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The bass clef is also called the _______ clef.


The epitome of the Baroque composer, __________, was born in Germany, spent considerable time in Italy, and eventually became a British citizen.

George Frideric Handel

The interval from C to D is a(n)


Because a symphony is conceived as a whole, it is seldom appropriate to applaud between the movements of a symphony.


Two half steps comprise one whole step.


__________ was ordained a priest, but spent most of his life as a professional musician.


The ascending minor scale pattern is


The English artist __________ was a moralist, but he tempered his visual sermons with satire and caustic wit.

William Hogarth

One of history's most tragic figures, __________, began his performing career as a child prodigy.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Verbal tempo indications are

all the above


becoming louder

all of the following are characteristics of the Baroque art except

buildings project a sense of repose and stability

The instruments in the string family may be played in any of the following ways except

by blowing gently into the soundhole.

An outstanding trait of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is the use of the

chorus and orchestra

The last person to enter the stage, just before the concert begins, is the


The loudness or softness of a pitch is called its __________ level.


During the eighteenth century, the __________ theater was of unprecedented importance.


The three main sections of the Classical sonata-allegro form are the

exposition, development, and recapitulation.

Germany introduced a style similar to the French Rococo-the __________ style.


The following were all TRUE of Classical religious music except

expressive passages in homophonic texture were used.

A concerto grosso is a composition in three movements (slow-fast-slow) for a small group of solo instruments.


A contralto's voice is often lighter and thinner than a soprano's.


All cadences convey the same degree of arrival or finality.


All keyboard instruments produce their sound through vibrating strings that are either plucked or struck when the player presses down on a key.


Although the Classical period produced much more vocal than instrumental music, very few operas and very little vocal religious music was composed during this time.


Baroque composers of instrumental music were set back by changes in instrumental styles and techniques during the Renaissance.


Because polyphony consists of simultaneous, independent melodies, it can not produce harmony.


Consonance and dissonance are relative rather than absolute terms, meaningful only when compared to each other.


A musical staff has

five lines and four spaces

The trio sonata was written on three lines of music, but it required at least __________ performers, because of the basso continuo.


The note that usually equals two beats:

half note

on the day in 1642 when galileo died, who was born

isaac newton

The tonic note of the scale upon which a composition is based is also the name of the __________ in which the piece is written.


The German word clavier is a general term for


The rhythms in unmetered music may be compared with

literary prose

In the middle of the eighteenth century, the German city of __________ developed an outstanding orchestra which attracted attention throughout western Europe.


One example of unmetered music is a


rests indicate

measured silence

Although Mozart had a short life that was marked by financial difficulties

Although Mozart had a short life that was marked by financial difficulties

Who made the likenesses of Franklin, Jefferson, and Washington on United States coins?


In order to understand and appreciate the form of a musical work, a listener must

In order to understand and appreciate the form of a musical work, a listener must

A Classical concerto usually had at least one passage, called a __________, which was improvised by the soloist alone.


The composer who suggested that the old and new styles represented the "first" and "second" practices of music was

claudio monteverdi

__________ was the first composer to realize the successful music drama requires a skillful blending of the literary, visual, and lively arts.

claudio monteverdi

The sign placed at the beginning of the staff to fix the position of all of the pitches on the staff is the


An extended closing section in the Classical sonata-allegro form is called the


In music, the opposite of dissonance is


A written melody forms a linear pattern on the staff called the


Percussion instruments that produce indefinite pitches include the tambourine, triangle, __________, and drums.


Since Bach was Catholic, he wrote the Mass in B Minor to attract the favorable attention of an influential Catholic Elector.


The group of solo instruments in a concerto grosso is called the tutti; the larger orchestral group is called the concertino.


The higher tone of an octave is produced at three times the rate of vibration of the lower tone.


All of the following are characteristics of Rococo art except

furniture was beautifully made but uncomfortable and of little use.

Metered music is notated in units called


The "king of instruments" is the

pipe organ

The highness or lowness of a sound is called its


When the key of a harpsichord is depressed, a small piece called the ___________ plucks one of the strings.


The rhythms in metered music may be compared with


A round is an example of __________ texture.


Gluck proposed to __________ serious opera by imposing classical restraint upon it.


A recurring section of text and melody that follows each verse of a song is called a


Formal design in music is based on the principles of

repetition and contrast

The most popular Classical small ensemble was the

string quartet

A multimovement orchestral work is called a


All of the following were common forms in the Classical period

toccata-allegro form.

Composers now write music specifically for symphonic band.


In 1607, Claudio Monteverdi composed the opera Orfeo.


In The Marriage of Figaro one of the main characters is a nobleman who is outwitted and humiliated by his own servants.


In a chamber music performance, each player must be an accomplished performer since each is responsible for one line of music.


Modern composers have expanded the range of acceptable, "musical" timbres to include both mechanical and natural sounds.


The Baroque period was the first time that instrumental music became virtually equal, both in quantity and quality, with vocal music.


The Classical period's appreciation for clarity of thought, purity of sound, and emotional restraint made chamber music one of the favorite means of expression.


The Classical rondo form was used for any multimovement work, but often seemed particularly appropriate for the last movement.


The Classical sonata-allegro form was generally conceived as a three-part structure.


The advent of electronic composition has allowed some composers to completely bypass the uncertainties of live performance.


The brass instruments have cupped mouthpieces and flared "bells."


The concept of form in music was of serious concern to all of the composers of the Classical period.


The dominant triad seems to lead toward the tonic.


The minuet was a stately dance introduced at the seventeenth-century court of Louis XIV.


The music of the Rococo was generally light and entertaining rather than serious and dramatic.


The organ is a keyboard instrument whose tones are produced by wind going through sets of pipes of various lengths and materials.


The quality and quantity of Bach's secular concertos, suites, toccatas, and fugues reflect the increasing importance of secular music in the Baroque period.


The size of the orchestra can vary according to the style of music being performed.


the term piano means a soft level of volume


The effort to increase the capacity of the various brass instruments to produce rapid changes in pitch led to the addition of __________, which greatly enhanced their melodic capabilities.

valves and pistons


very loud

Percussion instruments that produce definite pitches include the timpani, the chimes, and mallet instruments such as the


Born in a German state and educated in Prague and Vienna, __________ spent four years studying and composing operas in Italy and was responsible for the reform opera.

Christoph Willibald Gluck

The four families of instruments within an orchestra are the

French horns, violins, drums, and pianos.

The great artist Michelangelo died in 1564 on the same day that the scientific man of reason, ______________, was born.


After Bach and Handel, Protestant music declined because the music was supposed to be a functional part of the service rather than "art for art's sake."


After the Baroque period, the concerto grosso declined in importance and was replaced by the Classical concerto for orchestra and one soloist.


Although Houdon made his living from portraiture, he made every effort to produce accurate rather than flattering portrayals.


Although castrati were admired for the extreme range and power of their voices, a taste for women's voices developed during the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.


Although melody is consecutive and "linear" while harmony is simultaneous and "vertical," the two concepts are in fact interrelated, and work closely together.


Although more pedals and different stops have been added, the organ has not been "improved" upon since the early eighteenth century.


Although the Church, the courts, and the city-state governments remained their primary employers, Baroque composers resisted submission to the taste and will of their patrons


Although the late eighteenth century was marked by democratic revolution and profound social change, it was also a period of classical restraint in the arts.


Around the turn of the nineteenth century, painters turned from classical subjects and styles to a subjective and highly emotional artistic expression.


Audiences appreciated the fact that comic operas were written in their own, local language and that all comic operas (except the Italian form) used spoken dialogue instead of recitative.


Aware of the ideals of the ancient Greeks, the members of the Florentine Camerata envisioned a style of melody that would approximate the dramatic declamation of a text


__________, who had the reputation of being the best pianist in Vienna, was afflicted in his late twenties with an ear disease that eventually led to total deafness.

Ludwig van Beethoven

During the Classical period, although Italy continued to dominate the world of opera, the main centers of musical activity moved north to the following cities except


Music performed by a relatively small number of people in a small room is called _________ music.


Three or more pitches sounding simultaneously to form a whole comprise a


All of these were particularly significant characteristics of the Venetian polychoral style except

contrasting sonorities of various voices and instruments did not appeal to the baroque imagination

__________ was famous in his own time as a virtuoso violinist and as an outstanding composer of trio sonatas.


The organist was able to achieve terraced dynamics and various sonorities by using any of the following methods except

covering the pipes with dampers

Some of Schubert's most effective songs are included in song sets or song __________, which had texts by the same poet.


The relationship between dissonance and consonance in tonal music may be summarized as:

dissonance resolves the tension created by consonance.

When two or more simultaneous pitches create a sense of tension and drive, they are said to be


In Italy, the most important composer of the Rococo period was

domenico scarlatti

The strong bass voice that sounded continuously throughout Baroque ensemble compositions was called the

drone bass

In the transition from the Classical to the Romantic periods, the role and number of wind instruments was greatly reduced to make room for the expanding brass section.


Inside a grand piano, the strings that are shorter and thinner produce lower tones than the strings that are longer and thicker.


Like Mozart before him, Beethoven was a talented prodigy who received a careful and thorough musical education.


Listening repeatedly to the same recording helps the listener discern the difference between the quality of the performance and that of the composition.


Napoleon Bonaparte was the political and military leader who eventually achieved the goals and reforms of the Enlightenment.


One of the finest composers of the Rococo period was Antoine Watteau.


One way to achieve rhythmic variety in metered music is to avoid syncopation.


Preludes were often paired with more structured works such as the toccata during the late Baroque period.


Since the fugue was originally developed on keyboard instruments, it was never successfully adapted for other instrumental or vocal combinations.


The conductor bears little responsibility and has only limited control over a performance.


The conductor brings his arm up on the first beat of the measure, which is normally the strongest.


The evolution from the Renaissance style to the Baroque style occurred in music before the visual arts, and in northern Europe before southern Europe.


The frivolous, aristocratic art of the Rococo was well suited to expressing the enlightened, democratic, and revolutionary views of the late eighteenth century.


The long and terrible religious wars of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries left central Europe largely Protestant and the northern countries largely Roman Catholic.


The members of the Enlightenment were concerned with mistreatment of the upper classes, and they initiated significant humanitarian reforms to correct these injustices.


The most commonly used scales in Eastern music are major and minor.


The orchestra prepares for a cadenza by playing a long decrescendo that ends quietly on the tonic chord.


The range of "colors" or timbres in music is not nearly as great as the range of colors in the visual arts.


The standard by which sounds are labeled "consonant" and "dissonant" remains constant through time but differs from culture to culture.


The tones of a harpsichord last longer than those of a piano.


The transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque can be described as a change from a romantic emphasis on drama and personal expression to a more classical style that stressed balance, order, and repose.


The whole-tone scale divides the octave into eight whole steps.


There is usually no reference to tempo on a printed program.


Tonality refers to the dominance of the dominant note over other pitches in the major or minor scale.


When there are more than three beats per measure, a secondary accent cannot occur.


mezzoforte is a very loud volume


In metered Western music, it is customary to accent the first and fourth beats of each measure.


The three movements of a concerto grosso are arranged


Keyboard players improvised the inner parts according to the rules of tonality, completing the triad built upon each bass note unless the composer indicated otherwise by using a system of musical shorthand called

figured bass

The opera buffa introduced the ensemble __________ to bring an act or an opera to a musically and dramatically exciting close.


In a Classical string quartet, the person playing __________ serves as the leader of the group.

first violin

Major and minor scales each contain

five whole steps and two half steps

Schubert absorbed the Classical appreciation of __________, and his chamber pieces are beautifully organized according to Classical principles.


the overall design of a work is called its


A Classical string quartet usually consists of __________ movements.


Quadruple meter has __________ beats per measure.


In France, the most important composer of the Rococo period was

francis couperin

Included in the brass family are the trumpet, ____________, trombone, and tuba.

french horn

The rate of vibration of sound waves is called


The __________ is an imitative polyphonic composition with three to five melodic lines or "voices."


The toccata was frequently followed in performance by a(n)


A five-tone scale within the range of an octave is called the


A melody consists of one or more parts that are called


When a primary melody is accompanied by other, subordinate voices that produce harmony, the texture is called


In his reform operas, Gluck did all of the following except

including many da capo arias because of their intense dramatic quality.

Gesualdo employed chromaticism in his madrigals to

increase tempo

In the sixteenth century, short but spectacular music dramas called __________ were often performed between acts of a play.


The musical term referring to the distance between two tones is


An example of motivic repetition occurs near the beginning of

jingle bells

Both Domenico Scarlatti and Francois Couperin were well known as composers of

keyboard works

all of the following ideas are characteristic of the Baroque period except

lack of interest in religion

Beethoven and his younger contemporary, Schubert, inherited all of the following musical traditions except

less precise notation than was used previously.

The text of an opera is called a(n)


The term universally applied to German art songs is


Seventeenth-century painters shared with contemporary scientists a fascination with the properties and effects of


rhythm refers to the arrangement of

long and short sounds



A B-flat note is __________ in pitch than a B note.


A melody with a songlike character is


One melody that can be played on the black keys of the piano is

merrily we roll along

The world's best-known and best-loved oratorio is Handel's


Meter refers to the organization of rhythm into

metrical patterns called measures

The __________ is an instrument that helps composers indicate the tempo of a composition.


The __________ was invented in 1816, enabling composers to indicate exactly the tempo they desired for any composition.


Unlike the French Rococo, the German expressive style represented __________ taste.

middle class

The third movement of many Classical symphonies, sonatas, and string quartets is a

minuet and trio


moderately soft

One of the most significant contributions of the Florentine Camerata was a new type of solo singing called


A single, unaccompanied melodic line has a type of texture called


A short melodic idea that sounds fragmentary is a


Classical composers changed the orchestra in all of the following ways except

narrowing the Baroque conception of the orchestra

Jacques-Louis David was a __________ artist whose revolutionary sympathies imbued his later works with romantic characteristics.


The Florentine Camerata was centered in __________, Italy.

none of the above

The strongest harmonic relationship or "pull" in the tonal system is

none of the above

The assistant to the conductor calls the orchestra to attention and then gestures to the _________ to play a tuning pitch.


The interval from one C note to the C note eight tones above or below is called an eighth, or a(n)


The most consonant interval is a


The __________ had the ability to produce a variety of timbres, dynamic levels, and pitches, making it suitable for the Baroque taste for drama and contrast.


Many contemporary musicians define music as

organized sound

All of the following are characteristics of Rococo visual arts except

ornamentation became even more ornate

A favorite melodic device of the Baroque period was the use of __________, the repetition of a melodic phrase at different levels of pitch.


A melodic and/or rhythmic pattern that is repeated many times is a(n)


The introductory orchestra piece of an opera is called the


The French aristocracy moved away from the formal and austere court at Versailles to the intimate __________ salons and comfortable country lodges.


Johann Sebastian Bach wrote two large choral works called __________, oratorios based upon the events leading to the crucifixion of Christ.


the art of the baroque is filled with each of the following except


Beethoven liked to combine forms: the __________ retains the key relationship of the sonata-allegro but alternates themes in the fashion of a rondo.

sonata rondo

The Classical composers expanded the Baroque concept of multimovement compositions by

standardizing the number of movements for certain types of works.

When the pitches of a melody lie close to one another on the staff, the melodic line is smooth or


The adjusting levers, buttons, or handles on an organ are called


The melodic sections in ragtime are called


eighteenth century artists described seventeenth century art as "baroque" because they found it to be

strange and impassioned

When a song consists of two or more verses that are set to the same music, it is said to be in _______ form.


The fourth step of a diatonic scale is called the


The short sets of stylized dance pieces for lute or keyboard popular during the Renaissance were expanded in the Baroque to multimovement works consisting of several dance pieces, called


The term cantata originally meant a piece to be


Accents may be achieved each of the following ways except


The damper pedal of the piano allows the pianist to

sustain tones after the keys have been lifted.

A __________ is a multimovement work played by an orchestra and originally based on the Italian overture consisting of three movements (fast-slow-fast).


Among instrumental forms, the __________ experienced the greatest development and offered composers the widest field for creativity during the mid-1700s.


Accented notes occurring in unexpected places create the rhythmic effect called


The quality of sound that is characteristic of a particular voice, instrument, or ensemble is called its


Music is never static, but continually moves in


The goals of the Enlightenment included all of the following except

to encourage mystic, supernatural, and religious beliefs.

A __________, or "touch piece," is a showy keyboard piece that exploits the technical brilliance or virtuosity of the performer.


During the Baroque period, composers developed the ___________ system, in which every note of the major or minor scale bears a specific relationship to every other note


The system of harmony that has been prevalent in the West for nearly three hundred years is called the __________ system.


When two or more simultaneous pitches create a sense of stability or rest, they are said to be


In the Baroque system of tonality, all of the pitches of a major or minor scale were specifically related to the first note of the scale, or the


Melodies based on the major or minor scales always lead to and conclude on the


The first and last note of either the major or minor scale is called the


Where does the cadenza usually occur in a concerto?

toward the end of a movement

The end of the improvised solo passage in a concerto is often indicated by a __________, which summons the orchestra to join in bringing the movement to a close.


A faster rate of vibration causes a higher pitch, and a slower rate of vibration causes a lower pitch.


A high baritone may sing in the tenor range, but the timbre of the baritone's voice is richer or "darker" than a tenor's.


A melody is a succession of tones logically conceived so as to make musical sense.


A scale is an ascending or descending pattern of half and whole steps with the range of one octave.


According to the doctrine of affections, only one mood was to be expressed within one composition or within one movement of a multimovement work.


Baroque violins differed in several respects from the viols of the Renaissance; new methods of construction and new bowing techniques produced a louder sound, pleasing to the romantic taste of the Baroque music lover.


Beethoven's Ninth Symphony has a choral fourth movement based upon Schiller's "Ode to Joy," that continues to thrill audiences today.


Between 1800 and 1830, metal braces were added to the piano to increase the amount of tension the strings could bear, and a cast-iron frame was added, making the piano essentially like our modern instrument.


By the end of the Baroque era, professional opportunities for women to direct court or church ensembles were still largely denied.


Changing the size of a vibrating medium causes it to produce a different pitch.


Classical composers expanded the sections and added a fourth movement to the symphony, organizing each "movement" according to the principles of a chosen instrumental form.


Composers recognized two distinct types of solo singing, each implied but not achieved by monody: the recitative and aria.


Conducting patterns should coincide with the


Contrasting dynamic levels became an important characteristic of Baroque music.


__________, an early master of the symphonic form, was employed as a court composer by the same noble family for nearly thirty years.

Franz Joseph Hayden

The greatest painter of mid-eighteenth-century France was

J.B.S. Chardin

The melodic form of "Deck the Halls" is:

aaba modified

The stopping points that "punctuate" melodic phrases are called


The scales in Western music are referred to as


The fifth step of a diatonic scale is called the


Written music is said to be


The interval from C to E is a(n)


Both performing and listening to music are highly subjective experiences.


music always has rhythm


Duple meter has __________ beats per measure.


The Classical string quartet consisted of

two violins, viola, and cello.

The most famous composer in the German expressive style was

carl philipp emanuel bach

It is customary to divide Beethoven's work into _____ periods.


Triple meter has __________ beats per measure.


An example of a melodic sequence occurs in the beginning of

three blind mice

There are an unlimited number of possible scale patterns.


Timbre in music is often compared to color in art, and different instrumental or vocal sounds may be described as having different "colors."


Timbre is largely determined by the shape of the sound waves produced by a voice or instrument.


Two famous artists whose work reflected the increased emotionalism prevalent during the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque were Michelangelo and El Greco.


Unlike Baroque composers, who typically confined one section of a work to one mood or "affection," Classical composers often considered the two tonal areas of the sonata-allegro exposition an opportunity to present two melodies of a contrasting nature.


When Haydn was criticized for writing religious music that was too "happy," he replied that he did not believe the Lord minded cheerful music.


galileos father was an influencial member of the florentine camerata


The artist who was called the Great Romantic but considered himself a classicist was Eugene Delacroix.


A melody is sometimes referred to as a


When Schubert died in 1828, he was just 31 years old and not widely known as a composer.


The last beat of a measure, which is usually the weakest, is called the


The first public opera house opened in __________, Italy, in 1637.



very soft

What types of instruments were made by the Stradivari and Guarneri families?


One of Bach's greatest legacies was a set of two volumes of twenty-four preludes and fugues called the __________, which included one prelude and fugue in each major and minor key.

well-tempered clavier

The note that usually equals four beats:

whole note

Compared to the harpsichord, the piano allows the performer to play

with a wider range of dynamic levels.

The modern concept of tonal harmony based on major and minor scales was accepted in the


Musicians date the Baroque period from about _____ to about ____.


From about __________, democratic, republican, and revolutionary causes affected every phase of European life and art.


the french revolution began in


The orchestra used in the first performance of Haydn's Creation in 1798 had _____ pieces.


Napoleon was defeated in


The pitch to which the orchestra and band tunes is


We refer to specific pitches or tones with letter names, using the letters __________ of the alphabet.

A through G

One form of a Classical rondo is


Which of the following best describes the social life of the French aristocracy during the reign of the Duke of Orleans

France was a secular, materialistic, society marked by loose morals and the pursuit of pleasure.

__________ was one of the first major composers to use metronome markings.

Franz Schubert

__________, a transitional figure who composed in both the Classical and Romantic styles, was the only "Viennese" composer who was actually from Vienna.

Franz Schubert

The treble clef is also called the ______ clef.


Gluck responded to a statement made by __________ that the French language was entirely unsuited to singing by effectively setting a French libretto to music.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

The date of __________ death (1750) is generally accepted as the end of the Baroque period.

Johann Sebastian Bachs

The three outstanding composers of the Classical period were

Mozart, Hayden and Beethoven

One of England's greatest painters during this period, __________, preferred to paint the rich and the elegant, stressing line over color in the classical manner.

Sir Joshua Reynolds

The Florentine Camerata was

a group of intellectuals who discussed and promoted changes in artistic style

The Florentine Camerata found the existing vocal forms unsuitable for the clear and dramatic expression of a text for all of the following reasons except

the combination of melodic lines in the polyphonic madrigal made it too easy to understand the words

The Protestant Reformation led to a long period of religious conflict marked by all of the following except

the eventual settlement of the catholics in northern Europe and protestants in italy

The most significant difference between the exposition and the recapitulation in sonata-allegro form is that

the exposition changes key but the recapitulation does not.

Which Classical composer accepted the social and artistic restrictions of court employment?


The two outstanding Classical composers of the late eighteenth century were

Hayden and Mozart

The French intellectual, called the "father of Romanticism," who turned from a rational to an emotional approach to life and art was

Jean Jacques Rousseau

The first comic opera was __________, written by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi.

La Serva Padrona

Listening to different recordings of the same work

Listening to different recordings of the same work

__________ sometimes constituted "mini" music dramas, with different voices or combinations of voices answering each other in dialogue form.


Gluck wrote the first reform opera, which was

Orgeo and Euridice

The musical center of the Classical style, and the city where Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven all lived and worked was


The most prolific composer of Baroque concertos, including solo concertos as well as concerto grossi, was


The ascending major scale pattern is


The melodic form of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" is:

a b

A change in dynamic level during the performance of a composition may be achieved in two ways: the instruments or voices may simply play or sing louder or softer; and/or

a number of instruments or voices may be added or taken away.

Initially, the goals of the French Revolution included all of the following except

a powerful monarch to rule the country by divine right.

The invention of monody was important to Western music because it demonstrated that

a solo singer could combine beautiful music with dramatic text expression

The melodic form of the "Jingle Bells" refrain is:

abab modified

One of the many composers whose music exhibited both the Renaissance and Baroque styles was

carlo gesualdo

During the early nineteenth century, the harp was improved, acquiring "double __________," that allowed it to play flat as well as sharp notes.


The vivid, passionate expression of the _________-human emotions or "states of the soul"-led to the Baroque period.


Chords may be constructed upon the following intervals:

all of the above

Early opera librettos were

all of the above

Some of the elements that can differ in every performance are

all of the above

The stringed instruments that are normally not included in the orchestra include the

all of the above

The two notes of an octave

all of the above

Timbre can be affected by

all of the above

Which of the following characteristics of the late eighteenth century's artistic style renders the term Classical particularly applicable to the period?

all of the above

galileos discoveries about the solar system

all of the above

The "first practice" of music, as identified by Monteverdi, is described by all of the following except that

all of the voices are nearly equal in importance

Although Beethoven mastered the forms of the Classical style, he also altered them by

all of these

All of the following are characteristics of an aria except

an aria has unmetered rhythm

The fugue entrances alternate between the tonic and dominant keys, with those in the dominant called the


Monteverdi shared __________ taste for dramatic and emotional settings of madrigal texts, using dissonance for expressive purposes

carlos gesualdos

By the 1720s, audiences were tiring of the highly stylized Baroque opera, so a new dramatic form, the __________ opera, became popular in England.


Gluck was impressed by a famous French Baroque composer, Jean-Philippe Rameau, who attempted with some success to integrate __________ into the drama of his works.


the first book printed in america in 1640 was a psalter, the...

bay psalm book


becoming softer

The term __________ is Italian for "beautiful singing."

bel canto

Composers use changes in pitch and dynamic levels in their music to

both of these

A band consists of instruments from the woodwind, ___________, and percussion families.


Bach wrote nearly 200 dramatic religious vocal works called __________, which are short oratorios.


The practice of using all the notes-both in and out of the mode-to create complex and dissonant effects is called


The woodwind family includes the piccolo, flute, oboe, English horn, __________, and bassoon.


All of the following are TRUE about Mozart's operas except

classical restraint and proportion are often abandoned.

All of the following are characteristics of late Baroque, bel canto opera except

close attention to the recitatives and the dramatic integrity of the story

Light in mood and concerned with everyday characters and events, __________ operas developed in several countries during the eighteenth century.


All of the following were characteristics of Classical music except

composers embraced Baroquw intensity of religious feeling

An underlying concept of the Baroque style, the contrasting sonorities of various voices and instruments, was known as the _______________ principle.


The ________ principle of contrasting sonorities formed the basis of the Baroque concerto


Shortly before an orchestral performance is to begin, the first violinist, known as the ____________, enters the stage.


A multimovement work that exploits the contrasts between a soloist and the orchestra is called a


Nearly all Baroque music, except for solo lute and keyboard pieces, was accompanied by two or more instruments that performed the bass line and that were called the


When the pitches of a melody occur in wide intervals, the melodic line is angular or


In music, harmony signifies a pleasant or desirable condition.


The note that usually equals one-half beat:

eight note

It was the French who articulated and defended the ideas that led to the Age of Reason, but they freely acknowledged their debt to the English for pointing the way toward the intellectual movement called the


All of the following were TRUE regarding the Romantic period around the turn of the nineteenth century

even as music performance moved from the private chamber to the public concert hall, the quality and quantity of music remained unchanged.

The opening section of a fugue, in which the subject entrances are stated, is called the


A sequence is the repetition of a melodic phrase at the same pitch level.


Although the Classical period was primarily a secular age, the Church remained a strong influence in some areas of Europe; however, very few composers contributed to the repertoire of religious music.


At the beginning of the seventeenth century, composers found Palestrina's polyphonic style more suitable for secular songs rather than church music.


Because Beethoven's piano music was lighter and more refined than that of Mozart, the Viennese piano was redesigned to be quieter in the early nineteenth century.


Beethoven developed a close relationship with Haydn because their personalities were so closely matched.


Beethoven made frequent use of the sonata-allegro design, and he always kept its traditional proportions.


Classical sonata-allegro form has been nicknamed the "fourth movement form" because it has been used as the fourth movement for so many symphonies, concertos, sonatas, and string quartets.


Due in large part to Gluck's efforts, French replaced Italian as the language of serious opera all over Europe in the eighteenth century.


Harmony is an essential element of non-Western music.


Haydn was a vain man who called himself the "master of all" composers.


In music, dissonance implies a negative or undesirable situation.


For thirty years, Monteverdi was choirmaster at St. Mark's in Venice, where __________ had composed and performed great works in the Venetian polychoral style

giovanni gabrieli

___________ was a famous Italian organist, teacher, and composer who wrote many compositions for St. Mark's in Venice.

giovanni gabrieli

The distance from any note on a keyboard to its nearest neighbor in either direction is a(n)

half step

The smallest interval traditionally used in Western music is the

half step

The chromatic scale divides the octave into

half steps

the following are all famous baroque artists except


The stringed instrument in the orchestra that is always plucked is the


During the Baroque era, the __________ replaced the lute in popularity, and many lute pieces were played on this instrument instead.


All of the following are characteristics of Monteverdi's madrigal compositions except

he used the old stile antico for madrigals recognizing certain tonal principles

The best and most satisfying way to experience music is

hearing a live performance

A C-sharp note is __________ in pitch than a C note.


Moving from the left side to the right side of a piano produces tones relatively __________ in pitch.


All of the following are TRUE of Beethoven's music except

his music shows a lack of sudden mood changes, to the point of being static.

A hymn sung with accompaniment is an example of ___________ texture.


The texture of Rococo music was generally


baroque musical style was affected by each of the following except

homophonic texture becoming more important than polyphony

Both monody and the Venetian polychoral style implied a new texture of music eventually known as


During the Classical period, the predominant texture was


A piece to be played or sounded upon instruments rather than sung was called a


The church of St. Mark in Venice, Italy, designed in the plan of a cross, became the center for the performance of __________ music, festive music performed by several choirs of voices and/or instruments.


A texture that involves melody used in two or more lines simultaneously is called


A __________ is a relatively short keyboard piece which may be an independent composition or an introduction to another piece or set of pieces.


A religious keyboard composition based upon the melody of a Lutheran chorale is a chorale


Another name for a virtuoso female singer is a

prima donna

Music based upon a literary or extramusical subject is called _____________ music.


In literature, the eighteenth century was an age of __________ more than poetry.


The note that usually equals one beat:

quarter note

Syncopation is used in jazz and in __________, a precursor of jazz.


Rhythm notation indicates all of the following except

rate of speed

When keyboard players improvised the completed harmonies above the figured bass, they were __________ the figured bass.


Another Classical multimovement composition to be "sounded" by one or two instruments is called a


Monteverdi's "Tu se' morta" is an example of a(n) __________ from the opera Orfeo.


The term classical is an ambiguous word that has acquired all of the following meanings except

referring to a work of art that is new, innovative, and sure to become popular.

Although the oratorio shares many characteristics with the opera, its most important difference is its

religious subject matter

Just before he died, Mozart composed a __________, the Mass performed for funeral or memorial services.


In 1728, English poet and playwright __________ wrote the Beggar's Opera, ridiculing some of the more obvious limitations of Baroque opera.

robert gray

For the third movement of his symphonies, Beethoven often replaced the traditional minuet and trio with the lighter, faster __________, altering the tempo and mood of the movement while preserving the three-part design.

scherzo and trio

The harpsichord was of great importance during the

sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries.

A twentieth-century trend toward restraint and control of resources has led many composers to write for ___________ ensembles.


An electronic instrument that can produce an unlimited variety of sounds as well as modify sounds produced by other sources is the


A printed program provides the title and composer of each composition, as well as the __________, mood, or title of each movement of a multimovement work.


The rate of speed of a musical composition is its


A distinctive feature of Baroque music was the abrupt change of dynamic levels called __________ dynamics.


The Mannheim orchestra achieved all of the following except

terraced dynamics

Monteverdi allowed the __________ of his songs, rather than the prevailing rules of music theory, to determine his use of dissonance.


Melodic lines, used singly, combined with one another, or accompanied by harmony, form


The transitional style which combined Baroque and Classical characteristics in early eighteenth-century France was known as all of the following except

the expressive style

all of the following were baroque-era multimovement works exceot

the fugue

In the "Erlkönig" Schubert uses the piano to suggest

the galloping horse

newton was fascinated like galileo except for

the invention of the metronome in 1816

All of the following were characteristic of Baroque music except

the lute continued to increase in popularity and importance

All of the following are characteristics of a recitative except

the melody of a recitative unnatural inflections

Most Classical chamber ensembles consisted of several instruments belonging to

the same family

Handles career as an opera composer made him more dependent on

the support of the public

The "second practice" of music, as identified by Monteverdi, is described by all of the following except that

the texture is usually homophonic

A recurring melody in a movement, a section of a movement, or an entire composition is called a


The most common interval used in chord construction in traditional Western music is


A Classical concerto usually has __________ movements.


During the Baroque period, the Renaissance style of four or more melodic lines was replaced by the preference for a melody in the highest voice or voices, supported by a strong bass line, with the disposition of the inner voices left largely to improvisation.


During the Baroque, the old style of writing (Palestrina's polyphony) and the new style (monody) were used for different purposes.


During the Renaissance period, dissonances could only be approached and resolved according to strict rules.


During the eighteenth century, concerts became more common and the public's appreciation for music increased.


During the late eighteenth century, a significant number of women became professional musicians, braving criticisms of impropriety and often winning recognition for their accomplishments.


During the nineteenth century, several new instruments were added to the orchestra, making the orchestras bigger than eighteenth-century orchestras.


During the seventeenth century, there were great strides made in scientific research, yet superstition was rampant and the belief in witchcraft, alchemy, and astrology firm.


Each key of the keyboard represents one tone, and each of the seven different white keys bears one of seven letter names.


If a keyboard instrument is included in the ensemble, the other instruments must tune to it, since the tuning of a piano or organ cannot be quickly adjusted.


In England, the Anglican church harassed the Puritans, who fled to Holland and then sailed to the New World in 1620 to become America's Pilgrims.


In Italy during the early eighteenth century, short comic episodes interspersed between acts of a serious opera became so popular that composers used them as the basis for a new style of opera.


In Rococo music, more than one melody was frequently introduced within a piece or movement, in contrast to the Baroque inclination to present one melodic idea, one mood or "affection," at a time.


In a sonata for two instruments, such as a violin and a piano, each of the instruments is of equal importance.


In metered music, tones may occur on, before, or after the beats.


In music, the term well-tempered refers to a method of tuning keyboard instruments.


In music, two or more different tones sounded together produce harmony.


In the first practice, the established rules of music theory were observed; in the second practice, the rules might be broken for the purpose of better expressing the words.


Instrumental music finally surpassed vocal music in both quantity and quality during the Classical period.


Intervals have number names.


It was the Florentine monodists who introduced a new type of vocal writing eminently suited for dramatic recitation; thus, the earliest operas consisted almost entirely of monody.


Like an aria, an oratorio chorus has formal design, metered rhythm, and an orchestral accompaniment; it may be either homophonic or polyphonic and often includes sections of both textures.


MIDI is a recently developed system that allows musicians and composers to control synthesizers, sound modules, and drum machines from a computer.


Mozart's opera buffa, The Marriage of Figaro, was based upon a politically volatile play by the French writer, Pierre Beaumarchais.


Musical sounds vary in intensity as well as in duration.


Proponents of the Enlightenment believed that knowledge is universal, truth absolute, and reason the pathway to Enlightenment.


Rhythmic patterns, phrase structure, and contour are some of the qualities that distinguish one melody from another.


Since the nineteenth century, composers have written cadenzas for their concertos and have even published cadenzas for earlier concertos, including those written by Haydn, Mozart, and their contemporaries.


The characteristic tone quality of a sound is determined by the voice or instrument which produces it.


The high emotions of the late Renaissance religious conflict coincided with the rise of a more emotional style in the arts.


The increasing use of the triad, built upon all the degrees of the scale, gave a sense of stability and harmonic direction to tonal music not inherent in modality.


The subdominant triad provides a somewhat weaker sense of drive toward the tonic chord than the dominant triad.


The term baroque means distorted or irregular


The whole-tone scale has no leading tone.


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