New Nation/Civil War

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Lewis and Clark Expedition

jefferson sent lewis and clark to explore the new territory of Louisiana ad other states.

simple president

jefferson wanted to be a simple president. took off powered wig, walked own inauguration casual clothes

Frederick Douglas

born into slavery. taught to read and write by slaveowners wife. began to work good jobs and learned how useful his knowledge would be


by 1820s, abolitionists start to speak out. it is the call the outlaw slavery. more and more whites started to crtizise slavery.

wilmot proviso

california, utah, and new mexico would be closed to slavery for good. northern states supported the amendment because the southern congressmen wouldn't vote for internment industrial improvements. the south disagreed with it because they had a fear of more free states entering the union.

appomattox court house

confederacy surrenders on April 9th 1865. too many losses and no weapons or materials left. lincoln made terms not harsh. sent soliders home with personal belongings horses and 3 days rations.

women and reform

despite their restrictions, many women helped in the different movements. ex-abolition.

The American Plan

James madison's plan to increase infrastructure and to become a self sufficient country. we need to use advantages of each part of the country/ -establish tariffs (tax on foreign goods) -reestablish the national bank -transportation (like eerie canal)

three main causes of the civil war

-states vs. federal authority -sectionalism -slavery

Jefferson wins presidency

1800. adams vs. jefferson. got same number of electoral votes as burr. Finally after days of arguing, Hamilton intervened and said that jefferson was more qualified despite their opposite views.

women and education

1821, the first school for women was opened. very few girls were educated before this.

what years were the civil war fought?


John Adams

2nd president. greatest accomplishment is keeping us out of war with the french and britain who were mad at us for not supporting them and helping with trade. XYZ affaris

where was most of the war fought?

70% in viginia

spoils system

Andrew Jackson system. fired 10 percent of federal government officials and replaced them with his friends to help him in presidency.


Bloodiest single day in American history, the North wins the battle and the south retreates to central Virginia.

Washington D.C.

Hamilton wanted to win southern states over for national banking plan. He suggested that the nations capital be moved from NYC to closer south. This please southerners because the capital would be right by then -new district-of colombia.

Compromise of 1850

Henry clay created this to try and please both the north and the south. California would be admitted as a free state and the to satisfy the south, the fugitive slave law had to be renewed.

Marbury vs madison

Marbury was a midnight judge hired by adams and his papers were not delivered to him by the time adams was out of office. The new secretary of state, James madison, refused to give him his papers. Marbury went to court, and said that Madison did not have to give him the paper because it was unconstitutional.. this brought upon judicial review.

Louisiana Purchase

Napoleon got Louisiana land from spain. this worried america because they did not want to have france in such a large territory in the US. Jefferson wanted to compromise but the napoleon decided to sell it anyways. Jefferson bought Louisiana for 15 million dollars. land of the US more than doubled!! this won jefferson reelection in 1804.

1812 war end

Treaty of Ghent in 1814 declared an armistice, or an end to all fighting between britain and america.


a statement saying the US would not support either side of the french revolution.

election of 1860

abe lincoln won even though he received less of a popular vote. the south was MAD because they thought they lost all political voice they had because they voted for buchanan, other candidate

thirteenth amendment

abolished slavery. south was so desperate and in need by the end of the war, they had no choice but to ratify this amendment.

ailen sedation act

after some undeclared fighting with france, US thought that frenchmen were everywhere plotting to overthrow gov. made this act to restrict citizens and allowed press to throw out anyone suspicious. acts passed by federalists giving the government power to imprison or deport foreign citizens and prosecute critics of the government

fugitive slave act

alleged fugitives were not entitled to a trial by jury, or testify on own behalf.

manifest destiny

americans believed that after the war of 1812, they were destined by g-d to move west into the pacific ocean and mexico territory. some people went for economic reasons, others for amounts of land. caused problems with native americans

National bank-Jackson

anti federalist. jackson did not favor the national bank. he thought only certain people benefitted from it and felt like it was killing him. He wanted to kill it before it killed him. set up specific state banks instead called Pet banks.

Thomas Jefferson

antifederalist/democratic republican federal gov should have shared power with the sates strict interpretation of the constitution economy is based on agriculture NO NATIONAL BANKS

william tecumsah sherman

appointed by grant as commander of military division. both of them believed in total war and that they needed to wipe out the sotherns troops and civilians. started wiping out everything in his path. conf. tried to circle him but failed because sherman;s army was stronger. by the end, knew the conf lost and began handing out food to help in NC

differences of north vs. south

as the north started to rapidly industrialize and fear slavery, the south remained rural and survived off of crops and plantations. Slavery was very popular and the southern states were angered about the debate of slavery.

James Madison

becomes president in 1812. federalist. declares war on britan

New orleans

during the war of 1812, Andrew Jackson, general earned national fame. series of battles against british. at battle of new orleans, after 1812 war ended, killed hundreds of british troops.

industrial revolution

early 1800s started in great britain. allowed for mass production of items. jefferson didn't support and hamilton did support.

temperance movement

effort to abolish drinking alcohol. women helped with this

mass production

factories made this and the industrial revolution possible. it is producing things in large quantities.

Alexander Hamilton

federalist. in favor of a strong federal government. loos interpretation of the constitution economy based on industry, farming, and merchants. YES NATIONAL BANKS

battle of bull run

first major battle of the civil war when the union inexperienced troops were going to richmond. met a south inexperienced troop and the south had a first victory. after this lincoln called for many men to enlist for 3 years

seneca falls convention

first women rights convention. 300 men and women gathered for the convention, and the declaration they created was unanimously accepted. all were accepted except the women right to vote.

Indian removal act of 1830

five main tribes had a lot of land in the south that southern planters wanted for plantations. this act signed over 90 treaties funded by the gov for the indians to be forced to move west.

Grant fighting in VA

fought battle after battle. lost 60000 men he could replace easily while south lost 32000 men they couldn't replace.

British tension with US

france and britain began tensions again in 1800s. british would seize random american ships and recruit their soliders. Jefferson said we would stop inputting and exporting from britain

empancipation proclimation

freed slaves under the confederates control. lincoln did not see this go into effect because he was assassinated.

Edomond Genet

french diplomat who came to america to try and get US on french side. ended up recruiting members to fight which violated constitution of neutrality. got scared of US and then just became a citizen our of fear.

french affairs with Adams/XYZ affair

french were mad at US for not supporting them during war. sent low officials over to talk and demanded 250000 dollars. called the XYZ affair-provoked anti-french feeling in US

black population during war.

in north, at start of war was 1% and at end was 10% because many enlisted in the army.


last battle of the civil war. another big victory for the union and the south knows that they lost. They set Richmond, their capital on fire to keep the union from capturing it.

robert E. Lee

leader of the confederate army. from virginia

George McClellan

leader of the union army.eventually fired after antiedam and replaced by grant because he didn't do very much that Lincoln asked

gettysburg address

lincoln speech that remade america. renewed the idea that we needed to unify and not be two separate countries,

1864 election

lincoln wins again.

War of 1812

madison declares war on britain. believes they are trying to cripple american economy. the us was not well prepared and had a new navy. very out numbered. british won battles, but then US started to retaliate. then the british began burning towns and the white house.

north advantages

more fighting power, more facotires, and greater food production. more industrialized and a larger skilled governemnt

william lloyd garrison

most radical white abolitionist was an editory. active in religious reform movement. delivered message about empancipation

south advantages

mostly at disadvantages but had the cotton market and soliders that were motivated. but also had a local and limited government. had great military leadership though

south plan

none. little defensive and attack when possible

personal liberty laws

northerners were mad about the fugitive laws. made this to say that no runaway slaves could be prisoned and were then granted a trial by jury.

midnight judges

on last night of his office, adams appointed federalist judges to supreme court to have more influence in a federal way. this angered jefferson.


one of the last confederate holdouts preventing the union from taking the mississippi river. grant led his troops here and seiged. closed in the people and made such a food shortage that people ate dogs. conf soliders said they needed to surrender and grnt won.


opposing the constitution. didn't like having such a strong central government.

fort sumter

part of S.C which was a southern fort which was still under union control. confederacy went here and ordered a surrender or an attack because S.C. was first to leave the union. jefferson davis told confederacy to attack and then the fort surrendered.


placing the interests of one region over those of the nation as a whole.


population dramatically increases because of a gold rush. it skipped the territorial phase of even becoming a state because there were so many people. made a constitution that forbade slavery. this made the south mad

second great awakening

preachers rejected the idea that god predetermined if you would go to heaven or hell. started going around perching about how the individual can take steps in order to help go to heaven rather than hell. also brought chrisitainity to blacks and black churches.

kansas-nebraska act

senator stephan douglas wanted to push back territory beyond missouri and iowa. wanted to build a railroad and organize the western lands which would increase popularity for his democratic party. wanted to use poplar soverieghtny to see if the new land (nebraska would have slavery) however, it lied on the line where slavery was illegal. decided to make it into two states and allow slavery in the other state of kansas. made north mad and they tried to take territory of it which led to battles and many loses. known as bloody kansas.

treaty of fort laramie

since the americans were moving west onto native american's land, they started to attack them. however their alliance was necessary for learning the new land. this gave them certain land for only native americans.

popular soverignty

something that would please both north and south. gave states the choice to vote on slavery or abolition.

3 things you need to industrialize

source of power (like machines or running water) labor raw materials


started by jefferson and adams. each state could declare something constitutional or not and if it was unconstitutional, the states could secede.


starts in NY new movement that takes place after calvinism-you can change you path in life to go to heaven. emotional meeting designed to awakenn religious faith through preaching and prayer. swept across the US.


supporters of the new constitution. they called themselves this because they were in favor the the new government's balance of power between the states and national government

judicial review

the ability of the supreme court to declare an act of congress as unconstitutional.

cherokee fight back

the cherokee tribe wanted to fight back. they dint want to move to inferior lands. the US ended up winning in pushing them back through the trail of tears. 1/4 of cherokee people were burried along this trail.


the confederacy was near its end and union troops were approaching richmond VA from all directions. Grant and Lee met and arranged a meeting for surrender.


the freeing of slaves with no payment to slaveholders.

french revolution

the french revolution broke out for reasons similar to the american revolution. america admired this. we had a treaty to support france. but then we didn't know if we should get involved with war or deny the treaty. we remained neutral and france got mad.

south secession

the south didn't want to give up slavery and wanted more state rights. they saw seccsion as the only way to do this.


the south was getting mad with slavery being forbade and they threatened to leave the union. america looked as if it would end up being two separate nations

confederate states

the southern states seceded and made the confederate states of america with own constitution that was similar to union, but with legal slavery and sovereign state rights.

anoconda plan

the unions strategy of the war. after the snake that suffocates its victims. 1)north would blockade south so they wouldn't be able to import needed stuff or export cotton. 2)union river boats would go down mississippi river splitting the confederacy in two. 3) union army would capture capital at richmond virginia.


there was not a uniform way of going to school. not divided by age in a class. public began to demand public school from the gov. rich opposed and immigrants opposed. by 1850s, each state provided some form of public education. Horace Mann starts public education

democratic republicans

todays democrats. envisioned strong state governments and followed jefferson.

Dorthia Dix

traveled throughtout prisons during reform and found that some criminals were mentally unstable and so opened hospitals for mentally ill patients

jefferson davis

unanimously elected president of confederate states of america


unlikley place for war. conf. heard there were shoes so went there. union had the high ground of gettysberg. conf. fought at first but couldn't win without high ground. then they got the high ground but the union noticed and attacked. the troops fired at each other for 2 hours. finally, north was silent and south marched right towards us only to be attacked with more ammunition. most losses. 23000 for north and 28000 for south. south gave up invading north

Hamilton's plan

wanted to create a national banking system. thought our nation was in debt from revolutionary war. States and gov both in debt and said that the federal gov should pay off everything, because this would make creditors like strong gov more. national bank would give out paper money and tie an alliance with the wealthy people

Reversal of federalism

washington and adams filled many gov positions with federalists. jefferson wanted to restore some democratic republican views and thus replaced some federalists with dem. republicans, making it more balanced.

1796 election

washington did not run again. federalist Adams got 71 electoral votes and democratic republican thomas jefferson got 68. vice press and press were from two parties.

judiciary act of 1801

when adams was leaving office, he pushed this through to congress. it increased the number of judges by 16 and adams filled these spots with federalist. wanted to keep as much federalist influence as possible

cult of domesticity

women faced limited options. women had to restrict activities after marriage to the home and family. the only proper activities for women were housework and children.

american farmers

workers in industrial cities needed food, and so farmers needed to produce more. they used merchandized farm equipment produced in favorites. farmers made a huge contribution and began important consumers of manufactured items

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