Network+ Computer Networking (Chapters 6, 8-11) (FINAL)

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How many address fields exist in an 802.11 frame?​ (6)



(1) A packet of a fixed size. In ATM technology, a cell consists of 48 bytes of data plus a 5-byte header. (2) In a cellular network, an area of coverage serviced by an antenna and its base station.

SS7 (Signaling system 7) (9)

A set of standards established by the ITU for handling call signaling on circuit-switched portions of the PSTN

Proxy service (8)

A software application on a network host that acts as an intermediary between the external and internal networks, screening all incoming and outgoing traffic

mesh topology WAN

A type of WAN in which several sites are directly interconnected. Mesh WANs are highly fault tolerant because they provide multiple routes for data to follow between any two points.

A network with 6 bits remaining for the host portion will have how many usable hosts?​


A network with 6 bits remaining for the host portion will have how many usable hosts?​ (10)


Ethernet over HDMI

A technology that transmits Ethernet signals over Ethernet-enabled HDMI cables to connect multimedia equipment, such as a TV, to the Internet.

metasploit (8)

A tool that combines known scanning techniques and exploits to explore potentially new hybrids of exploits


A type of connection in which a user connects to a distant network from a computer and stays connected for a finite period of time. Most of the time, the term dial-up refers to a connection that uses a PSTN line.

asymmetric DSL

Any version of DSL in which downstream throughput is higher than upstream throughput.

Physical Layer (6)

At what layer of the OSI model do the 802.11 standards vary?


A type of wireless transmission used in CDMA technology in which lower-level signals are distributed over several frequencies simultaneously. Spread-spectrum transmission is more secure than narrowband.

symmetric DSL

A variation of DSL that provides equal throughput both upstream and downstream between the customer and the carrier.

BRI (Basic Rate Interface)

A variety of ISDN that uses two 64-Kbps bearer channels and one 16-Kbps data channel, as summarized by the notation 2B+D.

Multilink PPP (MLPPP or MLP)

A version of PPP that bonds multiple PPP connections to act as a single line and that is a type of link aggregation. MLP was originally designed to bond dialup connections, such as ISDN, but today it is more commonly used for bonding T-1 and T-3 lines.

partial-mesh WAN

A version of a mesh topology WAN in which only critical sites are directly interconnected and secondary sites are connected through star or ring topologies. Partial mesh WANs are less expensive to implement than full-mesh WANs.

full-mesh WAN

A version of the mesh topology WAN in which every site is directly connected to every other site. Full-mesh WANs are the most fault-tolerant type of WAN.

Encrypted virus (8)

A virus that is difficult to detect because it is encrypted

Vulnerability (8)

A weakness of a system, process, or architecture that could lead to compromised information or unauthorized access

IP Spoofing (8)

An act of obtaining internal IP addresses to pretend they have authority to access your internal network from the Internet

DoS (Denial-of-service) attack (8)

An attack where a system is flooded with requests for services

customer premise equipment (CPE)

Any equipment located on the customer's premises, regardless of who owns it or who is responsible for it.

Malware (8)

Any program or piece of code designed to intrude upon or harm a system or its resources

line driver

Essentially a repeater, a device placed on either side of the demarc that boosts the signal across greater distances.


Fourth-generation mobile phone service that is characterized by an all-IP, packet-switched network for both data and voice transmission. 4G standards, released in 2008, also specify throughputs of 100 Mbps for fast-moving mobile clients, such as those in cars, and 1 Gbps for slow-moving mobile clients, such as pedestrians.

​Cisco's proprietary standard, similar to VRRP, that assigns a virtual IP address to a group of routers. At first, messages routed to the virtual IP address are handled by the active router. If the active router fails, standby routers stand in line to take over responsibility for the virtual IP address.

HSRP (Hot Standby Routing Protocol)​

The sequence control field indicates how packets will be subdivided (6)

How does the 802.11 data frame indicate how a large packet should be fragmented?​

4 data streams (6)

How many data streams are used in 802.11ac Wave 2 devices?​

​What protocol is used to provide a common language between virtualized service applications and a network's physical devices?


​What protocol is used to provide a common language between virtualized service applications and a network's physical devices? (10)


H.225 (9)

In H.323, which protocol below handles call or videoconference signaling?​

basic service set (6)

In IEEE terminology, a group of stations that share an access point are said to be part of what option below?

B channel

In ISDN, the channel that employs circuit-switching techniques to carry voice, video, audio, and other types of data over the ISDN connection; sometimes called the bearer channel.

D channel

In ISDN, the channel that employs packet-switching techniques to carry information about the call, such as session initiation and termination signals, caller identity, call forwarding, and conference calling signals. Sometimes called the data channel.

IDS (intrusion detection system) (8)

Device or software that is used to monitor network traffic and create alerts when suspicious activity happens

wireless access point (WAP, AP, base station) (6)

Device that accepts wireless signals from multiple nodes and retransmits them to the rest of the network

persistent agent (8)

Software that is permanently on a BYOD device that can perform more robust features like a remote wipe

nonpersistent agent (dissolvable agent) (8)

Software that remains on a BYOD device long enough to ensure compliance and complete authentication

Port scanner (8)

Software that searches a node for open ports

Zero-day exploit (zero-day attack) (8)

Taking advantage of a software vulnerability that has not yet become public

Frequency hopping (6)

Technique used to help reduce interference that involves hopping between frequencies within its band, used by Bluetooth

hot spare and a cold spare? (9)

The difference between a hot spare and cold spare is: Spares are duplicate components that assume the functions of the original component in the event the original fails. A hot spare is a duplicate component that already installed in a device and a cold spare is a duplicate component that is not installed in a device

Scattering (6)

The diffusion, or reflection in multiple different directions of a signal

Load Balancing (9)

The distribution of traffic over multiple components or links to optimize performance and fault tolerance.

TE (terminal equipment)

The end nodes (such as computers and printers) served by the same connection (such as an ISDN, DSL, or T-1 link).


The equipment on a satellite that receives an uplinked signal from Earth, amplifies the signal, modifies its frequency, then retransmits it (in a downlink) to an antenna on Earth.

DS0 (digital signal, level 0)

The equivalent of one data or voice channel in T-carrier technology, as defined by ANSI Physical layer standards. All other signal levels are multiples of DSO.

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) (8)

Protocol that enables users running client software to communicate instantly with other participants in a chat room on the Internet

hidden node problem (6)

Situation where a node is not visible to other nodes on the other side of the coverage area

What is another name for CIDR notation? (10)

Slash notation

CIR (committed information rate)

The guaranteed minimum amount of bandwidth selected when leasing a frame relay circuit. Frame relay costs are partially based on CIR.

NIU (network interface unit)

The point at which PSTN-owned lines terminate at a customer's premises. The NIU is usually located at the demarc.

goodput (6)

The throughput experienced at the application level, such as the quality of a video feed or the speed of a Web page loading in the browser.​

​unidirectional antenna (6)

The throughput experienced at the application level, such as the quality of a video feed or the speed of a Web page loading in the browser.​


The transition that occurs when a cellular network client moves from one antenna's coverage area to another.

line of sight (LOS) (6)

Type of wireless signal propagation in which the signal travels directly in a straight line from its transmitter to its intended receiver

Diffraction (6)

When a wireless signal splits into secondary waves when it encounters an obstruction

Jamming (8)

When an attacker overwhelms a wireless network by creating a high volume of illegitimate wireless traffic

ARP cache poisoning (8)

When attackers use faked ARP replies to alter ARP tables in the network

Flashing (8)

When commands are sent to someone through a chat message application, causing their screen to fill up with garbage

Banner-grabbing attack (8)

When hackers transmit bogus requests for connection to servers or applications in order to harvest useful information to guide their attack efforts.

DHCP snooping (8)

When DHCP messages on the network are checked and filtered

Bluesnarfing (6)

When a Bluetooth connection is used to download data without permission

Bluejacking (6)

When a Bluetooth connection is used to send unsolicited data

Jabber (9)

When a device handles electrical signals improperly, usually resulting from a bad NIC, it is referred to by what term below?​

Smurf attack (8)

When a hacker issues a flood of broadcast ping messages, which in turn all machines respond from the ping to the victim, not the hacker's machine

Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack (8)

When a person redirects or captures secure transmissions as they occur

Evil Twin (6)

When a rouge access point is configured with a legitimate sounding SSID to pose as an authorized access point.

Session hijacking attack (8)

When the session key used to establish an encrypted connection is intercepted and stolen

Reflection (bounce) (6)

When the wave encounters an obstacle and reflects back towards its source

Expedited (9)

When using DiffServ, what type of forwarding utilizes a minimum departure rate from a given node, which is then assigned to each data stream?

​user agent client (9)

When using SIP, what term is used to describe end-user devices, which may include workstations, tablet computers, smartphones, or IP phones?​

Zombie Army (botnet)

a group of compromised computers or mobile devices connected to a network such as the Internet that are used to attack others network, usually for nefarious purposes.

In order to allow communication between VLANs for exchange of data, what must be used?​

a router

In order to allow communication between VLANs for exchange of data, what must be used?​ (10)

a router

​Which supernet mask below would allow an organization to cover the following networks with one routing entry:,,, (10)


​A CIDR block of /26 is equivalent to what subnet mask below?


​A CIDR block of /26 is equivalent to what subnet mask below? (10)


What IEEE standard specifies how VLAN information appears in frames and how switches interpret that information?​


What IEEE standard specifies how VLAN information appears in frames and how switches interpret that information?​ (10)


The Shortest Path Bridging protocol is defined in what IEEE standard?​


The Shortest Path Bridging protocol is defined in what IEEE standard?​ (10)


Which two standards below represent newer versions of STP?​

​802.1w, ​802.1s

Which two standards below represent newer versions of STP?​ (10)

​802.1w, ​802.1s

Virtual Server(10)

​A server that exists as a virtual machine, created and managed by virtualization software on a host, or physical, computer.

BPDU Filter (10)

​A software configuration that can be used to disable STP on specific ports, such as the port leading to the network's demarc. It prevents access to network links that should not be considered when plotting STP paths in a network.

VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Program (10)

​A standard that assigns a virtual IP address to a group of routers. At first, messages routed to the virtual IP address are handled by the master router. If the master router fails, backup routers stand in line to take over responsibility for the virtual IP address.

NIC teaming (9)

​A type of link aggregation in which two or more NICs work in tandem to handle traffic to and from a single node

HSRP (hot standby routing protocol) (10)

​Cisco's proprietary standard, similar to VRRP, that assigns a virtual IP address to a group of routers. At first, messages routed to the virtual IP address are handled by the active router. If the active router fails, standby routers stand in line to take over responsibility for the virtual IP address

How can VLAN hopping attacks be prevented on a network?​

​Disable auto trunking and move native VLANs to unused VLANs.

How can VLAN hopping attacks be prevented on a network?​ (10)

​Disable auto trunking and move native VLANs to unused VLANs.

CIDR block (10)

​In CIDR notation, the forward slash plus the number of bits used for the network ID. For example, the CIDR block for is /22.

Unicast (9)

​In a VoIP call, what method of transmission is used between two IP phones?

EF (Expedited Forwarding (9)

​One of two DiffServ forwarding specifications. It assigns each data stream a minimum departure rate from a given node. This technique circumvents delays that slow normal data from reaching its destination on time and in sequence.

Which two options below indicate to other connectivity devices which VLAN a transmission belongs to?​

​SAID, ​security association identifier

Which two options below indicate to other connectivity devices which VLAN a transmission belongs to?​ (10)

​SAID, ​security association identifier

​What two standards below have been developed to replace the Spanning Tree Protocol?


Which virtual network type allows VMs to communicate with each other on the same host, but disallows communication with other nodes on the network?

host-only mode​

Which virtual network type allows VMs to communicate with each other on the same host, but disallows communication with other nodes on the network? (10)

host-only mode​

Which of the following is not a valid reason for using virtualization?​

increase performance

Which of the following is not a valid reason for using virtualization?​ (10)

increase performance

​The virtualization of network services in which a network controller manages these services instead of the services being directly managed by the hardware devices involved.

software defined networking (SDN)

​The virtualization of network services in which a network controller manages these services instead of the services being directly managed by the hardware devices involved.(10)

software defined networking (SDN)

​What two standards below have been developed to replace the Spanning Tree Protocol? (10)


How does the 802.11 data frame indicate how a large packet should be fragmented?​ (6)

​The sequence control field indicates how packets will be subdivided

management frames (6)

​What 802.11 frame type is involved in association and reassociation, including probe and beacon frames?

User agent server (9)

​What component of SIP is a server that responds to user agent clients' requests for session initiation and termination?

H.323 gateway (9)

​Which element of H.323 is a device that provides translation between network devices running the H.323 signaling protocols and devices running other types of signaling protocols?

True (9)

​Wireshark or any other monitoring software running on a single computer connected to a switch doesn't see all the traffic on a network, but only the traffic the switch sends to it, which includes broadcast traffic and traffic specifically addressed to the compute

​The interface on a switch used for an end node. Devices connected to access ports are unaware of VLAN information.

​access port

​The interface on a switch used for an end node. Devices connected to access ports are unaware of VLAN information. (10)

​access port

Telnet and SSH are known as what type of management system?​


Telnet and SSH are known as what type of management system?​ (10)


The management option that can provide on-site infrastructure access when the network is down or complete remote access in cases of connectivity failures on the network, such as via a cellular signal, is known as?

​out-of-band management

The management option that can provide on-site infrastructure access when the network is down or complete remote access in cases of connectivity failures on the network, such as via a cellular signal, is known as? (10)

​out-of-band management

With VTP, the VLAN database is stored on a switch known as which option below?​

​stack master

With VTP, the VLAN database is stored on a switch known as which option below?​ (10)

​stack master

Carrier Detect (CD)

See CD.

Webcast (9)

A streaming video, either on demand or live, that is delivered via the web

Signature scanning (8)

Comparing a file's content with known malware signatures to try to find a virus

Integrity checking (8)

Comparing current characteristics of files and disks against an archived version of these characteristics to discover any changes

Zombies (8)

Computers that are controlled in a DDoS attack

RF (radio frequency) emanation (8)

Condition created by the leaking of radio or electrical signals from computer equipment

EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution)


Ethernet over power line

See EOP.

MTSO (mobile telecommunications switching office)

See MSC.

Ethernet MAN

See Metro Ethernet

NID (network interface device)

See NIU.

cable modem access

See broadband cable.

unmodulated carrier tone

See guard tone.

last mile

See local loop.

analog modem

See modem.

Intelligent NID (INID)

See smart jack.

split horizon router advertisement

See split horizon.

beacon frame (6)

Select below the name for the special signal that contains information that a wireless node requires in order to associate itself with an access point:

Proxy server (8)

The network host that runs a proxy service, operates at layer 7

PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) (9)

The network of lines and carrier equipment that provides telephone service to most homes and businesses.

POTS (plain old telephone service)

The network of lines and carrier equipment that provides telephone service to most homes and businesses. Now, except for the local loop, nearly all of the PSTN uses digital transmission. Its traffic is carried by fiber-optic or copper twisted-pair cable, microwave, and satellite connections.

What is a trunk? (10)

A Trunk is a single physical connection between switches through which many logical VLANs can transmit and receive data

Which subnet contains more host IPv4 addresses, a /25 subnet or a /26 subnet? (10)


8 guidelines for keeping your network highly available? (9)

1 Allow only network administrators to create or modify 2 NOS and application system files 3 Monitor the network for unauthorized access or changes 4 Record authorized system changes in a change management system 5 Install redundant components 6 Perform regular health checks on the network 7 Check the system performance, error logs and the system log book regularly 8 Keep backups, system images and emergency repair disks current and available Implement and enforce security and disaster recovery policies.

What are some reasons to use VLANs?​

1. Efficient use of resources 2. Cost and energy savings 3. Fault and threat isolation 4. Simple backups, recovery, and replication

What are some reasons to use VLANs?​ (10)

1. Efficient use of resources 2. Cost and energy savings 3. Fault and threat isolation 4. Simple backups, recovery, and replication

What is the max theoretical throughput of the 802.11ac wireless technology when using Wave 1 devices?​(6)


The first iteration of STP was defined in what IEEE standard below?​


The first iteration of STP was defined in what IEEE standard below?​(10)


HSPA+ (High Speed Packet Access Plus)

A 3G mobile wireless technology released in 2008 that uses MIMO and sophisticated encoding techniques to achieve a maximum 168-Mbps downlink throughput and 22-Mbps uplink throughput in its current release. HSPA+ uses limited channels more efficiently than earlier technologies and incorporates more antennas in MIMO transmission. However, faster and more flexible technologies, such as LTE, are overtaking HSPA+ in popularity.

LTE (Long Term Evolution)

A 4G cellular network technology that, in its latest version (called LTE-Advanced), achieves downlink data rates of up to 3 Gbps and uplink rates of up to 1.5 Gbps. AT8cT and Verizon have adopted LTE for their high-speed wireless data networks.

DDoS (Distributed denial-of-service) attack (8)

A DoS from several sources

CALEA (communication for law enforcement act) (9)

A U.S. federal regulation that requires telecommunications carriers and equipment manufacturers to provide for surveillance capabilities. It was passed by Congress in 1994 after pressure from the FBI, which worried that networks relying solely on digital communications would circumvent traditional wiretapping strategies.

ITU (International Telecommunication Union) (6)

A UN agency that sets standards for international telecommunications

bus topology WAN

A WAN in which each location is connected to no more than two other locations in a serial fashion.

ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)

A WAN technology functioning primarily at Layer 2 (although its protocols can also reach Layers 1 and 3) that was originally conceived in the early 1980s at Bell Labs and standardized by the ITU in the mid-1990s. ATM delivers data using fixed packets, called cells, that each consist of 48 bytes of data plus a 5-byte header. ATM relies on virtual circuits and establishes a connection before sending data. The reliable connection ensured by ATM allows network managers to specify QoS levels for certain types of traffic.

Metro Ethernet

A WAN technology that sends Ethernet traffic across MAN connections.

Carrier Ethernet

A WAN technology that sends Ethernet traffic across long-distance WAN connections.

mesh WLAN (wireless mesh network) (6)

A WLAN with multiple WAPs

Time-shifted video (9)

A broadcast that is delayed by a few minutes to allow for editing processes and licensing concerns

VLAN Hopping (10)

A _________________attack occurs when an attacker generates transmissions that appear, to the switch, to belong to a protected VLAN.​


A cable company's central office, which connects cable wiring to many nodes before it reaches customers' sites.

MSC (mobile switching center)

A carrier's facility to which multiple cellular base stations connect. An MSC might be located inside a telephone company's central office or it might stand alone and connect to the central office via fiber-optic cabling or a microwave link. Equipment at an MSC manages mobile clients, monitoring their location and usage patterns, and switches cellular calls. It also assigns each mobile client an IP address.

CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)

A cellular standard that uses spread-spectrum technology, in which a signal is spread over a wide bandwidth so that multiple users can occupy the same channel. A cellular device on a CDMA network does not require a SIM card because, on a CDMA network, devices are compared against a white list, which is a database of subscribers that contains information on their subscriptions with the provider.


A characteristic of dual-ring topologies that allows them to automatically reroute traffic along the backup ring if the primary ring becomes severed.


A characteristic of transmission technology that provides equal throughput for data traveling both upstream and downstream and is suited to users who both upload and download significant amounts of data.


A combination of a CSU (channel service unit) and a DSU (data service unit) that serves as the connection point for a T-1 line at the customer's site. Most modern CSU/DSUs also contain a multiplexer. A CSU/DSU may be a separate device or an expansion card in another device, such as a router.

MCU (9)

A computer that provides support for multiple H.323 terminals and manages communication between them is known as what term below?

virtual circuit

A connection between network nodes that, although based on potentially disparate physical links, logically appears to be a direct, dedicated link between those nodes.

DSLAM (DSL access multiplexer)

A connectivity device located at a telecommunications carrier's office that aggregates multiple DSL subscriber lines and connects them to a larger carrier or to the Internet backbone.

dedicated line

A continuously available link or service that is leased through another carrier. Examples of dedicated lines include ADSL, T-1, and T-3.

Wireless spectrum (6)

A continuum of the electromagnetic waves used for data and voice communication, arranged lowest to highest according to frequency

honeypot (8)

A decoy system that is purposely vulnerable to lure hackers

DSL (digital subscriber line)

A dedicated WAN technology that uses advanced data modulation techniques at the Physical layer to achieve high throughput over regular phone lines. DSL comes in several different varieties, the most common of which is Asymmetric DSL (ADSL).

OLT (optical line terminal)

A device located at the carrier's endpoint of a passive optical network. An OLT contains multiple optical ports, or PON interfaces, and a splitter that subdivides the capacity of each port into up to 32 logical channels, one per subscriber.

DSL modem

A device that demodulates an incoming DSL signal, extracting the information and passing it to the data equipment (such as telephones and computers), and modulates an outgoing DSL signal.

cable modem

A device that modulates and demodulates signals for transmission and reception via cable wiring.

DSU (data service unit)

A device used in T-carrier technology that converts T-carrier frames into frames the LAN can interpret and vice versa. Typically, a DSU is combined with a CSU in a single device, a CSU/DSU.

NT1 (Network Termination 1)

A device used on ISDN networks that connects the incoming twisted-pair wiring with the customer's ISDN terminal equipment.

TA (terminal adapter)

A device used to convert digital signals into analog signals for use with ISDN phones and other analog devices. TAs are sometimes called ISDN modems, although they are not actually modems.

CSU (channel service unit)

A device used with T-carrier technology that provides termination for the digital signal and ensures connection integrity through error correction and line monitoring. Typically, a CSU is combined with a DSU in a single device, a CSU/DSU.


A digital carrier standard used in Europe that offers 32 channels and a maximum of 2.048-Mbps throughput.


A digital carrier standard used in Europe that offers 512 channels and a maximum of 34.368-Mbps throughput.


A digital carrier standard used in North America and most of Asia that can carry the equivalent of 672 channels for voice, data, video, or audio, with a maximum data throughput of 44.736 Mbps (typically rounded up to 45 Mbps for purposes of discussion). T-3s rely on time division multiplexing and require either fiber-optic or microwave transmission media.

T-1 (terrestrial carrier level 1)

A digital carrier standard used in North America and most of Asia that provides 1.544—Mbps throughput and 24 channels for voice, data, video, or audio signals. T-1s rely on time division multiplexing and may use shielded or unshielded twisted pair, coaxial cable, fiber optics, or microwave links.

frame relay

A digital, packet-switched WAN technology whose protocols operate at the Data Link layer. The name is derived from the fact that data is separated into frames, which are then relayed from one node to another without any verification or processing. A frame relay customer chooses the amount of bandwidth he requires and pays for only that amount.

data-link connection identifier (DLCI)

A field in a frame relay frame that routers read to determine which circuit to use for the frame.

Packet-filtering (8)

A firewall that examines the header of every packet of data it receives to determine if it is authorized to continue to its destination; simplest kind of firewall

Stateful firewall (8)

A firewall that is able to inspect each incoming packet to determine whether it belongs to a currently active connection

Stateless firewall (8)

A firewall that manages each incoming packet without regard to currently active connections

network-based firewall (8)

A firewall that protects an entire network

host-based firewall (8)

A firewall used to protect the computer on which it is installed

near-field communication (NFC) (6)

A form of radio communication that transfers data over very short distances (10cm or less)

SONET (Synchronous Optical Network)

A high-bandwidth WAN signaling technique that specifies framing and multiplexing techniques at the Physical layer of the OSI model. Its four key strengths are that it can integrate many other WAN technologies, it offers fast data transfer rates, it allows for simple link additions and removals, and its double ring of fiber-optic cable provides a high degree of fault tolerance.

99.99% (9)

A highly available server is available what percentage of the time?​

fiber line driver

A line driver installed on a fiber-optic cable.

copper line driver

A line driver installed on copper lines.

HFC (hybrid fiber-coax)

A link that consists of fiber cable connecting the cable company's offices to a node location near the customer and fiber or coaxial cable connecting the node to the customer's house. HFC upgrades to existing cable wiring are required before older TV cable systems can provide Internet access.

SVC (switched virtual circuit)

A logical, point-to-point connection that relies on switches to determine the optimal path between sender and receiver. SVCs are established when parties need to transmit, then terminated after the transmission is complete. Frame relay technology uses SVCs.

split horizon

A method for preventing routing loops. This Layer 3 technology is employed by distance-vector routing protocols to ensure that a router knows which of its interfaces received a routing update so the router will not retransmit that same update back on the same interface.

LANE (LAN Emulation)

A method for transporting token ring or Ethernet frames over ATM networks. LANE encapsulates incoming Ethernet or token ring frames, then converts them into ATM cells for transmission over an ATM network.

broadband cable

A method of connecting to the Internet over a cable network. In broadband cable, computers are connected to a cable modem that modulates and demodulates signals for transmission and reception via cable wiring.

Active scanning (6)

A method used by wireless stations to detect the presence of an access point. Using this method, the station issues a probe to each channel in its frequency range and waits for the access point to respond.

SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card

A microchip installed in a cellular device to hold data about the subscription a user has with the cellular carrier. GSM networks require that a cellular device have a SIM card.

PON (passive optical network)

A network in which a carrier uses fiber-optic cabling to connect with multiple endpoints— for example, many businesses on a city block. The word passive applies because in a PON no repeaters or other connectivity devices intervene between a carrier and its customer.

Wireless PAN (WPAN) (6)

A network that ranges within a few meters, used by Bluetooth

ad hoc WLAN (6)

A network where nodes or stations transmit directly to each other without an intervening connectivity device

WAN link

A point-to-point connection between two nodes on a WAN.

PVC (permanent virtual circuit)

A point-to-point connection over which data may follow any number of different paths, as opposed to a dedicated line that follows a predefined path. PVCs are established before data needs to be transmitted and are maintained after the transmission is complete. Frame relay technology uses PVCs.


A popular throughput rate for SONET services, providing a maximum 155.52 Mbps.


A preventive measure on a network that can help reduce excessive bandwidth utilization, and also help protect a company from legal ramifications and liabilities, by preventing certain types of traffic from entering or exiting the network.

net neutrality

A principle whereby Internet users demand uninhibited access to Internet content.

Trojan horse (8)

A program that claims to do something useful but instead harms the computer or system

Virus (8)

A program that replicates itself with the intent to infect more computers

Bot (8)

A program that runs automatically, without requiring a person to start or stop it

Reverse proxy (8)

A proxy that provides services to Internet clients from servers on its own network

Security audit (8)

A security assessment that happens to companies accredited by an agency that sets network security standards

WPS attack (6)

A security exploit in which a WPS PIN is discovered by means of a brute force attack, giving the attacker access to the network's WPA2 key. The PIN feature in WPS should be disabled if possible

Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI) (8)

A security feature that draws on the database to detect faked ARP messages

Acceptable use policy (AUP) (8)

A security policy that explains to users what they can and cannot do and penalties for violations

Unified Threat Management (UTM) (8)

A security strategy that combines multiple layers of security appliances and technologies into a single safety net

5060 (9)

A server running the SIP protocol listens on what TCP/UDP port for unsecured communications?​

FTTH (fiber to the home)

A service in which a residential customer is connected to his carrier's network with fiber-optic cable.

FTTP (fiber to the premises)

A service in which a residential or business customer is connected to his carrier's network using fiber-optic cable.

SSID (6)

A services set identifier (SSID) is a unique character string used to identify an access point

fair access policy

A set of guidelines designed to ensure that users have access to the content they require in order to do their jobs without hogging network resources from other users.

Network Monitor (9)

A software-based tool that monitors traffic on the network from a server or workstation attached to the network. It can typically interpret up to Layer 3 OSI model.

Network Access Control (NAC) (8)

A solution that employs a set of rules, which determine the level and type of access granted to a device when it joins a network

geostationary orbit

A special case of geosynchronous orbit in which the satellite stays directly above the equator and appears stationary from Earth. Geostationary orbit satellites are the type used to provide satellite Internet access.

WAN interface card (WIC)

A specialized NIC that can act as a CSU/DSU in order to connect a device directly to a WAN.


A standard for terminating wires in an 8—pin connector. It's similar to R]-45, but pins 1 and 2 serve as the receive pair, and pins 4 and 5 serve as the transmit pair. R]—48 is the preferred connector type for T-1 connections that rely on twisted-pair wiring.

IEEE 1905.1-2013

A standard operating between Layers 2 and 3 that integrates multiple wired and wireless networking technologies, such as IEEE 1901, IEEE 802.11, and IEEE 802.3.

IEEE 1901-2010

A standard that defines the broadband over powerline technology.

IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) (8)

A system that stands between the attacker and the network/host and can prevent traffic from getting through


A technique that checks for existing wireless transmissions before it begins to send data, for collision avoidance

GPRS (General Packet Radio Services)

A technology added to GSM to provide data services on a cellular network.

Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS)

A technology added to GSM to provide data services on a cellular network. EGPRS is an improvement over the earlier GPRS.


A term used to describe data traffic that flows from a carrier's facility to the customer. In asymmetrical communications, downstream throughput is usually much higher than upstream throughput. In symmetrical communications, downstream and upstream throughputs are equal.


A term used to describe data traffic that flows from a customer's site to a carrier's facility. In asymmetrical communications, upstream throughput is usually much lower than downstream throughput. In symmetrical communications, upstream and downstream throughputs are equal.

Posture assessment (8)

A thorough examination of each aspect of the network to determine how it might be compromised

guard tone

A tone at a particular frequency that indicates a calling modem has successfully contacted another modem on the other end.


A transmission method in which data being transmitted and received by nodes do not have to conform to any timing scheme. In asynchronous communications, a node can transmit at any time and the destination node must accept the transmission as it comes.

A single switch can manage traffic belonging to several VLANs on a single interface, by configuring the interface as what option below?​

A trunk port

A single switch can manage traffic belonging to several VLANs on a single interface, by configuring the interface as what option below?​ (10)

A trunk port

PRI (Primary Rate Interface)

A type of ISDN that uses 23 bearer channels and one 64-Kbps data channel, represented by the notation 23B+D.

star topology WAN

A type of WAN in which a single site acts as the central connection point for several other points. This arrangement provides separate routes for data between any two sites; however, if the central connection point fails, the entire WAN fails.

ring topology WAN

A type of WAN in which each site is connected to two other sites so that the entire WAN forms a ring pattern.

tiered topology WAN

A type of WAN in which sites that are connected in star or ring formations are interconnected at different levels, with the interconnection points being organized into layers to form hierarchical groupings.

Omnidirectional antenna (6)

A type of antenna that issues and receives wireless signals with equal strength and clarity in all directions. This type of antenna is used when many different receivers must be able to pick up the signal, or when the receiver's location is highly mobile.​

Wireless Routers (6)

Access points that include routing functions are also called _______________.​

What are the three topologies or "layouts" for a WiFi architecture? Which of the three is used in a large building such as a shopping mall? (6)

Ad hoc - smaller wireless networks Infrastructure - nearly all wireless networks use an infrastructure WLAN topology Mesh- common for WLAN to include several access points. Mesh in combination with infrastructure are used in large buildings such as shopping malls

half-duplex (6)

All 802.11 standards use ______________ signaling, meaning a wireless station can only transmit or receive, but cannot do both simultaneously.​

T (6)

All wireless signals are carried through the air by electromagnetic waves.


Also known as WiMAX 2, the IEEE standard for a version of 802.16 that achieves theoretical throughputs of 330 Mbps with lower latency and better quality for VoIP applications than previous WiMAX versions. 802.16m has been approved as a true 4G technology.

data frame (6)

An 802.11 frame type that is responsible for carrying data between stations. Two other frame types include management frames, which are involved in association and reassociation, and control frames, which are related to medium access and data delivery.​

signal level

An ANSI standard for T-carrier technology that refers to its Physical layer electrical signaling characteristics. DSO is the equivalent of one data or voice channel. All other signal levels are multiples of DSO.

Ethernet over power (EOP)

An Ethernet LAN connection implemented over the electrical wiring in a building using a pair of power-line adapters, one at each end of the connection, that plug into power outlets.

Carrier-Ethernet Transport (CET)

An Ethernet-based transport solution designed to overcome the inherent weaknesses of implementing Ethernet outside of a LAN environment.

HIDS (8)

An IDS that alerts about attacks to a single host and is installed on a single computer

NIDS (8)

An IDS that protects a network, usually situated at the edge of the network or DMZ

HIPS (8)

An IPS for protecting certain hosts

NIPS (8)

An IPS for protecting entire networks

NT2 (Network Termination 2)

An additional connection device required on PRI to handle the multiple ISDN lines between the customer's network termination connection and the local phone company's wires.

Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF)

An alliance of over 220 industry organizations worldwide that standardizes Metro Ethernet and Carrier Ethernet technologies.

Buffer overflow (8)

An attack that forces the buffer size beyond its allotted space to save data into adjacent memory areas.

fractional T-1

An arrangement that allows a customer to lease only some of the channels on a T-1 line.

bluesnarfing (6)

An attack in which a Bluetooth connection is used to download data from a device without the owner's permission.​

Phishing (8)

An attack in which a person attempts to glean access or authentication information by posing as someone who needs that information

WAN site

An individual geographic location or endpoint connected by a WAN.

smart jack

An intelligent type of NIU located at the customer's demarc that can provide diagnostic information about the interface.


An intermediate connection between subscriber networks and a telecommunications carrier's network.

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)

An international standard that uses PSTN lines to carry digital signals. It specifies protocols at the Physical, Data Link, and Transport layers of the OSI model. ISDN lines may carry voice and data signals simultaneously.

DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification)

An international, cooperative effort orchestrated by Cable- Labs that standardized broadband cable service.

OC (Optical Carrier)

An internationally recognized rating that indicates throughput rates for SONET connections.

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)

An open standard that uses digital communication of data, which is separated by time slots on a channel. GSM is accepted and used worldwide to provide cellular service.

Data breach (8)

An unauthorized access or use of sensitive data

Explain the difference between a unidirectional antenna and an omnidirectional antenna. (6)

An unidirectional or directional antenna issues wireless signals along a single directions, while a omnidirectional antenna issues and receives wireless signals in equal lengths and clarity in all directions

Omnidirectional antenna (6)

Antenna that issues and receives wireless signals with equal strength and clarity in all directions

Unidirectional antenna (directional antenna) (6)

Antenna that issues wireless signals along a single direction, used often in point-to-point communications

​A software configuration that can be used to disable STP on specific ports, such as the port leading to the network's demarc. It prevents access to network links that should not be considered when plotting STP paths in a network.

BPDU filter​

​A software configuration that can be used to disable STP on specific ports, such as the port leading to the network's demarc. It prevents access to network links that should not be considered when plotting STP paths in a network. (10)

BPDU filter​

True (9)

CALEA requires telecommunications carriers and equipment manufacturers to provide for surveillance capabilities.​

​In CIDR notation, the forward slash plus the number of bits used for the network ID. For example, the CIDR block for is /22.

CIDR block

​In CIDR notation, the forward slash plus the number of bits used for the network ID. For example, the CIDR block for is /22. (10)

CIDR block

A centrally managed DHCP server can provide DHCP to multiple VLANs by configuring a ___________.​

DHCP relay agent

A centrally managed DHCP server can provide DHCP to multiple VLANs by configuring a ___________.​ (10)

DHCP relay agent

Security policy (8)

Document that identifies your security goals, risks, levels of authority, and more. Staple of a organization with IT uses

What are three reasons to segment a network? (10)

Enhanced security Improved performance Simplified troubleshooting

NFC tags are very expensive and cannot be purchased blank, requiring them to be pre-loaded.​ (6)


Network segmentation decreases both performance and security on a network.


Network segmentation decreases both performance and security on a network. (10)


Only Class B and Class C networks can be subnetted.​


Only Class B and Class C networks can be subnetted.​ (10)


Content-filtering firewall (8)

Firewall that can block designated types of traffic based on the application data contained within the packets

Next Generation Firewalls (NGFW) (8)

Firewalls that have built-in application control features and other new advanced technology

802.11b (6)

First Wi-Fi standard released, least expensive, uses 2.4 GHz band

802.11ac (6)

First Wi-Fi standard to approach Gigabit Ethernet capabilities

802.11a (6)

First Wi-Fi standard to use the 5 GHz band

​Cisco's proprietary standard, similar to VRRP, that assigns a virtual IP address to a group of routers. At first, messages routed to the virtual IP address are handled by the active router. If the active router fails, standby routers stand in line to take over responsibility for the virtual IP address. (10)

HSRP (Hot Standby Routing Protocol)​

Describe the hidden node problem, and explain how it can be mitigated. (6)

Hidden nodes are nodes that are physically located far apart from each other on a wireless network. These nodes are not visible to other nodes on the other side of the coverage area. The distance from each other prevents collaboration in preventing collisions. A way to ensure that packets are not inhibited by other transmissions is to reserve the medium for one station's use. In 802.11 this is accomplished through an optional protocol RTS/CTS (request to send / clear to send).

BPL (broadcast over power line)

High-speed Internet access delivered over the electrical grid.

ONU (optical network unit)

In a passive optical network, the device near the customer premises that terminates a carrier's fiber-optic cable connection and distributes signals to multiple endpoints via fiber-optic cable, in the case of FTTP, or via copper.

Media gateway controller (9)

In order for gateways to exchange and translate signaling and control information with each other so that voice and video packets are properly routed through a network, what intermediate device is needed?

Diffraction (6)

In the context of wireless signal propagation, the phenomenon that occurs when an electromagnetic wave encounters an obstruction and splits into secondary waves. The secondary waves continue to propagate in the direction in which they were split.


In the context of wireless transmission, the connection between a carrier's antenna and a client's transceiver—for example, a smartphone.


In the context of wireless transmission, the connection between a client's transceiver and a carrier's antenna.

At what two layers do wireless LANs operate at?​ (6)

Layer 1 and Layer 2

Access control list (ACL) (8)

List of privileges by source and content that determines what packets are allowed into a network

True (9)

Most UNIX and Linux desktop operating systems provide a GUI application for easily viewing and filtering the information in system logs.

In ___________, a vNIC relies on the host machine to act as a NAT device.​

NAT mode

In ___________, a vNIC relies on the host machine to act as a NAT device.​ (10)

NAT mode


NSA specification creating to define protection standards with emitting information

What type of VLAN automatically receives all untagged frames?​

Native VLAN

What type of VLAN automatically receives all untagged frames?​ (10)

Native VLAN

infrastructure WLAN (6)

Network that relies on an intervening connectivity device called a wireless access point

Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) (6)

Networks that transmit signals through the air via radio frequency (RF) waves

5 GHz band (6)

Newer band of signals used by Wireless LANs that include 5.1 GHz, 5.3 GHz, 5.4 GHz, and 5.8 GHz

SS7 (9)

On circuit switched portions of a PSTN, what set of standards established by the ITU is used to handle call signaling


One aspect of the __________________ regulation addresses the security and privacy of medical records, including those stored or transmitted electronically.​

AF Assured Forwarding (9)

One of two DiffServ forwarding specifications. It allows routers to assign data streams one of several prioritization levels, but it provides no guarantee that, on a busy network, messages will arrive on time or in sequence. It is specified in the DiffServ field in an IPv4 packet.


One way to limit excessive bandwidth consumption of a specific user, group of users, type of device, type of traffic, or (as in the case of ISPs) a subscriber to the service. Throttling means to purposely slow down bandwidth utilization or to block additional access once a certain threshold has been reached.

Giants (9)

Packets that exceed the medium's maximum packet size are known by what term?​

Logic bombs (8)

Programs designed to start when certain conditions are met

Worms (8)

Programs that try to spread through any type of file transfer like email, and may contain viruses

RTS/CTS (Request to Send/Clear to Send) (6)

Protocol that enables a source node to issue a signal to an access point requesting the exclusive opportunity to transmit

implicit deny rule (8)

Rule that ensures that any traffic that the ACL does not explicitly permit is denied by default

161 (9)

SNMP agents receive requests from an NMS on what port number?​

TLS (9)

SNMP messages can be secured with ________, in which case agents receive requests on port UDP 10161, and the NMS receives responses and traps on UDP 10162.​


SONET throughput service used by ISPs for WAN connections, and by some large enterprises. OC-12 provides a maximum 622.08 Mbps.

Heuristic scanning (8)

Scanning techniques that attempt to identify malware by discovering "malware-like" behavior


Second-generation mobile phone service, popular in the 1990s. 2G was the first standard to use digital transmission, and as such, it paved the way for texting and media downloads on mobile devices.

Backdoors (8)

Security flaws that allow unauthorized users to gain access to the system

Wi-MAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)

See 802.16.


See 802.16m.

WiMAX Release 2

See 802.16m.

honeynet (8)

Several honeypots connected together

Hacker (8)

Someone who masters the inner workings of computer hardware and software in an effort to better understand them

To eliminate the possibility of traffic loops on switches and bridges, the ____________ is used.

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)

To eliminate the possibility of traffic loops on switches and bridges, the ____________ is used. (10)

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)


Standards that specify a method of signaling using TDM (time division multiplexing) over two wire pairs to divide a single channel into multiple channels, which enables digital data to be transmitted at high speeds over the PSTN. T-carrier standards are also called T-CXR standards, and include T-1s, fractional T-1s, and T-3s.

Why do switches use Spanning Tree Protocol? (10)

Switches without STP create traffic loops that flood the network causing a "broadcast storm" -severely impairing network performance. STP prevents traffic/switching loops by formulating paths that serve to avoid possible loops and artificially blocking links that would complete loops

syslog? (9)

Sylog is a standard protocol for generating, storing, and processing messages about events on the system.

Lures (8)

Systems that can provide unique information about hacking behavior

False (9)

TCP is preferred over UDP for real time services.​


The IEEE standard for broadband wireless metropolitan area networking (also known as WiMAX). 802.16 networks may use frequencies between 2 GHz and 66 GHz. Their antennas may operate in a line-of-sight or nonline-of-sight manner and cover 50 kilometers (or approximately 30 miles). 802.16 connections can achieve a maximum throughput of 70 Mbps, though actual throughput diminishes as the distance between transceivers increases. Several 802.16 standards exist. Collectively, they are known as WiMAX.

3 bits (9)

The Priority Code Point field in a frame consists of how many bits?​

True (9)

The SNMP version 3 protocol introduces authentication, validation, and encryption for messages exchanged between devices and the network management console.​

True (6)

The WPS PIN is vulnerable to brute force attacks.​

War Driving (6)

The act of driving around an area while running a laptop configured to detect and capture wireless data transmissions.​

Exploit (8)

The act of taking advantage of a vulnerability

2.4 GHz band (6)

The band of 11 frequency channels originally used, ranging from 2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz


The base rate of a SONET ring's potential throughput, providing a maximum 51.84 Mbps.


The characteristic of a transmission technology that affords greater bandwidth in one direction (either from the customer to the carrier, or vice versa) than in the other direction.

cable drop

The fiber-optic or coaxial cable that connects a neighborhood cable node to a customer's house.

Botnet (zombie army) (8)

The group of zombie computers in a DDoS attack


The first generation of mobile phone services, popular in the 1970s and 1980s, which were entirely analog.

Range (6)

The geographical area that an antenna or wireless system can reach

traffic shaping? (9)

The goals of traffic shaping also called packet shaping are to ensure timely delivery of the most important traffic while optimizing performance for all users.

Trunk port (10)

The interface on a switch capable of managing traffic from multiple VLANs. A trunk is a link configured between two switches' trunk ports.

Access port (10)

The interface on a switch used for an end node. Devices connected to access ports are unaware of VLAN information.

SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy)

The international equivalent of SONET.

ADSL2+M (ADSM Annex M)

The latest version of ADSL. ADSL2+M provides a maximum theoretical throughput of 24 Mbps downstream and a maximum of 3.3 Mbps upstream.


The latest version of LTE, achieving theoretical downlink rates of up to 3 Gbps and uplink rates up to 1.5 Gbps.

CO (central office)

The location where a local or long-distance telephone service provider terminates and interconnects customer lines.

ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line)

The most popular variation of DSL. The latest version of ADSL, ADSL2+M, offers more throughput when data travels downstream than when data travels upstream.

geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO)

The orbit of a satellite that maintains a constant distance from a point on the equator at every point in its orbit.

local loop

The part of a phone system that connects a customer site with a telecommunications carrier's switching facility.


The process of combining more than one B channel of an ISDN line to increase throughput. For example, BRI's two 64-Kbps B channels are bonded to create an effective throughput of 128 Kbps.

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (6)

The proportion of noise to the strength of a signal

Network segmentation (8)

The separating of portions of the network to protect some resources while granting access to others


The term used to refer to all varieties of DSL.

War Chalking (6)

The use of chalk to draw symbols on a sidewalk or wall within range of an access point. The symbols, patterned after marks that hobos devised to indicate hospitable places for food or rest, indicate the access point's SSID and whether it's secured.​

SDN (Software defined networking) (10)

The virtualization of network services in which a network controller manages these services instead of the services being directly managed by the hardware devices involved.


Third-generation mobile phone service, released in the early 2000s, that specifies throughputs of 384 Kbps and packet switching for data (but not voice) communications.

Goodput (6)

Throughput experienced at the application level


To transmit a routing update between routers.

Nessus (8)

Tool that identifies unencrypted, sensitive data saved on your network's hosts

Because Layer 2 switches use MAC addresses for communication, and each port is assigned a MAC address, VLANs are considered a Layer 2 solution for segmenting a network.​


Because Layer 2 switches use MAC addresses for communication, and each port is assigned a MAC address, VLANs are considered a Layer 2 solution for segmenting a network.​ (10)


Multipath signaling is a significant cause of fading.​ (6)


The Spanning Tree Protocol stipulates that on any bridge, only one root port, which is the bridge's port that is closest to the root bridge, can forward frames toward the root bridge.​


The Spanning Tree Protocol stipulates that on any bridge, only one root port, which is the bridge's port that is closest to the root bridge, can forward frames toward the root bridge.​ (10)


The use of virtualization allows for isolation of each guest system such that problems on one system do not affect another system.


The use of virtualization allows for isolation of each guest system such that problems on one system do not affect another system. (10)


SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) (8)

Type of system that can be configured to evaluate all of the logged data from IDS, IPS, firewalls, and other network security devices

Penetration testing (8)

Using tools to try to break into a system to discover security vulnerabilities

A ___________ occurs when an attacker generates transmissions that appear, to the switch, to belong to a protected VLAN.​

VLAN hopping attack

A ___________ occurs when an attacker generates transmissions that appear, to the switch, to belong to a protected VLAN.​ (10)

VLAN hopping attack

​An attack in which the attacker generates transmissions that appear, to the switch, to belong to a protected VLAN.

VLAN hopping attack

​An attack in which the attacker generates transmissions that appear, to the switch, to belong to a protected VLAN. (10)

VLAN hopping attack

​A standard that assigns a virtual IP address to a group of routers. At first, messages routed to the virtual IP address are handled by the master router. If the master router fails, backup routers stand in line to take over responsibility for the virtual IP address.

VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)

​A standard that assigns a virtual IP address to a group of routers. At first, messages routed to the virtual IP address are handled by the master router. If the master router fails, backup routers stand in line to take over responsibility for the virtual IP address. (10)

VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)

What two options below describe a router protocol that is used to assign a virtual IP address​ to a group of routers so that the routers function as a group?


What two options below describe a router protocol that is used to assign a virtual IP address​ to a group of routers so that the routers function as a group? (10)


Boot sector viruses (8)

Virus placed in the boot sector of a computer's hard disk so that it boots up in place of the normal system files

File-infector viruses (8)

Viruses that attach themselves to executable files and copy themselves to memory when the executable file is run

Polymorphic viruses (8)

Viruses that change their characteristics every time they are transferred to a new system

stealth virus (8)

Viruses that disguise themselves as legitimate programs, like Trojan Horses

Network viruses (8)

Viruses that propagate themselves via network protocols, commands, messaging programs, and data links

Macro viruses (8)

Viruses that take the form of a macro, which can be run in programs like Word and Excel

​ Management Frames (6)

What 802.11 frame type is involved in association and reassociation, including probe and beacon frames?

Radiation pattern (6)

What describes the relative strength over a 3D area of all the electromagnetic energy the antenna sends or receives

600mps (6)

What is the maximum theoretical throughput of 802.11n?

79% (9)

What percentage of Internet traffic, as estimated by Cisco Systems, will be devoted to video traffic by 2018?​

MPLS (9)

What protocol enables multiple types of Layer 3 protocols to travel over any one of several connection-oriented Layer 2 protocols?​

​PCI DSS (9)

What security standard below was created to protect credit card data and transactions, requiring network segmentation as part of security controls?​

scattering (6)

What signal propagation phenomena causes the diffusion, or the reflection in multiple different directions, of a signal?​

2.4 GHz & 5GHz (6)

What two frequencies below are used for most wireless networks?​

PBX and private branch exchange (9)

What two terms below are used to describe a telephone switch that connects and manages calls within a private organization?​

IP PBX and digital PBX (9)

What two terms below are used to describe an analog-to-digital voice conversion device that accepts and interprets both analog and digital voice signals?

Packet Sniffers and Network tap (9)

What two terms below describe a network device with three ports, two of which send and receive all traffic, and the third port mirrors the traffic?​

network tap and packet sniffer(9)

What two terms below describe a network device with three ports, two of which send and receive all traffic, and the third port mirrors the traffic?​

wireless mesh network (WMN) (6)

What two terms below describe a wireless network topology in which access points work as peer devices on the same network?​

Traffic Shaping and Packet shaping (9)

What two terms below describe the process of manipulating certain characteristics of packets, data streams, or connections to manage the type and amount of traffic traversing a network or interface at any moment?​

Port mirroring (8)

Where one port is configured to send a copy of all its traffic to a second port on the switch. The second port issues the copied traffic to a monitoring program

Control Frame (6)

Which 802.11 frame type is related to medium access and data delivery, and includes ACK and RTS/CTS frames?​

MIMO (6)

Which 802.11 wireless innovation allows for the use of multiple antennas on an access point that can issue a signal to one or more receivers?​

iwconfig (6)

Which command below can be used on Linux to modify the SSID of the access point you choose to associate with?​

A wireless carrier to handle the voice path (9)

Which of the following is not a requirement in order to use a softphone?​

802.11n (6)

Wi-Fi standard created for higher effective throughput than the other 802.11 standards, boasts maximum throughput of 600 Mbps, backward compatible

802.11g (6)

Wi-Fi standard designed to be as affordable as b while increasing its maximum theoretical throughput, compatible with b networks

Ghosts (9)

______ are frames that are not actually data frames, but aberrations caused by a device misinterpreting stray voltage on the wire.​

Infrared (IR) (6)

_________________ is an outdated wireless technology that has been mostly replaced by Bluetooth to connect personal devices.​

NFC (near field communication) near field communication NFC (6)

__________________ is a form of radio communication that transfers data wirelessly over very short distances (usually 10 cm or less).​

STP selects the root bridge based on what option below?​

bridge ID (BID)

STP selects the root bridge based on what option below?​ (10)

bridge ID (BID)

​Which network type allows a vNIC to access a network directly using the host machine's NIC?

bridged mode

​Which network type allows a vNIC to access a network directly using the host machine's NIC? (10)

bridged mode

How is centralized management of wireless networks made possible?​

centralized management of wireless networks made possible by a lightweight wireless protocol such as Cisco's proprietary lightweight Access Point Protocol (LAPP), which directs all wireless frames to a controller by adding extra headers to the frames.

How is centralized management of wireless networks made possible?​ (10)

centralized management of wireless networks made possible by a lightweight wireless protocol such as Cisco's proprietary lightweight Access Point Protocol (LAPP), which directs all wireless frames to a controller by adding extra headers to the frames.

A switch is typically preconfigured with one __________ that includes all its ports.

default VLAN

A switch is typically preconfigured with one __________ that includes all its ports. (10)

default VLAN

​An untagged VLAN on a switch that will automatically receive all untagged frames. Options for native VLANs vary according to the switch manufacturer and model.

native VLAN

​An untagged VLAN on a switch that will automatically receive all untagged frames. Options for native VLANs vary according to the switch manufacturer and model. (10)

native VLAN

In an IPv6 address, the first 64 bits of the address are known as what?​

routing prefix

In an IPv6 address, the first 64 bits of the address are known as what?​ (10)

routing prefix

​The interface on a switch capable of managing traffic from multiple VLANs. A trunk is a link configured between two switches' trunk ports.

trunk port

​The interface on a switch capable of managing traffic from multiple VLANs. A trunk is a link configured between two switches' trunk ports. (10)

trunk port

​A server that exists as a virtual machine, created and managed by virtualization software on a host, or physical, computer.

virtual server​

​A server that exists as a virtual machine, created and managed by virtualization software on a host, or physical, computer. (10)

virtual server​

A network with the subnet mask would have what CIDR block?​


A network with the subnet mask would have what CIDR block?​ (10)


What two items below make up a Bridge ID?​

​2 byte priority field, ​MAC address

What two items below make up a Bridge ID?​ (10)

​2 byte priority field, ​MAC address

​Which supernet mask below would allow an organization to cover the following networks with one routing entry:,,,


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