Music Chapter 9
Keeping some elements of a musical thought while changing others; it gives a musical work unity and variety at the same time
Provides variety in a piece of music
The organization of musical elements in time
The reiteration of a mode, phrase, creates a sense of unity in a piece of music
Theme and Variations Form (A A1 A2 A3 ...)
This is a musical form in which there are some changes in the melody; it was popular in the Romanic era and earlier
Rondo Form (ABAC)
This is the musical form in which the piece returns to the same theme after something is played in between; it keeps returning to the melody
Strophic Form (AAA)
This is the musical form in which the same verse is played over and over again with different words; it has the same identical melody; Example: Wheels on the Bus
Binary Form (2-Part form) (AB)
This is the musical form that can be represented as a statement (A) and counterstatement (B); It goes from the verse to the refrain
Ternary Form (3-Part form) (ABA)
This is the musical form that can be represented as statement (A), contrast (B), return of statement (A)
Sonata Form
extended ABA form