city involved rams' horns, the Ark of the Covenant, and seven days of marching


The first king of Israel (Northern Kingdom) was ___


This man translated the Bible into Latin


David captures the city of ___ and makes it his capital.


Moses's father-in-law


This man invented the moveable type printing press in the 1450's. The first book printed was the Latin Bible

Johann Gutenberg

An Oxford scholar who translated the Bible into English in the 1380's

John Wycliffe

Jacob's father-in-law who frequently mistreated Jacob


Jacob was tricked into marrying this woman first.


At one point Moses exclaims, "Who is on the Lord's side? Come to me!" The "sons of ___" respond


"...if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth..." Latin term? English translation? Meaning?

Lex talionis; the law of retaliation; punishment should fit the crime

Abraham did not want Sodom to be destroyed partly because his nephew by this name lived there


Deuteronomy 6:4-5 states, "Hear, O Israel: The lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall ___."

Love the Lord with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength

The decree that King Xerxes decrees says

On a specific day, the Jews' enemies could kill them

Why does the Book of Numbers have that name?

On two occasions, the number of fighting men (20 years or older) had to be counted

Moses killed a man for beating a Hebrew man and fled to this country


Moses' sister, who, like him, sang a triumph at the Red Sea


She was raised by her older cousin ___.


This name comes from the Hebrew word for "draws out."


At one point the Israelites complained and rebelled yet again. Poisonous serpents were sent upon them. How was this situation remedied?

Moses prayed for them. There was also a cure in which a bronze replica of a snake was put on a pole and whoever looked at it would be cured. The Israelites repented.

"Alas this people has sinned a great sin... But now, if you will only forgive their sin - but if not, blot me out of the book you have written."

Moses to God

"...I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying Him, and holding fast to Him..."

Moses to the Israelites

She once told people to call her "Mara" because of the bitterness in her life


David is confronted by the prophet ___, who tells David a story about a rich man with many sheep and a poor man with one sheep.


Babylonian king that captured Judah, the Southern Kingdom


Moses died on this mountain


In 445 BC a man named ___, who had been living among the exiles in Babylon, came to Jerusalem. He was very distressed when he heard these words: "... the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been destroyed by fire."


When he did his great work, the human race was described as follows: "every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually."


Saul shows how irrational he has become by killing all the priests at ___ simply because they helped David.


The ancient ruins of this Jewish settlement where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in nearby caves


Jacob truly loved this woman. He was willing to work seven years for the opportunity to marry her.


She risks her life to save two men that she had just met


This woman leaves her homeland to go to a foreign country and marry a man she has not yet met.


"Drink, my lord... I will draw for your camels also, until they have finished drinking."

Rebekah to Eliezer

The Southern Kingdom's first king was Solomon's son, ___


Fourth Commandment

Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy

Joseph's brother who prevented the other brothers from killing Joseph.


She is a "foreigner" who is praised for being a "virtuous woman" who "did not go after young men, whether poor or rich."


She once said, "Let me go to the field and glean among the ears of grain..."


"Do not press me to leave you or to turn back from following you! Where you go, I will go; where you lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God."

Ruth to Naomi

At one point this man had to grind grain in a mill that was a prison


This man died with his enemies


The prophet ___ is considered to be the last judge of Israel


David plays the harp for ___.


On two occasions David could have killed ___ but spares his life.


Samuel first anoints ___ as king, but because of a series of disobedient acts, the Lord rejects this man as king.


___ gathers some soldiers together and tries to hunt David down.


___ hopes that David will be killed in battle by the Philistines.


This, however, leads to ___ becoming very jealous of ___.

Saul, David

Eventually, both ___ and his son ___ die in battle with the Philistines.

Saul, Jonathan

Ironically, the son of ___ had become David's best friend, and at times he helped David escape from ___.

Saul, Saul

The translation of the Hebrew Scripture into Greek


What does LXX stand for?


"You will not die; for God knows that when you eat it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God knowing good and evil."

Serpent to Eve

This brother was held in prison in Egypt until his youngest brother was brought to Egypt


Moses receives the laws of the covenant on this mountain


After David dies, his son ___ takes his place as king.


What was a kinsman redeemer in ancient Israel?

Someone responsible for protecting the interests of needy members in the extended family

The Hebrew name for the Hebrew Scriptures


What did the Menorah represent?

That God was the one true light of Israel

What does the Book of Numbers record?

The 40-year desert wanderings of the Israelites

Another name for the Vulgate

The Common Version

The High Priest would then put his hands on the second goat, or "scapegoat", and confess the people's sins over it. What was then done with the scapegoat?

The High Priest would lay his hands on it and confess over it the sins of Israel. He would then release it into the wilderness.

The first chamber of the Tabernacle was called

The Holy Place

The second chamber of the Tabernacle was called the

The Holy of Holies

In the confirmation of the covenant, what does the blood on the people represent?

The Israelite's promise to obey the Laws of the Covenant, including the Ten Commandments

How did the Israelites escape suffering from the tenth plague?

The Israelites covered the lentels and doorposts of their home with the blood of a lamb

Cycle of events in the Book of Judges

The Israelites worship and praise the Lord; The Israelites turn from the Lord and worship false idols; The Lord sends a neighboring nation to oppress the Israelites; The Israelites turn to the Lord and repent; The Lord forgives the Israelites and frees from their oppressor

The Books of the Hebrew Scriptures are divided into the following sections

The Law, The Prophets, the Writings

What does the Lord promise to Abraham in the second part of the Covenant with Abraham, and what was Abraham to do to enter into this covenant?

The Lord promised to make his descendants into great nations if Abraham and his descendants had total obedience to him. To enter the covenant, Abraham's male descendants were to be circumcised.

Unconditional Covenant with David

The Lord promises to establish and maintain the Davidic dynasty forever

The New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34)

The Lord promises to put the Law in the "hearts and minds of the Israelites, forgive their iniquity, and remember their sin no more."

Another name for the Septuagint

The Version of the Seventy

Define Gleaning

The farmer left the corners of the field unharvested, and the harvesters could only go through the fields once. The poor and the aliens could then take food from the corners and the rest of the field.

Leviticus 17 teaches that the blood of an animal was not to be eaten. What two reasons were given for this?

The life was in the animal; The blood was to make atonement for the people's souls

What was done at the bronze basin, and what did it represent?

The priests washed their hands and feet, representing spiritual cleansing

Central theme of the bible

The reconciliation of God with fallen human beings

Why was the Altar of Incense important?

The smoke represented the prayers of the people being brought up to God

When the people listened to the ten spies who were negative about capturing Canaan, they said, "We should choose a captain and go back to Egypt." What were the two serious flaws in their thinking at this point?

Their leader was already Moses; They were forgetting that they were enslaved in Egypt

What was on the Table of Showbread, and what did it represent?

There were 12 loaves of bread that represented the 12 tribes of Israel

Why were the Dead Sea Scrolls an important discovery in affirming the reliability of the Biblical texts?

They confirm the accuracy of copies written much later.

Three things that would distinguish a person as a Nazarite

They could not touch a dead body; they could not drink alcohol; they could not cut their hair

How did Moses and Aaron get water from a rock?

They hit the rock with the staff

How were Moses and Aaron punished for this?

They were not able to enter land of Canaan

How were Moses and Aaron told to get water from a rock?

They were to speak to the rock

The Latin translation of the Bible


Moses' wife


To prove that he could have killed Saul, David takes two items: ___ and ___.

a spear, a waterjug

Solomon's punishment for this was ___

he would lose most of his kingdom

Leviticus 19:2 states, "You shall be ___, for I the Lord am ___."

holy; holy

The Book of Ruth begins with these words: "In the days that the ___."

judges ruled

Leviticus 19:18 states, "You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people, but you shall ___. I am the Lord."

love your neighbor as yourself

The name Sarai means

my princess

Exodus teaches against taking advantage of particularly vulnerable people. Exodus 22:21-27 specifically mentions the poor, ___, and ___

orphans, widows

Solomon's reign is characterized by

peace and prosperity

The word "Leviticus" means

pertaining to the Levites

The name Sarah means


Nehemiah went to Jerusalem to ___. Despite many obstacles, he completed this task in 52 days.

rebuild the wall

The theme of Deuteronomy is

remembering the Covenant Laws

The word Deuteronomy means

second law

Solomon built the ___ c. 966 BC


"Come, make gods for us; as for this Moses... we do not know what has become of him."

the Israelites to Aaron

Even though he can not override the old decree, he issues a new decree saying that ___

the Jews can assemble themselves, arm themselves, and defend themselves

What served as the covering of the Ark of the Covenant?

the Mercy Seat

An example of a theophany

the burning bush at Mt. Horeb

Unfortunately, Solomon had many wives who ___

turned him away from the Lord

"When someone steals an ox or a sheep, and slaughters it or sells it, the thief shall pay five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep." This is an example of ___

victim restitution

In the Covenant with Moses, the Lord promises to

"Be the god" of the Israelites

How does the lord respond to Solomon asking for wisdom?

"You didn't ask for riches and honor and long life, so I will give you wisdom, riches, honor, and long life."

The word "Bible" comes from the Greek word ___


"Biblia" means

"little books"

The Old Testament was written between

1400 BC and 400 BC

The Israelites lost to his city in a first battle but defeated the city in a second battle


The New Testament contains ___ books


The New Testament was written between

33 AD and 100 AD

The Old Testament consists of the Hebrew Scriptures which contain ___ books


The Israelites are told that they will wander in the desert for ___ years, and that all the people ___ years old or older will "fall in this very wilderness."

40; 20

The nations split in ___ B.C.


What was a Nazarite?

A Nazarite was someone born to serve the Lord; his hair was a symbol of his strength

Two prostitutes came to him with one living baby. They both had babies but one woman says one baby died and the other took the living baby. Solomon says he will cut the baby in half. One woman told him not to cut the baby and give it to the other woman. The other woman says to cut it in half so no one can have it. The real mother was the one who said to give it away, because she wanted the baby to live.

A demonstration of Solomon's wisdom

theophany definition

A visual representation of God

Moses' brother who helped him confront the Pharaoh


He became a father at the age of one hundred


"God himself will provide the lamb for a burnt offering, my son."

Abraham to Isaac

There is strife in David's household after this, most notably when David has to put down a rebellion led by his own son named ___.


When mourning the death of ___, David said, "If only I had died instead of you!"


This man had to confess that he "coveted" and took some gold, silver, and a beautiful garment from the plunder that was supposed to go to the Lord's treasury.


How did Jacob get the birthright intended for Esau?

After Esau had just worked a long day and was exhausted, Jacob offers him a bowl of stew if Esau would give him his birthright. Esau trades his birthright for a bowl of stew.

The only way to enter the Outer Court was through the

East Gate

Another name for Esau


He was Naomi's husband, and he died in Moab


The first time David does this, is in the Wilderness of ___.


Even though his brother wronged him, he graciously received his brother after they had been separated for many years


The men of this Jewish sect preserved the Dead Sea Scrolls


Among the exiles in Jerusalem was young woman named ___


Prompted by her cousin Mordecai, ___ told Xerxes that he had actually decreed that her people be killed.


The king did not know that ___, his queen, was Jewish.


Judges 21:25, the last verse in the Book of Judges, states, "In those days there was no king in Israel, ___."

Everyone did what was right in their own way

David becomes Israel's hero by defeating the Philistine "champion" named ___.


Eventually, Joseph's entire family comes to Egypt and settles in this part of Egypt


The New Testament was written in this language


She bore a son to Abraham. She was later sent away with her son.


An enemy of the Jewish people named ___ convinced King Xerxes that he should issue a decree.


Xerxes has ___ and issues a decree.

Haman killed

Early in his reign as king, while he was still young, the Lord says to Solomon, "Ask! What shall I give you?" How does Solomon respond?

He asks for wisdom

Why was the Vulgate given its name?

In its time, it was used by common people, often referred to as "vulgar". The connotation of the word "vulgar" previously referred to people not of high status or wealth.

This name means "laughter"


The son born to Abraham and Sarah's slave girl


The Northern Kingdom kept the name ___


This name means, "He wrestles with God."


Why was the Septuagint given its name?

It is believed that 70 scholars helped translate it

What did this action concerning the scapegoat represent?

It represented the iniquities of the Israelites being set free into a barren region.

On the Day of Atonement, the High Priest would first sacrifice a bull. Why would he do this?

It was to be a sin-offering for himself and to atone for the sins of himself and his house

On the Day of Atonement, two goats would be set aside. What would be done with the first goat?

It was to be sacrificed for sins

What explanation did the eastern tribes give for the "altar of great size" that they built on the west side of the Jordan River?

It was to tell future generations that they were a part of Israel because they had helped conquer Canaan.

He deceived his father with animal skins and later he was deceived by his sons with a bloody coat


He is kind to the son of ___, a crippled man named ___.

Jonathan, Mephibosheth

Sun, moon, stars and sheaves of grain are a part of this man's dreams


This man died and "that whole generation." Yet, "the Israelites were fruitful and prolific."


What accusation does Joseph make of his brothers, and how are they told to prove their innocence?

Joseph accuses his brothers of being spies so he tells them to bring their youngest brother to him in Egypt.

"Look, with me here, my master has no concern about anything in the house, and he has put everything that he has in my hand... How then could I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?"

Joseph to Potiphar's wife

"So it was not you who sent me here, but God."

Joseph to his brothers

"Now if you are unwilling to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve... but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."

Joshua to the Israelites

The Southern Kingdom was called ___


"Now therefore, please let your servant remain as a slave to my Lord in the place of the boy... For how can I go back to my father if the boy is not with me? I fear to see the suffering that would come upon my father."

Judah to Joseph

The next year he allowed all of the exiles from ___ to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the ___.

Judah, temple

First printed in 1611, this Bible was the most widely used English version for 300 years

King James

Another name for the Authorized version

King James Version

Esther eventually became the Queen of Persia; her husband was named ___.


At one point she and her mother-in-law parted company. Each returned to her home country.


This man was Caleb's nephew and Israel's first judge


The Greek name for the first five books of the Bible


"The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good ears are seven years; the dreams are one." Who heard this?


Joseph was take to Egypt and sold to this man


Why was Joseph put into prison?

Potiphar's wife accused of him of trying to rape her. When Joseph had tried to run away, she held on to a piece of his shirt for evidence.

Who entered the Jordan River first?


What does the Lord promise to Abraham in the first part of his covenant?

To make him into a great nation and give him the land of Canaan

What promise was made in the covenant of Noah, and what was the sign of that covenant?

To never again flood the earth. The sign of the covenant was a rainbow.

What was the Israelites' responsibility in the Covenant with Moses?

To obey the Laws of the Covenant, including the Ten Commandments

The Hebrew Name for the first five books of the Bible


Clean sea creatures had

fins and scales

He would maintain a dynasty, so one tribe would stay in the family. Most of Israel would be taken away but some would maintain his lineage

What Solomon would keep because of the Covenant with David

Tell why a crimson cord is important in the book of Joshua

When the Israelites attacked, Rahab put the cord outside her home to show the Israelites not to attack her home because she had sheltered two Israelite spies, two men she did not even know.

What does the word Genesis mean?


What types of birds were not to be eaten?

birds of prey

To prove that he could have killed Saul, David ___

cuts off a corner of Saul's robe

Leviticus 19 teaches that several vulnerable people and groups are to be treated fairly. List four of these groups.

deaf, blind, alien, elderly

The Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox denominations accept an expanded Old Testament which include additional or ___ books


Leviticus 11 teaches that clean land animals had

divided hoofs and chewed the cud

The name Abram means

exalted or highly respected father

The word "exodus" means


Leviticus 1-7 concerns the sacrificial system of ancient Israel. Generally speaking, sacrifices were made for several reasons. Give two of them.

express devotion to God; fellowship

The name Abraham means

father of many

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