Napoleonic Era

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Who set up the contential system and why?

Berlin and the Milan Decrees (1806-07) was to ruin Britian economically. -all contential ports are closed to British trade


France representative in the Congress of Vienna

Results of the Contential System: Europe blamed Napolean for.... (4)

1) a decline in trade 2) increase in buisness failure (unemployment goes up) 3) shortages on necessities (food, clothes, etc) 4) one aspect= downfall of Naplean downfall

Personal Weakness (short)

women and kids, huge ego


-Prince -Allied with Napolean at first and then makes plans against him -Conservative, Monarchist, Ancient Regime

Czar Alexander

-Proposes Alliance called the "Holy Alliance"

4 reasons England opposed Napoleon

1) British Government controlled by upper class so napolean is the out growth of french revolution 2)Britian likes a divide europe so they can shift alliances in order to have control 3) Britian suffered economic hardships due to the contential system 4) Britain was the leading colonial power and they were afraid French would create colonies overseas

3 Principles created through the Congress of Vienna:

1) Legitimacy 2) Compensation (land to countries whom brought down Napoleon) 3) Balance of Power (prussia)

The Legacy of Revolution (5)

1. Spreads French revolutionary doctrines (equality) 2. End to old empire 3. introduced code of napolean to world 4. State controlled education systems (anyone can go) 5. Spreads nationalism

University of France (4)

1. controlled all levels of edu 2. build lots of new schools and made elementry manditory 3. improved edu standards and made uniform 4. stressed french nationalism -secularization= no church schools

The legacy of war and empire (6)

1. promoted growth of militarism 2. aroused spirit of intolerate nationalism 3. caused widespread destruction of life 4. dislocated europes economy 5. placed heavy tax burden on conqoured people 6. Set an example of a disbotic rule that some historians will say inspired other dictators

Code Napoleon (6)

1. provided for equal treatment before the law 2. abolished fuedalism 3.guarenteed religious toleration and trial by jury 4. no secert laws 5. influenced law codes around the world 6. divorce is legalized (mutal concent)

Map changes (2)

1. the holy roman empire is dead 2. confederation of the Rhine will become the German Confederation (german bund)- age german unification ---both survive downfall

Concordat of 1801: Pope Pius VII agreed that (3)

1. the state pays church officals 2. church gives up the claim to land lost in French revolution 3. bishops are nominated by state and confirmed by the pope

Napoleon's escape from Elba back to France where he is reunited with his old army am marches through southern France.

100 days

This was the result of Napoleon's growing frustrations with the inefficiency of the Continental system and his growing interests in the Mediterranean region.

1812 Invasion of Russia

Napoleon was seen by some as an heir of the Revolution because of his?: A commitment to equality of opportunity. B support of local elections. C promotion of freedom of expression. D commitment to parliamentary government. E all of these choices are correct.

A commitment to equality of opportunity

Napoleon's purpose in instituting the Continental System was to?: A defeat England through economic war. B consolidate the separate states of Germany. C unify Italy. D create a united Europe under the leadership of France. E punish Russia for his il-fated invasion.

A defeat England through economic war

Under the Napoleonic Code, workers received?: A no specific rights or guarantees. B the right to organize unions but not strike. C the right to boycott employers who would not bargain collectively. D the right to organize unions and strike. E the right to organize unions but not bargain collectively.

A no specific rights or guarantees

How did Napoleon deal with the Holy Roman Empire?: A he replaced the empire with the Confederation of the Rhine. B he annexed the southwestern states to France and created a Northern German Confederation under the leadership of his brother. C he expanded the empire's control over the Confederation of the Rhine. D he crowned himself Holy Roman Emperor. E he installed his own candidate as Holy Roman Emperor.

A replaced with the Confederation of the Rhine

Leipzig and Battle of Nations

Armies of Russia, Prussia, and Austria Defeat Napolean---> surrenders at Fontainbleau

The most persistent opponent of Napoleon and the French Republic was?: A the royalists. B the United States. C Great Britain. D the Russian-Austrian alliance. E the Jacobins.

B Great Britain.

Napoleon?: A was born and raised in Paris. :-) B joined the Jacobins shortly after the French Revolution. C won a naval victory over Horatio Nelson off the coast of Egypt. D had poor math skills. E won the Battle of Trafalgar.

B joined the Jacobins shortly after the French Revolution

Why is it significant that Napoleon crowned himself as emperor of the First French Empire in 1804?: A he was the first of his line. B it was a symbolic gesture to show his independence. C because of the Concordat of 1801, the clergy refused to participate. D it had no significance. E because the Senate had named him "Emperor of the French" rather than "Emperor of France."

B symbolic gesture to show his independence

British victory in 1805 which destroyed Napoleon's plan to invade England and secured Britain's dominance over naval power during the 19th century.

Battle of Traflagar

Napoleon's conquest of Spain doomed its American empire by?: A draining precious resources away from colonial economies for the French war machine. B opening Spanish America up to British invasion. C allowing the colonies to govern themselves for six years. D killing off nearly all trained Spanish administrators. E all of these choices are correct.

C allowing the colonies to govern themselves for 6 years

Although the French Revolution had abolished slavery, Napoleon?: A found that it still survived in some French colonies. B got Spain to give French merchants the asiento power to sell slaves in Central America. C decided to reinstate it and ordered the invasion of Haiti and capture of Toussaint-Louverture. D wanted to go further and grant voting rights to former slaves. E successfully reconquered Haiti and restored slavery.

C decided to reinstate it and ordered the invasion of Haiti and capture of Toussaint-Louverture.

An agreement between Napoleon and the Papacy which declared Catholicism " the religion of the majority of the French citizens."

Concordat of 1801

Composed of 16 German states who excepted French presence in southern Germany, and promised to support Napoleon if war broke out. It also ended the Holy Roman Empire.

Confederation of the Rhine

The establishment of a French blockade of English ships from docking in European ports, therefore, crippling English trade.

Contential System

Born in


In general, Napoleon championed?: A political freedom but not social equality. B the restoration of the Ancien Regime. C all the rights of citizenship proclaimed by the National Assembly. D equality under the law but not political freedom. E freedom of expression but only for the aristocracy.

D Equality under the law but not political freedom

The Quadruple Alliance included all of the following European powers EXCEPT?: A Britain. B Austria. C Prussia. D Italy. E Russia.

D Italy

All of the following are true about the Napoleonic Era (1799-1814) EXCEPT?: A Napoleon came nearer than anyone before or since to imposing political unity on the European continent. B Europe was transformed, not only through resistance to Napoleon but through collaboration in his reforms. C the fighting during the period amounted to a world war, involving not only Europe but America. D despite the fact that all the other European great powers, England, Prussia, Austria, and Russia, were allied against him from 1799 onwards, Napoleon managed to defeat them until 1812. E all of these choices are correct.

D despite the fact that all the other European great powers, England, Prussia, Austria, and Russia, were allied against him from 1799 onwards, Napoleon managed to defeat them until 1812.

After the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era, France?: A became a socialist state. B completely revised its legal system. C instituted universal suffrage and education. D was divided into departments rather than provinces. E rejected the possibility of a constitutional monarchy.

D divided into departments rather than providences

As First Consul, Napoleon combined what he conceived to be the best of the Revolution and of the old regime. This led to all of the following reforms EXCEPT?: A careers in government service were determined by talent, not pedigree. B the creation of the Bank of France. C the codification of French law. D equal rights for women. E the establishment of a solid currency and public credit.

D- equal rights for women

Marie Louise

Daughter of Francis II, great-granddaughter of Maria Theresa, and grandneice of Marie Antoinette: 1. She will bear an heir to the throne, Napolean II (King of Rome) b. Pope Pius VII protested King of Rome title, Napolean had him imprisoned in Rome for a short period

Proclamation of Empire

Dec 2, 1804: he crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I, having taken the crown out of Pope Pius VII hands at Notre Dame Cathedral. In 800 Charlemange was crowned on Dec. 25.

What was the direct cause of the rebellions in Latin America in the first part of the 19c?: A slave revolt in Haiti. B the American Revolution. C the French Revolution. D the spread of Enlightenment ideas. E Napoleon's invasion of Spain.

E Napoleans invasion of Spain

Which country was NOT ruled by a member of the Bonaparte family during the first decade of the 19c?: A Holland. B Westphalia. C Poland. D Spain. E Prussia.

E Prussia

Napoleon's Concordat with the Papacy contained all but one of the following provisions?: A Catholicism was to be the "preferred" religion of France. B primary education was to be controlled by the clergy. C the state had the power to regulate the place of the church in French society. D non-Catholics were to enjoy religious freedom. E lands confiscated and sold during the Revolution were to be returned to the church.

E lands confiscated and sold during the Revolution were to be returned to the church

The island where Napoleon was exiled to after his first defeat as emperor in France.


Absolute rulers who imposed reforms that would benefit their subjects as well as themselves.

Enlighten Despots

Napoleans Military Victories (to 1809)

European monarchies were out to crush Napoleon, he won by 1809: victories against Russia, Austria, and Prussia

Domination of central europe: a bigger....

France via anaxed territories

Italian Campaign

Given command of the French Army in Italy, he won a series of great victories and routed significantly larger Austrian armies

I depicted the cruelty of the French in their attacks on Spanish citizens in my paintings.


An executive group consisting of talented and meritorious people from the French population, for their service to the nation.

legion of honor

Peninsular War

Iberian Peninsula: -spanish and portugese never give up -guerlla warfare -war of atrician

Centralization of Government

local gov is under national gov control -appointment power of local officals= goes to Napoleon

France's desire for orderly government

lots of caos, wants order now

Invasion of Russia

Leave June 1812, enters Moscow sept 14, and retreats December, makes it back to Paris in 13 days Fire starts in the city- burns most down, both sides blame one another -Moscow is evacuated, sleeps in Kremlin -Wants key to city and to admit loss, eventually goes home because of rebellion

State secondary schools, intended to give it's students technical training and to produce loyal military officers and government officials from the graduates.


The foreign minister of Austria who helped to manage and control the agreement made by European nations in the Congress of Vienna. He was a conservative and believed in absolutism.


Rising Spirit of Nationalism

Napoleon inspires French nationalism, his takeovers also causes nationalism in poland, germany, and austria.

Leader of the English fleet in the Battle of Trafalgar, he died in the battle but the success of his fleet was one of history's most decisive victories.

Nelson Horatio

A series of laws to help supervise the rights of other religions in France besides Catholicism.

Organic Articles

Coup d'Etat who helped?

Overthrew the Directory, with the help of Abbe Sieyes COUNSILIT

The Directory (1797) hires napoleon to....

Parisan mob- napolean shoots down

Napoleon's attempt to march across Spain in order to conquer Portugal. Napoleon attempts to secure French control over Spain and is meet with opposition by Spanish guerrillas.

Peninsular War

First Public Recognition

Port City: Toulon- med coast Stops seign of Toulon

Who is in the Congress of Vienna (4) to begin with and then

Prussia, Russia, Austria, and England and then later France

Domination of central europe: formed an alliance with....

Russia (leave e/a alone)

Czar Alexander I feared Napoleon would eventually attack Russia

Russia is hurt by contential system because it closes ports to russia. They open again in 1812 and Napoleon uses this to invade Moscow

scorched earth

Russia military tactic

Britians control over seas

The struggle between the tiger and the shark tiger= france (land) shark= england (water)

After Waterloo

They give him st. Helena island, British watch him till he dies, spends 6 years writing his memoir

Former slave whom aided in the independence of Haiti from the French.

Toussaint L'Ouverture

This finalized the exile of Napoleon to a Mediterranean island off the coast of Italy where Napoleon would be emperor of Elba alone.

Treaty of Fontainebleau

Public Education

University of France not an edu institution but was a government agency that headed all edu in France

Eygptian Campaign

Wanted to get the Brits there, could stop their lifeline to India

Napoleon mobilized his army against the English and Prussians after his return from Elba. The Prussian army comes to the aid of the English and defeat Napoleon's army.


Edmund Burke

Wrote "Reflections of the French Rev."---> Tells England rebellion can be answered in two ways: evolve, or lose everything (supports american independence)

Which of the following was achieved during the regime of Napoleon Bonaparte?: A he codified the laws of France in his famous Civil Code. B women's legal position was weakened with the activation of the Civil Code. C he arranged a Concordat with the Catholic Church. D he created a powerful, centralized bureaucracy. E all of these choices are correct.

all of the above

The Hundred Days (Napolean sent off to Elba, escapes and returned for 100 days)

armies join him enters paris unapposed Austria, Prussia, Russia, England meet him at the battle of waterloo, Beligum where he is defeated

How did Britain react to the Continetal System?

barred any neutral nations from trading with France and its allies

Treaty of Campo Formio

ends Italian Campaign -It is controlled by Austria -Austrians are kicked out of northern italy -Napolean is anti austrian -Napolean wins

Improved Finances

collected taxes fairly and efficently, paid govt debts, and created the Bank of France (used today)

The government established after the overthrow of the Directory to bring political satiability and strengthen Napoleon's executive power.


Domination of central europe: controlled new....

dependencies (combo of colonies and commonwealth)

Legion of Honor

for recogonition of military or civilian service. based on merit.

His Character

geneius, "filing cabient" brain, ambitious, charasmatic

His military ability

goes to military school n France: ecole -typography: where to place things in battle -militarism: go big or go home

Settlement of Religious matters

healed rift between France and the Catholic Church -Encouraged religious toleration


horse culture people live in ukraine, kill French retreating from Russia

Domination of central europe: reduced enemies to.....made them do what?

inferior status (prussia and austria) tax and army men (amage)

Public Works

infrostructure building

Exhaustion of France

kills 2 generations of men Done with War

The French legal system enacted in 1804 containing the details for French civil , commercial, and criminal war.

napoleonic code

Congress of Vienna purpose

put Europe back together

Domination of central europe: appointed...

relatives to key positions (kicked out legit rulers): 1) Caroline- Kingdom of Naples 2) Louis- Holland 3) Jerome- Westphalia 4) Joseph- Spain

Holy Alliance

rule with christian principles

A lasting effect of the Napoleonic occupation of Europe was the?: A the decline of Russian military power. B stimulation of national feeling in the subject lands. C collapse of international trade. D formation of a Entente Cordiale to keep the peace. E sudden end of any social or economic reforms.

stimulation of national feeling in the subject lands

Admiral Hortatio Nelson, destroyed....

the French at the battle of Nile (1798) and Trafalgar (1805):

Wife Josephine

two kids in another marriage -can't have more

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