Nervous Tissue & Synapses QUIZ

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Question 38: Name the structure that sends the signal away from the cell body.


Question 47: Neuroglia are supporting cells present in the ________.

ANSWER Both brain and spinal cord are correct.

Question 41: The period of time when Na + channels are recovering from their inactive state and K + channels are still open is the________.

ANSWER Both repolarization and relative refractory period are correct.

Question 53: Name the structure that has the nucleus.


Question 39: Name the structure (the whole unit: presynaptic terminal+synaptic cleft+postsynaptic dendrite)


Question 52: Name the structure that receives signal.


Question 51: If the Na +/K + pump did not function, the ________ of the cell would become more ________.

ANSWER Interior; positive

Question 46: Which type of cell of the CNS is phagocytic?

ANSWER Microglia

Question 56: In order to signal a stronger stimulus, action potentials become

ANSWER More frequent

Question 64: A drug that blocked ________ channels would prevent neuron ________.

ANSWER Na +; depolarization

Question 35: What is NOT true of the relative refractory period?

ANSWER Na+ channels are inactivated

Question 31: What action would produce an IPSP on the postsynaptic membrane?

ANSWER Outflow of K+ ions

Question 63: Which ion's movement is responsible for repolarization?

ANSWER Outward diffusion of K+

Question 58: Choose the incorrect statement regarding EPSPs.

ANSWER They have a refractory period.

Question 55: Action potentials would be conducted most rapidly by________.

ANSWER a 40 mm diameter myelinated axon

Question 57: The blood-brain barrier results mostly from the action of ________, a type of neuroglia.

ANSWER astrocytes

Question 44: What part of the neuron releases neurotransmitters from vesicles?

ANSWER axon terminals

Question 59: In order to prevent a patient from experiencing pain, local anesthetics must ________ in sensory neurons, which would prevent an action potential.

ANSWER bind to sodium channels

Question 61: Neurotransmitter release could be prevented, or disrupted, if a drug or other agent ____.

ANSWER blocked voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in the presynaptic membrane

Question 45: Astrocytes are NOT involved in ________.

ANSWER breakdown and engulfment of foreign material in the CNS

Question 49: The Na+/K+ pump ________.

ANSWER contributes to the negative intracellular charge

Question32: Excitatory postsynaptic potentials are produced in the brain primarily by _______

ANSWER glutamate

Question 65: As myelination of a neuron increases, the conduction velocity __________.

ANSWER increases

Question 48: What type of neuron connects sensory and motor neurons in neural pathways?

ANSWER interneurons

Question 66: The blood-brain barrier is effective against the passage of ________.

ANSWER metabolic waste such as urea

Question 42: Mr. Warren has spinal cord damage that prevents nerve impulses from being carried from the CNS to muscles or glands. What specific type of neuron has been damaged?

ANSWER motor neuron

Question 36: The term "white matter" refers to ________.

ANSWER myelinated axons in the CNS

Question 33: Support cells in the central nervous system are collectively called ________.

ANSWER neuroglia

Question 30: The gaps between Schwann cells found at regular intervals in peripheral system neurons are called ________.

ANSWER nodes of Ranvier

Question 37: Name the structure that contains the genetic material.

ANSWER nucleus

Question 34: Temporal summation________.

ANSWER occurs when a single neuron releases neurotransmitter rapidly

Question 28: Conduction of an action potential in a myelinated axon is called________.

ANSWER saltatory conduction

Question 29: Conduction of an action potential in a myelinated axon is called________.

ANSWER saltatory conduction.

Question 43: The stronger the stimulus intensity, _____________________

ANSWER the more frequent the action potentials are.

Question 62: A bundle of axons in the CNS is called a ________.

ANSWER tract

Question 54: Name the type of the neuron. Note: This is a picture of the synapse that has presynaptic terminal of the neuron, synaptic cleft and part of the muscle cell.


Question 24: Which type of cell of the CNS is phagocytic?

ANSWER: Microglia

Question 22: Since the action potential "leaps" from node to node in a myelinated axon, ________

ANSWER: Na + channels are not present between the nodes

Question 17: Which ion's movement is responsible for repolarization?

ANSWER: Outward diffusion of K+

Question 15: The part of the neuron that typically conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body is the ________.

ANSWER: axon

Question 25: What part of the neuron releases neurotransmitters from vesicles?

ANSWER: axon terminals

Question 21: Increased calcium concentration in the ECF would ____________ the neurotransmitter release.

ANSWER: increase

Question 18: At resting membrane potential inside is _________charged, outside is _____ charged.

ANSWER: negatively, positively

Question 26: What causes the depolarization phase of the action potential?

ANSWER: sodium ion influx

Question 19: The minimum depolarization needed to open Na + gates is called the________.

ANSWER: threshold

Question 23: The average resting membrane potential of an axon is________.


Question 16: Name the molecules that are released into the synaptic cleft in during synaptic transmission.


Question 27: The myelin sheaths of PNS neurons are produced by ________.

ANSWESR: Schwann cells

Question 12: Which one of the following is the correct sequence of events that correlates to the sequence of events of a nerve impulse?1. the membrane becomes depolarized (+30mV)2. voltage gated sodium channels open and sodium ions diffuse inward3. the membrane becomes repolarized4. potassium channels open and potassium ions diffuse outward

Answer: 2, 1, 4, 3

Question 3: Name the structures that receive signal.

Answer: Axon

Question 6: How do neurons code for a greater response?

Answer: Increased frequency of stimuli

Question 2: Name the organelle in red color.

Answer: Mitochondria

Question 1: Name the structure that covers the axon

Answer: Myelin Sheeth

Question 10: During an action potential ________.

Answer: Na + influx causes depolarization

Question 7: The myelin sheaths of PNS neurons are produced by ________.

Answer: Schwann cells

Question 13: What is present at the axon hillock that allows the production of action potentials?

Answer: Voltage-gated channels

Question 9: Which ion causes neurotransmitter vesicles to fuse with the axon's membrane during the conduction of a nerve impulse from one neuron to the next?

Answer: calcium

Question 8: The term "white matter" refers to ________.

Answer: myelinated axons in the CNS

Question 5: The resting membrane potential is closest to the equilibrium potential for________.

Answer: potassium ions

Question 4 : The average resting membrane potential of an axon is________.

Answer: −70mV

Question 14: Both depolarization and repolarization are produced by the diffusion of ions down their concentration gradient.


Question 60: An inhibitory postsynaptic potential could be produced by a neurotransmitter that opens Cl - channels.


Question11: Since sensory neurons for muscle position are the fastest conducting neurons, they would have a larger diameter than sensory neurons for touch, pain or pressure.


Question 20: The resting membrane potential of the cell is only dependent on the concentration gradient of an ion.


Question 50: Both neurons and neuroglia will easily divide by mitosis.


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