Music 9 Quizzes

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True or False: The I and vi chords are classified as "Tonic Functions".

To change the key

What is NOT a use for the V6 chord?


What is the correct interval pattern (formula) for constructing a major scale? W = Whole Step H = Half Step

V is stronger than IV

What is the main difference between V and IV as cadence chords?

To quickly notate intervals between various moving voices, and was used as shorthand notation for the basso continuo of the Baroque period in music. The harpsichord or piano playing the accompaniment would use the figures (arabic numbers) to determine the voice leading of the chord (whether it should be played in 1st inversion or 2nd inversion or simply in root position).

What is the purpose of Figured Bass?

To finish a chord progression and/or creating a harmonic movement back to the I chord (tonic)

What is the purpose of a cadence chord?


What kind of 6/4 chord is pictured below? **This picture shows I64, V, and I at the top


What kind of 6/4 chord is pictured below? **This picture shows I6, V64, and I at the top


What kind of 6/4 chord is pictured below? ** This picture shows I, V64, and I at the top

1 and 3

What two scale degrees are shared by the I chord and the vi chord?

4 and 6

What two scale degrees are shared by the ii chord and the IV chord?

5 and 7

What two scale degrees are shared by the iii chord and the V chord?


When a C major triad is played, D, F, and A (non-chord tones) are________________notes.


When a C major triad is played, what notes are stable pitches?


Fill in the blank: Active notes to tend to resolve to_____________notes.


True or False: A pedal tone constantly changes to avoid dissonance with the chords being played.

Major Chords sound: Bright and Happy Minor Chords sound: Dark and Somber

Describe the sound of major chords vs minor chords:


Pick the correct term: Pedal point technique is also called motion.


Pick the correct term: The ii chord commonly identified as the _______________ is one step away from the tonic chord.

Melody and Harmony

Pick the right terms to complete this quote from the text: "Rhythmic patterns serve as the glue that holds _________ and _____________ together in music."


True or False: According to the text, the scale degrees 2, 4, 6, and 7 are typically stable tones.


True or False: This diagram depicts stable pitches resolving to active pitches.


True or False: This melody is an example of conjunct (step-wise) melodic motion.

Second Inversion

What inversion is this triad shown in?

Fifth Root Third

From lowest note (bottom) to highest note (top), what is the order of notes within a second inversion triad.

Both B and C are correct

If a song is written in C major, would you likely hear an F minor chord? F minor chords are made up of the following notes: F, A flat (Ab), and C.

C Major

In the Key of G, what is the IV chord?


In the key of F, the G chord is major.


True or False: This is an example of a Deceptive Cadence:


True or False: This is an example of duple meter:


True or False: This is an example of the following root movement: To or From a I Chord


True or False: The vi chord is a minor chord built on scale degree #6 and is called the submediant.

A and B

In which of the following place below would a iii chord be appropriate?

IV and ii

Which chords are classified as Predominant Functions?


Which of the following is NOT of one of the five basic elements of music?

I - V - vi - IV

Which of the following is one of the most popular chord progressions used in pop music over the last 50 years?

Criminal justice

Which one of these disciplines is NOT related to music, according to Michael Rogers:


True or False: Third relations in music are rarely or never used in music, particularly in pop, jazz and music of the common practice period.


True of False: When comparing the C major scale to the C minor scale, the scale degrees that stay the same are 3, 6, and 7.

IV and V

A cadence in music of the common practice period involve two chords at the end of a phrase or composition. There are several chords frequently used that precede the final chord of a phrase or composition. Which two chords usually function as cadence chords (that precede the final chord of a phrase or composition)?

tonic, dominant

According to the text, a pedal tone is typically a or scale degree.

4/4 time

According to the text, what is the most commonly used meter in pop music?

The vii° chord

According to the text, which one of these chords would NOT usually follow the iii chord? (hint: strong root movements are down a 5th, up a 2nd, down a 3rd or to and from the tonic chord and to and from the dominant chord.

The ii chord and the IV chord

According to the text, which two chords does the I6 chord usually transition to?


Choose the correct term to fill in the blank: A common chord progression used in jazz is the ii - " " - I progression.

harmonic ornament

Choose the correct term: According to the text, pedal point technique is a type of .

V Chord

Choose the correct term: The major II chord (also called the altered II chord) typically resolves to the .

Third Fifth Root

From lowest note (bottom) to highest note (top), what is the order of notes within a first inversion triad?

Root Third Fifth

From lowest note (bottom) to highest note (top), what is the order of notes within a root position triad?

1: Strongest beat 3: Second strongest beat 4: Weak beat

In a duple meter with 4 beats per measure (ex. 4/4), match the beats with the appropriate labels. A. Weak beat B. Strongest beat C. Second strongest beat

Leading Tone

In a major key, the vii° chord is known as the __________ chord.

Weak Beat

In a measure of 6/8 time, beat 5 is a _____________?

1: Strongest beat 4: Second strongest beat 3: Weak beat

In compound meter with 6 beats per measure (ex. 6/8), match the beats with the appropriate labels. Strongest beat Weak beat Second strongest beat

D minor

In the Key of C major what is a ii Chord?


In the video by Dr. Randy Pausch,"The Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams," he mentioned the concept of "finding your passion and striving to achieve it, through hardwork and effort." He mentioned a former student that eventually achieved the student's dream of working with George Lucas and the film company creating the Star Wars movies.

Allegro: Fast Adagio: Slow Andante: Medium Tempo: Speed of the beat

Match the Terms with the Correct Definitions: "Speed" of the Beat Medium Fast Slow

1. IV, ii 2. I, vi 3. iii

Rank the following chords in terms of their utility as a pre-cadence chord.


What chord do progressions usually start on?

1, 3, 5

What are the three scale degrees that make up the "I" chord?


Which is NOT included in the Paradigm of Music as an Artform?

The I chord to the vi chord

Which of the following chord movements is "ternary" or by thirds?

G minor (G Bb D)

Which of these chords would NOT be heard in the Key of C?

D major chord

You learned that the I chord corresponds to a C major chord in the key of C. What do you think the I chord is in the key of D?

C major, G major, C major, F major

In the Key of C, what are the chords represented by the Roman Numerals I -- V -- I -- IV?

G major to A minor

In the Key of C, which of the following chord progressions is an example of a Deceptive Cadence?


In the Key of C, which of these triads is a V6 chord?

G major, C major, D major, C major

In the Key of G, what are the chords represented by the Roman Numerals I -- IV -- V -- IV?


In the key of G major, should D be a Major or minor chord?

Variation patterns: Keep similar melodic... Repetition patterns: Repeat the same rhythmic Contrast patterns: Repeat rhytmic structures... Consequent phrase: Acts as a "response" ... Antecedent phrase: Acts as an initial "call"...

Match each term with the correct definition: Acts as an initial "call" or "statement" in a musical phrase Repeat rhythmic structures with more noticeable changes or shifts to the melody Repeat the same rhythmic structures with minor changes to the melody Keep similar melodic movements with different rhythmic structures Acts as a "response" to an initial musical phrase

Passing Tone: A non-chord tone... Appoggiatura: Also called "grace notes"... Neighboring Tone: Like a passing tone... Suspension: Occurs when a stable tone...

Match each term with the correct definition: Also called "grace notes", these tones act as rhythmic and melodic embellishments Like a passing tone, but occurs between two identical stable notes : Occurs when a stable tone becomes an active tone when the bass notes change A non-chord tone occurring between two stable notes Occurs when a stable tone becomes an active tone when the bass notes change


Pick the correct term: In V chord is labeled as the chord.

The F Chord The G Chord The C Chord

Pick All Correct Answers: In the key of C, what chords are major?

The A Chord The E Chord The D Chord

Pick All of the Correct Answers: In the Key of C, the minor chords are:


Pick the correct term: Chord movement down a 5th, or up a 2nd or down a _______ are strong root movements in music .


True of False: The term "diatonic" describes chords that are not usually found within a given Key (ex. G minor does not belong in the Key of C).


True or False: A chord that creates a harmonic movement back to the I chord (tonic) is called a cadential chord.


True or False: A common cadence involving the movement of the IV chord to the I chord is called plagal.


True or False: A suspension, passing and a neighboring tone are all labeled as non-harmonic tones in our text.


True or False: According to the text, motives and melodic development help to create and break expectations in music, resulting in interesting melodies and progressions that catch our ear.


True or False: Consequent phrases tend to follow (come after) antecedent phrases.


True or False: Dissonance, or clashes between notes, is the driving force behind pedal point technique.


True or False: In any Major Key, the I, IV, and V chords are usually major.


True or False: In the Key of C, the V chord (dominant) is F major.


True or False: Shenkerian Analysis is a method in which long and complicated passages of music are reduced to simple melodic lines that help to reveal the intent of the composer. This technique is a type of linear analysis.


True or False: The "Chord Function Cycle" (from Section 9) follows this pattern: PREDOMINANT ---> TONIC ---> DOMINANT ---> PREDOMINANT


True or False: The C major scale was the first scale discussed in the text. The G major scale sounds like the C major scale because both scales have the same intervallic relationship (distances) between each note of the scale, even though a G major scale contains different notes than the C major scale. Both the C major scale and the G major scales sound similar in quality, but the G major scale starts off on G, which is the tonic note of the scale.


True or False: The Element of Music, Duration, describes when and how long pitches are played, giving rise to concepts such as rhythm and beat.


True or False: The I64 chord is an example of a first inversion triad.


True or False: The ii and IV chords are classified as "Dominant Functions".


True or False: The iii chord can act as a chord that resolves to a I chord or a V chord because one note or a step below the root will sound the dominant chord; or one note or 1/2step up from the fifth of the iii chord will sound the tonic chord.


True or False: The iii chord can resolve stepwise to either the I6 chord or the V64 chord.


True or False: The major II chord is rarely heard and used in music, it has no connection to the term secondary dominant chord in music.


True or False: The movement of the V chord (dominant) back to the I chord (tonic) is known as a plagal cadence.


True or False: The supertonic chord has an important function in music. Sometimes it will be labeled as a major sounding chord, which functions as a secondary dominant (which means the altered third of the major II chord creates the sound which becomes active and has a strong pull to resolve to V chord of that key). The major II and the strong active resolution to the dominant is a movement down a fifth, which functions like a secondary area or secondary dominant of the original key. You will get more examples of this in the next ebook written by Dr. Ishigaki.


True or False: There are 12 major scales and 12 minor scales, for a total of 24 scales that composers can choose from.


True or False: These are examples of C Major Triads.


True or False: This rhythmic pattern is an example of a variation pattern:


True or False: This triad is in second inversion.


True or False: To change a major triad into a minor triad, all you need to do is lower (flat) the third by one half step.


True or False: You can change a major scale into a minor scale by lowering (flatting) the third, sixth, and seventh scale degrees by one half step.

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