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Which of the following factors is not present when a client is making a transition to the Power Phase of the OPT model?

Deconditioning An athlete or exerciser who is looking to complete Power Phase movements must have optimal conditioning levels to be able to handle the load of the movement and the explosiveness that is associated with moving something very quickly.

Which of the following options is not a benefit to all people who use balance training in their programming?

Decreased agility-based outcomes in athletes For athletes, we do not want to have a decrease in agility-based outcomes because balance produces changes in the body that assist with making changes of direction.

What muscles work with the obliques will assist a client in completing a standing cable rotation movement?

Erector spinae The erector spinae muscles will work in conjunction with the internal and external obliques to create a rotational motion for the standing cable rotation exercise.

Which exercise would be most appropriate for the power movement of Phase 5 (Power Training) superset?

Front medicine ball oblique throw A front medicine ball oblique throw would be the second exercise used in a Phase 5 (Power Training) superset. Remember that a strength exercise would be matched with a power movement to create a superset, or two exercises completed back-to-back with no rest. In this case, the fitness professional would want to use the same muscle groups per superset.

Training to enhance the size of muscle, or an increase in muscle mass, is an example of which improvement of the body?

Muscle hypertrophy Muscular hypertrophy is an increase in muscle mass where two phenomena can occur: greater fluid buildup (sarcoplasmic hypertrophy) or increased muscle fiber size (myofibrillar hypertrophy).

Which factor will be reduced through training/exercising with correct posture?

Muscle imbalances Through optimal posture during training, muscular imbalances will be reduced so that the body can continue to improve in flexibility, endurance, strength, and power, to name a few.

What phase of the OPT model aims to increase growth of muscles to maximal levels?

Muscular Development Muscular Development Training aims to increase maximal muscle growth, like bodybuilders do to improve physique and body composition.

Which phase of training would be the best option for someone who is looking to improve their physique in a way similar to that of a bodybuilder?

Muscular Development Training Muscular Development Training is a way that individuals can increase muscle mass, or hypertrophy. Therefore, changes in body composition can be more apparent.

Which of the following is not a skill-related concept that would enhance core training?

Quickness Although quickness is a skill-related fitness concept like agility, balance, and coordination, quickness is about accelerating and decelerating of the body, which does not have a large impact on the main core musculature.

According to the OPT model, an integrated program that is planned correctly will not include which of the following factors for training?

Rehabilitation Although rehabilitation is necessary to get clients to move correctly and to help re-establish some muscle strength and flexibility, so the individual feels better mentally and physically, it is not directly part of the OPT model.

Which exercise would be most appropriate for a maximal strength movement in Phase 4 (Maximal Strength Training)?

Shoulder/military press A shoulder/military press can be used in a manner to achieve maximal strength of an exerciser. Although this is a difficult movement to attempt at maximal intensity, barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc., can be used, based on the level of performance of a client.

Which of the following terms can be used in place of repetition tempo?

Speed The speed of a lift can also be referred to as tempo. Whether faster or slower, speed can dictate different changes to an integrated training program.

Posture uses which anatomical landmark in comparison to other positions of the body?

Spine The spine is the main anatomical position that the rest of the body is compared to. Typically, if the spine is out of alignment, another body location will show some form of imbalance or asymmetry.

Which of the fundamental movement patterns is a lower-body compound exercise?

Squatting Squatting is a lower-body fundamental movement that incorporates the ankles, knees, and hips to complete triple extension during the concentric phase.

Which phase of training would a person who just completed a Muscular Development Training program want to go back to for some corrective assistance?

Stabilization Endurance Training After a client has achieved success in their Muscular Development Phase, there may be a need to revert to the Stabilization Endurance Phase to correct imbalances or re-establish certain positions that may need to be revisited.

What phase of the OPT model aims to improve movement patterns and enhances stabilization of the system?

Stabilization Endurance Training Stabilization Endurance Training aims to take a client who has little to no experience (or is using this phase as a mechanical fix to improve body movements) through a more stable environment.

Through an integrated and systematic approach, which order of phases of training is correct?

Stabilization Endurance, Strength Endurance, Muscular Development, Maximal Strength, and Power

Which synergist would assist the upper-body pectoral muscles to enhance chest stabilization, strength, or power?

Triceps brachii The triceps are a powerful synergist that help the pectoral group enhance pushing motions such as the bench press, which is an important assessment tool for upper-body strength.

Which ADL would be most likely to involve the hip hinge?

Cleaning Cleaning typically requires constant bending down and reaching. This requires the hips and spine to go through flexion and extension repetitively while avoiding a compromised kyphosis state of upper-back rounding.

What would be the back-squat volume for a client who has completed 10 sets of 3 repetitions at 225 pounds?

6,750 pounds The back-squat volume would be 10 sets x 3 reps per set x 225 pounds per rep. This equals 6,750 pounds of total weight moved during those sets.

Of the following individuals, who would be the most suitable for being programmed SAQ (speed, agility, and quickness) exercises/movements?

A client who has been training for 1 month with adequate strength Even though a client has only been working with you for 1 month, they have shown they have adequate strength of the muscular system and should progress to more challenging movements.

Which benefit listed is not correct regarding resistance training?

A decrease in metabolic rate The body will adapt to the new amount of muscle that has been provided to the system. When this occurs, muscle enables the ability to increase the number of calories burned and ultimately increases the metabolic rate over the course of a day, week, month, etc.

What term would be used to describe the starting point of an individual's fitness level directly after an assessment has been conducted?

Baseline value Baseline data is critical in giving the fitness professional an ample amount of information to put the puzzle pieces together about their client, so they can give the client the best starting exercise program possible.

For someone training in the Muscular Development phase, which of the following changes would be optimal?

Body fat loss Muscular Development Training has two distinct aims: increase muscle mass and have body fat decrease to change the physical appearance of muscles.

What parameter of Muscular Development Training would be most associated with this style of training?

Growth and volume Phase 3 Muscular Development Training is associated with growth (hypertrophy) and volume (reps and sets). When trying to grow muscles, it is necessary to increase volume while using moderate amounts of weight, making this a difficult stimulus to achieve for any exerciser.

Which pressing exercise would be appropriate for someone who has high levels of upper-body strength but has no equipment because they are traveling?

Handstand push-up The handstand push-up mimics the overhead pressing motion of movements such as the military press, push press, or standing strict press.

What is the number one cause of death in the United States?

Heart disease Cardiovascular/heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and has been linked to many lifestyle factors such as smoking, obesity, and high consumption of processed foods.

Which benefit will positively affect the body through integrated training?

Improved sleep Improved sleep is a positive benefit that comes from the demands placed on the body and its systems while using the integrated training systems. Increased intensity of the workouts can assist the body in better sleep quality.

Implementing exercise concepts like core, balance, and agility training with resistance training methods indicates what style of training?

Integrated training Integrated training combines many factors such as flexibility, cardiorespiratory, core, balance, plyometric, speed, agility, quickness, and resistance training all in one exercise program for the greatest impact.

Besides Power Training, which phase of training would be the best option for someone who is attempting to improve their Olympic weightlifting?

Maximal Strength Training An Olympic weightlifter should be using the Maximal Strength Training phase so they can achieve high levels of strength, but they should also mix that with movements of an explosive nature for a very specific style of exercise.

What phase of the OPT model aims to maximize prime-mover strength through the lifting of heavy loads?

Maximal Strength Training Using near-maximal to maximal loads to enhance the main muscle groups being called upon allows the fitness professional to work within the phase of Maximal Strength Training.

For a fitness professional using the OPT model, the goal of the Stabilization Endurance phase is to focus on which of the following aspects?

Movement quality Movement quality is the aim of the Stabilization Endurance phase. It is the perfect starting point to make sure that all exercises are completed correctly and under control to engrain movement patterns muscularly and neurologically.

Which of the following parts of the body is not subject to increases in density through resistance training?

Nerves Although nerves and the nervous system are enhanced through resistance training, increases in density are not going to occur. Increased rate of transmission and amount of nerves firing are enhanced during resistance training.

Which of the following would not be an example of core musculature to stabilize the trunk and pelvis?

Pectoral group The pectoral group (major and minor) assist in upper-body shoulder flexion, therefore do not directly affect core stabilization. Although we want all muscles to work together in sync, the pectoral group does not directly affect the core.

Which predominant anatomical position of muscle groups would be enhanced by using pulling motions?

Posterior Exercises that involve pulling motions will typically enhance posterior muscle groups.

In which phase of training would a person want to spend more time if they were looking to become better at beach volleyball and already has adequate leg strength?

Power Training A volleyball player who comes in with plenty of leg strength has worked their way through Phases 1 through 5. Because they need explosiveness for jumping to reach a high-placed ball, Power Training will enhance this to optimal levels.

What phase of the OPT model aims to increase maximal strength and rate of force production?

Power Training Power Training must use a combination of maximal strength and then a fast rate of force development, or conduction of nerves to stimulate muscles, to get an athlete or exerciser to move in an explosive manner.

Why might range of motion (ROM) be limited for a client?

Previous injury A previous injury can lead to scar tissue damage or damage to the actual bony structures that can change the joint range of motion negatively.

The body can adapt to new demands while becoming stronger and more resilient through which exercise programming approach?

Progressive overload Progressive overload will indicate the appropriate changes in intensity or volume to allow increases in strength and the ability to bounce back after a training session (prior to the next training session).

Which muscle group/complex is a prime mover for squatting motions?

Quadriceps The quadriceps, along with the gluteal complex, allow for maximal force production during a squatting motion.

Which of the following examples of training exercises is not a form of cardiorespiratory fitness?

Resistance training Resistance training is its own separate entity, and the most common forms of resistance training are anaerobic in nature. Because you work and then rest for a longer period, the use of oxygen to supply energy is not necessary.

In an integrated training program, what would the last portion of the training session involve as the main exercise or movement component?

Resistance training The last component of an integrated training program session would be the resistance training exercise piece. You would progress through flexibility, cardio, core, balance, plyometric, and SAQ training before you get to the resistance training component.

Most exercises and motions of the body regularly occur in which plane of motion?

Sagittal The sagittal plane of motion provides the body with a front and back movement pattern, and this is the most common in walking, running, jogging, and reaching.

Which of the following options would be the correct superset for back exercises during Phase 2 of the OPT model?

Seated cable row followed by stability ball dumbbell row This option uses the correct Phase 2 superset option by using a back-strength exercise and following it directly with a back-stabilization exercise.

Programming exercises that are too advanced or physically demanding can have a lasting effect on which of the client's emotional considerations?

Self-efficacy Believing in your own ability is important to achieve success in an exercise program. Advancing too soon or being too physically demanding can create an emotional feeling that one cannot complete the exercises needed.

What type of flexibility training is most likely to use instruments or equipment to help the body improve range of motion?

Self-myofascial techniques Self-myofascial techniques can use many different objects with many different densities. Softballs, golf balls, lacrosse balls, kettlebells, and rehabilitation sticks are all used to assist with SMR and a release of muscle tension to improve range of motion.

What phase of the OPT model aims to enhance stabilization endurance and simultaneously increase prime-mover strength?

Strength Endurance Strength Endurance Training will increase the ability to endure longer stabilization, but it is the amount of strength increase in the prime movers over neuromuscular enhancement that is the difference between Phases 1 and 2.

Which phase of training would be most appropriate for a beginner who has had previous experience within the last few months?

Strength Endurance Training Because of this client's previous training, they may be suited to incorporate the next phase after Stabilization Endurance, which would be Strength Endurance Training.

What plyometric term relates to a rapid eccentric motion followed by an explosive concentric motion?

Stretch-shortening cycle The stretch-shortening cycle allows the specific muscle groups to stretch (eccentric) and then follow up with a rapid, explosive shortening (concentric) action.

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