NA 1 - Test 2

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Benign tumor

a non-life-threatening, non-cancerous tumor that does not spread to other body parts

Unavoidable pressure injury

a pressure injury occurs despite efforts to prevent one through proper use of the nursing process

Stasis Dermatitis

a skin condition affecting lower legs and ankles that occurs from a buildup of fluid under the skin and causes problems with circulation

Which of the following are true about incident reports? a. used to track how the resident was negatively impacted b. new policies and procedures may be established to prevent future incidents c. Is a protective rather than punitive measure d. developed to assist with penalizing staff

a, b, c

Critical Thinking (select all that apply) a. Exercising or involving careful judgment based on facts and observations b. Required to provide safe competent care to residents in a variety of situations c. Allows the nurse aide to put theory into practice when caring for the resident d. Reports an abnormal blood pressure of resident after completing all residents vital signs e. Walks the resident to the bathroom, who is complaining of dizziness f. Immediately reports to the nurse, a resident who is confused today and was appropriate yesterday

a, b, c, f

Critical Thinking Questions to Ask Select one or more: a. What problem or problems do I need to solve? b. What information do I need and where can I get it? c. Why am I working here? d. What am I missing? e. How do I solve the problem?

a, b, d, e

Incident Report

documentation of facts surrounding any unexpected event in healthcare setting; also called an occurrence, accident or event report.

Critical Thinking

exercising or involving careful judgment based on facts and observations

Pressure injury stage 4

full-thickness skin and tissue loss with muscle, tendon, and bone exposure; slough and eschar (thick, leathery dead tissue that may be loose or attached to skin); often black or brown

Unstageable pressure injury

full-thickness tissue loss with injury covered by slough and/or eschar


growth of abnormal cells which may be benign or malignant


hard and rigid structures that make up the skeleton and together form the framework of the body


inflammation of skin


inflicting, involving, or aiming at punishment

Pressure injury stage 1

intact skin; redness over bony prominence Redness remains more than 20 minutes post turning

Epithelial tissue

issue that covers internal and external body surfaces; lines nose, mouth, respiratory tract, stomach, and intestines; skin, hair, nails, and glands

Pressure injury stage 3

kin loss (full-thickness); skin gone; may see subcutaneous fat; slough (dead soft tissue, often moist and varies in color - white, yellow, green, or tan) may be present; could be attached or stringy loose


layer of skin under the epidermis


made of groups of several organs functioning together for a specific purpose or purposes


made of tissue, may be several different types of tissue that carry on a special function, and combine to form a system


made up of systems functioning together to perform activities of daily living needed for continued life

Bladder/Bowel Training

measures taken to restore function of voiding and defecating by resident, with ultimate goal of continence


moving a body part away from the midline


moving a body part toward the midline

Family Support

offers of encouragement, assurance, and sense of connection for the resident offered by blood relatives or group of individuals close to the resident

Avoidable pressure injury

one that develops from improper use of the nursing process


outer layer of skin

Functional Loss

partial or complete loss of the function of a body part


permanent shortening of muscle resulting in immovable joints

The 30 degree lateral position

position of a resident when the bed is not raised more than 30deg and pillows are placed under the head, shoulder, and leg to lift up the hip at about a 30deg angle to avoid pressure on the hip

Urination (or voiding)

process of emptying the bladder


process of emptying the rectum of feces

Deep tissue pressure injury

purple or deep red localized area of discolored intact skin or blood-filled blister; usually due to damage of underlying soft tissue from pressure and/or shear


red, itchy areas on the surface of skin


removal of all or part of a limb because of a disease or an accident


restoration of a resident's highest possible functioning following illness or injury


rubbing of one surface against another; skin is dragged across a surface

Pressure injury stage 2

skin loss (partial-thickness); may see a blister or shallow reddish-pink ulcer; the blister may be intact or open

Bone Marrow

soft and spongy tissue located in the inside part of the bone

Adaptive Devices (assistive devices)

special equipment that helps a disabled or ill resident perform activities of daily living (ADLs)

Supportive Device

special equipment that helps a disabled or ill resident with movement


straightening a body part

Cardiac Muscle

striated, involuntary muscle of the heart


surgical removal of a body part


the inability to control urination or defecation


the introduction of fluid into the colon to eliminate stool or feces or stimulate bowel activity

Integumentary System

the skin; the largest organ and system in the body, responsible for providing a natural protective covering of the body

Connective tissue

tissue that anchors, connects, and supports other tissues;located in every part of the body; bones, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage; blood is a form of connective tissue

Nerve tissue

tissue that receives and carries impulses to the brain

Muscle tissue

tissue that stretches and contracts to let body move

It is important to ask the family of an aphasic resident who was newly admitted about their likes and dislikes. Select one: True False


The purpose of the enema is to clean the colon by eliminating stool or feces or stimulate bowel activity. Select one: True False


External Rotation

turning the joint outward


when a cancer spreads to other parts of the body by breaking off and travelling to other parts of the body


when layers of skin rub up against each other; or it could be when skin remains in place, but tissues underneath move and stretch causing damage to capillaries and blood vessels

Pressure injury stage 5

Kennedy sign - butterfly shaped lesion on sacrum

Hinge joint

a joint that allows movement in one direction, for example, the elbow and knee


a manner of walking or moving on foot


a medical treatment that kills cancer cells using X-ray beams aimed at the tumor, or radioactive material implanted at or near the tumor

Chemotherapy (or chemo)

a medical treatment that uses medications given orally or intravenously to kill cancer cells


Inflammation or swelling of the joints causing stiffness, pain, and decreased mobility

Which of the following should the nurse aide report to the nurse? Select one: a. The resident is crying after visiting with family members b. The family shared their feelings with the resident c. The family is upset after seeing the resident in the facility d. The family perform unusual religious practices


Closed fracture

a broken bone that does not break the skin

Malignant tumor

a cancerous tumor that invades and destroys nearby tissues and can spread to other parts of the body

Shingles (or Herpes Zoster)

a disease caused by a virus, most common in people over 50, with signs that include a rash or blisters on one side of the body, burning pain, numbness, and itching


a group of individuals related by blood, marriage, or a feeling of closeness

Ball-and-socket joint

a joint that allows movement in all directions, made up of the rounded end of one bone fitted into the hollow end of another bone, for example, the hip and the shoulder

What is the NA's role in bowel and bladder training? Select one or more: a. support explanation of training schedule to patient so others can't hear b. keep accurate record of patterns/amounts c. choose the patient's meal choices d. answer call lights promptly e. don't rush or scold f. restrict fluids g. be positive and offer encouragement h. assist to the bathroom i. provide privacy j. offer fluids, fiber foods, regular exercise and good peri-care k. keep bedding clean

a, b, d, e, g, h, i, j, k

When completing the incident report, the NA should include: a. time of incident b. where in the facility it took place c. why it took place d. who was present and exactly what happened e. what you heard about the incident f. your opinions about the incident g. actions taken to help with the incident h. any outcomes noted from actions taken i. documentation in the residents medical record about the incident

a, b, d, g, h

Which of the following questions can you answer? Select one or more: a. How did Mom sleep last night? b. What are the result's of Mom's blood work? c. Did Mom go to therapy yesterday?

a, c

When are residents encouraged to urinate? Select one or more: a. one hour before meals b. once a shift c. every two hours between meals d. when the patient wakes up e. every two hours during the night

a, c, d

Which of the following can be part of the bowel and bladder training? (mark all that apply) Select one or more: a. encourage regular exercise b. encourage foods high in protein c. offer fluids per the schedule d. responding to signal device quickly e. decreasing fluid intake to cut down on accidents

a, c, d

What type of incidents requires an incident report? a. A resident falls b. A resident refuses to take a shower c. A mistake was made during resident care d. Something is broken or damaged by a member of the healthcare team or the resident e. A resident reports that her roommate did not sleep, but played the TV all night and kept her awake f. Someone makes sexual advances or remarks to a member of the healthcare team or resident g. Reports that a resident does not want to eat h. Member of the healthcare team is injured on the job i. Member of the healthcare team believes an exposure to blood and possible blood borne pathogens has occurred j. There is an angry outburst by family members or staff k. Resident states that some item of value is missing

a, c, d, f, h, i, j, k

What are the goals of restorative care? Select one or more: a. maintaining and/or improving the resident's existing abilities b. discouraging the resident from thinking about the future c. do most of the care for the resident so that he/she can regain their strength d. preventing further complications e. move the resident toward increased independence f. focuses on the whole person



any event that has harmed or could harm a resident, visitor, or staff member

Pressure injury (or pressure ulcer)

any lesion caused by unrelieved pressure that results in damage to underlying tissues


are building blocks of the human body and when combined, are said to form tissue

Bony Prominences

areas of body where bone is close to the skin, such as elbows, shoulder blades, sacrum

Prosthetic Device

artificial replacement device for body part that is missing or deformed; improves person's function and/or appearance

As healthcare providers, we should always remember: Select one: a. it is quicker to bathe a patient than have a patient bathe self b. to encourage a resident to be as independent as possible c. to provide the care for a patient rather than letting him realize what he can't do d. to maintain a strict schedule in delivering ADL's to all patients


Think about the following situation. How would you react? There is a salt packet on the tray to be delivered and the meal card for that patient says that they are on a sodium controlled diet. What should you do? Select one: a. Ask the nurse if it's ok to have the salt for this one meal b. Remove the salt packet from the tray before it's delivered to the resident c. Let the resident know that the kitchen has decided to give the resident salt on the tray this time d. Deliver the tray to the resident and ask the resident if salt is allowed on their diet at this time


Which of these factors will negatively affect a family member's decision to place their loved one in the facility where you work? Select one or more: a. Food looks appetizing and smells good b. Strong smell of urine c. Staff is friendly and asks to assist d. Residents are still in the bed and undressed a 11 am e. Signaling device light is on for more than 5 minutes

b, d, e

Cell Theory

basic unit of all living tissues or organisms, all living organisms made of cells, and cellular function is essential process of living things


being able to identify with and understand how a resident feels


bending a body part


bending the toes and foot upward at the ankle


break in the bone caused by an accident or osteoporosis

How long can bowel and bladder training take? Select one: a. 2-3 weeks b. 4-6 weeks c. 8-10 weeks d. 3-6 months


Think about the following situation. How would you react? The doctor has ordered that Mr. Jones be NPO prior to surgery. The meal tray was sent up on the cart along with all the others. What will happen if you accidentally deliver that tray to Mr. Jones and he eats it? Select one: a. Nothing will happen b. He might get surgery delayed for a few minutes c. He may have his surgery cancelled or delayed for 8-12 hours d. The resident will appreciate that you allowed him to eat


Think about the following situation. How would you react? Two patients are ringing their call bells for assistance at the same time. One wants something to drink and the other needs to go to the bathroom. Which one will you address first? Select one: a. Quickly get the resident something to drink b. Call the nurse to help the resident to the bathroom while you get the other resident a drink c. Help the resident to the bathroom and provide a drink to the next resident after d. Ask the resident who needs to go to the bathroom if they can wait a few minutes


What are footboards used for? Select one: a. keep the top sheet off the bed b. prevent legs from rolling off the bed c. help prevent plantar flexion (foot drop) d. all the above


Basic Restorative Care

care provided after resident's highest possible functioning is restored (rehabilitation) following illness or injury


carry on work of cell


cells grouped together to carry out a particular activity or function; when grouped together, tissues become organs


confined to bed


connective tissue that cushions bones at the joints and keeps them from rubbing together

Guidelines for assisting with bladder retraining include all the following except: Select one: a. running water in the sink b. have the patient lean forward putting pressure on the bladder c. regular exercise d. limiting fluids


Think about the following situation. How would you react? Both of Mrs. Bailey's arms are in casts. She cannot use her hands. She asks you for a drink of water. You set the cup in front of her, but she looks at you. What should you do? Select one: a. Push the cup closer to her b. Let her know you will be back to help when you have time c. Put a straw in the cup and ask her to lean forward to drink d. Ask the resident what help you can provide, offer to hold the cup while she drinks


Think about the following situation. How would you react? Mrs Smith is unable to control her swallowing reflex, so she has been placed on thickened liquids She asks you for coffee. What should you do before giving it to her? Select one: a. Let her know that she cannot have coffee with her swallowing difficulties b. Ask her to take small sips of the coffee and observe her for signs of aspiration c. Encourage her to have applesauce or pudding that is already thick and will help with her swallowing d. Mix the coffee with a thickener according to the manufacturer and residents care plan


Orthotic Device

device that helps support and align a limb and improve its functioning

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