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The Great Mutiny (also known as the Sepoy Mutiny or as the First War of Indian Independence) began in _________. A. 1901. B. 1857. C. 1835. D. 1763.


The German torpedoing and sinking of the British liner Lusitania in ______ cost the lives of more than 100 Americans and brought the United States to the brink of joining the war in Europe. 1915 1918 1914 1917


Hitler implemented his planned "Final Solution" of European Jews beginning in January ________. 1945 1942 1938 1933


According to its cultivation system in Indonesia, the Dutch forced native farmers either to grow government crops on 20 percent of their land or work for _____ days per year on Dutch plantations. A. 60 B. 7 C. 90 D. 300.


Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP) for the Soviet Union was: A. A continuation of the policy of "war communism", in which the Red Army was sent into the countryside to requisition food. B. A catastrophe for the peasants, with between 6 and 14 million farmers forcibly removed, and the majority killed outright or worked and starved to death. C. A mixture of private and state investment in factories and small-scale food marketing by peasants. D. A failure, since it never returned the Soviet Union to prewar levels of industrial production.

A mixture of private and state investment in factories and small-scale food marketing by peasants.

A war of independence was declared by the _______ Front of National Liberation in 1954—and independence was finally achieved in 1962. Nigerian Senegalese Algerian Libyan


The Eisenhower administration in the US ended the Korean War in 1953 with: A. The withdrawal of American forces from the Korean peninsula. B. An armistice only, and no official peace treaty. C. A comprehensive peace treaty that recognized North Korea's claim to Seoul. D. A pledge to invade China if North Korea ever felt threatened again.

An armistice only, and no official peace treaty.

The planned massacre of _______ was the one large-scale atrocity of World War I. Armenians Germans Russians Serbs


The navigator James Cook, during one of his many exploratory journeys in the Pacific, landed in 1770 on the east coast of ______ and claimed it for Great Britain. A. New Zealand. B. New Guinea. C. Cook Island. D. Australia.


_________ is defined as the maintenance of a self-supporting state economic system. Autocracy Meritocracy Plutocracy Autarky


In 1971 the country of _______________ split away from Pakistan. Indonesia Iran Bangladesh Afghanistan


Why was the Treaty of Versailles rejected by the United States Senate? A. Because it required collective military action in case of aggression. B. Because it didn't require Germany pay war reparations to the United States. C. Because it was too harsh on the German Empire. D. Because it established a League of Nations.

Because it required collective military action in case of aggression.

Which colonial power could be found on every continent? A. Japan B.Russia C. France D. Britain


At the beginning of the war in 1914, which countries on the map were part of the Allied Powers? France - Ottoman Empire - Russia Britain - France - Russia Britain - Germany - Russia Germany - Russia - Italy

Britain - France - Russia

As Iraq was divided by majority Shiites and minority Sunnis, the ___________ inaugurated a policy of divide and rule in their Middle Eastern mandates, while dangling the prospect of eventual independence in front of them. Americans French Ottomans British


The Congolese army chief Mobutu Sese Seko seized power from Patrice Lumumba, even though it was general knowledge that he was in the pay of the Belgians and the _______. French in Brazzaville Anglo-Belgian Rubber Company CIA KGB


In 1900, Australia finally adopted a federal constitution and became the second fully autonomous British "dominion", after __________. A.Ireland. B. South Africa. C. New Zealand. D. Canada.


The world's first female prime minister took power in ________ in 1960. A. India B. United Kingdom C. Ceylon D. Pakistan


Japan portrayed its imperial bid in the Pacific in the 1930s as the construction of a "Greater East Asia __________ Sphere." Anti-Colonial Imperial Tiger Co-Prosperity


Between 1953 and 1961, nearly one-fifth of the ___________ population defected to West Germany. Cuban East German Russian American

East German

Some in the Non-Aligned Movement equated the Soviet position in ________ with colonialism and worried about China's emergent predominance in East Asia. A. Eastern Africa B. Eastern Europe C. The Middle East D. Southeast Asia

Eastern Europe

After United States and Spain made peace at the end of 1898, the US ignored the independent Philippine government led by _________. Ferdinand Marcos. José Rizal. Emilio Aguinaldo. José Marti.

Emilio Aguinaldo

David Livingstone's ultimate goals were not only to __________ but also to "civilize" Africans by broadcasting the blessings of Christianity and commerce. A. Find Henry Morton Stanley in the jungle. B. Capture gorillas and bring them to Britain as proof of Charles Darwin's theories. C.End trafficking in slaves. D. Find the headwaters of the Nile River.

End trafficking in slaves

The principal spokesman for _________ nationalists in the second half of the nineteenth century was José Rizal, who was executed by the government in 1896. A. Moroccan. B. Filipino. C. Cuban. D. Hawaiian.


The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council are China, the United Kingdom, Russia, the United States, and ______. France Germany Brazil Japan


Al-Hajj Umar led resistance against the _______ colonization of West Africa. A. Italian B. Portuguese C. British D. French


_______ forces dispatched a squadron that occupied the sparsely inhabited Mekong River delta in 1858-1862, annexing it as a protectorate. A. American. B. Dutch. C. French. D. Chinese.


As a result of the __________ in the United States, millions of veterans benefited from housing and educational opportunities. GI Bill Beveridge Bill Great Society Bill Bonus Bill

GI Bill

Among the exiles who returned with Lenin in 1917 were Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin, the hardnosed son of an impoverished ___________ cobbler. Ukrainian Georgian Russian Kazakh


In East Africa, ________ used forced labor for the growing of cotton, provoking the fierce but in the end brutally suppressed Maji Maji Rebellion of 1905-1907. A. Portugal. B. Italy. C. Great Britain. D. Germany.


"Lawrence of Arabia" helped the members of a prominent family, the ______ from Mecca, to assume leadership of the Arabs for a promised national kingdom in Syria and Palestine. Sauds Sharifs Baathists Hashemites


Khrushchev alarmed Western leaders by announcing that: A. He would continue Stalin's purges of dissidents, saying his predecessor "had not gone far enough". B. He would return collectivized farms to private land-owners and restore the power of kulaks. C. He would support anticolonial nationalist independence movements around the globe, even if they were not communists. D. He would dismantle all the prisons and labor camps (gulags) created by Stalin.

He would support anticolonial nationalist independence movements around the globe, even if they were not communists.

Shortly into her tenure as Ceylon's prime minister, Sirimavo Bandaranaike faced resistance to: A. Her nationalization of the banking sector, from Soviet agents who thought this was hasty. B. Her public renunciation of Islam, from the country's Muslim majority. C. Her joining the Non-Aligned Movement, from the British who still controlled the colony. D. Her Sinhalese-only language policy, from the Tamil minority.

Her Sinhalese-only language policy, from the Tamil minority.

In the German colony of Southwest Africa, the German army responded to a local uprising by committing a genocidal campaign against the ______ and Nama between 1904 and 1907. A. Zulus. B.Herero. C. Hutus. D. Omanis.


The Great Mutiny was touched off by the rumor that the British had: A. Introduced a rifle which required its operator to bite the end from a gunpowder cartridge greased with cow and pig fat. B. Restored the hated and deposed Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar to his throne. C. Killed leading Muslim officials and convert key Muslim communities to Christianity. D. Introduced opium into India, after it had proven so successful in China.

Introduced a rifle which required its operator to bite the end from a gunpowder cartridge greased with cow and pig fat.

Religious scholars of the 1800s succeeded in making _______ the dominant religion of West Africa. A. Sufism. B. Islam. C. Christianity. D. African spirituality.


Like the Chinese, Vietnam had adopted the policy of ________ in the 1840s when dealing with Western intrusion into the region. A. Surrender. B. Armed resistance. C. Isolationism. D. Tribute paying.


Charles X of France claimed that his blockade of Algiers was justified because: A. It was an attempt to liberate the Christian minority in Algeria from a fundamentalist Islamic regime in the Ottoman Empire. B. It was in response to an insult by the ruler, Hussein to his consul. C. It was done in the furtherance of France's "civilizing mission" in Africa. D. It was an attempt to reconstitute Napoleon's empire in North Africa.

It was in response to an insult by the ruler, Hussein to his consul.

The League of Nations rebuked ________ for its attack on Ethiopia in 1935-1936. Italy Great Britain The Soviet Union Germany


As part of the collectivization of agriculture launched in the Soviet Union, 3-5% of the "wealthiest" farmers, called _________, were "liquidated"—selected for execution, removed to labor camps, or resettled on other land. Mirs Zemstvos Kulaks Gulags


Members of the "Harlem Renaissance" among African American artists and intellectuals felt that to be of African descent: A. Meant that one should reject European art forms and celebrate native African forms of expression only. B. Made one more likely to be a Communist, since the proletariat was created by racist policies. C. Necessitated a return to Africa, en masse or at least individually. D. Made one part of a larger and richer collective history extending beyond the history of slavery.

Made one part of a larger and richer collective history extending beyond the history of slavery.

The availability of a treatment for _________ allowed Christian missionaries to travel to the interiors of Africa. A.Typhoid. B. Smallpox. C. Dengi. D. Malaria.


Ending in February 1943, the Battle of Stalingrad: A. Resulted in the deposition of Joseph Stalin and his exile to the United States. B. Resulted in an Allied victory, with a large deployment of American troops coming to the aid of the Soviets to relieve the siege. C. Allowed the Germans to focus their attention on expanding into Central and South Asia. D. Marked the turning point in the European war, with a Soviet victory.

Marked the turning point in the European war, with a Soviet victory.

The naval victory at _______________ gave the United States the initiative in 1942. Iwo Jima Rabaul Midway Leyte


The Dutch conquered the Indonesian archipelago, finally subduing the most stubborn opponents, the ________ guerillas of Aceh, in 1903. A. Portuguese. B. Chinese. C. Buddhist. D. Muslim.


Estimates of those slaughtered in the brutal "Rape of _______" of 1937-1938 range between 200,000 and 300,000 people Nanjing Chongqing Hanoi Beijing


The United States supported a coup against _______ in November 1963 that put a military government in place in Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh Nguyen Van Thieu Zhou Enlai Ngo Dinh Diem

Ngo Dinh Diem

After suffering setbacks in Ethiopia, Italy invaded the __________ province of Tripolitania. A. Egyptian B. Ottoman C. Qajar D. French


The increased British and French presence in India was aided by: A. The strong and centralized power of the Mughal emperors, which made it easier to conquer the entire country. B. Regional leaders' desire to use the sepoy armies of European companies in their struggles. The establishment of Bombay as the Company's headquarters. C. Regional leaders' desire to use the sepoy armies of European companies in their struggles. D. France's victory at the battle of Plassey in 1757, which called for a response.

Regional leaders' desire to use the sepoy armies of European companies in their struggles.

The Belgian Congo under King Leopold II employed mass forced labor of the indigenous population to extract _______ from the jungle. A. Bananas. B. Cacao. C. Bauxite. D. Rubber.


In March 1930, Mohandas Gandhi protested a British tax on Indian ______ by embarking on a famous 24-day march. Rubber Salt Temples Cotton


The ______ for Africa was a competition among European powers to acquire African colonies that began with the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885. A. Scramble. B. Mission. C. Dash. C. Race.


Jawarhalal Nehru's admiration for ________ successes persuaded him to adopt the five-year-plan system of development for India. American West German British Soviet


After coming to power in the fall of 1953, Nikita Khrushchev, removed many ______ from the Communist Bloc. Pacifists Socialists Trotskyites Stalinists


The effort to co-opt local rulers into upholding the British government as the historically destined status quo is sometimes called a(n) _________ relationship. A.Missionary. B.Subaltern. C.Subtropical. D.Unequal.


The Soviet Politburo reacted to the uprising in East Germany in 1953 by: A. Conceding enhanced self-government to restive East Germans. B. Sharply reducing the production quotas that had triggered the revolt. C. Sending the new premier, Nikita Khrushchev, to survey the situation and report back. D. Suppressing the revolt quickly and comprehensively.

Suppressing the revolt quickly and comprehensively.

By 1949, Chiang K'ai-shek and most of his forces had fled to _______, and Mao's forces took Beijing. Vietnam Japan The Soviet Union Taiwan


In 1957, the "Hundred Flowers" campaign was: A. A mass-mobilization effort to enrich urban landscaping with new species of wildflowers. B. Designed to mirror the anti-intellectual and philosophically dormant late Zhou period. C. Terminated when the criticisms offered by intellectuals led to suggestions of an opposition party. D. Expanded into an "Anti-Rightist" campaign that implemented the changes proposed by critical intellectuals.

Terminated when the criticisms offered by intellectuals led to suggestions of an opposition party.

Realizing how close the world had come to war, President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev signed the Nuclear ____________ Treaty in 1963. Disarmament Arms Reduction Détente Test Ban

Test Ban

What was the largest and wealthiest commercial company in the world during the seventeenth century? A.The French-Orient Trading Company B. The Dutch United East India Company C. The British East India Company D. The Spanish Far East Trading Company

The Dutch United East India Company

Which of the following was not one of Woodrow Wilson's war aims? Freedom of the seas Rights of neutral powers The guilt of the Central Powers Self-determination for all peoples

The Guilt of the Central Powers

The Schlieffen Plan, implemented by the Germans at beginning of World War I, came close to succeeding, but it ultimately failed, for all of the following reasons except: A. Austrian forces were less effective than anticipated against the Russians. B. The first Battle of the Marne resulted in a French-British victory in early September 1914. C. The Netherlands intervened on behalf of its neighbor, Belgium, threatening to invade Germany. D. The Russian army mobilized more quickly than expected.

The Netherlands intervened on behalf of its neighbor, Belgium, threatening to invade Germany.

Under the premiership of General Tojo Hideki, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), _______, and Dutch and British territories on December 7-8, 1941. Easter Island Christmas Island New Zealand The Philippines

The Phillippines

Why was Khrushchev able to crush the Hungarian revolution without much opposition from the West? A. The West was distracted by a severe economic crisis. B. He threatened the US, Britain, and France with the occupation of all of Berlin. C. The US, Britain and France were preoccupied with the Suez Crisis. D. He was able to prevent news of the revolution from leaking out.

The US, Britain and France were preoccupied with the Suez Crisis.

As a result of the launch of Sputnik in 1957, A. The United States accelerated its own missile and space program B. Funding for math and science education, which had been central to the American education system, was sharply curtailed. C. President Eisenhower resigned his office, and Vice-President Nixon rose to the presidency. D. The United States threatened to destroy the satellite with one of its new ICBMs

The United States accelerated its own missile and space program

During the rapid process of Hitler's consolidation of power in Germany, which of the following events took place first? The fire in the Reichstag. The passage of the "Enabling Act". The remilitarization of the Rhineland. The Munich Agreement.

The fire in the Reichstag

Under Kemal Atatürk, the Turkish parliament introduced all of the following measures to Turkey except: European family law The Latin alphabet. The removal of Anatolian farmers into urban factories and schools. Women's suffrage.

The removal of Anatolian farmers into urban factories and schools.

Early pioneers of Zionism, like ________, advocated the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Moses Mendelssohn Arthur James Balfour Theodor Herzl Moshe Dayan

Theodor Herzl

The original founders of the Non-Aligned Movement of Nations included all of the following except: Turkey Pakistan India Indonesia


In response to the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Soviet Union formed the ______ Pact in 1955. East Berlin Moscow Helsinki Warsaw


Irena Sendler smuggled some 2500 Jewish children out of __________ before being arrested and tortured in 1943. Berlin Copenhagen Amsterdam Warsaw


The original goal of the National Congress when it convened in 1885 was to: A. Incorporate the oppressed Hindu minority into the governmental structure of the colony. B. Win greater autonomy for India within the structure of the British Empire. C. Send troops to Sudan to support British efforts against the Mahdi. D. Agitate for full Indian independence.

Win greater autonomy for India within the structure of the British Empire.

All of the following were characteristic of the Soviet economy in the Stalinist and post-Stalinist periods except: A. Women entered the workplace in equal numbers to men, as all were considered "comrades". B. Employment opportunities were not on a par with those created by the Western recovery. C. Shortages and even rationing of consumer goods were common. D. Increased efforts were made to industrialize, though at the expense of other sectors.

Women entered the workplace in equal numbers to men, as all were considered "comrades".

Josip Tito, with Soviet help, came to power in ________ after World War II? Yugoslavia Albania Greece Romania


Mao's land reforms between 1950 and 1955 took as many as 2 million lives and resulted in: A. The abuse of tenants by their landlords, who were supported by Communist Party agents. B. A change of policy from Mao's inner circle. C. The removal of Chinese troops from Korea, as peasant uprisings rose in force. D. A rise in agricultural productivity.

rise in agricultural productivity.

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