Music Therapy Exam

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A client would like to explore self-expression and building self-esteem. Which of the following is most likely intervention that a music therapy would suggest? A) Improvisation B) Listening to music C) Lyric analysis D) Pre-composed music


A music therapist is likely to start a music therapy session with a "hello" song or a "greeting song" for the following reasons; A) A "hello" or "greeting" song provides an indicator of the session starting and can prime for health care goals B) Music therapist mostly work with children, and children like "hello songs" C) A "hello" or greeting song provides a socially acceptable introduction to the session D) Music therapists are usually working toward social skills such as saying "hello"


A music therapist is working with a client with Dementia. During the session, the client and music therapist sing familiar meaningful songs. Which of the following is the purpose of using meaningful precomposed music in the session; A) To empower the client B) To provide entertainment C) To enhance singing skills D) None of the above


A music therapist uses an improvisation technique to help a client explore childhood events and connections that may allow the client to understand the motives behind their current behavioural patterns. What type of music therapy approach is being used? A) Psychodynamic approach B) Cognitive behavioural model C) Biomedical model approach D) Behavioural approach


A patient engaging in Therapeutic Instrumental music performance is most likely focusing on which area/skill? A) Sensorimotor skills B) Executive functioning C) Cognition D) Language skills


As per the video of the gentleman undergoing cancer care, music therapy (and particularly song writing) can assist with reaching which of the following goals: A) Communicating with a loved one B) Facilitating speech rehabilitation


Autism is best described as A) A complex developmental disability B) A childhood disability C) A result of an acquired brain injury D) A result of poor parenting


Based on common themes found in self-written songs in a music therapy session, by client with a TBI, which of the following would be likely line in a song. A) Will they ever see me the same way again B) Roses smell the sweetest in spring C) I want to go home D) When I grow up, I want to be famous


Due to the universality of music, music therapists can work with individuals from any culture without need for any concern. A) This statement is false B) This statement is true as long as both the client and music therapist speak the same language C) This statement is true D) This statement is true because music therapists are proficient musicians who can create and facilitate music from around the globe.


In regards to the ageing population, psychological age refers to the following: A) Ability to respond to a changing environment and adapt to new situations B) Cognitive response time C) Being only as old as you feel D) Cultural factors


In relation to music therapy and mental health goals it can be difficult to measure outcomes. In the article reviewed in Webinar 7 (Gold et al), what was the primary outcome measured? A) Negative symptoms B) Attendance C) Mood D) Dopamine levels


In the article "Music Therapy in Parkinson's Disease, which of the following music therapy interventions were not commonly implemented when managing symptoms of Parkinson's Disease? A) improvisation B) melodic music C) rhythm D) singing


In the case study shared in the courseware reading about the 12 year old girl (Sally) with a TBI, which of the following is true; A) mom requested to join the session, but parents are not usually permitted to join music therapy sessions B) Thee young girl (patient) did not want her songs to be recorded or shared C) Improvising was the most effective music therapy intervention for Sally D) The music therapist used the song writing technique of song parody


In the context of music therapy, which statement is most correct. A) Music is a universal phenomenon B) Music is a learned language C) Music is a learned phenomenon D) Music is a universal language


It is effective for music therapists to use a biopsychosocial approach to pain management because.... A) Music can address the physical, emotional and social aspects of pain. B) Music can evoke relaxation, memories and movement. C) Music therapy is not an effective intervention for pain. D) Music can address the physical, emotional and mental aspects of pain.


Mary, a 40yr old woman diagnosed with depression begins to play creatively on the piano during a music therapy session. She explores the keyboard with different rhythms and dynamics, and is musically supported by the music therapist on a second piano. This is an example of which of the following; A) Improvising B) Analysis Music therapy C) Exploratory music therapy D) Song writing


Mental health is best defined as A) The ability to realize one's own abilities, cope with normal stresses of life, to work productively and contribute to the community B) The ability to realize one's own abilities and to work productively. C) The ability to realize one's own abilities and cope with normal stresses of life D) The abilities to cope with normal stresses of life and to work productively


To become a music therapist in Canada one must A) Complete the mandates of CAMT B) Complete a 1000hr internship approved by the CAMT & an Exam C) Be recognized by CRPO D) All of the above


What is the most important part of song writing as an intervention in music therapy? A) The process B) The ending C) The product D) The lyrics


Which approach draws upon positive and negative reinforcement as a means to facilitate change? A) Behavioural Approach B) Cognitive Behavioural Approach C) Pos/Neg Approach D) Nordoff-Robbins Approach


Which of the following best describes Parkinson's disease? A) A neurological disorder effecting the dopaminergic system B) A neurological disorder C) A genetic disease D) A movement disorder


Which of the following best describes dementia? A) Declining language and memory b) As a result of ageing C) The experience of confusion D) All of the above


Which of the following is NOT a song writing technique. A) Self-direction B) Fill in the blanks C) Song Parody D) Song collage


Which of the following is NOT one of the results from the article 'Individual Music Therapy for Mental Health Care for Clients with Low Motivation: Multicenter RCT? A) Those who participated in music therapy had the highest drop out rate. B) Music therapy was effective for mental health care in patients with low motivation C) The treatment as usual group had a higher drop out rate D) None of the above


Which of the following is a motor symptom of Parkinson's disease? A) resting tremors B) loss of smell C) cognitive decline D) depression


Which of the following is not used as a music therapy intervention? A) Singing in a choir B) Composing music C) Lyric analysis D) Improvisation


Which of the following is required from a client to engage in music therapy? A) None of the above B) Music training C) Verbal communication D) Physical ability


Which of the following is the most important when working in a community music therapy approach? A) Cultural, institutional and social context B) Connecting with the community C) Using multicultural music D) An accurate referral system


Which of the following theories influenced the development of CMT? A) System theory B) Performance theory C) Evidence based practise D) None of the above


Which option best describes the approach Resource oriented music therapy? A) Emphasising the clients strength and potentials B) Bringing music therapy resources into the sessions C) Supporting inner reflection through musical improvisation D) Collaborating with other health care professionals to combine resources


A clients wishes to use a favourite song as the template for his own song writing process within a music therapy session. He changes all the words to make the song relevant to what he wants to express. This is an example of A) Song collage technique B) Song parody technique C) Therapeutic lyric creation D) Fill in the Blanks


A music therapist is facilitating the improvising process with his client. The client and music therapist are both on the piano. The client is playing chaotically without any particular direction. Which technique is the music therapist most likely to implement? A) Playing rules B) Grounding C) Matching D) Mirroring


A music therapist is working with a client who has been referred to build coping mechanisms related to anxiety. Which approach is the music therapist most likely to draw upon? A) Nordoff- Robbins B) Cognitive Behavioural Music Therapy C) NMT D) Freud MT


A music therapist practicising psychotherapy in Quebec would need to be recognized by which organization(s). A) CAMT & CRPO B) CAMT C) OMTA D) None of the above


For an individual with an acquired brain injury, song writing can provide A) An opportunity to recognize a new profession pathway B) An opportunity for recognizing and externalizing emotions C) A useful although usually frustrating process


If a music therapist was collecting data from his/her sessions for a proposal to financially support music therapy at a facility, the following model is the most aligned with evidence-based practice. A) Analytic music therapy B) Neurologic music therapy C) Behavioural music therapy D) Nordoff Robbins


It is effective for music therapists to use biopsychosocial approach to pain management because.... A) Music can address the physical, emotional and mental aspects of pain. B) Music can address the physical, emotional and social aspects of pain. C) Music therapy is not an effective intervention for pain. D) Music can evoke relaxation, memories and movement


Memory is impaired as a result of Alzheimer's disease, however... A) Ability to learn to play instruments remains in tact B) Ability to recall lyrics of a song often remains intact C) Ability to recall the names of loved ones often remains intact D) All of the above


Neurologic Music therapy is most closely defined as A) Research-based system of song-writing B) Research-based system of standardised techniques C) Research-based system of music therapy techniques


One of the following is a factor that heavily influences music therapy approaches. A) managing depression B) Improving gait C) processing bereavement D) supporting social skills


Palliative care does not include.... A) End of life care B) Physician lead care C) Preventing pain and discomfort D) Patient lead care


Sarah has been experiencing performance anxiety. She has reached out to a music therapist for support. During the session, the therapist and Sarah determine together a play list of music. The therapist then guides Sarah through a listening exercise, followed by drawing pictures evoked by the experience. The images are used as a tool to verbally facilitate the experience. Which approach/model is the music therapist using? A) Free improvisation B) G.I.M C) Creative music therapy D) All of the above


Songwriting in music therapy.. A) requires the client to have music training B) Is aimed to address psychosocial, emotional and cognitive needs C) Is aimed to support the client in being recognized in the music world D) is only beneficial for clients who are verbal


When an MTA is facilitating the song writing process as a music therapy intervention, which of the following is the most important? A) The client uses all original lyrics to ensure the piece has individual meaning B) The client is being provided opportunities for choice making throughout the process C) The client is being taught how to construct musical piece of music. D) All of the above


Which characteristic(s) describe the Nordoff-Robbins approach? A) Concept of lyrics analysis B) Concept of the "music child" C) Concept of educational components D) All of the above


Which if the following scenarios is considered music therapy? A) A doctor playing piano next to a patient to provide comfort before going into surgery B) MTA facilitating song writing with an adult with anxiety C) A nurse at a retirement home providing ipods to patients with Alzheimer's to evoke memories D) None of the above are considered music therapy


Which of the following is a songwriting technique. A) GIM B) Fill in the blanks C) Self-direction D) Writing rules


Which of the following is an example of a playing rule that may be implemented in a music therapy session when improvising? A) There are no rules when improvising B) Only playing notes on the piano that have a sticker on them C) Using sheet music and reading what notes to play D) None of the above


Which of the following is not a vocal psychotherapy technique? A) Tuning B) Verbal processing C) Vocal holding D) Improvisation


Which of the following scenarios is considered music therapy? A) A doctor playing piano next to a patient to provide comfort before going into surgery. B) MTA facilitating song writing process with an adult with anxiety C) A nurse at a retirement home providing iPods to patients with Alzheimer's to evoke memories. D) None of the above are considered music therapy


Which of the following statements is true of preliterate cultures. A) Medicine was based on the four humors B) It was believed that music affects mental and physical well-being C) Music held no value in relation to health d) Music was used as preventative medicine


Which of the following was not one of the goals of the Coffee house held at the adolescent mental health facility as per the article? A) Enhancing self-efficacy and confidence B) Acquiring proficiency in music skills C) Engaging in risk-taking D) Overcoming anxiety


A clients wishes to use a favourite song as the template for his own song writing process within a music therapy session. He changes a few key words to make the song relevant to what he wants to express. This is an example of A) Song parody technique B) Song collage technique C) Fill in the blanks D) Relevant composition technique


In the context of music therapy, which statement is most correct. A) Music is a learned language B) Music is a universal language C) Music is a universal phenomenon D) Music is a learned phenomenon


Instrumental playing as a music therapy intervention is most likely for the following purpose A) Help a client to learn musical concepts B) Help a client to learn an instrument C) Improve range of motion, dexterity and muscle strength


Most published work about music therapy with the elderly is concerned with which of the following: A) Transition into long term care facilities B) Enhancing cognition C) Group activity to expand socialisation D) Individual empowerment


Music therapists can work with clients from every culture because music is universal... A) As long as the therapist speaks the same language as the client B) As long as the therapist studies the client's culture C) Only if culture is not a barrier to reaching the health care goals D) Only if the therapist shares the same culture


Music therapy has been self-regulated profession in Canada since... A) 1984 B) 1954 C) 1974 D) 1994


Music therapy in NICU can draw upon many music therapy interventions. Using the heart monitor to direct the beat of the music is known as which of the following: A) Improvisation B) Synchronous creation C) Entrainment D) Percussive motion


One of the following is a factor that heavily influences music therapy approaches. A) Changes to the music industry B) Changes to education programs C) Societal changes D) Cultural differences


Pain is best described as A) A physical experience B) a fight or flight experience C) a subjective experience D) a survival instinct


Sohrab is in palliative care and has been referred to music therapy. He would like to engage in a life review and create something he can leave for his family. What is the most likely intervention that the music therapist will use? A) Garage band B) Song Analysis C) Song writing D) GIM


The mini-mental State Exam is used for the following purpose; A) To assess those with PD B) To assess those with depression C) To assess cognition D) To assess those w/ ASD


Which of the following best describes the article in the courseware "Music therapy in Parkinson's disease"? A) A randomised control trial B) A pilot study C) A literature review D) A case study


Which of the following is NOT commonly experienced by individuals with a traumatic brain injury? A) Loneliness B) Helplessness C) Independence D) Unhappiness


Which of the following is not something that would happen in music therapy? A) Client asks for music therapist support in creating the melody for a composition B) Music therapist greets clients with their usual "hello" song. C) Music therapist changes client's song lyrics to make the more appealing.


Which of the following is true? A) Individuals with ASD often have a lot of trouble recognizing a melody. B) Individuals with ASD often have no interest in music C) Individuals with ASD often have heightened music skills D) Individuals with ASD often have a fear of musical instruments


Which of the following is true? A) The ipod project is always successful B) The ipod project is an excellent addition to the profession of music therapy C) Music can evoke both positive and negative emotions D) All of the above


NMT is most likely to be used to support individuals with which diagnosis? A) Depression B) Anxiety C) Post-stroke D) All of the above


A creative tool to explore the client's inner life so as to provide the way forward for growth and greater self-knowledge" is at the centre of which approach to music therapy? A) nordoff robbins B) Freudian music therapy C) Jungian music D) None of the above


A music therapist begins his session with a "hello song". Throughout the session, he is encouraging self expression through using improvisation and using precomposed music to facilitate coordination of movement. Sometimes, the client changes the words to the song. The therapist supports this as a part of the self expression goals. Which approach describes the music therapist's way of working most? A) Improvisation informed approach B) Psychodynamically informed approach C) Behaviour Approach D) Eclectic approach


A music therapist is working with a client who has been referred to build coping mechanisms related to anxiety. Which approach is the music therapist most likely to draw upon? A) Nordoff robbins B) NMT C) Freud MT D) Cognitive behavioural music therapy


A music therapy assessment allows the therapist to determine which of the following? A) A treatment plan B) If music therapy would be beneficial C) Goals and objectives D) All of the above


A music therapy study measured the effect of music on the action of sucking in premature babies. When the babies sucked, they received musical stimulation. When the babies stopped sucking the music stopped. This is an example of which music therapy approach/model; A) NMT B) Cognitive behavioural music therapy C) Medical music therapy D) Behavioural music therapy


Autism is best described as.... A) A result of poor parenting B) A result of an acquired brain injury C) A childhood disability D) A complex developmental disability


Can a client benefit from music therapy if they don't want to play an instrument? A) Yes, music therapy is defined as listening to relaxing music, not playing an instrument B) No, playing an instrument is integral to the success of the outcomes C) No, a client needs to be proficient on an instrument and willing to play D) Yes, not all interventions require playing an instrument


During a music therapy session, the client is engaging in song writing as a means of self-expression. The client choose a favourite song to be used as the melody of her song. The music therapist supports the client in creating the lyrics based on the collection of words produced from engaging in Therapeutic Lyric Creation. The song writing technique used is an example of which of the following: A) Song parody B) Improvising C) Song collage D) Filling in the blanks


For an individual with an acquired brain injury, song writing can provide A) An opportunity to recognize a new professional pathway B) A useful although usually frustrating process C) Song writing is not possible with individuals with an acquired brain injury D) An opportunity for recognizing and externalizing emotions


Jenna is music therapist who facilitates group music therapy sessions on a university campus to help students manage stress and anxiety. Students are likely to find the music therapy group more effective if... A) The student knows how to play an instrument B) The music therapist uses a resource oriented approach C) The groups are no more than 4 people D) None of the above


Musical entertainment differs from music therapy because A) Entertainment is not meant to meet health care goals B) Entertainment is not a health care discipline C) Entertainment does not build a relationship with individual audience members. D) All of the above


Other health care professionals can provide music therapy as long as..... A) They can play an instrument B) They have permission from the client C) They know what music therapy is D) None of the above


Since when has music therapy been implemented as a regulated profession in Canada? A) 1990 B) Baroque period C) 5000BC D) 1974


Song parody can be effective as a song writing technique because A) Song parody is not useful B) Everyone likes familiar songs C) The song is more likely to be effective if written by a musician D) The melody of a song may resonate with a client's expressions


Song writing in music therapy.... A) is aimed to support the client in being recognized in the music world B) requires the client to have music training C) Is only beneficial for clients who are verbal D) Is aimed to address psychosocial, emotional and cognitive needs.


Songwriting is an effective intervention in music therapy because A) It provides an opportunity for self-expression B) It can feel safe/exteernal C) It can provide a tangible product D) All of the above


Songwriting is an effective intervention in music therapy because A) It provides an opportunity for self-expression B) It can feel safe/ external C) It can provide a tangible product D) All of the above


The Nordoff Robbins Music therapy approach is best defined as A) Facilitating song writing, and index the song writing process B) Using "active" music to facilitate verbal processing C) Facilitating education goals ( as Clive Robbins was a special education teacher) D) Tapping into the client's innate ability.


Warren lives at a long-term care facility and has dementia. He has been referred to music therapy to help reduce his self-isolating behaviours. The music therapist is most likely to include which of the following as part of the treatment plan; A) Lyric analysis B) Rhythmic auditory stimulation C) Learning a new instrument D) Singing familiar and meaningful music


What does a music therapy assessment help a music therapist to determine? A) If the client can play an instrument B) A prescription of music listening C) The client's musicality D) Goals and objectives


What was the purpose of the "bubble space" exercise implemented in the special needs class? A) Children were motivated by using bubbles as a part of a game B) To create a fun and interactive environment. C) The bubbles were used a music instruments. D) Children were able to practise recognizing personal space


When implementing a CMT approach, which of the following music therapy intervention(s) are most likely to be implemented? A) CMT predominately implements singing and playing culturally specific precomposed music B) CMT predominately implements singing or playing original and precomposed music C) CMT predominately implements improvisation and singing D) CMT predominately implements the intervention(s) best suited to the needs of the participants


Which music therapy approach aims to replace irrational thinking? A) Eclectic B) Psychodynamic C) Behavioural D) Cognitive Behavioural


Which of the following is not an improvisation technique, A) Playing rules B) Mirroring C) Matching D) Harmonics


Which of the following is not commonly experienced by individuals with a traumatic brain injury? A) Helplessness B) Loneliness C) Unhappiness D) Independence


Which of the following is not one of the stages of developmental care of premature infants? A) Survival B) Transition to interactive stimulation C) Pacification D) Attachment


Which of the following is the best definition for music therapy in Canada? A) Music therapy is the use of music in any therapeutic form B) Music therapy is the use of beautiful music to assist people C) Music therapy is the use of music and musical elements to reach health care goals. D) Music therapy is the use of music by an accredited music therapist to facilitate health care goals


Which of the following is the most common aim when using a community music therapy approach (CMT)? A) CMT is often aimed at making music creating more accessible to communities. B) CMT is often aimed at supporting performances C) CMT is often aimed at supporting mental health goals. D) CMT is often aimed at changing the system that is sometimes part of the situation of the client.


Which of the following options best describes the term "health"? A) Health is the absence of illness B) Health is a state of complete physical and mental well-being. C) Health is a state complete physical well-being D) Health is state of complete physical, mental and social well-being


Which of the following statement(s) are true? A) In ancient Greece, music was regarded as a special force over thought, emotion and physical health B) Music was being used as therapy for people with disabilities in the USA in 1800s C) There was music therapy training programs in the USA in the 1950s D) All of the above


Which of the following statements is true. A) It is important that a client follows the playing rules in an improvisation B) The music therapist should always provide playing rules C) All of the above D) None of the above


Which of the following would NOT be implemented as a music therapy intervention? A) Singing a song to enhance breathing B) Listening to music to elicit memories C) Writing a song to explore emotions D) Attending a rock concert to be social


"Holding" is a songwriting technique used in music therapy T or F


A group of musicians play classical music at a long term care home for relaxation. The residents find this experience very therapeutic. Some of the residents report a decrease in their anxiety levels. This is an example of music therapy. T or F


A music student plays the guitar to calm her sister who is feeling very upset. This is an example of music therapy T or F


A music therapist should only use one improvisation technique during a single session, to ensure an effective therapeutic experience. T or F


All music therapists in Ontario, must also be recognized by the CRPO T OR F


As per the research discussed in your courseware, 'wanting to go home' is a common theme in songs written by people with an acquired brain injury. T or F


Autism presents itself the same way in all people diagnosed with autism. T or F


CMT follows the same traditional boundaries and definitions of other music therapy approaches. T or F


Community Music Therapy is different from other types of music therapy because there is an emphasis on taking into consideration the cultural, institutional and social contexts of the participants. True or False


Community music therapy is an approach predominately implemented in mental health settings. T or F


Community music therapy is best defined as people coming together to play music as a group within a community. T or F


Compared to other music therapy approaches, neurologic music therapy approaches offer a great deal of variability, in terms of how the sessions are implemented. True or False


Current treatment for the symptoms of PD is centred on the person's emotional well-being, followed by supports for physical or motor symptoms of PD. This is because it is understood that the person's well-being greatly impacts the outcomes of the intervention of the physical goals. T or F


Currently, to become a music therapist in Canada, there are only 2 universities to choose from offering a recognized music therapy training program. T or F


Due to participatory ethos of the coffee house, in the case study written by Elizabeth Mitchelll; it is understood that everyone at the coffee house will perform. T or F


Due to the complexity and subjectivity of music, none of the music therapy approaches include measurable results T or f


Due to the natural connection between music and humans, clients do not refuse the opportunity to engage in music therapy. T or F


Due to the natural connection infants have with music, prerecorded music is often played throughout Neonatal intensive care units for all premature infants, family and staff to enjoy. T or F


GIM is taught as part of the music therapy training programs in Canada and the USA. T or F


GIM training is a part of most music therapy training programs. T or F


If a client has a background in music, they will likely benefit more from engaging in the intervention of improvising than a client with no background in music. T or F


If an individual does not have a mental illness, that person would not be referred to music therapy to work toward mental health goals. T or F


If an individual does not have any clinical diagnoses of a mental illness (e.g. depression, anxiety, schizophrenia etc.), they have good mental health. T OR F


If an individual has Aphasia they will not be able to participate in music therapy. T or F


If you have not been diagnosed with a mental illness, it can be assumed you are living in a state of good mental health. T or F


In the Renaissance period, although the therapeutic impacts of music were being widely recognized, music was not yet incorporated into clinical medicine/practice. T or F


In the article discussed in webinar 7 (Gold et al), vocal music psychotherapy was the most used technique followed by free improvisation. T or F


In the early 1900's, music was not being used in hospitals as music was no longer recognized as valuable in a medical setting. T or F


In the early 20th century, music was not being used in hospitals as medicine no longer saw the value of music in a medical setting. T or F


In your courseware, the article "Music therapy in Parkinson's disease" found research to support the use of music therapy for the emotional symptoms associated with Parkinson's but not the motor symptoms. T or F


It is better not to incorporate structure into music therapy session when working with an individual with ASD as predictability make the session boring and non-engaging for the client. T or F


It is not likely that an individual with autism would be referred to music therapy to facilitate speech and communication T or F


It is not possible to collect data about the physiological impact of music on humans because music is subjective and individual to each person. T or F


It is not possible to engage premature babies who are in neo natal care in music therapy because they cannot play instruments or engage in the music therapy interventions. T or F


It is not possible to implement a CMT approach when working with individuals with developmental differences. T or F


It is only more recently (since about 1974), that music started being used in health care settings. T or F


It is only more recently, (since the regulation of music therapy in Canada- 1974), that music therapy is being used in mental health and prison settings. T or F


It is standard that musicality and singing are tested as a feature of cognitive deterioration along with the MMSE, as it is known that these areas are often preserved despite dementia. T or F


Learning techniques about how to work in NICU as a music therapist, is part of the music therapy training in Canada. T or F


Leo Kanner is a music therapist most known for his work with children with ASD T or F


Listening to white noise during surgery can have the same effect as listening to music. Research suggested they both equally reduce the need for sedation as they both act as a distractor. T or F


Live music is always preferred in a NICU setting as this allows the music therapist to respond in the moment. T or F


Many individuals feel intimidated by the use of musical instruments in a therapeutic setting. Particularly individuals with a mental illness. For this reason, there was a high drop out rate in the first 3 months of the music therapy arm of the study, as per the article reviewed in webinar 7. T or F


Memory loss is an normal part of ageing T or F


Most of the articles reviewed in "music therapy and Parkinson's disease" gathered data from a single music therapy session opposed to participants engaging in several sessions of music therapy to determine the efficacy of music therapy on the symptoms of PD. T or F


Music Assisted Relaxation (MAR) is the best and most used intervention in palliative by music therapists. True or false


Music has not been historically documented as a part of health and wellness. Music is currently accessed as a means of entertainment, which is in line with the historical use of music. T or F


Music is a universal language. For this reason, an individual's cultural background is irrelevant when engaging in a music therapy session. T or F


Music therapist adopted the idea that certain music should be used to evoke certain moods and to influence ethos from the Greeks. T or F


Music therapist only work as a part of a health care team. Not in private practice T or F


Music therapist working in a mental heath setting, such as inpatient mental health unit, will typically reference a music therapy manual to establish a music therapy treatment plan. T or F


Music therapists should not receive supervision or personal therapy as it may bring up issues that will negatively impact their music therapy sessions with clients. T or F


Music therapy in palliative care does not align with a biopsychosocial approach. T or F


Music therapy is a health care profession uninfluenced by political or government agendas. T or F


Music therapy is still an emerging field and currently only recognized and practised in Europe and North America T or F


Music therapy research can only by found in music therapy journals. T or F


Music therapy research in NICU is new. It is just over the last 10 years that research and publications on the topic of music therapy in the NICU began. T or F


NMT is a music therapy approach that is taught in most music therapy training programs in Canada and the USA as part of the accreditation process. T or F


NMT is an example of biopsychosocial model. t OR F


Nordoff-robbins is the most effective and most commonly used music therapy approach to support mental health care goals. T or F


One of the benefits of the coffee house, as described in the case study by Elizabeth Mitchell, is the competitive nature of the performances. Receiving a first, second or third place ribbon provided the client with a sense of accomplishment. T or F


Only a health care professional can make a referral to music therapy. T of F


Palliative care is only for those who are expected to live for 6months or less. True or False


RAS in a technique used in the approach free improvisation T or F


Recognizing the importance of caring for the parents/caregivers of an infant in NICU, support programs such as group music therapy are available for parents at hospitals in most countries. T or F


Research that included passive music therapy interventions were not included in the article "Music therapy in Parkinson's disease". T or f


Samatha is a talented pianist and singer. She volunteers to play music at a long term care centre. After witnessing the impact of music on people with dementia, she started to organize weekly gatherings at the long term care centre, for people to come together to sing familiar, meaningful music. Residents, family members and staff often join and sing together. Everyone is equal in the music- it is not obvious who has a diagnosis of dementia. This is an example of Community music therapy. T or F


Some music therapy approaches refer to music "in" the therapy, and some approaches refer to music "as" therapy. There is no difference between these terms. t or f


Song writing is the best therapy intervention to implement when working on symptoms related to an Acquired Brain Injury. T or F


Song writing is the most effective music therapy intervention for reaching health care goals related to an acquired brain injury. T or F


Starting the song writing process as a music therapy intervention should never happen on the first session with a client w/ a TBI. T or F


The article reviewed in Webinar 7 (Gold et al) concluded that music therapy is not effective for mental health inpatient with low motivation. T or F


The case study about the coffee house, by Elizabeth Mitchell is an example of how community music therapy can be effective for youth. However, including staff in the coffee house proved to be problematic. T or F


The coffee house event, as described as Elizabeth Mitchell, is not an example of Community music therapy. T or F


The examples presented about the use of music therapy with an acquired brain injury are exceptional. Music therapist typically do not work with individuals with an acquired brain injury. T or F


The instructor of this course (2MT3), Rachael, is conducting research about music therapy as part of her PhD research. As described in the webinar, the music therapy sessions offered through the research is not an example of community music therapy because the participants are not preparing for public performances. T or F


The music therapy manual provides clear direction to music therapists about which music therapy interventions are going to best facilitate specific health care goals. t or f


The use of pre-recorded music music is ideal when working with people ASD because it is flexible and can be easily adjusted. T or F


There are multiple types of NICU-MT methodology documented in over 50 research articles. These articles are only found in music therapy journals. T or F


There are no journal publications about music therapy, although there are many published papers about the impact of music on health and well-being. T or F


There are no theories supporting the use of music for evolutionary survival. T or F


There is a specific area of the brain that has been identified as responsible for music. If this areas is damaged, an individual will not be able to engage in music. T or F


There is a specific area of the brain that has been identified as responsible for responding to music. If this area is damaged, an individual will not be able to engage in any way to music. T or F


There is no evidence that music played a role throughout the history of humankind. It is only since humankind has had the tools to document history, that we can be sure music played a role in some way, in human cultures. T or F


There is no research supporting the use of music therapy to support mental health goals. T or F


Wendy is a flexible musician that volunteers at the hospital. She often plays soft, gentil music to families in the waiting room. With her music playing abilities, Wendy is fully qualified to play her music in the NICU and is guaranteed to do no harm to the infants. T or F


When a music therapist is facilitating an improvisation, it is best to stick to one technique such as mirroring or matching. T or F


When working with a child with a disability, the only emotional goal is to support expression of happiness. T or F


Classical music has the greatest impact on pain relief. true or false


If an individual is diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, their symptoms will remain relatively the same over time. True or false


Matching is a music therapy technique used by the music therapist when he wants to communicate to the client that what they are expressing is being heard exactly as it is. A) True B) False


Music therapy is still an emerging filed and currently only recognized and practised in europe and north america. T or F


Professional training in music therapy began in the 1960s in the USA. T or F


The application of music therapy for managing an anxiety disorder would likely be the same as managing pre-operative anxiety. True or False


The earliest known reference to music therapy in the United states was an article called "Remarkable Cure of a Fever by Music: An Attested Fact" published in the New York Weekly Magazine. T or F


A music therapy technique that offers a creative, nonverbal means of expressing thoughts and feelings is know as ________ This music therapy intervention allows the client to use musical sounds, timbres and mediums to express oneself.


The most common symptom experienced by those in palliative care is _______


A child with ASD is referred to music therapy for communication rehabilitation after a stroke. The music therapist will be collaborating with the speech pathologist in supporting the verbal communication goals. If the music therapist has the appropriate training he/she will likely draw upon NMT techniques. T or F


A common outcome of CMT, as per the case study about the coffee house described by Elizabeth Mitchell, is increased agency (enhanced independence and ability to make choices). T or F


A music therapist may use a Behavioural approach with a client diagnosed with Autism who has been referred to enhance social skills. T or F


Although the Canadian Music Therapy Association (now known as the Canadian Association of Music Therapists) was not formed until 1974, there were several conferences in which leaders in the field shared their music therapy techniques and programs. t OR f


As per the reading about Parkinson's disease, it is recognized that both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic therapies need to be further developed to manage symptoms of Parkinson's disease. T or F


Due to the clinical boundaries, a multidisciplinary team would typically not witness how a shared client engages in music therapy. The coffee house as per the case study written by Elizabeth mitchell, is an example of how members of the multidisciplinary team could witness new aspects of a client through witnessing music engagement (i.e. in the performance). T or F


Due to the positive impact of musicians providing music to soldiers returning from WW2 who were in hospital in the USA, music therapy began to develop as a profession in the USA. T or F


Due to the positive impact of musicians providing music to soldiers returning from WW2 who were in hospitals in the USA, music therapy began to develop as a profession in the USA, resulting in the first university music therapy training program being offered in the USA during the 1940's. T or F


During the Baroque period, it was believed that music could be used as a remedy against despair and melancholy. T or F


Improvising as a music therapy intervention is a way for individuals to self-express without judgement. The experience can be empowering as one does not need to worry about making a mistake. T or F


In a NICU setting, it is possible that the use of music can cause more harm than good. t or f


In the Baroque period (1580-1750) music was linked to medical practise. T or F


In the early 20th century, despite the lack of music therapy training programs, or regulatory associations, research related to music and health could be found in scientific publications. T or F


In the late 18thC music was still advocated by European physicians in the treatment of disease, a definite change in philosophy was underway. T or F


In the late 18thC music was still advocated by European physicians in the treatment of disease, although a definite change in philosophy was underway. T or F


In your courseware, the article "Music Therapy in Parkinson's disease" the results suggest that implementation of music therapy as part of symptoms management for PD. T or F


It can be beneficial for music therapists to collaborate with other professionals such as speech therapists or physiotherapists. T or F


Music can influence physical behaviour including autonomic activity. T or F


Music during the renaissance was not only used as a remedy for melancholy and despair, but also prescribed by physicians as preventative medicine. T or F


Music therapy can be offered as group therapy and/or individual therapy. T or F


Music therapy may choose to specialize model/approach. T or F


NMT provides measurable outcomes T or F


Nordoff-Robbins is a music centred approach. T or f


Parkinson's disease is a motor system disorder T or F


Structure in a music therapy session is particularly important when working with an individual with autism T or F


The evolution of the voice for singing ( a descended voice box) had evolutionary trade offs such as enhanced risk of choking. T or F


The first gathering of "music therapists" in Canada, which resulted in the formation of the CMTA (now known as the CAMT) took place in Ontario. T or F


There are mental health resources/ services offered by Mcmaster University to its students. These resources/services are covered by student tuition. T or F


There have been various studies conducted about the use of music as an analgesic. Some of these studies showed that music may have helped increase one's pain threshold. T OR F


When an individual with ASD engages in music in a music therapy session, the individual's strength are usually highlighted T or F


With a few exceptions, it is difficult to control all the variables of a music therapy session for the purpose of attaining measurable outcome. T or F


An individual with Autism could be referred to music therapy to facilitate speech and communication. T or F


In the early 20th century, despite the lack of music therapy training programs or regulatory associations, research related to music and health could be found in scientific publications. T or f


Music therapist in Canada carry the title MTA ( Music Therapist Accredited) if they are recognized by the CAMT. T or F


Music therapists trained to used NMT are most likely to work with clients who have the following diagnosis... A) Depression B) Autism Spectrum Disorder c) Traumatic Brain Injury d) Anxiety Disorder


Question 13 options: A music therapist is using an improvisation technique with a client. The music created by the client is becoming chaotic. The music therapist starts to play a repetitive, predictable beat to centre the client's expression. This is an example of the improvising technique called________________


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