NASCC 2018 Study List

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abbreviation abbreviation monoamine oxidase monoamine oxidase


adjective (ˈ)nā¦thänik : sycophantic, toadying somewhat of a gnathonic and parasitic soul —Charles Kingsley


adjective (ˈ)pō¦mif(ə)rəs : bearing pomes


adjective (ˌ)pik-ˈwi-kē-ən : marked by simplicity and generosity : intended or taken in a sense other than the obvious or literal one


adjective (ˌ)vər-ˈbōs (ˌ)vər-ˈbä-sə-tē : containing more words than necessary : wordy a verbose reply ; also : impaired by wordiness a verbose style : impaired by wordiness a verbose style : given to wordiness a verbose orator Above is meaning for verbose But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


adjective -dəbəl : capable of yielding : disposed to yield


adjective -lənt : having or showing simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings toward something or someone : characterized by ambivalence ... people whose relationship to their job is ambivalent, conflicted. —Terrence Rafferty Americans are deeply ambivalent about the country's foreign role. Isolationist yearnings coexist uneasily with superpower policies. —David P. Calleo


adjective -ˌpla¦stisətē : modified by mental activity ideoplastic factors in digestion : rendered symbolic or conventional through the mental remodeling of natural subjects


adjective blä-ˈzā : apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment : world-weary a blasé traveler blasé about one's hometown : sophisticated, worldly-wise : unconcerned his blasé reaction to losing the match


adjective i-ˌga-lə-ˈter-ē-ən : asserting, promoting, or marked by egalitarianism


adjective yü-ˈtrō-fik ˈyü-trə-fē : characterized by the state resulting from eutrophication — compare mesotrophic, oligotrophic


adjective ˈmütəbəl : debatable


adjective ˈre-bə-wənt : marked by reverberation


adjective ˌbō-lə-ˈn(y)ēz -ˈn(y)āz -ˈn(y)ēs -ˈn(y)ās -ˈn(y)ā-zē -sē : of, relating to, or characteristic of Bologna, Italy : being or prepared with tomato sauce flavored with meat


adjective (or adverb) ˌtiməˈrō(ˌ)sō ˌtēm- -rō(ˌ)zō : hesitating, timid —used as a direction in music


adjective adjective (ˌ)in-ˈkre-jə-ləs -dyə-ləs in-ˈkre-jə-ləs : unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true : not credulous : skeptical : incredible 1 : expressing incredulity an incredulous stare : feeling or showing disbelief


adjective adjective hə-ˈläl hə-ˈläl : sanctioned by Islamic law; especially : ritually fit for use halal foods : ritually fit for use halal foods : selling or serving food ritually fit according to Islamic law a halal restaurant : fit for eating under Islamic law halal meat : selling or serving food fit for eating under Islamic law halal restaurants


adjective adjective hə-ˈlü-sə-nə-ˌtȯr-ē -ˈlüs-nə- hə-ˈlüs-ᵊn-ə-ˌtōr-ē, -ˈlüs-nə-, -ˌtȯr- -ˌtōr-ə-lē, -ˌtȯr- : tending to produce hallucination hallucinatory drugs : resembling, involving, or being a hallucination hallucinatory dreams a hallucinatory figure : tending to produce hallucinations hallucinatory drugs : resembling, involving, or being a hallucination hallucinatory dreams a hallucinatory figure


adjective adjective i-ˈgrē-jəs i-ˈgrē-jəs : conspicuous; especially : conspicuously bad : flagrant egregious errors egregious padding of the evidence —Christopher Hitchens : conspicuously bad : flagrant egregious errors egregious padding of the evidence —Christopher Hitchens : distinguished : extremely and conspicuously bad


adjective adjective ō-ˈvi-p(ə-)rəs ō-ˈvip-(ə-)rəs : producing eggs that develop and hatch outside the maternal body; also : involving the production of such eggs : involving the production of such eggs : producing eggs that develop and hatch outside the maternal body; also : involving the production of such eggs — compare larviparous, ovoviviparous, viviparous : involving the production of such eggs — compare larviparous, ovoviviparous, viviparous


adjective adjective ˈbi-byə-ləs ˈbib-yə-ləs : highly absorbent : fond of alcoholic beverages : of, relating to, or marked by the consumption of alcoholic beverages : highly absorbent bibulous paper


adjective adjective ˈsfir-i-kəl ˈsfer- ˈsfir-i-k(ə-)lē ˈsfer- ˈsfir-i-kəl ˈsfer- : having the form of a sphere or of one of its segments : relating to or dealing with a sphere or its properties : relating to or having the form of a sphere


adjective adjective ˈtä-pi-kəl ˈtä-pi-k(ə-)lē ˈtäp-i-kəl -k(ə-)lē : referring to the topics of the day or place : of local or temporary interest a topical novel topical references : of, relating to, or arranged by topics set down in topical form : designed for or involving local application and action (as on the body) a topical anesthetic a topical remedy : designed for or involving application to or action on the surface of a part of the body applied a topical anesthetic to numb the skin eyedrops used in the topical treatment of glaucoma


adjective adjective ˈä-mə-nəs ˈä-mə-nəs : being or exhibiting an omen : portentous; especially : foreboding or foreshadowing evil : inauspicious : foreboding or foreshadowing evil : inauspicious : considered a sign of evil or trouble to come ... the clouds there seemed to be growing darker, massing in ominous grey mounds with a yellowish tinge. —Susan Cooper, The Dark is Rising


adjective adjective ˌhō-mə-ˈjē-nē-əs -ˈjēn-yəs -ˈjē-nē-əs, -nyəs : of the same or a similar kind or nature : of uniform structure or composition throughout a culturally homogeneous neighborhood : having the property that if each variable is replaced by a constant times that variable the constant can be factored out : having each term of the same degree if all variables are considered a homogeneous equation : of uniform structure or composition throughout


adjective adjective ˌmē-dē-ˈō-kər ˌmē-dē-ˈō-kər : of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance : ordinary, so-so : not very good That restaurant is just mediocre.


adjective adjective adjective di-ˈjek-təd dē- di-ˈjek-təd di-ˈjek-təd : low in spirits : depressed The team was dejected after the loss. : downcast her eyes dejected and her hair unbound —Alexander Pope : thrown down : lowered in rank or condition the dejected state wherein he is —Shakespeare : sad 1 We were dejected at losing the game. : cast down in spirits : depressed


adjective adjective adjective noun sə-ˈsep-tə-bəl sə-ˈsep-tə-blē sə-ˈsep-tə-bəl sə-ˈsep-tə-bəl : capable of submitting to an action, process, or operation a theory susceptible to proof : open, subject, or unresistant to some stimulus, influence, or agency susceptible to pneumonia : impressionable, responsive a susceptible mind : of such a nature as to permit The words are susceptible of being misunderstood. : having little resistance (as to infection or damage) I am susceptible to colds. : easily affected or impressed by You're so susceptible to flattery. : having little resistance to a specific infectious disease : capable of being infected : predisposed to develop a noninfectious disease susceptible to diabetes : abnormally reactive to various drugs : one that is susceptible (as to a disease) vaccinate all susceptibles in each region where outbreaks appeared —A. J. Bollet


adjective noun ˈkȯr-də-vən : of or relating to Córdoba and especially Córdoba, Spain : made of cordovan leather : a soft fine-grained colored leather : dense nonporous leather tanned from the inner layer of horsehide


adjective noun ˈär-jən-ˌtīn -ˌtēn : silver, silvery : silver; also : any of various similar materials : any of various similar materials


adverb ˌma-ˌla-prə-ˈpō : in an inappropriate or inopportune way


adverb (or adjective) mäˈükə : toward the mountains : inland, upland


biographical name bə-ˈdō-nē Giambattista 1740-1813 Italian printer and type designer


adjective ə-ˈse-tik a- ə-ˈse-ti-kəl -ti-k(ə-)lē ə-ˈse-tə-ˌsi-zəm : practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline an ascetic monk an ascetic diet : austere in appearance, manner, or attitude


adjective əb-ˈsē-kwē-əs äb- : marked by or exhibiting a fawning attentiveness


adjective ˈtrōkəl : resembling a wheel


noun ˈgī-(ˌ)jēn -(ˌ)jin : a foreigner in Japan


noun ˈpu̇(ə)rgə : an intense arctic snowstorm occurring usually in flat open country and characterized by severe cold and wind-driven snow


noun ˈsō-ˌjü : Korean vodka distilled usually from rice or sweet potato


noun ˈvīˌsniḵ(t)ˈvō : an indefinite, unknown, or imaginary place


noun ˈā-dᵊl-ˌvīs -ˌwīs : a small alpine perennial composite herb (Leontopodium alpinum) of central and southeast Europe that has a dense woolly white pubescence


noun ˌchi-mē-ˈchäŋ-gə : a tortilla wrapped around a filling (as of meat) and deep-fried


noun ˌper-ə-ˈstrȯi-kə : the policy of economic and governmental reform instituted by Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union during the mid-1980s


noun ˌsän-ˈsā ˈsän-ˌ : a son or daughter of nisei parents who is born and educated in America and especially in the U.S.


noun ˌter-ē-ˈyä-kē : a Japanese dish of meat or fish that is grilled or broiled after being soaked in a seasoned soy sauce marinade


noun ˌträ-tə-ˈrē-ə ˌträ-tə-ˈrē-ˌā : restaurant; specifically : a usually small Italian restaurant : a usually small Italian restaurant


noun ˌzä-bəl-ˈyō-nē : a whipped dessert or topping consisting of a mixture of egg yolks, sugar, and usually Marsala wine


biographical name ˈnē-chə -chē ˈnē-chē-ən Friedrich Wilhelm 1844-1900 German philosopher Above is meaning for Nietzsche But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun dā-ˈtänt : the relaxation of strained relations or tensions (as between nations) diplomats brokering a détente ; also : a policy promoting this : a policy promoting this : a period of détente the beginning of a détente


noun pəˈtel : the headman of a village


noun rō-ˈtən-də : a round building; especially : one covered by a dome : one covered by a dome : a large round room : a large central area (as in a hotel) — see fenestra rotunda


noun -ləs -ˌlī -ˌlē : a staff regarded as symbolic of authority (such as the pastoral staff of a bishop)


noun bwēˈsōⁿ F bwʸēsōⁿ : a fruit tree with a very short stem and a closely pruned head


noun bäŋ-ˈä : a large spherical baked-clay water jar of the Philippines


noun bē-ˈtyük : a Russian breed of heavy draft horses


noun bō-ˈdā-gə : a storehouse for maturing wine : wineshop : 1bar 5a : barroom : a usually small grocery store in an urban area; specifically : one specializing in Hispanic groceries : one specializing in Hispanic groceries


noun ˈbü-ˌdwär ˈbu̇- ˌbü-ˈ ˌbu̇-ˈ : a woman's dressing room, bedroom, or private sitting room


noun ˈbümˌdasē : tree hyrax


noun ˈbā-di-kər ˈbe- : guidebook


noun ˈbō ˈbōz : dandy 1 : boyfriend 2


noun ˈhäm-ˌbərg : a man's felt hat with a stiff curled brim and a high crown creased lengthwise


noun ˈjō-nə -nər : an Israelite prophet who according to the account in the book of Jonah resisted a divine call to preach repentance to the people of Nineveh, was swallowed and vomited by a great fish, and eventually carried out his mission : a narrative book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture — see Bible Table : one believed to bring bad luck


noun ˈshlȯs : a German castle or manor house


noun ˈtən(ˌ)hä : an intense desire for life


noun ˌe-ˌskär-ˈgō ˌe-ˌskär-ˈgō(z) : a snail prepared for use as food


noun ˌef-lə-ˈräzh -(ˌ)lü- : a light stroking movement used in massage


noun ˌen-chə-ˈlä-də : a usually corn tortilla rolled around a savory mixture, covered with chili sauce, and usually baked : schmear, ball of wax the whole enchilada


noun ˌfrütəˈsētəm -ētə : a collection of shrubs grown for ornament or study (as in a botanical garden) — compare arboretum


noun ˌfrəkˈtesᵊn(t)s fru̇k- frük- ¦frək¦tesᵊnt (ˈ)fru̇k- (ˈ)frük- : the period of maturing of fruit


noun ˌi-kā-ˈbä-nə ˌi-ki- ˌē- : the Japanese art of flower arranging that emphasizes form and balance


noun ˌpa-skwə-ˈnād : a lampoon posted in a public place : satirical writing : satire


noun ˌä-ˌhä-ˈī-nə : a banquet or feast


noun ˌər-gə-ˈfō-bē-ə : a fear of or aversion to work


noun biographical name biographical name biographical name ˈbā-lē ˈbā-lē : the outer wall of a castle or any of several walls surrounding the keep : a courtyard within the external wall or between two outer walls of a castle Liberty Hyde 1858-1954 American botanist Nathan or Nathaniel died 1742 English lexicographer Pearl Mae 1918-1990 American singer


interjection ə-ˈlō-ˌ(h)ä ä- -(h)ə —used as a greeting or farewell


noun noun ˈtil-də ˈtil-də : a mark ˜ placed especially over the letter n (as in Spanish señor sir) to denote the sound ʸ\ or over vowels (as in Portuguese irmã sister) to indicate nasality : the mark used to indicate negation in logic and the geometric relation "is similar to" in mathematics : the mark used to indicate an approximate value : a mark ˜ placed especially over the letter n (as in Spanish señor) to indicate a sound that is approximately \nyə\


adjective ä-ˈzhu̇r ¦ä-ˌzhu̇-¦rā : pierced, cut away, or made translucent in such a way as to form a design : having figured openwork : decorated with translucent, pierced, or openwork designs —used of carving, metalwork, lace, drawnwork, or cutwork Above is meaning for a jour But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ȯ-ˈtäs-kə-pē : visual hallucination of an image of one's body


noun ˈbərg-ˌstäk ˈberkˌshtȯk : alpenstock


noun ˌme-gə-ˈlä-pə-ləs -lō-ˈpä-lə-tən : a very large city : a thickly populated region centering in a metropolis or embracing several metropolises


noun ˌra-vē-ˈō-lē ˌrä- ˌra-vē-ˈō-lēz ˌrä- : pasta in the form of little cases of dough containing a savory filling (as of meat or cheese)


noun mä-ˈsä-lä -lə mə- : a varying blend of spices used in Indian cooking


noun səˈku̇rə : japanese flowering cherry


noun āˈpaŋˌglā ¦āˌpan¦glā -paŋ¦- : a silk, rayon, or worsted clothing fabric in plain weave characterized by alternating wide and narrow cross ribs


noun ˈku̇rəmə : jinrikisha


noun ˌse-mə-ˈlē-nə : the purified middlings of hard wheat (such as durum) used especially for pasta (such as macaroni or spaghetti)


plural noun zamˈzəmə̇m -ə̇mz : aboriginal giants reported in the Old Testament to have inhabited the region of Ammon prior to the coming of the Ammonites — compare anakim , emim , rephaim


plural noun ˈlā-dər-ˌhō-zᵊn : leather shorts often with suspenders worn especially in Bavaria


plural noun ˈren-ˈmin-ˈbē : the currency of the People's Republic of China consisting of yuan


plural noun noun plural ˈsper-ˌ(r)ibz -əbz ˈsper-ˌribz : a cut of pork ribs separated from the bacon strip : a cut of pork ribs


transitive verb äbˈnebyəˌlāt əb- : becloud, befog


verb trə-ˈdüs -ˈdyüs trə-ˈdüs-mənt -ˈdyüs- : to expose to shame or blame by means of falsehood and misrepresentation : violate, betray traduce a principle of law


verb ˈflen(t)s : to strip of blubber or skin flense a whale


verb noun ˈnäsh : to eat a snack : munch noshing on pizza We noshed at the amusement park. : a light meal : snack


noun ˈwau̇kā : paper mulberry


noun ˈgü-ˌläg : the penal system of the U.S.S.R. consisting of a network of labor camps; also : labor camp 1 : labor camp 1


adjective : ninetieth


verb ˈab-ˌsāl -ˌsī(-ə)l : rappel


noun bəˈlestrə : a jump forward in fencing followed by a lunge


noun ˌrō-də-ˈkrō-ˌsīt : a rose-red mineral consisting essentially of manganese carbonate


noun : a cave deposit or formation


noun noun ˈməz-lən ˈməz-lən : a plain-woven sheer to coarse cotton fabric : a cotton fabric of plain weave


noun (ˈ)dȯr¦sā -¦zā : a pump-type shoe or slipper made with a circular vamp and a quarter that curves to meet the vamp at the shank line


adjective pan-ˈglä-sē-ən paŋ- -ˈglȯ- : marked by the view that all is for the best in this best of possible worlds : excessively optimistic


adjective ¦niktə+ : bathypelagic and appearing at the surface only at night nyctipelagic fauna


adjective ˈshrē-vəl ˈsrē- : of or relating to a sheriff


adjective ˌaz-mə-ˈjen-ik : causing asthmatic attacks


adjective ˌin-kə-ˈrəp-tə-bəl ˌin-kə-ˌrəp-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē ˌin-kə-ˈrəp-tə-blē : incapable of corruption: such as : not subject to decay or dissolution : incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted


adjective adjective ˈgȯr-jəs ˈgȯr-jəs : splendidly or showily brilliant or magnificent : very beautiful


noun ˈkō-prə ˈkä- : dried coconut meat yielding coconut oil


noun ˈlau̇¦dä : the skipper of a Chinese craft


noun ˈlek-ˌvär : a prune butter used as a pastry filling


noun ˈlän-jə-ˌrän : a fore-and-aft framing member of an airplane fuselage


noun ˈvī-ənd : an item of food; especially : a choice or tasty dish : a choice or tasty dish : provisions, food


noun ˈvər-(ˌ)gyül : slash 4


adverb ¦wēkē¦wēkē : quickly, fast


noun əˈpifəsə(r) : artificer, workman, maker


noun ˈe-fi-kə-sē : the power to produce an effect


noun bam-ˈbē-(ˌ)nō bäm- -(ˌ)nē : a representation of the infant Christ : child, baby


noun ban-ˈdu̇r-yə : a Spanish stringed instrument of the lute family


noun ban-ˈdē-(ˌ)dō : an outlaw especially of Mexican extraction or origin


noun ¦filə¦sel -¦zel : soft silk thread for embroidery


noun ˈbänz : a Buddhist monk


noun ˈdīfə : an Arabic reception or banquet


noun ˈsir-ˌsə-kər : a light fabric of linen, cotton, or rayon usually striped and slightly puckered


noun : a weir for the escape of superfluous water


noun brəˈvi(ə)r -iə : a size of type between minion and bourgeois, approximately 8 point — compare point system


noun i-ˈpi-tə-səs i-ˈpi-tə-ˌsēz : the part of a play developing the main action and leading to the catastrophe


noun pōˈchēz(ˌ)mō : a term of U.S. origin borrowed into Mexican Spanish and used along the border between the U.S. and Mexico especially by U.S.-born Mexicans not a single pochismo has added to the beauty of our Spanish language —F. G. Beraza : a vocabulary consisting of pochismos


noun ˈje-lig-ˌnīt : a dynamite in which the adsorbent base is largely potassium nitrate or a similar nitrate usually with some wood pulp


noun ē-ˈmō-jē : any of various small images, symbols, or icons used in text fields in electronic communication (as in text messages, e-mail, and social media) to express the emotional attitude of the writer, convey information succinctly, communicate a message playfully without using words, etc. The function of emoji, as [emoji developer Shigetaka] Kurita describes it—adding subtle emotional emphasis to a sentence in text—isn't too different from that of emoticons, the frowny and smiley faces that people have been making out of punctuation since the mid-1990s. —Britt Peterson — compare emoticon


noun ə-ˈhim-ˌsä : the Hindu and Buddhist doctrine of refraining from harming any living being


noun ə-ˈmē-(ˌ)gō ä- : friend


noun sə-ˈmer-ə-tən : a native or inhabitant of Samaria : a person who is generous in helping those in distress


biographical name jə-ˈrä-nə-ˌmō 1829-1909 Goyathlay Chiricahua Apache leader


noun ta-ˈkä-mə-tər tə- : a device for indicating speed of rotation


noun ˈkü-kən -ḵən : any of various coffee cakes made from sweet yeast dough


noun ˈmī-krō-ˌfēsh -ˌfish -ˌfē-shəz -ˌfēsh -ˌfi-shəz -ˌfish : a sheet of microfilm containing rows of images of printed pages


noun ˈmīs-tər-ˌsiŋ-ər -ˌziŋ- : a member of any of various German guilds formed chiefly in the 15th and 16th centuries by workingmen and craftsmen for the cultivation of poetry and music


noun ˈmər-mə-ˌdän -dən : a member of a legendary Thessalian people who accompanied their king Achilles in the Trojan War : a loyal follower; especially : a subordinate who executes orders unquestioningly or unscrupulously : a subordinate who executes orders unquestioningly or unscrupulously


noun ˈne-bish ˈne-bi-shē : a timid, meek, or ineffectual person


noun ˈä-sə-nə : any of various yogic postures


noun ˈī-dər-ˌdau̇n : the down of the eider : a comforter filled with eiderdown : a soft lightweight clothing fabric knitted or woven and napped on one or both sides


noun ˈīn-ˌkȯrn : an ancient wheat (Triticum monococcum) having one-grained spikelets and grown especially formerly in poor soils in central and southern Europe and southwest Asia


noun ˈō-bər-ˌzhēn : eggplant 1 : eggplant 2


noun ˌa-bə-ˈkä ˈa-bə-ˌ : a strong fiber obtained from the leafstalk of a banana (Musa textilis) native to the Philippines — called also Manila hemp : the plant that yields abaca


noun ˌa-də-ˌlän-ˈtä-(ˌ)dō : a civil and military governor of a province in Spain or her colonies


noun ˌpä-pär-ˈde-lā : pasta in the form of wide ribbons


noun ˌpä-pə-ˈrät-(ˌ)sō ˌpä-pə-ˈrät-(ˌ)sē : a freelance photographer who aggressively pursues celebrities for the purpose of taking candid photographs a movie star surrounded by a swarm of paparazzi


noun ˌpəŋk-ˈti-lē-ˌō : a minute detail of conduct in a ceremony or in observance of a code : careful observance of forms (as in social conduct)


noun ˌra-ˌkän-ˈtər -kən- : a person who excels in telling anecdotes


noun ˌsa-bə-ˈtər -ˈtu̇r -ˈtyu̇r : one that practices sabotage


noun ˌsigəˈtōkə : either of two leaf spot diseases of bananas: : yellow sigatoka : black sigatoka


noun ˌsī-ə-ˈnär-ə ˌsä-yə- : goodbye


noun adjective ˌkä-mi-ˈkä-zē : a member of a Japanese air attack corps in World War II assigned to make a suicidal crash on a target (such as a ship) : an airplane containing explosives to be flown in a suicide crash on a target : of, relating to, or resembling a kamikaze : having or showing reckless disregard for safety or personal welfare


noun adjective adjective (ˌ)in-ˌfi-nə-ˈte-sə-məl -zə-məl (ˌ)in-ˌfi-nə-ˈte-sə-mə-lē -zə-mə- in-ˌfi-nə-ˈte-sə-məl : an infinitesimal quantity or variable : taking on values arbitrarily close to but greater than zero : immeasurably or incalculably small an infinitesimal difference : extremely small The chance of winning is infinitesimal.


noun interjection ˈyā-(ˌ)hü ˈyä- ˈyā-(ˌ)hü-ˌi-zəm ˈyä- yä-ˈhü : a member of a race of brutes in Swift's Gulliver's Travels who have the form and all the vices of humans : a boorish, crass, or stupid person : yippee


noun noun də̇ˈsenərē dēˈ- " : 1tithing : a period of 10 years


noun noun krə-ˈvat krə-ˈvat : a band or scarf worn around the neck : necktie : necktie


noun noun ˈdün ˈdyün -ˌlīk ˈdün ˈdyün : a hill or ridge of sand piled up by the wind : a hill or ridge of sand piled up by the wind


noun noun ü-ˈmä-mē ü-ˈmä-mē : a taste sensation that is meaty or savory and is produced by several amino acids and nucleotides (such as glutamate and aspartate) : a taste sensation that is meaty or savory and is produced by several amino acids and nucleotides (as aspartate, inosinate, and glutamate)


noun noun ˈgiŋ-əm ˈgiŋ-əm : a clothing fabric usually of yarn-dyed cotton in plain weave : a cotton cloth that is often plaid or checked


noun noun ˈa-krə-ˌnim ˌa-krə-ˈni-mik -mi-k(ə-)lē ˈa-krə-ˌnim : a word (such as NATO, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term; also : an abbreviation (such as FBI) formed from initial letters : initialism : an abbreviation (such as FBI) formed from initial letters : initialism : a word formed from the first letter or letters of the words of a compound term The word "radar" is an acronym for "radio detecting and ranging."


noun noun ˈal-ˌkōv -ˌkōvd ˈal-ˌkōv : a small recessed section of a room : nook : an arched opening (as in a wall) : niche : summerhouse 2 : a small part of a room set back from the rest of it


noun noun ˈbrü-ən ˈbrü-ən : bear 1 : 1bear 1


noun noun ˈja-ˌgwär -gyə-ˌwär -gwər -gwī(-ə)r ˈja-gyə-wər ˈjag-ˌwär : a large cat (Panthera onca) chiefly of Central and South America that is larger and stockier than the leopard and is brownish yellow or buff with black spots : a large yellowish brown black-spotted animal of the cat family found chiefly from Mexico to Argentina


noun noun ˈlā ˈlā-ˌē ˈlā : a wreath or necklace usually of flowers or leaves the basic monetary unit of Moldova and Romania — see Money Table


noun noun ˈprer-ē ˈprer-ē : land in or predominantly in grass : a tract of grassland: such as : a large area of level or rolling land in the Mississippi River valley that in its natural uncultivated state usually has deep fertile soil, a cover of tall coarse grasses, and few trees : one of the dry treeless plateaus east of the Rocky Mountains that merge on their east side with the prairies proper and are characterized by shorter grasses and drier less fertile soil : a large area of level or rolling grassland


noun noun ˈəp-ˌrȯr ˈəp-ˌrȯr : a state of commotion, excitement, or violent disturbance : a state of commotion, excitement, or violent disturbance Now the dining room was in an uproar ... as the men jumped to their feet in confusion. —Judith Berry Griffin, Phoebe the Spy


noun noun ˌa-kə-ˈrī-ə-səs ˌak-ə-ˈrī-ə-səs -ˌsēz : infestation with or disease caused by mites : infestation with or disease caused by mites — called also acarinosis


noun noun ˌa-nə-ˈmal-(ˌ)kyü(ə)l -ˈmal-kyə-ləm -kyə-lə ˌan-ə-ˈmal-(ˌ)kyü(ə)l -ˈmal-kyə-ləm -kyə-lə : a minute usually microscopic organism : a minute usually microscopic organism


noun noun ˌa-nə-ˈmä-sə-tē ˌa-nə-ˈmä-sə-tē : a strong feeling of dislike or hatred : ill will or resentment tending toward active hostility : an antagonistic attitude : 1dislike, hatred


noun noun ˌbe-lə-ˈdä-nə ˌbel-ə-ˈdän-ə : an Old World poisonous plant (Atropa belladonna) of the nightshade family having purple or green bell-shaped flowers, glossy black berries, and root and leaves that yield atropine — called also deadly nightshade : a medicinal extract (such as atropine) from the belladonna plant : an Old World poisonous plant of the genus Atropa (A. belladonna) having purple or green flowers, glossy black berries, and a root and leaves that yield atropine — called also deadly nightshade : a medicinal preparation (as atropine) extracted from the belladonna plant and containing anticholinergic alkaloids


noun noun ˌbī-(ˌ)ō-ˈa-ˌsā -a-ˈsā -a-ˈsā -ˈa-ˌsā -ˈas-ˌā, -a-ˈsā -a-ˈsā, -ˈas-ˌā : determination of the relative strength of a substance (such as a drug) by comparing its effect on a test organism with that of a standard preparation : determination of the relative strength of a substance (as a drug) by comparing its effect on a test organism with that of a standard preparation


noun noun adjective ˈmäŋ-grəl ˈməŋ- ˌmäŋ-grə-lə-ˈzā-shən ˌməŋ- ˈmäŋ-grə-ˌlīz ˈməŋ- ˈmäŋ-grəl ˈməŋ- : an individual resulting from the interbreeding of diverse breeds (see 2breed 1) or strains (see 1strain 1); especially : one of unknown ancestry She owns several dogs, one of which is a mongrel. : one of unknown ancestry She owns several dogs, one of which is a mongrel. : a cross between types of persons or things the cinema is ... a mongrel of virtually all the other arts —Gerald Mast : an animal of mixed or uncertain origin : of mixed or uncertain origin a mongrel dog


noun noun combining form noun ˈōd ˈō-dist ˈōd : a lyric poem usually marked by exaltation of feeling and style, varying length of line, and complexity of stanza forms Keats's ode "To a Nightingale" : way : path electrode : electrode diode : a lyric poem that expresses a noble feeling with dignity


noun noun noun ˈa-zhər ˈa-zhər ˈazh-ər : the blue color of the clear sky : the heraldic color blue : the unclouded sky : lapis lazuli : the blue color of the clear daytime sky : any of several dyes used as biological stains


noun verb ˈfāt ˈfet : festival Class Day, the great fete of the year —Catherine D. Bowen : a lavish often outdoor entertainment a fete in the park with music and performances : a large elaborate party a fete to celebrate the museum's centennial : to honor or commemorate with a fete : to pay high honor to Above is meaning for fete But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun verb ˈglits ˈglit-sē-nəs ˈglit-sē : extravagant showiness : glitter, ostentation : to make flashy or extravagant in appearance —often used with up she got glitzed up for the party


noun verb ˈhek-tər ˈhek-t(ə-)riŋ ˈhek-t(ə-)riŋ-lē : a son of Priam, husband of Andromache, and Trojan champion slain by Achilles : bully, braggart : to behave in an arrogant or intimidating way : to play the bully : swagger : to intimidate or harass by bluster or personal pressure football players being hectored by their coach


noun verb ˈki-pər ˈki-p(ə-)riŋ ˈki-pər-ər : a male salmon or sea trout during or after the spawning season : a kippered herring or salmon : to cure (split dressed fish) by salting and smoking


noun ˈnelmə : inconnu


noun ˌhe-mə-rō-ˈka-ləs : daylily


adjective və̇ˈlōshəs : speedy, fast


biographical name ˈbȯi-ər Paul Delos 1918- American chemist


geographical name bä-ˈkü city and port on the Caspian Sea; capital of Azerbaijan population 1,150,000


geographical name sī-ˈbir-ē-ə -ən vast region of northern Asia chiefly in Russia extending from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean and from the Arctic Ocean into northern Kazakhstan and to the borders of China and Mongolia; roughly coextensive with Russia in Asia Above is meaning for Siberia But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ˈchäch-kə -kē ˈtsäts- : knickknack, trinket


noun ˈsä-shə-mē sä-ˈshē- : a Japanese dish of thinly sliced raw fish


noun ˈärch¦lüt : a large lute : chitarrone, theorbo


plural noun pi-ˈrōsh-kē ˌpir-əsh-ˈkē : small pastries with meat, cheese, or vegetable filling


biographical name ˌä-gē-ˈnäl-(ˌ)dō Emilio 1869-1964 Filipino leader


adjective (¦)myü¦sedᵊnəs ¦myüsə¦dinēəs : having the nature of or resembling mold or mildew


adjective noun ˈlepəˌrīn -rə̇n " : of, relating to, or resembling a hare : leporide


geographical name ˈkä-tər ˈgä- ˈgə- kə-ˈtär kə-ˈtär-ē gə- country in eastern Arabia on a peninsula projecting into the Persian Gulf; an independent emirate; capital Doha area 4400 square miles (11,395 square kilometers), population 1,699,435 Above is meaning for Qatar But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


geographical name ˈkō-nä coastal region of Hawaii in the western part of the island of Hawaii


noun ˈhȯ-(ˌ)kü : haiku


adjective ˈer-ə-ˌdīt ˈer-yə- : having or showing knowledge that is gained by studying : possessing or displaying erudition an erudite scholar


adjective ˈer-ˌsäts -ˌzäts er-ˈzäts -ˈsäts ˈər-ˌsats : being a usually artificial and inferior substitute or imitation ersatz turf ersatz intellectuals


adjective ˈeḵt : true, genuine an echt New Yorker


adjective ˈflü-vē-ə-ˌtī(-ə)l : fluvial


adjective ˈfōk-sē ˈfōk-sə-lē ˈfōk-sē-nəs : sociable, friendly : informal, casual, or familiar in manner or style folksy humor Above is meaning for folksy But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


adjective ˈgōsh : lacking social experience or grace; also : not tactful : crude it would be gauche to mention the subject : not tactful : crude it would be gauche to mention the subject : crudely made or done a gauche turn of phrase : not planar gauche conformation of molecules


adjective ˈku̇-shē ˈku̇-shə-lē : entailing little hardship or difficulty a cushy job with a high salary


adjective ˈräsh(ē)ən : of, relating to, or skilled in acting


adjective ˈsa-krō-ˌsaŋ(k)t ˌsa-krō-ˈsaŋ(k)-tə-tē : most sacred or holy : inviolable : treated as if holy : immune from criticism or violation politically sacrosanct programs


noun kə-ˈbü-kē ˈkä-bü-(ˌ)kē : traditional Japanese popular drama performed with highly stylized singing and dancing


noun mə-ˈhau̇t : a keeper and driver of an elephant


noun ˈan-jə-ˌnü ˈän- ˈaⁿ-zhə- ˈäⁿ- : a naive girl or young woman : the stage role of an ingenue; also : an actress playing such a role : an actress playing such a role


noun ˈbrakˌmär(d) : a short straight broadsword


noun ˈkwädē : an open sloop-rigged sailboat once used especially for fishing along the Maine coast


verb ə-ˈmēl-yə-ˌrāt -ˈmē-lē-ə- -ˌmēl-yə-ˈrā-shən -ˌmē-lē-ə- -ˈmēl-yə-ˌrā-tiv -ˈmē-lē-ə- -ˌrā-tər -rə-ˌtȯr-ē : to make better or more tolerable medicine to ameliorate the pain : to grow better


verb ˈsprits ˈshprits : spray : to disperse or apply a spray


verb ˈvā-dᵊl : to ski by means of wedeln


verb adjective noun transitive verb noun ə-ˈglä-mə-ˌrāt -rət -rət ə-ˈgläm-ə-ˌrāt ə-ˌgläm-ə-ˈrā-shən -rət : to gather into a ball, mass, or cluster : gathered into a ball, mass, or cluster; specifically : clustered or growing together but not coherent an agglomerate flower head : clustered or growing together but not coherent an agglomerate flower head : a rock composed of volcanic fragments of various sizes and degrees of angularity : a jumbled mass or collection : agglomeration : to gather into a ball, mass, or cluster : a jumbled mass or collection probably a virus or agglomerates of a virus —E. A. Steinhaus


noun ˈgōˌpak : a Ukrainian folk dance with heel beats


noun ˈgə-nē-ˌsak : a sack made of a coarse heavy fabric (such as burlap)


noun ˈhyü-brəs hyü-ˈbri-stik : exaggerated pride or self-confidence


noun ˈsaŋ(k)-tə-ˌmō-nē : holiness : affected or hypocritical holiness


noun ˈselt-sər : artificially carbonated water


noun ˈseˌkwän : one of the distinct aboriginal and agricultural peoples of Formosa


noun noun noun noun pri-ˈskrip-shən pri-ˈskrip-shən pri-ˈskrip-shən pri-ˈskrip-shən ə-ˈkwi-zə-tiv- : the establishment of a claim of title to something under common law usually by use and enjoyment for a period fixed by statute : the right or title acquired under common law by such possession : the process of making claim to something by long use and enjoyment : the action of laying down authoritative rules or directions : a written direction for a therapeutic or corrective agent; specifically : one for the preparation and use of a medicine : one for the preparation and use of a medicine : a prescribed medicine : something (such as a recommendation) resembling a doctor's prescription prescriptions for economic recovery : ancient or long continued custom : a claim founded upon ancient custom or long continued use : something prescribed as a rule : a written direction or order for the preparing and use of a medicine : a medicine that is ordered by a doctor as a remedy : a written direction for the preparation, compounding, and administration of a medicine : a prescribed remedy : a written formula for the grinding of corrective lenses for eyeglasses : a written direction for the application of physical therapy measures (as directed exercise or electrotherapy) in cases of injury or disability : acquisition of an interest (as an easement) in real property that is usually less than a fee by long-term, continuous, open, and hostile use and possession as determined by the law of a jurisdiction gained title by prescription — see also easement by prescription at easement — compare adverse possession at possession : the running of a period of time set by law after which a right is unenforceable in Louisiana courts but may be enforced in another state forum an interruption of prescription by the prescription of ten years ; also : the bar to an action that results from prescription — see also peremptory exception — compare peremption : the bar to an action that results from prescription — see also peremptory exception — compare peremption : the creation of a right by the running of a period of time set by law; especially : acquisitive prescription in this entry predial servitudes on property of the state may not be acquired by prescription —Louisiana Civil Code — acquisitive prescription \ə-ˈkwi-zə-tiv-\ : acquisition of ownership or other real rights in movables or immovables by continuous, uninterrupted, peaceable, public, and unequivocal possession for a period of time (as 10 years) set by law; also : such possession that creates real rights acquisitive prescription is interrupted when the possessor acknowledges the right of the owner —Louisiana Civil Code Note: The Louisiana Civil Code has set various periods of time for acquisitive prescription of movables and immovables. With the shorter periods (as 10 years for immovables or 3 years for movables) the Code also requires that the possessor possess in good faith and under just title. Acquisitive prescription does not run in favor of a person having precarious possession, because he or she possess the property on behalf of or with permission of the owner, until the possessor begins to possess the property on his or her own behalf (as after a lease terminates). — liberative prescription : a period of time set by law (as one year) after which legal action is barred if no steps have been taken to enforce or litigate the right delictual actions are subject to a liberative prescription of one year —Louisiana Civil Code Note: Liberative prescription is similar to the common-law statute of limitations. — prescription of nonuse : the extinguishment or termination of a real right other than ownership as a result of the failure to exercise the right for a period of time (as 10 years) set by law; also : the period of time : acquisitive prescription in this entry predial servitudes on property of the state may not be acquired by prescription —Louisiana Civil Code : acquisition of ownership or other real rights in movables or immovables by continuous, uninterrupted, peaceable, public, and unequivocal possession for a period of time (as 10 years) set by law; also : such possession that creates real rights acquisitive prescription is interrupted when the possessor acknowledges the right of the owner —Louisiana Civil Code Note: The Louisiana Civil Code has set various periods of time for acquisitive prescription of movables and immovables. With the shorter periods (as 10 years for immovables or 3 years for movables) the Code also requires that the possessor possess in good faith and under just title. Acquisitive prescription does not run in favor of a person having precarious possession, because he or she possess the property on behalf of or with permission of the owner, until the possessor begins to possess the property on his or her own behalf (as after a lease terminates). : such possession that creates real rights acquisitive prescription is interrupted when the possessor acknowledges the right of the owner —Louisiana Civil Code Note: The Louisiana Civil Code has set various periods of time for acquisitive prescription of movables and immovables. With the shorter periods (as 10 years for immovables or 3 years for movables) the Code also requires that the possessor possess in good faith and under just title. Acquisitive prescription does not run in favor of a person having precarious possession, because he or she possess the property on behalf of or with permission of the owner, until the possessor begins to possess the property on his or her own behalf (as after a lease terminates). : a period of time set by law (as one year) after which legal action is barred if no steps have been taken to enforce or litigate the right delictual actions are subject to a liberative prescription of one year —Louisiana Civil Code Note: Liberative prescription is similar to the common-law statute of limitations. : the extinguishment or termination of a real right other than ownership as a result of the failure to exercise the right for a period of time (as 10 years) set by law; also : the period of time : the period of time : something prescribed as a rule created a legal prescription against such acts


noun (ˈ)kē¦bā : a son or daughter of issei parents who is born in America and especially in the U.S. and educated largely in Japan —distinguished from nisei — compare sansei


noun (ˈ)mu̇k¦tär : the head of the local government of a town


noun (ˌ)bōn-ˈsī ˈbōn-ˌ ˈbän-ˌ ˈbän-ˌzī : a potted plant (such as a tree) dwarfed (as by pruning) and trained to an artistic shape; also : the art of growing such a plant : the art of growing such a plant


noun al-ˈkä-zər -ˈka- : a Spanish fortress or palace


noun bə-ˈnan-zə : an exceptionally large and rich mineral deposit (as of an ore, precious metal, or petroleum) : something that is very valuable, profitable, or rewarding a box-office bonanza : a very large amount a bonanza of sympathy : extravaganza channels planning all-day viewing bonanzas —William Borders


noun bə-ˈrüsh : a four-wheeled carriage with a driver's seat high in front, two double seats inside facing each other, and a folding top over the back seat


noun bə-ˈtēk ˈba-tik : a fabric printed by an Indonesian method of hand-printing textiles by coating with wax the parts not to be dyed; also : the method itself : the method itself : a design executed in batik : a method of decorating an egg or other object by coating parts of the object's surface with wax to resist dye ... a Russian method of egg decorating known as batik. —Susan Antigone Ukrainian batik eggs It's a 2,000-year-old art that involves painting symbolic designs on eggs in batik style. —Leo Smith : a design so executed For a batik effect, hard-boil the eggs and while they are still warm criss-cross thick elastic bands around each one. —Jane Phillimore et al.


noun du̇-ˈbī-ət-ē dyü- : a usually hesitant uncertainty or doubt that tends to cause vacillation : a matter of doubt


noun dwȧn -n(z) : customhouse


noun düˈär dəˈwär : an Arabian village consisting typically of a group of tents or huts that encircle an open space


noun fē-ˈäkrᵊ -ˈäk-rəz : a small hackney coach


noun fə-ˈli-pik : a discourse or declamation full of bitter condemnation : tirade


noun fə-ˈlä-lə-jē fī- ˌfi-lə-ˈlä-ji-kəl ˌfi-lə-ˈlä-ji-k(ə-)lē fə-ˈlä-lə-jist fī- : the study of literature and of disciplines relevant to literature or to language as used in literature : linguistics; especially : historical and comparative linguistics : historical and comparative linguistics : the study of human speech especially as the vehicle of literature and as a field of study that sheds light on cultural history Above is meaning for philology But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun fə-ˈlü-kə -ˈlə-kə : a narrow fast lateen-rigged sailing vessel chiefly of the Mediterranean area


noun gəz-ˈpä-(ˌ)chō gə-ˈspä- : a spicy soup that is usually made from chopped raw vegetables (such as tomato, onion, pepper, and cucumber) and that is served cold


noun gəˈläpəˌgō -lap- -gəs -ˌgōz : tortoise; specifically : one of the very large land tortoises of the Galápagos islands : one of the very large land tortoises of the Galápagos islands


noun hi-ˈbä-chē : a charcoal brazier


noun ik-ˌstra-və-ˈgan-zə : a literary or musical work marked by extreme freedom of style and structure and usually by elements of burlesque or parody : a lavish or spectacular show or event : something extravagant


noun jü-ˈjit-(ˌ)sü : an art of weaponless fighting employing holds, throws, and paralyzing blows to subdue or disable an opponent


noun kə-ˌpi-chə-ˈlā-shən : a set of terms or articles (see article 1c) constituting an agreement between governments : the act of surrendering or yielding the capitulation of the defenders of the besieged town : the terms of surrender


noun kən-ˈdō-lən(t)s ˈkän-də- : sympathy with another in sorrow : an expression of sympathy —usually plural The bereaved family received many condolences. Above is meaning for condolence But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun kən-ˈsen(t)-səs : general agreement : unanimity the consensus of their opinion, based on reports ... from the border —John Hersey : the judgment arrived at by most of those concerned the consensus was to go ahead : group solidarity in sentiment and belief


noun kəˈläŋk : a cove or inlet especially on the Mediterranean coast of France


noun lau̇ˈhälə : textile screw pine : dried pandanus leaves used as a material for weaving a handbag of lauhala : a Polynesian mat woven of dried pandanus leaves


noun laŋˈgästə : a South or Central American spiny lobster of the genus Panulirus


noun mə-ˈner : a male Netherlander —used as a title equivalent to Mr.


noun mə-ˈsä-jə-nē mə-ˈsä-jə-nəs ˌmi-sə-ˈji-nik -ˈgī- mə-ˈsä-jə-nist mə-ˌsä-jə-ˈnis-tik : a hatred of women lyrics that promote violence and misogyny Above is meaning for misogyny But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun məˈmüshē : a small venomous pit viper (Agkistrodon blomhoffi) that is marked with dark brown blotches on a pale gray ground, is widely distributed in the Japanese islands, and is represented by identical or closely related forms on the adjacent Asiatic mainland


noun nē-ˈsā ˈnē-ˌ : a son or daughter of Japanese immigrants who is born and educated in America and especially in the U.S.


noun räsˈgä(ˌ)dō : the arpeggio effect produced by sweeping the strings with the thumb in guitar playing


noun rā¦hōnēə¦dȯ(ə)r -ēə¦t͟hȯ- : the mounted man who thrusts a rejon into the shoulder muscles of the bull in bullfighting


noun rāˈälˌshülə -lən : a German secondary school that includes in its curriculum modern languages, mathematics, science, practical arts, and commercial subjects and that teaches no classics and is not designed to prepare students for the university — compare gymnasium


noun rə-ˈmä-də : a roofed shelter with usually open sides


noun rəˈmäkē : a cooked appetizer consisting of pieces of usually marinated chicken liver wrapped together with sliced water chestnuts in bacon slices


noun sa-ˈshā sa-ˈshād : a small bag or packet : a small bag containing a perfumed powder or potpourri used to scent clothes and linens


noun shēn-ˈwäz-rē -ˈwä-zə- ˌshēn-ˌwäz-ˈrē -ˌwä-zə- : a style in art (as in decoration) reflecting Chinese qualities or motifs; also : an object or decoration in this style : an object or decoration in this style


noun shə-ˈrād -ˈräd : a word represented in riddling verse or by picture, tableau, or dramatic action (such as intrusion represented by depiction of inn, true, and shun) : a game in which some of the players try to guess a word or phrase from the actions of another player who may not speak : an empty or deceptive act or pretense his concern was a charade


noun si-ˈdi-lə : the diacritical mark ¸ placed under a letter (such as ç in French) to indicate an alteration or modification of its usual phonetic value (as in the French word façade)


noun vi-ˈbrä-(ˌ)tō vī- vi-ˈbrä-(ˌ)tō-ləs vī- : a slightly tremulous effect imparted to vocal or instrumental tone for added warmth and expressiveness by slight and rapid variations in pitch


noun əˈbisəˌlith : a deep-seated igneous body lacking a floor of crystalline rock


noun ˈa-bə-ˌtwär -ˌtwȯr -ˌtȯr : slaughterhouse


noun ˈa-lə-ˌgȯr-ē : the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence a writer known for his use of allegory ; also : an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression The poem is an allegory of love and jealousy. : an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression The poem is an allegory of love and jealousy. : a symbolic representation : emblem 2


noun ˈa-lə-ˌmō ˈä- : a tree of the genus Populus; especially : aspen : aspen


noun ˈa-pə-ˌlȯg -ˌläg : an allegorical narrative usually intended to convey a moral


noun ˈa-pə-ˌrat ˌä-pə-ˈrät : apparatus 2


noun ˈbil-du̇ŋ(k)s-rō-ˌmän -du̇ŋz- : a novel about the moral and psychological growth of the main character a bildungsroman by Charles Dickens


noun ˈblin(t)-sə ˈblin(t)s : a thin usually wheat-flour pancake folded to form a casing (as for cheese or fruit) and then sautéed or baked Above is meaning for blintze But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ˈbwä-nə : master, boss


noun ˈbü-dᵊl : a collection or lot of persons : caboodle : bribe money : a large amount especially of money


noun ˈbüd(ˌ)ō : the Japanese martial arts (such as karate, aikido, and kendo)


noun ˈbō-bə : bubble tea Usually when you find something solid and chewy in your drink, it's time to call for the waiter. But that's what boba drinks are all about. They're a concoction of either tea or juice combined with milk, fruit syrup, ice and—the surprise—small marbles of tapioca. More than one person has likened drinking boba to finding a Gummi Bear in your smoothie. But these drinks, in flavors like sour plum and kumquat-lemon and sipped through an extra-wide straw, are the latest fad beverage on the West Coast. —Jeffrey Ressner, Time, 5 Feb. 2001 The restaurant, which served boba, smoothies, frozen yogurt, desserts and vegan-friendly food, closed in late September ... —Gary T. Mills, Times-Union (Jacksonville, Florida), 20 Oct. 2011


noun ˈbər ˈbir : the basic monetary unit of Ethiopia — see Money Table


noun ˈchȯŋ-ˌsäm : a dress of southern Chinese origin with a slit skirt and a mandarin collar


noun ˈda-lē-ən(t)s : an act of dallying: such as : play; especially : amorous play had dalliances with several women before getting married : amorous play had dalliances with several women before getting married : frivolous action : trifling had a brief dalliance with acting


noun ˈdam-zən : the small tart fruit of a widely cultivated Asian plum tree (Prunus insititia); also : this tree : this tree


noun ˈde-mē-ˌglas : a highly concentrated reduced brown sauce often used as a base for other sauces Above is meaning for demi-glace But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ˈdrakyələ : one who maintains a relationship like that of a vampire toward another by sapping his or her physical or emotional strength I wish I could find a truly cruel, fiendish woman, a sheer vicious Dracula —Calder Willingham


noun ˈdyȧḇlō ˈt͟hy- : devil


noun ˈdē-lər-ˌship : an authorized sales agency an automobile dealership


noun ˈdī-ə-ˌtrīb : a bitter and abusive speech or piece of writing : ironic or satirical criticism : a prolonged discourse


noun ˈdōldrəm ˈdäl- sometimes ˈdȯl- : a spell of listlessness or despondency : blues : a state of bafflement : quandary : a sluggish or slow-witted person : a region over the ocean near the equator abounding in calms, squalls, and light baffling winds : the calms met with in that region : a condition of inactivity, retardation, or stagnation: : a downswing, slump, or slack period (as in business or industry) through the economic doldrums of the late forties —Drew Middleton bring the antiques business out of the depression doldrums —Alice Winchester : a period of sagging or falling off (as in sales or financial or political activity) : a deterioration to a low ebb of vigor, creative power, or effectiveness that American fiction is at present in the doldrums is borne out anew —Amy Loveman


noun ˈe-lə-ˌträn ˈe-lə-trə : one of the anterior wings in beetles and some other insects that serve to protect the posterior pair of functional wings Above is meaning for elytron But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ˈe-skrə-ˌtwär : a writing table or desk; specifically : secretary 4b : secretary 4b


noun ˈfalbələ : a flounce or trimming for a woman's garment (as a petticoat, apron, or scarf)


noun ˈfe-nik : a small pale-fawn fox (Vulpes zerda synonym Fennecus zerda) with large ears that inhabits the deserts of northern Africa and Arabia


noun ˈfefə(r)ˌnüs -nu̇s G ˈ(p)fefərˌnu̇s -nüsə -nu̇sə G -nᵫsə : a small hard highly spiced cookie made traditionally for the Christmas holidays


noun ˈfel(d)-ˌspär : any of a group of crystalline minerals that consist of aluminum silicates with either potassium, sodium, calcium, or barium and that are an essential constituent of nearly all crystalline rocks


noun ˈflech-ər-ˌiz-əm : the practice of eating in small amounts and only when hungry and of chewing one's food thoroughly


noun ˈfraŋ-kən-ˌstīn -ˌstēn ˌfraŋ-kən-ˈstī-nē-ən -ˈsti- : the title character in Mary W. Shelley's novel Frankenstein who creates a monster that ruins his life : a monster in the shape of a man especially in popularized versions of the Frankenstein story : a monstrous creation; especially : a work or agency that ruins its originator : a work or agency that ruins its originator


noun ˈfre-(ˌ)skō : the art of painting on freshly spread moist lime plaster with water-based pigments : a painting executed in fresco


noun ˈfrän-ˌtän : a jai alai arena


noun ˈfyü-sə-ˌläd -ˌlād ˌfyü-sə-ˈläd -ˈlād -zə- : a number of shots fired simultaneously or in rapid succession : something that gives the effect of a fusillade a fusillade of rocks and bottles : a spirited outburst especially of criticism


noun ˈfägərə : an underground conduit for water in desert country (as in the Sahara)


noun ˈfär-t͟hiŋ : a former British monetary unit equal to ¹/₄ of a penny : a coin representing this unit : something of small value : mite


noun ˈfōrˌtrekər : a South African pioneer; especially : one of the Boers who took part in the trek from Cape Colony to the Transvaal in 1834-37 : one of the Boers who took part in the trek from Cape Colony to the Transvaal in 1834-37


noun ˈfəŋ-ˈshwē -ˈshwā : a Chinese geomantic practice in which a structure or site is chosen or configured so as to harmonize with the spiritual forces that inhabit it; also : orientation, placement, or arrangement according to the precepts of feng shui : orientation, placement, or arrangement according to the precepts of feng shui Above is meaning for feng shui But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ˈga-strə-ˌnōm : a lover of good food; especially : one with a serious interest in gastronomy : one with a serious interest in gastronomy


noun ˈge-(ˌ)tä -tə : a Japanese wooden clog for outdoor wear


noun ˈger-ə-ˌnu̇k gə-ˈre-nək : a large-eyed antelope (Litocranius walleri) of eastern Africa with a long neck and limbs


noun ˈgil-dər : gulden


noun ˈglaz-(ˌ)nōst ˈglas- ˈgläz- ˈgläs- : a Soviet policy permitting open discussion of political and social issues and freer dissemination of news and information


noun ˈgrau̇-pəl : granular snow pellets — called also soft hail


noun ˈgül-dən ˈgu̇l- : the basic monetary unit of the Netherlands until 2002 : the basic monetary unit of Suriname until 2004


noun ˈgā-shə ˈgē- : a Japanese girl or woman who is trained to provide entertaining and lighthearted company especially for a man or a group of men


noun ˈhastəˌlüd -dz : a medieval joust : spear play one sport called hastiludes was no less dangerous than war itself —W. H. Dixon


noun ˈhau̇-ət-sər : a short cannon used to fire projectiles at medium muzzle velocities and with relatively high trajectories


noun ˈhu̇n-tə ˈjən- ˈhən- : a council or committee for political or governmental purposes; especially : a group of persons controlling a government especially after a revolutionary seizure of power a military junta : a group of persons controlling a government especially after a revolutionary seizure of power a military junta : junto


noun ˈka-ləm-nē ˈkal-yəm- kə-ˈləm-nē-əs : a misrepresentation intended to harm another's reputation denounced his opponent for his defamatory insinuations and calumny : the act of uttering false charges or misrepresentations maliciously calculated to harm another's reputation He was the target of calumny for his unpopular beliefs.


noun ˈka-pri-ˌkȯrn : a southern zodiacal constellation between Sagittarius and Aquarius : the 10th sign of the zodiac in astrology — see Signs of the Zodiac Table : one born under the sign of Capricorn


noun ˈkēst : inner vital substance : marrow cold to the keest


noun ˈkəl-tə-ˌvär -ˌver : an organism and especially one of an agricultural or horticultural variety or strain originating and persistent under cultivation


noun ˈlä-ˌhär : a moving fluid mass composed of volcanic debris and water


noun ˈlü-ˌau̇ : a Hawaiian feast


noun ˈlȯŋ-gən -ən : a pulpy fruit related to the lychee and produced by a southeast Asian evergreen tree (Euphoria longan synonym Dimocarpus longan) of the soapberry family : a tree that bears the longan


noun ˈma-də-lən ˌma-də-ˈlān : a small rich shell-shaped cake : one that evokes a memory


noun ˈma-tək : a digging and grubbing tool with features of an adze and an ax or pick


noun ˈmär-zə-ˌpan ˈmärt-sə-ˌpän -ˌpan : a confection of crushed almonds or almond paste, sugar, and egg whites that is often shaped into various forms


noun ˈmäˈfü : a Chinese stable boy or groom


noun ˈmü-ˌmü : a loose often long dress having bright colors and patterns and adapted from the dresses originally distributed by missionaries to the native women of Hawaii


noun ˈmā-(ˌ)jē : the period of the reign (1868-1912) of Emperor Mutsuhito of Japan


noun ˈnets-(ˌ)kā -kē -ke ˈnet-sü- : a small and often intricately carved toggle (as of wood or ivory) used to fasten a small container to a kimono sash


noun ˈnä-stik : an adherent of gnosticism


noun ˈnäkər(ə)l -ln : a rich light dumpling


noun ˈnäḵtmüˌzēk -kən : serenade


noun ˈnü-mən ˈnyü- ˈnü-mə-nə ˈnyü- : a spiritual force or influence often identified with a natural object, phenomenon, or place


noun ˈnā-və-rē ˈnāv-rē : rascality : a roguish or mischievous act : roguish mischief


noun ˈnā-ˌbäb : a provincial governor of the Mogul empire in India : a person of great wealth or prominence


noun ˈpan-dət ˈpən- : a wise or learned man in India —often used as an honorary title


noun ˈpan-zər ˈpän(t)-sər : tank 2; specifically : a German tank of World War II : a German tank of World War II


noun ˈpe-(ˌ)stō : a sauce made especially of fresh basil, garlic, oil, pine nuts, and grated cheese


noun ˈpikəlˌhau̇bə -bən : a spiked helmet worn by German soldiers


noun ˈpən-dət ˈpən-də-trē : pandit : a learned person : teacher : a person who gives opinions in an authoritative manner usually through the mass media : critic


noun ˈrät-ˌske-lər ˈrat- ˈrath- : a usually basement tavern or restaurant


noun ˈrüdəˌbäk : impala : a reddish duikerbok (Cephalophus patalensis)


noun ˈski-pər-kē ˈshi- -kə -pərk : any of a Belgian breed of small stocky black tailless dogs with foxy head and heavy coat


noun ˈspriŋ-ˌbäk : a swift and graceful southern African gazelle (Antidorcas marsupialis) noted for its habit of springing lightly and suddenly into the air


noun ˈsōd-ə-ˌkü : rat-bite fever b


noun ˈsə-kə-ˌtash : lima or shell beans and kernels of green corn cooked together


noun ˈsəb-tər-ˌfyüj : deception by artifice or stratagem in order to conceal, escape, or evade : a deceptive device or stratagem


noun ˈtem-pə-rə -ˌrä tem-ˈpu̇r-ə : seafood or vegetables dipped in batter and fried in deep fat


noun ˈten-yə-wəs ˈten-yə-ˌwēz -ˌwās : an unaspirated voiceless stop


noun ˈter-ē-ən(t)s ˈta-rē-ən(t)s : the act or an instance of tarrying


noun ˈter-ə-ˌgän ˈta-rə- -gən : a small widely cultivated perennial artemisia (Artemisia dracunculus) having aromatic narrow usually entire leaves; also : its leaves used as a seasoning : its leaves used as a seasoning


noun ˈthal-ē-ən ˈthal-ˌēn ˈthāl- : any of various xanthene dyes (as phenolphthalein or fluorescein) that are intensely colored in alkaline solution


noun ˈtsfiŋə(r) ˈtsvi- : a fortress protecting a city


noun ˈtōp : a brownish gray


noun ˈtōˌpeŋ : a Javanese dramatic performance in which the actors wear grotesque masks and act in pantomime


noun ˈtə-kə-ˌhō : either of two arums (Peltandra virginica and Orontium aquaticum) of the U.S. with rootstocks used as food by American Indians : the large edible sclerotium of a subterranean fungus (Poria cocos)


noun ˈva-sə-lij : a position of subordination or submission (as to a political power) : the state of being a vassal : the homage, fealty, or services due from a vassal


noun ˈvä-tər-ˌzȯi : a stew of fish or chicken and vegetables in a seasoned stock thickened with cream and egg yolks


noun ˈwenz-lē-ˌdāl : a mild white friable cheese of English origin


noun ˈwit-ˌlōf -ˌlüf : chicory 1; also : belgian endive : belgian endive


noun ˈzifēəs : a genus (the type of the family Xiphiidae) of large scombroid fishes comprising the common swordfish : swordfish


noun ˈzər-ˌkän -kən : a tetragonal mineral consisting of a silicate of zirconium and occurring usually in brown or grayish square prisms of adamantine luster or sometimes in transparent forms which are used as gems


noun ˈä-də-sē : a long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes of fortune his odyssey from rural South to urban North, from poverty to affluence, from Afro-American folk culture to a Eurocentric world of books —J. E. Wideman : an intellectual or spiritual wandering or quest an odyssey of self-discovery a spiritual odyssey from disbelief to faith


noun ˈä-rä-ˌmā : an edible brown alga (Eisenia bicyclis synonym Ecklonia bicyclis) that grows attached to rocks under the water's surface and is used especially in Japanese cooking Similarly, arame—known for its mild, almost sweet flavor—can be added to soups and salads, or it can be steamed or boiled and eaten plain. —Kim Schoenhals, Better Nutrition, May 2004


noun ˈä-ˌhu̇ŋ : a Chinese mosque official —used in China as a term of deference or esteem


noun ˈü-ˌdän : a thick Japanese noodle made from wheat flour and usually served in a soup


noun ˈülˌpän ¦ülpä¦nēm : an Israeli study center for newcomers in which intensive training in Hebrew and cultural subjects is given


noun ˈāt-ˌlan-dər ˈau̇t- -ˌlän- : foreigner; especially : a British resident in the former republics of the Transvaal and Orange Free State : a British resident in the former republics of the Transvaal and Orange Free State


noun ˈōlēə+ˌ- : the production, processing, and marketing of olives


noun ˈōməˌplāt ˈäm- ōˈmäpləˌtē : scapula


noun ˈȯ-fər-ˌtȯr-ē ˈȯ-fə- ˈä- : the eucharistic offering of bread and wine to God before they are consecrated : a verse from a Psalm said or sung at the beginning of the offertory : the period of collection and presentation of the offerings of the congregation at public worship : a musical composition played or sung during an offertory


noun ˈȯ-tō-ˌbän ˈau̇- : a German, Swiss, or Austrian expressway


noun ˌa-grō-ˈgȯr-əd : a group of amalgamated collective farms in the U.S.S.R.


noun ˌbwä-zə-ˈrē : a panel or paneling of carved wood


noun ˌbär-də-ˈlē-(ˌ)nō : a light red Italian wine


noun ˌbärəˈbärə : a sod or turf hut of northern Siberia or of Alaska; especially : a hut of the Aleutian islanders built partly or wholly underground : a hut of the Aleutian islanders built partly or wholly underground


noun ˌbäz-ˈmä-tē- ˌbäs- ˌbaz- ˌbas- : a cultivated aromatic long-grain rice originating in southern Asia — called also basmati Above is meaning for basmati rice But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ˌdī-ə-ˈra-mə -ˈrä- -ˈra-mik : a scenic representation in which a partly translucent painting is seen from a distance through an opening : a scenic representation in which sculptured figures and lifelike details are displayed usually in miniature so as to blend indistinguishably with a realistic painted background : a life-size exhibit (as of a wildlife specimen or scene) with realistic natural surroundings and a painted background


noun ˌid-ē-ˈäp-ə-thē : an idiopathic anomaly or disease


noun ˌim-pri-ˈkā-shən ˈim-pri-kə-ˌtȯr-ē im-ˈpre-kə- : curse : the act of imprecating


noun ˌlōkāˈlänē : a small fragrant pink or red rose common in Hawaii


noun ˌmer-ə-ˈskē-(ˌ)nō -ˈshē- ˌma-rə- : a sweet liqueur distilled from the fermented juice of a bitter wild cherry : a usually large cherry preserved in true or imitation maraschino


noun ˌmyü-zi-ˈkal : a social entertainment with music as the leading feature


noun ˌmä-hē-ˈmä-(ˌ)hē : the flesh of a dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) used for food; also : the fish : the fish Above is meaning for mahi-mahi But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ˌyōsəˈnäbā : a soup consisting especially of seafood and vegetables cooked in a broth


noun ˌän-ə-ˈkäl-ə-səs -ˌsēz : a loosening of a nail from the nail bed beginning at the free edge and proceeding to the root


noun ˌī-ki-ˈdō ī-ˈkē-(ˌ)dō : a Japanese art of self-defense employing locks and holds and utilizing the principle of nonresistance to cause an opponent's own momentum to work against him


noun ˌī-sə-ˈjē-səs ˈī-sə-ˌjē- ˌī-sə-ˈjē-ˌsēz ˈī-sə-ˌjē- : the interpretation of a text (as of the Bible) by reading into it one's own ideas — compare exegesis


noun ˌōpəkəˈpäkə : any of several brightly colored chiefly Hawaiian snappers of the genus Pristipomioides including some that are important food fishes

haute couture

noun ˌōt-ku̇-ˈtu̇r : the houses or designers that create exclusive and often trend-setting fashions for women; also : the fashions created : the fashions created


noun ˌȯr-ə-ˈtȯr-ē-ˌō ˌär- : a lengthy choral work usually of a religious nature consisting chiefly of recitatives, arias, and choruses without action or scenery


adverb ō¦pyādəläˈletr(ᵊ) -et(rə) : literally don't take everything I say au pied de la lettre Above is meaning for au pied de la lettre But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


biographical name ˈbā-ˌtō-vən ˌbā-ˌtō-ˈvē-nyən Ludwig van 1770-1827 German composer Above is meaning for Beethoven But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


biographical name ˈbər-lə-nər Emile 1851-1929 American (German-born) inventor


biographical name ˈfän-də Henry (Jaynes) 1905-1982 and his daughter Jane 1937- originally Lady Jayne Seymour Fonda American actors


biographical name ˈhe-miŋ-ˌwā ˌhe-miŋ-ˌwā-ˈesk Ernest Miller 1899-1961 American writer and journalist Above is meaning for Hemingway But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


biographical name ˈmel-bə Dame Nellie 1861-1931 originally Helen Porter Mitchell Australian soprano


biographical name ˌtȯr-kə-ˈmä-də -t͟hə Tomás de 1420-1498 Spanish grand inquisitor


noun ˈkrə-lər : a small sweet cake in the form of a twisted strip fried in deep fat : an unraised doughnut


noun ˈkwik-sət kē-ˈhō-tē -ˈō- ˈkwik-sə-ˌti-zəm ˈkwik-sə-trē : a quixotic person


noun ˈkwiz-liŋ ˈkwiz-liŋ-ˌi-zəm : traitor 2, collaborator


geographical name ˌpa-tə-ˈgō-nyə -nē-ə -nyən -nē-ən region of South America in southern Argentina and southern Chile, a barren tableland between the Andes Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean south of about 40° south latitude and sometimes considered to include Tierra del Fuego Above is meaning for Patagonia But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


geographical name noun plural ˈpam-pəz ˈpäm- -pəs ˈpam-pəz extensive lowland plains of South America extending across east-central Argentina from the Atlantic Ocean and often regarded as including Uruguay and the southern tip of Brazil : wide treeless plains of South America


noun al-ˈkäl-dē : the chief administrative and judicial officer or the mayor of a town in a Spanish-speaking country or region


noun ab-ˈsin(t)-thē-əm : wormwood : the dried leaves and flowering tops of a common wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) once used as a bitter tonic and stomachic : oil of wormwood used as an ingredient of absinthe


noun -ˌpül : an underground reservoir for liquid waste (such as household sewage) : a filthy, evil, or corrupt place or state a cesspool of corruption


noun əˈsä(ˌ)dō : barbecue


noun ˌäbərəˈgirē : candlenut 2


noun, plural in form but usually singular in construction noun ˌmath-ˈma-tiks ˌma-thə- ˌma-thə-ˈma-tiks : the science of numbers and their operations (see operation 5), interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions and of space (see 1space 7) configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations, and generalizations Algebra, arithmetic, calculus, geometry, and trigonometry are branches of mathematics. : a branch of, operation in, or use of mathematics the mathematics of physical chemistry : the science that studies and explains numbers, quantities, measurements, and the relations between them


plural noun ˌfän-tə-ˈchē-nē ˌfan- : a puppet show using puppets operated by strings or mechanical devices; also : such puppets : such puppets


verb verb transitive verb ˈpas-chə-ˌrīz ˈpas-tyə- -tə- ˈpas-chə-ˌrīz ˈpa-stə- ˈpas-chə-ˌrīz ˈpas-tə- : to subject to pasteurization : to keep a liquid (as milk) for a time at a temperature high enough to kill many harmful germs and then cool it rapidly : to subject to pasteurization


noun noun kə-ˈbüs kə-ˈbüs : a ship's galley : a freight-train car attached usually to the rear mainly for the use of the train crew : one that follows or brings up the rear : buttocks : a car usually at the rear of a freight train for the use of the train crew


adjective ˈne-t͟hər : situated down or below : lower Snakes nested in the nether reaches of the cave. : situated or believed to be situated beneath the earth's surface captured her and carried her off to the nether world to be his wife —S. V. McCasland


adjective ˈprī-məl : original, primitive village life continued in its primal innocence —Van Wyck Brooks : first in importance : primary


adjective ˈpȯi-nyənt ˈpȯi(g)-nənt : pungently pervasive a poignant perfume : painfully affecting the feelings : piercing : deeply affecting : touching : designed to make an impression : cutting poignant satire : pleasurably stimulating : being to the point : apt


adjective ˈpər-mē-ən ˈper- : of, relating to, or being the last period of the Paleozoic era or the corresponding system of rocks — see Geologic Time Table


adjective ˈre-tə-sənt : inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech : reserved : restrained in expression, presentation, or appearance the room has an aspect of reticent dignity —A. N. Whitehead : reluctant


adjective ˈrəf-ˈhyün : being in a rough, unsmoothed, or unfinished state : crudely formed rough-hewn beams : lacking refinement he was rather attractive, in a rough-hewn kind of way —Jan Speas Above is meaning for rough-hewn But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


adjective ˈswäv ˈswä-və-tē : smoothly though often superficially gracious and sophisticated : smooth in texture, performance, or style


adjective ˈzīlərē : of, relating to, associated with, or constituting wood and especially xylem wax does not seem to be secreted ... in the xylary tissues of plants —Economic Geology


adjective ˈē-ə-ˌsēn : of, relating to, or being an epoch of the Tertiary between the Paleocene and the Oligocene or the corresponding series of rocks — see Geologic Time Table


adjective ˌa-frə-ˈtän-(ˌ)dō ˌä- : becoming faster, as if excited —used as a direction in music


adjective ˌa-nik-ˈdō-tᵊl -tᵊl-ē : based on or consisting of reports or observations of usually unscientific observers anecdotal evidence health benefits that may be more anecdotal than factual : of, relating to, or consisting of anecdotes an anecdotal biography : given to or skilled in telling anecdotes : anecdotic 2 my anecdotal uncle : of, relating to, or being the depiction of a scene suggesting a story anecdotal details


adjective ˌan-drə-ˈsen-trik -ˌtri-zəm : dominated by or emphasizing masculine interests or a masculine point of view — compare gynocentric


adjective ˌfər-f(y)ə-ˈrā-shəs : consisting of or covered with flaky particles furfuraceous eczema


adjective ˌhä-mə-ˈle-tik ˌhä-mə-ˈle-ti-kəl : of, relating to, or resembling a homily : of or relating to homiletics; also : preachy : preachy


adjective ˌim-pi-ˈkyü-nyəs -nē-əs ˌim-pi-ˌkyü-nē-ˈä-sə-tē : having very little or no money usually habitually : penniless


adjective ˌjē-ō-ˈthər-məl ˌjē-ō-ˈthər-mə-lē : of, relating to, or utilizing the heat of the earth's interior; also : produced or permeated by such heat geothermal steam geothermal regions : produced or permeated by such heat geothermal steam geothermal regions


adjective ˌkän-trə-ˈpən-tᵊl ˌkän-trə-ˈpən-tᵊl-ē : polyphonic : of, relating to, or marked by counterpoint


adjective ˌlī-ə-ˈnāz : prepared with onions lyonnaise potatoes


adjective ˌma-lə-ˈdrȯit : lacking adroitness : inept The governor has been criticized for his maladroit handling of the budget crisis.


adjective ˌpyü-sə-ˈla-nə-məs ˌpyü-zə- : lacking courage and resolution : marked by contemptible timidity


adjective ˌra-bə-ˈlā-zhən -zē-ən : of, relating to, or characteristic of Rabelais or his works : marked by gross robust humor, extravagance of caricature, or bold naturalism


noun brō-ˈmē-lē-ˌad : any of the chiefly tropical American usually epiphytic plants comprising the pineapple family and including Spanish moss and various ornamentals


noun fə-ˈla-tə-lē ˌfi-lə-ˈte-lik ˌfi-lə-ˈte-li-k(ə-)lē : the collection and study of postage and imprinted stamps : stamp collecting


noun galˈyün : a compressed deep-bodied percoid food and sport fish (Dichistius capensis) common in shallow water and surf along the coasts of southern Africa; also : any of several related fishes —often used with a qualifying term : any of several related fishes —often used with a qualifying term


noun gär-ˈbän-(ˌ)zō -ˈban- : chickpea


noun gär-ˈsōⁿ gär-ˈsōⁿ(z) : waiter


noun gü-ˈrä-mē : any of numerous African and Asian tropical freshwater bony fishes (order Perciformes): such as : a large Asian food fish (Osphronemus goramy of the family Osphronemidae) : any of various small fishes (families Belontiidae and Helostomatidae) often kept in aquariums


noun gȯr-ˈdē-tə : a deep-fried pocket of cornmeal dough filled with a savory mixture


noun gə-ˈrü-lə-tē ga- : the quality or state of being garrulous


noun gə-ˈstä-(ˌ)pō : a secret-police organization employing underhanded and terrorist methods against persons suspected of disloyalty


noun gəˈzämtˌku̇nstˌverk : an art work produced by a synthesis of various art forms (such as music and drama)


noun hipˈsämə‧trē : the science of measuring heights (as with reference to sea level)


noun hī-ˈpər-bə-(ˌ)lē hī-ˈpər-bə-list : extravagant exaggeration (such as "mile-high ice-cream cones")


noun hōˈlōkü : a woman's long one-piece gown usually made with some fitting and a train and worn especially in Hawaii


noun i-ˈmäm ē- -ˈmam : the prayer leader of a mosque : a Muslim leader of the line of Ali held by Shiites to be the divinely appointed, sinless, infallible successors of Muhammad : any of various rulers that claim descent from Muhammad and exercise spiritual and temporal leadership over a Muslim region


noun i-ˈpi-fə-nē : January 6 observed as a church festival in commemoration of the coming of the Magi as the first manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles or in the Eastern Church in commemoration of the baptism of Christ : an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being : a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something : an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking : an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure : a revealing scene or moment


noun in sense 1 ˈanəˌnas əˈnanəs in sense 2 ¦anə¦näs or ¦än- -¦näz ¦anə¦nä ¦än- : a small genus of tropical American plants (family Bromeliaceae) having basal sword-shaped leaves, terminal racemose flowers, and large syncarpous fruits — see pineapple : any of several plants of the family Bromeliaceae: such as : pineapple : pinguin


noun in-ˈfər-(ˌ)nō : a place or a state that resembles or suggests hell the inferno of war ; also : an intense fire : conflagration a raging inferno : an intense fire : conflagration a raging inferno


noun in-ˈtal-(ˌ)yō -ˈtäl- -ˈta-glē-ˌō -ˈtä- : an engraving or incised figure in stone or other hard material depressed below the surface so that an impression from the design yields an image in relief : the art or process of executing intaglios : printing (as in die stamping and gravure) done from a plate in which the image is sunk below the surface : something (such as a gem) carved in intaglio


noun jim-ˈkä-nə -ˈka- : a meet featuring sports contests or athletic skills: such as : competitive games on horseback : a timed contest for automobiles featuring a series of events designed to test driving skill


noun jəˈnänə : knowledge


noun ka-ˈkä-fə-nē -ˈkȯ- -ˈka- : harsh or jarring sound : dissonance 2; specifically : harshness in the sound of words or phrases : harshness in the sound of words or phrases : an incongruous or chaotic mixture : a striking combination a cacophony of color a cacophony of smells


noun klē-ˈshā ˈklē-ˌ kli-ˈ : a trite phrase or expression; also : the idea expressed by it : the idea expressed by it : a hackneyed theme, characterization, or situation : something (such as a menu item) that has become overly familiar or commonplace


noun kri-ˈden-zə : credence 3 : a sideboard, buffet, or bookcase patterned after a Renaissance credence; especially : one without legs : one without legs


noun krȯ-ˈsänt krə- krwä-ˈsäⁿ krȯ-ˈsänt(s) krə- krwä-ˈsäⁿ(z) : a flaky rich crescent-shaped roll


noun ku̇r-ˈzhet : zucchini


noun kär-ˈnȯ-bə -ˈnau̇- -ˈnü- ˌkär-nə-ˈü-bə : a fan-leaved palm (Copernicia prunifera synonym C. cerifera) of Brazil that has an edible root and yields a useful leaf fiber and carnauba wax


noun kēl-ˈbä-sə kil- ki-ˈbä-sə kēl-ˈbä-sē kil- ki-ˈbä-sə : a smoked sausage of Polish origin


noun kō-ˈrät kȯ- : any of a breed of short-haired domestic cats originating in Thailand and having a heart-shaped face, a silver-blue coat, and usually green eyes


noun kȯr-ˈnēsh : a road built along a coast and especially along the face of a cliff


noun kə-ˈdel : a small cosmopolitan black beetle (Tenebroides mauritanicus) destructive to stored grain


noun kə-ˈden-zə : a parenthetical flourish in an aria or other solo piece commonly just before a final or other important cadence : a technically brilliant sometimes improvised solo passage toward the close of a concerto : an exceptionally brilliant part of an artistic and especially a literary work


noun kə-ˈhü-nə : a preeminent person or thing : big gun the industry's big kahuna, with ... 57 percent of the market —A. E. Serwer : a Hawaiian shaman


noun kə-ˈmȯr-ə -ˈmär- : a group of persons united for dishonest or dishonorable ends; especially : a secret organization formed about 1820 at Naples, Italy : a secret organization formed about 1820 at Naples, Italy


noun kə-ˈnas-tə : a form of rummy using two full decks in which players or partnerships try to meld groups of three or more cards of the same rank and score bonuses for 7-card melds : a meld of seven cards of the same rank in canasta


noun kə-ˈnish : a small round or square of dough stuffed with a filling (such as potato) and baked or fried


noun kə-ˈnärd -ˈnär : a false or unfounded report or story; especially : a fabricated report The report about a conspiracy proved to be a canard. : a fabricated report The report about a conspiracy proved to be a canard. : a groundless rumor or belief the widespread canard that every lawyer is dishonest : an airplane with horizontal stabilizing and control surfaces in front of supporting surfaces; also : a small airfoil in front of the wing of an aircraft that can increase the aircraft's performance : a small airfoil in front of the wing of an aircraft that can increase the aircraft's performance


noun lā-ˈet : a complete outfit of clothing and equipment for a newborn infant


noun lā-ˈhü-ə : a common very showy chiefly Polynesian tree (Metrosideros collinus) of the myrtle family having bright red flowers and a hard wood; also : its flower : its flower


noun lē-ˈä-nə -ˈa- lē-ˈän -ˈan : any of various usually woody vines especially of tropical rain forests that root in the ground


noun lə-ˈbre-(ˌ)tō lə-ˈbre-(ˌ)tē : the text of a work (such as an opera) for the musical theater : the book containing a libretto


noun ma-ˈsker-ə -ˈska-rə -əd -rəd : a cosmetic especially for making the eyelashes darker and more prominent


noun man-ˈtē-yə -ˈti-lə : a light scarf worn over the head and shoulders especially by Spanish and Latin American women : a short light cape or cloak


noun mi-ˈstēk : an air or attitude of mystery (see 1mystery 2) and reverence developing around something or someone the legendary singer's mystique the mystique of the liturgy : the special esoteric skill essential in a calling or activity the mystique of yoga the mystique of hang gliding


noun mä-ˈchēz-(ˌ)mō mə- -ˈkēz- -ˈkiz- -ˈchiz- : a strong sense of masculine pride : an exaggerated masculinity athletes displaying their machismo : an exaggerated or exhilarating sense of power or strength the administration's machismo in pushing for a new treaty


noun müˈsäŋ myüˈsaŋ : an East Indian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) with long shaggy fur obscurely patterned with spots and stripes


noun mā-ˈläⁿzh -ˈlänj : a mixture often of incongruous elements a mélange of architectural styles


noun mə-ˈhät-mə -ˈhat- : a person to be revered for high-mindedness, wisdom, and selflessness : a person of great prestige in a field of endeavor


noun mə-ˈkä-(ˌ)dō : an emperor of Japan


noun nir-ˈvä-nə (ˌ)nər- nir-ˈvä-nik -ˈva- (ˌ)nər- : the final beatitude (see beatitude 1a) that transcends suffering, karma, and samsara and is sought especially in Buddhism through the extinction of desire and individual consciousness : a place or state of oblivion to care, pain, or external reality alcohol-induced nirvana ; also : bliss, heaven The resort is a skier's and snowboarder's nirvana. : bliss, heaven The resort is a skier's and snowboarder's nirvana. : a goal hoped for but apparently unattainable : dream ... that nirvana of the ... weatherman: A foolproof system of forecasting. —Newsweek


noun nō-ˈbles : noble birth or condition : the members especially of the French nobility


noun nō-ˈsäg-rə-fē ˌnäs-ə-ˈgraf-ik : a description or classification of diseases


noun sə-ˈvrü-gə se- : a gray caviar from a sturgeon (Acipenser sevru) of the Caspian Sea with roe that is smaller than that of osetra; also : the fish : the fish


noun sə̇ˈsidēəm sēˈ- -ēə : gall; especially : one caused by insects or mites —used especially in combinations acarocecidium zoocecidium : one caused by insects or mites —used especially in combinations acarocecidium zoocecidium


noun trüˈvī : a lucky find : windfall


noun trī-ˈske-lē-ən tri- ˈtrī-ˌskēl ˈtri- : a figure composed of three usually curved or bent branches radiating from a center


noun trī-ˈəm-və-rət : a body of triumvirs : the office or government of triumvirs : a group or association of three


noun trə-ˈjek-t(ə-)rē : the curve that a body (such as a planet or comet in its orbit or a rocket) describes in space : a path, progression, or line of development resembling a physical trajectory an upward career trajectory


noun trəˈpäk ˈtrā-ˌ : a fiery Ukrainian folk dance performed by men and featuring the leg-flinging prisiadka


noun tä-ˈtä-mē ta- : straw matting used as a floor covering in a Japanese home


noun tȯr-ˈtō-nē : ice cream made of heavy cream often with minced almonds and chopped maraschino cherries and often flavored with rum


noun tə-ˈhē-nē tä- : a smooth paste of sesame seeds


noun ven-ˈde-tə : blood feud : an often prolonged series of retaliatory, vengeful, or hostile acts or exchange of such acts waged a personal vendetta against those who opposed his nomination


noun vä-ˈker-(ˌ)ō : herdsman, cowboy


noun wä-ˈhē-nē -(ˌ)nā : a Polynesian woman : a female surfer


noun yü-ˈbi-kwə-tē : presence everywhere or in many places especially simultaneously : omnipresence


noun zhə̇ˈlā : waistcoat; specifically : a woman's dickey resembling a waistcoat or blouse : a woman's dickey resembling a waistcoat or blouse


noun ¦ampələ¦yä : bitter melon


noun ¦brilyən¦di(ə)r : one who cuts small facets on diamonds


noun ¦chänō¦yü : a Japanese ceremony consisting of the serving and taking of tea in accordance with an elaborate ritual


noun ¦gärdə¦brä -rä(z) : a piece of armor to protect the arm


noun ¦gäspə¦dēn -əd¦yēn -ə¦dä —used as a courtesy title in some Slavic countries


noun ¦malmə̇n¦yat : a small black venomous spider (Latrodectus tridecimguttatus) of southern Europe having 13 small red spots on the abdomen


noun ä-ˈchär-yə : a Hindu religious teacher : one versed in the sacred writings of the Hindus : any illustrious or learned person in India


noun ˈkä-mē : a sacred power or force; especially : one of the Shinto deities including mythological beings, spirits of distinguished men, and forces of nature : one of the Shinto deities including mythological beings, spirits of distinguished men, and forces of nature


noun ˈkä-mə-ˌsär : a Communist party official assigned to a military unit to teach party principles and policies and to ensure party loyalty : one that attempts to control public opinion or its expression : the head of a government department in the U.S.S.R. until 1946


noun ˈkä-shə ˈka- : a porridge made usually from buckwheat groats : kasha grain before cooking


noun ˈkä-ˌsak -sək : a member of any of a number of autonomous communities drawn from various ethnic and linguistic groups (such as Slavs, Tatars, and Circassians) that formed in Ukraine, southern Russia, the Caucasus Mountains, and Siberia after about 1400 and that were completely incorporated into czarist Russia during the 18th and 19th centuries : a mounted soldier serving in a unit drafted from Cossack communities


noun ˈkär-mə ˈkər- ˈkär-mik ˈkər- : the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence : a characteristic emanation, aura, or spirit that infuses or vitalizes someone or something


noun ˈkävyə : poetic composition in Sanskrit and other Indic languages characterized by decorative elaboration


noun ˈkäz-ˌplā ˈkäs- : the activity or practice of dressing up as a character from a work of fiction (such as a comic book, video game, or television show) Sometimes people are miscast in life. They may appear to be dentists or clerks, but deep down they are actually fierce swordsmen or goddesses with devastating sex appeal. These true selves can emerge in the world of cosplay, the practice of impersonating characters from anime, manga, Japanese video games, and other realms of fiction. —Mother Jones, November/December 2007 —often used before another noun cosplay costumes


noun ˈkās-ˌhȯnt ˈkās-ˌhȯn-dən : any of a Dutch breed of compact medium-sized dogs that have a dense heavy grayish coat and a foxy head


noun ˈkēsh : an unsweetened custard pie usually having a savory filling (such as spinach, mushrooms, or ham)


noun ˈkīsekē : a highly ritual Japanese meal characterized by small portions, subtle flavors, artful presentation, and an emphasis on fresh seasonal ingredients


noun ˈkō-ˌän : a paradox to be meditated upon that is used to train Zen Buddhist monks to abandon ultimate dependence on reason and to force them into gaining sudden intuitive enlightenment


noun ˈkȯ(ə)r : watercourse, ravine


noun ˈkȯ-fəl ˈkä- : a train of slaves or animals fastened together


noun ˈkȯr-ə-kəl ˈkär- : a small boat used in Britain from ancient times and made of a frame (as of wicker) covered usually with hide or tarpaulin


noun ˈkȯvsh " -shē : a ladle or drinking vessel with a boat-shaped bowl and a handle at one end


noun ˈkə-mən ˈkyü- ˈkü- : a small annual herb (Cuminum cyminum) of the carrot family cultivated for its aromatic fruits; also : the seedlike fruit of cumin used as a spice : the seedlike fruit of cumin used as a spice


noun ˈkə-mər-ˌbənd ˈkəm-bər- ˈkəm-bər-ˌbənd : a broad waistband usually worn in place of a vest with men's dress clothes and adapted in various styles of women's clothes


noun ˈkər-tᵊl : a long gown or dress worn by women : a tunic or coat worn by men especially in the Middle Ages


noun ˈlau̇-ˈgī : the penal system of China consisting of a network of labor camps; also : such a labor camp : such a labor camp


noun ˈli-vər-ˌwərst ˈli-və- -ˌvu̇(r)st -ˌvu̇sht : a large, creamy to firm cooked sausage containing ground pork liver usually mixed with pork or other meat and spices : liver sausage


noun ˈläŋ-ˌlau̇f ˈläŋ-ˌlau̇-fər : cross-country running or racing on skis


noun ˈlȯr-ə-ˌlī : a siren of Germanic legend whose singing lures Rhine River boatmen to destruction on a reef


noun ˈma-krə-ˌmā : a coarse lace or fringe made by knotting threads or cords in a geometrical pattern; also : the art of tying knots in patterns : the art of tying knots in patterns Above is meaning for macramé But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ˈminēˌbu̇sh : a low shrub (Menziesia pilosa) of eastern North America with greenish purple flowers


noun ˈmä-di-kəm ˈmō- : a small portion : a limited quantity had only a modicum of mathematical skills


noun ˈmä-nə-dē mə-ˈnä-dik -di-kəl : an ode sung by one voice (as in a Greek tragedy) : an elegy or dirge performed by one person : a monophonic vocal piece : the monophonic style of 17th century opera


noun ˈmāl-strəm -ˌsträm : a powerful often violent whirlpool sucking in objects within a given radius tried to shoot the canoe across a stretch of treacherous maelstrom —Harper's : something resembling a maelstrom in turbulence the maelstrom enveloping the country a maelstrom of emotions


noun ˈmē-(ˌ)sō : a high-protein fermented food paste consisting chiefly of soybeans, salt, and usually grain (such as barley or rice) and ranging in taste from very salty to very sweet


noun ˈmē-rəb : a niche or chamber in a mosque indicating the direction of Mecca


noun ˈmī-(ˌ)strō -ˌstrē : a master usually in an art; especially : an eminent composer, conductor, or teacher of music : an eminent composer, conductor, or teacher of music


noun ˈmīsˌhänt ˈmās- : either of two southern African weasels that are black with white stripes and that emit a fetid odor when disturbed — see snake muishond, striped muishond


noun ˈmō-chē : a doughlike mass made from cooked and pounded glutinous rice used in Japan as an unbaked pastry


noun ˈmōˌizəm : the teachings of Mo Ti characterized by an emphasis on equalitarian universal love and opposition to traditionalism and Confucianism


noun ˈne-mə-səs ˈne-mə-ˌsēz : the Greek goddess of retributive justice : one that inflicts retribution or vengeance Many a pursued man fell before his nemesis in the streets ... —Agnes Morely Cleaveland : a formidable and usually victorious rival or opponent The team was defeated by its old nemesis. : an act or effect of retribution ... pursue them with the nemesis of outraged humanity. —Donald Culross Peattie : bane 2 A nemesis of humankind since the first hand slapped the first cheek, mosquitoes have bitten their way into the American experience ... —Jack Cox


noun ˈnenyəˌfär nə̇ˈn(y)üfər : water lily; especially : egyptian lotus : egyptian lotus


noun ˈnā-ˌdir ˈnā-dər : the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the zenith and vertically downward from the observer : the lowest point


noun ˈnān-ˌsu̇k : a soft lightweight muslin


noun ˈnȯ(ə)l : a low spreading Old World annual weed (Scleranthus annuus) with inconspicuous greenish flowers that is now widely ditributed in North America; also : any of several other weedy plants of this genus : any of several other weedy plants of this genus


noun ˈwä-sə-bē wä-ˈsä- : a condiment that is prepared from the ground thick pungent greenish root of an Asian herb (Wasabia japonica synonym Eutrema wasabi) of the mustard family and is similar in flavor and use to horseradish; also : the root : the root : the herb that yields wasabi


noun ˈwän-dər-ˌləst : strong longing for or impulse toward wandering


noun ˈwāˌwīzə(r) : an instrument (as an odometer or pedometer) for measuring the distance traversed by a walker, vehicle, or ship


noun ˈwīz-ˌā-kər : one who pretends to knowledge or cleverness; especially : smart aleck : smart aleck


noun ˈyä-ku̇-ˌzä : a Japanese gangster : an organized crime syndicate in Japan


noun ˈyü-fə-ˌmi-zəm ˈyü-fə-mist ˌyü-fə-ˈmi-stik ˌyü-fə-ˈmi-sti-k(ə-)lē : the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant; also : the expression so substituted : the expression so substituted


noun ˈyü-lə-jē ˌyü-lə-ˈji-stik ˌyü-lə-ˈji-sti-k(ə-)lē : a commendatory oration or writing especially in honor of one deceased she delivered the eulogy at his funeral : high praise


noun ˈyō-mən-rē : the body of yeomen; specifically : the body of small landed proprietors of the middle class : the body of small landed proprietors of the middle class : a British volunteer cavalry force created from yeomen in 1761 as a home defense force and reorganized in 1907 as part of the territorial force


noun ˈzel-kə-və zel-ˈkō-və : a tall widely spreading Japanese tree (Zelkova serrata) of the elm family that is often used as an ornamental and shade tree in place of the American elm because of its resistance to Dutch elm disease


noun ˈzhän-rə ˈzhäⁿ- ˈzhäⁿr ˈjän-rə : a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content a classic of the gothic novel genre : kind, sort : painting that depicts scenes or events from everyday life usually realistically


noun ˈä-güŋ ˈä-geŋ ˈä-gȯŋ : any of various suspended, bossed, wide-rimmed gongs of Southeast Asia ... the drum elaborates on the rhythmic patterns of the agung. —Traditional Drama and Music of Southeast Asia, 1974


noun ˈä-kə-bē : a vine (Akebia quinata) of eastern Asia valued for its oily seeds and as material for basketmaking


noun ˈä-niks : a translucent chalcedony in parallel layers of different colors


noun ˈä-ˌblau̇t ˈa- ˈäp-ˌlau̇t : a systematic variation of vowels in the same root or affix or in related roots or affixes especially in the Indo-European languages that is usually paralleled by differences in use or meaning (as in sing, sang, sung, song)


noun ˈän-ˌsäts : an initial estimate of the solution to a mathematical or technical problem that is used to guide work to a more precise answer This schematic picture suggests that the surface flux distribution is coupled to the solar rotation. It is an appealing ansatz for describing part of the temperature data in Fig. 1B. —J. R. Kuhn et al.


noun ˈänˌsü -zü : apricot 1 : an apricot (Prunus armeniaca ansu) that is native to Korea but is cultivated also in Japan


noun ˈär-gə-sē : a large ship; especially : a large merchant ship three of your argosies are ... come to harbor —William Shakespeare : a large merchant ship three of your argosies are ... come to harbor —William Shakespeare : a fleet of ships : a rich supply an argosy of railway folklore —F. P. Donovan


noun ˈäŋ(k)st ˈaŋ(k)st : a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity teenage angst


noun ˌlü-kyə-ˈbrā-shən ˌlü-kə- : laborious or intensive study; also : the product of such study —usually used in plural : the product of such study —usually used in plural


noun noun ˈkä-(ˌ)lēg ˈkä-(ˌ)lēg-ˌship ˈkä-ˌlēg : an associate or coworker typically in a profession or in a civil or ecclesiastical office and often of similar rank or state : a fellow worker or professional : an associate in a profession : a fellow worker


noun noun ˈnī-səs ˈnī-səs -ˌsüs ˈnī-səs -səs, -ˌsüs : a mental or physical effort to attain an end : a perfective urge or endeavor : a mental or physical effort to attain an end


noun noun ˈsər-ˌlȯin ˈsər-ˌlȯin : a cut of meat and especially of beef from the part of the hindquarter just in front of the round — see beef illustration : a cut of beef taken from the part just in front of the rump


noun noun ˌfe-mə-ˈni-nə-tē ˌfem-ə-ˈnin-ət-ē : the quality or nature of the female sex : effeminacy : women, womankind : the quality or nature of the female sex


noun noun ˌha-mə-ˈdrī-əd -ˌad ˌham-ə-ˈdrī-əd, -ˌad : wood nymph : king cobra : king cobra


noun noun ˌȯr-ə-ˈgä-mē ˌȯr-ə-ˈgä-mē : the Japanese art or process of folding squares of paper into representational shapes : the art of folding paper into three-dimensional figures or designs without cutting the paper or using glue


noun noun adjective ˈhən-drəd -dərd ˈhən-drəd-ˌfōld -dərd- ˈhən-drədth -drətth ˈhən-drəd : a number equal to 10 times 10 — see Table of Numbers : the numbers 100 to 999 : a great number hundreds of times : a 100-dollar bill : a subdivision of some English and American counties : ten times ten : 100 : a very large number He walked this route hundreds of times. : being 100 a hundred years Above is meaning for hundred But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun noun transitive verb ˈbī-ˌäp-sē ˈbī-ˌäp-sē : the removal and examination of tissue, cells, or fluids from the living body : the removal and examination of tissue, cells, or fluids from the living body : to perform a biopsy on the intestinal polyps were removed and biopsied


noun noun transitive verb noun ˈȯ-ˌtäp-sē ˈȯ-təp- ˈȯ-ˌtäp-sē ˈȯt-əp- ˈȯ-ˌtäp-sē, -təp- : an examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death or the character and extent of changes produced by disease — called also necropsy : a critical examination, evaluation, or assessment of someone or something past : an examination of the body after death usually with such dissection as will expose the vital organs for determining the cause of death or the character and extent of changes produced by disease — called also necropsy, postmortem, postmortem examination : to perform an autopsy on : an examination of a body after death usually involving dissection especially to determine the cause of death — called also post mortem, post mortem examination


noun noun verb noun här-ˈpün här-ˈpün här-ˈpün : a barbed spear or javelin used especially in hunting large fish or whales : a barbed spear used especially for hunting whales and large fish : to strike with a barbed spear : a medical instrument with a barbed head used for removing bits of living tissue for examination


noun noun verb noun ˈbär-ij bə-ˈräzh -ˈräj bə-ˈräzh -ˈräj bə-ˈräzh : a dam placed in a watercourse to increase the depth of water or to divert it into a channel for navigation or irrigation : artillery fire laid on a line (see 1line 6c) close to friendly troops to screen and protect them The enemy laid down a barrage of machine-gun fire as our platoon approached the bridge. : a vigorous or rapid outpouring or projection of many things at once a barrage of phone calls unleashed a barrage of insults an oratorical barrage : to deliver a barrage (see 2barrage) against were barraged with bullets being barraged by campaign ads before the election : a heavy and continuous firing of weapons during a battle : a great amount of something that comes quickly and continuously a barrage of commercials


noun adjective brə-ˈvyu̇r-ə brä- -ˈvu̇r- : a musical passage requiring exceptional agility and technical skill in execution : a florid brilliant style : a show of daring or brilliance : marked by a dazzling display of skill a bravura performance : ornate, showy bravura prose


noun adjective adjective grō-ˈtesk grō-ˈtesk : a style of decorative art characterized by fanciful or fantastic human and animal forms often interwoven with foliage or similar figures that may distort the natural into absurdity, ugliness, or caricature : a piece of work in this style an ornate structure, embellished with grotesques : one that is grotesque : sans serif : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of the grotesque: such as : fanciful, bizarre a grotesque Halloween costume : absurdly incongruous : departing markedly from the natural, the expected, or the typical animals with grotesque deformities : unnatural in an odd or ugly way


noun adjective adjective ˈsa-(ˌ)lō ˈsa-lə-wish ˈsa-lō-nəs -lə- ˈsa-lō : any of several Old World broad-leaved willows (such as Salix caprea) including important sources of charcoal and tanbark : of a grayish greenish yellow color : slightly yellow in a way that does not look healthy His hair was short and wild ..., his face starved and sallow with grief. —Louise Erdrich, The Birchbark House


noun adjective noun adjective noun ˌan-tē-bī-ˈä-tik -ˌtī- -bē-ˈä- -ti-k(ə-)lē ˌan-ti-bī-ˈä-tik -bī-ˈät-ik; -bē- -i-k(ə-)lē : a substance produced by or a semisynthetic (see semisynthetic 1) substance derived from a microorganism and able in dilute solution to inhibit or kill another microorganism The doctor prescribed an antibiotic to treat the infection. : tending to prevent, inhibit, or destroy life : of or relating to antibiotics or to antibiosis antibiotic drugs : a substance produced by living things and especially by bacteria and fungi that is used to kill or prevent the growth of harmful germs : tending to prevent, inhibit, or destroy life : of or relating to antibiotics or to antibiosis : a substance produced by or a semisynthetic substance derived from a microorganism and able in dilute solution to inhibit or kill another microorganism


noun biographical name noun ˈnī-tᵊn-ˌgāl -tiŋ- ˈnī-tᵊn-ˌgāl -tiŋ- ˈnī-tᵊn-ˌgāl : an Old World thrush (Luscinia megarhynchos synonym Erithacus megarhynchos) noted for the sweet usually nocturnal song of the male; also : any of various other birds noted for their sweet song or for singing at night : any of various other birds noted for their sweet song or for singing at night Florence 1820-1910 English nurse and philanthropist : a reddish brown European bird noted for the sweet song of the male usually heard at night


noun noun ˈri-vyə-lət -və- ˈri-vyə-lət : a small stream : a small stream


noun noun ˈrək-ˌsak ˈru̇k- ˈrək-ˌsak ˈru̇k- : knapsack : knapsack


noun noun ˈsär-ˌka-zəm ˈsär-ˌka-zəm : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual : the use or language of sarcasm : the use of words that normally mean one thing to mean just the opposite usually to hurt someone's feelings or show scorn


noun noun ˈsü-və-ˌnir ˌsü-və-ˈnir ˈsü-və-ˌnir : something that serves as a reminder : something that serves as a reminder a souvenir from Hawaii


noun noun ˈsē-kwən ˈsē-kwən : an old gold coin of Italy and Turkey : a small plate of shining metal or plastic used for ornamentation especially on clothing : a bit of shiny metal or plastic used as an ornament usually on clothing


noun noun ˈsī-dər ˈsī-dər : fermented apple juice often made sparkling by carbonation or fermentation in a sealed container : the expressed juice of fruit (such as apples) used as a beverage or for making other products (such as applejack) : the juice pressed out of fruit (as apples) and used especially as a drink and in making vinegar


noun noun ˈtər-pə-ˌtüd -ˌtyüd ˈtər-pə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd : inherent baseness : depravity moral turpitude ; also : a base act : a base act : inherent baseness or depravity; also : a base act : a base act


noun noun ˈvī-ə-ˌdəkt ˈvī-ə-ˌdəkt : a long elevated roadway usually consisting of a series of short spans supported on arches, piers, or columns : a bridge for carrying a road or railroad over something (as a gorge or highway)


noun noun ˈwig-ˌwäm ˈwig-ˌwäm : a hut of the American Indians of the Great Lakes region and eastward having typically an arched framework of poles overlaid with bark, mats, or hides; also : a rough hut : a rough hut : a dome-shaped hut formerly used as a house or shelter by some American Indians


noun communications code word noun sē-ˈer-ə sē-ˈer-ə : a range of mountains especially with a serrated or irregular outline : the country about a sierra : any of several large scombroid fishes (genus Scomberomorus) related to the mackerel —used as a code word for the letter s : a range of mountains especially with jagged peaks


noun geographical name ə-ˈkē-tə ä- ä-ˈkē-tä ˈä-kē-ˌtä : any of a breed of large muscular dogs of Japanese origin city and port on the Sea of Japan in northern Honshu, Japan population 317,625


noun geographical name noun ˈhi-k(ə-)rē ˈhi-kə-rē ˈhi-kə-rē ˈhi-krē : any of a genus (Carya) of North American hardwood trees of the walnut family that often have sweet edible nuts : the usually tough wood of a hickory : a switch or cane (as of hickory wood) used especially for punishing a child city in west central North Carolina population 40,010 : a tall tree that has strong tough wood and bears an edible nut ( hickory nut ) in a hard shell


noun noun i-ˈlik-sər i-ˈlik-sər : a substance held capable of changing base metals into gold : a substance held capable of prolonging life indefinitely : cure-all : a medicinal concoction : a sweetened liquid usually containing alcohol that is used in medication either for its medicinal ingredients or as a flavoring : the essential principle : a sweetened liquid usually containing alcohol that is used in medication either for its medicinal ingredients or as a flavoring


noun noun i-ˈlips e- i-ˈlips : oval : a closed plane curve generated by a point moving in such a way that the sums of its distances from two fixed points is a constant : a plane section of a right circular cone that is a closed curve : ellipsis : a shape that looks like a flattened circle


noun noun jē-ˈä-mə-trē jē-ˈä-mə-trē : a branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement, properties, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids; broadly : the study of properties of given elements that remain invariant under specified transformations : the study of properties of given elements that remain invariant under specified transformations : a particular type or system of geometry Euclidean geometry : configuration : surface shape (as of a mechanical part or a crystal) : an arrangement of objects or parts that suggests geometric figures the geometry of neoclassical architecture : a branch of mathematics that deals with points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids


noun noun krō-ˈket krō-ˈket : a small often rounded mass consisting usually of minced meat, fish, or vegetable coated with egg and bread crumbs and deep-fried : a roll or ball of hashed meat, fish, or vegetables fried in deep fat


noun noun krō-ˈkā krō-ˈkā : a game in which players using mallets drive wooden balls through a series of wickets set out on a lawn : the act of driving away an opponent's croquet ball by striking one's own ball placed against it : a game in which players hit wooden balls with mallets through a series of wickets set out on a lawn


noun noun kə-ˈraf -ˈräf kə-ˈraf : a bottle with a flaring lip used to hold beverages and especially wine We ordered a carafe of wine with the meal. : a usually glass container used to hold and serve coffee : a bottle that has a wide mouth and is used to hold water or beverages


noun noun män-ˈsün ˈmän-ˌ -ˈsü-nᵊl -ˌsü- män-ˈsün : a periodic wind especially in the Indian Ocean and southern Asia : the season of the southwest monsoon in India and adjacent areas that is characterized by very heavy rainfall : rainfall that is associated with the monsoon : a wind in the Indian Ocean and southern Asia that blows from the southwest from April to October and from the northeast from October to April : the rainy season that comes with the southwest monsoon


noun noun mə-ˈrä-kə -ˈra- mə-ˈrä-kə -ˈra- : a rattle usually made from a gourd that is used as a percussion instrument : a musical rhythm instrument made of a dried gourd with seeds or pebbles inside that is usually played in pairs by shaking


noun noun məˈhäl " : summer house : a private apartment or lodging : a territorial division in India : a division of a farm or hunting preserve in India : new cocoa


noun noun nē-ˈä-lə-ˌji-zəm nē-ˌä-lə-ˈji-stik nē-ˈäl-ə-ˌjiz-əm : a new word, usage, or expression technological neologisms : a new word that is coined especially by a person affected with schizophrenia and is meaningless except to the coiner, and is typically a combination of two existing words or a shortening or distortion of an existing word : a new word that is coined especially by a person affected with schizophrenia, is meaningless except to the coiner, and is typically a combination of two existing words or a shortening or distortion of an existing word


noun noun pär-ˈti-sə-pənt pər- pər-ˈti-sə-pənt pär- : one that participates participants in a contest : a person who takes part in something contest participants


noun noun ə-ˈgā-mə ˈa-gə-mə ˈä-gə-mə : a genus (the type of the family Agamidae) of Old World terrestrial lizards including many that are of bright and changeable colors : a lizard of the genus Agama : one of a class of tantric treatises accepted as scripture within Hinduism and Buddhism — compare tantra


noun noun ə-ˈjen-də -də-ləs ə-ˈjen-də : a list or outline of things to be considered or done agendas of faculty meetings : an underlying often ideological plan or program a political agenda : a list of things to be done or talked about


noun noun ə-ˈkā-shə ə-ˈkā-shə : gum arabic : any of a large genus (Acacia) of leguminous shrubs and trees of warm regions with leaves pinnate or reduced to phyllodes and white or yellow flower clusters : a genus of woody leguminous plants of warm regions having pinnate leaves and white or yellow flower clusters — see catechu : any of the genus Acacia of leguminous plants : gum arabic


noun noun ˈa-lə-ˌgā-tər ˈa-lə-ˌgā-tər : either of two crocodilians (Alligator mississippiensis of the southeastern U.S. and A. sinensis of China) having broad heads not tapering to the snout and a special pocket in the upper jaw for reception of the enlarged lower fourth tooth : crocodilian : leather made from alligator hide : a large short-legged reptile that has a long body, thick skin, a long broad snout, and sharp teeth and is related to the crocodile and lizards


noun noun ˈa-nə-ˌmā ˈä-nē- ˈa-nə-ˌmā ˈä-nē- : a style of animation originating in Japan that is characterized by stark colorful graphics depicting vibrant characters in action-filled plots often with fantastic or futuristic themes : a style of animation that was created in Japan and that uses colorful images, strong characters, and action-filled plots


noun noun ˈa-prə-ˌkät ˈā- ˈa-prə-ˌkät ˈā- : the oval orange-colored fruit of a temperate-zone tree (Prunus armeniaca) resembling the related peach and plum in flavor : a tree that bears apricots : a variable color averaging a moderate orange : a small oval orange-colored fruit that looks like the related peach and plum


noun noun ˈbēch ˈbē-chən ˈbēch : any of a genus (Fagus of the family Fagaceae, the beech family) of hardwood trees with smooth gray bark and small edible nuts; also : its wood : its wood : a tree with smooth gray bark, deep green leaves, and small edible nuts Above is meaning for beech But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun noun ˈbī-(ˌ)ü -(ˌ)ō ˈbī-ü -ō : a creek, secondary watercourse, or minor river that is tributary to another body of water : any of various usually marshy or sluggish bodies of water : a body of water (as a creek) that flows slowly through marshy land


noun noun ˈdi-plə-ˌmat ˈdi-plə-ˌmat : one employed or skilled in diplomacy a foreign diplomat : a person whose work is keeping good relations between the governments of different countries : a person who is good at dealing with people in a way that avoids bad feelings


noun noun ˈfē-ət -ˌat -ˌät ˈfī-ət -ˌat ˈfē-ˌät, -ˌat, -ət; ˈfī-ˌat : a command or act of will that creates something without or as if without further effort According to the Bible, the world was created by fiat. : an authoritative determination : dictate a fiat of conscience : an authoritative or arbitrary order : decree government by fiat : decree : an authoritative but arbitrary order a brazen act of judicial fiat —L. H. Tribe


noun noun ˈgän-də-lə gän-ˈdō- ˈgän-də-lə 2 and 3 also gän-ˈdō-lə : a long narrow flat-bottomed boat with a high prow and stern used on the canals of Venice : a heavy flat-bottomed boat used on New England rivers and on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers : a railroad car with no top, a flat bottom, and fixed sides that is used chiefly for hauling heavy bulk commodities : an elongated car attached to the underside of an airship : an often spherical airtight enclosure suspended from a balloon for carrying passengers or instruments : an enclosed car suspended from a cable and used for transporting passengers; especially : one used as a ski lift : one used as a ski lift : a long narrow boat used in the canals of Venice, Italy : a railroad freight car with no top : an enclosure that hangs from a balloon or cable and carries passengers or instruments


noun noun ˈjē-ˌōd ˈjē-ˌōd : a nodule of stone having a cavity lined with crystals or mineral matter : the cavity in a geode : a stone with a hollow space inside lined with crystals or mineral matter


noun noun ˈjəŋ-(ˌ)kō ˈjəŋ-kō : any of a genus (Junco of the family Emberizidae) of small widely distributed North American finches usually having a pink bill, ashy gray head and back, and conspicuous white lateral tail feathers : a small mostly gray North American bird usually having a pink bill


noun noun ˈjəŋ-gəl ˈjəŋ-gə(l)-ˌlīk ˈjəŋ-g(ə-)lē ˈjəŋ-gəl : an impenetrable thicket or tangled mass of tropical vegetation : a tract overgrown with thickets or masses of vegetation : a confused or disordered mass of objects : jumble : something that baffles or frustrates by its tangled or complex character : maze the jungle of housing laws —Bernard Taper : a place of ruthless struggle for survival the city is a jungle where no one is safe after dark —Stuart Chase : electronic dance music that combines elements of techno, reggae, and hip-hop and is marked especially by an extremely fast beat : a hobo camp : a thick or tangled growth of tropical plants The explorers hacked at the jungle to clear a path. : a large area of land usually in a tropical region covered with a thick tangled growth of plants


noun noun ˈka-dē : one who waits about for odd jobs : one who assists a golfer especially by carrying the clubs : a wheeled device for conveying things not readily carried by hand a luggage caddie : a small box, can, or chest used especially to keep tea in : a container or device for storing or holding objects when they are not in use a caddy for pens


noun noun ˈkat-kən ˈkat-kən : a spicate inflorescence (as of the willow, birch, or oak) bearing scaly bracts and unisexual usually apetalous flowers — called also ament : a flower cluster (as of the willow and birch) in which the flowers grow in close circular rows along a slender stalk


noun noun ˈkla-bərd ˈkla(p)-ˌbȯrd ˈklap-ˌbȯrd ˈkla-bərd -ˌbȯrd : a size of board for making staves and wainscoting : a narrow board usually thicker at one edge than the other used for siding : a pair of hinged boards one of which has a slate with data identifying a piece of film and which are banged together in front of a motion-picture camera at the start of a take to facilitate editing — called also clapper board : a narrow board thicker at one edge than at the other used as siding for a building


noun noun ˈklik ˈklēk ˈkli-kē ˈklē- ˈkli-kish ˈklēk ˈklik : a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons; especially : one held together by common interests, views, or purposes high school cliques : one held together by common interests, views, or purposes high school cliques : a small group of friends who are not friendly to others


noun noun ˈkä-kə-ˌtü ˈkä-kə-ˌtü : any of various large noisy chiefly Australasian crested parrots (family Cacatuidae and especially genus Cacatua) : a large, noisy, and usually brightly colored crested parrot mostly of Australia


noun noun ˈkän ˈkan : a medieval sovereign of China and ruler over the Turkish, Tatar, and Mongol tribes : a local chieftain or man of rank in some countries of central Asia : a caravansary or rest house in some Asian countries


noun noun ˈkär-nə-ˌvȯr ˈkär-nə-ˌvȯr : any of an order (Carnivora) of typically flesh-eating mammals that includes dogs, foxes, bears, raccoons, and cats; broadly : a carnivorous animal : a carnivorous animal : a carnivorous plant the Venus flytrap and other carnivores subsisting on insects : an animal that feeds on meat


noun noun ˈkäz-məs -ˌmōs -ˌmäs ˈkäz-məs -məz ˈkäz-mə-səz ˈkäz-məs 1 is also -ˌmōs -ˌmäs : universe 1 : an orderly harmonious systematic universe — compare chaos : order, harmony : a complex orderly self-inclusive system : any of a genus (Cosmos) of tropical American composite herbs; especially : a widely cultivated tall annual (C. bipinnatus) with yellow or red disks and showy ray flowers : a widely cultivated tall annual (C. bipinnatus) with yellow or red disks and showy ray flowers : the universe especially as thought of as an orderly system : a tall garden plant related to the daisies that has showy white, pink, or rose-colored flower heads


noun noun ˈkȯ-li-ˌflau̇(-ə)r ˈkä- -lē- ˈkȯ-li-ˌflau̇-ər ˈkä- : a garden plant (Brassica oleracea botrytis) related to the cabbage and grown for its compact edible head of usually white undeveloped flowers; also : its flower cluster used as a vegetable : its flower cluster used as a vegetable : a vegetable that is a white head of undeveloped flowers and is related to the cabbage


noun adjective noun noun ˈle-mən ˈle-mən ˈlem-ən : an acid fruit that is botanically a many-seeded pale yellow oblong berry produced by a small thorny citrus tree (Citrus limon) and that has a rind from which an aromatic oil is extracted : a tree that bears lemons : something (such as an automobile) that is unsatisfactory or defective : of the color lemon yellow : containing lemon : having the flavor or scent of lemon : an oval yellow fruit with a sour juice that is related to the orange and grows on a small spiny tree : something unsatisfactory : dud The used car was a lemon. : an acid fruit that contains citric acid and vitamin C, is botanically a many-seeded pale yellow oblong berry, and is produced by a small thorny tree of the genus Citrus (C. limon); also : this tree : this tree


noun noun noun kən-ˈtā-jən kən-ˈtā-jən kən-ˈtā-jən : a contagious disease : the transmission of a disease by direct or indirect contact : a disease-producing agent (such as a virus) : poison : contagious influence, quality, or nature : corrupting influence or contact : rapid communication of an influence (such as a doctrine or emotional state) : an influence that spreads rapidly : the passing of a disease from one individual to another as a result of some contact between them : a contagious disease : the transmission of a disease by direct or indirect contact : contagious disease : a disease-producing agent (as a virus)


noun, plural in form but singular or plural in construction kə-ˈnō-lē ka- : a deep-fried tube of pastry filled with sweetened and flavored ricotta cheese


noun, plural in form but singular or plural in construction ˈhə-stiŋz : a local court formerly held in various English municipalities and still held infrequently in London : a local court in some cities in Virginia : a raised platform used until 1872 for the nomination of candidates for the British Parliament and for election speeches : an election platform : stump : the proceedings or locale of an election campaign


noun verb noun verb noun ˈak-ˌses ik-ˈses ˈak-ˌses ˈak-ˌses : permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, or pass to and from a place or to approach or communicate with a person or thing Investigators wanted to get access to his home. consultants who have easy access to the president : freedom or ability to obtain or make use of something paying for access to the Internet : a way or means of entering or approaching A canal provides access to the river. a building that provides wheelchair access [=a way for people in wheelchairs to enter] : the act or an instance of accessing something : onset 2 an access of illness : a fit of intense feeling : outburst If it had been in Tito's nature to feel an access of rage, he would have felt it against this bull-faced accomplice. —George Eliot : an increase by addition a sudden access of wealth : to get at : to gain access to: such as : to be able to use, enter, or get near (something) accessed the computer by phone a system that makes it easier to access the money in your bank account : to open or load (a computer file, an Internet site, etc.) a file that can be accessed by many users at the same time : the right or ability to approach, enter, or use Only a few have access to the secret information. : a way or means of approaching access to the sea : to get at : get access to "He's in the computer. We just can't access his records." —Louis Sachar, Holes : permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, communicate with, or pass to and from a place, thing, or person public access to federal land access to the courts : opportunity for sexual intercourse : a landowner's legal right to pass from his or her land to a highway and to return without being obstructed : freedom or ability to obtain, make use of, or participate in something the right to equal treatment holds with respect to a limited set of interests — like voting — and demands that every person have the same access to these interests —L. H. Tribe : a way by which a thing or place may be approached or reached : passage to and from a place provide a means of access to the land : opportunity to view or copy a copyrighted work


verb noun verb noun ˈtrek ˈtrek : to make one's way arduously; broadly : journey : journey : to travel by ox wagon : to migrate by ox wagon or in a train of such : a trip or movement especially when involving difficulties or complex organization : an arduous journey : a journey by ox wagon; especially : an organized migration by a group of settlers : an organized migration by a group of settlers : to walk a long way with difficulty ... two adults were trekking up the sixty-six-floor-long staircase. —Lemony Snicket, The Ersatz Elevator : a slow or difficult journey


verb noun verb noun ˈtrȯl ˈtrȯl : to fish with a trawl : to make a search as if by trawling : troll 1a : to catch (fish) with a trawl : a large conical net dragged along the sea bottom in gathering fish or other marine life : setline : to fish or catch with a large net dragged along the sea bottom : a large net in the shape of a cone dragged along the sea bottom in fishing


noun ˈkri-sə-ˌfīt : golden-brown alga


interjection ˈchau̇ —used conventionally as an utterance at meeting or parting I said ciao and waved goodbye.


German noun ˈän-ˌshlu̇s : union —used especially in reference to the forcible uniting of Germany and Austria in 1938


noun ˌpe-lə-ˈtän ˈpe-lə-ˌtän : the main body of riders in a bicycle race


adjective ¦rōpəlō¦sərkəs : having a tail as wide as or wider than the body


adjective ¦äfē¦äfəgəs ¦ōfē- : feeding on snakes


adjective (ˌ)fil-ˈhe-ˌlēn ˌfil-hə-ˈle-nik (ˌ)fil-ˈhe-lə-ˌni-zəm (ˌ)fil-ˈhe-lə-nist : admiring Greece or the Greeks Above is meaning for philhellene But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


adjective (ˌ)in-ˌkän-trə-ˈvər-tə-bəl (ˌ)in-ˌkän-trə-ˈvər-tə-blē : not open to question : indisputable incontrovertible facts


imperative verb (ˈ)gär¦dā —used in chess to warn that an opponent's queen is in danger of immediate capture


imperative verb verb noun ˈse-(ˌ)gwā ˈsā- ˈse-(ˌ)gwā ˈsā- ˈse-(ˌ)gwā ˈsā- : proceed to what follows without pause —used as a direction in music : perform the music that follows like that which has preceded —used as a direction in music : to proceed without pause from one musical number or theme to another : to make a transition without interruption from one activity, topic, scene, or part to another segued smoothly into the next story : a transition made without pause or interruption : the act or an instance of segueing (see 2segue)


interjection gə-ˈzu̇nt-ˌhīt —used to wish good health especially to one who has just sneezed


noun ˈsätā ˈsa- : small pieces of meat marinated and grilled on a skewer and served with a spicy sauce usually of peanuts beef satay


noun (ˈ)mapˈmōnd : a medieval map of the world


noun bəˈbēsh : thread or thong of sinew, gut, or rawhide


noun ˈmənˌdir : a Hindu temple


noun ˈäˌlim : a Muslim learned in religious matters


noun verb noun verb noun verb ˈme-zhər ˈmā- ˈme-zhə-riŋ ˈmā- ˈmezh-riŋ ˈmāzh- ˌme-zhə-rə-ˈbi-lə-tē ˌmā- ˌmezh-rə- ˌmāzh- ˈme-zhə-rə-bəl ˈmā- ˈmezh-rə- ˈmāzh- -blē -zhər-ər ˈme-zhər ˈmezh-ər ˈmāzh- ˈmezh-(ə-)riŋ, ˈmāzh- : an adequate or due portion all too few of the British actresses ... have received their measure of remembrance —Saturday Review : a moderate degree; also : moderation, temperance : moderation, temperance : a fixed or suitable limit : bounds rich beyond measure : the dimensions, capacity, or amount of something ascertained by measuring took his measure for a coat : an estimate of what is to be expected (as of a person or situation) the measure of their tragedy is now beyond our imagination —G. F. Kennan : a measured quantity : amount, degree giving children a greater measure of freedom : an instrument (such as a yardstick) or utensil (such as a graduated cup) for measuring : a standard or unit of measurement — see Weights and Measures Table : a system of standard units of measure metric measure : the act or process of measuring settled by a measure made by a surveyor : melody, tune : dance; especially : a slow and stately dance : a slow and stately dance : rhythmic structure or movement : cadence: such as : poetic rhythm measured by temporal (see 1temporal 3) quantity or accent; specifically : meter : meter : musical time : a grouping of a specified number of musical beats located between two consecutive vertical lines on a staff : a metrical unit : foot : an exact divisor of a number 6 being the greatest common measure of 42 and 12 : a basis or standard of comparison wealth is not a measure of happiness : a step planned or taken as a means to an end took strong measures against the rebels ; specifically : a proposed legislative act sponsored an anti-inflation measure in the senate : a proposed legislative act sponsored an anti-inflation measure in the senate : in addition to the minimum required : as an extra added another illustration for good measure : to choose or control with cautious restraint : regulate measure his acts : to regulate by a standard : govern : to allot or apportion in measured amounts measure out three cups : to lay off by making measurements : to ascertain the measurements of : to estimate or appraise by a criterion measures his skill against his rival : to travel over : traverse : to serve as a means of measuring a thermometer measures temperature : to take or make a measurement : to have a specified measurement : extent 2, degree, amount Our plan did succeed in large measure. : the size, capacity, or quantity of something that has been determined Use equal measures of flour and milk. : something (as a yardstick or cup) used in determining size, capacity, or quantity : a unit used in determining size, capacity, or quantity An inch is a measure of length. : a system of determining size, capacity, or quantity liquid measure : the notes and rests between bar lines on a musical staff : a way of accomplishing something a safety measure The new law is a measure to save energy. : as something added or extra We gave the wall another coat of paint for good measure. : to find out the size, extent, or amount of You should measure the cloth before cutting. : to separate out a fixed amount She measured the rice. : 1estimate I had to measure the distance with my eye. : to bring into comparison Why don't you measure your skill against mine? : to give a determination of size, capacity, or quantity : indicate A thermometer measures temperature. : to have as its size, capacity, or quantity The cloth measures ten meters. : to satisfy needs or requirements They did not measure up to expectations. : an instrument or utensil for measuring : a standard or unit of measurement; also : a system of such measures metric measure : a system of such measures metric measure : to allot or apportion in measured amounts : to ascertain the measurements of : to serve as a measure of a thermometer measures temperature : to have a specified measurement


noun, plural in form but singular or plural in construction noun plural but singular or plural in construction si-ˈman-tiks si-ˈmant-iks : the study of meanings: : the historical and psychological study and the classification of changes in the signification of words or forms viewed as factors in linguistic development : semiotics : a branch of semiotics dealing with the relations between signs and what they refer to and including theories of denotation, extension, naming, and truth : general semantics : the meaning or relationship of meanings of a sign or set of signs; especially : connotative meaning : connotative meaning : the language used (as in advertising or political propaganda) to achieve a desired effect on an audience especially through the use of words with novel or dual meanings : the study of meanings: : the historical and psychological study and the classification of changes in the signification of words or forms viewed as factors in linguistic development : semiotic : a branch of semiotic dealing with the relations between signs and what they refer to and including theories of denotation, extension, naming, and truth


transitive verb noun ˈrits " : to behave superciliously toward : snub : ostentatious display —used in the phrase put on the ritz


verb bam-ˈbü-zəl -ˈbüz-liŋ -ˈbü-zə- -ˈbü-zəl-mənt : to deceive by underhanded methods : dupe, hoodwink I got bamboozled by the salesperson to buy a more expensive model. : to confuse, frustrate, or throw off thoroughly or completely a quarterback bamboozled by an unexpected defense


verb bi-ˈnəm bē- : to make inactive : deaden : to make numb especially by cold


verb i-ˈlīd : to suppress or alter (something, such as a vowel or syllable) by elision : to strike out (something, such as a written word) : to leave out of consideration : omit : curtail, abridge


verb kə-ˈrād kə-ˈrā-zhən kə-ˈrā-siv -ziv : to wear away by abrasion : to crumble away through abrasion


verb ri-ˈpyün : to offer opposition, objection, or resistance : to contend against : oppose


verb ˈgra-bəl ˈgra-b(ə-)liŋ ˈgra-b(ə-)lər : to search with the hand : grope : to lie or fall prone : sprawl


noun noun noun ˈkän-trə-ˌband ˈkän-trə-ˌband ˈkän-trə-ˌband : illegal or prohibited traffic in goods : smuggling ... persons the most bound in duty to prevent contraband ... —Edmund Burke : goods or merchandise whose importation, exportation, or possession is forbidden Border police searched the car for drugs and other contraband. ; also : smuggled goods : smuggled goods : a slave who during the American Civil War escaped to or was brought within the Union lines : goods forbidden by law to be owned or to be brought into or out of a country : property that is unlawfully produced, possessed, or transported — contraband per se : property that is in and of itself unlawful to possess, produce, or transport — derivative contraband : property that is unlawful because it is used in committing an unlawful act : property that is in and of itself unlawful to possess, produce, or transport : property that is unlawful because it is used in committing an unlawful act


noun noun noun ˈshär-lə-tən -tə-ˌni-zəm -rē ˈshär-lə-tən ˈshär-lət-ən : 4quack 2 charlatans harming their patients with dubious procedures : one making usually showy pretenses to knowledge or ability : fraud, faker a charlatan willing to do and say virtually anything to remain in the spotlight —Alan Brinkley : a person who falsely pretends to know or be something The charlatan sold useless medicinal potions. : quack


noun noun noun ˈstra-tə-jē ˈstra-tə-jē ˈstrat-ə-jē : the science and art of employing the political, economic, psychological, and military forces of a nation or group of nations to afford the maximum support to adopted policies in peace or war : the science and art of military command exercised to meet the enemy in combat under advantageous conditions : a variety of or instance of the use of strategy : a careful plan or method : a clever stratagem : the art of devising or employing plans or stratagems toward a goal : an adaptation or complex of adaptations (as of behavior, metabolism, or structure) that serves or appears to serve an important function in achieving evolutionary success foraging strategies of insects : a carefully developed plan or method for achieving a goal or the skill in developing and undertaking such a plan or method We learned strategies for improving business. : an adaptation or complex of adaptations (as of behavior, metabolism, or structure) that serves or appears to serve an important function in achieving evolutionary success


noun noun noun ˈsāk ˈsä-kē ˈsāk : end, purpose for the sake of argument : the good, advantage, or enhancement of some entity (such as an ideal) free to pursue learning for its own sake —M. S. Eisenhower : personal or social welfare, safety, or benefit : a Japanese alcoholic beverage of fermented rice often served hot : purpose Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that it was a mistake. : welfare 1, benefit "... when you see the castle you must persuade him to stay there, for his own sake." —Pearl S. Buck, The Big Wave


noun noun noun ˈtalk ˈtal-ˌkōs ˈtalk ˈtalk : a very soft mineral that is a basic silicate of magnesium, has a soapy feel, and is used especially in making talcum powder : talcum powder : a soft mineral that has a soapy feel and is used especially in making talcum powder : a very soft mineral Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 that is a basic silicate of magnesium, has a soapy feel, and is used especially in making talcum powder


noun noun noun ˌme-tə-ˈmȯr-fə-səs -ˌsēz ˌme-tə-ˈmȯr-fə-səs -fə-ˌsēz ˌmet-ə-ˈmȯr-fə-səs -ˌsēz : change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means the metamorphosis of humans into animals : a striking alteration in appearance, character, or circumstances The company has gone through a series of metamorphoses. : a typically marked and more or less abrupt developmental change in the form or structure of an animal (such as a butterfly or a frog) occurring subsequent to birth or hatching the metamorphosis of caterpillars into butterflies : a great change in appearance or character : the process of great and usually rather sudden change in the form and habits of some animals during transformation from an immature stage (as a caterpillar) to an adult stage (as a butterfly) : change of physical form, structure, or substance : a marked and more or less abrupt developmental change in the form or structure of an animal (as a butterfly or a frog) occurring subsequent to birth or hatching


noun noun verb noun noun ˈbyü-gəl -g(ə-)liŋ ˈbyü-gəl : any of a genus (Ajuga) of plants of the mint family; especially : a European annual (A. reptans) that has spikes of blue flowers and is naturalized in the U.S. : a European annual (A. reptans) that has spikes of blue flowers and is naturalized in the U.S. : a valveless brass instrument that resembles a trumpet and is used especially for military calls : to sound a bugle : to utter the characteristic rutting call of the bull elk : a small cylindrical bead of glass or plastic used for trimming especially on women's clothing : an instrument like a simple trumpet used chiefly for giving military signals


noun verb noun ˈsal-(ˌ)vō : a simultaneous discharge of two or more guns in military action or as a salute : the release all at one time of a rack of bombs or rockets (as from an airplane) : a series of shots by an artillery battery with each gun firing one round in turn after a prescribed interval : the bombs or projectiles released in a salvo : something suggestive of a salvo: such as : a sudden burst a salvo of cheers : a spirited attack the first salvo of a political campaign : to release a salvo of : to fire a salvo : a mental reservation : proviso : a means of safeguarding one's name or honor or allaying one's conscience : salve


noun verb noun verb ˈhər-dᵊl ˈhərd-liŋ ˈhər-dᵊl-iŋ ˈhərd-lər ˈhər-dᵊl-ər ˈhər-dᵊl : a portable panel usually of wattled withes and stakes used especially for enclosing land or livestock : a frame or sled formerly used in England for dragging traitors to execution : an artificial barrier over which racers must leap knocked over a hurdle : any of various events in which racers must jump over a series of hurdles won a medal in the high hurdles The hurdles is his best event. : barrier, obstacle a company that faces severe financial hurdles overcame many hurdles on her way to earning her degree : to leap over especially while running (as in a sporting competition) hurdling an obstacle in a steeplechase : overcome, surmount had to hurdle a series of competitive auditions —Collier's : a barrier to be jumped in a race : a race in which runners must jump over barriers : obstacle He overcame many hurdles to become successful. : to leap over while running : overcome 1 You have obstacles to hurdle before graduating.


noun verb noun verb ˈma-nə-ˌkyu̇r ˈma-nə-ˌkyu̇r : manicurist : a treatment for the care of the hands and fingernails : to do manicure work on; especially : to trim and polish the fingernails of : to trim and polish the fingernails of : to trim closely and evenly manicured lawns : groom 2 manicured flower beds : a treatment for the care of the hands and fingernails : to give a beauty treatment to the hands and fingernails


adjective noun verb noun verb ˈbe-vəl ˈbev-liŋ ˈbe-və- ˈbe-vəl : oblique, beveled a bevel edge : an instrument consisting of two rules or arms jointed together and opening to any angle for drawing angles or adjusting surfaces to be cut at an angle : the angle that one surface or line makes with another when they are not at right angles : the slant of such a surface or line : the surface or line at such a slant or inclination : the part of printing type extending from face to shoulder : to cut or shape to a bevel : incline, slant : a slant or slope of one surface or line against another : to cut or shape (an edge or surface) at an angle or slant


adjective verb adjective ˈgrəf ˈgrəf : rough, brusque, or stern in manner, speech, or aspect a gruff reply : being deep and harsh : hoarse a gruff voice : to utter in a gruff voice or manner "Get out of bed now!" gruffed the sergeant. : rough in speech or manner a gruff reply


geographical name ˈa-rə-ˌgän -gən ˌä-rä-ˈgōn ˌa-rə-gə-ˈnēz -ˈnēs region of northeastern Spain bordering on France; once an independent kingdom whose capital was Zaragoza Above is meaning for Aragon But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


geographical name ˈkär-thij kär-ˈtä-(ˌ)gō -ˈthä- ˌkär-thə-ˈji-nyən -nē-ən ancient city and state in northern Africa on the Mediterranean coast northeast of modern Tunis Above is meaning for Carthage But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


geographical name ˈne-t͟hər-ləndz ˈhä-lənd ˈnā-dər-ˌlänt ˈne-t͟hər-lənd -ˌlan-dər -lən- -ˌlan-dik -ˌlan-dish -lən- low countries —a historical usage country in northwestern Europe on the North Sea; a kingdom, official capital Amsterdam, seat of government The Hague area 16,033 square miles (41,525 square kilometers), population 16,829,289 Note: Nearly a quarter of the Netherlands lies below sea level. Above is meaning for Netherlands But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


geographical name ˌa-mə-ˈri-(ˌ)lō -lə ˌa-mə-ˈri-lō-ən city in northwestern Texas population 190,695 Note: Amarillo is the chief commercial center of the state's northern panhandle.


geographical name ˌä-kä-ˈpül-(ˌ)kō ˌa- dā-ˈhwär-ˌes t͟hā- city, port, and resort on the Pacific in the state of Guerrero, southern Mexico population 789,971


noun adjective noun ˈbāzh ˈbā-zhē ˈbāzh : cloth made of natural undyed wool : a variable color averaging light grayish-yellowish brown : a pale to grayish yellow : of a color that is light grayish-yellowish brown : of the color beige a beige skirt : lacking distinction : vanilla 2 : a yellowish brown


noun adverb fȯl-ˈse-(ˌ)tō : an artificially high voice; especially : an artificially produced singing voice that overlaps and extends above the range of the full voice especially of a tenor : an artificially produced singing voice that overlaps and extends above the range of the full voice especially of a tenor : a singer who uses falsetto : in falsetto


noun adverb or adjective vē-ˈvä-(ˌ)chā -chē : a musical composition or movement in vivace tempo : in a brisk spirited manner —used as a direction in music


noun adverb or adjective ə-ˈle-(ˌ)grō -ˈlā- : a musical composition or movement in allegro tempo : at a brisk lively tempo —used as a direction in music


plural noun i-ˌlü-mə-ˈnä-tē : any of various groups claiming special religious enlightenment : persons who are or who claim to be unusually enlightened : elite 1d members of the academic illuminati


plural noun təˈla(a)rēə : winged shoes fastened to the ankles and chiefly used as an attribute of the god Hermes or Mercury of classical mythology


plural noun ˌga-li-ˈga-skənz : loose wide hose or breeches worn in the 16th and 17th centuries : very loose trousers : leggings


plural noun ˌjü-və-ˈni-lē-ə : compositions produced in the artist's or author's youth : artistic or literary compositions suited to or designed for the young


plural noun ˌmi-sə-ˈlā-nē-ə -nyə : a collection of miscellaneous (see miscellaneous 1) objects or writings


plural noun ˌra(a)rēˈōrə : rare collector's items (as books) a place in rariora —A. E. Norman


adjective (ˈ)sak¦sifrəgəs : growing in crevices of and promoting splitting of rock


adjective (ˈ)te¦rāshəs : earthen


adjective -ˈlēvd -ˈlēf -ˈlēft : having broad leaves; specifically : having leaves that are not needles : having leaves that are not needles : composed of broad-leaved plants broad-leaved forests Above is meaning for broad-leaved But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


adjective an-ˈje-lik an-ˈje-li-k(ə-)lē : of or relating to angels angelic forms : resembling, or suggestive of, an angel (as in purity, holiness, innocence, or beauty) a sweet, angelic child an angelic voice/smile When women are brooding over their children, or busied in a sick-room, who has not seen in their faces those sweet angelic beams of love and pity? —William Makepeace Thackeray At 12, Westenra was busking on the streets of Christchurch, singing arias and Bee Gees tunes in an angelic soprano ... —Joan Anderman


adjective di-ˈkla-mə-ˌtȯr-ē : of, relating to, or marked by declamation or rhetorical display declamatory speeches


adjective di-ˈmä-tik : of, relating to, or written in a simplified form of the ancient Egyptian hieratic writing : popular, common demotic idiom : of or relating to the form of Modern Greek that is based on everyday speech


adjective i-ˈkin-yə-lət -ˈkīn- -ˌlāt -ˌkin-yə-ˈlā-shən -ˌkīn- : set with small spines or prickles echinulate spores : having a jagged outline with pointed outgrowths an echinulate culture of bacteria


adjective i-ˈlek-t(ə-)rəl ˌē-lek-ˈtȯr-əl i-ˈlek-t(ə-)rə-lē ˌē-lek-ˈtȯr-ə-lē : of or relating to an elector the electoral vote : of or relating to election an electoral system


adjective kə-ˈmen(t)s-rət -ˈmen(t)sh- -ˈmen(t)-sə- -shə- kə-ˌmen(t)-sə-ˈrā-shən -shə- : corresponding in size, extent, amount, or degree : proportionate was given a job commensurate with her abilities : equal in measure or extent : coextensive lived a life commensurate with the early years of the republic : commensurable 1


adjective kən-ˈdīn ˈkän-ˌdīn : deserved, appropriate condign punishment


adjective lə-ˈkə-strən : of, relating to, formed in, living in, or growing in lakes lacustrine deposits lacustrine faunas


adjective n(y)u̇r-ˈər-jik : of or relating to the action of a nerve


adjective plan-ˈta-jə-nət -ˈtaj-nət : of or relating to a royal house ruling England from 1154 to 1485 the Plantagenet kings


adjective prag-ˈma-tik prag-ˈma-ti-kəl prag-ˈma-ti-k(ə-)lē : busy : officious : opinionated : relating to matters of fact or practical affairs often to the exclusion of intellectual or artistic matters : practical as opposed to idealistic pragmatic men of power have had no time or inclination to deal with ... social morality —K. B. Clark : relating to or being in accordance with philosophical pragmatism


adjective prō-ˈzā-ik prō-ˈzā-ə-k(ə-)lē : characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry : factual : dull, unimaginative prosaic advice : everyday, ordinary heroic characters wasted in prosaic lives —Kirkus Reviews


adjective rə̇ˈpikələs (ˈ)rī¦p- : riparian


adjective sen-ˈsȯr-ē-əs : marked by or given to censure (see 1censure 2) censorious comments a censorious critic


adjective vər-ˈbō-tᵊn fər- ver- : forbidden; especially : prohibited by dictate : prohibited by dictate


adjective yü-ˈbi-kwə-təs : existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered : widespread a ubiquitous fashion


adjective ¦bräˌmän‧¦tesk -ən- brə¦män- : of or relating to a Renaissance style of architecture marked by classical forms


adjective ¦frümən‧¦tāshəs : made of or resembling wheat or other grain


adjective ¦äˌbrep¦tishəs : marked by obreption : done or obtained by trickery or by concealing the truth


adjective är-ˈkān : known or knowable only to a few people : secret arcane rites an arcane ritual ; broadly : mysterious, obscure arcane explanations arcane technical details : mysterious, obscure arcane explanations arcane technical details


adjective ə-ˈbā-shəl a- : of or relating to an abbot, abbess, or abbey


adjective ə-ˈswün : being in a swoon : dazed


adjective ˈbau̇-ˌhau̇s : of, relating to, or influenced by a school of design noted especially for a program that synthesized technology, craftsmanship, and design aesthetics


adjective ˈbe-li-ˌkōs ˌbe-li-ˈkä-sə-tē : favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars


adjective ˈblas-fə-məs : impiously irreverent : profane a blasphemous writer a blasphemous epithet The claims were blasphemous.


adjective ˈcher-ē ˈcher-ə-lē : dear, treasured : discreetly cautious: such as : hesitant and vigilant about dangers and risks a government chary of getting involved in foreign entanglements : slow to grant, accept, or expend a person very chary of compliments


adjective ˈde-səl-ˌtȯr-ē -zəl- di-ˈsəl-t(ə-)rē -ˈzəl- ˌde-səl-ˈtȯr-ə-lē ˈde-səl-ˌtȯr-ē-nəs : marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose a dragged-out ordeal of ... desultory shopping —Herman Wouk : not connected with the main subject desultory comments : disappointing in progress, performance, or quality a desultory fifth place finish a desultory wine


adjective ˈek-si-krə-bəl ˈek-si-krə-blē : deserving to be execrated : detestable execrable crimes : very bad : wretched execrable hotel food


adjective ˈn(y)üdəˌkȯl : having leafless stems Above is meaning for nudicaul But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


adjective ˈn(y)üsəˌfȯrm : like a nut in shape


adjective adjective (ˌ)in-ˈtrak-tə-bəl (ˌ)in-ˌtrak-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē (ˌ)in-ˈtrak-tə-blē (ˈ)in-ˈtrak-tə-bəl (ˌ)in-ˌtrak-tə-ˈbil-ət-ē : not easily governed, managed, or directed intractable problems : not easily manipulated or shaped intractable metal : not easily relieved or cured intractable pain : not easily managed or controlled (as by antibiotics or psychotherapy) an intractable child activity against many intractable Proteus and Pseudomonas species of bacteria —Annual Report Pfizer : not easily relieved or cured intractable pain intractable bleeding in duodenal ulcer —Journal of the American Medical Association


adjective adjective (ˌ)ē-ˈden-chə-ləs (ˈ)ē-ˈden-chə-ləs : toothless : toothless


adjective adjective am-ˈbi-gyə-wəs am-ˈbi-gyə-wəs : doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness eyes of an ambiguous color : inexplicable : capable of being understood in two or more possible senses or ways an ambiguous smile an ambiguous term a deliberately ambiguous reply : able to be understood in more than one way an ambiguous explanation


adjective adjective am-ˈfi-bē-əs am-ˈfi-bē-əs : combining two characteristics : relating to or adapted for both land and water amphibious vehicles : executed by coordinated action of land, sea, and air forces organized for invasion an amphibious landing ; also : trained or organized for such action amphibious forces : trained or organized for such action amphibious forces : able to live both on land and in water amphibious plants : able to live both on land and in water amphibious animals : meant to be used on both land and water amphibious vehicles : made by land, sea, and air forces acting together amphibious attack


adjective adjective bə-ˈnev-lənt -ˈne-və- bə-ˈne-və-lənt : marked by or disposed to doing good a benevolent donor : organized for the purpose of doing good a benevolent society : marked by or suggestive of goodwill benevolent smiles : having a desire to do good : kindly a benevolent organization : marked by or suggestive of a kindly feeling a benevolent face


adjective adjective di-ˈləks dē- -ˈlu̇ks -ˈlüks di-ˈləks -ˈlu̇ks : notably luxurious, elegant, or expensive a deluxe edition deluxe hotels : very fine or luxurious


adjective adjective dī-ˈdak-tik də- -ti-kəl -ti-k(ə-)lē -tə-ˌsi-zəm dī-ˈdak-tik, də- : designed or intended to teach : intended to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment didactic poetry : making moral observations : involving lecture and textbook instruction rather than demonstration and laboratory study


adjective adjective fə-ˈsē-shəs fə-ˈsē-shəs : joking or jesting often inappropriately : waggish just being facetious : meant to be humorous or funny : not serious a facetious remark : intended or trying to be funny a facetious remark


adjective adjective fər-ˈlȯrn fȯr- fər-ˈlȯrn-nəs fȯr- fər-ˈlȯrn : bereft, forsaken left quite forlorn of hope : sad and lonely because of isolation or desertion : desolate a forlorn landscape : being in poor condition : miserable, wretched forlorn tumbledown buildings : nearly hopeless a forlorn attempt : sad from being left alone


adjective adjective gri-ˈger-ē-əs gri-ˈger-ē-əs : tending to associate with others of one's kind : social gregarious animals : marked by or indicating a liking for companionship : sociable is friendly, outgoing, and gregarious : of or relating to a social group : growing in a cluster or a colony : living in contiguous nests but not forming a true colony —used especially of wasps and bees : enjoying the company of other people : tending to live in a flock, herd, or community rather than alone gregarious insects


adjective adjective hī-ˈdrȯ-lik hī-ˈdrȯ-li-k(ə-)lē hī-ˈdrȯ-lik -li-kə-lē : operated, moved, or effected by means of water : of or relating to hydraulics hydraulic engineer : of or relating to water or other liquid in motion hydraulic erosion : operated by the resistance offered or the pressure transmitted when a quantity of liquid (such as water or oil) is forced through a comparatively small orifice or through a tube hydraulic brakes : hardening or setting under water hydraulic cement : operated, moved, or brought about by means of water hydraulic pressure : operated by liquid forced through a small hole or through a tube hydraulic brakes


adjective adjective i-ˈnāt ˈi-ˌnāt in-ˈāt, ˈin-ˌ : existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth : native, inborn innate behavior : belonging to the essential nature of something : inherent : originating in or derived from the mind or the constitution of the intellect rather than from experience : existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth : native, inborn innate behavior


adjective adjective im-ˈpech-wəs -ˈpe-chə- -chü-əs im-ˈpe-chə-wəs : marked by impulsive vehemence or passion an impetuous temperament : marked by force and violence of movement or action an impetuous wind : acting or done quickly and without thought : impulsive an impetuous decision


adjective adjective in-ˈdi-jə-nəs in-ˈdij-ə-nəs : produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular region or environment indigenous plants the indigenous culture : innate, inborn : having originated in and being produced, growing, or living naturally in a particular region or environment a disease indigenous to the tropics colonization by small numbers of indigenous enteric bacteria —C. M. Kunin et al : being inborn or innate a type of behavior that is indigenous to human beings


adjective adjective in-ˈjēn-yəs in-ˈjēn-yəs : showing or calling for intelligence, aptitude, or discernment : having or showing an unusual aptitude for discovering, inventing, or contriving an ingenious detective : marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception or execution an ingenious contraption : showing ingenuity : clever an ingenious idea


adjective adjective in-ˈsi-dē-əs in-ˈsid-ē-əs : awaiting a chance to entrap : treacherous : harmful but enticing : seductive insidious drugs : having a gradual and cumulative effect : subtle the insidious pressures of modern life : developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent : developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent an insidious disease


adjective adjective kə-ˈlō-kwē-əl kə-ˌlō-kwē-ˈa-lə-tē kə-ˈlō-kwē-ə-lē kə-ˈlō-kwē-əl : used in or characteristic of familiar and informal conversation In colloquial English, "kind of" is often used for "somewhat" or "rather." ; also : unacceptably informal : unacceptably informal : using conversational style a colloquial writer : of or relating to conversation : conversational colloquial expressions : used in or suited to familiar and informal conversation colloquial language


adjective adjective kən-ˈti-gyə-wəs -gyü-əs kən-ˈtig-yə-wəs ˌkänt-ə-ˈgyü-ət-ē : being in actual contact : touching along a boundary or at a point the 48 contiguous states : adjacent 2 : next or near in time or sequence The fires were contiguous with the earthquake. : touching or connected throughout in an unbroken sequence contiguous row houses contiguous vineyards : being in actual contact : touching along a boundary or at a point


adjective adjective mag-ˈna-nə-məs mag-ˈna-nə-məs : showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit the irreproachable lives and magnanimous sufferings of their followers —Joseph Addison : showing or suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mind too sincere for dissimulation, too magnanimous for resentment —Ellen Glasgow : generous and noble


adjective adjective mə-ˈnä-tə-nəs -ˈnät-nəs mə-ˈnä-tə-nəs : uttered or sounded in one unvarying tone : marked by a sameness of pitch and intensity : tediously uniform or unvarying : boring from always being the same Our trip across the ocean was monotonous.


adjective adjective mə-ˈti-kyə-ləs -ˌti-kyə-ˈlä-sə-tē -ˈti-kyə-ləs-lē -nəs mə-ˈtik-yə-ləs : marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details a meticulous researcher : showing extreme or excessive care in thinking about or dealing with small details a meticulous description


adjective adjective ri-ˈkal-sə-trənt ri-ˈkal-sə-trənt : obstinately defiant of authority or restraint : difficult to manage or operate : not responsive to treatment : resistant this subject is recalcitrant both to observation and to experiment —G. G. Simpson : not responsive to treatment severe recalcitrant psoriasis recalcitrant warts


adjective adjective rə-ˈdi-kyə-ləs rə-ˈdi-kyə-ləs : arousing or deserving ridicule : extremely silly or unreasonable : absurd, preposterous : causing or deserving ridicule : very silly or unreasonable


adjective adjective stə-ˈkä-(ˌ)tō stə-ˈkä-tō : cut short or apart in performing : disconnected staccato notes : marked by short clear-cut playing or singing of tones or chords a staccato style : abrupt, disjointed staccato screams : cut short so as not to sound connected staccato notes ... he ... stayed with her, the quiet interrupted only by her occasional staccato breaths. —Pam Muñoz Ryan, Esperanza Rising : played or sung with breaks between notes


adjective adjective yu̇-ˈnēk yu̇-ˈnēk : being the only one : sole his unique concern was his own comfort I can't walk away with a unique copy. Suppose I lost it? —Kingsley Amis the unique factorization of a number into prime factors : being without a like or equal : unequaled could stare at the flames, each one new, violent, unique —Robert Coover : distinctively characteristic : peculiar 1 this is not a condition unique to California —Ronald Reagan : unusual a very unique ball-point pen we were fairly unique, the sixty of us, in that there wasn't one good mixer in the bunch —J. D. Salinger : being the only one of its kind Every snowflake is unique. : very unusual : notable a unique talent


adjective adjective ə-ˈjā-sᵊnt ə-ˈjā-sᵊnt : not distant : nearby the city and adjacent suburbs : having a common endpoint or border adjacent lots adjacent sides of a triangle : immediately preceding or following : having the vertex and one side in common : next to or near something My sister sleeps in the adjacent room.


adjective adjective ˈa-mi-kə-bəl ˌa-mi-kə-ˈbi-lə-tē ˈa-mi-kə-bəl-nəs -blē ˈa-mi-kə-bəl -blē : characterized by friendly goodwill : peaceable amicable relations/discussions an amicable agreement : showing kindness or goodwill "I only hoped ... that the parting could be more amicable than this." —Louise Fitzhugh, Harriet the Spy


adjective adjective ˈbi-bli-kəl -k(ə-)lē ˈbi-bli-kəl : of, relating to, or being in accord with the Bible (see bible 1) a biblical passage biblical references : suggestive of the Bible or Bible times his biblical beard : relating to, taken from, or found in the Bible


adjective adjective ˈblīth ˈblīt͟h ˈblīth ˈblīt͟h : lacking due thought or consideration : casual, heedless blithe unconcern a blithe disregard for the rights of others : of a happy lighthearted character or disposition a blithe spirit blithe enjoyment : free from worry : merry, cheerful She let out a quick, blithe laugh. —Kevin Henkes, Olive's Ocean


adjective adjective ˈbra-kish ˈbra-kish : somewhat salty brackish water : not appealing to the taste brackish tea : repulsive a brackish personality : somewhat salty brackish water


adjective adjective ˈdrir-ē ˈdrir-ə-lē ˈdrir-ē-nəs ˈdrir-ē ˈdrir-ə-lē ˈdrir-ē-nəs : feeling, displaying, or reflecting listlessness or discouragement cheer a dreary mind —George Berkeley : having nothing likely to provide cheer, comfort, or interest : gloomy, dismal a cold, dreary morning : dull and depressing a dreary, rainy Monday


adjective adjective ˈdȯ-gəd ˈdȯ-gəd : marked by stubborn determination a dogged competitor dogged devotion : stubbornly determined He continued his dogged search for the truth.


adjective adjective ˈdək-tᵊl -ˌtī(-ə)l ˌdək-ˈti-lə-tē ˈdək-tᵊl -ˌtīl ˌdək-ˈtil-ət-ē : capable of being drawn out (see 1draw 15) into wire or thread ductile iron : easily led or influenced a vast portion of the public feels rather than thinks, a ductile multitude drawn easily by the arts of the demagogue —Amy Loveman : capable of being fashioned into a new form : capable of being drawn out or hammered thin ductile metal


adjective adjective ˈfi-kəl ˈfi-k(ə-)lē ˈfi-kəl : marked by lack of steadfastness, constancy, or stability : given to erratic changeableness : changing often : not reliable fickle friends fickle weather


adjective adjective ˈfī(-ə)-rē ˈfī-rə-lē ˈfī-rē-nəs ˈfī-ə-rē ˈfīr-ē : consisting of fire fiery tongues playing about the roof of the burning building : marked by fire a fiery crash : using or carried out with fire the fiery experiments of the ancient alchemists : liable to catch fire or explode : flammable a fiery vapor : hot like a fire the fiery taste of red pepper : being in an inflamed state or condition a fiery boil : feverish and flushed a fiery forehead : of the color of fire : red a fiery sunset : full of or exuding emotion or spirit a fiery sermon : easily provoked : irritable a fiery temper : marked by fire a fiery explosion : hot or glowing like a fire : full of spirit a fiery speech : easily angered


adjective adjective ˈfō-lē-ət -ˌāt ˈfō-lē-ət -ˌāt : shaped like a leaf a foliate sponge : foliated : shaped like a leaf


adjective adjective ˈfȯr-mə-də-bəl fȯr-ˈmi- fər-ˈmi- ˌfȯr-mə-də-ˈbi-lə-tē fȯr-ˌmi- fər-ˌmi- ˈfȯr-mə-də-bəl-nəs fȯr-ˈmi- fər-ˈmi- ˈfȯr-mə-də-blē fȯr-ˈmi- fər-ˈmi- ˈfȯr-mə-də-bəl : causing fear, dread, or apprehension a formidable prospect : having qualities that discourage approach or attack a formidable opponent : tending to inspire awe or wonder : impressive a formidable accomplishment : causing fear or awe a formidable enemy : offering serious difficulties a formidable task : large or impressive in size or extent a formidable waterfall


adjective adjective ˈhan(t)-səm ˈhan-səm : appropriate, suitable : moderately large : sizable a painting that commanded a handsome price : marked by skill or cleverness : adroit : marked by graciousness or generosity : liberal handsome contributions to charity : having a pleasing and usually impressive or dignified appearance : having a pleasing and impressive appearance a handsome dog : considerable They made a handsome profit on the sale. : more than enough We left a handsome tip.


adjective adjective ˈhap-tik ˈhap-tik -ti-kəl : relating to or based on the sense of touch : characterized by a predilection for the sense of touch a haptic person : relating to or based on the sense of touch the haptic mode of perception —Colin Gordon : characterized by a predilection for the sense of touch a haptic person


adjective adjective ˈhyü-mə-ˌnȯid ˈyü- ˈhyü-mə-ˌnȯid ˈyü- : having human form or characteristics humanoid dentition humanoid robots : having human form or characteristics humanoid dentition


adjective adjective ˈig-nē-əs ˈig-nē-əs : of, relating to, or resembling fire : fiery : relating to, resulting from, or suggestive of the intrusion or extrusion of magma or volcanic activity : formed by solidification of magma igneous rock : formed by hardening of melted mineral material within the earth igneous rock


adjective adjective ˈjō-vē-əl -vyəl ˌjō-vē-ˈa-lə-tē ˈjō-vē-ə-lē -vyə- ˈjō-vē-əl : markedly good-humored especially as evidenced by cheerfulness and conviviality : jolly a jovial host a jovial welcome : of or relating to Jove : 1jolly


adjective adjective ˈkre-də-bəl ˈkre-də-blē ˈkre-də-bəl -blē : offering reasonable grounds for being believed a credible account of the accident credible witnesses : of sufficient capability to be militarily effective a credible deterrent credible forces : possible to believe : deserving belief credible witnesses


adjective adjective ˈkrē-pē ˈkrē-pə-lē ˈkrē-pē-nəs ˈkrē-pē : producing a nervous shivery apprehension a creepy horror story ; also : eerie : eerie : of, relating to, or being a creep : annoyingly unpleasant a creepy old man : eerie a creepy old house : annoyingly unpleasant Dozens of frogs gave me a creepy feeling.


adjective adjective ˈlaŋ-gwəd ˈlaŋ-gwəd : drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion : weak arms too languid with happiness to embrace him —John Galsworthy : sluggish in character or disposition : listless proceeded at a languid pace : lacking force or quickness of movement : slow : having very little strength, energy, or spirit a pale languid boy : having a slow and relaxed quality a languid pace


adjective adjective ˈlər-nəd ˈlərnd ˈlərnt ˈlər-nəd-lē ˈlər-nəd-nəs ˈlər-nəd : characterized by or associated with learning : erudite a learned scholar a learned discussion : acquired by learning learned behavior a learned response : having or showing knowledge or learning a learned opinion


adjective adjective ˈmȯr-ə-(ˌ)bənd ˈmär- ˌmȯr-ə-ˈbən-də-tē ˌmär- ˈmȯr-ə-(ˌ)bənd, ˈmär- : being in the state of dying : approaching death in the moribund patient deepening stupor and coma are the usual preludes to death —Norman Cameron : being in a state of inactivity or obsolescence a moribund virus a moribund volcano prune the moribund files from your disk forever —D. S. Janal : being in the state of dying : approaching death in the moribund patient deepening stupor and coma are the usual preludes to death —Norman Cameron


adjective adjective ˈnü-ˈfaŋ-gəld ˈnü-ˈfaŋ-gəld ˈnyü- : attracted to novelty : of the newest style or kind had many newfangled gadgets in the kitchen : of the newest style : novel He loves these newfangled gadgets.


adjective adjective ˈnō-zē ˈnō-zə-lē ˈnō-zē-nəs ˈnō-zē : of prying or inquisitive (see inquisitive 2) disposition or quality : intrusive nosy reporters nosy neighbors : wanting to know about someone else's business nosy neighbors Above is meaning for nosy But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


adjective adjective ˈplü-ˌmōs ˈplü-ˌmōs : having feathers or plumes : feathered : feathery plumose setae : resembling a feather


adjective adjective ˈplȯ-zə-bəl ˈplȯ-zə-blē ˈplȯ-zə-bəl -blē : superficially fair, reasonable, or valuable but often specious a plausible pretext : superficially pleasing or persuasive a swindler ... , then a quack, then a smooth, plausible gentleman —R. W. Emerson : appearing worthy of belief the argument was both powerful and plausible : seeming to be reasonable a plausible excuse


adjective adjective ˈpyü-tə-tiv ˈpyü-tə-tiv : commonly accepted or supposed : assumed to exist or to have existed : thought, assumed, or alleged to be such or to exist the child's putative father ignorantly entered into a putative marriage before the divorce from a previous spouse was final


adjective adjective ˈsi-ni-kəl ˈsi-ni-k(ə-)lē ˈsi-nə-kəl : having or showing the attitude or temper of a cynic: such as : contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives ... those cynical men who say that democracy cannot be honest and efficient. —Franklin D. Roosevelt : based on or reflecting a belief that human conduct is motivated primarily by self-interest a cynical ploy to win votes : captious, peevish : believing that people are selfish and dishonest


adjective adjective ˈsiŋ-krə-nəs ˈsin- ˈsiŋ-krə-nəs, ˈsin- : happening, existing, or arising at precisely the same time : recurring or operating at exactly the same periods : involving or indicating synchronism : having the same period; also : having the same period and phase : having the same period and phase : geostationary : of, used in, or being digital communication (as between computers) in which a common timing signal is established that dictates when individual bits can be transmitted and which allows for very high rates of data transfer : happening, existing, or arising at precisely the same time : recurring or operating at exactly the same periods : having the same period; also : having the same period and phase : having the same period and phase


adjective adjective ˈstriŋ-ē ˈstriŋ-ē : containing, consisting of, or resembling fibrous matter or string stringy hair : lean and sinewy in build : wiry : capable of being drawn out to form a string : ropy a stringy precipitate : containing, consisting of, or like string stringy meat stringy hair


adjective adjective ˈsər-vəl -ˌvī(-ə)l ˈsər-və(l)-lē -ˌvī(-ə)l-lē ˈsər-vəl-nəs -ˌvī(-ə)l- (ˌ)sər-ˈvi-lə-tē ˈsər-vəl : of or befitting a slave or a menial position : meanly or cravenly submissive : abject : of or suitable to a slave servile work : very obedient and trying too hard to please


adjective adjective ˈtra-jik ˈtra-ji-kəl ˈtra-ji-k(ə-)lē ˈtra-jik : regrettably serious or unpleasant : deplorable, lamentable a tragic mistake : marked by a sense of tragedy : of, marked by, or expressive of tragedy the tragic significance of the atomic bomb —H. S. Truman : dealing with or treated in tragedy the tragic hero : appropriate to or typical of tragedy : very unfortunate a tragic mistake : of or relating to tragedy a tragic drama


adjective adjective ˈvi-sə-rəl ˈvis-rəl ˈvi-sə-rə-lē ˈvis-rə- ˈvis-ə-rəl -rə-lē : felt in or as if in the internal organs of the body : deep a visceral conviction : not intellectual : instinctive, unreasoning visceral drives : dealing with crude or elemental emotions : earthy a visceral novel : of, relating to, or located on or among the viscera : splanchnic visceral organs : of, relating to, or located on or among the viscera visceral organs — compare parietal 1


adjective adjective ˈwu̇-mən-lē ˈwu̇-mən-lē : having qualities generally associated with a woman : appropriate in character to a woman : having the characteristics typical of a woman


adjective adjective ˈwər-ē-səm ˈwə-rē- ˈwər-ē-səm : causing distress or worry worrisome news : inclined to worry or fret investors feeling worrisome : worrying a lot a worrisome parent : causing worry She developed a worrisome cough.


adjective adjective ˌnär-sə-ˈsi-stik ˌnär-sə-ˈsis-tik -ti-k(ə-)lē : of, relating to, or characterized by narcissism: such as : extremely self-centered with an exaggerated sense of self-importance : marked by or characteristic of excessive admiration of or infatuation with oneself a narcissistic personality He was a very narcissistic man, not too concerned with the world. —Oliver Sacks But when a mother's narcissistic needs are so great that she cannot relate to her child as he really is, she loves her child as a self-object—that is, as someone put on this earth to meet her needs. —Sue Erikson Bloland — see also narcissistic personality disorder : displaying or marked by excessive concern with one's own physical appearance ... she describes the bind created for women by the judgment that a woman preoccupied with her looks is narcissistic and a woman who is not is unfeminine. —Carol Gilligan Our narcissistic culture has turned us into a nation of body-image "junkies" using everything in our power to carve, reshape, remold, and recast our bodies' natural shapes and processes so that they are better fitted to our desires. —Andrew Kimbrell : of or relating to narcissism


adjective adjective ˌä-stən-ˈtā-shəs ˌä-stən-ˈtā-shəs : attracting or seeking to attract attention, admiration, or envy often by gaudiness or obviousness : overly elaborate or conspicuous : characterized by, fond of, or evincing ostentation an ostentatious display of wealth/knowledge The power of the government was present ... but it did not express itself in large and ostentatious buildings. —Albert Hourani : attracting or fond of attracting attention by showing off wealth or cleverness They lived in a huge, ostentatious house.


adjective adjective adjective (ˌ)im-ˈpər-vē-əs im-ˈpər-vē-əs (ˈ)im-ˈpər-vē-əs : not allowing entrance or passage : impenetrable a coat impervious to rain : not capable of being damaged or harmed a carpet impervious to rough treatment : not capable of being affected or disturbed impervious to criticism : not letting something enter or pass through The coat is impervious to rain. : not bothered or affected by something He's impervious to their criticism. : not allowing entrance or passage medication packaged in a container impervious to air and light


adjective adjective adjective fa-ˈsti-dē-əs fə- fa-ˈsti-dē-əs fa-ˈstid-ē-əs, fə- : showing or demanding excessive delicacy or care fastidious attention to detail —Robert Evett : reflecting a meticulous, sensitive, or demanding attitude fastidious workmanship : having high and often capricious standards : difficult to please critics ... so fastidious that they can talk only to a small circle of initiates —Granville Hicks : having complex nutritional requirements fastidious microorganisms : scornful : hard to please : very particular a fastidious dresser : having complex nutritional requirements fastidious microorganisms —used of bacteria that grow only in specially fortified artificial culture media


adjective adjective adjective i-ˈnä-kyə-wəs i-ˈnä-kyə-wəs in-ˈäk-yə-wəs : producing no injury : harmless : not likely to give offense or to arouse strong feelings or hostility : inoffensive, insipid : not harmful innocuous chemicals : producing no injury : not harmful


adjective noun väg-ˈnir-ē-ən -ˈner- : of, relating to, characteristic, or suggestive of Wagner or his music, stage operas, or theories : an admirer of the musical theories and style of Wagner


adjective adjective adjective ig-ˈzü-b(ə-)rənt ig-ˈzü-bə-rənt -bə-rəns ig-ˈzü-b(ə-)rənt : joyously unrestrained and enthusiastic exuberant praise an exuberant personality : unrestrained or elaborate especially in style : flamboyant exuberant architecture : produced in extreme abundance : plentiful exuberant foliage and vegetation : extreme or excessive in degree, size, or extent exuberant prosperity : filled with energy and enthusiasm The audience applause ... rose in an exuberant swell ... —Lois Lowry, The Giver : characterized by extreme proliferation exuberant granulation tissue remarkably exuberant metastatic calcification —Sandy Muspratt


adjective adjective adjective kə-ˈpri-shəs -ˈprē- kə-ˈpri-shəs kə-ˈpri-shəs, -ˈprē- : governed or characterized by caprice : impulsive, unpredictable : moved or controlled by a sudden desire a capricious shopper : likely to change suddenly capricious weather : governed or characterized by impulse or whim: as : lacking a rational basis : likely to change suddenly : not supported by the weight of evidence or established rules of law —often used in the phrase arbitrary and capricious


adjective adjective adjective nu̇-ˈma-tik nyu̇- nu̇-ˈma-ti-k(ə-)lē nyu̇- ˌnü-mə-ˈti-sə-tē ˌnyü- nu̇-ˈma-tik nyu̇- n(y)u̇-ˈmat-ik -i-k(ə-)lē : of, relating to, or using gas (such as air or wind): : moved or worked by air pressure : adapted for holding or inflated with compressed air : having air-filled cavities : of or relating to the pneuma : spiritual : having a well-proportioned feminine figure; especially : having a full bust : having a full bust : moved or worked by air a pneumatic drill : made to hold or be inflated with compressed air pneumatic tires : of, relating to, or using gas (as air): as : moved or worked by air pressure : adapted for holding or inflated with compressed air : having air-filled cavities pneumatic bone


adjective adjective adjective pri-ˈkō-shəs pri-ˈkä-sə-tē pri-ˈkō-shəs pri-ˈkō-shəs : exceptionally early in development or occurrence precocious puberty : exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age a precocious child : showing qualities or abilities of an adult at an unusually early age : exceptionally early in development or occurrence precocious puberty : exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age


adjective adjective adjective pər-ˈni-shəs pər-ˈni-shəs pər-ˈnish-əs : highly injurious or destructive : deadly : wicked : causing great damage or harm a pernicious disease a pernicious habit : highly injurious or destructive : tending to a fatal issue : deadly pernicious disease


adjective adjective adjective äm-ˈniv-rəs -ˈni-və- äm-ˈni-və-rəs äm-ˈniv-(ə-)rəs : feeding on both animal and vegetable substances omnivorous animals : avidly taking in everything as if devouring or consuming an omnivorous reader omnivorous curiosity : feeding on plants and animals : eating both animal and plant matter


adjective adjective adjective ə-ˈmē-nə-bəl -ˈme- -ˌmē-nə-ˈbil-ət-ē -ˌme- -ˈmē-nə-blē -ˈme- ə-ˈmē-nə-bəl -ˈme- ə-ˈmē-nə-bəl, -ˈme- ə-ˌmē-nə-ˈbi-lə-tē, -ˌme- : liable to be brought to account : answerable citizens amenable to the law : capable of submission (as to judgment or test) : suited The data is amenable to analysis. : readily brought to yield, submit, or cooperate a government not amenable to change : willing 1 was amenable to spending more time at home : readily giving in or agreeing The builders were amenable to our wishes. : legally subject or answerable the corporation is not amenable to suit in New York : suited by nature an adult is not amenable to a juvenile treatment program : readily yielding, submitting, or cooperating defendant is amenable to rehabilitation —National Law Journal


adjective adjective adjective ˈkrip-tik ˈkrip-ti-k(ə-)lē ˈkrip-tik ˈkrip-tik -ti-k(ə-)lē : secret, occult : having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning : mysterious cryptic messages cryptic prophecies : marked by an often perplexing brevity cryptic marginal notes : serving to conceal cryptic coloration in animals ; also : exhibiting cryptic coloration cryptic animals : exhibiting cryptic coloration cryptic animals : not recognized a cryptic infection : employing cipher or code : difficult to understand or make sense of He left a cryptic message. : serving to conceal cryptic coloration in animals : not recognized a cryptic infection cryptic cases of lead poisoning


adjective adjective adjective ˈlü-səd ˈlü-səd ˈlü-səd : suffused with light : luminous : translucent snorkeling in the lucid sea : having full use of one's faculties : sane : clear to the understanding : intelligible : having or showing the ability to think clearly lucid behavior : easily understood lucid writing : having, showing, or characterized by an ability to think clearly and rationally


adjective adjective adjective ˈre-kləs ˈre-kləs : marked by lack of proper caution : careless of consequences : irresponsible reckless charges : showing lack of caution : engaging in wild careless behavior : characterized by the creation of a substantial and unjustifiable risk to the lives, safety, or rights of others and by a conscious and sometimes wanton and willful disregard for or indifference to that risk that is a gross deviation from the standard of care a reasonable person would exercise in like circumstances — see also involuntary manslaughter at manslaughter, reckless homicide at homicide, recklessness — compare careless


adjective adjective adjective ˈre-lə-vənt ˈre-lə-vənt ˈre-lə-vənt : having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand : affording evidence tending to prove or disprove the matter at issue or under discussion relevant testimony : having social relevance : proportional, relative : having something to do with the matter at hand a relevant question : tending logically to prove or disprove a fact of consequence or to make the fact more or less probable and thereby aiding the trier of fact in making a decision determined that the evidence was relevant ; also : having a bearing on or reasonably calculated to lead to a matter that bears on any issue in a case for purposes of pretrial discovery — see also relevant evidence at evidence : having a bearing on or reasonably calculated to lead to a matter that bears on any issue in a case for purposes of pretrial discovery — see also relevant evidence at evidence : having significant and demonstrable bearing on facts or issues was not a relevant case


adjective adjective adjective ˈstrikt ˈstrik(t)-lē ˈstrik(t)-nəs ˈstrikt : stringent in requirement or control under strict orders : severe in discipline a strict teacher : inflexibly maintained or adhered to strict secrecy : rigorously conforming to principle or a norm or condition : exact, precise in the strict sense of the word : of narrow erect habit of growth a strict inflorescence : tight, close; also : intimate : intimate : narrow : not to be avoided or ignored : requiring obedience strict orders : strongly enforcing rules and discipline a strict coach : kept with great care : absolute strict secrecy : carefully observing something (as a rule or principle) a strict vegetarian : 1exact, precise the strict sense of a word : characterized by narrowness : not demonstrating a broad or liberal view strict interpretation : firm or rigid in requirement or control : severe in discipline : inflexibly maintained or adhered to : rigorously conforming to a principle or norm or condition a strict bill of interpleader : not requiring fault — see also strict liability at liability 2b


adjective adjective adjective ˈva-skyə-lər ˌva-skyə-ˈler-ə-tē -ˈla-rə- ˈva-skyə-lər ˈvas-kyə-lər : of or relating to a channel for the conveyance of a body fluid (such as blood of an animal or sap of a plant) or to a system of such channels; also : supplied with or made up of such channels and especially blood vessels a vascular tumor a vascular system : supplied with or made up of such channels and especially blood vessels a vascular tumor a vascular system : marked by vigor and ardor : passionate : of, relating to, containing, or being bodily vessels that carry fluid (as blood in an animal or sap in a plant) a tree's vascular system : of, relating to, constituting, or affecting a tube or a system of tubes for the conveyance of a body fluid (as blood or lymph) vascular disease vascular surgical techniques : supplied with or containing ducts and especially blood vessels a vascular tumor the vascular layer of the skin


adjective adjective adjective ˈvəl-n(ə-)rə-bəl ˈvəl-nər-bəl ˌvəl-n(ə-)rə-ˈbi-lə-tē ˈvəl-n(ə-)rə-bəl-nəs ˈvəl-nər-bəl- ˈvəl-n(ə-)rə-blē ˈvəl-nər-blē ˈvəl-nə-rə-bəl ˈvəln-(ə-)rə-bəl, ˈvəl-nər-bəl ˌvəln-(ə-)rə-ˈbil-ət-ē : capable of being physically or emotionally wounded : open to attack or damage : assailable vulnerable to criticism : liable to increased penalties but entitled to increased bonuses after winning a game in contract bridge : capable of being easily hurt or injured The patient is vulnerable to infection. : open to attack or damage The troops were in a vulnerable position. : capable of being hurt : susceptible to injury or disease the liver is itself vulnerable to nutritional impairment —Journal of the American Medical Association


adjective adjective adjective ˈwin-dē ˈwin-də-lē ˈwin-dē-nəs ˈwīn-dē ˈwin-dē : windswept a windy coast : marked by strong wind or by more wind than usual a windy day : violent, stormy : flatulent 1 a windy bellyache : verbose, bombastic a windy politician : lacking substance : empty windy promises : winding a windy path : having much or strong wind a windy day a windy city Above is meaning for windy But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


adjective adjective adjective ˈwȯ-tə-rē ˈwä- ˈwȯ-tə-rə-lē ˈwä- ˈwȯ-tə-rē-nəs ˈwä- ˈwȯ-tə-rē ˈwä- ˈwȯt-ə-rē, ˈwät- : consisting of, filled with, or surrounded by water : containing, sodden with, or yielding water or a thin liquid a watery solution watery vesicles : resembling water or watery matter especially in thin fluidity, soggy texture, paleness, or lack of savor watery sunlight a watery soup watery diarrhea : exhibiting weakness and vapidity : wishy-washy a watery writing style : full of or giving out liquid watery eyes : containing or giving out water or a thin liquid a watery mixture : like water especially in being thin, soggy, pale, or without flavor watery soup : lacking in strength or determination a watery smile : consisting of or filled with water : containing, sodden with, or yielding water or a thin liquid a watery solution watery stools


adjective adjective adjective ˈäb-stə-nət ˈäb-stə-nət ˈäb-stə-nət : stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion obstinate resistance to change : not easily subdued, remedied, or removed obstinate fever : sticking stubbornly to an opinion or purpose : difficult to deal with or get rid of an obstinate fever : adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion : not easily subdued, remedied, or removed obstinate fever


adjective adjective adjective ˌrü-də-ˈmen-tə-rē -ˈmen-trē ˌrü-də-ˌmen-ˈter-ə-lē -ˈmen-trə-lē ˌrü-də-ˈmen-tə-rē-nəs -ˈmen-trē- ˌrüd-ə-ˈmen-tə-rē ˌrüd-ə-ˈment-ə-rē, -ˈmen-trē : consisting in first principles : fundamental had only a rudimentary formal education —D. J. Boorstin : of a primitive kind the equipment of these past empire-builders was rudimentary —A. J. Toynbee : very imperfectly developed or represented only by a vestige the rudimentary tail of a hyrax : elementary, simple He has only rudimentary knowledge of math. : not fully developed rudimentary wings : very imperfectly developed or represented only by a vestige


adjective adjective adjective noun ˈkrä-nik -ni-k(ə-)lē krä-ˈni-sə-tē krō- ˈkrä-nik -ni-kə-lē ˈkrän-ik -i-kəl -i-k(ə-)lē krä-ˈnis-ət-ē, krō- : continuing or occurring again and again for a long time chronic indigestion chronic experiments : suffering from a chronic disease the special needs of chronic patients : always present or encountered; especially : constantly vexing, weakening, or troubling chronic petty warfare chronic meddling in one another's domestic affairs —Amatzia Baram : constantly vexing, weakening, or troubling chronic petty warfare chronic meddling in one another's domestic affairs —Amatzia Baram : being such habitually a chronic grumbler : continuing for a long time or returning often a chronic disease : happening or done frequently or by habit a chronic complainer chronic tardiness : marked by long duration, by frequent recurrence over a long time, and often by slowly progressing seriousness : not acute chronic indigestion her hallucinations became chronic : suffering from a disease or ailment of long duration or frequent recurrence a chronic arthritic chronic sufferers from asthma : having a slow progressive course of indefinite duration —used especially of degenerative invasive diseases, some infections, psychoses, and inflammations chronic heart disease chronic arthritis chronic tuberculosis — compare acute 2b(1) : infected with a disease-causing agent (as a virus) and remaining infectious over a long period of time but not necessarily expressing symptoms chronic carriers may remain healthy but still transmit the virus causing hepatitis B : one that suffers from a chronic disease


adjective adjective noun ˌsī-kō-sə-ˈma-tik ˌsī-kō-sə-ˈma-ti-k(ə-)lē ˌsī-kə-sə-ˈmat-ik, -kō-, -sō- -i-k(ə-)lē : of, relating to, concerned with, or involving both mind and body the psychosomatic nature of man —Herbert Ratner : of, relating to, involving, or concerned with bodily symptoms caused by mental or emotional disturbance psychosomatic symptoms psychosomatic medicine : of, relating to, concerned with, or involving both mind and body the psychosomatic nature of man —Herbert Ratner : of, relating to, involving, or concerned with bodily symptoms caused by mental or emotional disturbance psychosomatic illness psychosomatic medicine : exhibiting psychosomatic symptoms a psychosomatic patient : an individual exhibiting psychosomatic symptoms


adjective adjective noun adjective pə-ˈre-nē-əl pə-ˈre-nē-ə-lē pə-ˈre-nē-əl pə-ˈren-ē-əl : present at all seasons of the year : persisting for several years usually with new herbaceous growth from a perennating part perennial asters : persistent, enduring perennial favorites : continuing without interruption : constant, perpetual the perennial quest for certainty a perennial student : regularly repeated or renewed : recurrent death is a perennial literary theme : present all through the year a perennial stream : living from year to year a perennial plant : never ending : constant perennial joy : happening again and again perennial flooding : a plant that lives from year to year : present at all seasons of the year perennial rhinitis


adjective adjective noun adjective noun bə-ˈlij-rənt -ˈli-jə- bə-ˈli-jə-rənt bə-ˈli-jə-rənt : inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness, hostility, or combativeness : waging war; specifically : belonging to or recognized as a state at war and protected by and subject to the laws of war : belonging to or recognized as a state at war and protected by and subject to the laws of war : carrying on war belligerent nations : feeling or showing readiness to fight belligerent remarks a belligerent stranger : a nation at war : a person taking part in a fight : waging war : carrying on war; specifically : belonging to or recognized as an organized military power protected by and subject to the laws of war : belonging to or recognized as an organized military power protected by and subject to the laws of war : inclined to or exhibiting hostility or a combative temperament : a belligerent nation, state, or person


adjective adjective noun noun ə-ˈlim-pē-ən ō- : of or relating to Mount Olympus in Thessaly : befitting or characteristic of an Olympian; especially : lofty his ... formula of glib simplicity and Olympian arrogance —Richard Pollak : lofty his ... formula of glib simplicity and Olympian arrogance —Richard Pollak : of or relating to the ancient Greek region of Olympia : of, relating to, or constituting the Olympic Games : a participant in Olympic Games : one of the ancient Greek deities dwelling on Olympus : a being of lofty detachment or superior attainments


adjective adjective noun noun noun ˈlü-nə-ˌtik ˈlü-nə-ˌtik ˈlü-nə-tik : affected with a severely disordered state of mind : insane : designed for the care of mentally ill people a lunatic asylum : wildly foolish a lunatic idea lunatic behavior : insane 1 : an insane person : a person who behaves very foolishly That lunatic went through a red light. : an individual marked by a severely disordered state of mind : an insane person —used especially formerly


adjective adverb adjective adjective ˈtīm-lē ˈtīm-lē ˈtīm-lē : coming early or at the right time a timely decision timely payment : appropriate or adapted to the times or the occasion a timely book : in time : opportunely the question was not ... timely raised in the state court —W. O. Douglas : early, soon : coming early or at the right time a timely payment : especially suitable to the time a timely book : falling within a prescribed or reasonable time timely notice


adjective adverb noun adjective adverb noun ˈdā-lē ˈdā-lē : occurring, made, or acted upon every day daily needs : issued every day or every weekday a daily newspaper : of or providing for every day a daily schedule : reckoned by the day average daily wage : covering the period of or based on a day daily statistics : every day : every weekday : a newspaper that is published every day or every day except Sunday : a servant who works on a daily basis : the first prints of a movie showing the scenes that are filmed each day : rush 6 : occurring, done, produced, appearing, or used every day or every weekday Be sure to get your daily exercise. : figured by the day a daily wage : every day She jogs three miles daily. : a newspaper published every weekday


adjective biographical name adjective adjective ˈfer-ən-ˌhīt ˈfer-ən-ˌhīt ˈfa-rən- ˈfär-ən- ˈfar-ən-ˌhīt ˈfar-ən-ˌhīt : relating or conforming to a thermometric scale on which under standard atmospheric pressure the boiling point of water is at 212 degrees above the zero of the scale, the freezing point is at 32 degrees above zero, and the zero point approximates the temperature produced by mixing equal quantities by weight of snow and common salt —abbreviation F Daniel Gabriel 1686-1736 German physicist : relating to or having a temperature scale on which the boiling point of water is at 212 degrees above the zero of the scale and the freezing point is at 32 degrees above zero : relating or conforming to a thermometric scale on which under standard atmospheric pressure the boiling point of water is at 212 degrees above the zero of the scale, the freezing point is at 32 degrees above zero, and the zero point approximates the temperature produced by mixing equal quantities by weight of snow and common salt —abbreviation F


adjective biographical name adjective adjective ˈsel-sē-əs -shəs ˈsel-sē-əs -shəs ˈsel-sē-əs ˈsel-sē-əs, -shəs : relating to, conforming to, or having the international thermometric scale on which the interval between the triple point of water and the boiling point of water is divided into 99.99 degrees with 0.01° representing the triple point and 100° the boiling point 10° Celsius ; also : centigrade —abbreviation C : centigrade —abbreviation C Anders 1701-1744 Swedish astronomer : relating to or having a thermometer scale on which the interval between the freezing point and the boiling point of water is divided into 100 degrees with 0 representing the freezing point and 100 the boiling point : relating to or having a scale for measuring temperature on which the interval between the triple point and the boiling point of water is divided into 99.99 degrees with 0.01° being the triple point and 100.00° the boiling point —abbreviation C — compare centigrade


adjective geographical name ˈkəŋ-ˈpau̇ ˈküŋ- ˈku̇ŋ- ˌpau̇ⁿ-dē-ə-ˈsü-kər : being stir-fried or sometimes deep-fried and served in a spicy hot sauce usually with peanuts kung pao chicken peak 1296 feet (395 meters) high in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on the western side of the entrance to Guanabara Bay Above is meaning for kung pao But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


adjective noun vər-ˈna-kyə-lər və- : using a language or dialect native to a region or country rather than a literary, cultured, or foreign language : of, relating to, or being a nonstandard language or dialect of a place, region, or country : of, relating to, or being the normal spoken form of a language : applied to a plant or animal in the common native speech as distinguished from the Latin nomenclature of scientific classification the vernacular name : of, relating to, or characteristic of a period, place, or group; especially : of, relating to, or being the common building style of a period or place vernacular architecture : of, relating to, or being the common building style of a period or place vernacular architecture : a vernacular language, expression, or mode of expression : an expression or mode of expression that occurs in ordinary speech rather than formal writing : the mode of expression of a group or class : a common name of a plant or animal as distinguished from the Latin nomenclature of scientific classification : a vernacular name of a plant or animal


adjective noun ˈfle-mish : of, relating to, or characteristic of Flanders or the Flemings or their language : the Germanic language of the Flemings that is made up of dialects of Dutch : flemings


adjective noun ˌdäk-trə-ˈner ˌdäk-trə-ˈner-ˌi-zəm : stubbornly or excessively devoted to a doctrine or theory without regard to practical considerations ... tended to stress uncritical, doctrinaire acceptance of the interpretations of law ... —Ross E. Dunn ... the doctrinaire evolutionary psychologists who choose ideology over knowledge. —Jerry A. Coyne : one who attempts to put into effect an abstract doctrine or theory with little or no regard for practical difficulties


adjective noun ˌpi-kə-ˈresk ˌpē- : of or relating to rogues or rascals; also : of, relating to, suggesting, or being a type of fiction dealing with the episodic adventures of a usually roguish protagonist a picaresque novel : of, relating to, suggesting, or being a type of fiction dealing with the episodic adventures of a usually roguish protagonist a picaresque novel : one that is picaresque


adjective noun adjective flam-ˈbȯi-ənt flam-ˈbȯi-ənt : marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior a flamboyant performer : characterized by waving curves suggesting flames flamboyant tracery flamboyant architecture : royal poinciana : having a noticeable or showy quality


adjective noun adjective fyu̇-ˈni-kyə-lər fə- fyu̇-ˈnik-yə-lər, fə- : having the form of or associated with a cord usually under tension : of, relating to, or being a funiculus : of, relating to, or being a funicular a funicular system : a cable railway ascending a mountain; especially : one in which an ascending car counterbalances a descending car : one in which an ascending car counterbalances a descending car : of, relating to, or being a funiculus


adjective noun adjective i-ˈfem-rəl -ˈfēm- -ˈfe-mə- -ˈfē- i-ˈfem-rə-lē -ˈfēm- -ˈfe-mə- -ˈfē- i-ˈfem(-ə)-rəl -ˈfēm- : lasting a very short time ephemeral pleasures : lasting one day only an ephemeral fever : something that lasts for a very short time : something ephemeral; specifically : a plant that grows, flowers, and dies in a few days : a plant that grows, flowers, and dies in a few days : lasting a very short time


adjective noun adjective i-ˈnān i-ˈnān-nəs i-ˈnān i-ˈnān : empty, insubstantial : lacking significance, meaning, or point : silly inane comments : void or empty space a voyage into the limitless inane —V. G. Childe : silly and pointless inane remarks


adjective noun adjective äm-ˈni-pə-tənt äm-ˈni-pə-tənt äm-ˈni-pə-tənt : almighty 1 : having virtually unlimited authority or influence an omnipotent ruler : arrant : one who has unlimited power or authority : one who is omnipotent : god 1 : having power or authority without limit : almighty


adjective noun adjective ˈa-də-mənt -ˌmant ˈa-də-mənt -ˌmant ˈa-də-mənt : unshakable or insistent especially in maintaining a position or opinion : unyielding an adamant insistence on doing things his own way was adamant about making the change : a stone (such as a diamond) formerly believed to be of impenetrable hardness : an unbreakable or extremely hard substance "Trust not in your gold and silver, trust not in your high fortresses; for, though the walls were of iron, and the fortresses of adamant, the Most High shall put terror into your hearts and weakness into your councils ..." —George Eliot : not giving in I tried to change her mind, but she was adamant.


adjective noun adjective ˈjər-kē ˈjər-kə-lē ˈjər-kē-nəs ˈjər-kē ˈjər-kē : moving along with or marked by fits and starts : characterized by abrupt transitions : inane, foolish : jerked meat : moving with sudden starts and stops a jerky ride


adjective noun adjective ˈȯr-thə-ˌdäks ˈȯr-thə-ˌdäks : conforming to established doctrine especially in religion orthodox principles the orthodox interpretation : conventional took an orthodox approach to the problem orthodox medicine : of, relating to, or constituting any of various conservative religious or political groups: such as : eastern orthodox Greek Orthodox rituals : of or relating to Orthodox Judaism Orthodox Jews in their black suits and hats and modest dresses : one that is orthodox : a member of an Eastern Orthodox church : approved as measuring up to some standard : conventional orthodox medicine : closely following the established beliefs of a religion


adjective noun adjective adjective dī-ˈna-mik -mi-kəl -mi-k(ə-)lē dī-ˈna-mik dī-ˈnam-ik -i-kəl -i-k(ə-)lē : marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change a dynamic city : energetic, forceful a dynamic personality : of or relating to physical force or energy : of or relating to dynamics (see dynamics) : requiring periodic refreshment of charge in order to retain data : a dynamic force (see 1dynamic) : dynamics 2; also : an underlying cause of change or growth : an underlying cause of change or growth : always active, energetic, or changing a dynamic city : of or relating to physical force or energy : of or relating to dynamics : functional 1b a dynamic disease : marked by continuous usually productive activity or change a dynamic population : marked by energy or forcefulness a dynamic personality


adjective noun adjective adjective es-ˈthe-tik is- ēs- -ti-kəl -ti-k(ə-)lē es-ˈthe-tik is- ēs- es-ˈthe-tik -i-kə-lē es-ˈthe-tik, British usually ēs- : of, relating to, or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful aesthetic theories : artistic a work of aesthetic value : pleasing in appearance : attractive ... easy-to-use keyboards, clear graphics, and other ergonomic and aesthetic features ... —Mark Mehler : appreciative of, responsive to, or zealous about the beautiful; also : responsive to or appreciative of what is pleasurable to the senses his aesthetic sensibility : responsive to or appreciative of what is pleasurable to the senses his aesthetic sensibility : done or made to improve a person's appearance or to correct defects in a person's appearance aesthetic plastic surgery : a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste and with the creation and appreciation of beauty : a particular theory or conception of beauty or art : a particular taste for or approach to what is pleasing to the senses and especially sight modernist aesthetics staging new ballets which reflected the aesthetic of the new nation —Mary Clarke & Clement Crisp : a pleasing appearance or effect : beauty appreciated the aesthetics of the gemstones : relating to beauty and what is beautiful They made aesthetic improvements to the building. : done or made to improve a person's appearance or to correct defects in a person's appearance aesthetic plastic surgery Dentists are still drilling and filling, but the fastest growing part of the practices are aesthetic procedures, such as bleaching teeth and using tooth-colored material for fillings ... —Sarah Skidmore, The San Diego Union-Tribune, 8 May 2005


adjective noun adjective adjective im-ˈper-ə-tiv -ˈpe-rə- im-ˈper-ə-tiv -ˈpe-rə- im-ˈper-ə-tiv im-ˈper-ət-iv : of, relating to, or constituting the grammatical mood that expresses the will to influence the behavior of another : expressive of a command, entreaty, or exhortation : having power to restrain, control, and direct : not to be avoided or evaded : necessary an imperative duty : the grammatical mood that expresses the will to influence the behavior of another or a verb form or verbal phrase expressing it : something that is imperative (see 1imperative): such as : command, order : rule, guide : an obligatory act or duty : an obligatory judgment or proposition : expressing a command, request, or strong encouragement "Come here!" is an imperative sentence. : urgent 1 It is imperative that you see a doctor. : eliciting a motor response an imperative stimulus


adjective noun adjective adjective ə-ˈkwä-tik -ˈkwa- -ti-k(ə-)lē ə-ˈkwä-tik -ˈkwa- ə-ˈkwät-ik -ˈkwat- : growing or living in or frequenting water aquatic mosquito larvae : taking place in or on water aquatic sports : an aquatic animal or plant : water sports : growing, living, or done in water aquatic animals : growing or living in or frequenting water aquatic mosquito larvae


adjective noun adjective adjective ˈthər-məl ˈthər-mə-lē ˈthər-məl ˈthər-məl -mə-lē : of, relating to, or caused by heat thermal stress thermal insulation : being or involving a state of matter dependent upon temperature thermal conductivity thermal agitation of molecular structure : having low energies of the order of those due to thermal agitation thermal neutrons : designed (as with insulating air spaces) to prevent the dissipation of body heat thermal underwear : of, relating to, or marked by the presence of hot springs thermal waters : a rising body of warm air : of, relating to, or caused by heat thermal insulation : of, relating to, or caused by heat tactile and thermal senses : being or involving a state of matter dependent upon temperature thermal agitation of molecular structure


adjective noun adjective adjective ˌre-trə-ˈspek-tiv -ˈspek-tiv ˈre-trə-ˌspek-tiv : of, relating to, or given to retrospection : based on memory a retrospective report : being a retrospective a retrospective exhibition : affecting things past : retroactive retrospective laws : relating to or being a study (as of a disease) that starts with the present condition of a population of individuals and collects data about their past history to explain their present condition : a generally comprehensive exhibition, compilation, or performance of the work of an artist over a span of years; broadly : review 7a a retrospective of 20th century haute couture : review 7a a retrospective of 20th century haute couture : of, relating to, or given to introspection : relating to or being a study (as of a disease) that starts with the present condition of a population of individuals and collects data about their past history to explain their present condition — compare prospective : based on memory : affecting things past : retroactive; specifically : of, relating to, or being a law that takes away or impairs vested rights, creates new duties or obligations, or attaches new disabilities with respect to acts and transactions completed before its enactment : of, relating to, or being a law that takes away or impairs vested rights, creates new duties or obligations, or attaches new disabilities with respect to acts and transactions completed before its enactment


adjective noun adjective adjective noun i-ˈklek-tik e- i-ˈklek-ti-k(ə-)lē e- e-ˈklek-tik i- e-ˈklek-tik, i- -ti-k(ə-)lē : composed of elements drawn from various sources; also : heterogeneous : heterogeneous : selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles : one who uses a method or approach that is composed of elements drawn from various sources : one who uses an eclectic method or approach : including things taken from many different sources The radio station plays an eclectic mix of music. : selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines or methods : of, relating to, or practicing eclecticism : one who uses an eclectic method or approach


adjective noun adjective adjective noun ˈkär-dē-ˌak ˈkär-dē-ˌak ˈkärd-ē-ˌak : of, relating to, situated near, or acting on the heart : of or relating to the cardia of the stomach : of, relating to, or affected with heart disease cardiac patients : a person with heart disease : of, relating to, or affecting the heart cardiac disease : of, relating to, situated near, or acting on the heart : of or relating to the cardia of the stomach : of, relating to, or affected with heart disease : an individual with heart disease


adjective noun adjective adjective noun adjective ˈtem-p(ə-)rəl ˈtem-p(ə-)rəl ˈtem-p(ə-)rəl ˈtem-p(ə-)rəl -ē : of or relating to time as opposed to eternity : of or relating to earthly life : lay or secular rather than clerical or sacred : civil lords temporal : of or relating to grammatical tense or a distinction of time : of or relating to time as distinguished from space : of or relating to the sequence of time or to a particular time : chronological : a bodily part (such as a bone or muscle) that is near the temples or the sides of the skull behind the orbits : a temporal part : of or relating to the temples or the sides of the skull behind the orbits : of or relating to time as distinguished from space; also : of or relating to the sequence of time or to a particular time : of or relating to the sequence of time or to a particular time : a temporal part (as a bone or muscle) : of or relating to the temples or the sides of the skull behind the orbits


adjective noun adjective noun (ˌ)mər-ˈkyu̇r-ē-əl -ē-ə-lē (ˌ)mər-ˈkyu̇r-ē-əl (ˌ)mər-ˈkyu̇r-ē-əl : of, relating to, or born under the planet Mercury : having qualities of eloquence, ingenuity, or thievishness attributed to the god Mercury or to the influence of the planet Mercury : characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood a mercurial temper : of, relating to, containing, or caused by mercury : a pharmaceutical or chemical containing mercury : of, relating to, containing, or caused by mercury mercurial salves : a pharmaceutical or chemical containing mercury the diuretic action of mercurials


adjective noun adjective noun en-ˈde-mik in- en-ˈde-mi-k(ə-)lē in- ˌen-ˌde-ˈmi-sə-tē -də-ˈmi- ˈen-də-ˌmi-zəm en-ˈde-mik in- en-ˈdem-ik, in- -ˈdem-i-k(ə-)lē : belonging or native to a particular people or country : characteristic of or prevalent in a particular field, area, or environment problems endemic to translation the self-indulgence endemic in the film industry : restricted or peculiar to a locality or region endemic diseases an endemic species : an organism that is restricted or peculiar to a locality or region : an endemic organism : restricted or peculiar to a locality or region endemic diseases an endemic species — compare epidemic 1, sporadic 1 : an endemic disease or an instance of its occurrence : an endemic organism


adjective noun adjective noun ni-ˈmä-nik -ni-k(ə-)lē ni-ˈmän-ik -i-k(ə-)lē : assisting or intended to assist memory To distinguish "principal" from "principle" use the mnemonic aid "the principal is your pal." ; also : of or relating to mnemonics : of or relating to mnemonics : of or relating to memory mnemonic skill : a mnemonic device or code : assisting or intended to assist memory; also : of or relating to mnemonics : of or relating to mnemonics : of or relating to memory : a mnemonic device or code


adjective noun adjective noun ˈmȯr-chə-ˌwer-ē -chü-ˌer- ˈmȯr-chə-ˌwer-ē : of or relating to the burial of the dead : of, relating to, or characteristic of death : a place in which dead bodies are kept until burial; especially : funeral home : funeral home : of or relating to the burial of the dead : of, relating to, or characteristic of death : a place in which dead bodies are kept and prepared for burial or cremation


adjective noun adjective noun ˈne-sə-ˌser-ē ˈne-sə-ˌser-ē ˈne-sə-ˌser-ē ˌne-sə-ˈser-ə-lē : absolutely needed : required Food is necessary for life. : of an inevitable nature : inescapable Death is a necessary feature of the human condition. : logically unavoidable a necessary conclusion : that cannot be denied without contradiction : determined or produced by the previous condition of things the necessary outcome of the affair : compulsory Taking the oath of obedience is necessary. : an indispensable item : essential : needing to be had or done : essential Food is necessary to life. I got the necessary work done first. : something that is needed We left a good stock of ... medicines, and some other necessaries ... —Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island


adjective noun adjective noun ˈprä-di-gəl ˌprä-də-ˈga-lə-tē ˈprä-di-g(ə-)lē ˈprä-di-gəl : characterized by profuse or wasteful expenditure : lavish a prodigal feast prodigal outlays for her clothes : recklessly spendthrift the prodigal prince : yielding abundantly : luxuriant —often used with of nature has been so prodigal of her bounty —H. T. Buckle : one who spends or gives lavishly and foolishly : one who has returned after an absence : carelessly wasteful a prodigal spender : somebody who wastes money carelessly


adjective noun adjective noun adverb adjective noun ˌpōs(t)-ˈmȯr-təm (ˈ)pōst-ˈmȯrt-əm ˌpōst-ˈmȯr-təm : done, occurring, or collected after death postmortem tissue specimens : following the event : autopsy 1 : an analysis or discussion of an event after it is over : done, occurring, or collected after death postmortem tissue specimens : autopsy : after death seven cases examined post-mortem : done, occurring, or collected after death : autopsy


adjective noun adjective noun noun ˈkər-ənt ˈkə-rənt ˈkər-ənt ˈkər-ənt, ˈkə-rənt : running, flowing : presently elapsing the current year : occurring in or existing at the present time the current crisis current supplies current needs : most recent the magazine's current issue the current survey : used as a medium of exchange : generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment current fashions current ideas about education : the part of a fluid body (such as air or water) moving continuously in a certain direction : the swiftest part of a stream : a tidal or nontidal movement of lake or ocean water : flow marked by force or strength : a tendency or course of events that is usually the result of an interplay of forces currents of public opinion : a prevailing mood : strain : a flow of electric charge; also : the rate of such flow : the rate of such flow : now passing the current month : occurring in or belonging to the present time current events : generally and widely accepted, used, or practiced current customs : a body of fluid (as air or water) moving in a specified direction : the swiftest part of a stream : the general course : trend : a flow of electricity : the part of a fluid body (as air or water) moving continuously in a certain direction : a flow of electric charge; also : the rate of such flow : the rate of such flow


adjective noun noun ˈpi-kə-ˌlō ˈpi-kə-ˌlō-ist ˈpi-kə-ˌlō : smaller than ordinary size a piccolo banjo : a small shrill flute whose range is an octave higher than that of an ordinary flute : a high-pitched instrument resembling a small flute


adjective noun noun adjective ˈtər-shē-ˌer-ē -shə-rē ˈtər-shē-ˌer-ē ˈtər-shə-rē : of third rank, importance, or value : of, relating to, or being higher education : of, relating to, or constituting the third strongest of the three or four degrees of stress recognized by most linguists (such as the stress of the third syllable of basketball team) : of, relating to, or being the first period of the Cenozoic era or the corresponding system of rocks marked by the formation of high mountains (such as the Alps, Caucasus, and Himalayas) and the dominance of mammals on land — see Geologic Time Table : involving or resulting from the substitution of three atoms or groups a tertiary salt tertiary amine : being or containing a carbon atom having bonds to three other carbon atoms an acid containing a tertiary carbon tertiary alcohols : of, relating to, or being the normal folded structure of the coiled chain of a protein or of DNA or RNA : occurring in or being a third stage: such as : being or relating to the recovery of oil and gas from old wells by means of the underground application of heat and chemicals : being or relating to the purification of wastewater by removal of fine particles, nitrates, and phosphates : a member of a monastic third order especially of lay people : the Tertiary (see 1tertiary 2) period or system of rocks : tertiary color : a lesion of tertiary syphilis : of third rank, importance, or value : involving or resulting from the substitution of three atoms or groups a tertiary salt : being or containing a carbon atom having bonds to three other carbon atoms an acid containing a tertiary carbon : of, relating to, or being the normal folded structure of the coiled chain of a protein or of a DNA or RNA — compare primary 4, secondary 3 : occurring in or being a third stage tertiary lesions of syphilis : providing tertiary care a tertiary medical center


adjective noun noun adjective adjective ri-ˈsi-prə-kəl ri-ˈsi-prə-k(ə-)lē ri-ˈsi-prə-kəl ri-ˈsip-rə-kəl ri-ˈsi-prə-kəl : inversely related : opposite : of, constituting, or resulting from paired crosses in which the kind that supplies the male parent of the first cross supplies the female parent of the second cross and vice versa : shared, felt, or shown by both sides : serving to reciprocate : consisting of or functioning as a return in kind the reciprocal devastation of nuclear war : mutually corresponding agreed to extend reciprocal privileges to each other's citizens : marked by or based on reciprocity reciprocal trade agreements : something in a reciprocal relationship to another : either of a pair of numbers (such as ²/₃ and ³/₂ or 9 and ¹/₉) whose product is one; broadly : multiplicative inverse : multiplicative inverse : one of a pair of numbers (as 9 and ¹/₉, ²/₃ and ³/₂) whose product is one : inversely related : of, constituting, or resulting from paired crosses in which the kind that supplies the male parent of the first cross supplies the female parent of the second cross and vice versa : shared, felt, or shown by both sides : mutual 2 : bilateral a reciprocal contract : characterized by correspondence or equivalence especially in return or response with another of the same category an ... agreement permitting the reciprocal use of each other's land —Ingham v. Block, 351 S.W.3d 96 (2011) also : marked by such correspondence or equivalence between its own components a reciprocal arrangement : marked by such correspondence or equivalence between its own components a reciprocal arrangement : marked by reciprocity between states


adjective noun noun noun adjective käz-ˈme-tik käz-ˈme-ti-k(ə-)lē käz-ˈmet-ik käz-ˈmet-ik -i-k(ə-)lē : of, relating to, or making for beauty especially of the complexion : beautifying cosmetic salves : done or made for the sake of appearance: such as : correcting defects especially of the face cosmetic surgery : decorative, ornamental : not substantive : superficial cosmetic changes : visually appealing : something that is cosmetic: such as : a cosmetic preparation for external use : superficial features a poem without rhetorical cosmetics —Guy Davenport : a material (as a cream, lotion, or powder) used to improve a person's appearance : a cosmetic preparation for external use : of, relating to, or making for beauty especially of the complexion cosmetic salves : correcting defects especially of the face cosmetic surgery


adjective noun verb kri-ˈden(t)-shəl : warranting credit or confidence —used chiefly in the phrase credential letters : something that gives a title to credit or confidence; also : qualification 3a the applicant with the best credentials : qualification 3a the applicant with the best credentials : testimonials or certified documents showing that a person is entitled to credit or has a right to exercise official power a doctor's credentials : certificate, diploma : to furnish with credentials ... to credential adequate academic performance ... —K. Patricia Cross journalists who have been credentialed by the Secret Service Above is meaning for credential But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


adjective noun verb adjective adjective ˈwȯn-tᵊn ˈwän- ˈwȯn-tᵊn-nəs ˈwän- ˈwȯn-tᵊn ˈwänt-ᵊn, ˈwȯnt- : merciless, inhumane wanton cruelty : having no just foundation or provocation : malicious a wanton attack : being without check or limitation: such as : unduly lavish : extravagant wanton imagination : luxuriantly rank wanton vegetation : lewd, bawdy : causing sexual excitement : lustful, sensual : playfully mean or cruel : mischievous : hard to control : undisciplined, unruly : one given to self-indulgent flirtation or trifling —used especially in the phrase play the wanton : a lewd or lascivious person : a pampered person or animal : pet; especially : a spoiled child : a spoiled child : a frolicsome child or animal : to be wanton or act wantonly (see 1wanton) : to pass or waste wantonly or in wantonness : not modest or proper : indecent : showing no thought or care for the rights, feelings, or safety of others wanton cruelty : manifesting extreme indifference to a risk of injury to another that is known or should have been known : characterized by knowledge of and utter disregard for probability of resulting harm a wanton act by such wanton or willful misconduct — see also reckless Note: Wanton reckless, and willful are often used to refer to an aggravated level of negligence that borders on intent and that is often ground for an award of punitive damages.


adjective noun verb noun adjective (ˌ)an-ˈtēk ˈan-tik (ˌ)an-ˈtēk (ˌ)an-ˈtēk an-ˈtē-kər an-ˈtēk : existing since or belonging to earlier times : ancient antique trade routes to India : being in the style or fashion of former times antique manners and graces : made in or representative of the work of an earlier period antique mirrors ; also : being an antique : being an antique : selling or exhibiting antiques an antique show : a relic or object of ancient times : a work of art, piece of furniture, or decorative object made at an earlier period and according to various customs laws at least 100 years ago : a manufactured product (such as an automobile) from an earlier period : to finish or refinish in antique style : give an appearance of age to antique a table : to shop around for antiques : an object (as a piece of furniture) made at an earlier time : belonging to or like a former style or fashion antique lamps


adjective noun verb noun geographical name adjective noun verb noun ˈbləf ˈbləf ˈbləf : having a broad flattened front a ship with bluff bows : rising steeply with a broad flat or rounded front the bluff banks of the river : good-naturedly frank and outspoken a bluff, easygoing fellow : a high steep bank : cliff stood on the bluffs overlooking the ocean : to deter or frighten by pretense or a mere show of strength bluffed them into surrendering : deceive bluff her way in without a ticket : feign The catcher bluffed a throw to first. : to deceive (an opponent) by a bold bet on an inferior hand was bluffed out of a winning hand : to bluff someone : act deceptively You can tell when he is bluffing. : a false threat or claim intended to deter or deceive someone : an act or instance of bluffing (see 3bluff) Having ... nothing to support his pretensions he decided to put up a bluff. —Sherwood Anderson His boss called his bluff. : the practice of bluffing The agreement had been reached, after weeks of bluff and haggle ... —Time : one who bluffs town in southern New Zealand Note: Bluff serves as the port for the city of Invercargill. : rising steeply with a broad front a bluff shoreline : frank and outspoken in a rough but good-natured way : a high steep bank : cliff : to deceive or frighten by pretending to have more strength or confidence than is really true : an act or instance of pretending to have more strength, confidence, or ability than is really true


adjective noun verb noun verb noun verb ˈpa-nik ˈpa-ni-kē ˈpa-nikt ˈpa-nik ˈpan-ik -ikt : of, relating to, or resembling the mental or emotional state believed induced by the god Pan panic fear : of, relating to, or arising from a panic panic buying panic selling a panic retreat : of or relating to the god Pan Panic rites : a sudden overpowering fright; also : acute, extreme anxiety : acute, extreme anxiety : a sudden unreasoning terror often accompanied by mass flight widespread panic in the streets : a sudden widespread fright concerning financial affairs that results in a depression of values caused by extreme measures for protection of property (such as securities) : someone or something that is very funny : riot : to affect with panic : to cause to laugh uproariously panic an audience with a gag : to be affected with panic : a sudden overpowering fear often without reasonable cause ... it didn't matter ... that she was a good swimmer because ... in her panic she swallowed water ... —Kevin Henkes, Olive's Ocean : to feel or cause to feel sudden overpowering fear : a sudden overpowering fright; also : acute extreme anxiety : acute extreme anxiety : a sudden unreasoning terror often accompanied by mass flight widespread panic in the streets : to affect with panic : to be affected with panic


adjective verb adjective verb ˈhəm-bəl ˈəm- ˈhəm-b(ə-)lər ˈhəm-b(ə-)ləst ˈhəm-bəl-nəs ˈhəm-blē ˈhəm-bəl ˈəm- ˈhəm-b(ə-)liŋ ˈhəm-b(ə-)lər ˈhəm-b(ə-)liŋ-lē ˈhəm-bəl -blē : not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive : reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission a humble apology : ranking low in a hierarchy or scale : insignificant, unpretentious : not costly or luxurious a humble contraption : to make (someone) humble (see 1humble) in spirit or manner : to destroy the power, independence, or prestige of : not regarding others as inferior : not overly proud : modest She is humble despite her great success. : expressed in a way that does not show too much pride humble apologies : low in rank or condition They are people of humble origin. : to make modest The failure humbled him. : to easily and unexpectedly defeat Our surprise attack humbled the enemy.


adjective verb noun abbreviation adjective verb abbreviation ˈdim ˈdi-mə-bəl ˈdim : emitting or having a limited or insufficient amount of light dim stars a dim lamp a dim hallway : dull, lusterless dim colors : lacking pronounced, clear-cut, or vigorous quality or character a dim echo of the past : seen indistinctly a dim outline : perceived by the senses or mind indistinctly or weakly : faint had only a dim notion of what was going on : having little prospect of favorable result or outcome a dim future : characterized by an unfavorable, skeptical, or pessimistic attitude —usually used in the phrase take a dim view of takes a dim view of human nature : not perceiving clearly and distinctly dim eyes : dim-witted too dim to understand the joke : to make dim or lusterless dimmed their hopes of an early settlement : to reduce the light from dim the headlights : to become dim the lights dimmed their beauty had dimmed : dusk, dimness : low beam dimension diminished diminuendo diminutive : not bright or distinct : faint a dim light : not seeing or understanding clearly dim eyes He has only a dim awareness of the problem. : to make or become less bright or clear Please dim the lights. His eyesight dimmed with age. diminished


adjective verb noun adjective ˈkēn ˈkēn-nəs ˈkēn : intellectually alert : having or characteristic of a quick penetrating mind a keen student a keen awareness of the problem ; also : shrewdly astute a keen assessment : shrewdly astute a keen assessment : extremely sensitive in perception keen eyes a keen sense of smell : sharply contested keen competition keen debate : showing a quick and ardent responsiveness : enthusiastic a keen swimmer : eager was keen to begin : intense the keen delight in the chase —F. W. Maitland : wonderful, excellent a keen idea : having a fine edge or point : sharp a knife with a keen blade : affecting one as if by cutting keen sarcasm : pungent to the sense a keen scent : very enthusiastic or excited about wasn't keen on going : to make a loud and long cry of sorrow : to lament with a keen : to make a sound suggestive of a loud cry of sorrow a keening siren : to lament, mourn, or complain loudly : to utter with a loud wailing voice or wordless cry keened our sorrow —Punch : a lamentation for the dead uttered in a loud wailing voice or sometimes in a wordless cry : having a fine edge or point : sharp a keen knife : having or showing mental sharpness a keen observation : very sensitive (as in seeing, smelling, or hearing) keen eyesight : full of enthusiasm : eager ... everybody was very keen to hear details of what had happened ... —J. K. Rowling, Goblet of Fire : seeming to cut or sting a keen wind


adjective verb noun verb noun ˈfrä-lik ˈfrä-lik : full of fun : merry Contrasting the stern anxiety of his present mood with the frolic spirit of the preceding year ... —Nathaniel Hawthorne : to amuse oneself : make merry I didn't choose the school so I could frolic in the quad —Hugh Gallagher : to play and run about happily : romp children frolicking in the park : a playful or mischievous action : an occasion or scene of fun : party : fun, merriment : to play about happily : romp The dog frolicked in the snow. : 1fun 1


adjective verb noun verb noun adjective transitive verb noun adjective verb noun ˈa-gri-gət ˈa-gri-ˌgāt ˈa-gri-gət ˈa-gri-ˌgāt ˈa-gri-gət ˈag-ri-gət ˌag-ri-ˈgā-shən -ˌgāt -gət ˈa-grə-gət ˈa-grə-ˌgāt ˈa-grə-gət : formed by the collection of units or particles into a body, mass, or amount : collective: such as : clustered in a dense mass or head an aggregate flower : formed from several separate ovaries of a single flower aggregate fruit : composed of mineral crystals of one or more kinds or of mineral rock fragments : taking all units as a whole aggregate sales : to collect or gather into a mass or whole The census data were aggregated by gender. : to amount to (a whole sum or total) : total audiences aggregating several million people : a mass or body of units or parts somewhat loosely associated with one another Froth is an aggregate of tiny bubbles. : the whole sum or amount : sum total spent an aggregate of 10 million dollars in advertising during the past three years : a rock composed of mineral crystals of one or more kinds or of mineral rock fragments : an aggregate rock : any of several hard inert materials (such as sand, gravel, or slag) used for mixing with a cementing material to form concrete, mortar, or plaster : a clustered mass of individual soil particles varied in shape, ranging in size from a microscopic granule to a small crumb, and considered the basic structural unit of soil : set 21 : monetary aggregate : considered as a whole : collectively Dividends for the year amounted in the aggregate to 25 million dollars. : to collect or gather into a mass or whole The particles of sand aggregated into giant dunes. : a mass or body of units or parts The rock is an aggregate of several minerals. : the whole sum or amount They won by an aggregate of 30 points. : formed by the collection of units or particles into a body, mass, or amount : to collect or gather into a mass or whole aggregated human albumin : a mass or body of units or parts somewhat loosely associated with one another : taken as a total aggregate liability : to combine or gather into a whole class members may aggregate their individual claims — compare join : to amount to an award aggregating $100,000 : to form an aggregate they may not aggregate if their claims are regarded as "separate and distinct" —J. M. Landers et al. : total amount may sue in federal court if the aggregate of the claims exceeds $75,000 : a whole made up of individual units the aggregate of operative facts


adjective verb verb ˈa-dᵊl ˈad-liŋ ˈa-dᵊl-iŋ ˈa-dᵊl : rotten : confused : to throw into confusion : confound : to become rotten : spoil : to become confused : to make or become confused She was addled by the many detours.


adverb or adjective noun ə-ˈdä-j(ē-ˌ)ō ä- -zh(ē-ˌ)ō : at a slow tempo —used chiefly as a direction in music : a musical composition or movement in adagio tempo : a ballet duet by a man and woman or a mixed trio displaying difficult feats of balance, lifting, or spinning


adverb or adjective noun adverb or adjective ˌin-ˌkäg-ˈnē-(ˌ)tō in-ˈkäg-nə-ˌtō ˌin-ˌkäg-ˈnē-tō in-ˈkäg-nə-ˌtō : with one's identity concealed : one appearing or living incognito : the state or assumed identity of one living or traveling incognito or incognita : with someone's identity kept secret He's traveling incognito.


interjection ˌä-dē-ˈōs ˌa- —used to express farewell Until we meet again, adios.


interjection adjective Greek verb geographical name yu̇-ˈrē-kə yu̇-ˈrē-kä yu̇-ˈrē-kə —used to express triumph on a discovery : marked by usually sudden triumphant discovery a eureka moment : I have found (it) —motto of California city and port on Humboldt Bay in northwestern California population 27,191


interjection interjection (ˈ)ä-ˈmen (ˈ)ā- ˈä- ˈā-ˈmen ˈä- —used to express solemn ratification (as of an expression of faith) or hearty approval (as of an assertion) —used at the end of a prayer —used to express agreement When I said we could use a bit of luck, he replied, "Amen!"


noun : a person who indulges in persiflage : one given to frivolous banter especially about matters usually given serious consideration this indolent sceptic; this persifleur who ... posed as a martyr of remorse because he had driven his mistress out of his house —J. C. Powys


noun : any of certain constituents (probably antibodies) of serum that unite with bacteria and make them more susceptible to phagocytosis


noun : government by women : a form of social organization among insects (as ants, bees, wasps) in which only the female parent takes part in establishing the colony


noun (ˈ)bä-¦lü : bear; specifically : sloth bear : sloth bear


noun (ˈ)pan-ˌäf-thəl-ˈmīt-əs, -ˌäp- : inflammation involving all the tissues of the eyeball


noun (ˌ)em-ˌbär-kə-ˈder-(ˌ)ō : a landing place especially on an inland waterway


noun (ˌ)in-ˌdək-ˈtē in-ˈdək-ˌtē : one who is inducted


noun (ˌ)rē-ˌzȯr-ji-ˈmen-(ˌ)tō -ˌsȯr- : the 19th century movement for Italian political unity : a time of renewal or renaissance : revival


noun (ˌ)ē-ˈsā ˈē-ˌsā : a Japanese immigrant especially to the U.S.


noun -jē : the science that deals with measuring time by regular divisions and that assigns to events their proper dates : a chronological table, list, or account a chronology of the author's works : an arrangement (as of events) in order of occurrence reconstruct the chronology of the trip The book provides a chronology of events leading up to the American Civil War.


noun -mē : the anatomy or dissection of birds


noun -ˈjen-ə-səs -ˌsēz -jə-ˈnet-ik : the development of cartilage


noun -ˈye(ə)(ˌ)rō : an aspiring bullfighter who has not yet attained the rank of matador


noun -ˌhu̇d : the office or status of an apostle


noun -ˌkrēg : war conducted with great speed and force; specifically : a violent surprise offensive by massed air forces and mechanized ground forces in close coordination : a violent surprise offensive by massed air forces and mechanized ground forces in close coordination : blitz 2a


noun -‧ˌtrē -‧ˌtrī : any of certain isolated fossil shark teeth Above is meaning for glossopetra But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun al-ˈkər-kē : an ancient board game regarded as a precursor to checkers in which two players each having twelve pieces begin play with their pieces arranged on a board five spaces wide and five spaces deep with one open space in the middle Draughts were invented about 1100, probably in the south of France, by using backgammon pieces on a chessboard with the moves of alquerque. —R. C. Bell, Board and Table Game Antiques, 2008


noun ba-ˈle-tə-ˌmān -ˌle-tə-ˈmā-nē-ə -nyə : a devotee of ballet


noun bi-ˈhest bē- : an authoritative order : command The meeting was called at the senator's behest. : an urgent prompting At the behest of her friends, she read the poem aloud.


noun bläⁿ-ˈket : a stew of light meat or seafood in a white sauce blanquette of veal blanquette of lobster


noun ˈa-ˌjag : a wild dog (Cuon javanicus) found in Java


noun byu̇-ˈrä-krə-sē byə- byər-ˈä- : a body of nonelective government officials : an administrative policy-making group : government characterized by specialization of functions, adherence to fixed rules, and a hierarchy of authority : a system of administration marked by officialism, red tape, and proliferation


noun bä-ˈve-(ˌ)tā : a flat noodle similar to linguine This is the kind of dish that would be compatible with almost any form of pasta and one interesting form, available in Italian markets, is called bavette. —Pierre Franey, New York Times, 29 June 1977


noun bäˈgȯʔˌȯŋ : a paste or sauce of small fish and prawns which have been salted and fermented that is much used as seasoning


noun bäˈlüt bə- : a food in the Philippines consisting of duck eggs incubated almost to the point of hatching and then boiled


noun bə-ˈbüsh-kə -ˈbu̇sh- ba- : a usually triangularly folded kerchief for the head : a head covering (such as a scarf) resembling a babushka : grandmother Until my own babushka's generation very specific clothes were assigned to specific classes, specific hairstyles distinguishing married from unmarried women. —Francine du Plessix Gray : an elderly Russian woman ... I jostled among babushkas clutching bags of food for a place on the bus ... —Gary Lee


noun bə-ˈler-(ˌ)ō -ˈle-rō : a Spanish dance characterized by sharp turns, stamping of the feet, and sudden pauses in a position with one arm arched over the head; also : music in ³/₄ time for a bolero : music in ³/₄ time for a bolero : a loose waist-length jacket open at the front


noun bə-ˈlü-gə : a large white sturgeon (Huso huso synonym Acipenser huso) of the Black Sea, Caspian Sea, and their tributaries; also : caviar processed from beluga roe — compare osetra, sevruga : caviar processed from beluga roe — compare osetra, sevruga : a toothed whale (Delphinapterus leucas) of arctic and subarctic waters having a fusiform body that is about 10 to 15 feet (3.0 to 5.0 meters) long and white when mature — called also white whale


noun bə-ˈrē-(ˌ)tō : a flour tortilla rolled or folded around a filling (as of meat, beans, and cheese)


noun bə-ˈrēs-tə bä-ˈrēs-tä : a person who makes and serves coffee (such as espresso) to the public


noun bətˈset(ˌ)ō bəˈze- -et(ˌ)ē : a small rough clay study for a larger sculpture —used especially of baroque sculpture


noun bəˈbüsh bä- : a slipper of a style that originated in Morocco and that lacks a heel or quarters


noun bəˈräkə : a blessing that is regarded in various Eastern religions as an indwelling spiritual force and divine gift inhering in saints, charismatic leaders, and natural objects


noun bəˈrüksē : afghan hound


noun chaˈstu̇shkə : a rhymed folk verse usually of four lines traditional in form but often having political or topical content


noun chä-ˈlü-pä chə-ˈlü-pə : a fried corn tortilla sometimes shaped like a boat and usually filled with a savory mixture (as of meat, vegetables, or cheese)


noun chī-ˈyō-tē chē- -(ˌ)tā : the pear-shaped fruit of a West Indian annual vine (Sechium edule) of the gourd family that is widely cultivated as a vegetable; also : the plant — called also chayote squash, christophene, mirliton : the plant — called also chayote squash, christophene, mirliton


noun chə-ˈpōt-lā chē- -ˈpȯt- -lē : a smoked and usually dried jalapeño pepper


noun chə̇ˈnȯvnik : a minor official in czarist Russia


noun di-ˈnär ˈdē-ˌ : a gold coin formerly used in countries of southwest Asia and north Africa : the basic monetary unit of Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Sudan, and Tunisia — see Money Table : a monetary subunit of the rial (Iran) — see rial at Money Table


noun dik-ˈtät : a harsh settlement unilaterally imposed (as on a defeated nation) : decree, order


noun drə-ˈsäzh dre- : the execution by a trained horse of precision movements in response to barely perceptible signals from its rider


noun dē-ˈbä-kəl di- -ˈba- ˈde-bə-kəl dā-ˈbäk(lᵊ) : a great disaster : a complete failure : fiasco : a tumultuous breakup of ice in a river : a violent disruption (as of an army) : rout


noun də(r)ˈwän -wȯn : porter, doorkeeper


noun e-ˈnō-kē- : a whitish cultivated agaric mushroom (Flammulina velutipes synonym Collybia velutipes) with a long thin stem and a small cap Above is meaning for enoki mushroom But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun enˈsämbyə : an African timber tree (Markhamia platycalyx) of the family Bignoniaceae having yellow flowers and tough durable wood : the wood of the nsambya tree used chiefly for poles and construction work


noun fan-ˈdaŋ-(ˌ)gō : a lively Spanish or Spanish-American dance in triple time that is usually performed by a man and a woman to the accompaniment of guitar and castanets; also : music for this dance : music for this dance : tomfoolery


noun flə-ˈmeŋ-(ˌ)kō : a vigorous rhythmic dance style of the Andalusian Gypsies; also : a dance in flamenco style : a dance in flamenco style : music or song suitable to accompany a flamenco dance


noun frē-ˈsōⁿ frē-ˈsōⁿ(z) : a brief moment of emotional excitement : shudder, thrill produce a genuine frisson of disquiet —Patricia Craig a frisson of surprise a frisson of delight


noun nōˈēsə̇s : purely intellectual apprehension: : the highest kind of knowledge or knowledge of the eternal forms or ideas —contrasted with dianoia : the subjective aspect of or the act in an intentional experience —distinguished from noema : cognition especially when occurring through direct knowledge


noun pi-ˌrär-ə-ˈkü : a large-scaled, predatory, freshwater fish (Arapaima gigas of the family Arapaimidae) of the rivers of northern South America that is an esteemed food fish, has a toothed tongue, and may reach a length of nearly 10 feet (3 meters) and a weight of over 300 pounds (136 kilograms) but is typically smaller Note: The pirarucu has been placed especially formerly in the same family (Osteoglossidae) as the arowanas.


noun pri-ˈrä-gə-tiv pri-ˈrä-gə-tivd : an exclusive or special right, power, or privilege: such as : one belonging to an office or an official body : one belonging to a person, group, or class of individuals : one possessed by a nation as an attribute of sovereignty : the discretionary power inhering in the British Crown : a distinctive excellence


noun prō-ˈshü-(ˌ)tō prō-ˈshü-(ˌ)tē : dry-cured salted Italian ham usually sliced thin


noun prō-ˈta-gə-nist : the principal character in a literary work (such as a drama or story) : the leading actor or principal character in a television show, movie, book, etc. : an active participant in an event : a leader, proponent, or supporter of a cause : champion


noun pär-ˈfā : a flavored custard containing whipped cream and syrup frozen without stirring : a cold dessert made of layers of fruit, syrup, ice cream, and whipped cream


noun pē-ˈa-zə -ˈä- -ˈat-sə -ˈät- pē-ˈat-(ˌ)sā -ˈät- : an open square especially in an Italian town : an arcaded and roofed gallery : veranda, porch


noun pēˈdän : duck eggs preserved in a brine to which lime, ashes, and an infusion of tea are added and after several months coated with rice hulls


noun pə-ˈnash -ˈnäsh : an ornamental tuft (as of feathers) especially on a helmet The palace guard had a panache on his helmet. : dash or flamboyance in style and action : verve flashed his ... smile and waved with the panache of a big-city mayor —Joe Morgenstern


noun pə-ˈtē-nə ˈpa-tə-nə pə-ˈtē-nəz ˈpa-tə-nəz pə-ˈtē-ˌnē -ˌnī ˈpa-tə- : a usually green film formed naturally on copper and bronze by long exposure or artificially (as by acids) and often valued aesthetically for its color : a surface appearance of something grown beautiful especially with age or use the beautiful patina of this antique table : an appearance or aura that is derived from association, habit, or established character the criminal has acquired a patina of respectability by his friendship with well-known businessmen : a superficial covering or exterior The toast was spread with a patina of butter.


noun ra-ˈtan rə- : a rattan cane or switch : a climbing palm (especially of the genera Calamus and Daemonorops) with very long tough stems : a part of the jointed stem of a rattan used especially for furniture, wickerwork, and walking sticks


noun si-ˈdü-lə-tē -ˈdyü- : sedulous activity : diligence


noun si-ˈlän-(ˌ)trō -ˈlan- : leaves of coriander used as a flavoring or garnish; also : coriander 1 : coriander 1


noun sim-ˈpō-zē-əm -zh(ē-)əm -zē-ə -zh(ē-)ə : a convivial party (as after a banquet in ancient Greece) with music and conversation : a social gathering at which there is free interchange of ideas : a formal meeting at which several specialists deliver short addresses on a topic or on related topics — compare colloquium : a collection of opinions on a subject; especially : one published by a periodical : one published by a periodical : discussion


noun skal-ˈyō-lə -ˈyȯ- : an imitation marble used for floors, columns, and ornamental interior work


noun skē-ˈyä-kē ˌsu̇-kē-ˈyä- ˌsü- : a dish consisting of thin slices of meat, tofu, and vegetables cooked in soy sauce and sugar


noun swä-ˈhē-lē : a member of a Bantu-speaking people of Zanzibar and the adjacent coast : a Bantu language that is a trade and governmental language over much of East Africa and in the Congo region


noun sə(r)ˈdäb : a narrow chamber of the ancient Egyptian mastaba either concealed or accessible only by a narrow passage and containing a statue of the deceased : a living room in the basement of a house in the Near East that provides coolness during the summer months


noun sə-ˈli-lə-kwē : the act of talking to oneself : a poem, discourse, or utterance of a character in a drama that has the form of a monologue or gives the illusion of being a series of unspoken reflections


noun sə-ˈner-ē-ˌō -ˈnär- : an outline or synopsis of a play; especially : a plot outline used by actors of the commedia dell'arte : a plot outline used by actors of the commedia dell'arte : the libretto of an opera : screenplay : shooting script : a sequence of events especially when imagined; especially : an account or synopsis of a possible course of action or events his scenario for a settlement envisages ... reunification —Selig Harrison : an account or synopsis of a possible course of action or events his scenario for a settlement envisages ... reunification —Selig Harrison


noun sə-ˈnäp-səs sə-ˈnäp-ˌsēz : a condensed statement or outline (as of a narrative or treatise) : abstract : the abbreviated conjugation of a verb in one person only


noun sə-ˈrȯŋ -ˈräŋ : a loose garment made of a long strip of cloth wrapped around the body that is worn by men and women chiefly of the Malay Archipelago and the Pacific islands


noun sə-ˈtȯr-ē sä- : sudden enlightenment and a state of consciousness attained by intuitive illumination representing the spiritual goal of Zen Buddhism


noun ä-ˈkä-mē : the lean, reddish flesh from along the spine of the tuna that is used especially for sushi and sashimi When preparing this sushi at home, the choice of tuna is nearly always the akami, the nonfatty red meat, because of its availability and reasonable price. —Hiroko Shimbo, The Sushi Experience, 2006


noun ä-ˈnä-gō : the flesh of sea eel used as food Saltwater eel (anago) held the least allure, but even that tangle of gristly white flesh, like everything else, tasted unmistakably of the sea. —Providence Cicero, Seattle Times, 21 Mar. 2008 ... anago eel with miso broth ... —Nicole Alper et al., Gourmet, October 2001


noun äˈnäˌhau̇ : a tall Philippine palm (Livistona rotundifolia) yielding a valuable wood used for golf clubs, a fiber used for bowstrings, and leaves used for thatching and for hats and fans


noun äˈnäˌhau̇ : a tall Philippine palm (Livistona rotundifolia) yielding a valuable wood used for golf clubs, a fiber used for bowstrings, and leaves used for thatching and for hats and fans Above is meaning for anahau But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ā-ˈlēt i- ē- : the choice part : cream the elite of the entertainment world : the best of a class superachievers who dominate the computer elite —Marilyn Chase : the socially superior part of society how the French-speaking elite ... was changing —Economist : a group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence members of the ruling elite : a member of such an elite —usually used in plural the elites ..., pursuing their studies in Europe —Robert Wernick : a typewriter type providing 12 characters to the linear inch


noun ōˈdōrˌē : any lively Japanese folk or theater dance characterized by rapid footwork —distinguished from mai


noun ōˈhā(ˌ)lō : an endemic Hawaiian blueberry (Vaccinium reticulatum) with a shining fleshy rather astringent red or yellow berry


noun ōˌōpəˈhüē : puffer fish


noun ȯ-ˈtä-mə-tən -mə-ˌtän -mə-tə -mə-ˌtä : a mechanism that is relatively self-operating; especially : robot : robot : a machine or control mechanism designed to follow automatically a predetermined sequence of operations or respond to encoded instructions : an individual who acts in a mechanical fashion He is an unfeeling automaton.


noun ə-ˈgrä-nə-mē ˌa-grə-ˈnä-mik -mi-k(ə-)lē ə-ˈgrä-nə-mist : a branch of agriculture dealing with field-crop production and soil management


noun ə-ˈgäl : a cord usually of goat's hair that Arabs (as the Bedouins) wind around their heads to hold down the kerchieflike headdress


noun ə-ˈkyü-mən ˈa-kyə-mən : keenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters


noun ə-ˈna-krə-ˌni-zəm ə-ˌna-krə-ˈnis-tik ˌa-nə-ˈkrä-nik ə-ˌna-krə-ˈnis-ti-k(ə-)lē ə-ˈna-krə-nəs : an error in chronology; especially : a chronological misplacing of persons, events, objects, or customs in regard to each other found several anachronisms in the movie : a chronological misplacing of persons, events, objects, or customs in regard to each other found several anachronisms in the movie : a person or a thing that is chronologically out of place; especially : one from a former age that is incongruous in the present By the time I reached my teens, the housewife was an anachronism, replaced on television by the perky, glamorous, character of That Girl, Marlo Thomas, who kept her boyfriend at bay in the interest of pursuing her acting career. —Joyce Maynard : one from a former age that is incongruous in the present By the time I reached my teens, the housewife was an anachronism, replaced on television by the perky, glamorous, character of That Girl, Marlo Thomas, who kept her boyfriend at bay in the interest of pursuing her acting career. —Joyce Maynard : the state or condition of being chronologically out of place


noun ə-ˈpär-ˌtāt -ˌtīt : racial segregation; specifically : a former policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups in the Republic of South Africa : a former policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups in the Republic of South Africa : separation, segregation cultural apartheid gender apartheid


noun ə-ˈrak-nəd -ˌnid : any of a class (Arachnida) of arthropods comprising chiefly terrestrial invertebrates, including the spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks, and having a segmented body divided into two regions of which the anterior bears four pairs of legs but no antennae


noun ə-ˈre-gə-ˌnō : a bushy perennial mint (Origanum vulgare) with leaves that are used as a seasoning and a source of aromatic oil — called also origanum, wild marjoram : any of several plants (genera Lippia and Coleus) other than oregano of the vervain or mint families


noun ə-ˌli-tə-ˈrā-shən : the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables (such as wild and woolly, threatening throngs) — called also head rhyme, initial rhyme


noun ə-ˌmal-gə-ˈmā-shən : the action or process of uniting or merging two or more things : the action or process of amalgamating an opportunity for the amalgamation of the two companies : the state of being amalgamated : the result of amalgamating : amalgam Opera is an amalgamation of singing, acting, and stagecraft. : merger


noun ˈa-(ˌ)jō ˈa-jē-ˌō ˈä-(ˌ)jō : a premium or percentage paid for the exchange of one currency for another (as where gold is given for silver or metallic for paper currency) : the premium or discount on foreign bills of exchange : money changing


noun ˈa-gə-tə : a late 19th century American glassware characterized by a mottled finish


noun ˈa-səm(p)-ˌtōt ˌa-səm(p)-ˈtä-tik -ti-k(ə-)lē : a straight line associated with a curve such that as a point moves along an infinite branch of the curve the distance from the point to the line approaches zero and the slope of the curve at the point approaches the slope of the line


noun ˈal-gə-ˌri-t͟həm ˌal-gə-ˈrit͟h-mik -mi-k(ə-)lē : a procedure for solving a mathematical problem (as of finding the greatest common divisor) in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation; broadly : a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end especially by a computer a search algorithm : a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end especially by a computer a search algorithm


noun ˈal-pən-ˌglō : a reddish glow seen near sunset or sunrise on the summits of mountains


noun ˈal-trü-ˌi-zəm -trü-ist ˌal-trü-ˈis-tik -ti-k(ə-)lē : unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others charitable acts motivated purely by altruism : behavior by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species


noun ˈaməˌdizəm : the Buddhist cult of Amitabha that promises rebirth in paradise to its followers and emphasizes salvation by faith — see pure land


noun ˈan-ˌchō-vē an-ˈ : any of a family (Engraulidae) of small fishes resembling herrings that includes several (such as Engraulis encrasicholus) that are important food fishes used especially in appetizers, as a garnish, and for making sauces and relishes


noun ˈaz-məth ˈa-zə- ˌa-zə-ˈmə-thəl -ˈmə-thə-lē : an arc of the horizon measured between a fixed point (such as true north) and the vertical circle passing through the center of an object usually in astronomy and navigation clockwise from the north point through 360 degrees : horizontal direction expressed as the angular distance between the direction of a fixed point (such as the observer's heading) and the direction of the object


noun ˈba-(ˌ)sō ˈbä- ˈbä-ˌsē : a bass singer; especially : an operatic bass : an operatic bass : a low deep voice


noun ˈban-dər-ˌsnach : a wildly grotesque or bizarre individual like teaching metaphysics to a bandersnatch —F. B. Ebersole


noun ˈbask ˈbäsk : a member of a people inhabiting the western Pyrenees on the Bay of Biscay : the language of the Basques of unknown relationship : a tight-fitting bodice for women


noun ˈbau̇(-ə)r-ē : a colonial Dutch plantation or farm : a city district known for cheap bars and derelicts


noun ˈbau̇-ərn-(ˌ)wərst also -ˌvu̇st -ˌvu̇rst sometimes -ˌvu̇sht : a spicy German sausage made of beef and pork Beer-battered french fries and onion rings ... are pretty much required sides, and sausages—in the form of bratwurst, bauernwurst or kielbasa—are steamed in beer. —Jeremy D. Goodwin, Berkshire Eagle (Pittsfield, Massachusetts), 14 Nov. 2012


noun ˈbaŋ-gəl : a stiff usually ornamental bracelet or anklet slipped or clasped on : an ornamental disk that hangs loosely (as on a bracelet)


noun ˈbek-ˌme-sər : a critic or teacher of music characterized by timid and excessive reliance upon rules : pedant


noun ˈblütˌvu̇rst : blood sausage


noun ˈblīvə(r) : a European who is a permanent resident of the Netherlands Indies


noun ˈbre(ˌ)rō : the badger of North America


noun ˈbrät-(ˌ)wərst ˈbrat- -ˌvu̇(r)st -ˌvu̇sht : fresh pork sausage for frying or grilling


noun ˈbä-(ˌ)bä -bə -ō-ˈrəm : a rich cake soaked in a rum and sugar syrup — called also baba au rhum\-ō-ˈrəm\


noun ˈbäbkə ˈbab- : a glazed sweet bread made with dried fruit (such as raisins)


noun ˈbäbəˌdil -lish : braggart; especially : a cowardly braggart : a cowardly braggart


noun ˈbäbəˌyän : chacma


noun ˈbäkˌs(h)tīn -nə(r) : a German cheese resembling limburger that is produced in brick shape


noun ˈbän(ˌ)chä : a coarse Japanese tea that is usually not exported


noun ˈbänˌdək : nicker nut : any of several trees of the genus Caesalpinia (such as C. bonduc) with large prickly pods enlosing beanlike seeds : kentucky coffee tree


noun ˈbär-ē-ˌō ˈber- ˈba-rē- : a ward, quarter, or district of a city or town in a Spanish-speaking country : a Spanish-speaking quarter or neighborhood in a city or town in the U.S. especially in the Southwest


noun ˈbül-ˈgō-gē : a Korean dish of thinly sliced, marinated beef that is grilled or panfried Bulgogi, a traditional Korean barbecue ..., marries the sweetness of sugar and scallion, the spiciness of black pepper and raw garlic, and the earthiness of toasted sesame to create perfectly charred beef with the sugars caramelizing the outside of the meat. Classically, one would wrap this barbecue in lettuce leaves with more garlic, miso paste, and chili, ... —Anita Lo, The Advocate, May 2009


noun ˈbē-ˈbēm-ˈbäp : a Korean dish of rice with cooked vegetables, usually meat, and often a raw or fried egg In Korea, some foods trickled down from the Imperial palace and others have humbler origins. Bibimbap seems to be somewhere in the middle—a dish thought to have been introduced to Korean monarchy by the court of China, but also served to farmers in their fields. —Debra Samuels


noun ˈbōl-shə-ˌvik ˈbȯl- ˈbäl- -ˌvēk ˌbōl-shə-ˈvi-kē ˌbȯl- ˌbäl- -ˈvē-kē : a member of the extremist wing of the Russian Social Democratic party that seized power in Russia by the Revolution of November 1917 : communist 3


noun ˈkwä-lē -ˌlā ˈkwä-lē-ə : a property (such as redness) considered apart from things having the property : universal : a property as it is experienced as distinct from any source it might have in a physical object


noun ˈbȯi-zᵊn-ˌber-ē -be-rē -sᵊn- -zᵊm- : a large reddish black fruit with a raspberry flavor; also : the trailing hybrid bramble yielding this fruit and developed by crossing several blackberries and raspberries : the trailing hybrid bramble yielding this fruit and developed by crossing several blackberries and raspberries


noun ˈbȯr-ˌzȯi : any of a breed of large dogs developed in Russia especially for pursuing wolves that have a long silky usually white coat with darker markings — called also Russian wolfhound


noun ˈbək + ˌ- : a large strong wagon with the frame projecting over the wheels that is used in southern Africa for hauling loads


noun ˈbər-gə-ˌmät : a pear-shaped Mediterranean sour orange tree (Citrus aurantium bergamia) having a rind that yields an essential oil used especially in perfumery; also : this oil : this oil : any of several mints (genus Monarda) — compare wild bergamot


noun ˈbər-gər : an inhabitant of a borough or a town : a member of the middle class : a prosperous solid citizen


noun ˈchin(t)s : a printed calico from India : a usually glazed printed cotton fabric


noun ˈchiŋˈmä : the bast fiber of Indian mallow used for cordage — called also China jute, Chinese jute


noun ˈchär-ˌpȯi : a bed used especially in India consisting of a frame strung with tapes or light rope


noun ˈchā(ˌ)kä : secret police (as in a Communist-dominated country) having virtually unrestrained power over life and death


noun ˈchət-nē : a thick sauce of Indian origin that contains fruits, vinegar, sugar, and spices and is used as a condiment


noun ˈdräs ˈdrȯs ˈdrä-sē ˈdrȯ- : the scum or unwanted material that forms on the surface of molten metal : waste or foreign matter : impurity : something that is base (see 3base 7), trivial, or inferior There is quite a lot of dross on TV these days. a talent for turning literary dross into gold


noun ˈdräsh-kē ˈdräs-kē : any of various 2- or 4-wheeled carriages used especially in Russia


noun ˈdrā-dᵊl : a 4-sided toy marked with Hebrew letters and spun like a top in a game of chance : a children's game of chance played especially at Hanukkah with a dreidel


noun ˈdu̇r-ē-ən -ē-ˌän ˈdyu̇r- : a large oval tasty but foul-smelling fruit with a prickly rind : a southeast Asian tree (Durio zibethinus) of the silk-cotton family that bears durians


noun ˈdü-ˌgäŋ -ˌgȯŋ : an aquatic, herbivorous, usually brownish-gray mammal (Dugong dugon) that inhabits warm coastal waters chiefly of southern Asia, Australia, and eastern Africa and resembles the related manatee but differs in having a notched tail divided into two lobes and upper incisors which grow into small tusks in the male Note: The dugong commonly attains a length of 8 feet (2.4 meters) or more. It is the sole living species in its taxonomic family (Dugongidae) which also includes the extinct Steller's sea cow and various sirenians known only from fossilized remains.


noun ˈdȯs-ˌyā ˈdäs- ˈdȯ-sē-ˌā ˈdä- : a file containing detailed records on a particular person or subject the patient's medical dossier Police began compiling a dossier on him.


noun ˈe-(ˌ)krü ˈā-(ˌ)krü : a pale or light grayish yellow or brown : beige 2 ... the latest fashion dictate: Beige. From Calvin Klein to the Gap, fashion purveyors have flooded malls with ecru, khaki and cream ... —Teri Agins


noun ˈfrē-ˌbü-tər ˈfrē-ˌbüt : pirate, plunderer


noun ˈfrȯi-ˌlīn : an unmarried German woman —used as a title equivalent to Miss : a German governess


noun ˈfü-ˌtän : a usually cotton-filled mattress used on the floor or in a frame as a bed, couch, or chair


noun ˈfȯr-ˌlä-gə : the position of a skier leaning forward from the ankles usually without lifting the heels from the skis


noun ˈgrēn-ˌgāj : any of several rather small rounded greenish or greenish-yellow cultivated plums


noun ˈgu̇r-(ˌ)ü ˈgü-(ˌ)rü gə-ˈrü : a personal religious teacher and spiritual guide in Hinduism : a teacher and especially intellectual guide in matters of fundamental concern has been a guru to many young writers : one who is an acknowledged leader or chief proponent became the guru of the movement : a person with knowledge or expertise : expert a computer guru


noun ˈgwe-nən gə-ˈnōⁿ : any of various long-tailed chiefly arboreal African monkeys (especially genera Cercopithecus and Erythrocebus)


noun ˈgyȯkəˌrō : a high-grade tea made in Japan from the leaves of shaded bushes and used for domestic consumption


noun ˈhä-mə-lē : a usually short sermon a priest delivering his homily : a lecture or discourse on or of a moral theme : an inspirational catchphrase; also : platitude : platitude


noun ˈhäfə̇z -ə̇s : a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart —used as a title of respect


noun ˈhän-(ˌ)chō : boss, big shot; also : hotshot : hotshot


noun ˈhär-tə-ˌbēst : either of two large African antelopes (Alcelaphus buselaphus and Sigmoceros lichtensteinii) with long faces and short annulate divergent horns; also : a smaller antelope (Damaliscus hunteri) of eastern Africa having a horizontal white line between the eyes : a smaller antelope (Damaliscus hunteri) of eastern Africa having a horizontal white line between the eyes


noun ˈhī(ə)rōˌməŋk : a monk of the Eastern Church who is also a priest


noun ˈhī-(ə-)ˌrär-kē ˈhi(-ə)r-ˌär- : a division of angels : a ruling body of clergy organized into orders or ranks each subordinate to the one above it; especially : the bishops of a province or nation : the bishops of a province or nation : church government by a hierarchy : a body of persons in authority : the classification of a group of people according to ability or to economic, social, or professional standing; also : the group so classified : the group so classified : a graded or ranked series a hierarchy of values


noun ˈhīˈtsī : a transparent gelatinous substance prepared from a red alga (Gloiopeltis tenax) and used by the Chinese for lanterns and windows and for stiffening cloth : the alga that yields haitsai


noun ˈhō-stə ˈhä- : any of a genus (Hosta) of Asian perennial herbaceous plants of the lily family with densely growing basal leaves and tall racemes of white or violet flowers — called also funkia, plantain lily


noun ˈhōlē : a Hindu spring festival characterized by boisterous and usually ribald revelry including especially the throwing of colored water and powder


noun ˈhənu̇ˌmän ˈhän- : a common Indian monkey (Presbytis entellus) protected in its homeland as a protégé of a monkey god


noun ˈin(t)-səl-ˌbərg ˈin-zəl- -ˌberg ˈin(t)-səl-ˌbər-gə ˈin-zəl- -ˌber-gə : an isolated mountain


noun ˈjü-ləp : a drink consisting of a liquor (such as bourbon or brandy) and sugar poured over crushed ice and garnished with mint : a drink consisting of sweet syrup, flavoring, and water


noun ˈjēvə : the vital energy of life : the individual soul : the individual life monad or separate individual self : the aggregate of all life monads or separate selves : life


noun ˈjə-gər-ˌnȯt -ˌnät : a massive inexorable force, campaign, movement, or object that crushes whatever is in its path an advertising juggernaut a political juggernaut : a large heavy truck


noun ˈka-lə-ˌman-dər ˌka-lə-ˈ : the hazel-brown black-striped wood of a southeast Asian tree (genus Diospyros and especially D. quaesita) that is used in furniture manufacturing


noun ˈka-mē-ˌō : a gem carved in relief (see 1relief 6); especially : a small piece of sculpture on a stone or shell cut in relief in one layer with another contrasting layer serving as background : a small piece of sculpture on a stone or shell cut in relief in one layer with another contrasting layer serving as background : a small medallion (see medallion 2) with a profiled head in relief : a carving or sculpture made in the manner of a cameo : a usually brief literary or filmic piece that brings into delicate or sharp relief the character of a person, place, or event his cameos and short commentaries on men and manners —R. T. Dunlop : a small theatrical role usually performed by a well-known actor and often limited to a single scene A major star appears in a cameo in the movie. ; broadly : a brief appearance or role : a brief appearance or role


noun ˈka-prē-ˌōl : a playful leap : caper : a vertical leap with a backward kick of the hind legs at the height of the leap


noun ˈka-vē-ˌär ˈkä- : processed salted roe of large fish (such as sturgeon) : something considered too delicate or lofty for mass appreciation —usually used in the phrase caviar to the general : something considered the best of its kind


noun ˈkal-trəp ˈkȯl- -thrəp : star thistle 1 : puncture vine; also : any of various related herbs (genera Tribulus and Kallstroemia) of the same family (Zygophyllaceae, the caltrop family) : any of various related herbs (genera Tribulus and Kallstroemia) of the same family (Zygophyllaceae, the caltrop family) : a device with four metal points so arranged that when any three are on the ground the fourth projects upward as a hazard to the hooves of horses or to pneumatic tires


noun ˈken-(ˌ)dō : a Japanese sport of fencing usually with bamboo swords


noun ˈken-ˌtā- : colorfully patterned cloth traditionally woven by hand in Ghana — called also kente Above is meaning for kente cloth But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ˈkich ˈki-chē : something that appeals to popular or lowbrow taste and is often of poor quality : a tacky or lowbrow quality or condition teetering on the brink of kitsch —Ron Miller


noun ˈkim-chē : a spicy, pungent vegetable dish that consists of one or more pickled and fermented vegetables and especially napa cabbage and radishes with various seasonings (such as garlic, red chili pepper, ginger, scallions, and anchovy paste) and that is the national dish of South Korea To Koreans, life without "kimchi"—that spicy, fermented pickled vegetable mixture, which accompanies every Korean meal—is unthinkable. —K. Connie Kang Korean buckwheat noodles have more of a kick, often delivered with a little spicy kimchi. —David Tanis


noun ˈkish-kə : beef or fowl casing stuffed (as with meat, flour, and spices) and cooked


noun ˈkle-mən-ˌtēn -ˌtīn : a small nearly seedless citrus fruit that is probably a hybrid between a tangerine and an orange


noun ˈklämp -pən : a wooden shoe worn in the Low countries Above is meaning for klomp But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ˈkrem-lən : the citadel of a Russian city : the Russian government


noun ˈkriz-ˌmän -mə : chi-rho


noun ˈkriŋ-gəl : a loop or grommet at the corner of a sail to which a line is attached


noun ˈkrü(ˌ)sō sometimes -)zō (ˈ)krü¦sōnēən -¦zō : a solitary castaway : one who lives or survives by his or her own unaided effort and ingenuity — called also Robinson Crusoe


noun ˈpa-sə-ˌfi-zəm : opposition to war or violence as a means of settling disputes; specifically : refusal to bear arms on moral or religious grounds For Quakers pacifism is a major tenet of belief. : refusal to bear arms on moral or religious grounds For Quakers pacifism is a major tenet of belief. : an attitude or policy of nonresistance efforts toward pacifism and civil rights


noun ˈpaŋ-gə-lən ˈpan- : any of a family (Manidae of the order Pholidota) of Asian and African toothless mammals having the body covered dorsally with large imbricated horny scales — called also scaly anteater


noun ˈper-ə-ˌdīm ˈpa-rə- -ˌdim ˌper-ə-dig-ˈma-tik ˌpa-rə- ˌper-ə-dig-ˈma-ti-k(ə-)lē ˌpa-rə- : example, pattern; especially : an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype ... regard science as the paradigm of true knowledge. —G. C. J. Midgley : an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype ... regard science as the paradigm of true knowledge. —G. C. J. Midgley : an example of a conjugation or declension showing a word in all its inflectional forms : a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated the Freudian paradigm of psychoanalysis ; broadly : a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind : a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind


noun ˈprä-ˌlēn ˈprā- ˈprȯ- : a confection of nuts and sugar: such as : almonds cooked in boiling sugar until brown and crisp : a patty of creamy brown sugar and pecan meats


noun ˈprō-tə-ˌzhā ˌprō-tə-ˈzhā : one who is protected or trained or whose career is furthered by a person of experience, prominence, or influence


noun ˈprə(ˌ)bu̇ : lord, chief : a member of the writer caste in western India


noun ˈpäm-frət ˈpəm- : any of a family (Bramidae) of usually deep-bodied spiny-finned oceanic fishes some of which are used for food : a silvery deep-bodied marine food fish (Pampus argenteus of the family Stramateidae) of Asia


noun ˈpär-mə-ˌzän -ˌzhän -zən -ˌzan : a very hard dry sharply flavored cheese that is sold grated or in wedges sprinkled grated Parmesan over the spaghetti


noun ˈpär-və-ˌnü -ˌnyü ˈpär-və-ˌn(y)üz : one that has recently or suddenly risen to an unaccustomed position of wealth or power and has not yet gained the prestige, dignity, or manner associated with it


noun ˈpōl-dər : a tract of low land (as in the Netherlands) reclaimed from a body of water (such as the sea)


noun ˈpōl-tər-ˌgīst : a noisy usually mischievous ghost held to be responsible for unexplained noises (such as rappings)


noun ˈpȯi : a Hawaiian food prepared from the cooked corms of taro that are mashed with water to the consistency of a paste or thick liquid and often allowed to ferment


noun ˈpəl-krə-ˌtüd -ˌtyüd ˌpəl-krə-ˈtüd-nəs -ˈtyüd- -ˈtü-dᵊn-əs -ˈtyü- : physical comeliness


noun ˈre-tə-rik : the art of speaking or writing effectively: such as : the study of principles and rules of composition formulated by critics of ancient times : the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion : skill in the effective use of speech : a type or mode of language or speech; also : insincere or grandiloquent language : insincere or grandiloquent language : verbal communication : discourse


noun ˈrigəˌrē : ornamentation on glass (as of early wine decanters) consisting of narrow applied bands forming parallel ribs


noun ˈriŋ-git the basic monetary unit of Malaysia — see Money Table


noun ˈrä-mən : quick-cooking egg noodles usually served in a broth with bits of meat and vegetables


noun ˈräb-ə-rənt ˈrōb- : an invigorating drug : tonic


noun ˈräj : rule; especially, often capitalized : the former British rule of the Indian subcontinent : the former British rule of the Indian subcontinent : the period of British rule in India


noun ˈrät-ˌwī-lər ˈrȯt-ˌvī- : any of a breed of tall powerful black-and-tan short-haired dogs of German origin that are commonly used as guard dogs


noun ˈrītə ˈrä‧ētä : an Indian side dish made of yogurt, usually diced cucumber, and seasonings


noun ˈrōməjē : a method of writing Japanese in Roman characters


noun ˈs(h)priŋərlə : a thick hard cookie that is usually flavored with anise and has a design impressed in relief upon the dough by means of a carved board or rolling pin and that is traditionally eaten at Christmas in German-speaking countries


noun ˈsa-mə-ˌrī ˈsam-yə- : a military retainer of a Japanese daimyo practicing the code of conduct of Bushido : the warrior aristocracy of Japan


noun ˈsa-mə-ˌsen : a 3-stringed Japanese musical instrument resembling a banjo


noun ˈsa-mə-ˌvär : an urn with a spigot at its base used especially in Russia to boil water for tea : an urn similar to a Russian samovar with a device for heating the contents


noun ˈsam¦shü -¦syü : an alcoholic liquor distilled in China usually from rice or large millet


noun ˈsau̇(-ə)r-ˌbrä-tᵊn : oven-roasted or pot-roasted beef marinated before cooking in vinegar with peppercorns, garlic, onions, and bay leaves


noun ˌkə-lə-rə-ˈtu̇r-ə -ˈtyu̇r- : elaborate embellishment in vocal music; broadly : music with ornate figuration : music with ornate figuration : a soprano with a light agile voice specializing in coloratura


noun ˈse-mə-ˌnär : a group of advanced students studying under a professor with each doing original research and all exchanging results through reports and discussions : a course of study pursued by a seminar : an advanced or graduate course often featuring informality and discussion : a scheduled meeting of a seminar or a room for such meetings : a meeting for giving and discussing information


noun ˈshnau̇-zər ˈshnau̇t-sər : a dog of any of three breeds that originated in Germany and are characterized by a wiry coat, long head, pointed ears, heavy eyebrows, and long hair on the muzzle: : standard schnauzer : giant schnauzer : miniature schnauzer


noun ˈshnekə -kən : a cinnamon bun made of rich yeast-leavened dough that is rolled up like a jelly roll, cut into crosswise slices, and baked cut side down —usually used in plural


noun ˈshtō-lən ˈshtȯ- ˈshtə- ˈstō- ˈstȯ- ˈstə- : a sweet yeast bread of German origin containing fruit and nuts


noun ˈshä-dᵊn-ˌfrȯi-də : enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others


noun ˈshä-tish shä-ˈtēsh : a round dance resembling a slow polka : music for the schottische


noun ˈshō-gən ˈshō-gə-nəl ˈshō-gə-nət -ˌnāt : one of a line of military governors ruling Japan until the revolution of 1867-68


noun ˈshō-və-ˌni-zəm -və-nist ˌshō-və-ˈnis-tik -ti-k(ə-)lē : an attitude of superiority toward members of the opposite sex male chauvinism ; also : behavior expressive of such an attitude : behavior expressive of such an attitude : undue partiality or attachment to a group or place to which one belongs or has belonged regional chauvinism : excessive or blind patriotism — compare jingoism his fervent nationalism mutated into blatant chauvinism —Elizabeth Fuller


noun ˈsi-jil : seal, signet : a sign, word, or device held to have occult power in astrology or magic


noun ˈsits-ˌmärk ˈzits- : a depression left in the snow by a skier falling backward


noun ˈskam-pē ˈskäm- : a usually large shrimp; also : large shrimp prepared with a garlic-flavored sauce : large shrimp prepared with a garlic-flavored sauce


noun ˈskert-(ˌ)sō ˈskert-(ˌ)sē : a sprightly humorous instrumental musical composition or movement commonly in quick triple time


noun ˈspits : a member of any of several breeds of stocky heavy-coated dogs of northern origin with erect ears and usually a heavily furred tail carried over the back


noun ˈspu̇t-nik ˈspət- ˈspüt- : any of a series of earth-orbiting satellites launched by the Soviet Union beginning in 1957


noun ˈstrü-dᵊl ˈshtrü- : a pastry made from a thin sheet of dough rolled up with filling and baked apple strudel


noun ˈstrü-səl -zəl ˈstrȯi- ˈshtrȯi- : a crumbly mixture of fat, sugar, and flour and sometimes nuts and spices that is used as topping or filling for cake


noun ˈsärsᵊn : a large loose residual mass of stone left after the erosion of a once continuous bed or layer; specifically : one of the large sandstone blocks scattered over the English chalk downs — called also druid stone : one of the large sandstone blocks scattered over the English chalk downs — called also druid stone


noun ˈsü-(ˌ)mō : a Japanese form of wrestling in which a contestant loses if he is forced out of the ring or if any part of his body except the soles of his feet touches the ground


noun ˈsü-shē ˈsu̇- : cold rice dressed with vinegar, formed into any of various shapes, and garnished especially with bits of raw seafood or vegetables


noun ˈsā-ˌän(t)s -ˌäⁿs sā-ˈ : session, sitting : a spiritualist meeting to receive spirit communications


noun ˈsī-nə-ˌshu̇r ˈsi- : the northern constellation Ursa Minor; also : north star : north star : one that serves to direct or guide : a center of attraction or attention ... they have turned an eyesore into a cynosure. —Catherine Reynolds ... his rapidly increasing wealth has made him a cynosure in political circles. —Larissa MacFarquhar


noun ˈsō-vē-ˌet ˈsä- -vē-ət ˈsō-vē-ə-ˌti-zəm ˈsä- : an elected governmental council in a Communist country : bolsheviks : the people and especially the political and military leaders of the U.S.S.R.


noun ˈsȯr-tē sȯr-ˈtē : a sudden issuing of troops from a defensive position against the enemy : one mission or attack by a single plane : foray, raid : excursion, expedition diving sorties


noun ˈtrȯi-kə : a Russian vehicle drawn by three horses abreast; also : a team for such a vehicle : a team for such a vehicle : a group of three; especially : an administrative or ruling body of three : an administrative or ruling body of three


noun ˈtäzh ˈtäj : a cap worn in Muslim countries; especially : a tall cone-shaped cap worn by dervishes : a tall cone-shaped cap worn by dervishes


noun ˈtī-gə : a moist subarctic forest dominated by conifers (such as spruce and fir) that begins where the tundra ends


noun ˈtō-kə-ˌmak ˈtä- : a toroidal device for producing controlled nuclear fusion that involves the confining and heating of a gaseous plasma by means of an electric current and magnetic field


noun ˈwi-kə ˈwi-kən : a religion influenced by pre-Christian beliefs and practices of western Europe that affirms the existence of supernatural power (such as magic) and of both male and female deities who inhere in nature and that emphasizes ritual observance of seasonal and life cycles Above is meaning for Wicca But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ˈō-lē-ˌō : olla podrida 1 The Spanish restaurant offered an olio containing a variety of ingredients. : a miscellaneous mixture : hodgepodge ... an incredible bourgeois olio of fancy stonework, stained glass, and light-opera staircases ... —R. H. Rovere : a miscellaneous collection (as of literary or musical selections) This olio of broadsides, speeches, letters, poems, and other documents ... —S. R. Slaton


noun ˌa-mə-ˈre-(ˌ)tō ˌä- -(ˌ)tē : cupid, cherub 2a


noun ˌa-tə-ˈshā ˌa-ˌta- ə-ˌta- : a technical expert on a country's diplomatic staff at a foreign capital a military attaché : attaché case


noun ˌan-tē-ˈpas-(ˌ)tō ˌän-tē- -ˈpäs- -(ˌ)tē : any of various typically Italian hors d'oeuvres; also : a plate of these served especially as the first course of a meal : a plate of these served especially as the first course of a meal


noun ˌazōˈtāə : a flat roof or platform on the top of a house or other building


noun ˌba-lə-ˈlī-kə : a usually 3-stringed instrument of Russian origin with a triangular body played by plucking or strumming


noun ˌbe-kə-ˈfē-(ˌ)kō : any of various European songbirds esteemed as a table delicacy when fat on fruit and grains in autumn; specifically : garden warbler : garden warbler


noun ˌber-ə-ˈmən-dē ˌba-rə- : a catadromous bony fish (Lates calcarifer of the family Centropomidae) with a greenish-bronze back and silvery sides that is found from the Persian Gulf to southern China and Australia and is valued as a sport and food fish


noun ˌbra-gə-ˈdō-sē-ˌō -shē- -chē- -(ˌ)shō -(ˌ)chō : empty boasting : arrogant pretension : cockiness the air of swaggering braggadocio that all important men are expected to show in fighting —C. W. M. Hart : braggart


noun ˌbrīd-ˈzi-lə : a bride or bride-to-be who is extremely demanding and difficult to deal with You've heard about Bridezillas: women who get so wrapped up in their weddings that they tick off friends, insult family, and abuse florists, photographers, and caterers. —Anuradha Koli, Cosmopolitan, June 2003 ... the public-health agency released a wedding survival guide, which explains how to tame a bridezilla. —Time, 30 July 2012


noun ˌdes-pə-ˈrä-(ˌ)dō -ˈrā- : a bold or violent criminal; especially : a bandit of the western U.S. in the 19th century : a bandit of the western U.S. in the 19th century


noun ˌem-pə-ˈnä-də : a turnover with a sweet or savory filling


noun ˌga-lə-ˈrē-ə : a roofed and usually glass-enclosed promenade or court (as at a mall)


noun ˌharēəˈlāshən : the act or process of deduction : guesswork facts as distinguished from what classical scholars call hariolations —George Saintsbury


noun ˌhä-lən-ˈdāz : a rich sauce made basically of butter, egg yolks, and lemon juice or vinegar


noun ˌhər-pə-ˈtä-lə-jē ˌhər-pə-tə-ˈlä-ji-kəl ˌhər-pə-ˈtä-lə-jist : a branch of zoology dealing with reptiles and amphibians


noun ˌja-kə-ˈran-də : any of a genus (Jacaranda) of tropical American trees of the bignonia family with bipinnate leaves and panicles of showy usually blue flowers


noun ˌjer-ə-ˈmī-əd -ˌad : a prolonged lamentation or complaint; also : a cautionary or angry harangue the warnings became jeremiads against the folly of overemphasis on science and technology at the expense of man's subjective and emotional life —Ada Louise Huxtable : a cautionary or angry harangue the warnings became jeremiads against the folly of overemphasis on science and technology at the expense of man's subjective and emotional life —Ada Louise Huxtable


noun ˌka-bə-ˈler-(ˌ)ō -bə(l)-ˈyer- : knight, cavalier : horseman


noun ˌka-lən-ˈkō-ē kə-ˈlaŋ-kə-(ˌ)wē ˈka-lən-ˌchō : any of a genus (Kalanchoe) of chiefly African tropical succulent herbs or shrubs of the orpine family often cultivated as ornamentals — called also bryophyllum


noun ˌka-rə-ˈnād : a short-barreled gun of the late 18th and 19th centuries that fired large shot at short range and was used especially on warships


noun ˌker-ē-ˈäp-səs ˌka-rē- -ˌsēz -sə-ˌdēz : a small one-seeded dry indehiscent fruit (as of corn or wheat) in which the fruit and seed fuse in a single grain


noun ˌkriptōˈpōrtə̇kəs : a porch, gallery, or ambulatory in ancient Roman architecture that was wholly or partly concealed, had few openings, and served for private communication


noun ˌkä-ki-ˈmō-(ˌ)nō : a vertical Japanese ornamental pictorial or calligraphic scroll — compare makimono


noun ˌkä-lə-ˈmär-ē ˈka-lə-ˌmer-ē : squid used as food


noun ˌkä-mə-ˈī-nə : one who has lived in Hawaii for a long time


noun ˌkämənˈdantē kōmȧnˈdȧntā : commandant


noun ˌkän(t)sə̇ˈnesən(t)s : general decay especially from old age


noun ˌkär-bə-ˈnär-ə : a dish of hot pasta into which other ingredients (such as eggs, bacon or ham, and grated cheese) have been mixed —often used as a postpositive modifier spaghetti carbonara


noun ˌkā-sə-ˈdē-ə -ˈt͟hē- -ˈt͟hēl-yə : a tortilla filled with cheese and often a savory mixture (as of meat and vegetables), folded, and usually fried


noun ˌma-kə-ˈdā-mē-ə- : a hard-shelled nut of an Australian evergreen tree (genus Macadamia, especially M. integrifolia or M. tetraphylla) of the protea family that somewhat resembles the filbert and is cultivated extensively in Hawaii — called also macadamia Above is meaning for macadamia nut But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ˌmä-li-ˈhē-nē : a newcomer or stranger among the people of Hawaii


noun ˌmäməlˈwä : a voodoo priestess especially of Haiti — compare papaloi


noun ˌmär-ē-ˈä-chē ˌmer- : a small, strolling, Mexican band consisting usually of trumpeters, guitarists, and violinists; also : a musician belonging to such a band —often used before another noun : a musician belonging to such a band —often used before another noun : the music performed by a mariachi


noun ˌmät-su̇-ˈtä-kē -kā : a large brownish edible Japanese mushroom (Tricholoma matsutake) having firm flesh and a spicy aroma; also : a large whitish mushroom (Tricholoma magnivelere synonym Armillaria ponderosa) of northern North America that is similar to the Japanese matsutake : a large whitish mushroom (Tricholoma magnivelere synonym Armillaria ponderosa) of northern North America that is similar to the Japanese matsutake


noun ˌmät-sə-ˈre-lə : a moist white unsalted unripened cheese of mild flavor and a smooth rubbery texture


noun ˌpe-kə-ˈdi-(ˌ)lō : a slight offense The movie star's peccadilloes made tabloid headlines.


noun ˌprō-və-ˈlō-nē ˈprō-və-ˌlōn : a usually firm pliant often smoked cheese of Italian origin


noun ˌser-ən-ˈdi-pə-tē : the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for; also : an instance of this : an instance of this


noun ˌserēˈemə -ˈāmə : cariama 2


noun ˌsim-yə-ˈla-krəm -ˈlā- ˌsim-yə-ˈla-krə -ˈlā- : image, representation a reasonable simulacrum of reality —Martin Mayer : an insubstantial form or semblance of something : trace


noun ˌsō-pī-ˈpē-(y)ə -ˈpēl-yə ˌsō-pə-ˈpē-(y)ə -ˈpēl-yə : a usually puffy piece of deep-fried dough often sweetened with honey Above is meaning for sopaipilla But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun ˌte-pän-ˈyä-kē : a Japanese dish of meat, fish, or vegetables cooked on a large griddle usually built into the diner's table; also : this style of cooking : this style of cooking


noun ˌtō-mə-ˈtē-(ˌ)yō -ˈtēl-(ˌ)yō : the small round yellow, purplish, and especially pale green edible sticky fruit of a Mexican ground-cherry (Physalis ixocarpa synonym P. philadelphica); also : the plant that bears tomatillos : the plant that bears tomatillos


noun ˌvek-sə-ˈlä-lə-jē (ˌ)vek-ˌsi-lə-ˈlä-jik (ˌ)vek-ˌsi-lə-ˈlä-ji-kəl ˌvek-sə-ˈlä-lə-jist : the study of flags


noun ˌver-ə-sə-ˈmi-lə-ˌtüd -ˌtyüd ˌver-ə-sə-ˌmi-lə-ˈtüd-nəs -ˈtyüd- -ˈtü-də-nəs -ˈtyü- : the quality or state of being verisimilar : something verisimilar


noun ˌvī-mə-ˈrä-nər ˌwī- ˈvī-mə-ˌrä- ˈwī- : any of a breed of large light gray usually short-haired pointers of German origin


noun ˌvōl-ˈtam-ə-trē ˌvōlt-ə-ˈme-trik : the detection of minute quantities of chemicals (as metals) by measuring the currents generated in electrolytic solutions when known voltages are applied


noun ˌvər-chü-ˈō-sə -zə : a girl or woman who is a virtuoso


noun ˌä-fō-ˈgä-(ˌ)tō : an Italian dessert of vanilla ice cream over which espresso has been poured The affogato can be sipped slowly or eaten with a spoon and is a great way to enjoy dessert, coffee, and an after-dinner drink all in one. —Philip Johnson, Bistro, 2004


noun ˌä-kə-ˈrē-nə : a simple wind instrument typically having an oval body with finger holes and a projecting mouthpiece


noun ˌä-pə-ˈrä(t)-chik -chi-kē : a member of a Communist apparat : a blindly devoted official, follower, or member of an organization (such as a corporation or political party) a movie studio apparatchik


noun ˌäməˈnōrē : an alga or a product prepared from algae of the genus Porphyra comprising purple gelatinous seaweeds that are dried and pressed and are important as food in Japan — called also laver, nori


noun ˌän-tu̇-ˈräzh : one's attendants or associates : surroundings


noun ˌän-yə-ˈlä-tē -ˈlȯ- : pasta in the form of semicircular cases containing a filling (as of meat, cheese, or vegetables)


noun adjective ag-ˈnäs-tik əg- -tə-ˌsi-zəm ag-ˈnäs-tik əg- : a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god : a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something political agnostics : of, relating to, or being an agnostic : involving or characterized by agnosticism : noncommittal, undogmatic : not preferring a particular device or system "Children are platform agnostic," said Alice Cahn, vice-president of development for Cartoon Network. "If you want to look foolish with a preschooler, say, 'Sorry, you can't watch that. It's not on.' It's TiVoed, it's online, it's on video on demand." —Business Wire : designed to be compatible with different devices (such as computers or smartphones) or operating systems content that is OS agnostic —often used in combination The application is platform-agnostic, so it can work on your tablet or cell phone.


noun adjective shi-ˈfän ˈshi-ˌ : an ornamental addition (such as a knot of ribbons) to a woman's dress : a sheer fabric especially of silk : resembling chiffon in sheerness or softness : having a light delicate texture achieved usually by adding whipped egg whites or whipped gelatin lemon chiffon pie


noun adjective ˈan-ˌdrȯid ˈan-ˌdrȯid : a mobile robot usually with a human form sci-fi androids : having the angular form and narrow outlet typical of the human male a disproportionate number of difficult labors occur in women with android pelvises — compare anthropoid, gynecoid, platypelloid : relating to or characterized by the distribution of body fat chiefly in the abdominal region android obesity — compare gynecoid


noun adjective ˈspär-tᵊn ˈspär-tᵊn-ˌi-zəm : a native or inhabitant of ancient Sparta : a person of great courage and self-discipline : of or relating to Sparta in ancient Greece : marked by strict self-discipline or self-denial a Spartan athlete : marked by simplicity, frugality, or avoidance of luxury and comfort a Spartan room : laconic : undaunted by pain or danger


noun adjective ˈstō-ik ˈstō-ik ˈstō-i-kəl ˈstō-i-k(ə-)lē : a member of a school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium about 300 b.c. holding that the wise man should be free from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and submissive to natural law : one apparently or professedly indifferent to pleasure or pain : of, relating to, or resembling the Stoics or their doctrines Stoic logic : not affected by or showing passion or feeling; especially : firmly restraining response to pain or distress a stoic indifference to cold : firmly restraining response to pain or distress a stoic indifference to cold


noun adjective adjective adjective ˈbī-nə-rē -ˌner-ē -ˌne-rē ˈbī-nə-rē ˈbī-nə-rē -ˌner-ē : something made of two things or parts; specifically : binary star : binary star : a number system based only on the numerals 0 and 1 : a binary (see 2binary 3a) number system 42 is written as 101010 in binary. : a division into two groups or classes that are considered diametrically opposite ... human sexuality is more complicated than the simple binary of "homosexuals" and "heterosexuals." —Ms : compounded or consisting of or marked by two things or parts : duple —used of measure or rhythm : having two musical subjects or two complementary sections a song in binary form : relating to, being, or belonging to a system of numbers having 2 as its base the binary digits 0 and 1 : involving a choice or condition of two alternatives (such as on-off or yes-no) : composed of two elements (see element 2e), an element and a radical (see 2radical 4) that acts as an element, or two such radicals : utilizing two harmless ingredients that upon combining form a lethal substance (such as a gas) binary weapons : relating two logical or mathematical elements a binary operation : of or relating to the use of stable oppositions (such as good and evil) to analyze a subject or create a structural model the binary opposition of male and female —Joan W. Scott : of, relating to, or being a number system with a base of 2 The two binary digits are 0 and 1. : compounded or consisting of or marked by two things or parts : composed of two chemical elements, an element and a radical that acts as an element, or two such radicals : utilizing two harmless ingredients that upon combining form a lethal substance (as a gas)


noun adjective adjective adjective combining form noun adjective ˈträ-pik ˈtrō-pik ˈträ-pik ˈtrō-pik : either of the two parallels of terrestrial latitude at a distance of about 23¹/₂ degrees north or south of the equator where the sun is directly overhead when it reaches its most northerly or southerly point in the sky — compare tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn : the region lying between the tropics : of, relating to, or occurring in the tropics : of, relating to, or characteristic of tropism or of a tropism : influencing the activity of a specified gland : turning, changing, or tending to turn or change in a (specified) manner or in response to a (specified) stimulus geotropic : attracted to or acting upon (something specified) neurotropic : either of two parallels of the earth's latitude of which one is about 23¹/₂ degrees north of the equator and the other about 23¹/₂ degrees south of the equator : the region lying between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn : of, relating to, or characteristic of tropism or of a tropism : influencing the activity of a specified gland


noun adjective adjective geographical name geographical name noun noun ˈär-inj ˈär(-ə)nj ȯr-inj ˈȯr(-ə)nj ˈär-in-ˌji-zəm ˈär(ə-)n- ˈȯr-in- ˈȯr(ə-)n- ˈär-inj ˈär(-ə)nj ˈȯr-inj ˈȯr(-ə)nj ȯ-ˈräⁿzh ˈȯr-inj ˈär-inj ˈȯr- : a globose berry with a yellowish to reddish-orange rind and a sweet edible pulp He peeled an orange. : any of various small evergreen citrus trees (genus Citrus) with glossy ovate leaves, hard yellow wood, fragrant white flowers, and fruits that are oranges : any of several trees or fruits resembling the orange : any of a group of colors that are between red and yellow in hue Orange is about midway between red and yellow in hue. : of or relating to the orange : of the color orange : of, relating to, or sympathizing with Orangemen city in southwestern California north of Santa Ana population 136,416 river 1300 miles (2092 kilometers) long in southern Africa flowing from the Drakensberg Mountains in Lesotho west into the Atlantic Ocean city in southeastern France north of Avignon population 29,135 : a color between red and yellow : the color of a carrot : a sweet juicy citrus fruit with orange colored rind that grows on an evergreen tree with shining leaves and fragrant white flowers : a globose berry with a yellowish to reddish orange rind and a sweet edible pulp : any of various rather small evergreen trees (genus Citrus) with ovate leaves, hard yellow wood, fragrant white flowers, and fruits that are oranges : agent orange


noun adjective adjective noun adjective ˈnā-zəl nā-ˈza-lə-tē ˈnā-zə-lē ˈnāz-lē ˈnā-zəl ˈnā-zəl ˈnāz-(ə-)lē : the nosepiece of a helmet : a nasal part : a nasal consonant : of or relating to the nose : uttered with the soft palate lowered and with passage of air through the nose (as with \m\, \, \ŋ\, \ōⁿ\, or \aⁿ\) : characterized by resonance produced through the nose : sharp, penetrating : of or relating to the nose the nasal passages : uttered with the nose passage open The consonants \m\, \n\, and \ŋ\ are nasal. : a nasal part (as a bone) : of or relating to the nose nasal inflammation


noun adjective noun ˈsā-bəl ˈsā-bəl : the color black : black clothing worn in mourning —usually used in plural : a carnivorous mammal (Martes zibellina) of the weasel family that occurs chiefly in northern Asia : any of various animals related to the sable : the fur or pelt of a sable : the usually dark brown color of the fur of the sable : of the color black : dark, gloomy : the color black : a meat-eating animal of northern Europe and Asia that is related to the weasel and has soft brown fur


noun adjective adjective noun noun ˈme-lən-ˌkä-lē ˈme-lən-ˌkä-lē ˈme-lən-ˌkä-lē ˈmel-ən-ˌkäl-ē : an abnormal state attributed to an excess of black bile and characterized by irascibility or depression : black bile : melancholia : depression of spirits : dejection great outbursts of creativity alternate with feelings of extreme melancholy —Brenda Lane Richardson : a pensive mood a fine romantic kind of a melancholy on the fading of the year —Richard Holmes : suggestive or expressive of sadness or depression of mind or spirit sang in a melancholy voice : causing or tending to cause sadness or depression of mind or spirit : dismal a melancholy thought : depressed in spirits : dejected, sad : pensive : sad 1 I'll be melancholy if you go. : a sad or gloomy mood : an abnormal state attributed to an excess of black bile and characterized by irascibility or depression : black bile : melancholia : depression or dejection of spirits


noun adjective adverb verb ˈdi-(ˌ)tō ˈdi-(ˌ)tō ˈdi-(ˌ)tō ˈdi-(ˌ)tō : a thing mentioned previously or above —used to avoid repeating a word —often symbolized by inverted commas or apostrophes : a ditto mark : having the same characteristics : similar : as before or aforesaid : in the same manner : to repeat the action or statement of : to copy (something, such as printed matter) on a duplicator


noun adjective geographical name noun ˈban-təm ˈban-təm ˈban-təm : any of numerous small domestic fowls that are often miniatures of members of the standard breeds : a person of diminutive stature and often combative disposition : small, diminutive : pertly combative former town of Indonesia in the northwestern corner of Java; once capital of the Sultanate of Bantam : a miniature breed of domestic chicken often raised for exhibiting in shows


noun adjective noun sü-ˈflā ˈsü-ˌflā sü-ˈflād ˈsü-ˌflād ˈsü-fəl : a dish that is made from a sauce, egg yolks, beaten egg whites, and a flavoring or purée (as of seafood, fruit, or vegetables) and baked until puffed up : puffed up by or in cooking : a blowing sound heard on auscultation the uterine souffle heard in pregnancy


noun adjective noun ˈgä-spəl ˈgä-spə-lē ˈgä-spəl : the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation : one of the first four New Testament books telling of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; also : a similar apocryphal (see apocrypha 2) book : a similar apocryphal (see apocrypha 2) book : an interpretation of the Christian message the social gospel : a lection (see lection 1) from one of the New Testament Gospels : the message or teachings of a religious teacher : something accepted or promoted as infallible (see infallible 1) truth or as a guiding principle or doctrine took her words as gospel spreading the gospel of conservation —R. M. Hodesh : gospel music : having a basis in or being in accordance with the gospel (see 1gospel 1) : evangelical ordained to the gospel ministry —Christian Century : marked by special or fervid emphasis on the gospel a gospel meeting : of, relating to, or being religious songs of American origin associated with evangelism and popular devotion and marked by simple melody and harmony and elements of folk songs and blues : the teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles : something told or accepted as being absolutely true


noun adjective noun ˈhər-ə-ˌkān -i-kən ˈhə-rə- ˈhə-ri- ˈhər-ə-ˌkān ˈhər-i-kən : a tropical cyclone with winds of 74 miles (119 kilometers) per hour or greater that occurs especially in the western Atlantic, that is usually accompanied by rain, thunder, and lightning, and that sometimes moves into temperate latitudes — see Beaufort Scale Table : something resembling a hurricane especially in its turmoil a rushing hurricane of blows struck him as he stood up —Donn Byrne : having or being a glass chimney (see chimney 4) providing protection from wind a hurricane lamp : a tropical cyclone with winds of 74 miles (119 kilometers) per hour or greater usually accompanied by rain, thunder, and lightning


noun adjective noun ˈkän-fə-dən(t)s -ˌden(t)s ˈkän-fə-dəns : a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances had perfect confidence in her ability to succeed met the risk with brash confidence : faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way have confidence in a leader : the quality or state of being certain : certitude they had every confidence of success : a relation of trust or intimacy took his friend into his confidence : reliance on another's discretion Their story was told in strictest confidence. : support especially in a legislative body vote of confidence : a communication made in confidence : secret accused him of betraying a confidence : of, relating to, or adept at swindling by false promises a confidence game a confidence man : a feeling of trust or belief Do you have confidence in your partner? : self-confidence : reliance on another's secrecy or loyalty Remember, I told you that in confidence. : 2secret Don't betray a confidence.


noun adjective noun ˈman-d(ə-)rən ˌman-də-ˈri-nik ˈman-d(ə-)rə-ˌni-zəm ˈman-də-rən : a public official in the Chinese Empire of any of nine superior grades : a pedantic official : bureaucrat : a person of position and influence often in intellectual or literary circles; especially : an elder and often traditionalist or reactionary member of such a circle : an elder and often traditionalist or reactionary member of such a circle : a form of spoken Chinese used by the court and the official classes of the Empire : the group of closely related Chinese dialects that are spoken in about four fifths of the country and have a standard variety centering about Beijing : a small spiny orange tree (Citrus reticulata) of southeastern Asia with yellow to reddish-orange loose-rinded fruits; also : a tree (such as the satsuma) developed in cultivation from the mandarin by selective breeding or hybridization : a tree (such as the satsuma) developed in cultivation from the mandarin by selective breeding or hybridization : the fruit of a mandarin : of, relating to, or typical of a mandarin mandarin graces : marked by polished ornate complexity of language mandarin prose : a public official of the Chinese Empire : the chief dialect of China


noun adjective noun ˈrep-ˌtī(-ə)l -tᵊl ˈrep-təl -ˌtīl : an animal that crawls or moves on its belly (such as a snake) or on small short legs (such as a lizard) : any of a class (Reptilia) of cold-blooded, air-breathing, usually egg-laying vertebrates that include the alligators and crocodiles, lizards, snakes, turtles, and extinct related forms (such as dinosaurs and pterosaurs) and that have a body typically covered with scales or bony plates and a bony skeleton with a single occipital condyle, a distinct quadrate bone usually immovably articulated with the skull, and ribs attached to the sternum : a groveling or despised person : characteristic of a reptile : reptilian : a cold-blooded animal (as a snake, lizard, turtle, or alligator) that breathes air and usually has the skin covered with scales or bony plates


noun adjective noun ˌka-fə-ˈtir-ē-ə ˌka-fə-ˈtir-ē-ə : a restaurant in which the customers serve themselves or are served at a counter and take the food to tables to eat : lunchroom 2 : providing a selection from which a choice may be made cafeteria benefit plan a cafeteria curriculum : a place where people get food at a counter and carry it to a table for eating a school cafeteria


noun adjective noun adjective ˈkärd-nəl ˈkär-də- -ˌship ˈkärd-nəl ˈkär-də- : a high ecclesiastical official of the Roman Catholic Church who ranks next below the pope and is appointed by him to assist him as a member of the college of cardinals (see college 4) : cardinal number —usually used in plural : a crested finch (Cardinalis cardinalis of the family Cardinalidae) of the eastern U.S. and adjacent Canada, the southwestern U.S., and Mexico to Belize which has a black face and heavy red bill in both sexes and is nearly completely red in the male : any of several red-headed passerine birds (genus Paroaria of the family Thraupidae) of South America and the West Indies that are grayish to blackish above with white underparts : of basic importance a cardinal principle : very serious or grave a cardinal sin : a high official of the Roman Catholic Church ranking next below the pope : a bright red songbird with a crest and a whistling call : of first importance : main, principal Arnold Jones had apparently forgotten one of the cardinal rules of survival ... —Jerry Spinelli, Maniac Magee


noun adjective noun adjective ˈma-məth ˈma-məth : any of a genus (Mammuthus) of extinct Pleistocene mammals of the elephant family distinguished from recent elephants by highly ridged molars, usually large size, very long tusks that curve upward, and well-developed body hair : something immense of its kind the company is a mammoth of the industry : of very great size : a very large hairy extinct elephant with long tusks that curve upward : very large : huge a mammoth iceberg


noun adjective noun adjective ˈmir-ē-əd ˈmir-ē-əd ˈmir-ē-əd : ten thousand : a great number a myriad of ideas : innumerable those myriad problems ; also : both numerous and diverse myriad topics : both numerous and diverse myriad topics : having innumerable aspects or elements the myriad activity of the new land —Meridel Le Sueur : a very large number of things a myriad of possibilities myriads of stars : many in number : extremely numerous Underneath the heaps were all the myriad little ... things ... —Lynne Reid Banks, The Indian in the Cupboard


noun adjective noun adjective noun adjective ˈkā-ˌnīn ˈka- ˈkā-ˌnīn ˈkā-ˌnīn, British also ˈkan-ˌīn : a conical pointed tooth; especially : one situated between the lateral incisor and the first premolar — see tooth illustration : one situated between the lateral incisor and the first premolar — see tooth illustration : dog 1a; broadly : canid : canid : of or resembling that of a dog canine loyalty : of or relating to dogs or to the family (Canidae) including the canids canine diseases : a pointed tooth next to the incisors : a domestic dog or a related animal (as a wolf or fox) : of or relating to the domestic dog or a related animal canine behavior : like or typical of a dog canine loyalty : a conical pointed tooth; especially : one situated between the lateral incisor and the first premolar : one situated between the lateral incisor and the first premolar : any member of the family Canidae : dog : of or relating to dogs or to the family Canidae


noun adjective noun adjective noun adjective ˈkȯr-p(ə-)rəl ˈkȯr-p(ə-)rə-lē ˈkȯr-pə-rəl ˈkȯr-prəl ˈkȯr-p(ə-)rəl : a linen cloth on which the eucharistic elements are placed : corporeal, physical : of, relating to, or affecting the body corporal punishment corporal works of mercy : a noncommissioned officer ranking in the army above a private first class and below a sergeant and in the marine corps above a lance corporal and below a sergeant : of or relating to the body corporal punishment : a noncommissioned officer ranking above a private in the army or above a lance corporal in the marine corps : of, relating to, or affecting the body corporal punishment


noun adjective noun noun al-ˈbī-(ˌ)nō al-ˈbī-nō al-ˈbī-(ˌ)nō -ˈbin-ik : an organism exhibiting deficient pigmentation; especially : a human being who is congenitally deficient in pigment and usually has a milky or translucent skin, white or colorless hair, and eyes with pink or blue iris and deep-red pupil : a human being who is congenitally deficient in pigment and usually has a milky or translucent skin, white or colorless hair, and eyes with pink or blue iris and deep-red pupil : exhibiting the deficient pigmentation characteristic of albinos albino sharks The Draize test commonly uses six rabbits (preferably of the albino strain because of the clarity of their red eyes) to test a substance for eye irritancy. —Rachel Urquhart : a person or an animal that has little or no coloring matter in skin, hair, and eyes : a plant with little or no coloring matter : an organism exhibiting deficient pigmentation; especially : a human being who is congenitally deficient in pigment and usually has a milky or translucent skin, white or colorless hair, and eyes with pink or blue iris and deep-red pupil — compare melano : a human being who is congenitally deficient in pigment and usually has a milky or translucent skin, white or colorless hair, and eyes with pink or blue iris and deep-red pupil — compare melano


noun adjective noun noun və-ˈni-lə -ˈne- və-ˈni-lə -ˈne- və-ˈnil-ə -ˈnel- : vanilla bean : a commercially important extract of the vanilla bean that is used especially as a flavoring : any of a genus (Vanilla) of tropical American climbing epiphytic orchids : flavored with vanilla : lacking distinction : plain, ordinary, conventional : a substance extracted from vanilla beans and used as a flavoring especially for sweet foods and beverages : vanilla bean : a commercially important extract of the vanilla bean that is prepared by soaking comminuted vanilla beans in water and ethyl alcohol and that is used especially as a flavoring (as in pharmaceutical preparations) : any of a genus (Vanilla) of tropical American climbing orchids


noun adjective noun noun adjective ˈrü-mə-nənt ˈrü-mə-nənt ˈrü-mə-nənt : a ruminant mammal : chewing the cud : characterized by chewing again what has been swallowed : of or relating to two suborders (Ruminantia and Tylopoda) of herbivorous even-toed hoofed mammals (such as sheep, oxen, deer, and camels) that chew the cud and have a complex 3- or 4-chambered stomach : given to or engaged in contemplation : meditative stood there ... in this attitude of ruminant relish —Thomas Wolfe : a hoofed animal (as a cow or sheep) that chews its cud and has a stomach with usually four chambers : a ruminant mammal : of or relating to two suborders (Ruminantia and Tylopoda) of even-toed hoofed mammals (as sheep, oxen, deer, and camels) that chew the cud and have a complex 3- or 4-chambered stomach


noun adjective trademark noun adjective noun ˈkre-sᵊnt kre-ˈsen-tik krə- ˈkre-sᵊnt ˈkre-sᵊnt ˈkres-ᵊnt : the moon at any stage between new moon and first quarter and between last quarter and the succeeding new moon when less than half of the illuminated hemisphere is visible : the figure of the moon at such a stage defined by a convex (see convex 1a) and a concave (see 1concave 2) edge : something shaped like a crescent The crescent is used as the symbol of Islam. : marked by an increase : increasing "My powers are crescent ... " —William Shakespeare —used for an adjustable open-end wrench : the shape of the visible part of the moon when it is less than half full : something shaped like a crescent moon : shaped like the crescent moon crescent rolls : a crescent-shaped anatomical structure or section : the gametocyte of the falciparum malaria parasite that is shaped like a crescent and constitutes a distinguishing character of malignant tertian malaria


noun adjective verb noun ˈkrim-zən ˈkrim-zən : any of several deep purplish reds : of the color crimson : to make crimson : to become crimson; especially : blush : blush : a deep purplish red


noun adjective verb noun adjective verb ˈa-v(ə-)rij ˈa-və-rij ˈav-rij : a single value (such as a mean, mode, or median) that summarizes or represents the general significance of a set of unequal values : mean 1b : an estimation of or approximation to an arithmetic mean : a level (as of intelligence) typical of a group, class, or series above the average : a ratio expressing the average performance especially of an athletic team or an athlete computed according to the number of opportunities for successful performance a batting average : taking the typical example of the group under consideration Prices have increased on average by five percent. [=the average increase has been five percent] : equaling an arithmetic mean : being about midway between extremes a man of average height : not out of the ordinary : common on an average day the average person : to be or come to an average The gain averaged out to 20 percent. : to have a medial value of a color averaging a pale purple : to buy on a falling market or sell on a rising market additional shares or commodities so as to obtain a more favorable average price —usually used with down or up : to do, get, or have on the average or as an average sum or quantity averages 12 hours of work a day : to find the arithmetic mean of (a series of unequal quantities) : to bring toward the average : to divide among a number according to a size, number, or amount that is directly related to or appropriate for something average a loss : a number that is calculated by adding quantities together and dividing the total by the number of quantities : arithmetic mean An average of 20 students are in each class. : something usual in a group, class, or series His grades have been better than average. : equaling or coming close to an average The average age of students in my class is eleven. : being ordinary or usual the average person : to amount to usually We averaged ten miles a day. : to find the average of Our teacher averaged our test scores.


noun adjective verb noun noun ˈker-ik-tər ˈka-rik- -ləs ˈker-ək-tər ˈkar-ik-tər : one of the attributes (see 1attribute 1) or features that make up and distinguish an individual This is a side of her character that few people have seen. : a feature used to separate distinguishable things into categories; also : a group or kind so separated advertising of a very primitive character : a group or kind so separated advertising of a very primitive character : the aggregate of distinctive qualities characteristic of a breed, strain, or type a wine of great character : the detectable expression of the action of a gene or group of genes : the complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person, group, or nation the character of the American people : main or essential nature especially as strongly marked and serving to distinguish excess sewage gradually changed the character of the lake : one of the persons of a drama or novel : the personality or part which an actor recreates an actress who can create a character convincingly : characterization especially in drama or fiction a novelist good in both character and setting : person, individual a suspicious character : a person marked by notable or conspicuous traits quite a character : moral excellence and firmness a man of sound character : a graphic symbol (such as a hieroglyph or alphabet letter) used in writing or printing : a symbol (such as a letter or number) that represents information mathematical characters ; also : a representation of such a symbol that may be accepted by a computer : a representation of such a symbol that may be accepted by a computer : a magical or astrological emblem : alphabet : writing, printing : style of writing or printing You know the character to be your brother's? —Shakespeare : cipher : a conventionalized graphic device placed on an object as an indication of ownership, origin, or relationship : reputation the scandal has damaged his character and image : position, capacity his character as a town official : reference 4b : a short literary sketch of the qualities of a social type : in accord with a person's usual qualities or traits behaving in character : not in accord with a person's usual qualities or traits his rudeness was completely out of character : capable of portraying an unusual or eccentric personality often markedly different from the player a character actor : requiring or involving the portrayal of an unusual or eccentric personality a character role : characterize : represent, portray : engrave, inscribe : a mark, sign, or symbol (as a letter or figure) used in writing or printing : the group of qualities that make a person, group, or thing different from others The town has special character. : a distinguishing feature : characteristic the plant's bushy character : a person who says or does funny or unusual things Your friend is quite a character. : a person in a story or play : the usually good opinions that most people have about a particular person : reputation She made an attack on his character. : moral excellence She is a person of character known for her honesty. : one of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish the individual : the detectable expression of the action of a gene or group of genes : the complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person, group, or nation


noun adjective verb noun noun ˈzē-(ˌ)rō ˈzir-(ˌ)ō ˈzē-rō ˈzir-ō ˈzē-(ˌ)rō ˈzi(ə)r-(ˌ)ō : the arithmetical symbol 0 or 0̸ denoting the absence of all magnitude or quantity : additive identity; specifically : the number between the set of all negative numbers and the set of all positive numbers : the number between the set of all negative numbers and the set of all positive numbers : a value of an independent variable that makes a function equal to zero +2 and −2 are zeros of f(x)=x2−4 : the absence of a measurable quantity — see Table of Numbers : the point of departure in reckoning; specifically : the point from which the graduation of a scale (as of a thermometer) begins : the point from which the graduation of a scale (as of a thermometer) begins : the temperature represented by the zero mark on a thermometer : the setting or adjustment of the sights of a firearm that causes it to shoot to point of aim at a desired range : an insignificant person or thing : nonentity : a state of total absence or neutrality : the lowest point : nadir : something arbitrarily or conveniently designated zero : of, relating to, or being a zero : having no magnitude or quantity : not any zero growth zero tolerance : having no phonetic manifestation the zero modification in the past tense of cut : having no modified inflectional form a zero plural : limiting vision to 50 feet (15 meters) or less : limited to 165 feet (50.3 meters) or less : to determine or adjust the zero of zero a rifle : to concentrate firepower on the exact range of —usually used with in : to bring to bear on the exact range of a target —usually used with in : to adjust fire on a specific target —usually used with in : to close in on or focus attention on an objective —usually used with in investigators are zeroing in on a suspect : the numerical symbol 0 meaning the absence of all size or quantity : the point on a scale (as on a thermometer) from which measurements are made : the temperature shown by the zero mark on a thermometer : a total lack of anything : nothing His contribution was zero. : the arithmetical symbol 0 or 0̸ denoting the absence of all magnitude or quantity : the point of departure in reckoning; specifically : the point from which the graduation of a scale (as of a thermometer) begins : the point from which the graduation of a scale (as of a thermometer) begins : the temperature represented by the zero mark on a thermometer


noun adverb adjective verb noun adverb adjective verb ˈzig-ˌzag ˈzig-ˌza-gē ˈzig-ˌzag : one of a series of short sharp turns, angles, or alterations in a course; also : something having the form or character of such a series a blouse with green zigzags endured the zigzags of policy —Richard Bernstein : something having the form or character of such a series a blouse with green zigzags endured the zigzags of policy —Richard Bernstein : in or by a zigzag path or course : having short sharp turns or angles a zigzag trail : to form into a zigzag or move along a zigzag course : to lie in, proceed along, or consist of a zigzag course : one of a series of short sharp turns or angles in a line or course : a line, path, or pattern with a series of short sharp angles : in or by a line or course that has short sharp turns or angles He ran zigzag across the field. : having short sharp turns or angles : to form into or move along a line or course that has short sharp turns or angles Both kids took off, zigzagging around trees and bushes. —Blue Balliett, Chasing Vermeer


noun adverb or adjective ˌpit-si-ˈkä-(ˌ)tō ˌpit-si-ˈkä-(ˌ)tē : a note or passage played by plucking strings : by means of plucking instead of bowing —used as a direction in music — compare arco


noun adverb or adjective noun krə-ˈshen-(ˌ)dō krə-ˈshen-dē kri-ˈshen-dō : a gradual increase a crescendo of excitement ; specifically : a gradual increase in volume of a musical passage : a gradual increase in volume of a musical passage : the peak of a gradual increase : climax ... complaints about stifling smog conditions reach a crescendo ... —Down Beat : a crescendo musical passage : with an increase in volume —used as a direction in music : a gradual increase in the loudness of music


noun biographical name bə-ˈlē-ˌvär ˈbä-lə-vər ˌbä-lə-ˈvär-ˌās ˌbō-lē- sē-ˌmōn-bə-ˈlē-ˌvär ˌsī-mən-ˈbä-lə-ˌvär -vər : the basic monetary unit of Venezuela — see Money Table Si*món play \sē-ˌmōn-bə-ˈlē-ˌvär;ˌsī-mən-ˈbä-lə-ˌvär, -vər\ 1783-1830 South American liberator


noun biographical name ˈbäz-ˌwel -wəl bäz-ˈwe-lē-ən ˈbäz-wə-ˌlīz -ˌwe- ˈbäz-ˌwel -wəl : a person who records in detail the life of a usually famous contemporary James 1740-1795 Scottish biographer and diarist


noun biographical name ˈkrē-səs ˈkrē-səs : a very rich man died circa 546 b.c. king of Lydia (circa 560-546)


noun biographical name ˈku̇ŋ ˈküŋ ˈgüŋ : a member of a people of southern Africa —usually preceded in writing by ! : the Khoisan language of the !Kung people —usually preceded in writing by ! Prince 1833-1898 Manchu statesman


noun biographical name ˌger-ə-ˈbȯl-dē ˌga-rə- ˌger-ə-ˈbȯl-dē ˌga-rə-ˈbȯl-dē : a woman's blouse copied from the red shirt worn by the Italian patriot Garibaldi : a bright orange damselfish (Hypsypops rubicundus) of the Pacific coast from northern California to Baja California that may reach a length of about 14 inches (35.6 centimeters) Note: Young garibaldi have iridescent blue spots that fade as they mature. Giuseppe 1807-1882 Italian patriot


noun biographical name biographical name noun ˈchām-bər-lən ˈchām-bər-lən ˈchām-bər-lən : an attendant on a sovereign or lord in his bedchamber : a chief officer in the household of a king or nobleman : treasurer : an often honorary papal attendant; specifically : a priest having a rank of honor below domestic prelate : a priest having a rank of honor below domestic prelate Joseph 1836-1914 and his sons Sir (Joseph) Austen 1863-1937 and (Arthur) Neville 1869-1940 British statesmen Wilton Norman 1936-1999 American basketball player : a chief officer in the household of a ruler or noble : treasurer city chamberlain


noun biographical name biographical name noun ˈfəŋ-ˈshwē -ˈshwā ˈfəŋ-ˈyü-shē-ˈäŋ ˈhwä-ˈgwō-ˈfəŋ ˈfəŋˈ(h)wäŋ : a Chinese geomantic practice in which a structure or site is chosen or configured so as to harmonize with the spiritual forces that inhabit it; also : orientation, placement, or arrangement according to the precepts of feng shui : orientation, placement, or arrangement according to the precepts of feng shui 1882-1948 Chinese general 1920-2008 Pinyin Hua Guo*feng Chinese premier (1976-80) : the bird that in Chinese myth watches with the dragon, tortoise, and kylin over the empire and appears in times of prosperity and that is often represented in art as composite in appearance sometimes as a symbol of the empress : a bird with rich plumage and graceful form and movement domestic in the former imperial court of China, associated with the mythical fêng huang as an emblem of good fortune, and identified by some with the ocellated argus Above is meaning for feng shui But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun biographical name geographical name ˈda-vᵊn-ˌpȯrt ˈda-vᵊm- ˈda-vən-ˌpȯrt ˈda-vᵊm- ˈda-vən-ˌpȯrt : a small compact writing desk : a large upholstered sofa often convertible into a bed John 1597-1670 American (English-born) clergyman and founder of New Haven colony city on the Mississippi River in eastern Iowa population 99,685


noun biographical name geographical name noun ˈnü-tᵊn ˈnyü- ˈnü-tᵊn ˈnyü- ˈnü-tᵊn ˈnyü- ˈn(y)üt-ᵊn : the unit of force in the meter-kilogram-second system equal to the force required to impart an acceleration of one meter per second per second to a mass of one kilogram Sir Isaac 1642-1727 English mathematician and physicist city in eastern Massachusetts west of Boston population 85,146 : the unit of force in the metric system equal to the force required to impart an acceleration of one meter per second per second to a mass of one kilogram


noun biographical name noun ˈaŋ-strəm ˈȯŋ- ˈaŋ-strəm ˈȯŋ- ˈaŋ-strəm also ˈȯŋ- : a unit of length equal to one ten-billionth of a meter Anders Jonas 1814-1874 Swedish physicist : a unit of length equal to one ten-billionth of a meter


noun biographical name noun ˈbü-də ˈbu̇- ˈbü-də ˈbu̇- : a person who has attained Buddhahood : a representation of Siddhārtha Gautama — see siddhārtha gautama : the founder of Buddhism originally known as Siddhartha Gautama : a statue that represents Buddha


noun biographical name noun ˈbərg ˈberg ˈbərg : iceberg Alban 1885-1935 Austrian composer : iceberg


noun biographical name noun ˈdē-zəl -səl ˈdē-zəl -səl ˈdē-zəl -səl : diesel engine : a vehicle driven by a diesel engine : diesel fuel Rudolf 1858-1913 German mechanical engineer : diesel engine : a vehicle that has a diesel engine : diesel fuel


noun biographical name noun ˈmi-lət mē-ˈyā mi-ˈlā ˈmi-lət : any of various small-seeded annual cereal and forage grasses: : a Eurasian grass (Panicum miliaceum) cultivated for its grain which is used for food : any of several grasses related to common millet : the seed of a millet Jean-François 1814-1875 French painter : a grass with small whitish seeds that are used as food for people, livestock, and birds


noun biographical name noun ˈmā-ˌkrän ˈma- -krən mä-ˈkrōⁿ ˈmā-ˌkrän : a mark − placed over a vowel to indicate that the vowel is long or placed over a syllable or used alone to indicate a stressed or long syllable in a metrical foot Emmanuel (Jean-Michel Frédéric) 1977- president of France (2017- ) : a mark − placed over a vowel to show that the vowel is long


noun biographical name noun ˈtü-(ˌ)tü ˈtü-ˌtü ˈtü-ˌtü : a short projecting skirt worn by a ballerina Desmond Mpilo 1931- South African clergyman and political activist : a short skirt that extends out and is worn by a ballerina


noun geographical name noun ˈmā-sə ˈmā-sə ˈmā-sə : an isolated relatively flat-topped natural elevation usually more extensive than a butte and less extensive than a plateau; also : a broad terrace with an abrupt slope on one side : bench : a broad terrace with an abrupt slope on one side : bench city east of Phoenix in southwest central Arizona population 439,041 : a hill with a flat top and steep sides


noun noun ˈnü-gət -ˌgä ˈnü-gət : a confection of nuts or fruit pieces in a sugar paste : a candy consisting of a sugar paste with nuts or fruit pieces


noun biographical name noun noun ˈam-ˌpir -ˌper äⁿ-ˈper ˈam-ˌpir ˈam-ˌpi(ə)r also -ˌpe(ə)r äⁿ-per : the practical meter-kilogram-second unit of electric current that is equivalent to a flow of one coulomb per second or to the steady current produced by one volt applied across a resistance of one ohm : the base unit of electric current in the International System of Units that is equal to a constant current which when maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length and negligible circular sections one meter apart in a vacuum produces between the conductors a force equal to 2 × 10−7 newton per meter of length André-Marie 1775-1836 French physicist : a unit for measuring the strength of an electric current : the practical mks unit of electric current that is equivalent to a flow of one coulomb per second or to the steady current produced by one volt applied across a resistance of one ohm : the base unit of electric current in the International System of Units that is equal to a constant current which when maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length and negligible circular sections one meter apart in a vacuum produces between the conductors a force equal to 2 × 10−7 newton per meter of length


noun biographical name noun noun ˈwät ˈwät ˈwät ˈwät : the absolute meter-kilogram-second unit of power equal to the work done at the rate of one joule per second or to the power produced by a current of one ampere across a potential difference of one volt : ¹/₇₄₆ horsepower James 1736-1819 Scottish inventor : a unit for measuring electric power : the absolute mks unit of power equal to the work done at the rate of one joule per second or to the power produced by a current of one ampere across a potential difference of one volt : ¹/₇₄₆ horsepower


noun combining form ˈau̇(ə)l : a Caucasian mountain or desert settlement (such as a village) : a tent of Central Asia made of felt or skins fastened over a circular wooden framework : flute : pipe aulophyte Aulacanthus Aulostomus


noun geographical name lə-ˈnī lä- lə-ˈnī lä- : porch, veranda He would often sit on the front lanai of the bungalow with his dog. island of Hawaii west of Maui and south of Molokai area 141 square miles (367 square kilometers)


noun geographical name pi-ˈkin ˈpē-ˌkin ˈpē-kən -ˌkin : any of a breed of large white ducks of Chinese origin used for meat production city in north central Illinois on the Illinois River south-southwest of Peoria population 33,857


noun geographical name ˈbrē ˈbrē : a soft surface-ripened cheese with a whitish rind and a pale yellow interior district and medieval county of northeastern France east of Paris; chief town Meaux


noun geographical name ˈchē-(ˌ)nō ˈshē- ˈchē-(ˌ)nō : a usually khaki cotton or synthetic-fiber twill of the type used for military uniforms : an article of clothing made of chino city in southwestern California east of Los Angeles population 77,893


noun geographical name ˈkä-mə ˈkä-mə : the Hindu god of love river in eastern Russia in Europe flowing southwest into the Volga River south of Kazan'


noun geographical name ˈshär-lət ˈshär-lət : a dessert consisting of a filling (as of fruit, whipped cream, or custard) layered with or placed in a mold lined with strips of bread, ladyfingers, or biscuits city in southern North Carolina near the border with South Carolina population 731,424 Note: Charlotte is the most populous city in North Carolina.


noun geographical name ˈär-ē-ə ˈer-ē-ə ˈa-rē-ə ə-ˈrī-ə : air, melody, tune; specifically : an accompanied, elaborate melody sung (as in an opera) by a single voice enjoyed the soprano's romantic aria : an accompanied, elaborate melody sung (as in an opera) by a single voice enjoyed the soprano's romantic aria : a striking solo performance (as in a movie) ... Russell Crowe's performance in Gladiator was all about the physical stuff—it was a brute-force aria of fighting and flexing and unleashing hell ... —Jeff Gordinier : a written or spoken passage or text likened to a dramatic or emotional operatic solo ... a plainspoken but moving aria on the joys of rural living ... . —Lauren Collins an eastern province of the ancient Persian Empire; district now in northwestern Afghanistan and eastern Iran — see herat


noun geographical name ˌa-lə-ˈmē-də -ˈmā- ˌa-lə-ˈmē-də : a public promenade bordered with trees city and port on an island in San Francisco Bay that is separated from Oakland by an estuary in western California population 73,812


noun geographical name noun tə-ˈmä-lē tä-ˈmä-lā tə-ˈmä-lē : cornmeal dough rolled with ground meat or beans seasoned usually with chili, wrapped usually in corn husks, and steamed town in northern Ghana population 371,351 : seasoned ground meat rolled in cornmeal, wrapped in corn husks, and steamed


noun geographical name noun ˈas-pən ˈa-spən ˈa-spən : any of several poplars (especially Populus tremula of Europe and P. tremuloides and P. grandidentata of North America) with leaves that flutter in the lightest wind because of their flattened petioles resort city in west central Colorado population 6658 : a poplar tree whose leaves move easily in the breeze


noun geographical name noun ˈfīf ˈfīf -ˌshir -shər ˈfīf : a small transverse flute with six to eight finger holes and usually no keys administrative area of eastern Scotland between the Firth of Tay and the Firth of Forth area 509 square miles (1319 square kilometers), population 365,198 : a small musical instrument like a flute that produces a shrill sound


noun geographical name noun ˈlin-dən ˈlin-dən ˈlin-dən : any of a genus (Tilia of the family Tiliaceae, the linden family) of deciduous trees of temperate regions that have cordate leaves and a winglike bract attached to the peduncle of the flower and fruit and that are often planted as ornamental and shade trees: such as : a commonly cultivated European tree (T. europaea synonym T. vulgaris) much used for ornamental planting : a tree (T. americana) chiefly of the central and eastern U.S. — called also basswood : the light fine-grained white wood of a linden; especially : basswood 2 : basswood 2 city in northeastern New Jersey south-southwest of Elizabeth population 40,499 : a shade tree with heart-shaped leaves and drooping clusters of yellowish white flowers


noun noun kə-ˈban-yə -ˈba-nə kə-ˈba-nyə -nə : a lightweight structure with living facilities : a tentlike shelter usually with an open side facing a beach or swimming pool : a shelter usually with an open side used by people at a beach or swimming pool


noun geographical name noun ˈprä-və-dən(t)s -ˌden(t)s ˈprä-və-dən(t)s -ˌden(t)s ˈprä-və-dəns : divine guidance or care : God conceived as the power sustaining and guiding human destiny : the quality or state of being provident city in northern Rhode Island that is the state capital and a port at the head of the Providence River (a northern arm of Narragansett Bay) population 178,042 : help or care from God or heaven : God as the guide and protector of all human beings : prudence, thrift


noun geographical name noun ˈpwe-(ˌ)blō pü-ˈe- pyü- ˈpwe-ˌblo ˈpwe-blō : the communal dwelling of an American Indian village of Arizona, New Mexico, and adjacent areas consisting of contiguous flat-roofed stone or adobe houses in groups sometimes several stories high : an American Indian village of the southwestern U.S. : a member of a group of American Indian peoples of the southwestern U.S. city on the Arkansas River in southeast central Colorado population 106,595 : an American Indian village of Arizona or New Mexico made up of groups of stone or adobe houses with flat roofs : a member of any of several American Indian peoples of Arizona or New Mexico


noun geographical name noun noun ˈhyü ˈhwā ˈwā hü-ˈā hyü-ˈā ˈhyü ˈhyü : overall character or appearance to the mind : complexion, aspect political parties of every hue —Louis Wasserman : color all the hues of the rainbow : gradation of color the hues and shades of twilight —Colin Clark : the attribute of colors that permits them to be classed as red, yellow, green, blue, or an intermediate between any contiguous pair of these colors red with an orange hue — compare brightness 2, lightness 2, saturation 4 city and port in central Vietnam; formerly capital of Annam population 302,983 : 1color 1 Flowers of every hue blossomed. : a shade of a color I decorated my bedroom in hues of blue. : the one of the three psychological dimensions of color perception that permits them to be classified as red, yellow, green, blue, or an intermediate between any contiguous pair of these colors and that is correlated with the wavelength or the combination of wavelengths comprising the stimulus — compare brightness, saturation 4a


noun noun (t)su̇-ˈnä-mē (t)su̇-ˈnä-mik su̇-ˈnä-mē : a great sea wave produced especially by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption : tidal wave : a large sea wave produced especially by an earthquake or volcanic eruption under the sea : tidal wave


noun noun (ˈ)säm¦bäl " sämˈbälē (ˈ)säm¦bäl : a condiment made typically of peppers, pickles, grated coconut, salt fish, or fish roe and eaten especially with curry and rice in and around Indonesia and Malaya : a people of Zambales province, western Luzon, Philippines : a member of such people : the Austronesian language of the Sambal people


noun noun (ˌ)bam-ˈbü ˈbam-ˌ bam-ˈbü : any of various woody or arborescent grasses (as of the genera Bambusa, Arundinaria, and Dendrocalamus of the subfamily Bambusoideae) of tropical and temperate regions having hollow stems, thick rhizomes, and shoots that are used for food; also : the jointed stem of bamboo used especially for building, furniture, and utensils : the jointed stem of bamboo used especially for building, furniture, and utensils : a tall treelike tropical grass with a hard hollow jointed stem that is used in making furniture and in building


noun noun -ˌplas-tē -ˌplas-tē : plastic surgery on the eyelid especially to remove fatty or excess tissue : plastic surgery on an eyelid especially to remove fatty or excess tissue


noun noun al-ˈfal-fə al-ˈfal-fə : a deep-rooted leguminous perennial plant (Medicago sativa) of southwestern Asia that is widely grown for hay and forage : a plant with purple flowers that is related to the clovers and is grown as a food for horses and cattle


noun noun al-ˈpa-kə al-ˈpa-kə : a domesticated mammal (Vicugna pacos synonym Lama pacos) especially of Peru that is probably descended from the vicuña : wool of the alpaca : a thin cloth made of or containing this wool : a rayon or cotton imitation of this cloth : a South American animal related to the camel and llama that is raised for its long woolly hair which is woven into warm strong cloth


noun noun bak-ˈtir-ē-ə-ˌfāj -ˌfäzh (ˌ)bak-ˌtir-ē-ˈä-fə-jē bak-ˈtir-ē-ə-ˌfāj -ˌfäzh (ˌ)bak-ˌtir-ē-ˈäf-ə-jē : a virus that infects bacteria : a virus that infects bacteria — called also phage


noun noun bi-ˈgō-nyə bi-ˈgōn-yə : any of a large genus (Begonia of the family Begoniaceae, the begonia family) of tropical or subtropical herbs and shrubs that have asymmetrical leaves and are widely cultivated as ornamentals : a plant with a juicy stem, ornamental leaves, and bright waxy flowers


noun noun bō-ˈkā bü- bō-ˈkā bü- : flowers picked and fastened together in a bunch : nosegay : medley a bouquet of songs : compliment : a distinctive and characteristic fragrance (as of wine) The wine has a lovely bouquet. : a subtle aroma or quality (as of an artistic performance) : a bunch of flowers


noun noun bə-ˈtän ba- ˈba-tᵊn bə-ˈtän ba- : cudgel, truncheon; specifically : billy club : billy club : a staff borne as a symbol of office : a narrow heraldic bend : a slender rod with which a leader directs a band or orchestra : a hollow cylinder carried by each member of a relay team and passed to the succeeding runner : a hollow metal rod with a weighted bulb at one or both ends that is flourished by a drum major or drum majorette : a piece of food that has been cut into a narrow strip that is thicker than a julienned piece of food We cut carrots into slabs, then batons, then dice. —Janet Rausa Fuller : a thin stick with which a leader directs an orchestra or band : a rod with a ball at one or both ends that is carried by a person leading a marching band : a stick that is passed from one runner to the next in a relay race


noun noun chin-ˈchi-lə chin-ˈchi-lə : either of two small South American rodents (Chinchilla laniger and C. brevicaudata of the family Chinchillidae) of the high Andes that are the size of large squirrels, have very soft pearly-gray fur, and are extensively bred in captivity; also : the fur of a chinchilla : the fur of a chinchilla : a heavy twilled woolen coating : a South American animal that is a rodent resembling a squirrel and is often raised for its soft silvery gray fur


noun noun kōl-ˈrä-bē -ˈra- kōl-ˈrä-bē : a cabbage (Brassica oleracea gongylodes) having a greatly enlarged, fleshy, turnip-shaped edible stem; also : its stem used as a vegetable : its stem used as a vegetable : a cabbage that does not form a head but has a fleshy roundish edible stem


noun noun dis-ˈplā-zh(ē-)ə -ˈplas-tik dis-ˈplā-zh(ē-)ə -ˈplas-tik : abnormal growth or development (as of organs or cells); broadly : abnormal anatomical structure due to such growth : abnormal anatomical structure due to such growth : variation in somatotype (as in degree of ectomorphy, endomorphy, or mesomorphy) from one part of a human body to another : abnormal growth or development (as of organs or cells); broadly : abnormal anatomic structure due to such growth : abnormal anatomic structure due to such growth


noun noun dī-ˈkä-tə-mē də- dī-ˈkät-ə-mē also də- : a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities the dichotomy between theory and practice ; also : the process or practice of making such a division dichotomy of the population into two opposed classes : the process or practice of making such a division dichotomy of the population into two opposed classes : something with seemingly contradictory qualities it's a dichotomy, this opulent Ritz-style luxury in a place that fronts on a boat harbor —Jean T. Barrett : the phase of the moon or an inferior planet in which half its disk appears illuminated : bifurcation; especially : repeated bifurcation (as of a plant's stem) : repeated bifurcation (as of a plant's stem) : a system of branching in which the main axis forks repeatedly into two branches : branching of an ancestral line into two equal diverging branches : a division or forking into branches; especially : repeated bifurcation : repeated bifurcation


noun noun flō-ˈti-lə flō-ˈti-lə : a fleet of ships or boats; especially : a navy organizational unit consisting of two or more squadrons of small warships : a navy organizational unit consisting of two or more squadrons of small warships : an indefinite large number a flotilla of changes : a fleet of usually small ships


noun noun fē-ˈe-stə fē-ˈe-stə : festival; specifically : a saint's day celebrated in Spain, Latin America, and the Philippines with processions and dances : a saint's day celebrated in Spain, Latin America, and the Philippines with processions and dances : a celebration especially in Spain and Latin America that commemorates a saint


noun noun fə-ˈlan(t)-thrə-pē fə-ˈlan-thrə-pē : goodwill to fellow members of the human race; especially : active effort to promote human welfare : active effort to promote human welfare : an act or gift done or made for humanitarian purposes : an organization distributing or supported by funds set aside for humanitarian purposes : desire and active effort to help other people : something done or given to help needy people : an organization giving or supported by charitable gifts


noun noun fə-ˈna-lē fi-ˈnä- fə-ˈna-lē : the close or termination of something: such as : the last section of an instrumental musical composition the symphony's finale : the closing part, scene, or number in a public performance the finale of the ballet In the finale, the singer sang an Italian classic. : the last and often climactic event or item in a sequence the TV show's season finale : the close or end of something (as a musical work)


noun noun fər-ˈsi-thē-ə -ˈsī- fər-ˈsi-thē-ə : any of a genus (Forsythia) of ornamental shrubs of the olive family with opposite leaves and yellow bell-shaped flowers appearing before the leaves in early spring : a bush often grown for its bright yellow flowers that appear in early spring


noun noun gär-ˈdē-nyə gär-ˈdē-nyə : any of a large genus (Gardenia) of Old World tropical trees and shrubs of the madder family with showy fragrant white or yellow flowers : a large white or yellowish flower with a fragrant smell


noun noun gō-ˈtē gō-ˈtēd gō-ˈtē : a small pointed or tufted beard on a man's chin : a small beard trimmed to a point


noun noun gə-ˈstält -ˈshtält -ˈstȯlt -ˈshtȯlt -ˈstäl-tᵊn -ˈshtäl- -ˈstȯl- -ˈshtȯl- gə-ˈs(h)tält -ˈs(h)tȯlt -ᵊn : something that is made of many parts and yet is somehow more than or different from the combination of its parts When he gets rolling, you're not responding to single jokes—it's the whole gestalt of the movie that's funny. —Pauline Kael broadly : the general quality or character of something When new employees are recruited fresh out of college and can look forward to working for the same company for 40 years, it changes the gestalt of management. —Brenton R. Schlender ... the Old Hollywood gestalt, where daughters adored and romanticized their charismatic, powerful, often unavailable fathers. —Nora Johnson : the general quality or character of something When new employees are recruited fresh out of college and can look forward to working for the same company for 40 years, it changes the gestalt of management. —Brenton R. Schlender ... the Old Hollywood gestalt, where daughters adored and romanticized their charismatic, powerful, often unavailable fathers. —Nora Johnson : a structure, arrangement, or pattern of physical, biological, or psychological phenomena so integrated as to constitute a functional unit with properties not derivable by summation of its parts


noun noun gə-ˈtär gi- ˈgi-ˌtär gə-ˈtär-ist gi- gə-ˈtär : a flat-bodied stringed instrument with a long fretted neck and usually six strings played with a pick or with the fingers : a musical instrument with six strings played by plucking or strumming


noun noun gə-ˈzel gə-ˈzel : any of numerous small to medium graceful and swift African and Asian antelopes (Gazella and related genera) : a swift graceful antelope of Africa and Asia


noun noun hi-ˈpä-krə-sē hī- hi-ˈpä-krə-sē : a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not : behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel His hypocrisy was finally revealed with the publication of his private letters. ; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion our conventional morality often serves as a cover for hypocrisy and selfishness —Lucius Garvin : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion our conventional morality often serves as a cover for hypocrisy and selfishness —Lucius Garvin : an act or instance of hypocrisy a keen awareness of one's parents' hypocrisies : the quality of acting in a way that goes against claimed beliefs or feelings


noun noun här-ˈmä-ni-kə här-ˈmä-nə-sist här-ˈmä-ni-kə : glass harmonica : a small rectangular wind instrument with free reeds recessed in air slots from which tones are sounded by exhaling and inhaling : a small musical instrument held in the hand and played by the mouth


noun noun hī-ˈdrä-lə-jē ˌhī-drə-ˈlä-jik ˌhī-drə-ˈlä-ji-kəl ˌhī-drə-ˈlä-ji-k(ə-)lē hī-ˈdrä-lə-jist hī-ˈdräl-ə-jē : a science dealing with the properties, distribution, and circulation of water on and below the earth's surface and in the atmosphere : the body of medical knowledge and practice concerned with the therapeutic use of bathing and water


noun noun hī-ˈā-təs hī-ˈāt-əs : a break in or as if in a material object : gap the weedy hiatus between the town and the railroad —Willa Cather the hiatus between the theory and the practice of the party —J. G. Colton : a gap or passage in an anatomical part or organ : an interruption in time or continuity : break; especially : a period when something (such as a program or activity) is suspended or interrupted after a 5-year hiatus from writing a summer hiatus : a period when something (such as a program or activity) is suspended or interrupted after a 5-year hiatus from writing a summer hiatus : the occurrence of two vowel sounds without pause or intervening consonantal sound : a gap or passage through an anatomical part or organ; especially : an opening through which another part or organ passes (such as the opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus and vagus nerves pass) : an opening through which another part or organ passes (such as the opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus and vagus nerves pass)


noun noun i-ˈgwä-nə i-ˈgwä-nə : any of various large chiefly herbivorous usually green or brownish tropical American lizards (family Iguanidae, the iguana family) that have a serrated dorsal crest and large dewlap; broadly : any of various large lizards : any of various large lizards : a large tropical American lizard with a ridge of tall scales along its back


noun noun in-ˈthü-zē-ˌa-zəm en- -ˈthyü- in-ˈthü-zē-ˌaz-əm -ˈthyü- : strong excitement of feeling : ardor did her work with energy and enthusiasm : something inspiring zeal or fervor his enthusiasms include sailing and fishing : belief in special revelations of the Holy Spirit : religious fanaticism : strong feeling in favor of something There were wild shouts of enthusiasm at this suggestion. —E. B. White, Stuart Little


noun noun is-ˈläm iz- -ˈlam ˈis-ˌläm ˈiz- -ˌlam is-ˈlä-mik iz- -ˈla- is-ˈlä-miks iz- -ˈla- is-ˈläm iz- is-ˈlä-mik iz- : the religious faith of Muslims including belief in Allah as the sole deity and in Muhammad as his prophet : the civilization erected upon Islamic faith : the group of modern nations in which Islam is the dominant religion : a religion based on belief in Allah as the only God and in Muhammad the prophet of God Above is meaning for Islam But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun noun jə-ˈraf jə-ˈra-fish jə-ˈraf : a large fleet African ruminant mammal (Giraffa camelopardalis) that is the tallest of living quadrupeds and has a very long neck and a short coat with dark blotches separated by pale lines : camelopardalis : a spotted mammal of Africa with a very long neck that feeds mostly on the leaves of trees and is the tallest of living animals on land


noun noun jə-ˈrā-nē-əm -nyəm jə-ˈrā-nē-əm : any of a widely distributed genus (Geranium of the family Geraniaceae, the geranium family) of plants having regular usually white, pink, or purple flowers with elongated styles and glands that alternate with the petals — called also cranesbill : pelargonium : a vivid or strong red : a plant often grown for its bright flowers


noun noun ka-ˈshā ka-ˈshā : a seal used especially as a mark of official approval : an indication of approval carrying great prestige The president placed his cachet on the project. : a characteristic feature or quality conferring prestige regarded the possession of real estate as a cachet of respectability : prestige being rich ... doesn't have the cachet it used to —Truman Capote : a medicinal preparation for swallowing consisting of a case usually of rice-flour paste enclosing a medicine : a design or inscription on an envelope to commemorate a postal or philatelic event : an advertisement forming part of a postage meter impression : a motto or slogan included in a postal cancellation (see cancellation 3) : a medicinal preparation for swallowing consisting of a case usually of rice-flour paste containing an unpleasant-tasting medicine — called also wafer, wafer capsule


noun noun kyü-ˈvet kyü-ˈvet : a small often transparent laboratory vessel (such as a tube) : a small often transparent laboratory vessel (as a tube)


noun noun käg-ˈni-shən käg-ˈnish-nəl -ˈni-shə-nᵊl käg-ˈnish-ən : cognitive mental processes A concussion impaired the patient's cognition. ; also : a product of these processes : a product of these processes : cognitive mental processes : a conscious intellectual act conflict between cognitions


noun noun kän-ˈkē-stə-ˌdȯr kən- -ˈkwi- -ˈki- (ˌ)kän-ˌkē-stə-ˈdȯr-ēz -ˈdȯr-ˌās kən- (ˌ)kän-ˌkwi- -ˌki- kän-ˈkē-stə-ˌdȯr -ˌkē-stə-ˈdȯr-ēz : one that conquers; specifically : a leader in the Spanish conquest of America and especially of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century : a leader in the Spanish conquest of America and especially of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century : a leader in the Spanish conquest especially of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century


noun noun kär-ˈsi-nə-jən ˈkär-sə-nə-ˌjen ˌkär-sə-nō-ˈje-nik -jə-ˈni-sə-tē kär-ˈsin-ə-jən ˈkärs-ᵊn-ə-ˌjen : a substance or agent causing cancer : a substance or agent causing cancer Above is meaning for carcinogen But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun noun kī-ˈō-tē ˈkī-ˌōt kī-ˈō-tē ˈkī-ˌōt : a buff-gray to reddish-gray swift carnivorous mammal (Canis latrans) of North America that is closely related to but smaller than the wolf, has a narrow pointed muzzle and triangular ears, hunts singly or in small groups, and is known for its various distinctive vocalizations (such as barks, yips, and howls) Note: The coyote is often considered a threat to livestock. Despite being hunted and trapped, the coyote has expanded its original range and is found in all states except Hawaii. : one who smuggles immigrants into the U.S. : a yellowish to reddish gray doglike animal chiefly of western North America that is closely related to but smaller than the wolf


noun noun kō-ˈa-sər-ˌvāt ˌkō-ə-ˈsər-vət (ˌ)kō-ˌa-sər-ˈvā-shən kō-ˈas-ər-ˌvāt (ˌ)kō-ˌas-ər-ˈvā-shən : an aggregate of colloidal droplets held together by electrostatic attractive forces : an aggregate of colloidal droplets held together by electrostatic attractive forces


noun noun kə-ˈdü-sē-əs -ˈdyü- -shəs kə-ˈdü-sē-ˌī -ˈdyü- -shē- kə-ˈd(y)ü-sē-əs, -shəs -sē-ˌī : the symbolic staff of a herald; specifically : a representation of a staff with two entwined snakes and two wings at the top : a representation of a staff with two entwined snakes and two wings at the top : a medical insignia bearing a representation of a staff with two entwined snakes and two wings at the top: : one sometimes used to symbolize a physician but often considered to be an erroneous representation — compare staff of asclepius : the emblem of a medical corps or a department of the armed services (as of the United States Army) : a medical insignia bearing a representation of a staff with two entwined snakes and two wings at the top: : one sometimes used to symbolize a physician but often considered to be an erroneous representation — compare staff of aesculapius : the emblem of a medical corps or a department of the armed services (as of the United States Army)


noun noun kə-ˈläzh kȯ- kō- kə-ˈlä-zhist kȯ- kō- kə-ˈläzh : an artistic composition made of various materials (such as paper, cloth, or wood) glued on a surface cut pictures from magazines to make a collage : a creative work that resembles such a composition in incorporating various materials or elements the album is a collage of several musical styles : the art of making collages an artist known for her use of collage : hodgepodge a collage of ideas : a work (such as a film) having disparate scenes in rapid succession without transitions : a work of art made by gluing pieces of different materials to a flat surface


noun noun kə-ˈmō-(ˌ)nō -nə kə-ˈmō-(ˌ)nōd -nəd kə-ˈmō-nō : a long robe with wide sleeves traditionally worn with a broad sash as an outer garment by the Japanese : a loose dressing gown or jacket : a loose robe with wide sleeves that is traditionally worn with a broad sash as an outer garment by a Japanese person : a loose dressing gown worn chiefly by women


noun noun kə-ˈner-ē kə-ˈner-ē : a Canary Islands usually sweet wine similar to Madeira : a lively 16th century court dance : a small finch (Serinus canarius synonym S. canaria) of the Canary Islands that is usually greenish to yellow and is kept as a cage bird and singer : informer 2 : a small usually yellow songbird often kept in a cage


noun noun kə-ˈri-kyə-ləm kə-ˈri-kyə-lə kə-ˈri-kyə-ləm -lə : the courses offered by an educational institution the high school curriculum : a set of courses constituting an area of specialization the engineering curriculum the biological sciences curriculum the liberal arts curriculum : all the courses of study offered by a school


noun noun kə-ˈrä-tē kə-ˈrä-tē-ist kə-ˈrä-tē : a Japanese art of self-defense employing hand strikes and kicks to disable or subdue an opponent : an art of self-defense developed in Japan in which an attacker is defeated by kicks and punches


noun noun kən-ˈcher-(ˌ)tō -ˈchər- kən-ˈcher-(ˌ)tē -ˈchər- kən-ˈcher-tō : a piece for one or more soloists and orchestra with three contrasting movements a violin concerto : a musical composition usually in three parts for orchestra with one or more principal instruments


noun noun kən-ˈfe-d(ə-)rə-sē kən-ˈfe-də-rə-sē : a league or compact for mutual support or common action : alliance : a combination of persons for unlawful purposes : conspiracy : the body formed by persons, states, or nations united by a league; specifically, capitalized : the 11 southern states seceding from the U.S. in 1860 and 1861 : the 11 southern states seceding from the U.S. in 1860 and 1861 : a league of persons, parties, or states : the eleven southern states that seceded from the United States in 1860 and 1861 to form their own government


noun noun kən-ˈfe-tē kən-ˈfe-tē : small bits or streamers of brightly colored paper made for throwing (as at weddings) : small bits of brightly colored paper made for throwing at celebrations


noun noun kən-ˈtä-tə kən-ˈtä-tə : a composition for one or more voices usually comprising solos, duets, recitatives, and choruses and sung to an instrumental accompaniment : a piece of music that features solos, duets, and choruses with instrumental accompaniment and is sometimes based on a poem, play, or story


noun noun lü-ˈte-nənt le(f)- lü-ˈte-nənt : an official empowered to act for a higher official The king's lieutenant handled the problem. : an aide or representative of another in the performance of duty : assistant Her best lieutenant was working on the proposal. : first lieutenant : second lieutenant : a commissioned officer in the navy or coast guard ranking above a lieutenant junior grade and below a lieutenant commander : a fire or police department officer ranking below a captain : an official who acts for a higher official : first lieutenant : second lieutenant : a commissioned officer in the navy or coast guard ranking above a lieutenant junior grade


noun noun mi-ˈsan(t)-thrə-pē mis-ˈan(t)-thrə-pē : a hatred or distrust of humankind : a hatred or distrust of humankind


noun noun mī-ˈaz-mə mē- -mə-tə -məl ˌmī-əz-ˈma-tik mī-ˈaz-mik mē- -mi-k(ə-)lē mī-ˈaz-mə mē- -mət-ə -məl ˌmī-əz-ˈmat-ik mī-ˈaz-mik mē- : a vaporous exhalation formerly believed to cause disease; also : a heavy vaporous emanation (see emanation 2) or atmosphere a miasma of tobacco smoke : a heavy vaporous emanation (see emanation 2) or atmosphere a miasma of tobacco smoke : an influence or atmosphere that tends to deplete or corrupt freed from the miasma of poverty —Sir Arthur Bryant the enervating miasma of fear —The Times Literary Supplement (London) also : an atmosphere that obscures : fog : an atmosphere that obscures : fog : a vaporous exhalation (as of a marshy region or of putrescent matter) formerly believed to cause disease (as malaria)


noun noun sə-ˈvi-lə-tē sə-ˈvi-lə-tē : training in the humanities : civilized conduct; especially : courtesy, politeness bemoaned the decline of civility in our politics : courtesy, politeness bemoaned the decline of civility in our politics : a polite act or expression lacked the little civilities and hypocrisies of political society —Roy Jenkins The men briefly exchanged civilities before the meeting began. : polite behavior The sparrows showed no kindness or civility to one another ... —Brian Jacques, Redwall : a polite act or thing to say He offered no civilities, not even a hello.


noun noun səm-ˈbrer-(ˌ)ō säm- səm-ˈbrer-ō : an often high-crowned hat of felt or straw with a very wide brim worn especially in the Southwest and Mexico : a tall hat with a very wide brim worn especially in Mexico


noun noun mō-ˈtēf -ˈtē-fik -ˈti- mō-ˈtēf : a usually recurring salient thematic element (as in the arts); especially : a dominant idea or central theme Ms. Cisneros doesn't present too many nice guys here, and the perfidy of men is a motif in several of the stories. —Bebe Moore Campbell : a dominant idea or central theme Ms. Cisneros doesn't present too many nice guys here, and the perfidy of men is a motif in several of the stories. —Bebe Moore Campbell : a single or repeated design or color a decorative motif Animals and flowers as well as trees decorate sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Chinese panels, and each motif had its own meaning. —Nancy Berliner : a distinctive, usually recurrent, molecular sequence (as of amino acids or base pairs) or structural element (as of secondary protein structures) These RNA molecules have an intriguing structural motif, absent in normal RNA, that recognizes an amino acid and chemically binds to it, forming a novel type of RNA enzyme, or ribozyme. —Jessa Netting Only about half these genes have recognizable motifs, or DNA-sequence patterns, that suggest possible functions. —Alan E. Guttmacher and Francis S. Collins : a distinctive usually recurrent molecular sequence (as of amino acids or base pairs) or structural elements (as of secondary protein structures) These RNA molecules have an intriguing structural motif, absent in normal RNA, that recognizes an amino acid and chemically binds to it, forming a novel type of RNA enzyme, or ribozyme. —Jessa Netting, Science News, 7 Apr. 2001 Only about half these genes have recognizable motifs, or DNA-sequence patterns, that suggest possible functions. —Alan E. Guttmacher and Francis S. Collins, The New England Journal of Medicine, 7 Nov. 2002


noun noun pal-ˈme-(ˌ)tō pä- päl- pȯ- pȯl- pal-ˈme-tō : any of several usually low-growing fan-leaved palms; especially : cabbage palmetto : cabbage palmetto : strips of the leaf blade of a palmetto used in weaving : a low-growing palm with leaves shaped like fans


noun noun pen-ˈtath-lən -ˌlän -ˈta-thə- pen-ˈtath-lən -ˌlän : an athletic contest involving participation by each contestant in five different events; especially : modern pentathlon : modern pentathlon : an athletic contest in which each person participates in five different events


noun noun pi-ˈkän -ˈkan ˈpē-ˌkan pi-ˈkän -ˈkan; ˈpē-ˌkan : a large hickory (Carya illinoinensis synonym C. illinoensis) that has roughish bark and hard but brittle wood and is widely grown in the warmer parts of the U.S. and in Mexico for its edible nut : the wood of the pecan tree The hardwood floor was made of pecan. : the smooth oblong thin-shelled nut of the pecan tree bought some pecans to make a pie : an oval edible nut related to the walnut that usually has a thin shell and is the fruit of a tall tree of the central and southern United States


noun noun pi-ˈtün-yə -ˈtyün- pə-ˈtü-nyə -ˈtyü- : any of a genus (Petunia) of tropical South American herbs of the nightshade family that are commonly grown as annuals for their fragrant, colorful, trumpet-shaped flowers : a plant grown for its brightly colored flowers that are shaped like funnels


noun noun pȯin-ˈse-tē-ə pȯint- -ˈse-tə pȯin-ˈse-tē-ə -ˈse-tə : any of several spurges (genus Euphorbia) with flower clusters subtended by showy involucral bracts; especially : a showy Mexican and Central American plant (E. pulcherrima) with tapering usually scarlet bracts that suggest petals and surround small yellow flowers : a showy Mexican and Central American plant (E. pulcherrima) with tapering usually scarlet bracts that suggest petals and surround small yellow flowers : a tropical plant with showy usually red leaves that grow like petals around its small greenish yellow flowers


noun noun pə-ˈprē-kə pa- pə-ˈprē-kə : a usually mild red condiment consisting of the dried finely ground pods of various sweet peppers; also : a sweet pepper used for making paprika : a sweet pepper used for making paprika : a mild red spice made from dried peppers


noun noun pə-ˈri-f(ə-)rē pə-ˈrif-(ə-)rē : the perimeter of a circle or other closed curve; also : the perimeter of a polygon : the perimeter of a polygon : the external boundary or surface of a body : the outward bounds of something as distinguished from its internal regions or center : confines : an area lying beyond the strict limits of a thing : the outward bounds of something as distinguished from its internal regions or center : the regions (as the sense organs, the muscles, or the viscera) in which nerves terminate


noun noun pə-ˈsta-sh(ē-ˌ)ō -ˈstä- pə-ˈsta-shē-ˌō : a small Asian tree (Pistacia vera) of the cashew family whose drupaceous fruit contains a greenish edible seed; also : its seed : its seed : the greenish edible seed of a small Asian tree


noun noun ri-ˈgä-tə -ˈga- ri-ˈgä-tə -ˈga- : a rowing, speedboat, or sailing race or a series of such races : a race or a series of races between sailboats, speedboats, or rowing boats


noun noun rü-ˈpē ˈrü-ˌpē rü-ˈpē the basic monetary unit of India, Mauritius, Nepal, Pakistan, Seychelles, and Sri Lanka — see Money Table : any of various coins (as of India or Pakistan)


noun noun rī-ˈnäs-rəs rə- -ˈnä-sə- rī-ˈnä-sə-ˌrī rə- rī-ˈnä-sə-rəs : any of a family (Rhinocerotidae) of large heavyset herbivorous perissodactyl mammals of Africa and Asia that have one or two upright keratinous horns on the snout and thick gray to brown skin with little hair : a large plant-eating mammal of Africa and Asia with short legs, thick gray to brown skin with little hair, and one or two heavy upright horns on the snout


noun noun sha-ˈtō -ˈtōz -ˈtō(z) sha-ˈtō -ˈtōz -ˈtō -ˈtōz : a feudal castle or fortress in France : a large country house : mansion : a French vineyard estate : a castle or a large house especially in France


noun noun spə-ˈge-tē spə-ˈge-tē-ˌlīk spə-ˈge-tē : pasta made in thin solid strings : insulating tubing typically of varnished cloth or of plastic for covering bare wire or holding insulated wires together : pasta made in the shape of long thin strings


noun noun sə-ˈfär-ē -ˈfa-rē sə-ˈfär-ē : the caravan and equipment of a hunting expedition especially in eastern Africa; also : such a hunting expedition : such a hunting expedition : journey, expedition an arctic safari : a trip to see or hunt animals especially in Africa


noun noun sə-ˈlä-mē sə-ˈlä-mē : a highly seasoned sausage of pork and beef either dried or fresh : a large spicy sausage of pork and beef that is usually eaten cold


noun noun sər-ˈvā-lən(t)s -ˈvāl-yən(t)s -ˈvā-ən(t)s sər-ˈvā-lən(t)s also -ˈvāl-yən(t)s or -ˈvā-ən(t)s : close watch kept over someone or something (as by a detective); also : supervision : supervision : close and continuous observation or testing serological surveillance — see immunological surveillance


noun noun thi-ˈsȯr-əs thi-ˈsȯr-ˌī -ˌē thi-ˈsȯr-ə-səz thi-ˈsȯr-əl thi-ˈsȯr-əs -ˈsȯr-ˌī -ˌē -ˈsȯr-ə-səz : a book of words or of information about a particular field or set of concepts; especially : a book of words and their synonyms : a book of words and their synonyms : a list of subject headings or descriptors usually with a cross-reference system for use in the organization of a collection of documents for reference and retrieval : treasury, storehouse : a book of words and their synonyms


noun noun tī-ˈfün tī-ˈfün : a hurricane occurring especially in the region of the Philippines or the China sea : whirlwind 2a a typhoon of activity : a tropical cyclone in the region of the Philippines or the China Sea


noun noun tī-ˈkün tī-ˈkün : a businessperson of exceptional wealth, power, and influence : magnate : a top leader (as in politics) : shogun : a very powerful and wealthy business person


noun noun tī-ˈtrā-shən tī-ˈtrā-shən : a method or process of determining the concentration of a dissolved substance in terms of the smallest amount of reagent of known concentration required to bring about a given effect in reaction with a known volume of the test solution : a method or the process of determining the concentration of a dissolved substance in terms of the smallest amount of a reagent of known concentration required to bring about a given effect in reaction with a known volume of the test solution; especially : the analytical process of successively adding from a burette measured amounts of a reagent to a known volume of a sample in solution or a known weight of a sample until a desired end point (as a color change) is reached : the analytical process of successively adding from a burette measured amounts of a reagent to a known volume of a sample in solution or a known weight of a sample until a desired end point (as a color change) is reached


noun noun tȯr-ˈnā-(ˌ)dō tȯr-ˈnā-dō : a violent destructive whirling wind accompanied by a funnel-shaped cloud that progresses in a narrow path over the land : a squall accompanying a thunderstorm in Africa : a violent windstorm : whirlwind : a tropical thunderstorm : a violent whirling wind accompanied by a cloud that is shaped like a funnel and moves overland in a narrow path


noun noun tȯr-ˈtē-yə tȯr-ˈtē-ə : a thin round of unleavened cornmeal or wheat flour bread usually eaten hot with a topping or filling (as of ground meat or cheese) : a round flat bread made of corn or wheat flour and usually eaten hot with a filling


noun noun tə-ˈmā-(ˌ)tō -ˈmä- -ˈma- tə-ˈmā-tō -ˈmä- : the usually large, rounded, edible, pulpy berry of an herb (genus Solanum) of the nightshade family native to South America that is typically red but may be yellow, orange, green, or purplish in color and is eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable : a plant that produces tomatoes; especially : any of various varieties of a tender perennial (Solanum lycopersicum synonym Lycopersicon esculentum) widely cultivated as an annual : any of various varieties of a tender perennial (Solanum lycopersicum synonym Lycopersicon esculentum) widely cultivated as an annual : the usually red juicy fruit of a plant related to the potato that is eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable


noun noun tə-ˈpä-grə-fē tə-ˈpäg-rə-fē : the art or practice of graphic delineation in detail usually on maps or charts of natural and man-made features of a place or region especially in a way to show their relative positions and elevations : topographical surveying : the configuration of a surface including its relief and the position of its natural and man-made features : the physical or natural features of an object or entity and their structural relationships the topography of human chromosomes the political topography of our time : the physical or natural features of an object or entity and their structural relationships the topography of the abdomen the topography (size and fluorescent staining intensity) of human chromosomes —Science News : regional anatomy


noun noun zu̇-ˈkē-nē zu̇-ˈkē-nē : a smooth usually cylindrical dark green summer squash; also : a plant that bears zucchini : a plant that bears zucchini : a smooth cylinder-shaped green-skinned vegetable that is a type of squash


noun noun äk-ˈsi-mə-tər äk-ˈsi-mə-trē äk-ˈsim-ət-ər ˌäk-sə-ˈme-trik : an instrument for measuring continuously the degree of oxygen saturation of the circulating blood : an instrument for measuring continuously the degree of oxygen saturation of the circulating blood


noun noun ī-ˈō-tə ē-ˈō-tə ī-ˈō-tə : the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet — see Alphabet Table : an infinitesimal amount : jot did not show an iota of interest : a tiny amount I don't care an iota.


noun noun ō-ˈkä-pē ō-ˈkä-pē : an African ungulate mammal (Okapia johnstoni) that is closely related to the giraffe but has a relatively short neck, a coat typically of solid reddish chestnut on the trunk, yellowish white on the cheeks, and purplish-black and cream rings on the upper parts of the legs : an animal of the African forests related to the giraffe


noun noun ə-ˈdō-bē -ˌlīk ə-ˈdō-bē : a brick or building material of sun-dried earth and straw : a structure made of adobe bricks : a heavy clay used in making adobe bricks; broadly : alluvial or playa clay in desert or arid regions : alluvial or playa clay in desert or arid regions : brick made of earth or clay dried in the sun : a building made of adobe


noun noun ə-ˈka-də-mē ə-ˈka-də-mē : a school usually above the elementary level; especially : a private high school : a private high school : a high school or college in which special subjects or skills are taught : higher education —used with the the functions of the academy in modern society : the school for advanced education founded by Plato : the philosophical doctrines associated with Plato's Academy : a society of learned persons organized to advance art, science, or literature : a body of established opinion widely accepted as authoritative in a particular field : a private high school : a high school or college where special subjects are taught a military academy : an organization which supports art, science, or literature


noun noun ə-ˈmal-gəm ə-ˈmal-gəm : a mixture of different elements an amalgam of musical forms The crowd was an amalgam of young and old. : an alloy of mercury with another metal that is solid or liquid at room temperature according to the proportion of mercury present and is used especially in making tooth cements Dentists have used silver-colored mercury amalgam (mercury mixed, about 50/50, with a combination of silver, tin, copper and other metals) to fill cavities for at least 150 years. —Jennifer Huget : an alloy of mercury with another metal that is solid or liquid at room temperature according to the proportion of mercury present and is used especially in making tooth cements


noun noun ə-ˈsa-sᵊn ə-ˈsa-ˌsᵊn : a member of a Shia Muslim sect who at the time of the Crusades was sent out on a suicidal mission to murder prominent enemies : a person who commits murder; especially : one who murders a politically important person either for money or from fanatical adherence to a cause : one who murders a politically important person either for money or from fanatical adherence to a cause : someone who kills another person usually for pay or from loyalty to a cause


noun noun ˈa-bə-kəs ə-ˈba- ˈa-bə-ˌsī -ˌkē ə-ˈba-ˌkī ˈa-bə-kəs ˈa-bə-ˌsī : an instrument for performing calculations by sliding counters along rods or in grooves : a slab that forms the uppermost member or division of the capital of a column : an instrument for doing arithmetic by sliding counters along rods or in grooves


noun noun ˈad-m(ə-)rəl ˈad-mə-rəl -mrəl : the commander in chief of a navy : flag officer : a commissioned officer in the navy or coast guard who ranks above a vice admiral and whose insignia is four stars — compare general : flagship : any of several brightly colored nymphalid butterflies — compare red admiral : a commissioned officer in the navy or coast guard ranking above a vice admiral


noun noun ˈak-mē ˈak-mē : the highest point or stage the acme of his fame ; also : something or someone that represents perfection of the thing expressed a system that is the acme of efficiency : something or someone that represents perfection of the thing expressed a system that is the acme of efficiency : the highest or most critical point or stage (as of growth or development)


noun noun ˈal-bə-ˌtrȯs -ˌträs ˈal-bə-ˌtrȯs : any of a family (Diomedeidae) of large web-footed seabirds that have long slender wings, are excellent gliders, and include the largest seabirds : something that causes persistent deep concern or anxiety : something that greatly hinders accomplishment : encumbrance Fame has become an albatross that prevents her from leading a normal life. : a score of three under par made on a hole : double eagle The first play-off at Augusta followed the most famous single stroke in Masters history, Sarazen's albatross, or double eagle as the Americans prefer to describe such accidents of fortune, at the 15th. —P. A. Ward-Thomas : a very large seabird with webbed feet


noun noun ˈal-jə-brə -ˌbrā-ist ˈal-jə-brə : a generalization of arithmetic in which letters representing numbers are combined according to the rules of arithmetic : any of various systems or branches of mathematics or logic concerned with the properties and relationships of abstract entities (such as complex numbers, matrices, sets, vectors, groups, rings, or fields) manipulated in symbolic form under operations often analogous to those of arithmetic — compare boolean algebra : a branch of mathematics in which symbols (as letters and numbers) are combined according to the rules of arithmetic


noun noun ˈbal-kə-nē -nēd ˈbal-kə-nē : a platform that projects from the wall of a building and is enclosed by a parapet or railing : an interior projecting gallery in a public building (such as a theater) : a platform enclosed by a low wall or a railing built out from the side of a building : a platform inside a theater extending out over part of the main floor


noun noun ˈban-dət ban-ˈdi-tē ˈban-də-trē ˈban-dət : an outlaw who lives by plunder; especially : a member of a band of marauders : a member of a band of marauders : robber : an enemy plane : a criminal who attacks and steals from travelers and is often a member of a group


noun noun ˈbe-nə-ˌfak-tər ˈbe-nə-ˌfak-tər : someone or something that provides help or an advantage : one that confers a benefit a benefactor of humankind ; especially : a person who makes a gift or bequest His endowments ... placed him high among the benefactors of the convent. —Jane Austen a wealthy benefactor : a person who makes a gift or bequest His endowments ... placed him high among the benefactors of the convent. —Jane Austen a wealthy benefactor : someone who helps another especially by giving money


noun noun ˈbu̇-lə-ˌvärd ˈbü- ˈbə- ˈbu̇-lə-ˌvärd : a broad often landscaped thoroughfare : a wide usually major street often having strips with trees, grass, or flowers planted along its center or sides


noun noun ˈbu̇k-ˌkē-pər -piŋ ˈbu̇k-ˌkē-pər : a person who records the accounts or transactions of a business : a person who keeps financial records for a business Above is meaning for bookkeeper But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun noun ˈbā-gəl ˈbā-gəl : a firm doughnut-shaped roll traditionally made by boiling and then baking : a set (see 2set 15) in which one player or team wins every game They were never in danger of losing, taking a 5-1 lead in the first set and registering a bagel in the second. —Mike McGovern : a bread roll shaped like a ring


noun noun ˈbē-ˌzȯr ˈbē-ˌzō(ə)r, -ˌzȯ(ə)r : any of various calculi found chiefly in the gastrointestinal organs and formerly believed to possess magical properties — called also bezoar stone : any of various calculi found in the gastrointestinal organs especially of ruminants — called also bezoar stone


noun noun ˈbək-ˌhwēt -ˌwēt ˈbək-ˌhwēt -ˌwēt : any of a genus (Fagopyrum of the family Polygonaceae, the buckwheat family) of Eurasian herbs with alternate leaves, clusters of apetalous pinkish-white flowers, and triangular seeds; especially : either of two plants (F. esculentum and F. tartaricum) cultivated for their edible seeds : either of two plants (F. esculentum and F. tartaricum) cultivated for their edible seeds : the seed of a buckwheat used as a cereal grain : a plant with pinkish white flowers that is grown for its dark triangular seeds which are used as a cereal grain


noun noun ˈbər-(ˌ)ō ˈbə-(ˌ)rō ˈbər-ō : a medieval fortified group of houses forming a town with special duties and privileges : a town or urban constituency in Great Britain that sends a member to Parliament : an urban area in Great Britain incorporated for purposes of self-government : a municipal corporation proper in some states (such as New Jersey and Minnesota) corresponding to the incorporated town or village of the other states : one of the five constituent political divisions of New York City : a civil division of the state of Alaska corresponding to a county in most other states : a town, village, or part of a large city that has its own government : one of the five political divisions of New York City


noun noun ˈbəŋ-gə-ˌlō ˈbəŋ-gə-ˌlō : a one-storied house with a low-pitched roof; also : a house having one and a half stories and usually a front porch : a house having one and a half stories and usually a front porch : a house with a main level and a smaller second level above


noun noun ˈcha-sē ˈsha-sē ˈcha-səs -sēz ˈcha-sē ˈsha- -sēz : the supporting frame of a structure (such as an automobile or television) Leaf springs are attached to the car's chassis. ; also : the frame and working parts (as of an automobile or electronic device) exclusive of the body or housing : the frame and working parts (as of an automobile or electronic device) exclusive of the body or housing : the supporting frame of a structure (as an automobile or television)


noun noun ˈchä-k(ə-)lət ˈchȯ- ˈchä-kə-lət ˈchä-klət ˈchȯ- : a beverage made by mixing chocolate with water or milk The boy stirred the chocolate before drinking it. : a food prepared from ground roasted cacao beans The cake recipe calls for four squares of chocolate. : a small candy with a center (such as a fondant) and a chocolate coating gave her a box of chocolates : a brownish gray The bird's plumage was a shade of chocolate. : a food prepared from ground roasted cacao beans : a candy made or coated with chocolate : a beverage of chocolate in water or milk ... he ordered ... a pot of coffee and another of chocolate. —Esther Forbes, Johnny Tremain


noun noun ˈda-fə-ˌdil ˈda-fə-ˌdil : any of various perennial bulbous herbs (genus Narcissus) of the amaryllis family; especially : one whose flowers have a large corona elongated into a trumpet — compare jonquil, narcissus : one whose flowers have a large corona elongated into a trumpet — compare jonquil, narcissus : a plant that grows from a bulb and has long slender leaves and usually yellow or white flowers with petals whose inner parts are arranged to form a trumpet-shaped tube


noun noun ˈdal-yə ˈdäl- ˈdāl- ˈdal-yə ˈdäl- : any of a genus (Dahlia) of American tuberous-rooted composite herbs having opposite pinnate leaves and rayed flower heads and including many that are cultivated as ornamentals : a plant related to the daisies and grown for its brightly colored flowers


noun noun ˈde-nəm -nəmd ˈde-nəm : a firm durable twilled usually cotton fabric woven with colored warp and white filling threads : a similar fabric woven in colored stripes : overalls or trousers usually of blue denim : a firm often coarse cotton cloth : overalls or pants of usually blue denim


noun noun ˈde-swi-ˌtüd -ˌtyüd di-ˈsü-ə- -ˈsyü- ˈde-swi-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd; di-ˈsü-ə-ˌtüd : discontinuance from use or exercise : disuse : a doctrine holding that a statute may be abrogated because of its long disuse


noun noun ˈden-chər ˈden-chər : a set of teeth : an artificial replacement for one or more teeth; especially : a set of false teeth : a set of false teeth : a set of teeth : an artificial replacement for one or more teeth; especially : a set of false teeth — called also dental plate : a set of false teeth — called also dental plate


noun noun ˈder-ē ˈder-ē : a room, building, or establishment where milk is kept and butter or cheese is made : the department of farming or of a farm that is concerned with the production of milk, butter, and cheese : a farm devoted to such production : an establishment for the sale or distribution chiefly of milk and milk products : milk from a cow or other domestic animal (such as a goat); also : food (such as ice cream, cheese, or yogurt) made primarily of or from milk : food (such as ice cream, cheese, or yogurt) made primarily of or from milk : a place where milk is stored or is made into butter and cheese : a farm that produces milk : a company or a store that sells milk products


noun noun ˈdif-ˌthȯŋ ˈdip- dif-ˈthȯŋ-(g)əl dip- ˈdif-ˌthȯŋ ˈdip- : a gliding (see 1glide 4) monosyllabic speech sound (such as the vowel combination at the end of toy) that starts at or near the articulatory position for one vowel and moves to or toward the position of another : digraph : the ligature (see ligature 4) æ or œ : two vowel sounds joined in one syllable to form one speech sound The sounds of "ou" in "out" and of "oy" in "boy" are diphthongs.


noun noun ˈdäks-ˌhu̇nt -ˌhu̇nd ˈdäk-sənt ˈdak-sənd ˈdäks-ˌhu̇nt ˈdäk-sənt : any of a breed of long-bodied, short-legged dogs of German origin that occur in short-haired, long-haired, and wirehaired varieties : a small dog of German origin with a long body, short legs, and long drooping ears


noun noun ˈdā-əs ˈdī- ˈdā-əs : a raised platform (as in a hall or large room) Mounting the dais which had been set up for his use, he swirled the sinister cloak about him and sat down in the Abbot's chair. —Brian Jacques : a raised platform (as in a hall or large room) The guest speaker stood on the dais.


noun noun ˈdē-kən ˈdē-kən : a subordinate officer in a Christian church: such as : a Roman Catholic, Anglican, or Eastern Orthodox cleric ranking next below a priest : one of the laymen elected by a church with congregational polity to serve in worship, in pastoral care, and on administrative committees : a Mormon in the lowest grade of the Aaronic priesthood : an official in some Christian churches ranking just below a priest : a church member in some Christian churches who has special duties


noun noun ˈdī-(ə-)rē ˈdī-ə-rē ˈdī-rē : a record of events, transactions, or observations kept daily or at frequent intervals : journal; especially : a daily record of personal activities, reflections, or feelings : a daily record of personal activities, reflections, or feelings : a book intended or used for a diary : a daily written record especially of personal experiences and thoughts : a book for keeping a record of experiences and thoughts


noun noun ˈdȯg-mə ˈdäg- -mə-tə ˈdȯg-mə : something held as an established opinion; especially : a definite authoritative tenet : a definite authoritative tenet : a code of such tenets pedagogical dogma : a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds : a doctrine or body of doctrines concerning faith or morals formally stated and authoritatively proclaimed by a church : something firmly believed She repeated medical dogma against eating sugar. : a belief or set of beliefs taught by a church


noun noun ˈdərth ˈdərth : scarcity that makes dear; specifically : famine : famine : an inadequate supply : lack a dearth of evidence : scarcity, lack There was a dearth of news.


noun noun ˈe-pə-ˌnim ˌe-pə-ˈni-mik ˈep-ə-ˌnim : one for whom or which something is or is believed to be named : a name (as of a drug or a disease) based on or derived from an eponym : the person for whom something (as a disease) is or is believed to be named : a name (as of a drug or a disease) based on or derived from the name of a person


noun noun ˈe-ti-kət -ˌket ˈe-ti-kət -ˌket : the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life : the rules governing the proper way to behave or to do something


noun noun ˈek-sə-jən(t)-sē ig-ˈzi-jən(t)- ˈek-sə-jən-sē, ik-ˈsi-jən-sē : that which is required in a particular situation —usually used in plural exceptionally quick in responding to the exigencies of modern warfare —D. B. Ottaway : the quality or state of being exigent : a state of affairs that makes urgent demands a leader must act in any sudden exigency : that which is required in a particular situation —usually used in pl. : the quality or state of being exigent : a state of affairs that makes urgent demands Above is meaning for exigency But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun noun ˈek-tə-ˌthərm ˌek-tə-ˈthər-mik ˈek-tə-ˌthərm ˌek-tə-ˈthər-mik : a cold-blooded animal : poikilotherm : a cold-blooded animal : poikilotherm Above is meaning for ectotherm But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun noun ˈer-ənd ˈe-rənd ˈer-ənd : an oral message entrusted to a person : embassy, mission : a short trip taken to attend to some business often for another was on an errand for his mother : the object or purpose of such a trip : a short trip made to do or get something : the purpose of a short trip My errand was to get milk.


noun noun ˈfe-nᵊl ˈfen-ᵊl : a perennial Eurasian herb (Foeniculum vulgare) that has clusters of small yellow flowers and aromatic leaves and seeds and includes several cultivated forms: such as : one (F. vulgare dulce) grown especially for its edible leaves and seeds that are used as a seasoning : florence fennel : the edible parts (such as the seeds and leaves) of fennel : a perennial European herb (Foeniculum vulgare) of the carrot family (Umbelliferae) introduced into North America and cultivated for its aromatic seeds and its foliage


noun noun ˈfel(d)-shər ˈfel(d)-shər : a medical or surgical practitioner without full professional qualifications or status in some east European countries and especially Russia : a medical or surgical practitioner without full professional qualifications or status in some east European countries and especially Russia


noun noun ˈfyu̇r-ˌəŋ-kəl ˈfyu̇(ə)r-ˌəŋ-kəl fyu̇-ˈrəŋ-kyə-lər -ləs : 2boil : boil


noun noun ˈfyü-sə-ˌläzh -zə- ˈfyü-sə-ˌläzh -zə- : the central body portion of an aircraft designed to accommodate the crew and the passengers or cargo — see airplane illustration : the part of an airplane that holds the crew, passengers, and cargo


noun noun ˈfēnd ˈfēnd ˈfēn-dish : devil 1 : demon : a person of great wickedness or maliciousness : a person extremely devoted to a pursuit or study : fanatic a golf fiend : addict 1 a dope fiend : wizard 3 a fiend at mathematics : demon 1, devil : a very wicked or cruel person : 2fanatic a golf fiend


noun noun ˈfȯi(-ə)r ˈfȯi-ˌ(y)ā ˈfwä-ˌyā ˈfȯi-ər ˈfȯi-ˌā : an anteroom or lobby especially of a theater; also : an entrance hallway : vestibule : an entrance hallway : vestibule : a lobby especially in a theater : an entrance hall


noun noun ˈfər-ˌlȯŋ ˈfər-ˌlȯŋ : a unit of distance equal to 220 yards (about 201 meters) : a unit of length equal to 220 yards (about 201 meters)


noun noun ˈge-(ˌ)kō ˈge-ˌkō : any of numerous small chiefly tropical and nocturnal insectivorous lizards (family Gekkonidae) : a small tropical lizard that eats insects and is usually active at night


noun noun ˈglä-kən-ˌspēl -ˌshpēl ˈglä-kən-ˌspēl : a percussion instrument consisting of a series of graduated metal bars tuned to the chromatic scale and played with two hammers : a portable musical instrument with a series of metal bars played with hammers


noun noun ˈgrä-(ˌ)tō ˈgrä-tō : cave : an artificial recess or structure made to resemble a natural cave : 1cave, cavern : an artificial structure like a cave


noun noun ˈgrā-dē-ənt ˈgrād-ē-ənt : the rate of regular or graded (see 2grade transitive 2) ascent or descent : inclination : a part sloping upward or downward : change in the value of a quantity (such as temperature, pressure, or concentration) with change in a given variable and especially per unit distance in a specified direction : the vector sum of the partial derivatives with respect to the three coordinate variables x, y, and z of a scalar quantity whose value varies from point to point : a graded difference in physiological activity along an axis (as of the body or an embryonic field) : change in the value of a quantity (as temperature, pressure, or concentration) with change in a given variable and especially per unit on a linear scale : a graded difference in physiological activity along an axis (as of the body or an embryonic field) : change in response with distance from the stimulus


noun noun ˈkyü-pəd ˈkyü-pəd : the Roman god of erotic love — compare eros : a figure that represents Cupid as a naked usually winged boy often holding a bow and arrow : the god of love in ancient Roman mythology : a picture or statue of a naked child with wings holding a bow and arrow and symbolizing love


noun noun ˈgül ˈgü-lish ˈgül : a legendary evil being that robs graves and feeds on corpses : one suggestive of a ghoul; especially : one who shows morbid interest in things considered shocking or repulsive : one who shows morbid interest in things considered shocking or repulsive : an evil being of legend that robs graves and feeds on dead bodies : someone whose activities suggest those of a ghoul : an evil or frightening person


noun noun ˈha-sək ˈha-sək : tussock : a cushion for kneeling a church hassock : a padded cushion or low stool that serves as a seat or leg rest : a firm stuffed cushion used as a seat or leg rest


noun noun ˈha-vər-ˌsak ˈha-vər-ˌsak : a bag similar to a knapsack but worn over one shoulder : a bag worn over one shoulder for carrying supplies


noun noun ˈhe-fər ˈhe-fər : a young cow; especially : one that has not had a calf : one that has not had a calf : a young cow


noun noun ˈhin-tər-ˌland -lənd ˈhin-tər-ˌland : a region lying inland from a coast : a region remote from urban areas : a region lying beyond major metropolitan or cultural centers : a region far from cities


noun noun ˈhä-mə-nē ˈhä-mə-nē : kernels of corn that have been soaked in a caustic solution (as of lye) and then washed to remove the hulls : kernels of corn that have the outer covering removed by processing and that are eaten cooked as a cereal or vegetable


noun noun ˈhä-mə-ˌnim ˈhō- ˌhä-mə-ˈni-mik ˌhō- ˈhä-mə-ˌnim ˈhō-mə- : homophone the homonyms there and their : homograph The words lead, as in the metal, and lead, as in the verb, are homonyms. : one of two or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning (such as the noun quail and the verb quail) : namesake : a taxonomic designation rejected as invalid because the identical term has been used to designate another group of the same rank — compare synonym : homophone : homograph : one of two or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning The noun "bear" and the verb "bear" are homonyms.


noun noun ˈhärp-si-ˌkȯrd ˈhärp-si-ˌkȯr-dist ˈhärp-si-ˌkȯrd : a stringed instrument resembling a grand piano but usually having two keyboards and two or more strings for each note and producing tones by the plucking of strings with plectra : a keyboard instrument similar to a piano with strings that are plucked


noun noun ˈhärth ˈhärth : a brick, stone, or concrete area in front of a fireplace : the floor of a fireplace; also : fireplace : fireplace : the lowest section of a furnace; especially : the section of a furnace on which the ore or metal is exposed to the flame or heat : the section of a furnace on which the ore or metal is exposed to the flame or heat : home longed for the comforts of hearth and home : a vital or creative center the central hearth of occidental civilization —A. L. Kroeber : an area (as of brick) in front of a fireplace : the floor of a fireplace


noun noun ˈhē-də-ˌni-zəm ˈhē-də-nist ˌhē-də-ˈni-stik ˌhē-də-ˈni-sti-k(ə-)lē ˈhēd-ᵊn-ˌiz-əm -ᵊn-əst ˌhēd-ᵊn-ˈis-tik -ti-k(ə-)lē : the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life : a way of life based on or suggesting the principles of hedonism she was a perfect specimen of selfish hedonism —Donald Armstrong : the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life


noun noun ˈhī-(ˌ)kü ˈhī-ˌkü : an unrhymed verse form of Japanese origin having three lines containing usually five, seven, and five syllables respectively; also : a poem in this form usually having a seasonal reference — compare tanka : a poem in this form usually having a seasonal reference — compare tanka : a Japanese poem or form of poetry without rhyme having three lines with the first and last lines having five syllables and the middle having seven


noun noun ˈhō-ˌgän ˈhō-ˌgän : a Navajo Indian dwelling usually made of logs and mud with a door traditionally facing east : a Navajo Indian dwelling made of logs and mud with a door traditionally facing east


noun noun ˈhōl-stər ˈhōl-stər : a leather or fabric case for carrying a firearm on the person (as on the hip or chest), on a saddle, or in a vehicle; broadly : a case for carrying a usually small item on the person a knife holster a heart monitor carried in a hip holster : a case for carrying a usually small item on the person a knife holster a heart monitor carried in a hip holster : a usually leather case in which a pistol is carried or worn


noun noun ˈhȯ-ˌthȯrn ˈhȯ-ˌthȯrn : any of a genus (Crataegus) of spring-flowering spiny shrubs or small trees of the rose family with glossy and often lobed leaves, white or pink fragrant flowers, and small red fruits : a thorny shrub or small tree with shiny leaves, white, pink, or red flowers, and small red fruits


noun noun ˈi-dē-əm ˈi-dē-əm : the language peculiar to a people or to a district, community, or class : dialect : the syntactical, grammatical, or structural form peculiar to a language : an expression in the usage of a language that is peculiar to itself either grammatically (such as no, it wasn't me) or in having a meaning that cannot be derived from the conjoined meanings of its elements (such as ride herd on for "supervise") : a style or form of artistic expression that is characteristic of an individual, a period or movement, or a medium or instrument the modern jazz idiom ; broadly : manner, style a new culinary idiom : manner, style a new culinary idiom : an expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its separate words but must be learned as a whole The expression "give up," meaning "surrender," is an idiom.


noun noun ˈim-ˌpas im-ˈpas ˈim-ˌpas, im-ˈpas : a predicament affording no obvious escape : deadlock : an impassable road or way : cul-de-sac : a point in especially labor negotiations at which reaching an agreement is impossible because neither party is willing to compromise or change position


noun noun ˈja-kəl -ˌkȯl ˈja-kəl : any of several small omnivorous canids (such as Canis aureus) of Africa and Asia having large ears, long legs, and bushy tails : a person who performs routine or menial tasks for another : a person who serves or collaborates with another especially in the commission of base acts : a wild dog of Africa and Asia like but smaller than a wolf


noun noun ˈjin-ˌseŋ -ˌsiŋ ˈjin-ˌseŋ -ˌsaŋ -(ˌ)siŋ : a Chinese perennial herb (Panax ginseng synonym P. schinseng of the family Araliaceae, the ginseng family) having five leaflets on each leaf, scarlet berries, and an aromatic root used in herbal medicine especially in eastern Asia : any of several plants related to ginseng; especially : a North American herb (P. quinquefolius) : a North American herb (P. quinquefolius) : the root of a ginseng : a Chinese perennial herb (Panax ginseng synonym P. schinseng of the family Araliaceae, the ginseng family) having 5-foliolate leaves, scarlet berries, and an aromatic root valued especially locally as a medicine : any of several plants (especially genus Panax) related to or used as substitutes for the Chinese ginseng; especially : a North American woodland herb (P. quinquefolius) : a North American woodland herb (P. quinquefolius) : the aromatic root of a ginseng that is used in herbal medicine especially in eastern Asia


noun noun ˈjü-(ˌ)dō -ˌō-ist ˈjü-dō : a sport developed from jujitsu that emphasizes the use of quick movement and leverage to throw an opponent : a sport developed in Japan in which opponents try to throw or pin each other to the ground


noun noun ˈka-(ˌ)shü kə-ˈshü ˈka-shü : a tropical American tree (Anacardium occidentale of the family Anacardiaceae, the cashew family) grown for a phenolic oil and the edible kernel of its nut and for a gum from its stem; also : cashew nut : cashew nut : a curved edible nut that comes from a tropical American tree


noun noun ˈka-shə ˈkash-ə, esp 2 ˈkas-ē-ə : the dried, aromatic bark of several tropical trees (genus Cinnamomum) that yields a reddish brown to dark brown spice sold as and used similarly to true cinnamon but having a usually stronger, more spicy character; also : the powdered spice produced from cassia bark — see indonesian cinnamon : the powdered spice produced from cassia bark — see indonesian cinnamon : any of a genus (Cassia) of leguminous herbs, shrubs, and trees of warm regions : senna : the dried, aromatic bark of several tropical trees of the genus Cinnamomum (such as Chinese cinnamon) that yields a reddish brown to dark brown spice sold as and used similarly to true cinnamon but having a usually stronger, more spicy character; also : the powdered spice produced from cassia bark : the powdered spice produced from cassia bark : a genus of leguminous herbs, shrubs, and trees that are native to warm regions and have pinnate leaves and nearly regular flowers — see senna : cassia fistula


noun noun ˈka-sə-ˌrōl ˈka-zə- ˈka-sə-ˌrōl : a dish in which food may be baked and served : food cooked and served in a casserole : a deep round usually porcelain dish with a handle used for heating substances in the laboratory : a mix of food baked and served in a deep dish : a deep dish in which food can be baked and served


noun noun ˈka-vəl-rē ˈkal-və-rē ˈka-vəl-rē : an army component mounted on horseback : an army component moving in motor vehicles or helicopters and assigned to combat missions that require great mobility : horsemen a thousand cavalry in flight : a unit of troops mounted on horseback or moving in motor vehicles


noun noun ˈkan-də-ˌdāt ˈka-nə- -dət ˈkan-də-ˌdāt : one that aspires to or is nominated or qualified for an office, membership, or award a candidate for governor a candidate for "Manager of the Year" the best candidate for the job : one likely or suited to undergo or be chosen for something specified a candidate for surgery : a student in the process of meeting final requirements for a degree a PhD candidate : a person who is trying to be elected a presidential candidate : a person who is being considered for a position or honor a job candidate


noun noun ˈker-ə-ˌbü ˈka-rə- ˈker-ə-ˌbü : a large gregarious deer (Rangifer tarandus) of Holarctic taiga and tundra that usually has palmate antlers in both sexes —used especially for one of the New World — called also reindeer : a large deer of northern and arctic regions that has antlers in both the male and female


noun noun ˈkith ˈkith : familiar friends, neighbors, or relatives kith and kin : familiar friends and neighbors or relatives We invited our kith and kin.


noun noun ˈkresh ˈkrāsh ˈkresh, ˈkrāsh : a representation of the Nativity (see nativity 1) scene : day nursery : a foundling hospital : a group of young animals (such as penguins or bats) gathered in one place for care and protection usually by one or more adults : day nursery : a foundling hospital Above is meaning for crèche But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun noun ˈkrü-zər ˈkrü-zər : a vehicle that cruises: such as : squad car : a powerboat with facilities (such as a cabin and plumbing) necessary for living aboard — called also cabin cruiser : beach cruiser ... bikes don't come much more basic than cruisers. —Ron Koch : a large fast moderately armored and gunned warship : a person who cruises : a police car used for patrolling streets and equipped with radio for communicating with headquarters : a warship that is smaller than a battleship : a motorboat equipped for living aboard


noun noun ˈku̇d-(ˌ)zü ˈkəd- ˈku̇d-zü : a fast-growing Asian vine (Pueraria lobata) of the legume family that is used for forage and erosion control and is often a serious weed in the southeastern U.S. : a fast-growing Asian vine that is grown for hay and to control erosion and is often a serious weed in the southeastern United States


noun noun ˈku̇r-ē-ər ˈkər-ē- ˈkə-rē- ˈku̇r-ē-ər ˈkər- : messenger: such as : a member of a diplomatic (see diplomatic 2) service entrusted with bearing messages : an espionage agent transferring secret information : a runner of contraband (see contraband 2) drug couriers : a member of the armed services whose duties include carrying mail, information, or supplies : a traveler's paid attendant; especially : a tourists' guide employed by a travel agency : a tourists' guide employed by a travel agency : messenger


noun noun ˈkwä-drə-ˌseps ˈkwäd-rə-ˌseps : the greater extensor muscle of the front of the thigh that is divided into four parts : a large extensor muscle of the front of the thigh divided above into four parts which include the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, and vastus medialis, and which unite in a single tendon to enclose the patella as a sesamoid bone at the knee and insert as the patellar tendon into the tuberosity of the tibia — called also quadriceps femoris, quadriceps muscle


noun noun ˈkäb-ˌweb -ˌwebd ˈkäb-ˌweb : the network spread by a spider : spiderweb : tangles of the silken threads of a spiderweb usually covered with accumulated dirt and dust : something that entangles, obscures, or confuses a cobweb of law and politics : spiderweb : tangles of threads of old spiderwebs usually covered with dirt and dust


noun noun ˈkän-dər -ˌdȯr kən-ˈdȯr-ˌās ˈkän-dər -ˌdȯr : a very large American vulture (Vultur gryphus) of the high Andes having the head and neck bare and the plumage dull black with a downy white neck ruff and white patches on the wings — called also Andean condor : california condor : a coin (such as the centesimo of Chile) bearing the picture of a condor : a very large American vulture having a bare head and neck and a frill of feathers on the neck


noun noun ˈkär-mən -ˌmīn ˈkär-mən, -ˌmīn : a rich red to crimson pigment made from cochineal : a vivid red : a vivid red lake consisting essentially of an aluminum salt of carminic acid made from cochineal and used as a biological stain and as coloring in foods, drugs, and cosmetics; also : any of various coloring matters (as indigo carmine) other than carmine : any of various coloring matters (as indigo carmine) other than carmine


noun noun ˈkär-pəl -pə-ˌler-ē -ˌlāt -lət ˈkär-pəl : one of the ovule-bearing structures in an angiosperm that comprises the innermost whorl of a flower — compare pistil : the female reproductive structure of a flower that encloses the ovules The pistil of a flower can be made up of a single carpel or a group of carpels fused together.


noun noun ˈkā-ˌäs kā-ˈä-tik kā-ˈä-ti-k(ə-)lē ˈkā-ˌäs : a state of utter confusion the blackout caused chaos throughout the city : a confused mass or mixture a chaos of television antennas : a state of things in which chance is supreme; especially : the confused unorganized state of primordial matter before the creation of distinct forms — compare cosmos : the confused unorganized state of primordial matter before the creation of distinct forms — compare cosmos : the inherent unpredictability in the behavior of a complex natural system (such as the atmosphere, boiling water, or the beating heart) : chasm, abyss : complete confusion and disorder


noun noun ˈkəm-ˌkwät ˈkəm-ˌkwät : any of several small yellow to orange citrus fruits with sweet spongy rind and somewhat acid pulp that are used chiefly for preserves; also : a tree or shrub (genus Fortunella) of the rue family that bears kumquats : a tree or shrub (genus Fortunella) of the rue family that bears kumquats : a small citrus fruit that has a sweet rind and sour pulp and is used mostly in preserves


noun noun ˈla-thə-ˌri-zəm ˌla-thə-ˈri-tik ˈlath-ə-ˌriz-əm : a neurotoxic disorder chiefly affecting people and domestic animals (such as cows and horses) that is characterized especially by irreversible spastic paralysis of the hind or lower limbs and that results from poisoning by an amino acid found in the seeds of some legumes (genus Lathyrus and especially L. sativus) : a neurotoxic disorder chiefly affecting people and domestic animals (such as cows and horses) that is characterized especially by irreversible spastic paralysis of the hind or lower limbs and that results from poisoning by an amino acid found in some legumes of the genus Lathyrus (especially L. sativus)


noun noun ˈle-thər-jē ˈleth-ər-jē : abnormal drowsiness : the quality or state of being lazy, sluggish, or indifferent : abnormal drowsiness : the quality or state of being lazy, sluggish, or indifferent


noun noun ˈler-ē-ət ˈler-ē-ət : a long light rope (as of hemp or leather) used with a running noose to catch livestock or with or without the noose to tether grazing animals : lasso : a long light rope used to catch livestock or tie up grazing animals


noun noun ˈlä-mə ˈyä-mə ˈlä-mə : any of a genus (Lama) of wild or domesticated long-necked South American ruminants related to the camels but smaller and without a hump; especially : a domesticated llama (L. glama) descended from the guanaco and used especially in the Andes as a pack animal and a source of wool : a domesticated llama (L. glama) descended from the guanaco and used especially in the Andes as a pack animal and a source of wool : a South American hoofed animal that has a long neck, is related to the camel, and is sometimes used to carry loads and as a source of wool


noun noun ˈlē-ə-ˌtärd ˈlē-ə-ˌtär-dəd ˈlē-ə-ˌtärd : a close-fitting one-piece garment worn especially by dancers, acrobats, and aerialists; also : tights —often used in plural : tights —often used in plural : a tight one-piece garment worn by a dancer or acrobat


noun noun ˈlī-ˌläk -ˌlak -lək ˈlī-ˌläk -ˌlak -lək : a widely cultivated European shrub (Syringa vulgaris) of the olive family that has cordate ovate leaves and large panicles of fragrant pinkish-purple or white flowers : a tree or shrub congeneric with the lilac : a variable color averaging a moderate purple : a bush having clusters of fragrant pink, purple, or white flowers : a medium purple


noun noun ˈlōm ˈlüm ˈlu̇m ˈlō-mē ˈlü- ˈlu̇- ˈlōm : a mixture (as for plastering) composed chiefly of moistened clay : a coarse molding sand used in founding (see 5found) : soil; specifically : a soil consisting of a friable mixture of varying proportions of clay, silt, and sand : a soil consisting of a friable mixture of varying proportions of clay, silt, and sand : a soil having the appropriate amount of silt, clay, and sand for good plant growth


noun noun ˈma-gə-ˌzēn ˌma-gə-ˈ ˈma-gə-ˌzēn : a print periodical containing miscellaneous pieces (such as articles, stories, poems) and often illustrated a fashion magazine a gardening magazine ; also : such a periodical published online : such a periodical published online : a similar section of a newspaper usually appearing on Sunday : a radio or television program presenting usually several short segments on a variety of topics : a place where goods or supplies are stored : warehouse : a room in which powder and other explosives are kept in a fort or a ship : the contents of a magazine: such as : an accumulation of munitions (see munition 2) of war : a stock of provisions (see 1provision 2) or goods : a supply chamber: such as : a holder in or on a gun for cartridges (see cartridge 1) to be fed into the gun chamber : a lightproof chamber for films or plates on a camera or for film on a motion-picture projector : a publication issued at regular intervals (as weekly or monthly) : a storehouse or warehouse for military supplies : a container in a gun for holding cartridges


noun noun ˈma-trəs ˈma-trəs : a fabric case filled with resilient material (such as cotton, hair, feathers, foam rubber, or an arrangement of coiled springs) used either alone as a bed or on a bedstead : an inflatable airtight sack for use as a mattress : a device (as of interwoven brush and poles) used to protect a shoreline, bank, or streambed from erosion : a springy pad for use on a bed


noun noun ˈmas-ˌkät -kət ˈmas-ˌkät -kət : a person, animal, or object adopted by a group as a symbolic figure especially to bring them good luck the team had a mountain lion as their mascot : a person, animal, or object adopted as the symbol of a group (as a school or sports team) and believed to bring good luck


noun noun ˈme-tə-ˌfȯr -fər ˌme-tə-ˈfȯr-ik -ˈfär- -i-kəl -i-k(ə-)lē ˈme-tə-ˌfȯr : a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money); broadly : figurative language — compare simile : figurative language — compare simile : an object, activity, or idea treated as a metaphor : symbol 2 : a figure of speech comparing two unlike things without using like or as "Their cheeks were roses" is a metaphor while "their cheeks were like roses" is a simile.


noun noun ˈmen-(ˌ)yü ˈmān- ˈmen-yü : a list of the dishes that may be ordered (as in a restaurant) or that are to be served (as at a banquet) : a comparable list or assortment of offerings a menu of television programs : a list shown on the display of a computer from which a user can select the operation the computer is to perform : the dishes available for or served at a meal; also : the meal itself : the meal itself : a list of dishes that may be ordered in a restaurant : the dishes or kinds of food served at a meal Have you decided on the menu for your party? : a list shown on a computer screen from which a user can select an operation for the computer to perform


noun noun ˈmi-siv ˈmi-siv : a written communication : letter wrote a lengthy missive to her father : 1letter 2


noun noun ˈmith ˈmith : a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon creation myths : parable, allegory Moral responsibility is the motif of Plato's myths. : a popular belief or tradition that has grown up around something or someone; especially : one embodying the ideals and institutions of a society or segment of society seduced by the American myth of individualism —Orde Coombs the utopian myth of a perfect society : one embodying the ideals and institutions of a society or segment of society seduced by the American myth of individualism —Orde Coombs the utopian myth of a perfect society : an unfounded or false notion the myth of racial superiority : a person or thing having only an imaginary or unverifiable existence the Superman myth The unicorn is a myth. : the whole body of myths a student of Greek myth : a story often describing the adventures of beings with more than human powers that attempts to explain mysterious events (as the changing of the seasons) or that explains a religious belief or practice : such stories as a group : a person or thing existing only in the imagination The dragon is a myth. : a popular belief that is not true It's just a myth that money can buy happiness.


noun noun ˈmän-ˌgüs ˈmäŋ- -ˌgēs ˈmän-ˌgüs ˈmäŋ-ˌgüs : any of numerous long slender carnivorous mammals (family Herpestidae) chiefly of Africa and southern Europe and Asia that are usually ferret-sized agile mammals typically with nonretractile sharp claws, short legs, long tail, and usually brownish or grayish fur sometimes with bands or stripes Note: Mongooses feed chiefly on small animals (such as insects, earthworms, birds, snakes, and rodents) and are sometimes grouped with the viverrids in two subfamilies (Herpestinae and Galidiinae). : a long thin furry animal with sharp claws that eats small animals (as snakes and mice), eggs, and fruit


noun noun ˈmäsk ˈmäsk : a building used for public worship by Muslims : a building in which Muslims worship


noun noun ˈmā-trē-ˌärk ˌmā-trē-ˈär-kəl ˈmā-trē-ˌärk : a woman who rules or dominates a family, group, or state; specifically : a mother who is head and ruler of her family and descendants Our grandmother was the family's matriarch. : a mother who is head and ruler of her family and descendants Our grandmother was the family's matriarch. : a woman who is the head of a family, group, or state


noun noun ˈmā-ə-ˌnāz ˌmā-ə-ˈnāz ˈma-ˌnāz ˈmā-ˌnāz ˈmā-ə-ˌnāz : a dressing made chiefly of egg yolks, vegetable oils, and vinegar or lemon juice : a creamy dressing usually made of egg yolk, oil, and vinegar or lemon juice


noun noun ˈmō-ˌher ˈmō-ˌher : a fabric or yarn made wholly or in part of the long silky hair of the Angora goat; also : this hair : this hair : a fabric or yarn made from the long silky hair of an Asian goat


noun noun ˈmə-mē ˈmə-mē : a body embalmed or treated for burial with preservatives in the manner of the ancient Egyptians : a body unusually well preserved : one resembling a mummy : a dead body preserved for burial in the manner of the ancient Egyptians


noun noun ˈmər-ˌmād ˈmər-ˌmād : a fabled marine creature with the head and upper body of a woman and the tail of a fish : an imaginary sea creature usually shown with a woman's head and body and a fish's tail


noun noun ˈməsk-ˌrat ˈməsk-ˌrat : an aquatic rodent (Ondatra zibethica) of the U.S. and Canada with a long scaly laterally compressed tail, webbed hind feet, and dark glossy brown fur; also : its fur or pelt : its fur or pelt : a North American animal that is a rodent living in or near water and having webbed hind feet, a long scaly tail, and glossy usually dark brown fur


noun noun ˈnap-ˌsak ˈnap-ˌsakt ˈnap-ˌsak : a bag (as of canvas or nylon) strapped on the back and used for carrying supplies or personal belongings : a bag for carrying things on the shoulders or back


noun noun ˈnin-jə -(ˌ)jä ˈnin-jə : a person trained in ancient Japanese martial arts and employed especially for espionage and assassinations : a person trained in ancient Japanese martial arts who works as a spy and assassin especially in the past


noun noun ˈnō-tə-ˌkȯrd ˌnō-tə-ˈkȯr-dᵊl ˈnōt-ə-ˌkȯ(ə)rd ˌnōt-ə-ˈkȯrd-ᵊl : a longitudinal flexible rod of cells that in the lowest chordates (such as a lancelet or a lamprey) and in the embryos of the higher vertebrates forms the supporting axis of the body : a longitudinal flexible rod of cells that in the lowest chordates (as a lancelet or a lamprey) and in the embryos of the higher vertebrates forms the supporting axis of the body, that is almost obliterated in the adult of the higher vertebrates as the bodies of the vertebrae develop, and that arises as an outgrowth from the dorsal lip of the blastopore extending forward between epiblast and hypoblast in the middorsal line


noun noun ˈpa-dək -dik ˈpa-dək : a usually enclosed area used especially for pasturing or exercising animals led the sheep into the paddock ; especially : an enclosure where racehorses are saddled and paraded before a race : an enclosure where racehorses are saddled and paraded before a race : an often enclosed field : an area at an automobile racecourse where racing cars are parked : an enclosed area where animals are put to eat grass or to exercise : an enclosed area where racehorses are saddled and paraded


noun noun ˈpa-lət ˈpa-lət : a thin oval or rectangular board or tablet that a painter holds and mixes pigments on : the set of colors put on the palette : a particular range, quality, or use of color The designer's palette consisted mostly of earth tones. : a comparable range, quality, or use of available elements a rich palette of tones and timbres a palette of flavors a palette of vegetables : a thin board or tablet on which a painter puts and mixes colors : the set of colors that an artist is using


noun noun ˈper-ə-pət -ˌpet ˈpa-rə- ˈper-ə-ˌpe-təd ˈpa-rə- ˈper-ə-pət -ˌpet : a wall, rampart, or elevation of earth or stone to protect soldiers The invaders fired arrows over the castle's parapet. : a low wall or railing to protect the edge of a platform, roof, or bridge — called also parapet wall The visitor peered over the parapet with binoculars. : a low wall or fence at the edge of a platform, roof, or bridge : a wall of earth or stone to protect soldiers


noun noun ˈper-ə-ˌskōp ˈper-ə-ˌskōp : a tubular optical instrument containing lenses and mirrors by which an observer obtains an otherwise obstructed field of view : an instrument containing lenses and mirrors by which a person (as on a submarine) can get a view that would otherwise be blocked


noun noun ˈpi-nə-ˌfȯr ˈpi-nə-ˌfȯrd ˈpi-nə-ˌfōr : a sleeveless usually low-necked garment fastened in the back and worn as an apron or dress : a sleeveless garment with a low neck worn as an apron or a dress


noun noun ˈpre-s(ə-)pəs ˈpre-sə-pəs : a very steep or overhanging place : a hazardous situation; broadly : brink : brink : a very steep side of a mountain or cliff


noun noun ˈpret-səl ˈpret-səl : a brittle or chewy glazed usually salted slender bread often shaped like a loose knot : a brown cracker that is salted and is often shaped like a loose knot


noun noun ˈpä-lē-ˌgän pə-ˈli-gə-nᵊl pə-ˈli-gə-nᵊl-ē ˈpä-li-ˌgän : a closed plane figure bounded by straight lines : a closed figure on a sphere bounded by arcs of great circles : a flat geometric figure having three or more straight sides


noun noun ˈpär-kə ˈpär-kə : a hooded fur pullover garment for arctic wear : a usually lined fabric outerwear pullover or jacket : a warm windproof jacket with a hood


noun noun ˈpü-mə ˈpyü- ˈpyü-mə ˈpü- : cougar 1; also : the fur or pelt of a cougar : the fur or pelt of a cougar : cougar


noun noun ˈpā-trē-ˌärk ˈpā-trē-ˌärk : one of the scriptural fathers of the human race or of the Hebrew people Abraham was a patriarch of the Israelites. : a man who is father or founder The newspaper patriarch celebrated his 90th birthday. : the oldest member or representative of a group the cypress ... is the patriarch of native trees, going back to the time of the dinosaur —Amer. Guide Series: Texas : a venerable old man a whiskered patriarch, spry for his age —Frank Sullivan : a man who is head of a patriarchy : any of the bishops of the ancient or Eastern Orthodox sees of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem or the ancient and Western see of Rome with authority over other bishops : the head of any of various Eastern churches : a Roman Catholic bishop next in rank to the pope with purely titular or with metropolitan (see 2metropolitan 1) jurisdiction : a Mormon of the Melchizedek priesthood empowered to perform the ordinances of the church and pronounce blessings within a stake or prescribed jurisdiction : a man who heads a family, group, or government : a respected old man


noun noun ˈpī(-ə)r ˈpīr : a combustible heap for burning a dead body as a funeral rite; broadly : a pile of material to be burned a pyre of dead leaves : a pile of material to be burned a pyre of dead leaves : a heap of wood for burning a dead body


noun noun ˈpī-lē-əs ˈpī-lē-ˌī ˈpī-lē-əs -lē-ˌī : a pointed or close-fitting cap worn by ancient Romans : the convex, concave, or flattened spore-bearing structure of some basidiomycetes that is attached superiorly to the stem and typically is expanded with gills or pores on the underside — called also cap : the convex, concave, or flattened spore-bearing structure of some basidiomycetous fungi that is attached to the top of the stem and typically is expanded with gills or pores on the underside — called also cap


noun noun ˈpōl-kə ˈpō-kə ˈpōl-kə : a lively couple dance of Bohemian origin in duple time with a basic pattern of hop-step-close-step : a lively originally Bohemian dance tune in ²/₄ time : a lively dance for couples or the music for it


noun noun ˈpəm-pər-ˌni-kəl ˈpəm-pər-ˌni-kəl : a dark coarse sourdough bread made of unbolted rye flour : a dark rye bread


noun noun ˈpər-fə-dē ˈpər-fə-dē : the quality or state of being faithless or disloyal : treachery : an act or an instance of disloyalty : treachery 2


noun noun ˈsəl-tᵊn ˌsəl-ˈta-nik ˈsəl-tᵊn : a king or sovereign especially of a Muslim state : a ruler especially of a Muslim state


noun noun ˈre-pər-ˌtwär ˈre-pə- ˈre-pər-ˌtwär : a list or supply of dramas, operas, pieces, or parts that a company or person is prepared to perform : a supply of skills, devices, or expedients part of the repertoire of a quarterback ; broadly : amount, supply an endless repertoire of summer clothes : amount, supply an endless repertoire of summer clothes : a list or supply of capabilities the instruction repertoire of a computer : the complete list or supply of dramas, operas, or musical works available for performance our modern orchestral repertoire : the complete list or supply of skills, devices, or ingredients used in a particular field, occupation, or practice the repertoire of literary criticism : a list or supply of plays, operas, or pieces that a company or person is prepared to perform


noun noun ˈrō-ˌbät -bət ˈrō-ˌbä-ˌti-zəm -bə- ˈrō-ˌbät : a machine that resembles a living creature in being capable of moving independently (as by walking or rolling on wheels) and performing complex actions (such as grasping and moving objects) When the next space launch heads for Mars, on board will be dozens of tiny mobile robots that will fan out across the Martian landscape, exploring every nook and cranny. —Michael Bowker often : such a machine built to resemble a human being or animal in appearance and behavior While science fiction robots have been capable of independent thought, emotions, even a little cooking and sewing, scientists are finding that endowing a mechanical being with even the most basic human functions is a monumental challenge. —Greg Freiherr As a sign of the times, paleontologists themselves have taken to ... designing dinosaur robots and displays ... —Malcolm W. Browne —often used before another noun a robot dog a robot servant — compare android, 3bot : such a machine built to resemble a human being or animal in appearance and behavior While science fiction robots have been capable of independent thought, emotions, even a little cooking and sewing, scientists are finding that endowing a mechanical being with even the most basic human functions is a monumental challenge. —Greg Freiherr As a sign of the times, paleontologists themselves have taken to ... designing dinosaur robots and displays ... —Malcolm W. Browne —often used before another noun a robot dog a robot servant — compare android, 3bot : a device that automatically performs complicated, often repetitive tasks (as in an industrial assembly line) the use of robots in car manufacturing ... factories run by robots producing many replicas of one product. —Morris Philipson —often used before another noun For fluid applications, especially in the automotive industry, the robot arm must have extremely flexible movement. —Harry H. Poole : a mechanism guided by automatic controls a robot airplane : a person who resembles a machine in seeming to function automatically or in lacking normal feelings or emotions ... seems to believe that professors are robots, students are superficial, grade-hungry receptacles ... — Micaela Rubalcava : a machine that looks and acts like a human being : a machine that can do the work of a person automatically or under the control of a computer


noun noun ˈsa-chəl ˈsa-chəl-ˌfu̇l ˈsa-chəl : a small bag often with a shoulder strap : a small bag (as for carrying clothes or books) that often has a shoulder strap


noun noun ˈsak-sə-ˌfōn ˌsak-sə-ˈfō-nik -ˈfä- ˈsak-sə-ˌfō-nist sak-ˈsä-fə- ˈsak-sə-ˌfōn : one of a group of single-reed woodwind instruments usually ranging from soprano to bass and characterized by a conical metal tube and finger keys : a woodwind instrument usually in the form of a curved metal tube with keys used to change pitch and a mouthpiece with a single reed


noun noun ˈse-lən-ˌdīn -ˌdēn ˈsel-ən-ˌdīn, -ˌdēn : a yellow-flowered Eurasian biennial herb (Chelidonium majus) of the poppy family naturalized in the eastern U.S. : lesser celandine : a yellow-flowered biennial Eurasian herb (Chelidonium majus) of the poppy family naturalized in the eastern United States that has been used medicinally especially as a diuretic — see chelidonium 2


noun noun ˈshrap-nᵊl ˈsrap- ˈshrap-nᵊl : a projectile that consists of a case provided with a powder charge and a large number of usually lead balls and that is exploded in flight : bomb, mine, or shell fragments : small metal pieces that scatter outwards from an exploding bomb, shell, or mine


noun noun ˈsi-mə-(ˌ)lē ˈsi-mə-ˌlē : a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as (as in cheeks like roses) — compare metaphor : a figure of speech comparing two unlike things using like or as "Their cheeks are like roses" is a simile. "Their cheeks are roses" is a metaphor.


noun noun ˈsi-nər-jē ˈsin-ər-jē : synergism; broadly : combined action or operation : combined action or operation : a mutually advantageous conjunction or compatibility of distinct business participants or elements (such as resources or efforts) : synergism


noun noun ˈsin-ˌtaks ˈsin-ˌtaks : the way in which linguistic elements (such as words) are put together to form constituents (such as phrases or clauses) : the part of grammar dealing with this : a connected or orderly system : harmonious arrangement of parts or elements the syntax of classical architecture : syntactics especially as dealing with the formal properties of languages or calculi : the way in which words are put together to form phrases, clauses, or sentences


noun noun ˈska-bərd ˈska-bərd : a sheath for a sword, dagger, or bayonet : a protective case or sheath for the blade of a sword or dagger


noun noun ˈskau̇ ˈskau̇ : a large flat-bottomed boat with broad square ends used chiefly for transporting bulk material (such as ore, sand, or refuse) : a large boat with a flat bottom and square ends that is used chiefly for loading and unloading ships and for carrying rubbish


noun noun ˈskep-tik ˈskep-tik : an adherent or advocate of skepticism : a person disposed to skepticism especially regarding religion or religious principles : a person who has or shows doubt about something


noun noun ˈsläv ˈslav ˈsläv ˈslav : a person whose native tongue is a Slavic language : a native speaker of a Slavic language


noun noun ˈspi-nət spi-ˈnet ˈspi-nət : an early harpsichord having a single keyboard and only one string for each note : a compactly built small upright piano : a small electronic organ : a harpsichord with one keyboard and only one string for each note : a small upright piano


noun noun ˈstə-(ˌ)kō ˈstə-(ˌ)kōd ˈstə-kō : a fine plaster used in decoration and ornamentation (as of interior walls) : a material usually made of portland cement, sand, and a small percentage of lime and applied in a plastic state to form a hard covering for exterior walls : stuccowork : a plaster for coating walls


noun noun ˈsī-kē ˈsī-(ˌ)kē : a princess loved by Cupid : soul, personality the nation's consumer psyche —D. J. Kevles : the totality of elements forming the mind (see 1mind 2); specifically, in Freudian psychoanalytic theory : the id, ego, and superego including both conscious and unconscious components : the id, ego, and superego including both conscious and unconscious components : the specialized cognitive, conative, and affective aspects of a psychosomatic unity : mind; specifically : the totality of the id, ego, and superego including both conscious and unconscious components : the totality of the id, ego, and superego including both conscious and unconscious components


noun noun ˈta-mə-rənd -ˌrind ˈtam-ə-rənd, -ˌrind : an African evergreen tree (Tamarindus indica) of the legume family that is widely grown in tropical regions and has hard yellowish wood, pinnate leaves, red-striped yellow flowers, and an edible fruit : the fruit of the tamarind tree consisting of an oblong brown pod containing 1 to 12 flat seeds embedded in a brownish, sticky, acidic pulp which is used especially in preserves and pastes and to flavor foods and beverages : a tropical leguminous tree (Tamarindus indica) with hard yellowish wood and a fruit with an acid pulp : the pulp of the partially dried ripe fruit of a tamarind used in herbal medicine especially for its laxative properties


noun noun ˈtri-tē-əm ˈtri-shē- ˈtrit-ē-əm ˈtrish-ē- : a radioactive isotope of hydrogen that has one proton and two neutrons in its nucleus and that has three times the mass of ordinary hydrogen —symbol T : a radioactive isotope of hydrogen that has three times the mass of ordinary hydrogen —symbol T


noun noun ˈtrȯ-mə ˈtrau̇- ˈtrȯ-mə-tə ˈtrau̇- trə-ˈma-tik trȯ- trau̇- trə-ˈma-ti-k(ə-)lē trȯ- trau̇- ˈtrȯ-mə ˈtrau̇- -mət-ə : an injury (such as a wound) to living tissue caused by an extrinsic agent : a disordered psychic or behavioral state resulting from severe mental or emotional stress or physical injury : an emotional upset the personal trauma of an executive who is not living up to his own expectations —Karen W. Arenson : an agent, force, or mechanism that causes trauma : an injury (as a wound) to living tissue caused by an extrinsic agent surgical trauma the intra-abdominal organs at greatest risk to athletic trauma are the spleen, pancreas, and kidney —M. R. Eichelberger — see blunt trauma : a disordered psychic or behavioral state resulting from mental or emotional stress or physical injury : an agent, force, or mechanism that causes trauma


noun noun ˈtsīt-ˌgā-bər ˈzīt- ˈtsīt-ˌgā-bər ˈzīt- : an environmental agent or event (such as the occurrence of light or dark) that provides the stimulus setting or resetting a biological clock of an organism : an environmental agent or event (as the occurrence of light or dark) that provides the stimulus setting or resetting a biological clock of an organism


noun noun ˈtü-ˌkan -ˌkän tü-ˈkan -ˈkän ˈtü-ˌkan : any of a family (Ramphastidae) of chiefly fruit-eating birds of tropical America with brilliant coloring and a very large but light and thin-walled bill : a brightly colored tropical bird that has a very large beak and feeds mostly on fruit


noun noun ˈtō-(ˌ)fü ˈtō-fü : a soft food product prepared by treating soybean milk with coagulants (such as magnesium chloride or diluted acids) : bean curd ... tofu is our most versatile form of nonanimal concentrated protein, as well as the least processed and the most traditional. —Mark Bittman The tofu ... was sliced uniformly and stacked neatly in the bowl of clear, seafood-flavored broth. —Karen Hayes Vegetarian cooking has never been so simple. Supermarkets carry packaged convenience foods like tofu hot dogs ... —Norine Dworkin : a soft food product prepared from soybeans


noun noun ˈtō-təm ˈtō-təm : an object (such as an animal or plant) serving as the emblem of a family or clan and often as a reminder of its ancestry; also : a usually carved or painted representation of such an object : a usually carved or painted representation of such an object : a family or clan identified by a common totemic object : one that serves as an emblem or revered symbol : an object (as an animal or plant) serving as the emblem of a family or clan : a carving or picture representing such an object


noun noun ˈtən-drə ˈtu̇n- ˈtən-drə : a level or rolling treeless plain that is characteristic of arctic and subarctic regions, consists of black mucky soil with a permanently frozen subsoil, and has a dominant vegetation of mosses, lichens, herbs, and dwarf shrubs; also : a similar region confined to mountainous areas above timberline : a similar region confined to mountainous areas above timberline : a treeless plain of arctic regions having a permanently frozen layer below the surface of the soil


noun noun ˈwinz : a steeply inclined passageway in a mine : curse


noun noun ˈwu̇-stəd ˈwər-stəd ˈwu̇s-təd ˈwərs- : a smooth compact yarn from long wool fibers used especially for firm napless fabrics, carpeting, or knitting; also : a fabric made from worsted yarns : a fabric made from worsted yarns : a smooth yarn spun from long fibers of wool : a fabric woven from a worsted yarn


noun noun ˈwu̇d-ˌchək ˈwu̇d-ˌchək : a grizzled thickset marmot (Marmota monax) chiefly of Alaska, Canada, and the northeastern U.S. — called also groundhog : a reddish brown burrowing animal that is a plant-eating rodent that hibernates during the winter : groundhog


noun noun ˈwäm-pəm ˈwäm-pəm : beads of polished shells strung in strands, belts, or sashes and used by North American Indians as money, ceremonial pledges, and ornaments : money : beads made of shells and once used for money or ornament by North American Indians


noun noun ˈwȯl-rəs ˈwäl- ˈwȯl-rəs : a large gregarious marine mammal (Odobenus rosmarus of the family Odobenidae) of arctic waters related to the seals that has limbs modified into webbed flippers, long ivory tusks, a tough wrinkled hide, stiff whiskers, and a thick layer of blubber Note: The male walrus may reach a weight of over 3700 pounds (1678 kilograms). Walrus typically inhabit moving pack ice and usually feed on organisms (such as clams and mussels) living on or near the ocean's bottom. Walrus of the northern Atlantic are considered a separate subspecies (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) from the somewhat larger northern Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). : a large animal of northern seas that is related to the seal and has long ivory tusks, a tough wrinkled hide, and flippers used in swimming, diving, and moving about on land


noun noun ˈwərk-mən-ˌship ˈwərk-mən-ˌship : something effected, made, or produced : work : the art or skill of a workman; also : the quality imparted to a thing in the process of making a vase of exquisite workmanship : the quality imparted to a thing in the process of making a vase of exquisite workmanship : the art or skill of a workman : the quality of a piece of work They take pride in their good workmanship.


noun noun ˌek-(ˌ)spər-ˈtēz -ˈtēs ˌek-spər-ˈtēz -ˈtēs : the skill of an expert : expert opinion or commentary : the skill or knowledge of an expert


noun noun ˈyü-zhə-rē ˈyüzh-rē ˈyü-zhə-rē : interest : the lending of money with an interest charge for its use; especially : the lending of money at exorbitant interest rates : the lending of money at exorbitant interest rates : an unconscionable or exorbitant rate or amount of interest; specifically : interest in excess of a legal rate charged to a borrower for the use of money : interest in excess of a legal rate charged to a borrower for the use of money : the lending of money at exorbitant interest rates; specifically : the crime of charging or contracting to charge an unlawfully high rate of interest : the crime of charging or contracting to charge an unlawfully high rate of interest : a rate or amount of interest charged in usury — compare legal interest at interest 5


noun noun ˈze-fər ˈze-fər : a breeze from the west : a gentle breeze : any of various lightweight fabrics and articles of clothing : a gentle breeze


noun noun ˈzest ˈzest-fəl ˈzest-fə-lē ˈzest-ləs ˈzest : a piece of the peel of a citrus fruit (such as an orange or lemon) used as flavoring : an enjoyably exciting quality : piquancy adds zest to the performance : keen enjoyment : relish, gusto has a zest for living : a piece of the peel of a citrus fruit (as an orange or lemon) used to flavor foods : an enjoyable or exciting quality Her humor added zest to the presentation. : keen enjoyment They ate with zest.


noun noun ˈzi-nē-ə ˈzē- ˈzi-nyə ˈzē- ˈzi-nē-ə ˈzin-yə : any of a genus (Zinnia) of tropical American composite herbs and low shrubs that have showy flower heads with long-lasting ray flowers : a garden plant grown for its long-lasting colorful flowers


noun noun ˈzē-nəth ˈze-nəth -nith ˈzē-nəth : the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the nadir and vertically above the observer — see azimuth illustration : the highest point reached in the heavens by a celestial body : culminating point : acme at the zenith of his powers —John Buchan : the point in the sky directly overhead : the highest point or stage She was at the zenith of her career.


noun noun ˈzī-lə-ˌfōn ˈzi- ˈzī-lə-ˌfō-nist ˈzi- ˈzī-lə-ˌfōn : a percussion instrument consisting of a series of wooden bars graduated in length to produce the musical scale, supported on belts of straw or felt, and sounded by striking with two small wooden hammers : a musical instrument consisting of a series of wooden bars of different lengths that are struck by special mallets to produce musical notes


noun noun ˈzō-dē-ˌak zō-ˈdī-ə-kəl zə- ˈzō-dē-ˌak : an imaginary band in the heavens centered on the ecliptic that encompasses the apparent paths of all the planets and is divided into 12 constellations or signs each taken for astrological purposes to extend 30 degrees of longitude : a figure representing the signs of the zodiac and their symbols : a cyclic course a zodiac of feasts and fasts —R. W. Emerson : an imaginary belt in the sky that includes the paths of the planets and is divided into twelve constellations or signs each with a special name and symbol


noun noun ˈä(l)mz -ˌgi-vər -ˌgi-viŋ ˈämz ˈälmz : something (such as money or food) given freely to relieve the poor distributing alms to the needy : charity : money given to help the poor : charity


noun noun ˈä-p(ə-)rə ˈä-prē ˈä-pə-rə ˈä-prə : a drama set to music and made up of vocal pieces with orchestral accompaniment and orchestral overtures (see 1overture 2) and interludes (see interlude 3); specifically : grand opera Beethoven composed only one opera. : grand opera Beethoven composed only one opera. : the score (see 1score 6) of a musical drama The composer finished the opera in just six weeks. : the performance of an opera The opera was delayed a half hour due to technical difficulties. ; also : a house where operas are performed We'll meet you at the opera at 7 p.m. : a house where operas are performed We'll meet you at the opera at 7 p.m. : a play in which the entire text is sung with orchestral accompaniment


noun noun ˈän-ˌkȯr ˈän-ˌkȯr : a demand for repetition or reappearance made by an audience : a reappearance or additional performance demanded by an audience : a second achievement especially that surpasses the first : a demand by an audience for a performance to continue or be repeated : a further appearance or performance given in response to applause


noun noun ˈär-tə-ˌchōk ˈär-tə-ˌchōk : a tall Mediterranean composite herb (Cynara scolymus) resembling a thistle with coarse pinnately incised leaves; also : its edible immature flower head which is cooked as a vegetable : its edible immature flower head which is cooked as a vegetable : jerusalem artichoke : the immature flower head of a Mediterranean plant that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable


noun noun ˈärs-nəl ˈär-sə- ˈärs-nəl ˈär-sə- : an establishment for the manufacture or storage of arms and military equipment The city is home to a federal arsenal. : a collection of weapons : store, repertoire the team's arsenal of veteran players : a place where military equipment is made and stored


noun noun ˈē-gə-ˌti-zəm ˈe- ˈē-gə-tist ˈe- ˌē-gə-ˈti-stik ˌe- ˌē-gə-ˈti-sti-kəl ˌe- ˌē-gə-ˈti-sti-k(ə-)lē ˌe- ˈē-gə-ˌtiz-əm also ˈeg-ə- : excessive use of the first person singular personal pronoun : the practice of talking about oneself too much : an exaggerated sense of self-importance : conceit — compare egoism 2 : an exaggerated sense of self-importance — compare egoism 2 Above is meaning for egotism But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun noun ˈē-zəl ˈē-zəl : a frame for supporting something (such as an artist's canvas) : a frame for supporting an artist's painting


noun noun ˈī-rə-nē ˈī(-ə)r-nē ˈī-rə-nē : a pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed in order to make the other's false conceptions conspicuous by adroit questioning — called also Socratic irony : the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning : a usually humorous or sardonic literary style or form characterized by irony : an ironic expression or utterance : incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result : an event or result marked by such incongruity : incongruity between a situation developed in a drama and the accompanying words or actions that is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play — called also dramatic irony, tragic irony : the use of words that mean the opposite of what is really meant : a result opposite to what was expected


noun noun ˈī-sə-ˌtōp ˌī-sə-ˈtä-pik -ˈtō- ˌī-sə-ˈtä-pi-k(ə-)lē -ˈtō- ˈī-sə-ˌtōp ˌī-sə-ˈtäp-ik -ˈtō-pik -ˈtäp-i-k(ə-)lē -ˈtō-pi- ˈī-sə-ˌtō-pē ī-ˈsät-ə-pē : any of two or more species of atoms of a chemical element with the same atomic number and nearly identical chemical behavior but with differing atomic mass or mass number and different physical properties : nuclide : any of two or more species of atoms of a chemical element with the same atomic number and position in the periodic table and nearly identical chemical behavior but with differing atomic mass or mass number and different physical properties : nuclide


noun noun ˈī-zᵊn-ˌglas ˈī-ziŋ- ˈīz-ᵊn-ˌglas ˈī-ziŋ- : a semitransparent whitish very pure gelatin prepared from the air bladders of fishes (such as sturgeons) and used especially as a clarifying agent and in jellies and glue : mica especially when in thin transparent sheets; especially : muscovite 2 : muscovite 2 : a semitransparent whitish very pure gelatin prepared from the air bladders of fishes (as sturgeons) and used especially as a clarifying agent and in jellies and glue — called also ichthyocolla : mica


noun noun ˈī-ˌsi-kəl ˈī-ˌsi-kəl : a pendent mass of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water : an emotionally cold person : a long narrow strip (as of foil) used to decorate a Christmas tree : a hanging piece of ice formed from dripping water as it freezes


noun noun ˈō-tə-ˌskōp ˈōt-ə-ˌskōp ˌōt-ə-ˈskäp-ik : an instrument with lighting and magnifying systems used for visual examination of the tympanic membrane and the canal connecting it to the exterior of the body : an instrument fitted with lighting and magnifying lens systems and used to facilitate visual examination of the auditory canal and eardrum


noun noun ˈȯr-chərd ˈȯr-chərd : a planting of fruit trees, nut trees, or sugar maples; also : the trees of such a planting : the trees of such a planting : a place where fruit trees are grown


noun noun ˈər-thən-ˌwer -t͟hən- ˈər-thən-ˌwer : ceramic ware made of slightly porous opaque clay fired at low heat : things (as dishes) made of baked clay


noun noun ˌ(h)ä-sē-ˈen-də ˌhä-sē-ˈen-də : a large estate especially in a Spanish-speaking country : plantation : the main dwelling of a hacienda : a large estate especially in a Spanish-speaking country


noun noun ˌa-rə-ˈstä-krə-sē ˌer-ə- ˌer-ə-ˈstä-krə-sē : government by the best individuals or by a small privileged class : a government in which power is vested (see 2vest 1a) in a minority consisting of those believed to be best qualified : a state with such a government : a governing body or upper class usually made up of a hereditary nobility a member of the British aristocracy : a class or group of people believed to be superior (as in rank, wealth, or intellect) an intellectual aristocracy : a government that is run by a small class of people : an upper class that is usually based on birth and is richer and more powerful than the rest of a society : people thought of as being better than the rest of the community


noun noun ˌa-ˌnī-ˌsī-ˈkō-nē-ə -ˈkä-nik ˌan-ˌī-ˌsī-ˈkō-nē-ə -ˈkän-ik : a defect of binocular vision in which the two retinal images of an object differ in size : a defect of binocular vision in which the two retinal images of an object differ in size


noun noun ˌam-bə-ˈgyü-ə-tē ˌam-bə-ˈgyü-ə-tē : the quality or state of being ambiguous especially in meaning The ambiguity of the poem allows several interpretations. : a word or expression that can be understood in two or more possible ways : an ambiguous word or expression : uncertainty : something that can be understood in more than one way The message was filled with confusing ambiguities.


noun noun ˌba-lə-ˈrē-nə ˌba-lə-ˈrē-nə : a woman who is a ballet dancer : danseuse : a female ballet dancer


noun noun ˌbə-kə-ˈnir -ish ˌbə-kə-ˈnir : any of the freebooters preying on Spanish ships and settlements especially in 17th century West Indies; broadly : pirate : pirate : an unscrupulous adventurer especially in politics or business : pirate


noun noun ˌdəŋ-gə-ˈrē ˈdəŋ-gə-ˌ -ˈrēd -ˌrēd ˌdəŋ-gə-ˈrē : a heavy coarse durable cotton twill woven from colored yarns; specifically : blue denim : blue denim : clothes made usually of blue denim : a heavy cotton cloth : denim : clothes made of denim


noun noun ˌe-ki-ˈnā-sē-ə -sh(ē-)ə ˌek-i-ˈnā-sē-ə, -sh(ē-)ə : the dried rhizome, roots, or other parts of any of three purple coneflowers that are used primarily in dietary supplements and herbal remedies for the stimulating effect they are held to have on the immune system; also : any of these herbs : any of these herbs : the dried rhizome, roots, or other part of any of three composite herbs (Echinacea angustifolia, E. pallida, and E. purpurea) that were formerly listed in the United States Pharmacopeia, that are now used primarily in dietary supplements and herbal remedies, and that are held to stimulate the immune system; also : any of these herbs — see purple coneflower : any of these herbs — see purple coneflower


noun noun ˌe-mə-ˈnā-shən ˈe-mə-ˌnā-tiv ˌem-ə-ˈnā-shən : the action of emanating : the origination of the world by a series of hierarchically descending radiations from the Godhead through intermediate stages to matter : something that emanates or is produced by emanation : effluence : an isotope of radon produced by radioactive disintegration radium emanation : the action of emanating : something that emanates or is produced by emanation : a heavy gaseous element produced by radioactive disintegration radium emanation


noun noun ˌe-tə-ˈmä-lə-jē ˌe-tə-mə-ˈlä-ji-kəl ˌe-tə-mə-ˈlä-ji-k(ə-)lē ˌe-tə-ˈmä-lə-jē : the history of a linguistic form (such as a word) shown by tracing its development since its earliest recorded occurrence in the language where it is found, by tracing its transmission from one language to another, by analyzing it into its component parts, by identifying its cognates in other languages, or by tracing it and its cognates to a common ancestral form in an ancestral language : a branch of linguistics concerned with etymologies : the history of a word shown by tracing it or its parts back to the earliest known forms and meanings both in its own language and any other language from which it may have been taken


noun noun ˌhi-pə-ˈpä-tə-məs ˌhi-pə-ˈpä-tə-ˌmī -(ˌ)mē ˌhi-pə-ˈpä-tə-məs -ˌmī : any of a family (Hippopotamidae) of very large, four-toed, chiefly aquatic, herbivorous artiodactyl mammals having a very large head and mouth, nearly hairless thick grayish skin, long lower canine teeth, and relatively short legs, and including two living species: : one (Hippopotamus amphibius) of sub-Saharan Africa that has webbing between the toes, spends most of the day in or near water, and typically weighs between 3 to 4 tons (2700 to 3600 kilograms) : pygmy hippopotamus : a large African animal with thick hairless brownish gray skin, a big head, and short legs that eats plants and spends most of its time in rivers


noun noun ˌhī-pər-pī-ˈrek-sē-ə -pī-ˈrek-sē-ə : exceptionally high fever (as in a particular disease) : exceptionally high fever (as in a particular disease)


noun noun ˌhī-ə-ˈsī-ə-ˌmēn ˌhī-ə-ˈsī-ə-mēn : a poisonous crystalline alkaloid C17H23NO3 of which atropine is a racemic mixture; especially : its levorotatory form found especially in the plants belladonna and henbane and used similarly to atropine : its levorotatory form found especially in the plants belladonna and henbane and used similarly to atropine : a poisonous crystalline alkaloid C17H23NO3 of which atropine is a racemic mixture; especially : its levorotatory form found especially in the plants belladonna and henbane and used similarly to atropine : its levorotatory form found especially in the plants belladonna and henbane and used similarly to atropine


noun noun ˌin-tə-sə-ˈsep-shən ˌin-tə-sə-ˈsep-tiv -ˈsep-shən -ˈsep-tiv : a drawing in of something from without: such as : invagination; especially : the slipping of a length of intestine into an adjacent portion usually producing obstruction : the slipping of a length of intestine into an adjacent portion usually producing obstruction : the assimilation of new material and its dispersal among preexistent matter : invagination; especially : the slipping of a length of intestine into an adjacent portion usually producing obstruction : the slipping of a length of intestine into an adjacent portion usually producing obstruction : the deposition of new particles of formative material among those already embodied in a tissue or structure (as in the growth of living organisms) — compare accretion, apposition 1


noun noun ˌin-tər-ˈfir-ˌän ˌin-tə- ˌint-ə(r)-ˈfi(ə)r-ˌän : any of a group of heat-stable soluble basic antiviral glycoprotein cytokines of low molecular weight that are produced by cells exposed usually to the action of a virus, sometimes to the action of another intracellular parasite (such as a bacterium), or experimentally to the action of some chemicals : any of a group of heat-stable soluble basic antiviral glycoproteins of low molecular weight that are produced usually by cells exposed to the action of a virus, sometimes to the action of another intracellular parasite (as a bacterium), or experimentally to the action of some chemicals, and that include some used medically as antiviral or antineoplastic agents — see alpha interferon, beta interferon, gamma interferon


noun noun ˌkas-tə-ˈnet ˌka-stə-ˈnet : a percussion instrument used especially by dancers that consists of two small shells of hard wood, ivory, or plastic usually fastened to the thumb and clicked together by the other fingers —usually used in plural : a rhythm instrument that consists of two small flat round parts fastened to the thumb and clicked by the fingers —usually used in pl. Above is meaning for castanet But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun noun ˌker-ē-ˈō-kē ˌka-rē- kə-ˈrō-kē ˌkä-rä-ˈō-(ˌ)kā ˌker-ē-ˈō-kē kə-ˈrō-kē : a device that plays instrumental accompaniments for a selection of songs to which the user sings along and that records the user's singing with the music a karaoke machine ; also : a form of entertainment involving the use of such a device (as in a bar) : a form of entertainment involving the use of such a device (as in a bar) : a form of entertainment in which a device plays music to which a person sings along


noun noun ˌma-kə-ˈrō-nē ˌma-kə-ˈrō-nē : pasta made from semolina and shaped in the form of slender tubes : a member of a class of traveled young Englishmen of the late 18th and early 19th centuries who affected foreign ways : an affected young man : fop : macaroni penguin : pasta in the shape of little curved tubes


noun noun ˌma-tə-ˈnā ˌma-tə-ˈnā : a musical or dramatic performance or social or public event held in the daytime and especially the afternoon The Saturday matinee was so crowded that we had to sit in the second row. : a musical or dramatic performance in the afternoon


noun noun ˌme-lə-ˈnō-mə -mə-tə ˌmel-ə-ˈnō-mə -mət-ə : a tumor containing dark pigment : a highly malignant tumor that starts in melanocytes of normal skin or moles and metastasizes rapidly and widely : a benign or malignant skin tumor containing dark pigment : a tumor of high malignancy that starts in melanocytes of normal skin or moles and metastasizes rapidly and widely — called also malignant melanoma, melanocarcinoma, melanoepithelioma, melanosarcoma


noun noun ˌmen-də-ˈlē-vē-əm -ˈlā- ˌmen-də-ˈlē-vē-əm -ˈlā- : a radioactive metallic element produced artificially — see Chemical Elements Table : a radioactive element that is artificially produced —symbol Md — see Chemical Elements Table


noun noun ˌmi-nə-ˈret ˈmi-nə-ˌ ˌmi-nə-ˈret : a tall slender tower of a mosque having one or more balconies from which the summons to prayer is cried by the muezzin : a tall slender tower of a mosque with a balcony from which the people are called to prayer


noun noun ˌpä-pyə-ˈler-ə-tē ˌpä-pyə-ˈla-rə-tē ˌpä-pyə-ˈler-ə-tē : the quality or state of being popular : the quality or state of being liked, enjoyed, accepted, or practiced by a large number of people


noun noun ˌre-nə-ˈsän(t)s -ˈzän(t)s -ˈsäⁿs -ˈzäⁿs ˈre-nə-ˌsän(t)s -ˌzän(t)s -ˌsäⁿs -ˌzäⁿs ri-ˈnā-sᵊn(t)s ˌre-nə-ˈsäns : the transitional movement in Europe between medieval and modern times beginning in the 14th century in Italy, lasting into the 17th century, and marked by a humanistic revival of classical influence expressed in a flowering of the arts and literature and by the beginnings of modern science : the period of the Renaissance : the neoclassical style of architecture prevailing during the Renaissance : a movement or period of vigorous artistic and intellectual activity : rebirth, revival : the period of European history between the 14th and 17th centuries marked by a fresh interest in ancient art and literature and by the beginnings of modern science : the act of changing in a positive way : a period during which things are improving The city's downtown is experiencing a renaissance.


noun noun ˌre-stə-ˈtü-shən -ˈtyü- ˌres-tə-ˈtü-shən, -ˈtyü- ˌres-tə-ˈtü-shə-nəl, -ˈtyü- ˌres-tə-ˈtü-shə-ˌner-ē, -ˈtyü- ˈres-tə-ˌtü-tiv, -ˌtyü- ˌres-tə-ˈtü-tə-rē, -ˈtyü-; rə-ˈsti-tyə-ˌtōr-ē : an act of restoring or a condition of being restored: such as : a restoration of something to its rightful owner : a making good of or giving an equivalent for some injury : a legal action serving to cause restoration of a previous state : a restoration of something to its rightful owner : a making good of or giving an equivalent for some injury : the equitable remedy of restoring to an aggrieved party that which was obtained in unjust enrichment : a remedy for breach of contract that consists of restoring the aggrieved party to the status quo that existed before the contract was made : an amount to be paid for the purpose of restitution ordered to pay restitution to the victim of his crime — compare fine Above is meaning for restitution But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun noun ˌrī-nō-ˈvī-rəs ˌrī-nō-ˈvī-rəs : any of a genus (Rhinovirus) of picornaviruses including two (species Human rhinovirus A and Human rhinovirus B) having numerous serotypes causing respiratory infections (such as the common cold) in humans : any of a genus (Rhinovirus) of single-stranded RNA viruses of the family Picornaviridae including two species (Human rhinovirus A and Human rhinovirus B) having numerous serotypes that cause respiratory infections (as the common cold) in humans


noun noun ˌsal-mə-ˈne-lə ˌsal-mə-ˈne-(ˌ)lē -ˌlī ˌsal-mə-ˈnel-ə -ˈnel-ē ˈsam-ən : any of a genus (Salmonella) of usually motile enterobacteria that are pathogenic for humans and other warm-blooded animals and cause food poisoning, gastrointestinal inflammation, typhoid fever, or septicemia : a genus of aerobic gram-negative rod-shaped nonspore-forming usually motile bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae that grow well on artificial media and form acid and gas on many carbohydrates but not on lactose, sucrose, or salicin, that are pathogenic for humans and other warm-blooded animals, and that cause food poisoning, acute gastrointestinal inflammation, typhoid fever, and septicemia : any bacterium of the genus Salmonella


noun noun ˌshan-də-ˈlir -ˈlird ˌshan-də-ˈlir : a branched often ornate lighting fixture suspended from a ceiling : a lighting fixture with several branches that usually hangs from the ceiling


noun noun ˌsim-bē-ˈō-səs -ˌbī- ˌsim-bē-ˈō-ˌsēz ˌsim-bē-ˈä-tik ˌsim-bē-ˈä-ti-k(ə-)lē ˌsim-ˌbī-ˈō-səs -bē- -ˌsēz : the living together in more or less intimate association or close union of two dissimilar organisms (as in parasitism or commensalism); especially : mutualism : mutualism : a cooperative relationship (as between two persons or groups) the symbiosis ... between the resident population and the immigrants —John Geipel : the living together of two dissimilar organisms in more or less intimate association or close union : the intimate living together of two dissimilar organisms in a mutually beneficial relationship; especially : mutualism : mutualism


noun noun ˌvi-jə-ˈlan-tē ˌvi-jə-ˈlan-ˌti-zəm ˌvi-jə-ˈlan-tē : a member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law are viewed as inadequate); broadly : a self-appointed doer of justice : a self-appointed doer of justice : a member of a group of volunteers who are not police but who decide on their own to stop crime and punish criminals


noun noun ˌvi-və-ˈsek-shən ˈvi-və-ˌsek- ˌvi-və-ˈsek-shnəl -shə-nᵊl ˌvi-və-ˈsek-sh(ə-)nist ˌviv-ə-ˈsek-shən, ˈviv-ə-ˌ -ˈsekt ˌviv-ə-ˈsek-shnəl, -shən-ᵊl : the cutting of or operation on a living animal usually for physiological or pathological investigation; broadly : animal experimentation especially if considered to cause distress to the subject : animal experimentation especially if considered to cause distress to the subject : minute or pitiless examination or criticism : the cutting of or operation on a living animal usually for physiological or pathological investigation; broadly : animal experimentation especially if considered to cause distress or result in injury or death to the subject : animal experimentation especially if considered to cause distress or result in injury or death to the subject


noun noun ˌvər-chü-ˈō-(ˌ)sō -(ˌ)zō ˌvər-chü-ˈō-(ˌ)sē -(ˌ)zē ˌvər-chü-ˈō-sik -zik ˌvər-chə-ˈwō-sō -zō -sē -zē : one who excels in the technique of an art; especially : a highly skilled musical performer (as on the violin) : a highly skilled musical performer (as on the violin) : an experimenter or investigator especially in the arts and sciences : savant : one skilled in or having a taste for the fine arts : a person who has great skill at some endeavor a computer virtuoso : a person who is an outstanding performer especially in music a piano virtuoso


noun noun ˌä-kwə-mə-ˈrēn ˌa- ˌä-kwə-mə-ˈrēn ˌa- : a transparent blue, blue-green, or green variety of beryl used as a gem : a pale blue to light greenish blue : a transparent gem that is blue, blue-green, or green


noun noun ˌä-stē-ō-mə-ˈlā-sh(ē-)ə ˌäs-tē-ō-mə-ˈlā-sh(ē-)ə -ˈlā-sik : a disease of adults that is characterized by softening of the bones and is analogous to rickets in the young : a disease of adults that is characterized by softening of the bones and is analogous to rickets in the young


noun noun ˌär-kə-ˈpe-lə-ˌgō ˌär-chə- ˌär-kə-ˈpe-lə-ˌgō ˌär-chə- : an expanse of water with many scattered islands : a group of islands : something resembling an archipelago; especially : a group or scattering of similar things an archipelago of small parks within the city : a group or scattering of similar things an archipelago of small parks within the city : a group of islands


noun noun noun am-ˈnē-zhə -zhē-ˌak -zē- -zik -sik am-ˈnē-zhə am-ˈnē-zhə : loss of memory due usually to brain injury, shock, fatigue, repression, or illness : a gap in one's memory : the selective overlooking or ignoring of events or acts that are not favorable or useful to one's purpose or position ... Americans seemed to develop a willful forgetfulness about the nation's longest military conflict, an amnesia that lasted for nearly a decade. —Alan Brinkley : an abnormal and usually complete loss of one's memory : loss of memory sometimes including the memory of personal identity due to brain injury, shock, fatigue, repression, or illness or sometimes induced by anesthesia a period of amnesia after the wreck : a gap in one's memory an amnesia concerning her high-school years


noun noun noun an-ˈta-gə-nist an-ˈta-gə-nəst -nəst : one that contends with or opposes another : adversary, opponent political antagonists : an agent of physiological antagonism: such as : a muscle that contracts with and limits the action of an agonist with which it is paired — called also antagonistic muscle : a chemical that acts within the body to reduce the physiological activity of another chemical substance (such as an opiate); especially : one that opposes the action on the nervous system of a drug or a substance occurring naturally in the body by combining with and blocking its nervous receptor — compare agonist 2b : one that opposes the action on the nervous system of a drug or a substance occurring naturally in the body by combining with and blocking its nervous receptor — compare agonist 2b : a person who is against something or someone else : opponent : an agent that acts in physiological opposition contact between a tooth and its antagonist in the opposing jaw : as : a muscle that contracts with and limits the action of an agonist with which it is paired — called also antagonistic muscle; compare agonist 1, synergist 2 : a chemical that acts within the body to reduce the physiological activity of another chemical substance (as an opiate); especially : one that opposes the action on the nervous system of a drug or a substance occurring naturally in the body by combining with and blocking its nervous receptor — compare agonist 2 : one that opposes the action on the nervous system of a drug or a substance occurring naturally in the body by combining with and blocking its nervous receptor — compare agonist 2


noun noun noun bü-ˈtēk -ˈtē-kē bü-ˈtēk bü-ˈtēk : a small shop dealing in fashionable clothing or accessories : a small shop within a large department store : a small company that offers highly specialized services or products boutique wineries an independent investment boutique : a small fashionable shop : a small company that offers highly specialized services or products; specifically : a small law firm that offers services in one or a small number of legal areas : a small law firm that offers services in one or a small number of legal areas


noun noun noun di-ˈmä-krə-sē di-ˈmä-krə-sē di-ˈmä-krə-sē ˌde-mə-ˈkra-tik : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority : rule of the majority : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections : a political unit that has a democratic government : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S. from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy —C. M. Roberts : the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority : the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges : government by the people : majority rule : government in which the highest power is held by the people and is usually used through representatives : a political unit (as a nation) governed by the people : belief in or practice of the idea that all people are socially equal : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority : rule of the majority : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections : a political unit that has a democratic government


noun noun noun dis-ˈlek-sē-ə -sik dis-ˈlek-sē-ə -ˈlek-sik dis-ˈlek-sē-ə : a variable often familial learning disability involving difficulties in acquiring and processing language that is typically manifested by a lack of proficiency in reading, spelling, and writing : a learning disability in which a person usually has a problem in reading, spelling, and writing : a variable often familial learning disability that involves difficulties in acquiring and processing language and that is typically manifested by a lack of proficiency in reading, spelling, and writing


noun noun noun də-ˈbrē dā-ˈ ˈdā-ˌ ˈde-(ˌ)brē -ˈbrēz -ˌbrēz də-ˈbrē -ˈbrēz də-ˈbrē, dā-ˈ, ˈdā-ˌ, British usually ˈdeb-(ˌ)rē : the remains of something broken down or destroyed digging through the storm's debris in search of survivors sifted through the debris of her broken marriage : an accumulation of fragments of rock : something discarded : rubbish picking up debris after the parade : the junk or pieces left from something broken down or destroyed : organic waste from dead or damaged tissue a wound obscured by blood and debris —Emergency Medicine


noun noun noun fi-ˈnä-mə-ˌnän -nən fi-ˈnä-mə-nə -ˌnä fi-ˈnä-mə-ˌnän -nə fi-ˈnäm-ə-ˌnän, -nən -nə, -ˌnä : an observable fact or event : an object or aspect known through the senses rather than by thought or intuition : a temporal or spatiotemporal object of sensory experience as distinguished from a noumenon : a fact or event of scientific interest susceptible to scientific description and explanation : a rare or significant fact or event : an exceptional, unusual, or abnormal person, thing, or occurrence : an observable fact or event : a rare or important fact or event : an extraordinary or exceptional person or thing : an observable fact or event : an object or aspect known through the senses rather than by thought or intuition : a fact or event of scientific interest susceptible of scientific description and explanation


noun noun noun fē-ˈa-(ˌ)skō -ˈä- fē-ˈä-(ˌ)skō -ˈa- fē-ˈä-(ˌ)skē -ˈa- fē-ˈa-skō : a complete failure The critic called the film a fiasco. ... the total fiasco that was his personal life ... —Margaret Atwood : bottle, flask; especially : a bulbous long-necked straw-covered bottle for wine : a bulbous long-necked straw-covered bottle for wine : a complete failure The party was a fiasco.


noun noun noun fə-ˈde-lə-tē fī- fə-ˈde-lə-tē fī- fə-ˈde-lə-tē, fī- : the quality or state of being faithful his fidelity to his wife : accuracy in details : exactness The movie's director insisted on total fidelity to the book. : the degree to which an electronic device (such as a record player, radio, or television) accurately reproduces its effect (such as sound or picture) : loyalty They swore fidelity to the king. : accuracy I described the scene with fidelity. : the quality or state of being faithful or loyal; especially : loyalty to one's spouse in refraining from adultery and sometimes in submitting to a spouse's reasonable sexual desires : loyalty to one's spouse in refraining from adultery and sometimes in submitting to a spouse's reasonable sexual desires


noun noun noun fə-ˈzēk fə-ˈzēk fə-ˈzēk : the form or structure of a person's body : bodily makeup : the size and shape of a person's body : the form or structure of a person's body : bodily makeup a muscular physique


noun noun noun hī-ˈpä-thə-səs hī-ˈpä-thə-ˌsēz hī-ˈpä-thə-səs -ə-ˌsēz hī-ˈpäth-ə-səs -ˌsēz : an assumption or concession made for the sake of argument : an interpretation of a practical situation or condition taken as the ground for action : a tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences : the antecedent clause of a conditional statement : something not proved but assumed to be true for purposes of argument or further study or investigation : a proposition tentatively assumed in order to draw out its logical or empirical consequences and test its consistency with facts that are known or may be determined it appears, then, to be a condition of the most genuinely scientific hypothesis that it be...of such a nature as to be either proved or disproved by comparison with observed facts —J. S. Mill


noun noun noun kə-ˈkau̇ kə-ˈkā-(ˌ)ō kə-ˈkau̇ kə-ˈkā-ō kə-ˈkau̇ kə-ˈkā-(ˌ)ō : the dried partly fermented fatty seeds of a South American evergreen tree (Theobroma cacao of the family Sterculiaceae) that are used in making cocoa, chocolate, and cocoa butter — called also cacao bean, cocoa bean : a tree having small yellowish flowers followed by fleshy pods from which cacao is obtained : a South American tree with fleshy yellow pods that contain fatty seeds from which chocolate is made : the dried partly fermented fatty seeds of a South American evergreen tree (Theobroma cacao of the family Sterculiaceae) that are used in making cocoa, chocolate, and cocoa butter — called also cacao bean, cocoa bean : a tree having small yellowish flowers followed by fleshy pods with many seeds that bear cacao — called also chocolate tree


noun noun noun kə-ˈlip-(ˌ)sō kə-ˌlip-ˈsō-nē-ən ˌka-(ˌ)lip- kə-ˈlip-sō : a sea nymph in Homer's Odyssey who keeps Odysseus seven years on the island of Ogygia : a bulbous bog orchid (Calypso bulbosa) of northern regions bearing a single white to purplish flower : a style of music originating in the West Indies, marked by lively duple meter, and having lyrics that are often improvised and usually satirize local personalities and events; also : a song in this style : a song in this style : a lively folk song or style of singing of the West Indies


noun noun noun kə-ˈset ka- kə-ˈset kə-ˈset, ka- : casket 1 : a usually flat case or cartridge that can be easily loaded or unloaded: such as : a lightproof magazine for holding film or plates for use in a camera : a plastic cartridge containing magnetic tape with the tape passing from one reel to another : a cassette tape player : a container that holds audiotape or videotape and in which the tape passes from one reel to another when being played : a container holding photographic film or plates that can be easily loaded into a camera : a lightproof magazine for holding film or plates for use in a camera; specifically : one for holding the intensifying screens and film in X-ray photography : one for holding the intensifying screens and film in X-ray photography : a small plastic cartridge containing magnetic tape with the tape on one reel passing to the other


noun noun noun mag-ˈnōl-yə mag-ˈnōl-yə mag-ˈnōl-yə : any of a genus (Magnolia of the family Magnoliaceae, the magnolia family) of American and Asian shrubs and trees with entire evergreen or deciduous leaves and usually showy white, yellow, rose, or purple flowers usually appearing in early spring : a tree or tall shrub having showy white, pink, yellow, or purple flowers that appear in early spring : a genus (family Magnoliaceae, the magnolia family) of North American and Asian shrubs and trees including some whose bark has been used especially as a bitter tonic and diaphoretic in folk medicine : any shrub or tree of the genus Magnolia : the dried bark of a magnolia


noun noun noun mə-ˈler-ē-ə -əl -əs mə-ˈler-ē-ə mə-ˈler-ē-ə : air infected with a noxious substance capable of causing disease; especially : miasma : miasma : a human disease that is caused by sporozoan parasites (genus Plasmodium) in the red blood cells, is transmitted by the bite of anopheline mosquitoes, and is characterized by periodic attacks of chills and fever : any of various diseases of birds and mammals caused by blood protozoans : a serious disease with chills and fever that is spread by the bite of a mosquito : an acute or chronic disease caused by the presence of sporozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium in the red blood cells, transmitted from an infected to an uninfected individual by the bite of anopheline mosquitoes, and characterized by periodic attacks of chills and fever that coincide with mass destruction of blood cells and the release of toxic substances by the parasite at the end of each reproductive cycle malaria remains the greatest single cause of debilitation and death throughout the world —Journal of the American Medical Association — see falciparum malaria, vivax malaria : any of various diseases of birds and mammals that are more or less similar to malaria of human beings and are caused by blood protozoans


noun noun noun mə-ˈräzh mə-ˈräzh mə-ˈräzh : an optical (see optical 2a) effect that is sometimes seen at sea, in the desert, or over a hot pavement, that may have the appearance of a pool of water or a mirror in which distant objects are seen inverted, and that is caused by the bending or reflection of rays of light by a layer of heated air of varying density : something illusory and unattainable like a mirage A peaceful solution proved to be a mirage. : an illusion sometimes seen at sea, in the desert, or over hot pavement that looks like a pool of water or a mirror in which distant objects are glimpsed : an optical effect that is sometimes seen at sea, in the desert, or over a hot pavement, that may have the appearance of a pool of water or a mirror in which distant objects are seen inverted, and that is caused by the bending or reflection of rays of light by a layer of heated air of varying density


noun noun noun nä-ˈstal-jə nə- nȯ- nō- nə-ˈstäl- nä-ˈstal-jik nə- nȯ- nō- nə-ˈstäl- nä-ˈstal-ji-k(ə-)lē nə- nȯ- nō- nə-ˈstäl- nä-ˈstal-jist nə- nȯ- nō- nə-ˈstäl- nä-ˈstal-jə nä-ˈstal-jə, nə-, nȯ-; nə-ˈstäl- -jik -ji-k(ə-)lē : the state of being homesick : homesickness : a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition; also : something that evokes nostalgia : something that evokes nostalgia : a longing for something past : the state of being homesick : a wistful or excessively sentimental sometimes abnormal yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition


noun noun noun pȯrt-ˈfō-lē-ˌō pȯrt-ˈfō-lē-ˌō pōrt-ˈfō-lē-ō : a hinged cover or flexible case for carrying loose papers, pictures, or pamphlets : the office and functions of a minister of state or member of a cabinet : the securities held by an investor : the commercial paper held by a financial house (such as a bank) : a set of pictures (such as drawings or photographs) usually bound in book form or loose in a folder : a selection of a student's work (such as papers and tests) compiled over a period of time and used for assessing performance or progress : a flat case for carrying papers or drawings : a collection of art (as paintings) presented together in a folder : the securities held by an investor : the commercial paper held by a financial institution (as a bank)


noun noun noun pər-ˈsi-mən pər-ˈsi-mən pər-ˈsim-ən : any of a genus (Diospyros) of trees of the ebony family with hard fine wood, oblong leaves, and small bell-shaped flowers; especially : an eastern U.S. tree (D. virginiana) or a Japanese tree (D. kaki) : an eastern U.S. tree (D. virginiana) or a Japanese tree (D. kaki) : the usually orange several-seeded globular berry of a persimmon that is edible when fully ripe but usually extremely astringent when unripe : an orange roundish sweet fruit that grows on a tree of the southeastern United States and Asia and may be very sour when unripe : any tree or shrub of the genus Diospyros; especially : one (D. virginiana) of the eastern United States whose bark has been used as an astringent : one (D. virginiana) of the eastern United States whose bark has been used as an astringent : the usually orange globular berry of a persimmon that is edible when fully ripe but usually extremely astringent when unripe


noun noun noun ra-ˈpȯr rə- ra-ˈpȯr ra-ˈpȯ(ə)r, rə- : a friendly, harmonious relationship; especially : a relationship characterized by agreement, mutual understanding, or empathy that makes communication possible or easy : a relationship characterized by agreement, mutual understanding, or empathy that makes communication possible or easy : a friendly relationship : harmonious accord or relation that fosters cooperation, communication, or trust rapport between a patient and psychotherapist


noun noun noun ri-ˈsi-də-vist ri-ˌsi-də-ˈvi-stik -vəst -ˌsid-ə-ˈvis-tik ri-ˈsi-də-vist ri-ˌsi-də-ˈvis-tik : one who relapses; specifically : a habitual criminal : a habitual criminal : one who relapses into a previous behavior or condition; especially : a habitual criminal : a habitual criminal : an habitual criminal


noun noun noun är-ˈthrī-təs -ˈthri-tə-ˌdēz är-ˈthrī-təs är-ˈthrīt-əs -ˈthrit-ə-ˌdēz : inflammation of joints due to infectious, metabolic, or constitutional causes; also : a specific arthritic condition : a specific arthritic condition : a condition in which the joints are painful and swollen : inflammation of joints due to infectious, metabolic, or constitutional causes; also : a specific arthritic condition (as gouty arthritis or psoriatic arthritis) : a specific arthritic condition (as gouty arthritis or psoriatic arthritis)


noun noun noun ə-ˈna-lə-səs -ˌsēz ə-ˈna-lə-səs -ˌsēz ə-ˈnal-ə-səs -ˌsēz : a detailed examination of anything complex in order to understand its nature or to determine its essential features : a thorough study doing a careful analysis of the problem : a statement of such an examination : separation of a whole into its component parts : the identification or separation of ingredients of a substance a chemical analysis of the soil : a statement of the constituents of a mixture : proof of a mathematical proposition by assuming the result and deducing a valid statement by a series of reversible steps : a branch of mathematics concerned mainly with limits, continuity, and infinite series : calculus 1b : psychoanalysis a patient who is in/undergoing analysis : a method in philosophy of resolving complex expressions into simpler or more basic ones : clarification of an expression by an elucidation of its use in discourse : the use of function words instead of inflectional forms as a characteristic device of a language : an examination of something to find out how it is made or works or what it is chemical analysis of the soil : an explanation of the nature and meaning of something analysis of the news : separation of a whole into its component parts : the identification or separation of ingredients of a substance : a statement of the constituents of a mixture : psychoanalysis


noun noun noun ə-ˈnä-mə-lē ə-ˈnä-mə-lē ə-ˈnäm-ə-lē : something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified : something anomalous They regarded the test results as an anomaly. : deviation from the common rule : irregularity : the angular distance of a planet from its perihelion as seen from the sun : something different, abnormal, strange, or not easily described : a deviation from normal especially of a bodily part the infants demonstrated congenital anomalies personality anomalies


noun noun noun ə-ˈpäs-trə-(ˌ)fē ə-ˈpäs-trə-(ˌ)fē ˌa-pə-ˈsträ-fik ə-ˈpä-strə-fē : a mark ' used to indicate the omission of letters or figures, the possessive case (as in "John's book"), or the plural of letters or figures (as in "the 1960's") In the contraction "can't," the apostrophe replaces two of the letters in the word "cannot.". : the addressing of a usually absent person or a usually personified thing rhetorically Carlyle's "O Liberty, what things are done in thy name!" is an example of apostrophe. : a mark ʼ used to show that letters or figures are missing (as in "can't" for "cannot" or "ʼ76" for "1776") or to show the possessive case (as in "Mike's") or the plural of letters or figures (as in "cross your t's")


noun noun noun ˈ(h)ər-bə-ˌvȯr ˈhər-bə-ˌvȯr ˈər- ˈ(h)ər-bə-ˌvō(ə)r -ˌvȯ(ə)r : a herbivorous animal : an animal that feeds on plants : a plant-eating animal; especially : ungulate : ungulate


noun noun noun ˈa-lər-jən ˌa-lər-ˈje-nik ˌa-lər-jə-ˈni-sə-tē ˈa-lər-jən ˈal-ər-jən : a substance (such as pollen) that induces allergy : a substance that causes an allergic reaction : a substance that induces allergy inhaled allergens a suspected food allergen


noun noun noun ˈa-pə-thē ˈa-pə-thē ˈap-ə-thē : lack of feeling or emotion : impassiveness drug abuse leading to apathy and depression : lack of interest or concern : indifference political apathy : lack of feeling or of interest : indifference The trip was canceled because of student apathy. : lack of feeling or emotion


noun noun noun ˈal-kə-mē -mi-kəl al-ˈke-mik -mi-k(ə-)lē ˈal-kə-mē ˈal-kə-mē -məst ˌal-kə-ˈmis-tik -ti-kəl : a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life : a power or process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive way ... the practitioners of financial alchemy that transformed the world of money in the 1980's ... —Gordon Williams : an inexplicable or mysterious transmuting : a science that was used in the Middle Ages with the goal of changing ordinary metals into gold : the medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy whose aims were the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for diseases, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life


noun noun noun ˈal-kə-ˌhȯl ˈal-kə-ˌhȯl ˈal-kə-ˌhȯl : ethanol especially when considered as the intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquors : drink (such as whiskey or beer) containing ethanol : a mixture of ethanol and water that is usually 95 percent ethanol : any of a class of organic (see 1organic 3b(1)) compounds that are analogous to ethanol and that are hydroxyl derivatives of hydrocarbons : a colorless flammable liquid that in one form is the substance in liquors (as beer, wine, or whiskey) that can make a person drunk : a drink containing alcohol : ethanol especially when considered as the intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquors : drink (as whiskey or beer) containing ethanol : a mixture of ethanol and water that is usually 95 percent ethanol : any of various compounds that are analogous to ethanol in constitution and that are hydroxyl derivatives of hydrocarbons


noun noun noun ˈal-kə-ˌlī ˈal-kə-ˌlī ˈal-kə-ˌlī : a soluble salt obtained from the ashes of plants and consisting largely of potassium or sodium carbonate; broadly : a substance (such as a hydroxide or carbonate of an alkali metal) having marked basic properties — compare base 7a : a substance (such as a hydroxide or carbonate of an alkali metal) having marked basic properties — compare base 7a : alkali metal : a soluble salt or a mixture of soluble salts present in some soils of arid regions in quantity detrimental to agriculture : a substance that has a bitter taste and reacts with an acid to form a salt : base : a salt or a mixture of salts sometimes found in large amounts in the soil of dry regions : a substance (as a hydroxide or carbonate of an alkali metal) having marked basic properties — compare base


noun noun noun ˈam-byə-lən(t)s -bə- -ˌlan(t)s ˈam-byə-ləns ˈam-b(y)ə-lən(t)s also -ˌlan(t)s : a vehicle equipped for transporting the injured or sick : a vehicle used to carry a sick or injured person : a vehicle equipped for transporting the injured or sick


noun noun noun ˈan-tə-ˌmō-nē ˈan-tə-ˌmō-nē ˈant-ə-ˌmō-nē : stibnite : a trivalent and pentavalent metalloid element with atomic number 51 that commonly occurs in a brittle, metallic, silvery white crystalline form and that is used especially in alloys, semiconductors, and flame-retardant substances — see Chemical Elements Table : a silvery white metallic chemical element : a trivalent and pentavalent metalloid element that is commonly metallic silvery white, crystalline, and brittle and is used especially in alloys and semiconductors and in medicine as a constituent of various antiprotozoal agents (as tartar emetic) —symbol Sb — see Chemical Elements Table


noun noun noun ˈan-vəl ˈan-vəl ˈan-vəl : a heavy usually steel-faced iron block on which metal is shaped (as by hand hammering) : incus : the anvil-shaped top of a cumulonimbus : an iron block on which pieces of metal are hammered into shape : incus


noun noun noun ˈat-mə-ˌsfir -ˌsfird ˈat-mə-ˌsfir ˈat-mə-ˌsfi(ə)r ˌat-mə-ˈsfi(ə)r-ik, -ˈsfer- : the gaseous envelope of a celestial body (such as a planet) : the whole mass of air surrounding the earth : the air of a locality the stuffy atmosphere of the waiting room : a surrounding influence or environment an atmosphere of hostility : a unit of pressure equal to the pressure of the air at sea level or approximately 14.7 pounds per square inch (101,325 pascals) : the overall aesthetic effect of a work of art : an intriguing or singular tone, effect, or appeal an inn with atmosphere : the whole mass of air that surrounds the earth : the gas surrounding a heavenly body (as a planet) The atmosphere of Mars is made up mostly of carbon dioxide. : the air in a particular place : a surrounding influence or set of conditions an atmosphere of excitement : the whole mass of air surrounding the earth : the air of a locality : a unit of pressure equal to the pressure of the air at sea level or to 101,325 pascals or to approximately 14.7 pounds per square inch


noun noun noun ˈbär-lē ˈbär-lē ˈbär-lē : a cereal grass (genus Hordeum and especially H. vulgare) having the flowers in dense spikes with long awns and three spikelets at each joint of the rachis; also : its seed used especially in malt beverages, breakfast foods, and stock feeds : its seed used especially in malt beverages, breakfast foods, and stock feeds : a cereal grass grown for its grain which is used mostly to feed farm animals or make malt : a cereal grass (genus Hordeum, especially H. vulgare) having the flowers in dense spikes with long awns; also : its seed used in malt beverages and in breakfast foods and stock feeds : its seed used in malt beverages and in breakfast foods and stock feeds


noun noun noun ˈbäŋ-(ˌ)gō ˈbȯŋ- -ˌgō-ist ˈbäŋ-gō ˈbȯŋ-gō : one of a pair of small connected drums of different sizes and pitches played with the hands : an African antelope (Tragelaphus eurycerus synonym Boocerus euryceros) that is chestnut red with narrow white vertical stripes and is found in forests from Sierra Leone to Kenya : either of a pair of small drums that are joined together and played with the hands


noun noun noun ˈbȯr-ˌaks -əks ˈbō(ə)r-ˌaks ˈbȯ(ə)r- -əks : a white crystalline compound that consists of a hydrated sodium borate Na2B4O7·10H2O, that occurs as a mineral or is prepared from other minerals, and that is used especially as a flux, cleansing agent, and water softener, as a preservative, and as a fireproofing agent : cheap shoddy merchandise : a white crystalline compound that consists of a hydrated sodium borate Na2B4O7·10H2O, that occurs as a mineral or is prepared from other minerals, and that is used especially as a flux, cleansing agent, and water softener and as a preservative


noun noun noun ˈe-spē-ə-ˌnäzh -ˌnäj -nij -ˌnazh ˌe-spē-ə-ˈnäzh i-ˈspē-ə-nij ˈe-spē-ə-ˌnäzh ˈes-pē-ə-ˌnäzh, -ˌnäj, -nij : the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company industrial espionage : the practice of spying : the use of spies : the practice of gathering, transmitting, or losing through gross negligence information relating to the defense of the U.S. with the intent that or with reason to believe that the information will be used to the injury of the U.S. or the advantage of a foreign nation


noun noun noun ˈfi-lə-mənt ˌfi-lə-ˈmen-t(ə-)rē ˌfi-lə-ˈmen-təs ˈfi-lə-mənt ˈfil-ə-mənt ˌfil-ə-ˈment-əs : a single thread or a thin flexible threadlike object, process, or appendage (see appendage 2): such as : a tenuous (see tenuous 2) conductor (as of carbon or metal) made incandescent by the passage of an electric current; specifically : a cathode (see cathode 2) in the form of a metal wire in an electron tube : a cathode (see cathode 2) in the form of a metal wire in an electron tube : a thin and fine elongated constituent part of a gill (see 2gill 1) : an elongated thin series of cells attached one to another or a very long thin cylindrical single cell (as of some algae, fungi, or bacteria) : the anther-bearing stalk of a stamen — see flower illustration : a fine thread a filament of silk : a fine wire (as in a light bulb) that is made to glow by the passage of an electric current : the stalk of a plant stamen that bears the anther : a single thread or a thin flexible threadlike object, process, or appendage; especially : an elongated thin series of cells attached one to another or a very long thin cylindrical single cell (as of some algae, fungi, or bacteria) : an elongated thin series of cells attached one to another or a very long thin cylindrical single cell (as of some algae, fungi, or bacteria)


noun noun noun ˈgri-səl -zəl ˈgri-səl ˈgris-lē ˈgris-əl : cartilage; broadly : tough cartilaginous, tendinous, or fibrous matter especially in table meats : tough cartilaginous, tendinous, or fibrous matter especially in table meats : cartilage : cartilage


noun noun noun ˈham(p)-stər ˈham-stər ˈham(p)-stər : any of a subfamily (Cricetinae) of small Old World rodents having very large cheek pouches : a stocky rodent with a short tail and large cheek pouches : any of numerous Old World rodents (Cricetus or a related genus) having very large cheek pouches and including several used as laboratory animals


noun noun noun ˈhwər(-ə)l-ˌpül ˈwər(-ə)l- ˈhwərl-ˌpül ˈwərl- ˈhwər(-ə)l-ˌpül, ˈwər(-ə)l- : a confused tumult and bustle : whirl : a magnetic or impelling force by which something may be engulfed refusing to be drawn into this whirlpool of intrigue —A. D. White : water moving rapidly in a circle so as to produce a depression in the center into which floating objects may be drawn : eddy, vortex : whirlpool bath : a rapid swirl of water with a low place in the center into which floating objects are drawn : whirlpool bath


noun noun noun ˈhī-ˌjēn hī-ˈjēn hī-ˈjē-nist ˈhī-ˌjē- hī-ˈje- ˈhī-ˌjēn ˈhī-ˌjēn also hī-ˈ : a science of the establishment and maintenance of health : conditions or practices (as of cleanliness) conducive to health has poor personal hygiene Brushing your teeth regularly is an important part of good oral hygiene. : a science that deals with the bringing about and keeping up of good health : conditions or practices (as of cleanliness) necessary for health He has good personal hygiene. : a science of the establishment and maintenance of health — see industrial hygiene, mental hygiene : conditions or practices (as of cleanliness) conducive to health


noun noun noun ˈkam(p)-fər ˌkam(p)-fə-ˈrā-shəs ˈkam-fər ˈkam(p)-fər kam-ˈfȯr-ik, -ˈfär- : a tough gummy volatile aromatic crystalline compound C10H16O obtained especially from the wood and bark of the camphor tree and used as a liniment and mild topical analgesic in medicine, as a plasticizer, and as an insect repellent; also : any of several similar compounds (such as some terpene alcohols and ketones) : any of several similar compounds (such as some terpene alcohols and ketones) : a white fragrant solid that comes from the wood and bark of a tall Asian tree ( camphor tree ) and is used mostly in medicine, in making plastics, and to repel moths : a tough gummy volatile aromatic crystalline compound C10H16O obtained especially from the wood and bark of the camphor tree and used topically as a liniment and mild analgesic, as a plasticizer, and as an insect repellent; also : any of several similar compounds (as some terpene alcohols and ketones) : any of several similar compounds (as some terpene alcohols and ketones)


noun noun noun ˈklen-zər ˈklen-zər ˈklen-zər : a person or thing that cleanses something; especially : a preparation (such as a scouring powder or a skin cream) used for cleaning : a preparation (such as a scouring powder or a skin cream) used for cleaning : a substance (as a scouring powder) used for cleaning : a preparation including a cleaning agent for cleansing the skin, the teeth, or glass surfaces


noun noun noun ˈkwī-ˌnīn ˈkwi- kwi-ˈnīn ki-ˈnēn kwi-ˈnēn ˈkwī-ˌnīn ˈkwī-ˌnīn also ˈkwin-ˌīn, esp British kwin-ˈēn, ˈkwin-ēn : a bitter crystalline alkaloid C20H24N2O2 from cinchona bark used in medicine : a salt of quinine used especially as an antipyretic, antimalarial, and bitter tonic : a bitter drug obtained from cinchona bark and used to treat malaria : a bitter crystalline alkaloid C20H24N2O2 obtained from cinchona bark that is used as a flavoring agent, has antipyretic and analgesic properties, and is administered orally in the form of its salts (as the hydrated sulfate (C20H24N2O2)2·H2SO4·2H2O) as an antimalarial


noun noun noun ˈkō-ˌbȯlt ˈkō-ˌbȯlt ˈkō-ˌbȯlt : a tough lustrous silver-white magnetic metallic element that is related to and occurs with iron and nickel and is used especially in alloys — see Chemical Elements Table : cobalt blue 2 : a tough shiny silvery white metallic chemical element found with iron and nickel : a tough lustrous silver-white magnetic metallic element that is related to and occurs with iron and nickel and is used especially in alloys —symbol Co — see Chemical Elements Table


noun noun noun ˈkȯr-(ˌ)pə-səl kȯr-ˈpə-skyə-lər ˈkȯr-ˌpə-səl ˈkȯr-(ˌ)pəs-əl kȯr-ˈpəs-kyə-lər : a minute particle : a living cell; especially : one (such as a red or white blood cell or a cell in cartilage or bone) not aggregated into continuous tissues : one (such as a red or white blood cell or a cell in cartilage or bone) not aggregated into continuous tissues : any of various small circumscribed multicellular bodies : a very small cell (as a red blood cell) that floats freely in the blood : a living cell; especially : one (as a red or white blood cell or a cell in cartilage or bone) not aggregated into continuous tissues : one (as a red or white blood cell or a cell in cartilage or bone) not aggregated into continuous tissues : any of various small circumscribed multicellular bodies —usually used with a qualifying term Malpighian corpuscles


noun noun noun ˈlin-ˌsēd ˈlin-ˌsēd ˈlin-ˌsēd : flaxseed : flaxseed : flaxseed


noun noun noun ˈlī-ˌbrer-ē -ˌbre-rē -brə-rē -brē -ˌber-ē -ˌbe-rē ˈlī-ˌbrer-ē ˈlī-ˌbrer-ē : a place in which literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials (such as books, manuscripts, recordings, or films) are kept for use but not for sale : a collection of such materials a library of jazz recordings : a collection resembling or suggesting a library an illustrations library : morgue 2 : a series of related books issued by a publisher a Dickens library : a collection of publications on the same subject : a collection of cloned DNA fragments that are maintained in a suitable cellular environment and that usually represent the genetic material of a particular organism or tissue : a place where literary or reference materials (as books, manuscripts, recordings, or films) are kept for use but are not for sale : a collection of literary or reference materials They have a large personal library. : a collection of cloned DNA fragments that are maintained in a suitable cellular environment and that represent the genetic material of a particular organism or tissue inserting segments from a library of human DNA into yeast cells —Science News


noun noun noun ˈmi-səl-ˌtō ˈmi-zəl- ˈmi-səl-ˌtō ˈmis-əl-ˌtō, chiefly British ˈmiz- : a European semiparasitic green shrub (Viscum album of the family Loranthaceae, the mistletoe family) with thick leaves, small yellowish flowers, and waxy-white glutinous berries; broadly : any of various plants of the mistletoe family (as of an American genus Phoradendron) resembling the true mistletoe : any of various plants of the mistletoe family (as of an American genus Phoradendron) resembling the true mistletoe : a plant with waxy white berries that grows on the branches and trunks of trees : any of various parasitic or semiparasitic plants (family Loranthaceae, the mistletoe family) that have thick leathery mostly opposite and sometimes scaly leaves and include some formerly used in preparations with oxytocic, antispasmodic, or heart-stimulating properties: as : a European semiparasitic green shrub (Viscum album) having somewhat poisonous leaves, stems, and waxy-white glutinous berries that have been used in folk medicine : any of various American plants (genus Phoradendron and especially P. serotinum synonym P. flavescens) resembling the true mistletoe of Europe


noun noun noun ˈmȯrg ˈmȯ(ə)rg ˈmȯrg : a place where the bodies of dead persons are kept temporarily pending identification or release for burial or autopsy : a collection of reference works and files of reference material in a newspaper or news periodical office : a place where the bodies of dead persons are kept temporarily pending identification or release for burial or autopsy : a place where the bodies of persons found dead are kept until identified and claimed by relatives or released for burial or autopsy


noun noun noun ˈnat -ē ˈnat ˈnat : any of various small usually biting dipteran flies : a very small usually biting fly : any of various small usually biting dipteran flies (as a midge or blackfly)


noun noun noun ˈnä-(ˌ)jül ˈnä-jül ˈnäj-(ˌ)ü(ə)l : a small mass of rounded or irregular shape: such as : a small rounded lump of a mineral or mineral aggregate : a swelling on a leguminous root that contains symbiotic bacteria : a small abnormal knobby bodily protuberance (such as a tumorous growth or a calcification near an arthritic joint) : a small roundish lump or mass : a small mass of rounded or irregular shape: as : a small abnormal knobby bodily protuberance (as a tumorous growth or a calcification near an arthritic joint) : the nodulus of the cerebellum


noun noun noun ˈnä-strəl ˈnä-strəl ˈnäs-trəl : either of the external nares; broadly : either of the nares with the adjoining passage on the same side of the septum : either of the nares with the adjoining passage on the same side of the septum : either fleshy lateral wall of the nose : either of the outer openings of the nose through which people and many animals breathe : either of the external nares; broadly : either of the nares with the adjoining passage on the same side of the nasal septum : either of the nares with the adjoining passage on the same side of the nasal septum : either fleshy lateral wall of the nose


noun noun noun ˈper-ə-ˌdäks ˈpa-rə- ˈper-ə-ˌdäks ˈpar-ə-ˌdäks : a tenet contrary to received opinion : a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true : a self-contradictory statement that at first seems true : an argument that apparently derives self-contradictory conclusions by valid deduction from acceptable premises : one (such as a person, situation, or action) having seemingly contradictory qualities or phases : a statement that seems to say opposite things and yet is perhaps true : a person or thing having qualities that seem to be opposite : an instance of a paradoxical phenomenon or reaction


noun noun noun ˈpich-ˌblend ˈpich-ˌblend ˈpich-ˌblend : a brown to black mineral that consists of massive uraninite, has a distinctive luster, contains radium, and is the chief ore-mineral source of uranium : a dark mineral that is a source of radium and uranium : a brown to black mineral that consists of massive uraninite, has a distinctive luster, contains radium, and is the chief ore-mineral source of uranium


noun noun noun ˈplak ˈplak ˈplak : an ornamental brooch; especially : the badge of an honorary order : the badge of an honorary order : a flat thin piece (as of metal) used for decoration : a commemorative or identifying inscribed tablet : a localized abnormal patch on a body part or surface : a sticky usually colorless film on teeth that is formed by and harbors bacteria : an atherosclerotic lesion : a histopathologic lesion of brain tissue that is characteristic of Alzheimer's disease and consists of a dense proteinaceous core composed primarily of beta-amyloid that is often surrounded and infiltrated by a cluster of degenerating axons and dendrites : a clear area in a bacterial culture produced by viral destruction of cells : a flat thin piece (as of metal) with writing on it that serves as a memorial of something : a sticky usually colorless thin film on the teeth that is formed by and contains bacteria : a localized abnormal patch on a body part or surface and especially on the skin psoriatic plaque : a sticky usually colorless film on teeth that is formed by and harbors bacteria : an atherosclerotic lesion : a histopathologic lesion of brain tissue that is characteristic of Alzheimer's disease and consists of a dense proteinaceous core composed primarily of beta-amyloid that is often surrounded and infiltrated by a cluster of degenerating axons and dendrites — called also senile plaque : a visibly distinct and especially a clear or opaque area in a bacterial culture produced by damage to or destruction of cells by a virus


noun noun noun ˈprō-tə-ˌkȯl -ˌkōl -ˌkäl -kəl ˈprōt-ə-ˌkȯl, -ˌkōl, -ˌkäl ˈprō-tə-ˌkȯl : an original draft, minute, or record of a document or transaction : a preliminary memorandum often formulated and signed by diplomatic negotiators as a basis for a final convention or treaty : the records or minutes of a diplomatic conference or congress that show officially the agreements arrived at by the negotiators : a code prescribing strict adherence to correct etiquette and precedence (as in diplomatic exchange and in the military services) a breach of protocol : a set of conventions governing the treatment and especially the formatting of data in an electronic communications system network protocols : convention 3a,b : a detailed plan of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment, or procedure : an official account of a proceeding; especially : the notes or records relating to a case, an experiment, or an autopsy : the notes or records relating to a case, an experiment, or an autopsy : a detailed plan of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment, or procedure cryotherapy was performed in approximately half of the eyes through a randomization protocol —Journal of the American Medical Association : an original draft, minute, or record of a document or transaction : a preliminary memorandum often formulated and signed by diplomatic negotiators as a basis for a final convention or treaty : the records or minutes of a diplomatic conference or congress that show officially the agreements arrived at by the negotiators


noun noun noun ˈprō-ˌtēn ˈprō-tē-ən ˈprō-ˌtēn ˈprō-ˌtēn ˈprōt-ē-ən : any of various naturally occurring extremely complex substances that consist of amino-acid residues joined by peptide bonds, contain the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, usually sulfur, and occasionally other elements (such as phosphorus or iron), and include many essential biological compounds (such as enzymes, hormones, or antibodies) : the total nitrogenous material in plant or animal substances : a nutrient found in food (as meat, milk, eggs, and beans) that is made up of many amino acids joined together, is a necessary part of the diet, and is essential for normal cell structure and function : any of numerous naturally occurring extremely complex substances (as an enzyme or antibody) that consist of amino acid residues joined by peptide bonds, contain the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, usually sulfur, and occasionally other elements (as phosphorus or iron), that are essential constituents of all living cells, that are synthesized from raw materials by plants but assimilated as separate amino acids by animals, that are both acidic and basic and usually colloidal in nature although many have been crystallized, and that are hydrolyzable by acids, alkalies, proteolytic enzymes, and putrefactive bacteria to polypeptides, to simpler peptides, and ultimately to alpha-amino acids : the total nitrogenous material in plant or animal substances; especially : crude protein : crude protein


noun noun noun ˈpä-lə-mər ˌpä-lə-ˈmer-ik pə-ˈli-mə-ˌri-zəm ˈpä-lə-mə- ˈpä-lə-mər-ˌlīk ˈpä-lə-mər ˈpäl-ə-mər : a chemical compound or mixture of compounds formed by polymerization and consisting essentially of repeating structural units : a chemical compound that is made of small molecules that are arranged in a simple repeating structure to form a larger molecule : a chemical compound or mixture of compounds formed by polymerization and consisting essentially of repeating structural units


noun noun noun ˈpät-ˌash ˈpät-ˌash ˈpät-ˌash : potassium carbonate especially from wood ashes : potassium or a potassium compound especially as used in agriculture or industry : potassium or a compound of potassium : potassium carbonate especially from wood ashes : potassium hydroxide : potassium or a potassium compound especially as used in agriculture or industry


noun noun noun ˈre-zə-ˌvwär -zər- -ˌvwȯr -ˌvȯi ˈre-zər-ˌvwär ˈrez-ə(r)v-ˌwär -ə(r)v-ˌ(w)ȯr : a place where something is kept in store: such as : an artificial lake where water is collected and kept in quantity for use : a part of an apparatus in which a liquid is held : supply, store a large reservoir of educated people : an extra supply : reserve : an organism in which a parasite that is pathogenic for some other species lives and multiplies usually without damaging its host : a place where something (as water) is kept in store for future use : a space (as an enlargement of a vessel or the cavity of a glandular acinus) in which a body fluid is stored : an organism in which a parasite that is pathogenic for some other species lives and multiplies without damaging its host; also : a noneconomic organism within which a pathogen of economic or medical importance flourishes without regard to its pathogenicity for the reservoir rats are reservoirs of plague — compare carrier 1a : a noneconomic organism within which a pathogen of economic or medical importance flourishes without regard to its pathogenicity for the reservoir rats are reservoirs of plague — compare carrier 1a


noun noun noun ˈsa-sə-ˌfras ˈsa-sə-ˌfras ˈsas-ə-ˌfras : an eastern North American tree (Sassafras albidum) of the laurel family having both ovate and lobed aromatic leaves : the carcinogenic dried root bark of the sassafras used formerly as a diaphoretic or flavoring agent : a tall tree of eastern North America whose dried root bark was formerly used in medicine or as a flavoring : a tall eastern North American tree (Sassafras albidum) of the laurel family (Lauraceae) with mucilaginous twigs and leaves : the dried root bark of the sassafras formerly used as a diaphoretic and flavoring agent but now prohibited for use as a flavoring or food additive because of its carcinogenic properties


noun noun noun ˈsa-ˌfrän -frən ˈsa-frən ˈsaf-rän -rən : the deep orange aromatic pungent dried stigmas of a purple-flowered crocus (Crocus sativus) used to color and flavor foods and formerly as a dyestuff and in medicine : the crocus supplying saffron : a moderate orange to orange yellow : an orange spice that is made from the dried stigmas of a crocus and is used to color or flavor foods : an orange to orange yellow : the deep orange aromatic pungent dried stigmas of a purple-flowered crocus used to color and flavor foods and formerly as a dyestuff and as a stimulant antispasmodic emmenagogue in medicine : a purple-flowered crocus (Crocus sativa) that is the source of saffron — called also saffron crocus


noun noun noun ˈsi-nə-ˌnim ˌsi-nə-ˈni-mik ˌsi-nə-ˈni-mi-kəl ˌsi-nə-ˈni-mə-tē ˈsi-nə-ˌnim ˈsin-ə-ˌnim ˌsin-ə-ˈnim-ət-ē : one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses : a word or phrase that by association is held to embody something (such as a concept or quality) a tyrant whose name has become a synonym for oppression : metonym : one of two or more scientific names used to designate the same taxonomic group — compare homonym : a word having the same or almost the same meaning as another word in the same language : a taxonomic name rejected as being incorrectly applied or incorrect in form


noun noun noun ˈspek-trəm ˈspek-trə ˈspek-trəm -trə ˈspek-trəm -trə : a continuum of color formed when a beam of white light is dispersed (as by passage through a prism) so that its component wavelengths are arranged in order : any of various continua that resemble a color spectrum in consisting of an ordered arrangement by a particular characteristic (such as frequency or energy): such as : electromagnetic spectrum : radio spectrum : the range of frequencies of sound waves : mass spectrum : the representation (such as a plot) of a spectrum : a continuous sequence or range a wide spectrum of interests opposite ends of the political spectrum : kinds of organisms associated with a particular situation (such as an environment) : a range of effectiveness against pathogenic organisms an antibiotic with a broad spectrum : the group of different colors including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet seen when light passes through a prism and falls on a surface or when sunlight is affected by drops of water (as in a rainbow) : a continuum of color formed when a beam of white light is dispersed (as by passage through a prism) so that its component wavelengths are arranged in order : any of various continua that resemble a spectrum in consisting of an ordered arrangement by a particular characteristic (as frequency or energy): as : electromagnetic spectrum : mass spectrum : the representation (as a plot) of a spectrum : a continuous sequence or range; specifically : a range of effectiveness against pathogenic organisms — see broad-spectrum, narrow spectrum : a range of effectiveness against pathogenic organisms — see broad-spectrum, narrow spectrum


noun noun noun ˈste-thə-ˌskōp -t͟hə- ˌste-thə-ˈskä-pik -t͟hə- ˈste-thə-ˌskōp ˈsteth-ə-ˌskōp also ˈstet͟h- ˌsteth-ə-ˈskäp-ik also ˌstet͟h- -i-k(ə-)lē : a medical instrument for detecting sounds produced in the body that are conveyed to the ears of the listener through rubber tubing connected with a piece placed upon the area to be examined : a medical instrument used for listening to sounds produced in the body and especially those of the heart and lungs : an instrument used to detect and study sounds produced in the body that are conveyed to the ears of the listener through rubber tubing connected with a usually cup-shaped piece placed upon the area to be examined


noun noun noun ˈtü-nə ˈtyü- ˈtü-nə ˈtü-nə ˈtyü- : any of numerous large vigorous scombroid food and sport fishes (such as an albacore or a bluefin tuna) : the flesh of a tuna especially when canned for use as food — called also tuna fish : any of various flat-jointed prickly pears (genus Opuntia); especially : one (O. tuna) of tropical America : one (O. tuna) of tropical America : the edible fruit of a tuna : a large sea fish caught for food and sport


noun noun noun ˈvam-ˌpī(-ə)r vam-ˈpir-ik ˈvam-ˌpī(-ə)r-ish ˈvam-ˌpīr ˈvam-ˌpī(ə)r : the reanimated body of a dead person believed to come from the grave at night and suck the blood of persons asleep : one who lives by preying on others : a woman who exploits and ruins her lover : vampire bat : the body of a dead person believed to come from the grave at night and suck the blood of sleeping people : vampire bat


noun noun noun ˈwin-tər-ˌgrēn ˈwin-tər-ˌgrēn ˈwint-ər-ˌgrēn : any of a genus (Pyrola of the family Pyrolaceae, the wintergreen family) of evergreen perennial herbs (such as the shinleafs) that have basal leaves and racemose flowers : any of a genus (Gaultheria) of evergreen plants of the heath family; especially : a low creeping evergreen shrub (G. procumbens) of North America with white flowers and spicy red berries — compare checkerberry : a low creeping evergreen shrub (G. procumbens) of North America with white flowers and spicy red berries — compare checkerberry : an essential oil from this plant : the flavor of this oil wintergreen lozenges : a low evergreen plant with shiny leaves which produce an oil used in medicine and flavoring : any plant of the genus Gaultheria; especially : a low evergreen plant (G. procumbens) with white flowers and spicy red berries : a low evergreen plant (G. procumbens) with white flowers and spicy red berries : oil of wintergreen


noun noun noun ˈyü-nə-tē ˈyü-nə-tē ˈyü-nə-tē : the quality or state of not being multiple : oneness : a definite amount taken as one or for which 1 is made to stand in calculation in a table of natural sines the radius of the circle is regarded as unity : identity element : a condition of harmony : accord : continuity without deviation or change (as in purpose or action) : the quality or state of being made one : unification : a combination or ordering of parts in a literary or artistic production that constitutes a whole or promotes an undivided total effect; also : the resulting singleness of effect or symmetry and consistency of style and character : the resulting singleness of effect or symmetry and consistency of style and character : a totality of related parts : an entity that is a complex or systematic whole : any of three principles of dramatic structure derived by French classicists from Aristotle's Poetics and requiring a play to have a single action represented as occurring in one place and within one day : a 20th century American religious movement that emphasizes spiritual sources of health and prosperity : the quality or state of being one : the state of those who are in full agreement : harmony Why can't we live in unity? : the quality or state of not being multiple : the quality or state of being one, single, whole, or the same only if there is unity of ownership of the immovable and movables : an aspect (as time, title, interest, or possession) of a joint tenancy that must be identical as it relates to the cotenants such a conveyance severs the joint tenancy by removing the unities of time and title Note: At common law, all four unities were required to be present for a joint tenancy. Conveying the interests of the cotenants at the same time creates the unity of time. Conveying the interests of the cotenants in the same instrument creates the unity of title. Conveying the same interest (as fee simple absolute) to the cotenants creates the unity of interest. Conveying a common right of possession or enjoyment creates the unity of possession.


noun noun noun ˈär-sᵊn -ist -əs ˈär-sᵊn ˈärs-ᵊn -ist : the willful or malicious burning of property (such as a building) especially with criminal or fraudulent intent Arson was determined to be the cause of the fire. : the illegal burning of a building or other property : the act or crime of willfully, wrongfully, and unjustifiably setting property on fire often for the purpose of committing fraud (as on an insurance company)


noun noun noun ˈī-sə-ˌbär ˈī-sə-ˌbär ˈī-sə-ˌbär : an imaginary line or a line on a map or chart connecting or marking places of equal barometric pressure : one of two or more atoms or elements having the same atomic weights or mass numbers but different atomic numbers : a line on a map to indicate areas having the same atmospheric pressure : one of two or more atoms or elements having the same atomic weights or mass numbers but different atomic numbers


noun noun noun ˈȯl-dər-mən ˌȯl-dər-ˈma-nik ˈȯl-dər-mən ˈȯl-dər-mən : a person governing a kingdom, district, or shire as viceroy for an Anglo-Saxon king : a magistrate formerly ranking next below the mayor in an English or Irish city or borough : a high-ranking member of a borough or county council in Ireland or formerly in England chosen by elected members : a member of a city legislative body : a member of a lawmaking body in a city : a member of a city legislative body


noun noun noun ˌdī-ig-ˈnō-səs -əg- -ˌsēz ˌdī-əg-ˈnō-səs -ˌsēz ˌdī-ig-ˈnō-səs, -əg- -ˌsēz : the art or act of identifying a disease from its signs and symptoms : the decision reached by diagnosis the doctor's diagnosis : investigation or analysis of the cause or nature of a condition, situation, or problem diagnosis of engine trouble : a statement or conclusion from such an analysis : a concise technical description of a taxon : the act of recognizing a disease from its signs and symptoms She specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. : the conclusion that is reached following examination and testing The diagnosis was pneumonia. : the art or act of identifying a disease from its signs and symptoms : the decision reached by diagnosis a diagnosis of pneumonia : a concise technical description of a taxon


noun noun noun ˌdī-ə-ˈrē-ə -ˈrē-əl -ˈrē-ik -ˈre-tik ˌdī-ə-ˈrē-ə ˌdī-ə-ˈrē-ə : abnormally frequent intestinal evacuations with more or less fluid stools (see 1stool 3b) symptoms include fever, nausea, and diarrhea : excessive flow verbal diarrhea : abnormally frequent and watery bowel movements : abnormally frequent intestinal evacuations with more or less fluid stools


noun noun noun ˌin-(ˌ)flü-ˈen-zə ˌin-(ˌ)flü-ˈen-zəl ˌin-flü-ˈen-zə ˌin-(ˌ)flü-ˈen-zə -zəl : an acute, highly contagious, respiratory disease caused by any of three orthomyxoviruses: : moderate to severe influenza that in humans is marked especially by sudden onset, fever, sore throat, fatigue, muscle aches, inflammation of the respiratory mucous membranes, and cough, that has numerous variants caused by subtypes (such as H1N1, H2N2, or H3N2) of an orthomyxovirus (species Influenza A virus of the genus Influenzavirus A) infecting humans and various animals (such as birds or pigs), and that may occur in seasonal epidemics or sometimes pandemics following mutation in the causative virus : influenza with less severe symptoms that is caused by an orthomyxovirus (species Influenza B virus of the genus Influenzavirus B) infecting only humans and especially children and that may occur in seasonal epidemics but not pandemics : mild influenza that is often asymptomatic, is caused by an orthomyxovirus (species Influenza C virus of the genus Influenzavirus C) infecting only humans, and does not occur in epidemics or pandemics : any of various human respiratory infections of undetermined cause —not used technically : any of various virus diseases of domestic animals marked especially by fever, respiratory symptoms, and inflammation of mucous membranes Note: All types of influenza are commonly called "the flu." : a very contagious virus disease like a severe cold with fever : an acute, highly contagious, respiratory disease caused by any of three orthomyxoviruses: : moderate to severe influenza that in humans is marked especially by sudden onset, fever, sore throat, fatigue, muscle aches, inflammation of the respiratory mucous membranes, and cough, is caused by any of several subtypes (such as H1N1, H2N2, or H3N2) of an orthomyxovirus (species Influenza A virus of the genus Influenzavirus A) infecting humans and various animals (such as birds or pigs), and may occur in seasonal epidemics or sometimes pandemics following mutation of the causative virus — see asian flu, avian influenza, bird flu, hong kong flu, spanish flu, swine flu, swine influenza : influenza with less severe symptoms that is caused by an orthomyxovirus (species Influenza B virus of the genus Influenzavirus B) infecting only humans and especially children and that may occur in seasonal epidemics but not pandemics : mild influenza that is often asymptomatic, is caused by an orthomyxovirus (species Influenza C virus of the genus Influenzavirus C) infecting only humans, and does not occur in epidemics or pandemics : any human respiratory infection of undetermined cause —not used technically : any of various viral diseases of domestic animals (as shipping fever of horses) marked especially by fever, respiratory symptoms, and inflammation of mucous membranes Note: All types of influenza are commonly called "the flu."


noun noun noun ˌre-fyu̇-ˈjē ˈre-fyu̇-ˌjē ˌre-fyu̇-ˈjē-ˌi-zəm ˈre-fyu̇-ˌjē- ˌre-fyu̇-ˈjē ˌre-fyu̇-ˈjē : one that flees; especially : a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution : a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution : a person who flees for safety (as from war) usually to a foreign country : an individual seeking refuge or asylum; especially : an individual who has left his or her native country and is unwilling or unable to return to it because of persecution or fear of persecution (as because of race, religion, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion) : an individual who has left his or her native country and is unwilling or unable to return to it because of persecution or fear of persecution (as because of race, religion, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion)


noun noun noun ˌsa-spə-ˈri-lə ˌsär- -ˈre- ˌsa-sə-pə- ˌsär-sə-pə- ˌsa-spə-ˈri-lə ˌsär- ˌsas-(ə-)pə-ˈril-ə ˌsärs- -ˈrel- : any of various tropical American greenbriers : the dried roots of a sarsaparilla used especially as a flavoring : any of various plants (such as wild sarsaparilla) that resemble or are used as a substitute for sarsaparilla : a sweetened carbonated beverage flavored with sassafras and oil distilled from a European birch : a sweetened carbonated beverage that tastes somewhat like root beer : any of various tropical American plants of the genus Smilax : any of various plants (as wild sarsaparilla, Aralia nudicaulis) that resemble or are used as a substitute for the sarsaparillas : the dried roots of any of several sarsaparillas of the genus Smilax (especially S. aristolochiaefolia, S. febrifuga, and S. regelii) used now especially as a flavoring and formerly for the diaphoretic, expectorant, and laxative effects of the saponins found in them and without curative effect in the treatment of syphilis : the roots of wild sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis) used similarly


noun noun noun ˌyü-thə-ˈnā-zh(ē-)ə ˌyü-thə-ˈnā-zik -sik ˌyü-thə-ˈnā-zh(ē-)ə ˌyü-thə-ˈnā-zhə -ˈnā-zik, -sik : the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (such as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy : the act or practice of causing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (such as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy — called also mercy killing : the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured persons in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy — called also mercy killing


noun noun noun biographical name noun ˈber-(ˌ)ō ˈba-(ˌ)rō ˈber-(ˌ)ō ˈba-(ˌ)rō ˈber-ō : mountain, mound —used only in the names of hills in England : a large mound of earth or stones over the remains of the dead : tumulus : a male hog castrated before sexual maturity : handbarrow : wheelbarrow : a cart with a shallow box body, two wheels, and shafts for pushing it street vendors pushing their barrows Isaac 1630-1677 English mathematician and theologian : wheelbarrow : pushcart


noun noun noun biographical name noun ˌfü-(ˌ)man-ˈchü- ˌkəŋ-ˈfü ˌku̇ŋ- ˈtü-ˈfü : a mythical lion-dog used as a decorative motif in Far Eastern art : a long mustache with ends that turn down to the chin : any of various Chinese martial arts and related disciplines that are practiced especially for self-defense, exercise, and spiritual growth 712-770 Chinese poet : fu dog Above is meaning for fu dog But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun noun noun noun rā-ˈzhēm ri- ri-ˈjēm rā-ˈzhēm ri- rā-ˈzhēm, ri- also ri-ˈjēm rā-ˈzhēm, ri- : regimen 1 : a regular pattern of occurrence or action (as of seasonal rainfall) : the characteristic behavior or orderly procedure of a natural phenomenon or process : mode of rule or management : a form of government a socialist regime : a government in power : a period of rule : a form or system of government a military regime : regimen : regimen : a system of principles, rules, or regulations for administration (as of property) the mandatory consecutive sentencing regime —People v. Garcia, 642 N.E.2d 1077 (1994) community property regime —used especially in the civil law of Louisiana Note: Under the Louisiana Civil Code there are various regimes for various types of property, such as community or separate property. These regimes, while usually established by the law, may also be modified or created by agreement of the parties.


noun noun noun noun ə-ˈfi-nə-tē ə-ˈfi-nə-tē ə-ˈfin-ət-ē ə-ˈfi-nə-tē : relationship by marriage : sympathy marked by community of interest : kinship She has an affinity to him because of their common musical interests. : an attraction to or liking for something people with an affinity to darkness —Mark Twain pork and fennel have a natural affinity for each other —Abby Mandel : an attractive force between substances or particles that causes them to enter into and remain in chemical combination : a person especially of the opposite sex having a particular attraction for one : likeness based on relationship or causal connection found an affinity between the teller of a tale and the craftsman —Mary McCarthy this investigation, with affinities to a case history, a psychoanalysis, a detective story —Oliver Sacks : a relation between biological groups involving resemblance in structural plan and indicating a common origin : a strong liking for or attraction to someone or something They had much in common and felt a close affinity. : an attractive force between substances or particles that causes them to enter into and remain in chemical combination : a relation between biological groups involving resemblance in structural plan and indicating a common origin : relationship by marriage — compare consanguinity


noun noun noun noun ˈjüt ˈjüt ˈjü-tish ˈjüt ˈjüt : the glossy fiber of either of two Asian plants (Corchorus olitorius and C. capsularis) of the linden family used chiefly for sacking, burlap, and twine; also : a plant producing jute : a plant producing jute : a member of a Germanic people invading England from the Continent and settling in Kent in the fifth century : a strong glossy fiber from a tropical plant used chiefly for making sacks and twine : the glossy fiber of either of two Asian plants (Corchorus olitorius and C. capsularis) of the linden family (Tiliaceae) formerly used in absorbent dressings


noun noun noun noun adjective ˈthresh-ˌhōld ˈthre-ˌshōld ˈthresh-ˌhōld ˈthresh-ˌ(h)ōld ˈthresh-ˌhōld : the plank, stone, or piece of timber that lies under a door : sill : gate, door : end, boundary; specifically : the end of a runway : the end of a runway : the place or point of entering or beginning : outset on the threshold of a new age : the point at which a physiological or psychological effect begins to be produced has a high threshold for pain : a level, point, or value above which something is true or will take place and below which it is not or will not : the sill of a door : a point or place of beginning or entering Ralph had a scary feeling he was on the threshold of adventure. —Beverly Cleary, The Mouse and the Motorcycle : the point at which a physiological or psychological effect begins to be produced (as the degree of stimulation of a nerve which just produces a response or the concentration of sugar in the blood at which sugar just begins to pass the barrier of the kidneys and enter the urine) below the threshold of consciousness the threshold of pain a high renal clearance threshold — called also limen : a point of beginning : a minimum requirement for further action; specifically : a determination (as of fact or the existence of a reasonable doubt) upon which something else (as further consideration or a right of action) hinges the threshold for inquiry : a determination (as of fact or the existence of a reasonable doubt) upon which something else (as further consideration or a right of action) hinges the threshold for inquiry : of, relating to, or being a threshold the threshold issue in a negligence action is whether the defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff —Noakes v. City of Seattle, 895 P.2d 842 (1995) a threshold showing of the need for psychiatric evaluation


noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun ˈmōl ˈmōl ˈmō-lā ˈmōl ˈmōl ˈmōl : a pigmented spot, mark, or small permanent protuberance on the human body; especially : nevus : nevus : any of numerous burrowing insectivores (especially family Talpidae) with tiny eyes, concealed ears, and soft fur : one who works in the dark : a machine for tunneling : a spy (such as a double agent) who establishes a cover long before beginning espionage; broadly : one within an organization who passes on information : one within an organization who passes on information : an abnormal mass in the uterus especially when containing fetal tissues : a massive work formed of masonry and large stones or earth laid in the sea as a pier or breakwater : the harbor formed by a mole : the base unit of amount of pure substance in the International System of Units that contains the same number of elementary entities as there are atoms in exactly 12 grams of the isotope carbon 12 : a spicy sauce made with chiles and usually chocolate and served with meat : a small usually brown spot on the skin : a small burrowing animal with soft fur and very small eyes : a pigmented spot, mark, or small permanent protuberance on the human body; especially : nevus : nevus : an abnormal mass in the uterus: : a blood clot containing a degenerated fetus and its membranes : hydatidiform mole : the base unit in the International System of Units for the amount of pure substance that contains the same number of elementary entities as there are atoms in exactly 12 grams of the isotope carbon 12 a mole of photons a mole of sodium chloride


noun noun trademark sə-ˈnä-tə sə-ˈnä-tə sō-ˈnä-tə : an instrumental musical composition typically of three or four movements in contrasting forms and keys : a musical composition for one or two instruments consisting of three or four separate sections in different forms and keys —used for a preparation of zaleplon


noun noun verb noun ˈgi-lə-ˌtēn ˌgē-(y)ə-ˈtēn ˈgē-(y)ə-ˌtēn ˈgi-lə-ˌtēn ˈgil-ə-ˌtēn ˈgē-ə-ˌtēn gē-yȯ-taⁿ : a machine for beheading by means of a heavy blade that slides down in vertical guides : a shearing machine or instrument (such as a paper cutter) that in action resembles a guillotine The paper was trimmed on a guillotine. : closure by the imposition of a predetermined time limit on the consideration of specific sections of a bill or portions of other legislative business : a machine for cutting off a person's head with a heavy blade that slides down two grooved posts : to cut off a person's head with a guillotine : a surgical instrument that consists of a ring and handle with a knife blade which slides down the handle and across the ring and that is used for cutting out a protruding structure (as a tonsil) capable of being placed in the ring


noun noun verb noun ˈnü-dᵊl ˈnüd-liŋ ˈnü-dᵊl-iŋ ˈnü-dᵊl : a stupid person : simpleton : head, noggin : a food paste made usually with egg and shaped typically in ribbon form : a buoyant, flexible cylinder of polyethylene foam used as an aid in swimming or staying afloat in water Grasp the pool noodle with hands about shoulder-width apart, then extend arms straight out in front of you on the water's surface ... —Good Housekeeping : to improvise on an instrument in an informal or desultory manner : a thin often flat strip of fresh or dried dough (as of flour and egg) that is usually boiled


noun noun verb noun ˈski-pər ˈski-p(ə-)riŋ ˈski-pər : any of various erratically active insects (such as a click beetle or a water strider) : one that skips : saury : any of a superfamily (Hesperioidea, especially family Hesperiidae) of lepidopterous insects that visibly differ from the typical butterflies especially in having stout bodies, smaller wings, and usually hooked antennae : the master of a ship; especially : the master of a fishing, small trading, or pleasure boat : the master of a fishing, small trading, or pleasure boat : the captain or first pilot of an airplane : a person in a position of leadership; especially : a baseball team's manager : a baseball team's manager : to act as skipper of (a boat or ship) : to act as the principal coach or manager of skipper a team : the master of a ship and especially of a fishing, trading, or pleasure boat


noun noun verb noun verb noun noun ˈhäk ˈhäk ˈhäk : the tarsal joint or region in the hind limb of a digitigrade quadruped (such as the horse) corresponding to the human ankle but elevated and bending backward — see horse illustration : a joint of a fowl's leg that corresponds to the hock of a quadruped : a small cut of meat from a front or hind leg just above the foot ham hocks : rhine wine 1 : pawn : 2pawn 2 got his watch out of hock : debt 3 in hock to the bank : prison : to forcefully spit out (something, such as phlegm) hock a loogie hock a wad of tobacco : a small piece of meat from the leg of a pig ham hocks : the part of the rear leg of a four-footed animal that is like a human ankle : the joint or region of the joint that unites the tarsal bones in the hind limb of a digitigrade quadruped (as the horse) and that corresponds to the human ankle but is elevated and bends backward


noun noun verb verb noun noun ˈgī ˈgī : man, fellow : person —used in plural to refer to the members of a group regardless of sex saw her and the rest of the guys : individual, creature the other dogs pale in companion to this little guy : a grotesque effigy of Guy Fawkes traditionally displayed and burned in England on Guy Fawkes Day : a person of grotesque appearance : a rope, chain, rod, or wire attached to something as a brace or guide — called also guyline : to steady or reinforce with a guy : to make fun of : ridicule : 1fellow 1 : person 1 : a rope, chain, rod, or wire ( guy wire ) attached to something to steady it


noun plural but singular in construction : an art or science of cultivating the earth : husbandry


noun plural but singular in construction ˌfō-nē-ˈa-triks -trik : the scientific study and treatment of defects of the voice Above is meaning for phoniatrics But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


noun plural but singular or plural in construction ˈlȯkshən : noodles


noun verb (ˌ)bər-ˈlesk : a literary or dramatic work that seeks to ridicule by means of grotesque exaggeration or comic imitation a burlesque of Victorian society : mockery usually by caricature a writer whose burlesque often bordered on cruelty : theatrical entertainment of a broadly humorous often earthy character consisting of short turns (see 2turn 4d), comic skits, and sometimes striptease acts performers who got their start in burlesque : to imitate in a humorous or derisive manner : mock a work burlesquing Sherlock Holmes : to employ burlesque a temptation to burlesque


noun verb fə-ˈnes : refinement or delicacy of workmanship, structure, or texture trinkets of an extreme finesse —Arnold Rosin : skillful handling of a situation : adroit maneuvering She handled the interviewer's questions with finesse. : the withholding of one's highest card or trump in the hope that a lower card will take the trick because the only opposing higher card is in the hand of an opponent who has already played : to make a finesse in playing cards : to play (a card) in a finesse : to bring about, direct, or manage by adroit maneuvering finesse his way through tight places —Marquis James : evade, skirt finesse the hard issues


noun verb pə-ˈgräm -ˈgrəm pō- ˈpō-grəm ˈpä- : an organized massacre of helpless people; specifically : such a massacre of Jews : such a massacre of Jews : to massacre or destroy in a pogrom


noun verb sə-ˈläm : an obeisance performed by bowing very low and placing the right palm on the forehead : a salutation or ceremonial greeting in the East : to greet or pay homage to with a salaam : to perform a salaam


noun verb ˈspu̇r ˈspȯr : a track, a trail, a scent, or droppings especially of a wild animal : a trace by which the progress of someone or something may be followed : to track by a spoor : to track something by its spoor


noun verb ˈtīt͟h : a tenth part of something paid as a voluntary contribution or as a tax especially for the support of a religious establishment : the obligation represented by individual tithes : tenth; broadly : a small part : a small part : a small tax or levy : to pay or give a tenth part of especially for the support of a religious establishment or organization : to levy a tithe on : to give a tenth of one's income as a tithe


noun verb ˈüm-ˌlau̇t ˈu̇m- : a diacritical mark ¨ placed over a vowel to indicate a more central or front articulation — compare diaeresis : the change of a vowel (such as \ü\ to \ē\ in goose, geese) that is caused by partial assimilation to a succeeding sound or that occurs as a reflex of the former presence of a succeeding sound which has been lost or altered : a vowel resulting from such partial assimilation : to produce by umlaut : to write or print an umlaut over


noun verb abbreviation abbreviation noun ˈdin ˈdin : a loud continued noise; especially : a welter of discordant sounds trying to hear each other over the din in the bar : a welter of discordant sounds trying to hear each other over the din in the bar : a situation or condition resembling a din : to make a loud noise : to assail with loud continued noise dinned his ears : to impress (see 1impress 1c) by insistent repetition —often used with into lessons dinned into us as children dinar German Industrial Standards : loud confused noise voice echoed through the quiet bus over the din of voices in my head. —Ingrid Law, Savvy


noun verb adjective geographical name noun verb ˈslāv ˈslāv ˈslāv : a person held in servitude as the chattel of another : one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence : a device (such as the printer of a computer) that is directly responsive to another : drudge, toiler : enslave : to make directly responsive to another mechanism : to work like a slave : drudge : to traffic in slaves : of, relating to, involving, or used for slaves or slavery slave traders a slave auction slave owners a slave economy Many authentic slave narratives were influenced by Harriet Beecher Stowe; on the other hand, authentic slave narratives were among Stowe's primary sources for her own imaginative work, Uncle Tom's Cabin. —Henry Louis Gates, Jr. : held in or forced into servitude : enslaved born of slave parents slave workers : favoring or legally permitting slavery a slave territory the slave states : operated by remote control the device now tucked away behind the dials isn't properly a clockwork but a ... slave unit activated by an electric clock inside the bank —The New Yorker specifically : responding to manipulation of the master controls of an apparatus There's also provision for attaching external slave flash units for greater flash range when using print film. —Herbert Keppler ... had the ultimate compact-disc system—a master machine and four optional slave machines—that will load and play 250 discs altogether ... —William D. Marbach : responding to manipulation of the master controls of an apparatus There's also provision for attaching external slave flash units for greater flash range when using print film. —Herbert Keppler ... had the ultimate compact-disc system—a master machine and four optional slave machines—that will load and play 250 discs altogether ... —William D. Marbach river 258 miles (415 kilometers) long in Canada flowing from the western end of Lake Athabasca north into Great Slave Lake : a person who is owned by another person and can be sold at the owner's will : a person who is strongly influenced and controlled by something a slave to fashion : drudge : to work very hard, for long hours, or under difficult conditions ... I could only see myself slaving ... in the tobacco fields. —Robert Louis Stevenson, Kidnapped


noun verb adjective noun ˈre-ni-ˌgād ˈre-ni-ˌgād : a deserter from one faith, cause, or allegiance to another : an individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior : to become a renegade : having deserted a faith, cause, or religion for a hostile one : having rejected tradition : unconventional : a person who deserts a faith, cause, or party : a person who does not obey rules "They were renegades who thought they had permission to steal from the rich ..." —Pam Muñoz Ryan, Esperanza Rising


noun verb adjective noun adjective transitive verb adjective ˈpre-di-kət ˈpre-di-kə-tiv -ˌkā- ˈpre-də-ˌkāt ˈpre-di-kət ˈpre-di-kət ˈpre-də-ˌkāt ˈpre-di-kət : something that is affirmed or denied of the subject in a proposition in logic : a term designating a property or relation : the part of a sentence or clause that expresses what is said of the subject and that usually consists of a verb with or without objects, complements, or adverbial modifiers : affirm, declare : preach : to assert to be a quality, attribute, or property —used with following of predicates intelligence of humans : to make (a term) the predicate in a proposition : found, base —usually used with on the theory is predicated on recent findings : imply : completing the meaning of a copula predicate adjective predicate noun : the part of a sentence or clause that tells what is said about the subject "Rang" in "the doorbell rang" is the predicate. : completing the meaning of a linking verb "Sweet" in "the sugar is sweet" is a predicate adjective. : to set or ground on something : find a basis for —usually used with on Jurisdiction over the lawsuit was predicated on the California contacts —Daimler AG v. Bauman, 571 U.S. ___ (2014) : occurring prior to and providing the basis or part of the basis for a conviction for another offense (as a RICO offense) predicate acts : occurring prior to and providing the basis for sentence enhancement upon conviction for a later offense


noun verb adjective noun noun verb adjective noun transitive verb adjective ˈdī-ət ˈdī-ət ˈdī-ət : food and drink regularly provided or consumed a diet of fruits and vegetables a vegetarian diet : habitual nourishment links between diet and disease : the kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a special reason was put on a low-sodium diet : a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one's weight going on a diet : something provided or experienced repeatedly Their imaginations feverish from a diet of detective novels ... —The New Yorker heard a steady diet of excuses : to cause to take food : feed : to cause to eat and drink sparingly or according to prescribed rules : to eat sparingly or according to prescribed rules has been dieting for two months : reduced in or free from calories a diet soft drink : promoting weight loss (as by depressing appetite) diet pills : a formal deliberative assembly of princes or estates : any of various national or provincial legislatures : the food and drink that a person or animal usually takes a balanced diet : the kind and amount of food selected or allowed in certain circumstances (as poor health) a low fat diet : to eat less or according to certain rules in order to lose weight : reduced in calories a diet soft drink : food and drink regularly provided or consumed : habitual nourishment : the kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a special reason : a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one's weight going on a diet : to cause to take food : to cause to eat and drink sparingly or according to prescribed rules : to eat sparingly or according to prescribed rules : reduced in calories or without calories a diet soft drink : promoting weight loss (as by depressing appetite) diet pills


noun verb adjective noun verb ˈka-mə-ˌfläzh -ˌfläj ˌka-mə-ˈflä-zhik -jik ˈka-mə-ˌflä-zhə-bəl -jə-bəl ˈka-mə-ˌfläzh -ˌfläj : the disguising especially of military equipment or installations with paint, nets, or foliage; also : the disguise so applied : the disguise so applied : concealment by means of disguise The rabbit's white fur acts as camouflage in the snow. : behavior or artifice designed to deceive or hide hiding behind a camouflage of righteous indignation : to conceal or disguise by camouflage The makeup camouflages blemishes. : to practice camouflage : made in colors or patterns typical of camouflage a camouflage jacket : the hiding or disguising of something by covering it up or changing the way it looks The leopard has spots for camouflage. : something (as color or shape) that protects an animal from attack by making it difficult to see in the area around it : to hide or disguise by covering or making harder to see


noun verb adjective noun verb noun verb fə-ˈtēg fə-ˈtēg fə-ˈtēg : labor : manual or menial work (such as the cleaning up of acamp area) performed by military personnel : the uniform or work clothing worn on fatigue and in the field : weariness or exhaustion from labor, exertion, or stress We were overcome by fatigue after the long hike. : the temporary loss of power to respond that is induced in a sensory receptor (see receptor a) or motor (see 2motor 1) end organ by continued stimulation : a state or attitude of indifference or apathy brought on by overexposure (as to a repeated series of similar events or appeals) ... a super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton launched within days of Barack Obama's 2013 inauguration. Voter fatigue is just one drawback to the long campaigns, though. —Martin Wisckol Most of the Romney voters they visited were fairly chipper, but there is an air of election fatigue in a state where most television commercial breaks are dominated by attack ads and the phone rings off the hook with campaign calls. —Daniel Malloy and Katie Leslie Waning media coverage of a humanitarian crisis is usually a precursor to "donor fatigue," in which assistance from other nations fades. —Christian Science Monitor — see also compassion fatigue : the tendency of a material to break under repeated stress metal fatigue : to weary with labor or exertion : to induce a condition of fatigue in : to suffer fatigue : consisting of, done, or used in fatigue fatigue detail : belonging to fatigues a fatigue cap : a state of being very tired : the uniform worn by members of the military for physical labor : to tire by work or exertion a fatiguing hike : weariness or exhaustion from labor, exertion, or stress : the temporary loss of power to respond induced in a sensory receptor or motor end organ by continued stimulation : to weary with labor or exertion : to induce a condition of fatigue in (as an effector organ) : to be affected with fatigue : become weary


noun verb adjective verb noun noun noun verb verb noun ˈsnəf ˈsnəf ˈsnəf : the charred part of a candlewick : umbrage, offense : huff : to crop the snuff of (a candle) by pinching or by the use of snuffers so as to brighten the light : to extinguish by or as if by the use of a candlesnuffer —often used with out : to make extinct : put an end to —usually used with out snuffed out their hopes; also : kill, execute snuffed the bad guys : kill, execute snuffed the bad guys : die : characterized by the sensationalistic depiction of violence; especially : featuring a real rather than a staged murder snuff movies : featuring a real rather than a staged murder snuff movies : to draw forcibly through or into the nostrils : scent, smell : to sniff at in order to examine —used of an animal : to inhale through the nose noisily and forcibly; also : to sniff or smell inquiringly : to sniff or smell inquiringly : to sniff loudly in or as if in disgust : to take snuff : the act of snuffing : sniff : a preparation of pulverized tobacco to be inhaled through the nostrils, chewed, or placed against the gums : the amount of snuff taken at one time : of sufficient quality : meeting an applicable standard : powdered tobacco that is chewed, placed against the gums, or drawn in through the nostrils : to draw through or into the nose with force : to cut or pinch off the burned end of the wick of a candle : to put an end to : a preparation of pulverized tobacco to be inhaled through the nostrils, chewed, or placed against the gums; also : a preparation of a powdered drug to be inhaled through the nostrils : a preparation of a powdered drug to be inhaled through the nostrils


noun verb biographical name biographical name noun noun ˈkä-tᵊn ˈkät-niŋ ˈkä-tᵊn-iŋ ˈkä-tᵊn ˈkä-tᵊn ˈkät-ᵊn : a soft usually white fibrous substance composed of the hairs surrounding the seeds of various erect freely branching tropical plants (genus Gossypium) of the mallow family : a plant producing cotton; especially : one grown for its cotton : one grown for its cotton : a crop of cotton : fabric made of cotton : yarn spun from cotton : a downy cottony substance produced by various plants (such as the cottonwood) : to take a liking —used with to cottons to people easily : to come to understand —used with to or on to cottoned on to the fact that our children work furiously —H. M. McLuhan Charles 1630-1687 English author and translator John 1585-1652 American (English-born) Puritan clergyman : a soft fluffy usually white material made up of twisted hairs that surrounds the seeds of a tall plant of warm regions and is spun into thread or yarn : thread, yarn, or cloth made from cotton : a soft usually white fibrous substance composed of the hairs surrounding the seeds of various erect freely branching tropical plants (genus Gossypium) of the mallow family and used extensively in making threads, yarns, and fabrics (as in surgical dressings) : a plant producing cotton; especially : one grown for its cotton : one grown for its cotton


noun verb combining form noun ˈsfir ˈsfir-ik ˈsfer- sfir-ˈi-sə-tē ˌsfir ˈsfir : the apparent surface of the heavens of which half forms the dome of the visible sky : any of the concentric and eccentric revolving spherical transparent shells in which according to ancient astronomy stars, sun, planets, and moon are set : a globe depicting such a sphere; broadly : globe a : globe a : a globular body : ball : planet, star : a solid that is bounded by a surface consisting of all points at a given distance from a point constituting its center — see Volume Formulas Table : the bounding surface of a sphere : natural, normal, or proper place; especially : social order or rank not in the same sphere as his moneyed friends : social order or rank not in the same sphere as his moneyed friends : orbit : an area or range over or within which someone or something acts, exists, or has influence or significance the public sphere : to place in a sphere or among the spheres : ensphere : to form into a sphere : zone, layer or region enveloping or radiating from the earth or another celestial body ionosphere magnetosphere : collectivity : totality (as specified by the initial element) biosphere blogosphere : an object (as the moon) shaped like a ball : a figure so shaped that every point on its surface is an equal distance from its center : a field of influence or activity Electrical work is outside a plumber's sphere.


noun verb geographical name ˈmen-ˌtȯr -tər ˈmen-ˌtȯr-ˌship -tər- ˈmen-tər : a friend of Odysseus entrusted with the education of Odysseus' son Telemachus : a trusted counselor or guide a mentor who, because he is detached and disinterested, can hold up a mirror to us —P. W. Keve : tutor, coach The student sought a mentor in chemistry. : to serve as a mentor for : tutor city in northeastern Ohio northeast of Cleveland population 47,159


noun verb geographical name noun ˈbə-fə-ˌlō ˈbə-fə-ˌlō ˌbə-fə-ˈlō-nē-ən ˈbə-fə-ˌlō : any of several wild bovids: such as : water buffalo : cape buffalo : any of a genus (Bison) of bovids; especially : a large shaggy-maned North American bovid (B. bison) that has short horns and heavy forequarters with a large muscular hump and that was formerly abundant on the central and western plains — compare wisent : a large shaggy-maned North American bovid (B. bison) that has short horns and heavy forequarters with a large muscular hump and that was formerly abundant on the central and western plains — compare wisent : the flesh of the buffalo used as food : any of several suckers (genus Ictiobus) found mostly in the Mississippi River valley — called also buffalo fish : bewilder, baffle; also : bamboozle : bamboozle city and port on Lake Erie and the Niagara River in western New York population 261,310 : any of several wild oxen and especially the American bison


noun verb geographical name noun ˈskəŋk ˈskəŋk : any of various common omnivorous black-and-white New World mammals (especially genus Mephitis) of the weasel family that have a pair of perineal glands from which a secretion of pungent and offensive odor is ejected : the fur of a skunk : an obnoxious or disliked person : defeat : to prevent entirely from scoring or succeeding : shut out : to fail to pay; also : cheat : cheat river 264 miles (425 kilometers) long in southeastern Iowa flowing southeast into the Mississippi River : a North American animal related to the weasels that has coarse black-and-white fur and can squirt out a fluid with a very unpleasant smell


noun verb noun gə-ˈräzh -ˈräj -ˈrazh -ˈraj ˈga-(ˌ)räzh -(ˌ)räj -rij gə-ˈräzh -ˈräj : a shelter or repair shop for automotive vehicles : a cabinet with a vertical rolling door that is used for storing a small kitchen appliance : to keep or put in a garage : a building or part of a building where vehicles are kept when not in use : a shop where vehicles are repaired


noun verb noun shə-ˈgrin shə-ˈgrin -ˈgrind -ˈgri-niŋ shə-ˈgrin : disquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure : to vex or unsettle by disappointing or humiliating he was chagrined to learn that his help was not needed : a feeling of being annoyed by failure or disappointment ... curiosity soon overcame any chagrin he felt at not being allowed to pass the doorway. —Brian Jacques, Redwall


noun verb noun tə-ˈbä-gən tə-ˈbä-gə-nist tə-ˈbä-gən : a long flat-bottomed light sled made usually of thin boards curved up at one end with usually low handrails at the sides : a downward course or a sharp decline : stocking cap : to coast on or as if on a toboggan : to decline suddenly and sharply : a long light sled made without runners and curved up at the front


noun verb noun ˈas-tə-ˌrisk -ˌrik -ləs ˈa-stə-ˌrisk : the character * used in printing or writing as a reference mark, as an indication of the omission of letters or words, to denote a hypothetical or unattested linguistic form, or for various arbitrary meanings : the character * thought of as being appended to something (such as an athletic accomplishment included in a record book) typically in order to indicate that there is a limiting fact or consideration which makes that thing less important or impressive than it would otherwise be But the men's triumph came with an asterisk: The Soviets, three-time gold medalists, had boycotted the Games. —Brad Young : someone or something considered too minor for prominent mention : footnote At fifty-four, he had followed war from the hills of Italy to the islands of the Pacific to the mountains of Korea, and countless other places already becoming asterisks in the history books. —William Prochnau : to mark with an asterisk : star : a symbol * used in printing or in writing especially to refer a reader to a note usually at the bottom of a page


noun verb noun ˈba-lət ˈba-lət : a small ball used in secret voting : a sheet of paper used to cast a secret vote : the action or system of secret voting : the right to vote : vote 1a : the number of votes cast : the drawing of lots : to vote or decide by ballot : a printed sheet of paper used in voting : the action or a system of voting : the right to vote : the number of votes cast


noun verb noun ˈfər-(ˌ)lō ˈfər-lō : a leave of absence granted to a governmental or institutional employee (such as a soldier or civil servant) The Army began furloughs in September as so-called 'sanity checks' for soldiers whose tour has stretched to nearly a year. —Jenny Deam also : a document authorizing such a leave of absence : a document authorizing such a leave of absence : a temporary leave from work that is not paid and is often for a set period of time One possible way to avoid layoffs is through furloughs—making workers take an unpaid leave of absence ... . —Paul B. Brown : a set period of time when a prisoner is allowed to leave a prison Those probation officers are then able to monitor criminals serving their sentences in work camps or on furlough rather than in jail as a way of relieving overcrowding. —Richard Willing : to grant a leave of absence or furlough to (someone) a soldier being furloughed a furloughed prisoner : to put (a worker) on furlough : to lay off (a worker) for usually a brief or temporary period ... other airlines are placing pressure on the unionized pilots to take large salary cuts—at least those pilots who haven't already been "furloughed" (the word pilots use instead of the more plebeian "laid off"). —George Hopkins Although no one could supply exact figures, sources in Washington, D.C., said nearly 500,000 federal workers were furloughed for all or part of Thursday. In the Los Angeles-Long Beach area about 11,000 of the 40,000 federal workers were sent home because of the operating fund impasse in Congress. —Jerry Belcher : a leave of absence from duty


noun verb noun ˈhe-nə ˈhen-ə : a reddish-brown dye obtained from leaves of the henna plant and used especially on hair and in temporary tattoos : an Old World tropical shrub or small tree (Lawsonia inermis) of the loosestrife family with small opposite leaves and panicles of fragrant usually white flowers : to dye with henna a woman with hennaed hair : an Old World tropical shrub or small tree (Lawsonia inermis) of the loosestrife family (Lythraceae) with clusters of fragrant white flowers : a reddish brown dye obtained from the leaves of the henna plant and used especially on hair and in temporary tattoos


noun verb noun ˈhək-stər ˈhək-stə-ˌri-zəm ˈhək-st(ə-)riŋ ˈhək-stər : hawker, peddler; especially : one who sells or advertises something in an aggressive, dishonest, or annoying way : one who sells or advertises something in an aggressive, dishonest, or annoying way : one who produces promotional material for commercial clients especially for radio or television : haggle : to deal in or bargain over : to promote aggressively : peddler, hawker


noun verb noun ˈir-ˌwig ˈir-ˌwig : any of numerous insects (order Dermaptera) having slender many-jointed antennae and a pair of cerci resembling forceps at the end of the body : to annoy or attempt to influence by private talk : an insect with long slender feelers and a part at the end of its body that pinches and is used for self-defense


noun verb noun ˈkȯ-kəs ˈkȯ-kəs : a closed meeting of a group of persons belonging to the same political party or faction usually to select candidates or to decide on policy a presidential caucus ; also : a group of people united to promote an agreed-upon cause : a group of people united to promote an agreed-upon cause : to meet in or hold a caucus The committee caucused to select the most promising candidates. : a closed meeting of a group of persons belonging to the same political party or faction usually to select candidates or to decide on policy


noun verb noun ˈkȯr-də-ˌrȯi ˈkȯr-də-ˌrȯi : trousers of corduroy fabric : a durable usually cotton pile fabric with vertical ribs or wales : logs laid side by side transversely to make a road surface : to build (a road) of logs laid side by side transversely; also : to build a corduroy road across : to build a corduroy road across : a heavy ribbed usually cotton cloth : trousers made of a heavy ribbed cloth


noun verb noun ˈme-sij ˈme-sij : a communication in writing, in speech, or by signals Please take this message for me to my friend. : a messenger's mission the girl will go on a message to the shop —Cahir Healy : an underlying theme or idea the message is that it is time to change —The Economist : to send as a message or by messenger : to send a message to : to communicate by message : the exchange of information in writing, in speech, or by signals : an underlying theme or idea the book's message


noun verb noun ˈmärt ˈmärt : a coming together of people to buy and sell : 2fair 1 : the activity of buying and selling; also : bargain : bargain : market : to deal in : sell : a trading place : market


noun verb noun ˈpa-kij ˈpa-kij : the act or process of packing : a small or moderate-sized pack : parcel : a commodity or a unit of a product uniformly wrapped or sealed : a preassembled unit : a covering wrapper or container : something that suggests a package: such as : package deal : a radio or television series offered for sale at a lump sum : contract benefits gained through collective bargaining : a ready-made computer program or collection of related software : a travel arrangement contract that offers for a fixed price transportation, accommodations, and often sightseeing and entertainment : a collection of related items; especially : one to be considered or acted on together presented his tax package to the nation : one to be considered or acted on together presented his tax package to the nation : to make into a package; especially : to produce as an entertainment package : to produce as an entertainment package : to present (something, such as a product) in such a way as to heighten its appeal to the public : to enclose in a package or covering : a bundle made up for mailing or transporting : a container that covers or holds something The ingredients are listed on the package. : something that comes in a container a package of gum


noun verb noun ˈpau̇-ˌwau̇ ˈpau̇-ˌwau̇ : an American Indian medicine man : an American Indian ceremony (as for victory in war) : an American Indian social gathering or fair usually including competitive dancing : a social get-together : a meeting for discussion : to hold a powwow : an American Indian ceremony or social gathering : a meeting for discussion


noun verb noun ˈra-bət ˈra-bə-tē ˈra-bət : any of a family (Leporidae) of long-eared short-tailed lagomorph mammals with long hind legs: : any of various lagomorphs that are born furless, blind, and helpless, that are sometimes gregarious, and that include especially the cottontails of the New World and a small Old World mammal (Oryctolagus cuniculus) that is the source of various domestic breeds : hare : the pelt of a rabbit : welsh rabbit : a figure of a rabbit sped mechanically along the edge of a dog track as an object of pursuit : a runner in a long-distance race who sets a fast pace for the field in the first part of the race : to hunt rabbits : a short-tailed mammal that has soft fur and long ears and hind legs and digs burrows


noun verb noun ˈrän-di-ˌvü -dā- ˈrän-di-ˌvüz -dā- ˈrän-di-ˌvü -dā- ˈrän-di-ˌvüd -dā- ˈrän-di-ˌvü-iŋ -dā- ˈrän-di-ˌvüz -dā- ˈrän-di-ˌvü -dā- -ˌvüz : a place appointed for assembling or meeting : a place of popular resort : haunt : a meeting at an appointed place and time : the process of bringing two spacecraft together : to meet or come together at a particular time and place : come together for a rendezvous : to bring together at a particular time and place : bring together for a rendezvous : to meet at a rendezvous : a place agreed on for a meeting : a planned meeting


noun verb noun ˈrüzh ˈrüj ˈrüzh : any of various cosmetics for coloring the cheeks or lips red : a red powder consisting essentially of ferric oxide used in polishing glass, metal, or gems and as a pigment : to apply rouge to : to cause to redden : to use rouge : a cosmetic used to give a red color to cheeks or lips


noun verb noun ˈshō-fər shō-ˈ ˈshō-f(ə-)riŋ shō-ˈfər-iŋ ˈshō-fər shō-ˈfər : a person employed to drive a motor vehicle : to do the work of a chauffeur chauffeured for a millionaire : to transport in the manner of a chauffeur chauffeurs the children to school : to operate (something, such as an automobile) as chauffeur chauffeur a limousine : a person hired to drive people around in a car


noun verb noun ˈskəm ˈskə-mē ˈskəm : extraneous matter or impurities risen to or formed on the surface of a liquid often as a foul filmy covering — compare pond scum 2 : the scoria of metals in a molten state : dross : a slimy film on a solid or gelatinous object : refuse : a low, vile, or worthless person or group of people : to become covered with or as if with scum : a film of matter that rises to the top of a boiling or fermenting liquid : a coating (as of algae) on the surface of still water : a loathsome person


noun verb noun ˈtri-gər ˈtri-gərd ˈtri-g(ə-)riŋ ˈtri-gər : a piece (such as a lever) connected with a catch or detent as a means of releasing it; especially : the part of the action moved by the finger to fire a gun : the part of the action moved by the finger to fire a gun : a similar movable part by which a mechanism is actuated trigger of a spray gun : something that acts like a mechanical trigger in initiating a process or reaction : to release or activate by means of a trigger; especially : to fire by pulling a mechanical trigger trigger a rifle : to fire by pulling a mechanical trigger trigger a rifle : to cause the explosion of trigger a missile with a proximity fuse : to initiate, actuate, or set off by a trigger an indiscreet remark that triggered a fight a stimulus that triggered a reflex : to cause an intense and usually negative emotional reaction in (someone) Water had a way of triggering my brother and making ordinary, everyday weather take a frightening turn for the worse. —Ingrid Law : to release a mechanical trigger : the part of the lock of a gun that is pressed to release the hammer so that it will fire


noun verb noun ˈvōg ˈvō-gər ˈvōg : popular acceptation or favor : popularity : a period of popularity : one that is in fashion at a particular time : the leading place in popularity or acceptance : to strike poses in campy imitation of fashion models especially as a kind of dance : the quality or state of being popular at a certain time Portable electronic devices are in vogue. : something that is in fashion at a certain time Baggy clothes are the vogue.


noun verb noun ˈwān-skət -ˌskōt -ˌskät ˈwān-skət -ˌskōt -ˌskät : a fine grade of oak imported for woodwork : a usually paneled wooden lining of an interior wall : a lining of an interior wall irrespective of material : the lower three or four feet (about one meter) of an interior wall when finished differently from the remainder of the wall : to line with or as if with boards or paneling : the bottom part of an inside wall especially when made of material different from the rest


noun verb noun ˈyät ˈyät : any of various recreational watercraft: such as : a sailboat used for racing : a large usually motor-driven craft used for pleasure cruising : to race or cruise in a yacht : a small ship used for pleasure cruising or racing


noun verb noun adjective noun verb noun adjective noun ˈstā-pəl ˈstā-p(ə-)liŋ ˈstā-pəl ˈstā-pəl -plər : a usually U-shaped fastener: such as : a metal loop both ends of which are driven into a surface to hold the hook, hasp, or bolt of a lock, secure a rope, or fix a wire in place : a small wire both ends of which are driven through layers of thin and easily penetrable material (such as paper) and usually clinched to hold the layers together : a usually metal surgical fastener used to hold layers of tissue together (as in the closure of an incision) : to provide with or secure by staples : a town used as a center for the sale or exportation of commodities in bulk : a place of supply : source : a chief commodity or production of a place : a commodity for which the demand is constant : something having widespread and constant use or appeal : the sustaining or principal element : substance : raw material : textile fiber (such as wool and rayon) of relatively short length that when spun and twisted forms a yarn rather than a filament : the length of a piece of such textile fiber : used, needed, or enjoyed constantly usually by many individuals : produced regularly or in large quantities staple crops such as wheat and rice : principal, chief : a short thin wire with bent ends that is punched through papers and squeezed to hold them together or punched through thin material to fasten it to a surface : a piece of metal shaped like a U with sharp points to be driven into a surface to hold something (as a hook, rope, or wire) : to fasten with staples : a chief product of business or farming of a place : something that is used widely and often I went shopping for bread, milk, and other staples. : the chief part of something Potatoes are the staple of their diet. : much used, needed, or enjoyed usually by many people a staple plot in mystery novels : 1principal, chief staple crops : a usually U-shaped and typically metal surgical fastener used to hold layers of tissue together (as in the closure of an incision)


noun verb noun adjective verb noun ˈbə-fət (ˌ)bə-ˈfā bü-ˈ ˈbü-ˌ 3buffet ˈbə-fət ˌbə-ˈfā bü- : a blow especially with the hand : something that strikes with telling force : to strike sharply especially with the hand : cuff : to strike repeatedly : batter the waves buffeted the shore : to drive, force, move, or attack by or as if by repeated blows schools being buffeted by budget cuts : to make one's way especially under difficult conditions : sideboard 1 : a counter for refreshments went back to the buffet for a second helping : a restaurant operated as a public convenience (as in a railway station) : a meal set out on a buffet or table for ready access and informal service a restaurant that offers a breakfast buffet : an assortment of options or offerings : variety Once you're up there among the clouds, you'll have a buffet of skiing options. —Brad Wetzler : served informally especially as a buffet (see 3buffet 2c) a buffet meal buffet luncheons : to pound repeatedly : batter Waves buffeted our little boat. : a cabinet or set of shelves for the display of dishes and silver : sideboard : a meal set out on a buffet or table from which people may serve themselves


noun verb noun communications code word noun verb noun abbreviation ˈe-(ˌ)kō ˈe-ˌkō-ē ˈe-(ˌ)kō-iŋ ˈe-kə-wiŋ ˈe-(ˌ)kō ˈe-kō ˈek-(ˌ)ō ˈek-(ˌ)ō-iŋ, ˈek-ə-wiŋ : the repetition of a sound caused by reflection of sound waves : the sound due to such reflection : a repetition or imitation of another : reflection : repercussion, result : trace, vestige : response : one who closely imitates or repeats another's words, ideas, or acts : a soft repetition of a musical phrase : the repetition of a received radio signal due especially to reflection of part of the wave from an ionized layer of the atmosphere : the reflection of transmitted radar signals by an object : the visual indication of this reflection on a radarscope : to resound with echoes : to produce an echo : repeat, imitate children echoing their teacher's words : to restate in support or agreement his successor echoed his opinion : to be reminiscent of : evoke music that echoes an earlier time : to send back (a sound) by the reflection of sound waves : a nymph in Greek mythology who pines away for love of Narcissus until nothing is left of her but her voice —used as a code word for the letter e : the repetition of a sound caused by the reflection of sound waves : to send back or repeat a sound : to repeat another's words : the repetition of a sound that is caused by reflection of sound waves : the sound that is due to reflection of sound waves echocardiogram; echocardiography


noun verb noun noun pla-ˈtō ˈpla-ˌtō pla-ˈtōz ˈpla-ˌtōz pla-ˈtō -ˈtōz pla-ˈtō, ˈpla-ˌ -ˈtōz, -ˌtōz : a usually extensive land area having a relatively level surface raised sharply above adjacent land on at least one side : tableland : a similar undersea feature : a region of little or no change in a graphic representation : a relatively stable level, period, or condition : a level of attainment or achievement the 500-point plateau : to reach a level, period, or condition of stability or maximum attainment : a broad flat area of high land : a relatively flat elevated area — see tibial plateau


noun verb noun noun ˈbau̇(-ə)r -ē ˈbau̇-ər : an attractive dwelling or retreat : a lady's private apartment in a medieval hall or castle : a shelter (as in a garden) made with tree boughs or vines twined together : arbor : embower, enclose tree-bowered streets : an anchor carried at the bow of a ship : a shelter in a garden made of boughs of trees or vines


noun verb noun noun ˈter-əf ˈta-rəf ˈter-əf ˈtar-əf : a schedule of duties imposed by a government on imported or in some countries exported goods : a duty or rate of duty imposed in such a schedule : a schedule of rates or charges of a business or a public utility : price, charge : to subject to a tariff : a list of taxes placed by a government on goods coming into a country : the tax or the rate of taxation set up in a tariff list : a schedule of duties imposed by a government on imported or in some countries exported goods : a duty or rate of duty imposed in such a schedule : a document filed with the appropriate government agency that sets forth the rates, charges, and other provisions pertaining to services furnished by a business (as a carrier) or public utility


noun verb noun noun ˈwä-fəl ˈwȯ- ˈwä-f(ə-)liŋ ˈwȯ- ˈwä-f(ə-)lər ˈwȯ- ˈwä-fəl : a crisp cake of batter baked in a waffle iron : equivocate, vacillate waffled on the important issues ; also : yo-yo, flip-flop : yo-yo, flip-flop : to talk or write foolishly : blather can waffle ... tiresomely off the point —The Times Literary Supplement (London) : empty or pretentious words : tripe : a crisp cake of batter baked in a waffle iron and often indented with a pattern of small squares


noun verb noun noun transitive verb im-ˈbär-(ˌ)gō im-ˈbär-gō im-ˈbär-gō, em- : an order of a government prohibiting the departure of commercial ships from its ports : a legal prohibition on commerce a trade embargo : stoppage, impediment; especially : prohibition I lay no embargo on anybody's words —Jane Austen : prohibition I lay no embargo on anybody's words —Jane Austen : an order by a common carrier or public regulatory agency prohibiting or restricting freight transportation : to place an embargo on : an order of a government forbidding ships engaged in trade from leaving its ports an oil embargo : an order of a government prohibiting the departure of commercial ships from its ports : a legal prohibition on commerce an embargo on arms shipments : an order by a common carrier or public regulatory agency prohibiting or restricting freight transportation : to place an embargo on


noun verb noun noun verb ˈpi-kəl ˈpi-k(ə-)liŋ ˈpi-kəl : a solution or bath for preserving or cleaning: such as : a brine or vinegar solution in which foods are preserved : any of various baths used in industrial cleaning or processing : a difficult situation : plight could see no way out of the pickle I was in —R. L. Stevenson : an article of food that has been preserved in brine or in vinegar; specifically : a cucumber that has been so preserved : a cucumber that has been so preserved : to treat, preserve, or clean in or with a pickle : to give a light finish to (something, such as furniture) by bleaching or painting and wiping : grain, kernel : a small quantity : a piece of food and especially a cucumber that has been preserved in a solution of salt water or vinegar : a mixture of salt and water or vinegar for keeping foods : brine : a difficult or very unpleasant situation A nice pickle they were all in now ... with three angry trolls ... —J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit : to soak or keep in a solution of salt water or vinegar


noun verb noun noun verb ˈsəm ˌsə-mə-ˈbi-lə-tē ˈsə-mə-bəl ˈsəm ˈsəm : an indefinite or specified amount of money : the whole amount : aggregate : the utmost degree : summit reached the sum of human happiness : a summary of the chief points or thoughts : summation the sum of this criticism follows —C. W. Hendel : gist the sum and substance of an argument : the result of adding numbers the sum of 5 and 7 is 12 : the limit of the sum of the first n terms of an infinite series as n increases indefinitely : numbers to be added; broadly : a problem in arithmetic : a problem in arithmetic : disjunction 2 : union 2d : in short : briefly : to calculate the sum of : total : summarize : to reach a sum : amount the basic monetary unit of Uzbekistan — see Money Table : the result obtained by adding numbers The sum of 4 and 5 is 9. : a problem in arithmetic : a quantity of money We donated a small sum. : the whole amount Two trips is the sum of my travel experience. : to find the total number of by adding or counting : to tell again in a few words : summarize


noun verb noun noun verb noun ˈkwi-vər ˈkwi-və-riŋ ˈkwiv-riŋ ˈkwi-vər : a case for carrying or holding arrows : the arrows in a quiver : to shake or move with a slight trembling motion : the act or action of quivering : tremor : a case for carrying arrows : to move with a slight trembling motion "Boy!" said Ralph to himself, his whiskers quivering with excitement. —Beverly Cleary, The Mouse and the Motorcycle : the act or instance of trembling She felt a quiver of excitement.


noun verb noun verb i-ˈklips i-ˈklips : the total or partial obscuring of one celestial body by another : the passing into the shadow of a celestial body — compare occultation, transit : a falling into obscurity or decline; also : the state of being eclipsed his reputation has fallen into eclipse : the state of being eclipsed his reputation has fallen into eclipse : the state of being in eclipse plumage : to cause an eclipse of: such as : obscure, darken : to reduce in importance or repute : surpass her score eclipsed the old record : a complete or partial hiding of the sun caused by the moon's passing between the sun and the earth : a darkening of the moon caused by its entering the shadow of the earth : the hiding of any heavenly body by another : to cause an eclipse of The sun was eclipsed by the moon. : to be or do much better than : outshine The racer's time eclipsed the old record.


noun verb noun verb kən-ˈjek-chər kən-ˈjek-chə-riŋ -ˈjek-shriŋ kən-ˈjek-chər-ər kən-ˈjek-chər : inference formed without proof or sufficient evidence : a conclusion deduced by surmise or guesswork The criminal's motive remains a matter of conjecture. : a proposition (as in mathematics) before it has been proved or disproved : interpretation of omens : supposition : to arrive at or deduce by surmise or guesswork : guess scientists conjecturing that a disease is caused by a defective gene : to make conjectures as to conjecture the meaning of a statement : to form conjectures : 2guess : 1guess 1, surmise


noun verb noun verb ˈdi-sə-plən -plə-nᵊl ˈdi-sə-plən : control gained by enforcing obedience or order : orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior : self-control : punishment : training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character : a field of study : a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity : instruction : to punish or penalize for the sake of enforcing obedience and perfecting moral character : to train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self-control : to bring (a group) under control discipline troops : to impose order upon serious writers discipline and refine their writing styles : punishment 1 : strict training that corrects or strengthens "Boys need discipline," he said. : habits and ways of acting that are gotten through practice At this point in the act the penguins always forgot their discipline ... —Richard and Florence Atwater, Mr. Popper's Penguins : control that is gained by insisting that rules be followed The teacher tried to maintain discipline. : to punish as a way to bring about good behavior The principal disciplined the troublemakers. : to train in self-control or obedience The diet disciplines overeaters. : to bring under control discipline troops


noun verb noun verb ˈdē-ˌkȯi di-ˈ di-ˈkȯi ˈdē-ˌ di-ˈkȯi ˈdē-ˌkȯi : a pond into which wildfowl are lured for capture : someone or something used to lure or lead another into a trap the commander of that sub ... took us to be a decoy —H. A. Chippendale especially, hunting : an artificial bird used to attract live birds within shot : an artificial bird used to attract live birds within shot : someone or something used to draw attention away from another had a decoy distract the guard : to lure by or as if by a decoy : entice decoying ducks to a pond The undercover cop decoyed the fugitive into a trap. : a person or thing (as an artificial bird) used to lead or lure into a trap or snare : to lure by or as if by a decoy Hunters decoyed the ducks to the pond.


noun verb noun verb ˈfa-t͟həm ˈfa-t͟hə-mə-bəl ˈfa-t͟həm : a unit of length equal to six feet (1.83 meters) used especially for measuring the depth of water —sometimes used in the singular when qualified by a number five fathom deep : comprehension the themes display a newer fathom than the technical modernism of the composer's earlier works —Newsweek : probe : to take soundings : to measure by a sounding line : to penetrate and come to understand couldn't fathom the problem : a unit of length equal to six feet (about 1.8 meters) used chiefly in measuring the depth of water : to understand the reason for something I couldn't fathom how he escaped punishment. : to measure the depth of water by means of a special line


noun verb noun verb ˈfi-lə-ˌbə-stər ˈfi-lə-ˌbə-st(ə-)riŋ ˈfi-lə-ˌbə-stər-ər ˈfi-lə-ˌbəs-tər : an irregular military adventurer; specifically : an American engaged in fomenting insurrections in Latin America in the mid-19th century : an American engaged in fomenting insurrections in Latin America in the mid-19th century : the use of extreme dilatory (see dilatory 1) tactics (as by making long speeches) in an attempt to delay or prevent action especially in a legislative assembly : an instance of this practice The filibuster delayed the voting on the bill for over a week. : to carry out insurrectionist activities in a foreign country : to engage in a filibuster : to subject to a filibuster : the use of extreme dilatory tactics in an attempt to delay or prevent action especially in a legislative assembly; also : an instance of this practice : an instance of this practice : to engage in a filibuster : to subject to a filibuster


noun verb noun verb ˈhī-fən ˈhī-fən-ləs ˈhī-fən : a punctuation mark - used especially to divide or to compound words, word elements, or numbers : hyphenate : a mark - used to divide or to connect words or word elements : hyphenate


noun verb noun verb ˈim-plə-mənt ˈim-plə-ˌment ˌim-plə-mən-ˈtā-shən -ˌmen- ˈim-plə-ˌmen-tər ˈim-plə-mənt ˈim-plə-ˌment : an article serving to equip the implements of religious worship : a device used in the performance of a task : tool, utensil : one that serves as an instrument or tool the partnership agreement does not seem to be a very potent implement —H. B. Hoffman : carry out, accomplish; especially : to give practical effect to and ensure of actual fulfillment by concrete measures : to give practical effect to and ensure of actual fulfillment by concrete measures : to provide instruments or means of expression for : an object (as a tool) intended for a certain use farm implements : to begin to do or use something They're implementing the plan.


noun verb noun verb ˈper-ə-ˌshüt ˈpa-rə- ˌper-ə-ˈshü-tik ˌpa-rə- ˈper-ə-ˌshüt : a device for slowing the descent of a person or object through the air that consists of a fabric canopy beneath which the person or object is suspended : patagium : a device or structure suggestive of a parachute in form, use, or operation : to convey by means of a parachute : to descend by means of a parachute : a piece of equipment usually made of cloth and attached to someone or something for making a safe jump or drop from an airplane : to transport or come down by parachute


noun verb noun verb ˈslȯ-tər ˈslȯ-tər-ər ˈslȯ-tər : the act of killing; specifically : the butchering of livestock for market : the butchering of livestock for market : killing of great numbers of human beings (as in battle or a massacre) : carnage : to kill (animals) for food : butcher : to kill in a bloody or violent manner : slay : to kill in large numbers : massacre : to discredit, defeat, or demolish completely : the act of killing : the act of killing and preparing animals for food : destruction of many lives especially in battle : 2butcher 1 : 2massacre


noun verb noun verb ˈsī-fər -f(ə-)riŋ ˈsī-fər : zero 1a : one that has no weight, worth, or influence : nonentity She was nothing more than a cipher. : a method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning secret communications written in cipher — compare code 3b : a message in code The cipher cannot be decoded without the key. : arabic numeral : a combination of symbolic letters; especially : the interwoven initials of a name coins that bore the cipher of the sultan : the interwoven initials of a name coins that bore the cipher of the sultan : to use figures in a mathematical process all children should learn to read, write, and cipher —M. Pattison : encipher ciphered the letters that passed between the two heads of state : to compute arithmetically ciphered out the sum in his head : zero 1 : a method of secret writing or the alphabet or letters and symbols used in such writing : a message in code : to use figures in doing a problem in arithmetic : calculate


noun verb noun verb ˈti-kət ˈti-kət-ləs ˈti-kət : a certificate or token showing that a fare or admission fee has been paid : a means of access or passage education is the ticket to a good job : a summons or warning issued to a traffic-law violator : a list of candidates for nomination or election : slate : the correct or desirable thing cooperation, that's the ticket —K. E. Trombley : a slip or card recording a transaction or undertaking or giving instructions a savings deposit ticket : a document that serves as a certificate, license, or permit; especially : a mariner's or airman's certificate : a mariner's or airman's certificate : tag, label : to furnish or serve with a ticket ticketed for illegal parking : to attach a ticket to : label; also : designate : designate : a document or token showing that a fare or a fee for admission or participation has been paid a round trip ticket movie tickets a lottery ticket : a summons or warning issued to a person who breaks a traffic law a speeding ticket : a list of candidates for nomination or election : a slip or card recording a sale or giving information : the correct or desirable thing When school ended, a trip was just the ticket. : to attach a tag to : label : to give a traffic ticket to


noun verb noun verb ˈwȯl(t)s ˈwȯlts : a ballroom dance in ³/₄ time with strong accent on the first beat and a basic pattern of step-step-close : music for a waltz or a concert composition in ³/₄ time : to dance a waltz : to move or advance in a lively or conspicuous manner : flounce : to advance easily and successfully : breeze —often used with through : to approach boldly —used with up can't just waltz up and introduce ourselves : to dance a waltz with : to grab and lead (someone) unceremoniously : march : a dance in which couples glide to music having three beats to a measure : to dance a waltz


noun verb noun verb noun ˈbən-dᵊl ˈbən(d)-liŋ ˈbən-dᵊl-iŋ -lər -dᵊl-ər ˈbən-dᵊl ˈbən-dᵊl : a group of things fastened together for convenient handling a bundle of newspapers : package, parcel arrived with several bundles under his arms : a considerable number : lot a bundle of contradictions : a sizable sum of money will cost you a bundle : a person embodying a specified quality or characteristic She's a little bundle of energy. was a bundle of nerves before his speech : bunch 2 a bundle of friends : a small band of mostly parallel fibers (as of nerve or muscle) : vascular bundle : a package offering related products or services at a single price software bundles : to make into a bundle bundle the magazines together : to hustle or hurry unceremoniously bundled the children off to school : to include (a product or service) with a related product for sale at a single price software bundled with computer hardware bundling cable and Internet services : hurry, hustle ... a group of servants came bundling from the kitchen. —Charlotte Brontë : to practice bundling : a number of things fastened, wrapped, or gathered closely together : to fasten, tie, or wrap a group of things together : to move or push into or out of a place quickly We were immediately bundled off the plane. : to dress warmly : a small band of mostly parallel fibers (as of nerve or muscle) : fasciculus, tract


noun verb noun verb noun ˈha-zərd ˈha-zərd ˈha-zərd : a game of chance like craps played with two dice : a source of danger hazards on the roadway : the effect of unpredictable and unanalyzable forces in determining events : chance, risk the hazards involved in owning your own business men and women danced together, women danced together, men danced together, as hazard had brought them together —Charles Dickens : a chance event : accident looked like a fugitive, who had escaped from something in clothes caught up at hazard —Willa Cather : stake 3a : a golf-course obstacle (such as a bunker or a pond) : at stake : to offer or present at a risk : venture hazard a guess as to the outcome : a source of danger a fire hazard : to offer something (such as a guess or an opinion) at the risk of being wrong : a condition that tends to create or increase the possibility of loss —used especially in insurance law


noun verb noun verb noun ˈsa-bə-ˌtäzh ˈsa-bə-ˌtäzh ˈsa-bə-ˌtäzh : destruction of an employer's property (such as tools or materials) or the hindering of manufacturing by discontented workers : destructive or obstructive action carried on by a civilian or enemy agent to hinder a nation's war effort : an act or process tending to hamper or hurt : deliberate subversion : to practice sabotage on : deliberate destruction of or damage to property Angry workers used sabotage to disable the factory's machinery. : to damage or destroy on purpose : to engage in sabotage The country's water supply was sabotaged by the retreating enemy. : the willful destruction of an employer's property or the hindering of normal operations by other means : the injury, destruction, or knowingly defective production of materials, premises, or utilities used for war or national defense — compare criminal syndicalism, sedition


noun verb noun verb noun ˈshu̇-gər ˈshu̇-gər-ləs ˈshu̇-g(ə-)riŋ ˈshu̇-gər ˈshu̇g-ər : a sweet crystallizable material that consists wholly or essentially of sucrose, is colorless or white when pure tending to brown when less refined, is obtained commercially from sugarcane or sugar beet and less extensively from sorghum, maples, and palms, and is important as a source of dietary carbohydrate and as a sweetener and preservative of other foods : any of various water-soluble compounds that vary widely in sweetness, include the monosaccharides and oligosaccharides, and typically are optically active : a unit (such as a spoonful, cube, or lump) of sugar : a sugar bowl : to make palatable or attractive : sweeten a story sugared with romance : to sprinkle or mix with sugar : to form or be converted into sugar : to become granular : to make maple syrup or maple sugar : a sweet material that consists essentially of sucrose obtained from sugarcane or sugar beets, is typically colorless or white when pure, and is commonly used to sweeten foods and beverages : any of numerous soluble and usually sweet carbohydrates (as glucose or sucrose) that occur naturally especially in plants : to mix, cover, or sprinkle with sugar The baker sugared the doughnuts. : a sweet crystallizable substance that consists chiefly of sucrose, is colorless or white when pure and tending to brown when less refined, is obtained commercially from sugarcane or sugar beet and less extensively from sorghum, maples, and palms, and is important as a source of dietary carbohydrate and as a sweetener and preservative for other foods and for drugs and in the chemical industry as an intermediate : any of various water-soluble compounds that vary widely in sweetness and comprise the oligosaccharides including sucrose


noun verb noun verb noun ˈstrīp ˈstrīpt ˈstrī-pləs ˈstrīp : a stroke or blow with a rod or lash : to make stripes on or variegate with stripes : a line or long narrow section differing in color or texture from parts adjoining : a textile design consisting of lines or bands against a plain background : a fabric with a striped design : a narrow strip of braid or embroidery usually in the shape of a bar, arc, or chevron that is worn (as on the sleeve of a military uniform) to indicate rank or length of service : a distinct variety or sort : type persons of the same political stripe : to make stripes on : a line or long narrow section differing in color or appearance from the background The shirt is black with red stripes. : a piece of material often with a special design worn (as on a sleeve) to show military rank or length of service a sergeant's stripes


noun verb noun verb noun transitive verb mə-ˈsäzh -ˈsäj mə-ˈsäzh mə-ˈsäzh -ˈsäj : manipulation of tissues (as by rubbing, kneading, or tapping) with the hand or an instrument for relaxation or therapeutic purposes gave him a neck massage : to subject to massage : to treat flatteringly : blandish : manipulate, doctor massaged the data to help his cause : a soothing treatment of the body done by rubbing, kneading, and tapping : to give a soothing treatment to (the body) by rubbing, stroking, or pressing with the hands : manipulation of tissues (as by rubbing, stroking, kneading, or tapping) with the hand or an instrument especially for therapeutic purposes : to treat by means of massage


noun verb noun verb noun transitive verb ˈfläs ˈflȯs ˈfläs ˈflȯs ˈfläs, ˈflȯs : soft thread of silk or mercerized cotton for embroidery : dental floss : fluffy fibrous material : to use dental floss on : to use dental floss : dental floss : soft thread used in embroidery : fluffy material full of fibers : to use dental floss on : dental floss : to use dental floss on (one's teeth) the correct way to floss your teeth : to use dental floss flosses daily


noun verb noun verb noun verb ˈblis-tər -t(ə-)rē -t(ə-)riŋ ˈbli-stər ˈblis-tər -t(ə-)rē -t(ə-)riŋ : a fluid-filled elevation of the epidermis — compare water blister : an enclosed raised spot (as in paint or the surface of baked dough) resembling a blister : an agent (such as lewisite) that causes blistering : a fungal disease of plants marked by raised patches on the leaves : any of various structures that bulge out (such as a gunner's compartment on a bomber) : to become affected with a blister : to raise a blister on : lambaste 2 : to defeat (a competitor) decisively ... Brodeur was blistered in the early rounds by lightly regarded teams ... before backstopping New Jersey to the championship last season. —Kostya Kennedy : to hit (a ball, shot, etc.) very powerfully ... Soriano blistered a line drive toward left field. —Buster Olney : a small raised area of the skin filled with a watery liquid : a swelling (as in paint) that looks like a blister of the skin : to develop a blister or blisters My heel blistered on the hike. : to cause blisters on Tight shoes can blister your feet. : a fluid-filled elevation of the epidermis — compare water blister : an agent that causes blistering : to become affected with blisters : to raise a blister on


noun verb noun verb noun verb ˈrəp(t)-shər ˈrəp(t)-sh(ə-)riŋ ˈrəp-chər ˈrəp-chər -chə-riŋ, -shriŋ : breach of peace or concord; specifically : open hostility or war between nations : open hostility or war between nations : the tearing apart of a tissue rupture of the heart muscle rupture of an intervertebral disk : hernia : a breaking apart or the state of being broken apart : to part by violence : break, burst : to create or induce a breach of : to produce a rupture in : to have or undergo a rupture : a break in peaceful or friendly relations : a breaking or tearing apart of body tissue rupture of an eardrum : a crack or break in something a pipeline rupture : to part by violence : break : to produce a break or tear in High water pressure ruptured the pipe. : to have or develop a break or tear The blood vessel ruptured. : the tearing apart of a tissue rupture of heart muscle rupture of an intervertebral disk : hernia : to produce a rupture in rupture an eardrum : to have or undergo a rupture


noun verb noun verb noun verb noun ˈskül ˈskül : an organization that provides instruction: such as : an institution for the teaching of children : college, university : a group of scholars and teachers pursuing knowledge together that with similar groups constituted a medieval university : one of the four faculties of a medieval university : an institution for specialized higher education often associated with a university the school of engineering : an establishment offering specialized instruction a secretarial school driving schools : the process of teaching or learning especially at a school : attendance at a school : a session of a school : a school building : the students attending a school; also : its teachers and students : its teachers and students : a source of knowledge experience was his school : a group of persons who hold a common doctrine or follow the same teacher (as in philosophy, theology, or medicine) the Aristotelian school ; also : the doctrine or practice of such a group : the doctrine or practice of such a group : a group of artists under a common influence : a group of persons of similar opinions or behavior; also : the shared opinions or behavior of such a group other schools of thought : the shared opinions or behavior of such a group other schools of thought : the regulations governing military drill of individuals or units; also : the exercises carried out the school of the soldier : the exercises carried out the school of the soldier : to teach or drill in a specific knowledge or skill well schooled in languages : to discipline or habituate to something school oneself in patience : to educate in an institution of learning The child was schooled at great cost to her family. : a large number of fish or aquatic animals of one kind swimming together : to swim or feed in a school bluefish are schooling : a place for teaching and learning : a session of teaching and learning night school You'll be late for school. : schoolhouse : the teachers and pupils of a school The entire school was at the rally. : a group of persons who share the same opinions and beliefs a new school of philosophy : teach 2, train Has he been schooled in proper behavior? : a large number of one kind of fish or water animals swimming together


noun verb noun verb transitive verb ˈlüt ˈlüt : goods usually of considerable value taken in war : spoils The soldiers helped themselves to any loot that they could find. : something held to resemble goods of value seized in war: such as : something appropriated illegally often by force or violence the thieves' loot : illicit gains by public officials : money would not ... spend all that loot on her —Langston Hughes : the action of looting general loot of church land —Hilaire Belloc : to plunder or sack in war : to rob especially on a large scale and usually by violence or corruption : to seize and carry away by force especially in war : to engage in robbing or plundering especially in war : something stolen or taken by force : 1plunder : to rob especially during or following a catastrophe (as war, riot, or natural disaster) : to rob especially on a large scale and usually by violence or corruption : to engage in robbing especially after a catastrophe


noun verb noun verb transitive verb ˈskrēn ˈskrē-nə-bəl ˈskrēn ˈskrēn : a protective or ornamental device (such as a movable partition) shielding an area from heat or drafts or from view : something that shelters, protects, or hides: such as : a growth or stand of trees, shrubs, or plants : a protective formation of troops, ships, or planes : something that covers or disguises the true nature (as of an activity or feeling) his geniality is just a screen : a maneuver in various sports (such as basketball or ice hockey) whereby an opponent is legally impeded or the opponent's view of the play is momentarily blocked : screen pass : a perforated plate or cylinder or a meshed wire or cloth fabric usually mounted and used to separate coarser from finer parts : a system for examining and separating into different groups : a piece of apparatus designed to prevent agencies in one part from affecting other parts an optical screen : a frame holding a usually metallic netting used especially in a window or door to exclude pests (such as insects) : a flat surface on which a picture or series of pictures is projected or reflected : the surface on which the image appears in an electronic display (as in a television set, radar receiver, or computer terminal); also : the information displayed on a computer screen at one time : the information displayed on a computer screen at one time : a glass plate ruled with crossing opaque lines through which an image is photographed in making a halftone : the motion-picture medium or industry : to guard from injury or danger : to give shelter or protection to with or as if with a screen : to separate with or as if with a screen; also : to shield (an opponent) from a play or from view of a play : to shield (an opponent) from a play or from view of a play : to pass (something, such as coal, gravel, or ashes) through a screen to separate the fine part from the coarse; also : to remove by a screen : to remove by a screen : to examine usually methodically in order to make a separation into different groups : to select or eliminate by a screening process : to test or examine for the presence of something (such as a disease) patients were screened for hepatitis : to provide with a screen to keep out pests (such as insects) : to present (something, such as a motion picture) for viewing on a screen : to view the presentation of (something, such as a motion picture) : to present in a motion picture : to appear on a motion-picture screen : to provide a screen in a game or sport : a frame that holds a usually wire netting and is used to let air in but keep pests (as insects) out a window screen : a curtain or wall used to hide or to protect : the flat surface on which movies are projected : the surface on which the image appears in an electronic display (as on a television set or computer terminal) : a network of wire set in a frame for separating finer parts from coarser parts (as of sand) : to hide or protect with or as if with a curtain or wall ... the graveyard ... was screened by a stand of evergreens. —Richard Peck, A Year Down Yonder : to separate or sift with a network of wire set in a frame : to look at carefully to select as suitable The committee screened job candidates. : to test or examine for the presence of something (as a disease) screen patients for prostate cancer a test to screen donor blood for HIV and hepatitis C —Penni Crabtree — see intensifying screen, sunscreen, triple screen


noun verb verb noun krō-ˈshā krō-ˈshā-ər krō-ˈshā : needlework consisting of the interlocking of looped stitches formed with a single thread and a hooked needle : to make of crochet crocheted a doily : to work with crochet : to make (something) or create a fabric with a hooked needle by forming and weaving loops in a thread : work done or a fabric formed by weaving loops in a thread using a hooked needle


noun verb verb noun verb noun ˈsav ˈsäv ˈsalv ˈsälv ˈsalv ˈsal-vər -ˌvȯr ˈsav ˈsäv ˈsav ˈsäv ˈsȧv ˈsalv ˈsälv : an unctuous adhesive substance for application to wounds or sores : a remedial or soothing influence or agency a salve to their hurt feelings : to remedy (something, such as disease) with or as if with a salve : quiet, assuage give him a raise in salary to salve his feelings —Upton Sinclair : salvage : a healing or soothing ointment : to quiet or soothe with or as if with a salve : an unctuous adhesive substance for application to wounds or sores


noun verb verb transitive verb noun ˈek-ˌsīz -ˌsīs ˈek-ˌsīz -ˌsīs ik-ˈsīz ik-ˈsīz ik-ˈsīz ˈek-ˌsīz, -ˌsīs : an internal tax levied on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of a commodity : any of various taxes on privileges often assessed in the form of a license or fee : to impose an excise on : to remove by or as if by excision : to remove by excision : resect excise a tumor : a tax levied on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of a commodity — compare income tax, property tax : any of various taxes on privileges often assessed in the form of a license or other fee — compare direct tax


noun, plural in form but singular or plural in construction ˌka-pə-ˈle-tē : pasta in the form of little peaked hats filled with a savory mixture


noun, plural in form but singular or plural in construction noun plural but singular or plural in construction ˌər-gə-ˈnä-miks ˌər-gə-ˈnä-mik ˌər-gə-ˈnä-mi-k(ə-)lē (ˌ)ər-ˈgä-nə-mist ˌər-gə-ˈnäm-iks -ik -i-k(ə-)lē : an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely — called also biotechnology, human engineering, human factors : the design characteristics of an object resulting especially from the application of the science of ergonomics : an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely — called also human engineering, human factors engineering : the design characteristics of an object resulting especially from the application of the science of ergonomics Above is meaning for ergonomics But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


verb bi-ˈlē-gər bē- -g(ə-)riŋ -mənt : besiege a town beleaguered by an army a beleaguered city : trouble, harass beleaguered parents an economically beleaguered city


verb ˈfȯist : to introduce or insert surreptitiously or without warrant : to force another to accept especially by stealth or deceit when the states ... foist unnecessary expenses on local taxpayers —T. C. Desmond : to pass off as genuine or worthy foist costly and valueless products on the public —Jonathan Spivak ... inferior caviar has been foisted on an unknowing public ... —David Rosengarten


verb ˈkēl-ˌhȯl : to haul under the keel of a ship as punishment or torture : to rebuke severely


verb ˈman-ˌhan-dᵊl : to handle roughly : to move or manage by human force manhandled the posts into place


verb ˈmər-sə-ˌrīz ˌmərs-rə-ˈzā-shən ˌmər-sə- : to give (a material, such as cotton yarn) luster, strength, and receptiveness to dyes by treatment under tension with caustic soda


verb noun bi-ˈlā bē- -ər : to secure (a rope or cable) by turns around a cleat (see 1cleat 1b), pin, or bitt : to make fast : to fasten down belaying ammunition on deck : stop, cancel belay that last order : to secure (a person) at the end of a rope belay a climber ... belaying each other over the difficult places. —National Geographic : to secure (a rope) to a person or object : to be made fast knowing where each rope belays on deck : stop, quit —used in the imperative belay there : to make a line (see 1line 1) fast by turns around a cleat, pin, or bitt : the securing of a person or a safety rope to an anchor point (as during mountain climbing) Belays are more difficult to secure on ice and snow than on rock ... —Kenneth A. Henderson also : a method of so securing a person or rope : a method of so securing a person or rope : something (such as a projection of rock) to which a person or rope is anchored


verb noun ˈkvech ˈkfech ˈkve-chē ˈkfe- : to complain habitually : gripe : a habitual complainer : complaint 1


verb noun ˈskra-bəl ˈskra-b(ə-)liŋ ˈskra-b(ə-)lər : scrawl, scribble : to scratch, claw, or grope about clumsily or frantically : scramble, clamber : to struggle by or as if by scraping or scratching scrabble for survival : scramble : scribble : scramble : scribble : a repeated scratching or clawing


verb noun ˈsti-pəl ˈsti-p(ə-)liŋ ˈsti-p(ə-)lər : to engrave by means of dots and flicks : to make by small short touches (as of paint or ink) that together produce an even or softly graded shadow : to apply (something, such as paint) by repeated small touches : speckle, fleck : production of gradation of light and shade in graphic art by stippling small points, larger dots, or longer strokes; also : an effect produced in this way : an effect produced in this way


verb noun adjective sȯ-ˈtā sō- : to fry (food, such as small pieces of meat or vegetables) in a small amount of fat Sauté the mushrooms in 3 tablespoons of the butter until they are golden. —Nika Hazleton : a food that is fried in a small amount of fat : a sautéed dish In this simple saute, high-quality ingredients make a difference ... —Elaine Johnson Starters such as creamed corn risotto with shrimp sauté ... —Bruce Feiler : fried in a small amount of fat roast beef with sauté potatoes : used in sautéing a sauté pan improve your sauté technique


verb noun adjective verb verb noun pri-ˈsi-pə-ˌtāt pri-ˈsi-pə-ˌtā-tiv pri-ˈsi-pə-ˌtā-tər pri-ˈsi-pə-tət -ˌtāt pri-ˈsi-pə-tət pri-ˈsi-pə-ˌtāt pri-ˈsip-ə-ˌtāt pri-ˈsip-ət-ət, -ə-ˌtāt : to throw violently : hurl the quandaries into which the release of nuclear energy has precipitated mankind —A. B. Arons : to throw down : to bring about especially abruptly precipitate a scandal that would end with his expulsion —John Cheever : to cause to separate from solution or suspension : to cause (vapor) to condense and fall or deposit : to fall headlong : to fall or come suddenly into some condition : to move or act with violent or unwise speed : to separate from solution or suspension : to condense from a vapor and fall as rain or snow : a substance separated from a solution or suspension by chemical or physical change usually as an insoluble amorphous or crystalline solid : a product, result, or outcome of some process or action : falling, flowing, or rushing with steep descent : precipitous, steep : exhibiting violent or unwise speed : to cause to happen suddenly or unexpectedly The misunderstanding precipitated a quarrel. : to change from a vapor to a liquid or solid and fall as rain or snow : to separate from a solution The procedure called for precipitating salt from seawater. : to bring about especially abruptly : to cause to separate from solution or suspension : to cause (vapor) to condense and fall or deposit : to fall or come suddenly into some condition : to separate from solution or suspension : a substance separated from a solution or suspension by chemical or physical change usually as an insoluble amorphous or crystalline solid


verb noun biographical name verb ˈra-vəl ˈrav-liŋ ˈra-və- ˈrav-lər ˈra-və- ˈra-vəl-mənt rə-ˈvel ra- mȯ-ˈrēs rə-ˈve-lyən ra- -lē-ən ˈra-vəl : to separate or undo the texture of : unravel : to undo the intricacies of : disentangle : entangle, confuse : to become entangled or confused : to become unwoven, untwisted, or unwound : fray : break up, crumble : an act or result of raveling: such as : something tangled : something raveled out; specifically : a loose thread : a loose thread (Joseph) Mau*rice play \mȯ-ˈrēs\ 1875-1937 French composer : unravel 1 We raveled the net for fishing.


verb noun noun grə-ˈfē-(ˌ)tē gra- grä- grə-ˈfē-(ˌ)tē-iŋ gra- grä- grə-ˈfē-tiŋ gra- grä- grə-ˈfē-tē : to draw graffiti on : to deface with graffiti graffitied walls : usually unauthorized writing or drawing on a public surface : writing or drawing made on a public structure without permission


verb noun noun ka-ˈshir kə- (ˌ)ka-ˈshir ka-ˈshir : to dismiss from service; especially : to dismiss dishonorably : to dismiss dishonorably : reject, discard : one that has charge of money: such as : a high officer in a bank or trust company responsible for moneys received and expended : one who collects and records payments : an employee (as in a store) who handles monetary transactions : a person who is responsible for giving out or taking in money (as in a bank or store)


verb noun noun combining form noun combining form verb noun ˈkärp ˈkärp : to find fault or complain querulously : complaint : a large variable Asian soft-finned freshwater cyprinid fish (Cyprinus carpio) of sluggish waters that is often raised for food and has been widely introduced into U.S. waters; also : any of various related cyprinid fishes (such as the grass carp) : any of various related cyprinid fishes (such as the grass carp) : a fish (such as the European sea bream) resembling a carp : fruit carpogonium : part of a fruit mesocarp : fruit schizocarp : to complain in an annoying way : a freshwater fish that lives a long time and is often used for food


verb noun noun verb sham-ˈpü sham-ˈpü : massage : to wash (something, such as hair) with soap and water or with a special preparation : to wash the hair of : an act or instance of shampooing : a preparation used in shampooing : a cleaner made for washing the hair : an act of washing the hair : to wash the hair and scalp


verb noun noun verb verb ˈkrimp ˈkrim-pər ˈkrimp : to cause to become wavy, bent, or pinched: such as : to form (leather) into a desired shape : to give (synthetic fibers) a curl or wave like that of natural fibers : to pinch or press together (something, such as the margins of a pie crust) in order to seal : to be an inhibiting or restraining influence on : cramp sales had been crimped by credit controls —Time : something produced by or as if by crimping: such as : a section of hair artificially waved or curled : a succession of waves (as in wool fiber) : a bend or crease formed in something : something that cramps or inhibits : restraint, curb : a person who entraps or forces men into shipping as sailors or into enlisting in an army or navy : to trap into military or sea service : impress : to make wavy or bent She crimped her hair.


verb noun transitive verb tran(t)-ˈsekt tran(t)-ˈsek-shən ˈtran(t)-ˌsekt tran-ˈsekt : to cut transversely : a sample area (as of vegetation) usually in the form of a long continuous strip : to cut transversely


verb noun verb (ˌ)kau̇-ˈtau̇ ˈkau̇-ˌtau̇ kau̇-ˈtau̇ ˈkau̇-ˌtau̇ : to show obsequious deference : fawn kowtows to the boss : to kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in token of homage, worship, or deep respect : an act of kowtowing : to obey a person in a position of power in a way that seems weak : show overly respectful attention "... don't expect me to kowtow to you, mortal, just because old Barnacle-Beard is your father." —Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief


verb noun verb ˈech ˈech : to produce (something, such as a pattern or design) on a hard material by eating into the material's surface (as by acid or laser beam) : to subject to such etching : to delineate or impress clearly scenes etched in our minds pain was etched on his features : to practice etching : the action or effect of etching a surface : a chemical agent used in etching : to produce designs or figures on metal or glass by using acid to eat into the surface


verb noun verb ˈkwel ˈkwel : to thoroughly overwhelm and reduce to submission or passivity quell a riot : quiet, pacify quell fears : slaughter : the power of quelling : to stop or end by force Police quelled a riot. : 4quiet, calm He quelled their fears.


verb noun verb ˈta-tᵊl ˈtat-liŋ ˈta-tᵊl-iŋ ˈta-tᵊl ˈtat-lər : to tell secrets about what someone else has done : blab : chatter, prate : to utter or disclose in gossip or chatter : idle talk : chatter : gossip : to tell on someone


verb noun verb ˌin-tə-ˈrəpt ˌin-tə-ˈrəp-tə-bəl ˌin-tə-ˈrəp-shən ˌin-tə-ˈrəp-tiv ˌin-tə-ˈrəpt ˈin-tə-ˌrəpt ˌin-tə-ˈrəpt : to stop or hinder by breaking in interrupted the speaker with frequent questions : to break the uniformity or continuity of a hot spell occasionally interrupted by a period of cool weather : to break in upon an action; especially : to break in with questions or remarks while another is speaking : to break in with questions or remarks while another is speaking : a feature of a computer that permits the temporary interruption of one activity (such as the execution of a program) in order to perform another; also : the interruption itself : the interruption itself : to stop or hinder by breaking in Don't interrupt our conversation. : to break the sameness or course of A loud crash interrupted the silence.


verb noun verb noun ˈmə-dᵊl ˈməd-liŋ ˈmə-dᵊl-iŋ ˈməd-lər ˈmə-dᵊl-ər ˈməd-lē ˈmə-dᵊl-ē ˈmə-dᵊl : to make turbid or muddy muddled the brook with his splashings : to befog or stupefy (see stupefy 1) especially with liquor The drink muddled him and his voice became loud and domineering. : to mix confusedly muddles the household accounts : to make a mess of : bungle muddled themselves into the most indefensible positions —A. N. Whitehead : to think or act in a confused aimless way She muddled along for a year before going to college. : a state of especially mental confusion : a confused mess : to be or cause to be confused or bewildered "Haven't I so muddled their brains they want to turn you loose?" —Sid Fleischman, The Whipping Boy : to mix up in a confused manner They muddled the story. : to think or proceed in a confused way I somehow muddled through the task. : a state of confusion


verb noun verb noun ˈpra-tᵊl ˈprat-liŋ ˈpra-tᵊl-iŋ ˈprat-lər ˈpra-tᵊl-ər ˈprat-liŋ-lē -tᵊl-iŋ- ˈpra-tᵊl : prate : to utter or make meaningless sounds suggestive of the chatter of children : babble : to say in an unaffected or childish manner : trifling or empty talk : a sound that is meaningless, repetitive, and suggestive of the chatter of children : to talk a great deal about unimportant or uninteresting things : uninteresting or unimportant talk Amy's happy prattle became intolerable. —Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer


verb noun verb noun transitive verb ə-ˈneks ˈa-ˌneks ˌa-ˌnek-ˈsā-shən -shnəl -shə-nᵊl -sh(ə-)nist ˈa-ˌneks -niks ə-ˈneks ˈa-ˌneks ˈa-ˌneks ə-ˈneks, ˈa-ˌneks ˌa-nek-ˈsā-shən : to attach as a quality, consequence, or condition Many privileges were annexed exclusively to royalty. : to join together materially : unite : to add to something earlier, larger, or more important annexed a bibliography to the thesis : to incorporate (a country or other territory) within the domain of a state The U.S. annexed Texas in 1845. : to obtain or take for oneself : something annexed as an expansion or supplement: such as : an added stipulation or statement : appendix approved the annex in the treaty : a building that is attached to or near a larger building and usually used as part of it : wing Historical photographs were on view in the library's annex. : to add (something) to something else usually so as to become a part of it The United States annexed Texas and it became a state. : a building or part of a building attached to or near another building and considered part of it a school annex : attach 2 correspondence annexed to the petition a greenhouse annexed to the building : to incorporate (as a territory) within a political domain the district annexes only shards of 24 additional parishes —Hays v. Louisiana, 839 F. Supp. 1188 (1993)


verb noun verb noun transitive verb ˈsplīs ˈsplīs ˈsplīs : to unite (two ropes or two parts of a rope) by interweaving the strands : to unite (two lengths of magnetic tape, photographic film, etc.) by overlapping and securing together two ends : to unite, link, or insert as if by splicing : to combine or insert (something) by genetic engineering spliced a human gene for insulin into a bacterium : a joining or joint made by splicing something : marriage, wedding : to unite (as two ropes) by weaving together : to unite (as rails or pieces of film) by connecting the ends together : the process of joining or a joint made by weaving or connecting the ends together : to join together or insert (as segments of RNA or DNA) to form new genetic combinations spliced a human gene for insulin into a bacterium — see gene-splicing


verb noun verb noun transitive verb noun ˈyēld ˈyēld ˈyēld : recompense, reward : to give or render as fitting, rightfully owed, or required : to give up possession of on claim or demand: such as : to give up (one's breath, life, or spirit) and so die : to surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another : hand over possession of : to surrender or submit (oneself) to another : to give (oneself) up to an inclination, temptation, or habit : to relinquish one's possession of (something, such as a position of advantage or point of superiority) yield precedence : to bear or bring forth as a natural product especially as a result of cultivation the tree always yields good fruit : to produce or furnish as return this soil should yield good crops : to produce as return from an expenditure or investment : furnish as profit or interest a bond that yields 12 percent : to produce as revenue : bring in the tax is expected to yield millions : to give up (a hit or run) in baseball yielded two runs in the third inning : to be fruitful or productive : bear, produce : to give up and cease resistance or contention : submit, succumb facing an enemy who would not yield yielding to temptation : to give way to pressure or influence : submit to urging, persuasion, or entreaty : to give way under physical force (such as bending, stretching, or breaking) : to give place or precedence : acknowledge the superiority of someone else : to be inferior our dictionary yields to none : to give way to or become succeeded by someone or something else : to relinquish the floor of a legislative assembly : something yielded : product; especially : the amount or quantity produced or returned yield of wheat per acre : the amount or quantity produced or returned yield of wheat per acre : the capacity of yielding produce : to give (something) over to the power or control of another : surrender The troops would not yield the fort to the enemy. : to give in He yielded to temptation. : to produce as a natural product These trees yield fruit. : to produce or give back as interest or profit The investment yielded eight percent annually. : to be productive : bring good results The studies yielded proof of the theory. : to stop opposing or objecting to something Jenner would not yield to my point of view, nor would I to his. —Robert C. O'Brien, Rats of NIMH : to give way under physical force so as to bend, stretch, or break The rope yielded under the strain. : to allow another person or vehicle to go first : the amount produced or returned The high yield of wheat per acre increased. : 2return 7 The yield on government bonds is five percent. : to produce as return from an expenditure or investment : furnish as profit or interest an account that yields 6 percent : to give place or precedence (as to one having a superior right or claim) : to relinquish the floor of a legislative assembly yield to the senator from Maine : agricultural production especially per acre of crop : the return on a financial investment usually expressed as a percentage of cost the bond yield was 8 percent


verb transitive verb ig-ˈza-sər-ˌbāt ig-ˌza-sər-ˈbā-shən ig-ˈzas-ər-ˌbāt -ˌzas-ər-ˈbā-shən : to make more violent, bitter, or severe The new law only exacerbates the problem. : to cause (a disease or its symptoms) to become more severe her condition was exacerbated by lack of care


verb transitive verb lik-ˈsi-vē-ˌāt (ˌ)lik-ˌsi-vē-ˈā-shən lik-ˈsiv-ē-ˌāt (ˌ)lik-ˌsiv-ē-ˈā-shən : to extract a soluble constituent from (a solid mixture) by washing or percolation : to extract a soluble constituent from (a solid mixture) by washing or percolation


verb transitive verb ˈō-(ˌ)zō-ˌnīz ˌō-(ˌ)zō-nə-ˈzā-shən ˈō-(ˌ)zō-ˌnī-zər ˈō-(ˌ)zō-ˌnīz : to treat, impregnate, or combine with ozone : to convert (oxygen) into ozone : to treat, impregnate, or combine with ozone Above is meaning for ozonize But word asked is different, please do Re-search Cameron


verb verb -ˌlīz mə-ˌta-bə-ˈlī-zə-bəl -ˌlīz -ˌlī-zər : to subject to metabolism : to perform metabolism : to subject to metabolism : to perform metabolism


verb verb a-ˈlā ə- ə-ˈlā : to subdue or reduce in intensity or severity : alleviate expect a breeze to allay the heat : to make quiet : calm trying to allay their fears : to diminish in strength : subside : to make less severe allay pain : to put to rest allay fears


verb verb bi-ˈhüv bē- bi-ˈhüv : to be necessary, proper, or advantageous for it behooves us to go : to be necessary, fit, or proper : to be necessary or proper for Indeed, it behooved him to keep on good terms with his pupils. —Washington Irving, "Sleepy Hollow"


verb verb di-ˈsərn -ˈzərn -ˈsər-nə-bəl -ˈzər- -blē di-ˈsərn -ˈzərn : to detect with the eyes discerned a figure approaching through the fog : to detect with senses other than vision discerned a strange odor : to recognize or identify as separate and distinct : discriminate discern right from wrong : to come to know or recognize mentally unable to discern his motives : to see or understand the difference : to see, recognize, or understand something


verb verb ri-ˈhərs ri-ˈhərs : to say again : repeat : to recite aloud in a formal manner : to present an account of : relate rehearse a familiar story : to recount in order : enumerate rehearsed their demands : to give a rehearsal of : to train or make proficient by rehearsal : to perform or practice as if in a rehearsal : to engage in a rehearsal : to practice in private in preparation for a public performance We rehearsed our play.


verb verb ˈab-di-ˌkāt -kə-bəl ˌab-di-ˈkā-shən ˈab-di-ˌkā-tər ˈab-di-ˌkāt ˌab-di-ˈkā-shən : to renounce a throne, high office, dignity, or function The king was forced to abdicate. : to relinquish (something, such as sovereign power) formally abdicate a throne : to cast off : discard abdicate a responsibility : to give up a position of power or authority The ruler was forced to abdicate.


verb verb ˈkrün ˈkrün : bellow, boom : to sing or speak in a gentle murmuring manner The mother crooned as she rocked the baby. ; especially : to sing in a soft intimate manner adapted to amplifying systems : to sing in a soft intimate manner adapted to amplifying systems : to sing (something, such as a popular song or a lullaby) in a crooning manner ... croons ballads that conjure up the tenderness of puppy love ... —Joan Morgan : to hum or sing in a low soft voice


verb verb ˈle-və-ˌtāt ˈle-və-ˌtāt : to rise or float in or as if in the air especially in seeming defiance of gravitation : to cause to levitate : to rise or make rise up in the air


verb verb ˈmi-zəl ˈmi-zə-liŋ ˈmiz-liŋ ˈmi-zə-lē ˈmiz-lē ˈmi-zə-liŋ ˈmiz-liŋ : to rain in very fine drops : drizzle : to depart suddenly


verb verb ˈne-səl ˈne-s(ə-)liŋ ˈne-s(ə-)lər ˈne-səl ˈnes-liŋ -ə-liŋ : nest 1 : to settle snugly or comfortably : to lie in an inconspicuous or sheltered manner : to settle, shelter, or house in or as if in a nest the children were nestled all snug in their beds —Clement Moore : to press closely and affectionately nestles a kitten in her arms : to lie close and snug : cuddle : to be located snugly or in a place not easily noticed The village nestles in a valley.


verb verb ˈre-nə-ˌvāt ˌre-nə-ˈvā-shən ˈre-nə-ˌvā-tiv ˈre-nə-ˌvā-tər ˈre-nə-ˌvāt -ˌvā-tər : to restore to a former better state (as by cleaning, repairing, or rebuilding) : to restore to life, vigor, or activity : revive the church was renovated by a new ecumenical spirit : to put in good condition again The entire house is being renovated.


verb verb ˈtan-tə-ˌlīz ˈtan-tə-ˌlīz : to tease or torment by or as if by presenting something desirable to the view but continually keeping it out of reach : to cause one to be tantalized : to tease or excite by or as if by showing, mentioning, or offering something desirable but keeping it out of reach Annemarie always tried ... to build up the suspense and tantalize her sister. —Lois Lowry, Number the Stars


verb verb ˈvəl-kə-ˌnīz ˈvəl-kə-ˌnīz : to subject to vulcanization : to undergo vulcanization : to treat rubber with chemicals in order to give it more strength or flexibility


verb verb intransitive verb ˈlȯi-tər ˈlȯi-tər-ər ˈlȯi-tər ˈlȯi-tər : to delay an activity with idle stops and pauses : dawdle asked him not to loiter on the way home : to remain in an area for no obvious reason teenagers loitering in the parking lot : to lag behind a crowd of people, who loitered to hear the bloodcurdling threats the prisoner shouted —Willa Cather : to hang around somewhere for no good reason Loitering outside the store is prohibited. : to dawdle on the way to somewhere Don't loiter on your way home. : to remain in or hang around an area for no obvious purpose; specifically : to linger for the purpose of committing a crime a statute forbidding any person from loitering on school grounds : to linger for the purpose of committing a crime a statute forbidding any person from loitering on school grounds


verb verb intransitive verb transitive verb ə-ˈkä-mə-ˌdāt -ˌdā-tiv -ˌdā-tər ə-ˈkä-mə-ˌdāt ə-ˈkäm-ə-ˌdāt -ˌdāt-iv ə-ˈkä-mə-ˌdāt ə-ˌkä-mə-ˈdā-shən : to provide with something desired, needed, or suited I needed money, and they accommodated me with a loan. : to make room for rebuilt the ship to accommodate the bigger containers : to hold without crowding or inconvenience a hotel that can accommodate about 100 people : to bring into agreement or concord : reconcile Investors quickly accommodated themselves to the new market conditions. : to give consideration to : to allow for trying to accommodate the special interests of various groups : to make fit, suitable, or congruous : to adapt oneself; also : to undergo visual accommodation : to undergo visual accommodation : to provide with a place to stay or sleep accommodate guests : to provide with something needed : help out My teacher will change her schedule to accommodate her students. : to have room for The bus accommodates 40 people. : to adapt oneself; also : to undergo visual accommodation : to undergo visual accommodation : to make a change or provision for accommodate a disability — see also reasonable accommodation : to accept without compensation responsibility for a debt of (another person) in the event of nonpayment as a way of reassuring a reluctant creditor — see also accommodation paper at paper, accommodation party at party 1a Note: To accommodate a debtor effectively, the party must sign the debt instrument, adding words describing limitations or conditions to the accommodation, if any.


verb verb noun ˈhə-səl ˈhə-s(ə-)liŋ ˈhə-slər ˈhə-səl : to crowd or push roughly : jostle, shove had been hustled into a jail cell with the other protesters : to convey forcibly or hurriedly grabbed him by the arm and hustled him out the door —John Dos Passos : to urge forward precipitately hustling tourists from one museum to the next : to obtain by energetic activity —usually used with up hustle up new customers try to hustle up some tickets to tonight's game hustling up some grub : to sell something to or obtain something from (someone) by energetic and especially underhanded activity : swindle hustling the suckers an elaborate scam to hustle the elderly : to sell or promote energetically and aggressively hustling a new product : to lure less skillful players into competing against oneself at (a gambling game) hustle pool : shove, press : hasten, hurry you'd better hustle if you want to catch the bus : to make strenuous efforts to obtain especially money or business our quartet was out hustling ... and we knew we stood good to take in a lot of change before the night was over —Louis Armstrong : to obtain money by fraud or deception : to engage in prostitution : to play a game or sport in an alert aggressive manner She's not the most talented player on the team, but she always hustles. : to push, crowd, or force forward roughly Officers hustled the prisoner to jail. : to move or work rapidly and tirelessly They're hustling to get the job done. He hustled back to class. : energetic activity The hustle and bustle of the school day began.


verb verb transitive verb -mə-ˌrīz ˈmez-mə-ˌrīz -mə-ˌrīz ˌmez-mə-ri-ˈzā-shən : to subject to mesmerism; also : hypnotize : hypnotize : spellbind I found myself mesmerized by the grandiosity of it all —Arnold Plotnick The crowd was mesmerized by the acrobats. : to hold the complete attention of : fascinate The children were mesmerized by the fireworks. : to subject to mesmerism; also : hypnotize : hypnotize


verb verb transitive verb bi-ˈkwēth -ˈkwēt͟h bē- -ˈkwē-thəl -t͟həl bi-ˈkwēth -ˈkwēt͟h bi-ˈkwēth, -ˈkwēt͟h : to give or leave by will (see 2will 1) —used especially of personal property a ring bequeathed to her by her grandmother : to hand down : transmit lessons bequeathed to future generations : to give or leave by means of a will I bequeath this ring to my sister. : to hand down These stories were bequeathed to us by our ancestors. : to give by will —used especially of personal property but sometimes of real property — see also legacy, legatee — compare devise


verb verb transitive verb dī-ˈsekt di- ˈdī-ˌ -ˈsek-tər di-ˈsekt dis-ˈekt; dī-ˈsekt ˈdī-ˌ -ər : to separate into pieces : expose the several parts of (something, such as an animal) for scientific examination dissect an earthworm dissecting flowers : to analyze and interpret minutely dissect a problem : to make a dissection : to cut or take apart especially for examination We dissected a flower in science class. : to cut so as to separate into pieces or to expose the several parts of (as an animal or a cadaver) for scientific examination; specifically : to separate or follow along natural lines of cleavage (as through connective tissue) dissect out the regional lymph nodes a dissecting aneurysm : to separate or follow along natural lines of cleavage (as through connective tissue) dissect out the regional lymph nodes a dissecting aneurysm : to make a medical dissection


verb verb transitive verb in-ˈkri-mə-ˌnāt in-ˌkri-mə-ˈnā-shən in-ˈkrim-nə-ˌtȯr-ē -ˈkri-mə- in-ˈkri-mə-ˌnāt in-ˈkri-mə-ˌnāt in-ˌkri-mə-ˈnā-shən in-ˈkri-mə-nə-ˌtōr-ē : to charge with or show evidence or proof of involvement in a crime or fault : to make (someone) appear guilty of or responsible for something ... the story of how it had fallen into his hands incriminated not only him, but his own father ... —J. K. Rowling, Goblet of Fire : to charge with involvement in a crime he was incriminated in the conspiracy : to suggest or show involvement of in a crime among the evidence that incriminated him was a box of trigger devices — see also self-incrimination


verb verb transitive verb ə-ˈbīd -ˈbōd ə-ˈbīd -ˈbōd : to bear patiently : tolerate cannot abide such bigots : to endure without yielding : withstand abide the onrush of the enemy : to wait for : await I will abide the coming of my lord. —Alfred Tennyson : to accept without objection will abide your decision : to remain stable or fixed in a state a love that abided with him all his days : to continue in a place : sojourn will abide in the house of the Lord : to conform to abide by the rules : to accept without objection : to acquiesce in will abide by your decision : to put up with patiently : tolerate They won't abide bad behavior. : 1last 1, endure His love for his work abided until he died. : to stay or live in a place ... I shall abide near her all through the night. —E. B. White, The Trumpet of the Swan : to accept the terms of : obey She was forced to abide by the rules. : to accept without objection : to act or behave in accordance with or in obedience to


verb verb transitive verb ə-ˈlē-vē-ˌāt -ˌlē-vē-ˈā-shən -ˈlē-vē-ˌā-tər ə-ˈlē-vē-ˌāt ə-ˈlē-vē-ˌāt -ˌlē-vē-ˈā-shən : relieve, lessen: such as : to make (something, such as suffering) more bearable Her sympathy alleviated his distress. : to partially remove or correct (something undesirable) measures taken to alleviate a labor shortage : to make less painful, difficult, or severe A good long rest alleviated her headache. : to make (as symptoms) less severe or more bearable a lotion to alleviate itching


verb verb transitive verb ə-ˈnēl ə-ˈnēl ə-ˈnē(ə)l : to heat and then cool (a material, such as steel or glass) usually for softening and making less brittle Each bar, with its intricate twists, bevels and turns, had to be shaped individually. This shaping made some parts of the bars brittle ... . To restore their flexibility, all the bars had to be annealed by heating, and then rapidly cooling them. —Ivars Peterson also : to cool slowly usually in a furnace : to cool slowly usually in a furnace : to cause two complementary strands of nucleic acid (such as DNA or RNA) to join by hydrogen bonding During repair of DNA double-strand breaks, cells must accurately anneal broken strands ... —Seiji N. Sugiman-Marangos et al. also : to induce the binding of a genetic primer (see 2primer 3) to a complementary single-stranded nucleic acid by slowly cooling single strands obtained from the heating and separation of double-stranded DNA or RNA The primers are annealed to the single strands when the local temperature is reduced to between 50 and 65 C. — Andrew J. DeMello During PCR, fragments are heated so they will separate into single strands. A short nucleotide sequence called a primer is then annealed to each original template. —George M. Church : to induce the binding of a genetic primer (see 2primer 3) to a complementary single-stranded nucleic acid by slowly cooling single strands obtained from the heating and separation of double-stranded DNA or RNA The primers are annealed to the single strands when the local temperature is reduced to between 50 and 65 C. — Andrew J. DeMello During PCR, fragments are heated so they will separate into single strands. A short nucleotide sequence called a primer is then annealed to each original template. —George M. Church : strengthen, toughen : to pair with a complementary strand of nucleic acid A microRNA molecule can anneal to a messenger RNA (mRNA) containing a nucleotide sequence that complements the sequence of the microRNA ... —Carlo M. Croce also : to bind to a complementary single-stranded nucleic acid during a process of heating and cooling Site-specific primers, designed to complement the base pairs of the DNA region flanking the target, anneal to these regions. —Norman Arnhelm and Corey H. Levenson : to bind to a complementary single-stranded nucleic acid during a process of heating and cooling Site-specific primers, designed to complement the base pairs of the DNA region flanking the target, anneal to these regions. —Norman Arnhelm and Corey H. Levenson : strengthen, toughen Mildred at least, is capable of love. In Veda, love has been annealed to a hard diamond of ambition. —Stephen King : to heat (as glass or steel) and then cool so as to toughen and make less brittle : to heat and then cool (as steel or glass) usually for softening and making less brittle : to heat and then cool (double-stranded nucleic acid) in order to separate strands and induce combination at lower temperatures especially with complementary strands : to be capable of combining with complementary nucleic acid by a process of heating and cooling some bacterial nucleic acid anneals well with eukaryotic DNA


verb verb transitive verb ˈven-tə-ˌlāt ˈven-tə-ˌlāt ˈvent-ᵊl-ˌāt : to expose to air and especially to a current of fresh air for purifying, curing, or refreshing ventilate stored grain ; also : oxygenate, aerate ventilate blood in the lungs : oxygenate, aerate ventilate blood in the lungs : to subject the lungs to ventilation artificially ventilate a patient in respiratory distress : to examine, discuss, or investigate freely and openly : expose ventilating family quarrels in public : to make public : utter ventilated their objections at length : to pass or circulate through so as to freshen : to cause fresh air to circulate through (a place, such as a room or a mine) : to provide an opening in (a burning structure) to permit escape of smoke and heat : to free from chaff by winnowing : to let in air and especially a current of fresh air Windows ventilate the room. : to provide with fresh air Keep the plants ventilated. : to discuss freely and openly You should ventilate your complaints. : to expose to air and especially to a current of fresh air for purifying or refreshing : oxygenate, aerate ventilate blood in the lungs : to subject the lungs of (an individual) to ventilation artifically ventilate a patient in respiratory distress : to give verbal expression to (as mental or emotional conflicts)


verb verb verb ˈprä-si-ˌkyüt ˌprä-sə-ˈkyü-tə-bəl ˈprä-si-ˌkyüt ˈprä-si-ˌkyüt ˌprä-si-ˈkyü-tə-bəl : to follow to the end : pursue until finished prosecute a war : to engage in : perform : to bring legal action against for redress or punishment of a crime or violation of law : to institute legal proceedings with reference to prosecute a claim : to institute and carry on a legal suit or prosecution : to carry on a legal action against an accused person to prove his or her guilt : to follow up to the end : keep at prosecute a war : to institute and carry forward legal action against for redress or especially punishment of a crime : to institute and carry on a lawsuit with reference to an action must be prosecuted in the name of the real party in interest —Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 17(a) : to institute and carry on a civil or criminal action decided not to prosecute


verb verb verb noun ˈpər-kə-ˌlāt -kyə- ˌpər-kə-ˈlā-shən ˈpər-kə-ˌlāt ˌpər-kə-ˈlā-shən -ˌlā-tər ˈpər-kə-ˌlāt -ˌlāt -lət : to cause (a solvent) to pass through a permeable substance (such as a powdered drug) especially for extracting a soluble constituent : to prepare (coffee) in a percolator : to be diffused through : penetrate : to ooze or trickle through a permeable substance : seep : to become percolated : to become lively or effervescent : to spread gradually allow the sunlight to percolate into our rooms —Norman Douglas : simmer 2a the feud had been percolating for a long time : to trickle or cause to trickle through something porous : ooze Water percolated through sand. : to prepare (coffee) by passing hot water through ground coffee beans again and again : to cause (a solvent) to pass through a permeable substance (as a powdered drug) especially for extracting a soluble constituent : to be diffused through : to ooze or trickle through a permeable substance : to become percolated : a product of percolation

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