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-A campaign against the Catholic Church -Bismarck distrusted Catholics because he believed their first loyalty was to the Pope instead of the German State -He had laws passed that increased stature power over Church actions -When Catholics rallied behind the Church Bismarck ended the Kulturkampf (example of Realpolitik)

Ems Telegram

-Bismarck's way of using realpolitik to stoke tension between France and Prussia by editing a telegram sent by Wilhelm I to make it appear that King Wilhelm I of Prussia had insulted a French ambassador -The telegram was regarding who would be the next Spanish King, it was innocent and harmless -Bismarck spun so it looked bad and had it taken to a newspaper to be published on Bastille day, French will remember this.

Charles X of France

-Changed the kingship to an absolute monarchy which deeply upset the people. -Adopted a reactionary policy in 1830 -The angry people took to the streets to protest the absolute monarchy, they shot on the soldiers and within days the rebels controlled Paris -After the protests he was abdicated (removed from the throne) -After he was abdicated, liberals formed a constitutional monarchy under Louis Philippe

Compromise of 1867

-Created the dual monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire -Created separate constitutions send parliament in Austria-Hungary -Separate capitals: Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary -The shared emperor remain in charge of foreign policy

Foreign Policy of Bismarck

-He made an alliance with Italy and Austria-Hungary -He wanted to keep France weak -Stay on good terms with Great Britain (good navy) -Made a treaty with Russia


-In May of 1871 the Peace treaty for the Franco-Prussian war was signed -In January of 1871, Wilhelm I of Prussia was proclaimed Kaiser of the second German empire in the Hall of Mirrors -France paid 5 billion Francs In reparations from war and gave up Alsace and Lorraine -Bismarck wrote a constitution and set up a two house legislature (makes the people happy), however the real power remained with the emperor and chancellor.


-Italian nationalist/revolutionary movement -Another name for Italian Unification


-Keep things the same, restore social and political order -Urged monarchs to use troops to crush protests -They believed that revolutionary ideas such as freedom of the press must be suppressed

Louis Philippe

-Liberals formed a constitutional monarchy under Louis Philippe -Called "citizen king" and got along well with Liberal bourgeoisie -Middle class prospered; working class did not -Eventually Liberals denounce corruption in Louis Philippe's government, conditions were ripe for revolt -Louis turned away from those who supported him, bad idea


-Napoleon III -Napoleon's nephew and President of the new French government after Louis Philippe -Created a Republic with universal male suffrage -He established a Second Republic -Plebiscite Vote: a vote by which the people of an entire country or district express an opinion for or against a proposal especially on a choice of government or ruler

Giuseppe Mazzini

-Nationalist leader who founded young Italy -Was a secret society in the 1830's -First war of Italian unification -Essence of Italianess in their culture -All speak Italian, Roman Catholic, same history, therefor Mazzini thinks they should unify

Giuseppe Garibaldi

-Nationalist who led a volunteer forced of 1,000 "Red Shirts" in southern Italy -The red shirts won control of Sicily and marched on towards Naples

Alexander III

-Persecuted Russian Jews (programs- violent mob attack on Jewish people)

Wilhelm I

-Ruled as King of Prussia with Bismarck as his Prime Minister -Was vacationing in Ems when the Ems telegram incident occurred -Proclaimed Kaiser of the second German Empire (Reich) in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles

Southern German States

-Strong German states were a threat to French security Catholic Southern German States feared both Prussia and their southern neighbor France -Signed a protection agreement with Prussia, meant that if there's a problem with France they will side with Prussia. -After Franco-Prussian War joined the North German Confederation

Wilhelm II

-Successor of his grandfather Wilhelm I as Kaiser -Asked Bismarck to resign as Chancellor -Thought that he was the only "master in the Reich" and that his right to rule came from God -Created a foreign policy that undid Bismarck's work -Dropped treaty with Russia, France and Russia became a military alliance, Over 10 years pushed Great Britain out -Watched as the triple entente with Russia, Great Britain, and France was formed against Germany splitting Europe in two (other alliance of Italy, Germany, Austria-Hungary)

Victor Emmanuel II

-The monarch of Sardinia (Piedmont) -Was a nationalist who made Count Camilo Cavour his prime minister -Crowned King of Italy -Won the Province of Venetia during the Austro-Prussian War -Won Rome and Papal States during the Franco-Prussian War -Under Victor Emmanuel II, Italy became a constitutional monarchy -The people seemed to have some say in government, however it was actually run by Emmanuel and the king held the majority of the power

Italy's Problem Once they were unified

-The north was rich and industrialized -The south was rural and poor (beginnings of mafia) -Popes resented the seizure of the Papal States and urged Italian Catholics not to cooperate with the new government. This isn't good because the Popes were only worried that they lost territory.

Franco Prussian War

-The war that broke out as a result of the Ems telegram Napoleon III declared this war on Prussia and other German states -Prussia/Germany easily defeated France within a matter of weeks, entire French army and Napoleon III captured -In the Peace treaty France had to pay 5 billion Francs in reparations and gave up Alsace and Lorraine -Wrote a constitution and set up a two house legislature (makes the people happy), however the real power remained with the emperor and chancellor


-Think their country is better than everyone else, patriotic feeling -Unit people based on common heritage -Many diverse ethnic groups in Austrian, Russian, and Ottoman empires -Seek to create their own states based on common heritage

Alsace and Lorraine

-Two important territories that provided lots of resources -France had to give them up after losing the Franco-Prussian War

Prussia's Active Foreign Policy

-Under Bismarck Prussia formed an alliance with Austria, then seized provinces from Denmark (Schleswig and Holstein) -Next attacked Austria and annexed several states (Austro-Prussian War) Italy comes to assistance and gets Venetia -Then dissolved the German Confederation and replaced it with one, led by Prussia (North German Confederation)

Realpolitik Under Cavour

-Unifying Italy -His goal was to drive out Austria and annex provinces of Lombardy and Venetia -Was made prime minister of Sardinia by Victor Emmanuel II -Helped France and Britain fight Russia (Crimean war) in return France would help if Sardinia went to war with Austria (Austro-Sardinian War) -France received Nice and Savoy -Sardinia got Lombardy

Realpolitik Under Bismarck

-United Germany -Practical politics (no morals) -Formed an alliance with Austria only to break it and go to war with them (Danish war) - did what had to be done to accomplish his goal of unification -Provoked a war with France, making them seem like the aggressor, which induced southern German states to side with Prussia -Ems Telegram


-Used Realpolitik: Example the Ems telegram -Ruled Prussia as the "Iron Chancellor" -Favored a policy of "iron and blood" -Responsible for the unification of Germany as Prime Minister of Prussia


-Want change sand more say -Wanted a government that was based on written constitutions -Opposed divine right monarchs, the old aristocracy, established churches -They saw the role of the government as protecting their individual freedom of thought, speech, and religion -Believed in Laissez Faire Economics, Right of male property owners to vote -Mostly Capitalists

How do you think policies of Kaiser Wilhelm II could possibly lead to war?

As the "Iron Chancellor" of Germany Bismarck pursued several foreign policies. He wanted to keep France weak. He formed the Triple Alliance which consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy (weak link). He made a treaty with Russia and wanted to stay on good terms with Great Britain because they had a good navy. Then things changed when Wilhelm II succeeded his grandfather Wilhelm I as Kaiser. He asked Bismarck to resign claiming that he is the only true master of the Reich and God sent him to rule. His foreign policies basically undid all the work that Bismarck had done to keep Germany on good terms. He dropped the treaty with Russia which was a big area of land that no longer had any reason to back Germany. This led to France (their arch enemy) and Russia forming a military alliance. Over the next ten years, Germany's policies pushed Great Britain and France closer together. Eventually the Triple Entente was formed as an alliance between France, Great Britain, and Russia. Europe was officially divided into two opposing sides. This opened the doors for war. France was already their arch enemy in a way, Russia was furious that they had green dropped from the alliance and Great Britain with the powerful navy was pushed out. These two opposing groups in Europe no longer had any reason to be friends with competition for resources, war was inevitable.

Triple Alliance

Consisted of Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy (the weak link)

Triple Entente

Consisted of France, Russia, and Great Britain -Came together after the bad leadership of Wilhelm II

How did the growth of nationalism affect the Ottoman Empire and the Hapsburg Empire?

During this time Europe was a patchwork of different nationalities. Nationalists pushed for self rule, which brought about the decline of the Austrian and Ottoman Empires. The Hapsburg rulers of Austria tried to prevent change and ignored liberal demands. They even tried to prevent industrialization, fearing that it would change the empire's traditional way of life. Nevertheless, factories sprung up in Hapsburg lands and caused changes, including the growth of cities. After Austria's defeat in its war with Prussia, Hungarians pressured the Hapsburgs for a compromise. Then the Dual Monarchy of Austria Hungary was formed in 1867. The dual monarchy created separate constitutions and parliament, it also allowed for separate capitals Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary. It also created a shared emperor. They shared ministries of finance, defense, and foreign affairs. Despite the compromise, nationalist unrest continued to increase in the empire. Hungarians were happy, but others were not. Slavic people still lacked a voice in government. Nationalist leaders called on them to unite. The Ottoman Empire faced the same problem as the Austrian empire. The Ottomans ruled a multinational empire. Many revolts broke out against the Ottomans as nationalist groups sought self rule. Same states even gained independence from the Ottomans. The Ottoman Empire was viewed as the "sick man of Europe" by other European powers, they thought they could easily take their territory and pushed into Ottoman lands. The idea of the Balkan Powder Keg said that something is gonna blow up and it's going to start a world war.

Alexander II

Emperor of Russia- considered the reform czar advocated moderate reforms for Russia emancipated the serfs(gave them rights)- emancipation manifesto he was assassinated by The people's will

How did the goals of the conservatives, liberals, and nationalists differ?

Liberals: want change. They wanted governments based on written constitutions. They opposed divine-right monarchies, the old aristocracy, and established churches. Liberals saw the role of the government as protecting freedom of speech, thought, and religion. Liberals believed in laissez-faire (hands off!) economics and the right for male property owners to vote (all the rich male capitalists who owned the means of production wanted this-since they were rich they wanted to keep it that way and having less government interference benefited them). Nationalists: my country is best and I'd like to keep it that way. Nationalists sought to unite people based in their common heritage (many diverse ethnic groups existed in the Austrian, Russian, and Ottoman empires), and nationalists sought to create their own states based on this common heritage. Conservatives: "If it ain't broke don't fix it." Everything is fine the way it is. Let's not change the status quo (the way things are now) . Conservatives wanted to restore the social and political order that has existed before 1789. Conservatives urged monarchs to use troops to crush protests. They believed that revolutionary ideas such as freedom of the press must be suppressed. Their ideal style of government leaned more towards an absolute monarchy.

How did Cavour and Bismarck use realpolitik to unite their individual countries?

Realpolitik is practical politics that disregard morals/ethics. Bismarck was the militaristic Prime Minister of Prussia He formed an alliance with Austria only to break it and go to war with them. This was the Danish War. He did what had to be done to accomplish his goal of unification. It is said he favored a policy of "iron and blood". He provoked a war with France making them seem like the aggressor, which induced southern German states to side with Prussia. He is known for the Ems telegram. While Wilhelm I the first was vacationing in Ems he was asked if a Hollenzollen would take the throne of Spain, it was an innocent conversation where he said he could neither confirm nor deny this. Bismarck took this telegram and edited it so it looked as if Wilhelm I was insulting a French ambassador. Then he took the telegram to the newspaper and had it published on Bastille Day, this enraged the French and they declared war. Prussia and the other German states easily defeated the French within weeks. Cavour used realpolitik as well in his campaign to unite Italy. His goal was to drive Austria out and annex the other provinces of Lombardy and Venetia. He was made Prime minister of Sardinia by Victor Emmanuel II. He helped France and Britain fight Russia and in return France agreed to help him If Sardinia ever went to war with Austria. He then provoked the Austro-Sardinian War which resulted in victory. France received the territories of Nice and Savoy while Sardinia received Lombardy. He then turned his attention southward and was successful in getting other provinces to overthrow their leaders and join Sardinia. In southern Italy nationalist Garibaldi led a volunteer force of 1,000 "Red Shirts". They won control of Sicily and marched on towards Naples. Along with Victor Emmanuel II, Cavour was successful in unifying Italy.

How was all of Russia involved in the Revolution of 1905?

The Russian Revolution was ignited on Bloody Sunday. A vast throng of protestors marched on the winter palace led by an orthodox protest , they carried a petition and refused to leave until the tsar heard them out but he was out of town and they did not know this. Their protest was in favor of the tsar, it was meant to be peaceful and they never doubted him; they just thought he was unaware of some things that needed to be addressed. The soldiers of St. Petersburg started to fire on the crowd, thousands were killed and the Revolution had begun. Bloody Sunday was just the beginning. After this day workers went on strike all over the country. Universities shut down which meant the future generations were not learning. Middle-Class workers established the union of unions and demanded a constituent assembly. The Potemkin Mutiny, a naval ship, was being served rotten meat and so the sailors went on protest. The captain ordered the ringleaders of the strike to be shot, but the military refused, took over the ship, and shot the captain. News spread to all of the army/navy that the tsar did not have control of the military. Railway men also went on strike. The railroad crossing Russia had stopped, this led to a shipping problem. Finally the St. Petersburg Soviet was established. A soviet is where workers can go and meet. It was created by Leon Trotsky. It was a success, and more soviets were established throughout Russia.

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