MRHI 211 W2020

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The correct code assignment for an arthrocentesis, ring finger of left hand is


A cystourethroscopy with ureteroscopy was performed to remove a calculus lodged in the left ureter.


What is the correct code assignment for a cervical conization with loop electrical excision?


How many digits are in a CPT code?

5 digits

What is a goal within the OIG's strategic plan?

*f. All of the above b. Promote Quality, safety, and value a. Fight fraud, waste, and abuse e. None of the above c. Secure the future d. Advance excellence and innovation

Anesthesia for tracheal reconstruction, patient six months of age. What is the CPT code?


The 35-year-old patient undergoes an incisional hernia repair (lower abdomen). What is the anesthesia code?


Incision and drainage of carbuncle on left hip is performed and the correct code assignment is _______


Shaving of 1.5 cm epidermal lesion, scalp.


An asymmetric nevi, total excision size of 1.0 cm x 2.0 cm was removed from the patient's back. Pathology report identifies the specimen as "interdermal nevi." What is the correct CPT code assignment for this procedure?


What is the correct CPT code assignment for electrosurgical removal of three (3) nevi of the arm (size approximately 2.0 cm, 1.5 cm, 0.5 cm)?


Needle aspiration of a cyst of the left breast.


Which of the following codes would not be appropriate for a female patient?

19300 Mastectomy for gynecomastia

The patient reports that her breasts are too large and as a result, she experiences severe back and shoulder pain. The physician performs a reduction mammoplasty and the correct code assignment is ________.


The correct category II modifier if there is a medical reason to exclude a performance measure is ______.


Fill in the blank Cranial halo application with seven pins placed for thin skull osteology.


A surgeon performs a cholecystectomy on a morbidly obese female who has multiple adhesions. Documentation supports that the surgeon spent over two hours performing lysis of adhesions before the cholecystectomy could be performed. Which of the following modifiers would be applicable for the surgeon to communicate this circumstance?


Which of the following is recognized as a "physician only" modifier?


Patient has a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and is discharged home with no complaints. Two days later, the patient returns to the surgeon's office complaining of abdominal pain. The diagnostic studies reveal a kidney stone. Which of the following modifiers appropriately describes this office visit during the global period?


The correct code assignment for a closed reduction of fractured phalange, 5th digit, right foot is


The correct code assignment for bilateral maxillary sinusotomies is reported as ______.


The following is an excerpt from HCFA-1500 billing forms containing ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes linked to HCPCS codes. Verify the CPT code assignment. Current Code assignment is 31623. Scenario The patient was taken to the outpatient surgical suite with the diagnosis of chronic hoarseness. The surgeon performed a flexible bronchoscopy with bronchial cell washings and brushings.


The surgeon performed an open mitral valve replacement with cardiopulmonary bypass.


The surgeon performs an open thrombectomy of an AV fistula, without revision of the dialysis graft. What is the correct CPT code assignment for this procedure?


Primary repair of primary unilateral cleft lip What is the CPT code?


Which of the following demonstrates inappropriate use of a modifier?

40843-50 Vestibuloplasty, posterior, bilateral

A patient was taken to the endoscopy suite. The flexible endoscope was passed from the mouth into the esophagus and continued into the stomach and into the duodenal bulb. Based on this documentation, what CPT code would be selected to represent this procedure?


EGD (transoral) with removal of a piece of a chicken bone.


The physician performed a colonoscopy that extended to the cecum and used a snare to remove a polyp of the transverse colon.


What is the correct code assignment for: destruction of 2 groups of internal hemorrhoids with use of infrared coagulation?


Operative Report PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Cholecystitis with cholelithiasis POSTOPERATIV DIAGNOSIS: Same OPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy INDICATIONS: A 77-year-old woman experiences upper abdominal pain and has been diagnosed with cholelithiasis. The risks and benefits of the procedure have been explained in detail. TECHINQUE: With the patient under general anesthesia, the abdomen was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. A small infraumbilical skin incision was made, carried down through the adipose tissue. The fascia was opened in the midline, and the peritoneal cavity under direct vision using open laparoscopic technique. There was adequate insufflation of CO2. A 10-mm trocar was introduced into the upper abdomen to the right of the midline, two 55-mm trocars in the right upper quadrant area under directed camera vision. Examination noted that there were multiple adhesions in the gallbladder area. At this point, I was notified that the patient's blood pressure was 150/80 and then dropped to 90/55. The blood pressure was stabilized but the decision was to abort the procedure at this time. All trocars were taken out under direct camera vision. The CO2 was desufflated. Infraumbilical incision was closed using 4-0 Vicryl subcuticular sutures, and Steri-Strips. She will be closely monitored and I will contact her primary care physician to discuss her condition. For hospital outpatient reporting, what is the correct code assignment?


Reference codes 49491-49525 for inguinal hernia repair. What is the correct code for an initial inguinal herniorrhaphy for incarcerated hernia (patient is 47 years old)?


The 25-year-old patient had an initial repair of incarcerated incisional hernia with insertion of mesh to support the abdominal wall

49561 ; 49568

The patient had a laparoscopic incisional herniorrhaphy for a recurrent reducible hernia. The repair included insertion of mesh. What is the correct code assignment?


Open donor nephrectomy, live donor What is the CPT code?


A patient undergoes a retrograde urethrocystogram. The same physician performs both the injection and the supervision and interpretation. What is the correct CPT code assignment for this physician?

51610 ; 74450

The correct code assignment for a bilateral vasectomy is ________.


What is the correct CPT code assignment for hysteroscopy with lysis of intrauterine adhesions?


The physician performs an exploratory laparotomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. What is the correct CPT code assignment for this procedure?


Fill-in-the-blank A surgeon performed an esophageal dilation (43453) on a 4-week-old newborn that weighed 3.1 kg. What CPT modifier would be appended to the CPT code to describe this special circumstance? *You should only put in a letter or number. No dashes or spaces.


The correct code assignment for an extracapsular cataract extraction with insertion of lens, OS is ________.


A physician documented the following surgical procedure for treatment of chronic otitis media: "Myringotomy with insertion of ventilating tubes in both ears. Performed under general anesthesia." What is the correct CPT code assignment for this procedure?


The radiological exam included two views of the mandible. What is the correct CPT code assignment?


X-ray, including fluoroscopy, or pharynx for foreign body What is the CPT code?


A MRI of brain (without contrast material) was performed to rule out the diagnosis of cerebral vascular accident. What is the correct CPT code assignment?


A single-view, frontal X-ray of the chest was taken and the radiologist provided only the supervision and interpretation for the procedure. What is the correct CPT code assignment for the radiologist's services?


The patient is seen in the Emergency Department for pain after falling down steps. The ED physician orders a CT scan of the thoracic spine. What is the correct CPT code assignment?


The diagnosis of acute diverticulitis would support medical necessity for which of the following?


The patient undergoes MRI of the pelvis, first with no contrast, and then followed by contrast material. What is the correct CPT code assignment?


A patient is seen in the Emergency Department after falling and injuring his elbow. A CT scan is performed for evaluation. What is the correct CPT code assignment?


A football player is injured and was transported to the hospital. An MRI of the shoulder (with contrast) was performed. What is the correct CPT code assignment?


The radiologist performed an MRI, without contrast, of the patient's knee. What is the correct CPT code assignment?


The radiologist provides only the supervision and interpretation of a hysterosalpingography. What is the correct CPT code assignment for the radiologist?


The radiologist performed an angiography of the patient's arm, with the focus on evaluation of the AV fistula. What is the correct CPT code assignment?


Fill-in-the-blank The patient had a 2.2 cm malignant lesion excised from the neck (CPT code 11623) and another from the scalp (2.5 cm) during the same operative episode (CPT code 11623). Which modifier would be appended to this code to explain reporting it twice? *You should only put in a letter or number. No dashes or spaces.


The patient is referred for a diagnostic ultrasound evaluation for a mass in the temporal retina. What is the correct CPT code assignment?


The patient undergoes an ultrasound of the gallbladder. What is the correct CPT code assignment?


A female patient has a history of upper abdominal pain. Previous diagnostic studies were inconclusive. Her physician orders, from Nuclear Medicine, a hepatobiliary imaging study for suspected acute cholecystitis. What is the correct CPT code assignment?


Which of the following CPT codes for panels would not pass the software sex edit check for a male patient?


The physician orders the patient to have a lipid panel to include: total serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and HDL levels. What is the correct CPT code assignment?


A provider orders a hepatic function panel. It includes each of the items needed for this panel (such as Albumin, Bilirubin, total etc.), thus the correct code is:


Assign the appropriate code for the following: Therapeutic drug testing for Clozapine?

80150 80368 80158 80162 Answer: None of the above

Which of the following CPT codes would not pass the software age edit check for a 65-year-old female?


Because of a family history of breast cancer, the patient undergoes full sequence genic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2. What is the correct code assignment?


A physician orders part of a Hepatic Function Panel: Serum Albumin, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin and SGPT, SGOT. What is the correct CPT code assignment?


Assign the appropriate code for the following: Blood chemistry test for Cryofibrinogen?*Note: The answer is one CPT code. It should be all numeric characters.


Which of the following tests would only be performed on an infant?


Fill in the blank Plasma Sodium What is the CPT code?


The patient is being evaluated for hypothyroidism. ICD-10-CM code: E03.9 Hypothyroidism Which of the following CPT codes would be linked to this diagnosis?

84443 Thyroid Stimulating hormone (TSH)

Which of the following tests for type of fungal infection cause by breathing in spores often found in bird and bat droppings?


Assign the appropriate code for the following: Antibody test for herpes simplex, type?


What is the correct code for total hepatitis B cored antibody (HBcAb) test?


The pathologist performed a gross and microscopic examination of a kidney biopsy. What is the correct CPT code assignment?


The physician orders a Gross and Microscopic examination of a wedge biopsy of the lung. What is the correct code assignment?


A physician draws blood to test for levels of T3 on a non-Medicare patient. The blood is sent to an outside laboratory for analysis. When billing for the physician's services, which of the following modifiers should be appended to CPT code 84480?


A 62-year-old patient is seen in the outpatient hemodialysis clinic for 3 face-to-face visits in the month of July for treatment of end-stage renal disease. What is the correct CPT code?


A patient is seen for numbness and weakness in her right hand. The physician orders nerve conduction testing using preconfigured arrays for the right arm. What is the correct code assignment?


A 14-year-old patient has been diagnosed with seizures. Recently, the symptoms are worse; therefore, the physician orders a 24-hour digital 16 channel EEG with video. What is the correct code assignment?


The patient receives a 30-minute IV infusion of 2 g of Rocephin. In addition to the J code, what CPT code should be assigned?


What is the correct CPT code assignment from the Medicine chapter for IM injection of Leukine?


Patient was diagnosed with actinic keratosis with lesions on several locations of the face. The physician prepares a topical solution and applies photosensitizing agent in topical solution form to each lesion.

96567 photodynamic therapy

The physician performs chiropractic manipulation treatment of three spinal regions. What is the correct code?


Office Visit Date of service 11/24/14 Last date of treatment: 7/12/13 The patient is seen for a routine blood pressure check. Nurse documents BP: 135/90. Nurse asks about diet and exercise program. Patient offers no complaints. The correct E/M code for this service is:


Office Visit Date of service: 1/3/14 Last date of treatment: 2/12/11 The patient is seen for a cough and sore throat. The physician performs a problem-focused history, expanded problem-focused examination, and medical decision making is straightforward. What is the correct E/M code for this service?


Date of service: 1/9/14 Last date of treatment: 12/22/13 Physician visits and elderly patient in the skilled care facility. Physician performs a detailed interval history, comprehensive examination, and medical decision making is of moderate complexity. In addition, the physician reviewed the medical record and the recent lab results. What is the correct E/M code for this service?


The physician conducts a home visit for an established patient who is bed-ridden. A comprehensive interval history and comprehensive examination is performed with medical decision making of moderate complexity.


Physician Office Record Physician monitors the management of a patient who it taking long-term warfarin therapy. During this initial 90-day period, the physician monitors the dosage with appropriate testing. What is the correct E/M code for this service?


Fill in the blank Pediatric inpatient critical care, patient six months of age, third day What is the CPT code?


Which HCPCS Level II codes are designated for ambulance services?

A codes

What is the correct HCPCS code for 50 reagent strips for home blood glucose monitoring device?


What is the correct HCPCS code for below the knee surgical stockings for both legs?

A4500 x 2

Which of the following is a key factor for selecting a correct code for preventive medicine services?

Age of patient

The CPT manual is published and maintained by the:

American Medical Association

Which of the following contains a complete description of CPT modifiers?

Appendix A

Which of the following contains a comprehensive summary of CPT additions, deletions, and revisions since last year?

Appendix B

A patient is scheduled for a endoscopy, but due to a sudden drop in blood pressure, the procedure is canceled just as the scope is introduced. The patient was given a general anesthetic prior to the procedure. How should this procedure be coded by the hospital?

Assign the code for an endoscopy with modifier 74

A patient visits a physician's officefor back pain. The services for this patient would be submitted on what claim form?


Match the code to the correct place in CPT system. 0503F Postpartum Care Visit

Catergory II Code

Which of the following groups and organizations is responsible for maintaining the HCPCS Level II codes?

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Codes 96360 and 96361 are used to report infusion of __________.

Chemotherapeutic agents

The patient requires a new battery for his hearing aid. What HCPCS code represents this equipment?


A patient is seen in the emergency department following an accident. The physician documents that the wound required multiple layers and extensive undermining. According to CPT definitions, this type of repair would be classified as:


What is the correct HCPCS code to report a patient receiving an injection of 250 mg of Aminophyllin?


What is the correct HCPCS Level II code for an injection of 250 mg of Ceftriaxone sodium?


The physician excised a dermal cyst of the nose. What documentation is missing from this operative statement?

Depth of cyst

What supports medical necessity of a procedure?

Diagnosis documentation

Which of the following HCPCS Level II codes are designated for durable medical equipment?

E codes

The patient requires a heavy-duty wheeled walker, what is the correct HCPCS code for this equipment?


IV pole for infusion What is the HCPCS Level II Code?


Fill-in-the-blank Which modifiers would be appended to a CPT code for repair of the right upper eyelid? *You should only put in a letter(s) and number(s). No dashes or spaces.


A patient requires an injection of 40 mg of methylprednisolone. What is the correct HCPCS code?


What is the correct HCPCS Level II modifier for services delivered under an outpatient physical therapy plan of care?


Which HCPCS Level II codes are designated for Rehabilitative services?

H codes

A patient is seen in a clinic for a laceration of the elbow. The wound required suturing. On the claim form, which of the following types of codes would be assigned to represent the laceration?


What codes will the hospital use on its billing form to present the diagnosis of "fractured humerus"?


Which of the following can be identified as a National Code?


What is the HCPCS Level II modifier for lower extremity prosthesis functional level 3?


What is the correct HCPCS code for a patient who requires a silicone gel, removable foot insert for both shoes?

L3003 x 2

The two-year-old child has required a surgical boot. What is the correct HCPCS level II code?


The modifier used to report therapeutic interventional procedures on the left main coronary artery is ______________


Which of the following would be classified with a HCPCS Level II code?

Legg Perthes Orthosis

A patient was seen by his family practitioner two years ago. A cardiologist in the same group practice now sees this patient for the first time. For E/M code selection for the cardiologist, the patient would be classified as __________.


A 47-year-old female patient is seen in an outpatient setting for a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, weakness, and insomnia. The physician orders the following tests: FBS - Fasting Blood Sugar test PSA - Prostate Specific Antigen test WBC -White Blood Cell test T3, T4 - Assesses the thyroid TSH - Thyroid-stimulating hormone Which test does not meet medical necessity?


PAP smear (2 smears) performed by technician under the supervision of a physician


A surgeon performed a procedure that is unfamiliar to the coder and the coder is having trouble locating an appropriate CPT code. What should the coder's next action be?

Research the description about the procedure

Which of the following diagnoses would support CPT code 51726 Complex cystometrogram?

Stress incontinence

The physician removes part of the patient's right big toenail (CPT code 11750). Which modifier should be appended to this code?


CPT Category III codes cover what types of codes?

Temporary codes for new and emerging technology

What documentation is necessary to code repair of an enterocele?

Type of approach

For a December 7, 2016 patient encounter, the hospital will submit codes on what billing form?


Which of the following procedures or services could not be assigned a code with CPT?

Wound warming device

A surgeon asks a colleague to assist him in a complicated surgical procedure because his resident is not available. Which modifier is appropriate for this circumstance?

a. 22 b. 26 c. 54 d. 84 *e. None of the above

Codes describing endovascular repair of the descending thoracic aorta include which of the following procedures?

a. angiography of the thoracic aorta b. Fluoroscopic guidance in delivery of the endovascular components c. pre-procedure diagnostic imaging *d. All of the Above

Which of the following diagnoses would be linked appropriately to CPT code 11640, Excision malignant lesion?

melanoma of the forehead

The surgeon performed a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy on a 25 year old male. Four hours after leaving the surgery center, the patient presents to the clinic with a one-hour history of bleeding in the throat. The bleeding site was located; however, it was in a location that could not be treated outside the OR. The patient was taken back to the OR, by the same surgeon, for control of postoperative bleeding. Code both procedures.


The CPT book is updated

for use in january

The physician documents that she changed the cardiac pacemaker battery. In CPT, the battery is called a(n):


Patient is seen by her primary care physician for headaches. The physician performs a physical exam, reviews data, and outlines management options. Which of the following key components is missing from this case?


What does the acronym IA stand for in the Drug Assay section? *Note: This acronym should be inputted as one word.


When coding CT scan of the abdomen, what documentation determines the code selection?

use of contrast

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