Muscles and Joints and their movements

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Allows movement in all directions - features the rounded head of one bone sitting in the cup of another bone. Ex. Shoulder and Hip

Ball and Socket Joint

Bicep Agonist Tricep Antagonist

Bicep Contracts

The primary function of this muscle is to flex the elbow and supinate the forearm. It also assists in shoulder elevation because it crosses the glenohumeral joint

Biceps Brachii

Responsible for same side bending and contralateral rotation

External Obliques

Allows movement, but no rotation. Ex. Finger joints and temporomandibular joint

Condyloid Joint

draws the scapula superomedially, extends the head and neck, laterally flexes the head and neck, and rotates the head

Descending Trapezius

Responsible for spinal extension and lateral flexion

Erector Spinae

main plantar flexor, also plays a role in knee flexion


AKA plane joint. Permits limited movement and is characterized by smooth surfaces that can slip over one another.

Gliding Joint

hip abduction

Gluteus Medius Gluteus Maximus Tensor Fasciae Latae

the primary function of these muscles is flexion of the leg, extension of the thigh, and stabilization of the knee and hip joints.


Like a door, opens and closes in one direction along a single plane. Ex. Elbow and Knee

Hinge Joint

This muscle is also responsible for same side rotating and side-bending, also known as "same-side rotators" because they are known for the torsional movements of the trunk

Internal obliques

hip adduction

Pectineus Adductor Longus Gracilis Adductor Brevis Adductor Magnus

AKA rotary or trochoid joint. Characterized by one bone that can swivel in a ring formed from a second bone. Ex. Radius and Ulna & C1 and C2

Pivot Joint

Does not allow rotation, but allows movement back and forth and side to side. Ex. Base of your thumb

Saddle Joint

This section of this muscle is responsible for pulling the scapula medially and posteriorly

Transverse Trapezius

Tricep Agonist Bicep Antagonist

Tricep Contracts

This section of this muscle is responsible for depressing the scapulas and pulling the shoulders down

ascending trapezius

the hamstrings are composed of three long muscles on the posterior aspect of the thigh, the three muscles are...

biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus

Main role is to extend and laterally rotate the hip

gluteus maximus

This muscle assists in internal rotation of the arm, adduction of the arm, arm extension, and it also assists in respiration

latissimus dorsi

main function of this chest muscle as a whole is the adduction and internal rotation of the arm on the shoulder joint.

pectoralis major

There are four muscles that make up this major muscle group and they are all powerful extensors of the knee joint. They are also key in walking, running, jumping, and squatting. The rectus femoris specifically is also a flexor of the hip because it connects to the ilium.


The function of this muscle is to flex the trunk and compress the abdominal viscera

rectus abdominis

muscles of the quadriceps

rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis

The primary function of this muscles is to extend the elbow joint and also helps stabilize the shoulder by maintaining the head of the humerus in the correct position in the shoulder joint.

triceps brachii

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