National Electrical Code Questions (For Swimming Pool Contractors)

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"9. Through-wall lighting assemblies, wet-niche, dry-niche, or no-niche luminaries (lighting fixtures)shall be connected to an insulated copper equipment grounding conductor installed with the circuit conductors. The minimum size equipment grounding conductor for underwater luminaries (lighting fixtures) shall be not less than a:"


32. According to Article 680, a method of bonding all metal parts associated with an indoor spa or hot tub is bythe provision of a copper bonded jumper, insulated, covered, or bare not smaller than .


"24. According to Article 680, except where a variance is allowed by the building official, all lighting fixturesmounted in pool walls shall be installed with the top of the fixture lens at least inches below thenormal water line."


15. According to the National Electric Code a non-metallic conduit listed for direct burial without concreteencasement extending within a distance of 5' from the inside wall of the pool must be buried a minimum of:


20. According to Article 680, all 125-volt receptacles located within feet of the inside walls of apool shall be protected by a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter.


5. All 125-volt receptacles located within of the inside walls of a pool or fountain shall be protected bya ground-fault circuit-interrupter.


12. According to the National Electrical Code, submersible pumps and other submersible equipmentshall operate at volts or less between conductors.


"30. According to Article 680, on lighting systems of 15 volts of less a flush deck junction box shall bepermitted provided the flush box is not less than feet from the inside wall of the pool andcontains an approved potting compound to prevent the entrance of moisture."


31. According to article 680, lighting fixtures and lighting outlets located over a spa or hot tub orwithin feet measure horizontally from the inside walls shall be ground fault circuit interrupted.


33. According to Article 680, all electrical equipment located within a fountain of within feet of theinside wall of a fountain shall be grounded.


35. According to Article 680, all electrical equipment located within feet of the inside wall of atherapeutic pool or tub in a health care facility shall be grounded.


"2. Underground wiring shall not be permitted under a pool or within the area extending horizontally fromthe inside wall of the pool unless this wiring is necessary to supply pool equipment permitted by the NationalElectrical Code."


3. According to the National Electrical Code, rigid metal conduit extending within a distance of 5' from theinside wall of a pool must be buried a minimum of:


1. According to the National Electrical Code all electric pool water heaters shall have the heating elementssubdivided into loads not exceeding 48 amperes and protected at not more than:

60 amperes

13. All metallic parts of the pool structure shall be bonded with a solid copper conductor, insulated,covered or bare not smaller than:


14. Regarding covered conductors, which of the following statements is TRUE?

As wire size increases, ampacity increases and resistance decreases.

34. Flexible cord immersed in or exposed to water in a fountain shall be and marked waterresistant.

Extra hard usage

17. The junction box shall be located not less than 4" above the ground level or pool deck whenmeasured from the:

inside of the bottom of the box

"10. Bonding is required for all metal fittings that are within or attached to the pool structure. Bondingis not required for isolated parts that are not over 4"" in any dimension and do not penetrate into the pool structure more than:"


11. Spas or hot tubs installed indoors shall have at least one 125-volt, 15 or 20 ampere receptacle located at aminimum of 6' from, and not more than from the inside wall of the spa or hot tub.


"4. Single GFCI receptacles that employ a locking configuration and provide power for water-pump motors orfor other loads directly related to the circulation and sanitation system shall be located at least from theinside walls of the pool, or not less than from the inside walls of the pools."

10' - 6'

"21. According to Article 680, lighting fixtures and lighting outlets shall not be installed over the pool or over thearea extending five feet horizontally from inside the walls of the pool unless they are at least feet above the maximum water level."


29. According to Article 680, electrically operated radiant unit heaters installed over a pool area must bemounted at least feet vertically above the pool deck.


16. Wet-niche lighting fixtures, other than those that are supplied by a flexible cord or cable shall beconnected to an insulated copper equipment grounding conductor not smaller than:

12 AWG

22. According to Article 680, what is the minimum wire needed to bond a 2 hp pool pump?

12 AWG

"25. According to Article 680, on lighting systems of volts or less of a sinusoidal a/c, a flushdeck junction box shall be permitted provided the flush box is not less than 4 feet from the inside wall of thepool and contains an approved potting compound to prevent the entrance of moisture."


23. According to Article 680, what is the maximum voltage on an underwater luminaries supply circuit?


27. According to Article 680, isolated parts which are a maximum of inches in any dimension anddo not penetrate into the pool structure more than 1 inch shall not require bonding.


36. Article 680 requires that the heating elements in electrical pool water heaters shall be subdivided into loadsnot exceeding amperes and protected at not more than amperes.

48 60

"26. According to Article 680, metal conduit, metal piping and all fixed metal parts that are withinfeet of the inside walls of the pool and that are not separated from the pool by a permanent barrier shall bebonded together."


28. According to Article 680, electrically operated unit heaters installed over a pool area must be mounted inexcess of feet horizontally from inside walls of the pool.


"7. According to the National Electrical Code, existing lighting fixtures and lighting outlets located less than 5feet, measured horizontally from the inside walls of a pool, shall be at least above the surface of themaximum water level and shall be rigidly attached to the existing structure and be protected by a ground-fault circuit-interrupter."


"8. Lighting fixtures and lighting outlets installed in the area extending between 5' and 10' horizontallyfrom the inside walls of a pool shall be protected by ground-fault circuit-interrupter unless installed at least above the maximum water level and rigidly attached to the structure adjacent to or enclosing the pool."


"6. In outdoor pool areas (new installation), lighting fixtures, lighting outlets and ceiling-suspended (paddle) fansinstalled above the pool or the area extending horizontally from the inside walls of the pool shall beI nstalled at a height not less than above the maximum water level of the pool."

5' - 12'

18. The controls of an electronically operated pool cover shall be located a minimum of from theinside wall of the pool unless the controls are separated from the pool by a wall or other permanent barrier.

5' — 0"

19. According to Article 680, at least one 125 volt convenience receptacle shall be installed a minimumof feet from the wall.


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