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Bracing is also commonly referred to as what?

" bearing down " or tightening of the global muscles by consciously contracting them.

Global muscles are primarily responsible for what?

- Concentric force production -eccentric deceleration during dynamic activities

What is commonly used to rehabilitate patients with low back pain ( LBP ) ?

- Core muscle training

What is one of the leading causes of injury and health related complications in older adults?

- Falls

What do the global muscles produce?

- Force (concentric actions) - attenuate Force ( eccentric actions) - Provide stabilization in all planes of movement during dynamic activities

research has demonstrated that core muscle fatigue can result in altered _____ Biomechanics

- cycling

The ____ of movement should be emphasize more than ____ and the focus of the program should be on coordinated movement across the___ ___

- Quality - quantity - kinetic chain

The primary global muscles of the core include (but are not limited to):

- The rectus abdominis, - external obliques, -latissimus dorsi, -gluteus maximus, - hip flexors, and - extrinsic (superficial) erector spinae

Research has found that the transverse Abdominis, when properly activated, creates tension in the ______ _____( connective tissue of the low back area) , Contributing to spinal _____, and compresses sacroiliac joint , increasing ____. These findings have led other researchers to further understand and demonstrate the important role of the transversus abdominis on spinal stability and low back pain

- Thoracolumbar fascia - stiffness - stability

Describe the core training variables Exercise equipment:

- Tubing - cables - medicine balls - free weights - balance equipment ( foam pad, wobble board , balance disc)

Using hyper extension exercises without proper low back pain stabilization has been shown to increase pressure on the discs to dangerous levels. These unsupported exercises can cause what ? - which may lead to?

- damage to the ligaments that support the vertebrae, - a narrowing of the vertebral openings that spinal nerves pass through

What is important for minimizing improper loading of the spine and reducing the risk of injury?

- developing movement strategies that effectively stabilize the spine by activating local muscles, prior to the initiation of extremity movements

What is the objective of cute training ?

- development of core stability - endurance - strength - power

The core also known as the lumbo- pelvic- hip complex ( LPHC) includes A space within the body that has the following boundaries:

- diaphragm superiorly - abdominal muscle anteriorly and laterally - lumbar spine and gluteal muscles posteriorly - pelvic floor and hip musculature inferiorly

Using hyper extension exercises without proper low back pain ( LBP) stabilization has been shown to increase pressure on the ____ to dangerous levels

- discs

Some Active individuals have developed strength, power, and muscular endurance of the global muscles of the core, which enables them to perform ____ activities

- dynamic

Performing balance training along with agility exercises may improve _____ balance during eyes opened and eyes closed conditions, as well as improved ____-based outcomes and reaction time. Therefore balance training should be considered as an important component of improving performance

- dynamic - agility

Local muscles provide _____ Control of the spinal segments that limit excessive ____, ____, and _____ ____ between spinal segments . This is important for ___ the vertebrae and limiting strain on passive stabilizing structures, including intravertebral discs and ligaments

- dynamic - compression - shear - Rotational forces - stabilizing

Maintenance of these spinal curvatures throughout the lifespan is important for proper ____ distribution throughout the spine

- energy

Core power involves what?

- explosive movements of the core musculature

The use of weight belts for Apparently healthy adults engaging in a moderately intense exercise program is recommended. - true or false ?

- false

The next progression is to involve more dynamic eccentric and concentric Movements of the spine throughout a full range of motion. In other words, these exercises involves flexion, extension, and rotation of the trunk. It is always important for the fitness professional to communicate with a clients healthcare provider to determine if there are any underlying medical conditions that may warrant avoiding certain exercises. In this progression, specificity, need, and neural demands Are also increased using Moderat too fast for petition tempos. These exercises are designed to improve lumbo pelvic stability, concentric strength ( force production) , eccentric strength , ( force reduction) , and neuromuscular efficiency ( coordination) of the core. Simple exercises that follow this protocol include ( but are not limited to ) the following ;

- floor crunch - ball crunch - back extension - reverse crunch - knee-up - cable rotation - cable lift - cable chop

Describe the core training variables Range of motion:

- full - partial - end range

Clients with low back pain ( LBP ) can be taught to improve _____ of core muscles to improve core _____ and reduce low back pain. ( LBP) . Give an example .

- functionality - stability - performing an abdominal drawing in maneuver increases muscle activation of the transverse Abdominis

An older individuals, balance training can improve _____ when apply to activities of daily living ( chores, shopping, grooming, bathing ) , which may decrease their overall ____

- functionality - disability

low-back pain ( LBP ) is one of the leading causes of what ?

- global disability

Bracing focuses on ____ ____ _____ , not simply on _____ ______ _____, meaning that the global muscles, given the proper endurance training, will also work to stabilize the spine

- global trunk stability - segmented vertebral stability

- For safety reasons, balance exercises and equipment ( foam pad, balance this, wobble board) should not be used in conjunction with what?

- heavy loads, such as Maximal Or near Maximal lifts

Improper positioning of the pelvis may result in what?

- improper postures of the spine

Benefits of balance training for performance

- improve static and dynamic balance - Improves neuromuscular control in the lower extremities - improves balance after injury - improve lower extremity muscular strength ( especially when combined with resistance training) - improves ability to participate in activities of daily living and decreases self reported disability in older adults - improves agility-based outcomes in athletes

Benefits of balance training to bolster Resistance to injury

- improves landing mechanics, which may reduce lower extremity injury, such as ACL injury and ankle sprains - improve performance in athletes, such as vertical jump height - reduces risk of falling in older adults - improve physical performance and overall conference during activities of daily living in older adults

What is more important than increasing the external resistance during designing a core training program?

- increasing proprioceptive demand by using a multi sensory environment and using multiple exercise modalities ( ball, bands , balance equipment)

Weakness of the global and local core musculature is a fundamental problem that causes what?

- inefficient movement and can lead to poor posture, - decreased athletic performance, - increased risk of injury, and - inability to adequately return to activity following a previous injury

It is important for fitness professionals to work closely alongside healthcare providers, who are trained to diagnosed and treat individuals with ____

- injuries

Core muscle function is critical for proper extremity movements. Therefore, optimal core muscle function has been considered a factor that may modify ____ risk.

- injury

Balance training is an important component to emphasize when developing a program to improve ____ ___, whether the fitness professional is working with an athlete participating in a sport or a client whose goal is to perform daily living activities without falling

- injury resistance

Balance training tends to improve vertical jump performance and use basketball players when compared to ____strength training

- isometric

If the global muscles are strong and the local muscles are weak, forces along the ______ ___ might not be _____ or ____ properly. This leads to _____, and inefficient movements, and the potential for injury

- kinetic chain - transferred - used - compensation

The ability to properly stabilize the trunk during jump landing is critical to achieving optimal landing mechanics that may decrease the risk of ____ injury

- knee

Comprehensive injury prevention programs that include balance training have been shown to improve _____ mechanics , which may decrease the risk of ____ ____ ___

- landing - lower extremity injuries

There are multiple muscle groups that make up core region , which are commonly characterized as ____ or ___ Musculature

- local - global

The core musculature can be divided into what two unique categories?

- local muscles - global muscles

The human spine demonstrates naturally occurring curvatures that alternate between ______ curvatures in the cervical and lumbar spine and ______ curvatures in the thoracic and sacral spine

- lordotic ( outward/concave) - kyphotic ( Inward/convex)

Using proper exercise techniques can reduce pain and those with ____ ___ ____

- low back pain ( LBP )

Core muscle endurance is also critical to ______ _______ muscle performance

- lower extremity

The core can be thought of as a foundation for producing and transmitting strong and controlled movements to what ?

- lower extremity and generating force production for the upper extremities

Course stability and core strength are associated with increased ___ ____ ___ _____ and increased takeoff velocity of a vertical jump , as well as maximal squat performance

- lower extremity muscle strength

- Balance exercises are commonly included in what programs? - these are referred to as what? - what is the purpose of this ?

- lower extremity programs - injury prevention programs, - for athletes to bolster resistance to injury

The appropriate function of local core muscles is important for what?

- maintaining proper posture of the vertebral column during strengthening exercises and other dynamic movements

Core training has multiple benefits; therefore core training may be considered fundamental to many overall training programs for the vast ____ of clients

- majority

These exercises are designed to improve Neuromuscular efficiency and intravertebral stability, focusing on drawing in and then bracing during the exercises. These exercises primarily target the local core muscles . Sample exercises the follow this protocol include but are not limited to :

- march - floor bridge - ball bridge - floor cobra - ball cobra - fire hydrant - plank - side plank - dead bug - bird dog - pallof press - farmers carry

The last progression includes exercises that are designed to improve the rate of Force production ( power ) Movement efficiency of the core musculature and extremities. These forms of exercise prepare an individual to dynamically stabilize and generate Force at more functionally applicable ( explosive ) speeds . Example exercises include but are not limited to

- medicine ball rotation chest pass - ball medicine Ball pullover throw - Front medicine ball oblique throw - Side medicine ball oblique throw - medicine ball soccer throw - medicine ball wood shop throw - medicine ball overhead throw

Balance training has been shown successful in improving ____ function of muscles in the lower extremity, as well as _____ control, especially for those who have suffered from chronic ankle sprains

- motor - neuromuscular

Improving core performance, including strength, endurance, and coordinated muscle activation, should be viewed as a critical component of improving ____ requiring upper and lower limb speed, strength, and endurance.

- movements

Appropriate posture throughout the spine is important for ensuring proper extremity ______, thereby enhancing the performance of the entire _____ ____

- movements - Neurolmuscular System

Core stabilization exercises restores the size, activation, and endurance of the _____ ( deep spine muscle ) in individuals with Low back pain ( LBP)

- multifidus

The positioning of clients during core training is important for facilitating proper _____ ___

- muscle activity

Researchers have found that individuals with chronic low back pain have decreased activation of certain muscles or ____ _____including the transversus abdominis, internal obliques, pelvic floor muscles, multifidus , diaphragm, gluteal complex, deep erector spinae

- muscle groups

While scoliosis can often result from altered bone shaped through the spine ( structural scoliosis) , Functional scoliosis ( non-structural scoliosis) can be influenced by ____ _____, particularly muscle imbalances between ____ and ____ sides of the body. This leads to altered alignment of the spine in the ____ plane .

- muscle imbalances - right - left - frontal

Functional scoliosis is also called?

- nonstructural scoliosis

What Is it important for producing effective and efficient movements?

- optimal lengths of muscles ( length-tension relationships) - recruitment of muscles ( force-couple relationships) of the LPHC - coordinated joint motions

A properly designed core training program can be a key component of what ?

- overall training plan used to achieve a broad range of goals

A prospective cohort Study demonstrated that lower postural control, hip muscle strength, and core muscle endurance were predictive of individuals who developed ____musculoskeletal injuries over a 1.5 year period.

- overuse

Core training with cervical stability training can be effective at relieving ___ and improving muscle ___ and ____

- pain - strength - endurance

Research has demonstrated that electromyography activities increase during ____ stabilization and _____ ____ activation when an abdominal drawing in maneuver is initiated before activity

- pelvic - transverse abdominis

Athletes who participate in throwing activities strengthened gluteal function, which is connected to better ____ and ____ biomechanics and sling-based core training, which involves suspension of the limbs using unstable sling or cord systems; results in improved throwing ____

- pelvis - torso - velocity

Conversely, overactivity of the hamstrings and rectus abdominis and underactivity of the erector spinae can rotate the pelvis posteriorly, known as a _____ _____ ___

- posterior pelvic tilt

Core training is critical for improving what ?

- posture - enhancing performance - increasing resistance to injury - accelerating injury rehabilitation

A strong and stable core is important for generating ____ and ____ movements needed for optimal physical performance

- strong - stable

Scoliosis from altered bone shape through the spine is considered what ?

- structural scoliosis

Global core musculature is positioned more _____ On the trunk when compared to local core musculature

- superficial

What is the primary action of the local muscle, pelvic floor musculature?

- support the contents of the pelvis

Core training improved 50-meter swimming spring times, suggesting core training can translate to improved performance in nonweightbearing activities that engage both upper and lower extremity function - true or false

- true

In a randomized controlled trial, four weeks of core stability training produces similar decreases in forces at the knee during jump landing in female high school athletes to individuals who participated in four weeks of plyometric training. - true or false ?

- true

In isolation, global muscles do not effectively achieve stabilization of the LPHC; rather it is through the cooperative functioning with the local musculature that day and hand stability in neuromuscular control - true or false

- true

It is not clear if altered posture causes low back pain ( LBP) or if LBP results in altered posture . - true or false

- true

Scientific evidence exists to support The importance of core training for the following key areas: optimizing posture, performance, injury resistance, and rehabilitation - true or false

- true

The addition of core stability exercises to traditional rehabilitation for people with low back pain( LBP ) demonstrates improvements in pain compared to traditional rehabilitation - true or false. ?

- true

When designing a core training program, it is important to incorporate exercises specific to the needs of each client. - true or false

- true

Core training can improve ____ and ____ ____ ______posture, as well as body awareness

- trunk - low-back posture

The local and global muscles work together to produce Strong, effective movements of the ____ while continuing to ____ the spine

- trunk - stabilize

The global muscles of the core act to move the ______, transfer loads between the ____ and ____ Extremities , And provide ____ of the spine by stabilizing multiple segments together as functional units

- trunk - upper - lower - stability

Local muscles consist primarily of what type of muscle fibers?

- type I ( slow twitch ) muscle fibers

Local muscles generally attach on or near the _____ and often have _____ attachments ranging between ____ and _____ vertebrae segments

- vertebrae - short - one - two

To properly stabilize and strengthen the core , both local and global core muscles must ____ ____

- work together

What is common in individuals with low back pain ( LBP) ? - this should be addressed as a way to manage the link between abnormal _____ and ____

-Gluteus medius weakness - posture and LBP

Youth soccer athletes who participated in a nine week _____ _____ program demonstrated improvements in Time to stabilization ( A measure of balance ability) , As well as vertical jump height.

-Injury prevention

To maintain optimal stability and function of the core, it is important to systematically ____ all muscles of the core


Honing all skills with exquisite technique for each exercise is essential. As with all exercises, improving quality should always come before increasing quantity of weight, and five kinetic chain checkpoints should be monitored: these are :

1.) feet: approximately shoulder width apart ( when appropriate ) and pointing straight ahead ( when appropriate ) 2.) knees: in line with the second and third toes ( avoid allowing these to cave inward) 3.) hips: level and in a neutral position 4.) shoulders : neutral position ( not protracted or elevated 5.) head: cervical spine in a neutral position ( chin tuck)

Anterior cruciate ligament

A key ligament within the knee joint that provide stability to limit excessive motion of the tibia relative to the femur

Drawing-in maneuver

A maneuver used to recruit the local core stabilizers by drawing in the navel toward the spine

What is electromyography?

A procedure that measures the electrical conducting function of nerves and muscles

Systematic review

A type of research article that synthesizers and summarizes findings from multiple existing research articles on a specific topic

Posterior pelvic tilt

An excessive rotation of the pelvis that results in lesser lumbar lordosis

All of the muscles within each system provide what?

Dynamic stabilization and neuromuscular control of the entire core

Muscle action of Force reduction


Physical exercise interventions, include balance training that challenges posture in different positions, have been shown to reduce the number of______ and healthy older adults


Muscle action of Dynamic stabilization


Type I ( slow twitch ) muscle fibers

Muscle fibers that are small in size , Generate lower amounts of force, and are more resistant to fatigue

What becomes the focus of the program instead of striving for absolute strength gains when designing a core training program?

Neural adaptations

What is the primary action of the local muscle, diaphragm?

Regulate inspiration

Describe the core training variables Volume:

Sets : Low, moderate, high Repetitions: low, moderate, high

What is the primary function of the global muscle , external abdominal obliques

Spinal flexion, lateral flexion, and contralateral rotation

What is the primary function of the global muscle , internal abdominal obliques

Spinal flexion, lateral flexion, and ipsilateral rotation

What is the primary action of the local muscle, rotatores ?

Stabilize and rotate spinal segments

What is the primary action of the local muscle, multifidus?

Stabilized, extend, and rotate spine

It is important to remember that dysfunction of local core musculature Can be present in individuals with what?

Strong global core musculature

Core stability

The ability of an individual to Maintain a given position, adequately stabilizing the spine while the extremities are moving

Core Strength

The ability to control the motion of the spine

Core endurance

The ability to control the motion of the spine over a given longer duration

Give an example of an integrated core training program

The client begins at the highest level at which they are able to maintain stability and optimal coordinated movement. The client progresses through the program after mastering the exercises in the previous level while simultaneously demonstrating Intravertebral and Lumbopelvic stability. To evaluate appropriate Intravertebral stability, the client will be able to maintain the drawing in position while performing various exercises. The client would have appropriate lumbopelvic stability when they are able to perform functional movement patterns, such as squats, lunges, and step ups without excessive spinal motion

What is the goal of core training?

To develop optimal levels of stability, muscular endurance, strength, and power

What is the goal of core training?

To develop optimal levels of stability, muscular endurance, strength, and power.

What is the primary function of the global muscle , erector spinae

Trunk/spine flexion, rotation, and lateral flexion

What is the primary function of the global muscle , rectus a abdominis?

Trunk/spine flexion, rotation, and lateral flexion

What is the primary function of the global muscle , latissimus dorsi

Trunk/spine rotation (In addition to shoulder extension , adduction , and internal rotation )

, hip musculature ( gluteus medius) functions to maintain what ?

a level position of the pelvis

Describe the way To perform the drawing-in maneuver.

pull in the region just below the naval toward the spine and maintain the cervical spine in a neutral position

Research has shown that muscular endurance of the global and local musculature, when contracted together, create the most benefit for those with low back pain ( LBP) compared with?

traditional low back pain ( LBP) training methods, such as solely emphasizing range of motion at the spine

In exercise programs that include balance training, research has shown up to a___% reduction in the risk of falls in older healthy adults

• 20%

Transverse abdominis activation improves with ____ weeks of training in those with and without low back pain ( LBP)


The core region is at the body center of gravity and includes (but not limited to) :

- Abdominals - hips - gluteal complex - Low -back area

The spinal curvature is develop naturally as individuals move from _____ to ____

- crawling - walking

In fact, a study by DuPrey and colleagues found a collegiate athletes with poor balance during landing tasks were at an increased risk of _____ rupture

- Anterior cruciate ligament ( ACL )

Few people, however, half properly trained the local muscles required for ______ stabilization

- Intravertebral

Describe the core training variables Progression:

- Little or no motion of spine - controlled spinal flexion, extension, rotation - explosive trunk movements

Local muscles consist primarily of type I ( slow twitch) muscle fibers, which have a high density of muscle ______ and are important for assisting in ______ of the spine

- Spindles - proprioception

Core stability and core endurance refer to what ?

- The ability of an individual to maintain proper spinal and hip posture while the extremities ( arms, legs) are moving

What does core strength refer to?

- The ability to contract the torso in all directions ( flexion , extension , rotation )

- Balance training has been shown to improve balance and coordination, which are necessary components and a process of becoming what?

- a well-rounded athlete.

Core training for rehabilitation and sports performance benefits

- abdominal bracing during a single leg squatting leads to greater activity of global abdominal muscles - rehabilitation for patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) should incorporate core training - Core training may improve landing mechanics after jumping - Core exercises can help reduce low back pain - Core training can improve goals performance

Core training can improve ____/____ strength and ____ control

- abdominal/low-back - motor

Exercises involving unstable stances ( single -leg ) stance with external resistance can create greater muscle ____

- activation

Certified personal trainer is must have a basic understanding of functional ____ to understand the principles of core training

- anatomy

Female basketball athletes who participated in a five week balance training program improved landing movement mechanics and muscle activation during a single limb landing, which may reduce the risk of certain lower extremity injuries, like an _______ _____ ____ ( ACL) injury

- anterior cruciate ligament ( ACL)

Overactivity of the hip flexors and superficial erector spinae and underactivity of the abdominals have been correlated with increased ______ _____ ____, which is associated with increased lumbar ( low-back) _____

- anterior pelvic tilt, - lordosis

Several studies have demonstrated successful improvement in balance ability after healthy, physically active individuals have completed a ____ training program

- balance

Well both External (environment) and internal ( muscle strength) Factors may influence the risk of falling, the body's _____ system plays a critical role in allowing an individual to maintain control over their own bodies placement and prevent a fall

- balance

Core muscle training has been found to improve _____, and a meta- analysis concluded that core strength training was an important factor in ___ prevention.

- balance - fall

Individuals with musculoskeletal injuries can improve their ability to maintain their center of mass within their limits of stability by specifically engaging in what?

- balance training

- Why should Balance training be incorporated into overall training programs? - give an example.

- because balance training may improve additional performance metrics important to clients -adding balance training to a resistance training program can enhance lower extremity muscle strength gains, indicating that resistance training regiment should include balance training to optimize strength gains

Describe the core training variables Resistance:

- body weight -light - medium - heavy

What is bracing referred to as?

- co-contraction of global muscles, such as the rectus Abdominis and external obliques

A meta-analysis evaluating more than 2400 individuals demonstrated that ____ exercise is effective in improving outcomes and those with low back pain ( LBP)

- core

Activation of the local stabilization system and a global stabilization system has been demonstrated to preferentially activate these specific muscles during ___ training.

- core

Exercises that activate, strengthen, and build endurance and local core muscles should still be incorporated into all ____ training programs

- core

Fatiguing the core musculature results in decreased shoulder strength, suggesting that ___ ______ is critical for upper extremity muscle performance.

- core endurance

There is evidence that core muscles activate prior to movements in the lower extremity, suggesting that proper _____ ____ ____ is essential for preparing the primary lower extremity movers to generate force

- core muscle function

Maintaining a neutral spine, or the normal curvatures of the spine during core training helps improve _____,______ _____,and _____ If a forward protruding Head is noticed during the drawing-in maneuver, The _____ is preferentially recruited . If the sternocleidomastoid Muscle is overactive and extends the upper cervical spine, the pelvis rotates anteriorly to realign the eyes. This can lead to ____ ___ and decreased ____ ____

- posture, - muscle balance, - stabilization. - sternocleidomastoid - muscle imbalances - pelvic stabilization

Core stability has become a key component of _____ ___ aimed at decreasing acute lower extremity injuries, such as ______ _____ ____ tears

- prevention programs - anterior cruciate ligament

Proper core strength and stability are linked to _____ _____ which is the reason maintaining proper body positioning, or form, should be emphasized while exercising as well as performing activities of daily life.

- proper posture

Properly training local and global core musculature is essential for maintaining what?

- proper posture and improving performance, - increasing injury resilience - enhancing injury rehabilitation

What are examples of global muscles?

- rectus Abdominis - external abdominal obliques - internal abdominal obliques - erector spinae - latissimus dorsi - illiposoas ( illiacus + psoas)

A systematic review demonstrated that athletes undergoing balance training ____ the risk of suffering and ankle sprain by 46% when compared to athletes lacking any balance training

- reduce

Balance training has been shown to enhance _____ for various individuals following lower extremity injuries, such as ankle sprains and ACL injuries. Because some clients may have decreased balance, it is imperative to understand balance and how to design a balance routine that caters to the needs of the client.

- rehabilitation

What are examples of local muscles?

- rotatores - Multifidus -transverse abdominis - diaphragm - pelvic floor musculature - Quadratus lumborum

Describe the core training variables - planes of motion:

- sagittal - frontal - transfer

Improving core strength results in increased ____ ____

- shoulder strength

Describe the core training variables Speed of motion:

- slow - medium - fast - explosive

Core muscle strengthening programs have been linked to improve ______ and ______ performance as well as dynamic balance and jumping distance

- speed - kicking

Proper core muscle function is critical for maintaining natural ____ ____, which can be increased or decreased as a result of improper ____ _____ ____

- spinal curvatures - core muscle balance

The local and global muscles work to stabilize the ___while producing efficient arm and leg _____

- spine - movements

When initiating a core training program, exercises should initially focus on stabilization through the ____ and _____ without gross movement of the trunk

- spine - pelvis

Preparatory trunk movements occur prior to moving the upper limb extremity, suggesting proper trunk ____ is needed to maximize upper extremity performance

- stability

A systematic review found a 10 minute balance training programs, in which children perform three times per week for four weeks, appear to improve both their ____ and _____ _____ability

- static - dynamic balance

Both the drawing- in maneuver and bracing can be implemented in a core training program to help retrain ____, _____, and _____ _____ of local and global muscular systems and movement musculature

- strength - endurance - motor control

The local muscles have to function efficiently for an individual to effectively use the ___, ____ , and _____ that has been developed in the prime movers ( arms, legs )

- strength - power - endurance

It is crucial for fitness professionals to incorporate a systematic, progressive approach when training the core, ensuring the local core muscles that stabilize the spine are ____ before or in conjunction with the global musculature that moves the spine and extremities

- strengthened

Balance training is a recommended intervention to be included in multi factorial training programs, which also includes _____ and _____ for those older than 65 years of age with a history of falling

- stretching - strengthening

When designing injury prevention programs what components are typically incorporated?

- stretching -strength - plyometric - balance activities

To better understand how these muscles work to stabilize the LPHC, it helps to view the systems from? - in other words, training the ______ muscles before training the _____muscles would not be ideal from both a structural and biomechanical standpoint. Doing so could be compared to building a house without a foundation. The foundation must be developed first to provide a stable platform for the remaining components of the house to be built on. One must first be stable to move efficiently

-inside out ( local muscles —> global muscles ) - global - local

The core is also known as what ?

-limbo-pelvic-hip complex ( LPHC)

While the spine may exhibit small deviations from midline in the frontal plane, large curvature of the spine away from the midline are considered abnormal and may be classified as what?


A comprehensive a week exercise program that included progressively challenging balance activities showed older adults improving in both physical performance and psychological confidence


The use of weight belt for apparently healthy adults engaging in a moderately intense exercise program is not recommended. White belts may raise an individual's heart rate and systolic blood pressure and often give individuals a false sense of security and a misconception that they can lift heavier loads. Fitness professionals need to educate their clients to appropriate exercise technique and proper activation of the body's natural belt: the core musculature


When working with an older adult client, make sure to conduct a thorough Preparticipation health screening and identify if your client is capable of performing balance training exercises. Some clients may need clearance by their healthcare provider to take part in a balance training program. Fitness professionals must ensure they are informed of any medical conditions that may influence the ability to balance, from a safety standpoint


When working with an older adult, it is important to ask the client if they have complaints of imbalances, such as feelings of unsteadiness or fear of falling, because of the visuals with these perceptions show a higher rate of falls . This information will help to finish professional to properly incorporate balance training activities into the training plan


Core training programs must be designed to achieve the following functional outcomes. The sequence is critical for optimizing function:

1) Intravertebral stability ( stabilization of individual spinal segments) 2.) Lumbopelvic stability ( stabilization of Lumbo pelvic hip complex ) 3.) movement efficiency ( improved movement quality and force output


An abnormal curve in the spine from side to side

Anterior pelvic tilt

An excessive forward rotation of the pelvis that results in greater lumbar lordosis

It is important for fitness professionals to understand The scientific basis for balance, ways to design a balanced routine Catering to the needs of the client, iMessage to effectively communicate and efficiently appointment a ____ Training program


Natural spinal curvatures

Cervical ( lordosis) —> thoracic (kyphosis) —> lumbar ( lordosis) —> sacral ( kyphosis) —> coccyx ( tailbone )

Muscle action of Force production



Contracting the global abdominals such as the rectus abdominis and obliques at the same time

______ _____ ______ has been found to improve spinal alignment and individuals with functional scoliosis

Core muscle strengthening

What is an electromyography able to identify?

Differences in muscle or muscle group activation when performing different movements or exercises

What is the primary action of the local muscle, transverse abdominis?

Increase intra-abdominal pressure

What is the primary function of the global muscle , iliopsoas ( ilicus+psoas)

Hip flexion (in addition to hip adduction and external rotation)

What is the primary action of local muscle, quadratus lumborum?

Lateral flexion of spine; elevation of pelvis


The normal curvature of the cervical and lumbar spine regions, creating a concave portion of the spine


The normal curvature of the thoracic spine region, creating a convex portion of the spine

Neuromuscular control

The response ( conscious or unconscious) of the muscles within the body to control purposeful movement


The structures that make up the Lumbo pelvic hip complex ( LPHC) , Including the lumbar spine, pelvic girdle, abdomen, and hip joint

It is beyond the scope of practice for a certified personal trainer to do what ?

diagnose an injury or perform the functions of a licensed rehabilitation specialist ( physical therapist, physiotherapist , chiropractor , orthopedist , )

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