NET 3250 Exam 2

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What are three guidelines involving headings?

1. Be consistent with the heading form that you use (topic, statement, question) thus ensuring parallelism in wording. 2. Avoid contiguous headings (a subheading following a heading with no text in between) 3. You may put more white space before a heading than after.

For complex persuasive situations use the five step format. What are the five steps?

1. Frame the problem or issue 2. State your proposed solution 3. Provides information to support your argument 4. Resolve concerns 5.Requests the audience to act

What are three agenda guidelines?

1. Write your agendas so that they do not interrupt the flow of communication. 2. If you want to emphasize the agenda use bolding and italics, insert alphabetic or numeric markers, arrange them vertically with each agenda item preceded by a bullet. 3. Use agendas in other communication situations

When reviewing and revising the content of a document you should use _______ and ______.

5 C's Clear, complete, correct, considerate, convincing CLOUD Coherence, length, organization, unity, development

How many typographic points are in an inch?


Typography height is measured in points, with ____ points equaling one inch.


What is a flowchart?

A graphical representation of the steps involved in a process

What is an agenda?

A preview or roadmap of the body of the message. (can come directly from the main points of an outline)

What are the following negative tactics that damage the decision making process?

Ad hominem- attacking the other person rather than the argument Straw man- Describing another persons argument in a distorted way that makes it easy to reject Red herring- making a deliberate attempt to change the subject or divert the argument away from the central issue.

In addition to coherence, the body should have good cohesion, what are some cohesion words?

Addition "In addition" Comparison "Similarly" Consequence "Because" Condition "If" Example "For instance" Forecasting "Following" Numeration "First" Place " At the conference" Time "Later"

Which of the following can occur because of a writing error? Select all answers that are correct. If your writing is unclear, the reader must take extra time to understand it. If your writing contains factual errors, the reader may draw improper conclusions. Writing errors damage your credibility. The reader assumes that you either don't know or don't care.

All of the Above

What are some logic based strategies?

Analogy - Compares to similar things Cause-and-effect - How some cause leads to some effect Generalization - What happened in one case can be generalized to others Legal - Discusses adherence to laws or contracts

What are the two steps to creating an informative message?

Analyze the information and package it in the most brain friendly way possible.

Bar graphs show quantity by bar length. Line graphs show quantity by line height. Pie graphs show quantity by ____.


With regard to the SPELL acronym, what should you consider with length?

Avoid long, wordy, sentences that can cause readers to lose their way.

What kinds of information are contained in an opening?

Background information about the topic. Justification or reason for the message. Attention getter or hook.

What are some fallacies of logic?

Bandwagon evidence Either-or thinking Evaluation by association False analogy False casualty Hasty generalization Lack of evidence to the contrary Recency persuasion Slippery slope Tradition Anonymous authority

What are the functions of social networking sites?

Blogging Discussing Messaging Microblogging Networking Organizing Reviewing Sharing Voting

How can you enhance basic type?

Bold or italicize

Psychological strategies of convergence, push, and pull are all discussed in the text. Which is true about convergence?

Businesses should prepare consistent messages across multiple social media channels.

To help you compose organized paragraphs for the body remember the __________ acronym.


What are two ways that you can strengthen the content of your message?

Clarify informative text Strengthen your persuasion

The body contains vital information, that is why you should make sure it follows the following five information standards:

Clear Complete Correct Considerate Convincing

The ______ should summarize the documents key points, draw appropriate conclusions, recommend certain actions, or something else relevant to the situation.


Each succeeding thought in a paragraph should flow logically from the thought that precedes it. What part of the CLOUD acronym does this definition describe?


With regard to ____________, you should make sure that sentences flow logically from one sentence to the next.


What does the CLOUD acronym stand for?

Coherence Length Organization Unity Development

What are infographics?

Comprised of multiple graphs and explanatory text that combine to communicate a message in a highly visual way.

During which phase of the review and revise should you use the CLOUD acronym?


The authors mention two elements of related credibility:

Content and Writer

With regards to social media, what are the two psychological strategies?

Convergence Push and pull

With regards to social media and informing the audience, what are some tips to improve credibility?

Create high quality content SHARE high quality content Become an expert (your personal credibility influences content credibility)

___________ is an old fashioned concept, but it is still alive and well today.

Customer service (helps you build relationships of trust)

What are the four phases of reviewing professional documents?

D - review the design O - review the organization C - Review the content S - Review the sentences

With regards to ____________, be sure to give adequate information to support the topic sentence.


For routine and good news messages you will want to use the _________ approach for an opening.


With regard to organization, you should generally use a ______ approach in paragraphs with a topic sentence leading the way.

Direct (Except bad news)

For short messages with only a few sentences you should USUALLY use a ___________.

Direct Approach

For simple persuasive situations use a ________ or ________ approach.

Direct or indirect

Tips to help establish relationships of trust within your social network include: Assist others in your network, Ask for nothing in return, and

Do more than simply "like."

What are the tips to post socially sensitive content?

Don't post anything defamatory or inappropriate Don't post in anger Consider all points of view Don't post anything you wouldnt want published in a newspaper Provide adequate context for messages so that they seem reasonable

Placing the verb close to the subject makes the sentence _________ to understand.


Before you can persuade people online you must capture their attention by making your content __________.


With regard to the SPELL acronym, what should you consider with language?

Evaluate word usage (see page 89)

What is the indirect approach?

Explanatory details first, main message or idea second.

What are the two aspects of spacing?

External and Internal

Infographics are typically comprised of multiple graphs and explanatory text. Since they are often too complicated, they should be avoided.


LinkedIn is a social networking site for professionals. Personal posts on sites such as Facebook or Pinterest do not affect your professional network.


Microblogs are short messages that include only text.


Raster graphics are preferred over vector.


The PACS framework is different when applied to social media messages than when applied to written documents.


Composing business messages can be enhanced by _____.

Following an effective writing pattern.

What are the most important aspects of typography?

Font, size, style, and alignment

Regarding the purposes of headings, what is structure?

For long documents, use headings to reveal the structure and hierarchy of the information First, second, and third level headings using various typography.

When is paper reviewing recommended?

For longer and more important documents

Which of the following is not a social networking site? Instagram YouTube Twitter Google


When reviewing and revising the design of a document you should use _____.

HATS Headings, art, typography, spacing

HATS is an acronym suggested to enhance the visual effectiveness of writing. HATS is important for all but ONE of the following.

HATS make reading more difficult for the audience

What are the three stray textual elements?

Heading - must be followed by at least two lines of body text before a page break Widow - a paragraphs last line left by itself at the top of a page Orphan - a paragraphs first line left by itself at the bottom of a page

What does HATS stand for?

Headings Art Typography Spacing

Regarding the purposes of headings, what is a signpost?

Include enough headings to keep the audience aware of what is coming next.

For bad news messages you will want to use the __________ approach for an opening.

Indirect (Refers to the reason for writing but does not give the bad news quite yet.

Headings enhance ______________.

Information access

With regard to PACS and social media, what are the three common communication purposes?

Informing Persuading Building relationships of trust

Whenever you insert a visual item into a document remember the three I's. What are these?

Insert Insert Interpret

With regard to analyzing the context of your social media, what should you be aware of?

Internal company news, and external social and political news.

Which of the three I's of visuals is demonstrated in the following example? Figure 2 shows the similarities between the Salt Lake City and Ogden Offices. Interpret Introduce Insert


What two things should you do when analyzing your audience psychographics?

Invite conversation Use social media analytics

What are the two approaches to creating an informative message?

Known to unknown 5W2H (When oriented or Why oriented)

What are the 7 important guidelines when creating tables?

Labels Order and sequence Numbers Cell contents Footnotes Page Breaks Highlighting

What are the three aspects of internal spacing?

Leave more space between paragraphs than between the lines of text within paragraphs. Leave at least one line of space before and after tables and graphics Leave enough space between the lines of text (line spacing)

For most paper and electronic business documents it is recommended that you use ______ alignment.

Left (bulleted text should also be left aligned)

With regards to _____, be sure to avoid writing paragraphs that are too long. (5 or 6 lines)


What are two types of persuasion strategies?

Logic based strategies Emotion based strategies

What is the direct approach?

Main message or idea first, supporting details afterward.

When reviewing the structure of a document, each sentence should be reviewed using SVC for evaluation. Which of the following is a guideline for creating clear structure?

Make structurally parallel phrases.

What are some guidelines regarding images?

Message clarity - decide what message you want the photo to communicate and remove unrelated items Photo Orientation - Photograph tall, narrow objects in portrait mode, and wide in landscape. Light - The sun or other light source should be shining on the front of the object. Bright overcast days are batter than sunny days. If a sunny day, use flash to reduce shadows. Cropping - Fill the picture with the subject matter Rule of thirds - Tic tac toe grid. Place subject where lines intersect. Editing - brighten, color, eliminate problems

Which of the following is NOT one of the five M's of management resources? Materials Manpower Morale Methods Machines Money


What are some emotion based strategies?

Morality - ethics based strategy centers on doing what is right and good. Pride - appeals to a persons ego Reciprocity - argues that X has done something for Y Safety and Fear - Appeal to the basic human need to avoid risk and be safe.

What are guidelines for line graphs?

Multiple lines (avoid including too many lines) Line differentiation (differentiate with variations or color and include a key) Titles (include axis titles) Proportional Axes (keep both axes proportional to avoid distortion) Color (consider the color blind)

By sending a consistent message through multiple channels you increase the likelihood of what?

Multiple sites converging on the same message, resulting in content that your audience will deem more credible.

When creating a table, numbers such as 3, 15, 45, and 128 should be aligned

No answer text provided.

Sometimes in long messages you will have more details to include, and therefore will need to use a pattern called _____.


When reviewing and revising the organization of a document you should use ______.


What does OABC stand for?

Opening Agenda Body Conclusion

When reviewing a document, the authors suggest phases with the initials DOCS. Which one of these phases includes OABC?


When creating social media messages remember to apply the ______ framework.


Which of the following is true about demographics? Women use social media more than men. People aged 50-64 use social networking sites less than people aged 18-29. Do not adjust language for an international audience. People with college degrees post more than people with high school education.

People aged 50-64 use social networking sites less than people aged 18-29.

Unlike informative messages which seek for no audience response, ______ messages seek for audience response.


What are the two advantages of an agenda?

Prepares the readers mind to receive the body information in a systematic way Fits with reader behavior in todays fast paced time.

Which is not part of the PACS planning process? Audience Proposal Context


With a ____ social media strategy, your audience originates and delivers your content for you.

Pull (restaurant reviews) This has an indirect influence and builds on the core principles that make up social media communication (credibility, engagement, and a network of people)

With a _____ social media strategy, you deliver your content directly to your audience without their seeking out your content.


Agendas can _____, __________, and ___________.

Quantify- tell the number of key content units Identify- Specify the subject matter that follows like a small table of contents (DOCS) Organize - Explain the order or arrangement of the following content units Symbolize- Create a visual mental image (Triangle)

Bar charts and line charts help analyze which type of data?


With line graphs, the Y-axis represents ________ and the X-axis represents _________.

Quantity Time

What are the two different file formats you will encounter when working with photographs and clipart?

Raster - Comprised of rows and columns of tiny pixels Vector - Basic geometric lines and shapes (created by a mathematical formula in a computer)

What are the three things that can improve your effectiveness of reviewing and editing a document?

Read the document out loud Use a ruler or piece of paper to cover the text below the line you are reading Check titles, headings, and other captions for errors.

Why is sentence variety important?

Readers get tired of similar sentence length and structure.

What are the channel factors?

Richness (videos and images provide the richest content) Reach Immediacy Control Cost

With regard to the SPELL acronym, what should you consider with errors in grammar?

Rules frequently violated (see page 89)

With regard to the SPELL acronym, what should you consider with punctuation?

Rules frequently violated (see page 89)

With regard to the SPELL acronym, what should you consider with structure?

S - Subject, use strong and clear subjects. V - Verb, Vicinity and Voice - Place each verb in the vicinity of its subject, and use active voice rather than passive voice. C - Complement - Make sure the remainder of the sentence is clear and easy to follow.

When reviewing and revising the sentences in a document you should use ________.

SPELL Structure, punctuation, errors in grammar, language, length

For electronic documents, ________ is used for the body and ________ is used for headings.

Sans serif; Serif

What are the two components to choosing a channel strategy?

Selecting the content medium (video, text, image) and selecting the method of delivery (facebook, twitter)

Which is the INCORRECT portion of the acronym SPELL? Length Punctuation Errors Sentences Language


For paper, ________ is used for the body and ________ is used for headings.

Serif; Sans Serif

The network audience's perception of your credibility is influenced by both creating and sharing high-quality content. Which of the following is not a suggestion regarding sharing content? Gain approval from compliance department before posting questionable content. Share information as quickly as possible so you are the first to post. Be wary of information from only one source.

Share information as quickly as possible so you are the first to post.

For bad news messages in most cases you ______ include an agenda.

Should not (If you do make sure that you do not write anything about the bad news specifically first)

What are the four guidelines of pie graphs?

Single series (use one number series instead of many) Sequencing (Arrange segments from largest to smallest in clockwise order) Labels (label the quantity of each segment) Emphasis (if you wish to emphasize a segment, explode it)

For screen reviewing, what software tools can you use to track writing errors?

Spell, grammar, and style check

________ and ______ are the major options for illustrating quantitative data.

Tables and charts

What two things should you consider when analyzing your audience demographics?

Targeting older generations in different ways Consider the country in which the audience resides

What function does the body serve?

The body logically follows the agenda and the content from the outline.

Audiences make decisions about what information to consume based especially on _________.

The credibility of the content and the credibility of the writer. (THESE TWO ELEMENTS ARE HIGHLY POSITIVELY CORRELATED)

What is external spacing?

The margins around the edges of a page (one inch margin is standard)

What is meant by the term "engagement"?

The number of shares, tweets, likes, views, and other measures that signal how an audience is receiving social media content.

What is no correlation (scatter plots)?

The rise or fall of the two data sets show no correlation with one another.

Once you have completed the cause and effect analysis, you should focus your problems solving efforts on which of the following?

The root cause

What is internal spacing?

The space within the text

What is art?

The use of all types of visual treatments to make information easier to find and process.

What is the purpose of creating a table?

They are flexible for displaying many different types of data.

Suggestions to help create engaging content include all but which of the following:

Think reach

What are six guidelines to create engaging content?

Think visual (visually enhance) Think shareable Think consistency Think stories Think advertising Think clarity

What two things play an important role in social media communication?

Timing, location, and channel

What are the 7 additional guidelines for visuals?

Titles (descriptive!) Numbers (number consecutively) Placement (Be consistent) (TABLES- number and titles at the top. FIGURES - number and titles at the bottom) Typography (Use a sans serif font) Simplicity (Keep them simple) Highlighting (Use appropriate legends and callouts) Attribution (Cite appropriate source information in a footnote at the base of the graphic or table)

What are the guidelines important to remember while creating bar charts?

Titles (title axes) Sequence (logically sequence the bars) Widths (all bars the same width) Color (Make all bars the same color) Dimension (if using 3D, limit depth) Data Labels (Consider using) Deception (avoid deceiving)

What is the purpose of a serif?

To make each letter more unique and easy to recognize

What are scatter plots used for?

To plot two sets of data

What is the function of the opening?

To present background and context information to the reader. To indicate why you are writing and why it is relevant to the reader.

What are the two purposes of headings?

To serve as signposts and reveal textual structure

When are organization charts useful?

To show people or positions in their hierarchical location on the organizational tree. (KEY WORD: TREE)

What are the three forms that the words in a heading can take?

Topic- a concise description of the topic that follows Statement- Inventory increased slightly in the third quarter. Question - Help emphasize issues being considered and provide a useful guide for readers who want quick answers to a specific question.

When compared to written forms of communication, social media communication has heavier emphasis on credibility, engagement, and relationships.


Bar charts are a great option for comparing ____________.

Two or more quantities (The human eye can easily discern the differences in length of the bars)

The goal of informative text is not to persuade the audience, but to help them __________.


With regard to unity, make sure that all sentences in a paragraph are ______________ and refer to the content introduced in the topic sentence.


How can you use Microsoft word to screen review?

Use the track changes function to see who recommended what.

Which of the following describes the rule of thirds in photos?

Using a tic-tac-toe grid on your photo, place the subject at one of the places where the lines intersect.

If Dave saves a file on the google drive and shares it with others, what three levels of sharing rights is he giving?

View - enables other people to view the document but not make changes Comment - allows people to view document and add comments Edit - allows people to view, add comments, and revise the document.

What does white space provide?

Visual relief Prevents reader fatigue Enhances reader friendliness Divides and fames elements on a page

The need to persuade usually comes from the need to solve a problem. What is the problem solving process?

What So what Now what

WordPress offers site statistics that shows data such as:

When a user viewed the site.

When is it useful to use a map?

When giving directions and presenting data that is spatially related. (population comparison)

What is negative correlation?

When one factor goes up the other goes down.

What is positive correlation (scatter plots)?

When one factor increases the other increases

When are line graphs useful?

When showing data changes over a period of time (The human eye can easily discern slopes and so upward and downward trends can easily be spotted)

Involve a group when you need more than your own __________ to solve a problem.


Messages which can be read and replied to when convenient are:


When creating a table, numbers such as 1.3, 15.25, 45, and 128.6 should be aligned

at the decimal

The statement, "Does the content cover the subject matter in appropriate depth?" represents what "C"?


To avoid having a page appear gray, do any of the following EXCEPT?

decrease margins

What is the order of the four levels of document review?

design, organization, content, sentences

White space does all EXCEPT

divides the page into tic-tac-toe segments

Topics that become the focus of controversy include all but which one of the following:


Gallery writing involves having group members write ideas on _____________________.

large sheets of paper

What type of text alignment should be used with most office documents?


Which of the following is an explanatory list of the symbols or colors used in a chart?


What are serif fonts in typography?

letters with little finish marks at the end of their strokes

A(n) _______ is a paragraph's first line left by itself at the bottom of a page.


Should you quickly check your longer documents on a computer screen or paper printout?

paper printout

You implement your solution to your company's computer issue, which is an upgrade to Windows 10. You first implement Windows 10 in the accounting department. You take what you have learned from the accounting department and then implement Windows 10 in the rest of the organization. This method of implementation is


When reviewing a document, you should first understand the _________ of the document.


The idea behind brainstorming is that __________ will yield __________.

quantity - quality

Which of the following types of fonts are used most often for body text?


Creativity can be enhanced in all of the following ways EXCEPT

set aside small chunks of time to ponder. The author suggests setting aside large chunks of time, not small.

Avoid it and _____ as sentence subjects.


The purpose of social media communications is similar to all types of communication:

to inform, persuade, and build relationships of trust.

What two "V" factors should be checked when reviewing sentence verbs?

vicinity and voice

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