Muscles Originating in the Axial Skeleton (and scapula)

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increase; decrease

Contraction of the diaphragm will _______ thoracic volume and _______ intrathoracic pressure.

Long rotator -- 2 SP superior to origin; short rotator -- 1 SP superior to origin

How do the rotatores mm. attach individually?

Styloglossus m., genioglossus m., hyoglossus m.

If the hypoglossal nerve were cut, which muscle(s) would be affected?

Trapezius m., sternocleidomastoid m.

If the spinal root of CN XI were cut, which muscle(s) would be affected?

O: SP of C2; I: TVP of C1

Name the O and I of the obliquus capitus inferior m.

O: TVP of C1 I: occipital bone between superior and inferior nuchal lines

Name the O and I of the obliquus capitus superior m.

O: SP of C2; I: inferior nuchal line of occipital bone

Name the O and I of the rectus capitus posterior major m.

O: posterior tubercle of C1; I: medial portion of inferior nuchal line

Name the O and I of the rectus capitus posterior minor m.

Anterior -- CN V; posterior -- CN VII

Name the innervations of the digastricus muscle bellies.

Superior oblique m. -- trochlear (CN IV); lateral rectus m. -- abducens (CN VI); all else -- oculomotor (CN III)

Name the innervations of the extrinsic ocular muscles.

Supraspinatus m., infraspinatus m., teres minor m., subscapularis m. (SITS)

Name the rotator cuff muscles.

Styloglossus m.

Of the following (genioglossus m., styloglossus m., hyoglossus m.), which elevate the tongue?

Longissimus capitis

Of the following (serratus anterior, coracobrachialis, longissimus capitis, deltoid, infraspinatus), which do NOT attach to the scapula?

Lateral pterygoid m.

Of the following (temporalis m., masseter m., medial pterygoid m., lateral pterygoid m.), which depress(es) the mandible?

Pectoralis major m., latissimus dorsi m., teres major m.

PLT (lateral to medial)

spinalis mm., longissimus mm., iliocostalis mm.

SLI (medial to lateral)

Deltoid m., teres minor m.

The axillary nerve innervates which muscle(s)?

Internal abdominal oblique m.

The cremaster muscle is a slip off of which muscle?

extension, rotation, lateral flexion of spine

What actions are common to the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the back?

rectus capitus posterior major m., rectus capitus posterior minor m., obliquus capitus inferior m., obliquus capitus superior m.

What muscles compose the suboccipital triangle?

phrenic nerve (C3, 4, 5)

What nerve innervates the diaphragm? Name the spinal roots.

*axillary nerve*, posterior circumflex humeral artery

What structures lie in the quadrangular space?

*radial nerve*, deep brachial artery

What structures lie in the triangular interval?

Deltoid m., supraspinatus m. (first 15˚)

Which abduct the humerus?

Teres major m., pectoralis major m., latissimus dorsi m., coracobrachialis m. (does *not* originate in axial skeleton)

Which adduct the humerus?

Levator palpebrae superioris m. (CN III)

Which facial muscle is NOT innervated by CN VII?

Teres major m. (horizontal), long head of triceps brachii m. (vertical), teres minor m. (horizontal), lateral head of triceps brachii m. (vertical)

Which muscles compose the quadrangular space?

Latissimus dorsi m., rhomboid major m., trapezius m.

Which muscles compose the triangle of auscultation?

Long head of triceps brachii m., lateral head of triceps brachii m., teres major m.

Which muscles compose the triangular interval?

Teres major m., teres minor m., long head of triceps brachii m.

Which muscles compose the triangular space?

Latissimus dorsi m., teres major m., teres minor m., pectoralis major m., pectoralis minor m., deltoid m., supraspinatus m., infraspinatus m., subscapularis m.

Which muscles insert onto the humerus?

Serratus anterior m., pectoralis minor m.

Which muscles protract the scapula?

greater occipital nerve (dorsal ramus of C2)

Which nerve can be found exiting below the SOT?

thoracodorsal nerve (C6, 7, 8)

Which nerve would, if cut, paralyze the latissimus dorsi m.?

dorsal scapular nerve (C5)

Which nerve would, if cut, paralyze the rhomboid major m.?

long thoracic nerve (C5, 6, 7)

Which nerve would, if cut, paralyze the serratus anterior m.?

medial (C8, T1) and lateral (C5, 6, 7) pectoral nerves

Which nerve(s) innervate(s) the pectoralis major m.?

medial pectoral nerve (C8, T1)

Which nerve(s) innervate(s) the pectoralis minor m.?

upper and lower subscapular nerves (C5, 6)

Which nerve(s) innervate(s) the subscapularis m.?

lower subscapular nerve (C5, 6)

Which nerve(s) innervate(s) the teres major m.?

Deltoid m., teres minor m., supraspinatus m., infraspinatus m.

Which rotate the humerus laterally?

Latissimus dorsi m., teres major m., subscapularis m., pectoralis major m.

Which rotate the humerus medially?

vertebral artery, suboccipital nerve (dorsal ramus of C1)

Which structures can be found in the floor of the SOT?

Trapezius m., latissimus dorsi m., rhomboid major m., rhomboid minor m.

Which superficial muscles retract the scapula?

Multifidus mm.

________ is the largest mass of muscle fibers to cross the lumbosacral junction.

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