New Testament 7-17

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On Paul's return to Jerusalem after his third journey, he was arrested when he spoke the word _______.


Characterize the role played by Abraham in Paul's teaching.


Recently there has been a renewed interest in the analysis of ______, the verses that Matthew and Luke, but not Mark, have in common.


What is ironic about Paul serving as teacher and missionary of the church at Antioch?


What three statements from LK 1:1-4 apply to Acts to explain what Acts contains?

1) reliable traditions about Jesus and the early Christian movement have been handed down by eyewitnesses 2) Luke has made careful investigation of these experiences and reports 3) Luke dedicates his work to the reader's knowledge and growth in the Christian faith

Combined with Luke's Gospel, the Book of Acts makes up over ___________ percent of the new testament.


Describe two significant events from Paul's life in each of the four decades: the A.D. 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s.

30s: Paul converted to Christianity and has his first post conversion to Jerusalem 40s: Paul and Barnabus' trip from syan Antioch through Asia Minor to Macedonia and Achaia, Paul writes letter to the Galatians 50s: Paul's last Jerusalem visit, Paul imprisoned 60s: Paul's house arrest in Rome, and his execution ??? *check *

The Jesus Seminar concluded that out of all the words attributed to Jesus, _________ percent were not spoken by him.


How is the Gospel of John different from the Synoptics?

90% of John has no direct parallels with Matthew, Mark and Luke. John postulates a ministry of 3 years rather than 1, it focuses on different parts of Jesus' teachings, and it emphasizes Jesus' ministry in a different manner.

Give 5 characteristics of a sound hermeneutic for interpreting Scripture.

A sound hermeneutic recognizes that (1) the New Testament relates the story of Christ as the OT foretold, (2) that various witnesses depicted this story, (3) that in Acts the story was spread, (4) that the story was applied in various settings in the Epistles, (5) that it will culminate one day in cosmic judgement as prophesied in Revelation.

The foundation of the gospel Paul preached was the __________ covenant.


The person who served as a reminder of God's provision for his people's needs was __________.


All 3 of Paul's missionary journeys began in the city of ________.


The Roman general Pompey conquered the province of Syria, where Christ's followers were first called Christians in the capital city of __________.


The city that replaced Jerusalem as the city of greatest importance in apostolic times was ________.


Until the Enlightenment, the general approach to the Gospels was based on the view of _________.


The key figure in spreading the gospel to Anitoch was ________.


Why were many early Christians leery of Saul?

Because of his past of killing Christians

Jesus was said to be "the presupposition of New Testament theology" by ________.


Paul appealed to _______ and was sent to _______ for trial.

Caesar, Rome

It was necessary for his safety to move the imprisoned Paul to _______.


Jesus was one of the world's greatest _____.


The person that God used to show Peter and the early church that Gentiles who repented accepted to God was _________.


While in Rome, Paul wrote letters to Philemon and to the ______, ______, and _______.

Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians

The most likely place for John to have written his Gospel is _______.


Jesus had a special relationship to God in that he was _____ to God.


Jesus taught that the kingdom of God belonged to _____, not to us.


While Latin was the native language of Romans, the language of culture and commerce was _________.


Social consciousness in the first century was shaped by a process called _________.


What is form criticism? What can be said for and against it?

In Form Criticism, material in the Gospels is broken down into isolated, independent units called pericopae for further study. Form critics held that writers of the Gospels were not writers of the Gospels at all, but compilers of tradition. The focus of form critics is to keep the memory of Jesus alive.

Jesus was aware throughout his life that he was fulfilling prophecy from the Book of _____.


John's writings show that Jesus fulfills the hope of ______ and _______ ________.

Israel, all humanity

Why did redaction criticism arise and what does it teach?

It focuses on the writers in their own right.

How did Paul's appeal to Caesar both save and trap him?

It saved him from the people who wanted to kill him in jail, but it sent him to Rome, where he continued to be imprisoned for 2 more years.

What can we learn from the stress on individual persons in Acts 8-12?

It shows God's personal awareness of and interest in the lives of all persons, whether Jew or Gentile.

The German scholar whose work began the new approach to the Gospels was ________.

J.J. Griesbach

The first of the 12 disciples to die for his faith was _________.


The issue of what salvation requires was debated at the ___________.

Jerusalem Council

Paul's writings repeatedly ascribe messianic honor to _________.


The current attempt to reconstruct a historical portrait of Jesus is called the _______.

Jesus Seminar

The earliest preacher and hearers of the gospel were ethnically ___________.


Why was Peter's visit to Cornelius controversial?

Jews were not allowed to associate with Gentiles

What is the importance of "faith" in John's Gospel?

John makes it clear that only those who believe in Christ will receive the gift of eternal life.

The three men who were most prominent in the rise growth of the early church were _________, ___________, and __________.

John, Peter, and Saul (Paul)

The emphasis on the priority of Mark is called the _______.

Marcan Hypothesis

The Book of Acts makes extensive reference to the geography of the _________ region, mentioning over thirty countries and fifty towns and cities.


Early Christians suffered great persecution under the reigns of the emperors __________ and _________.

Nero, Domitian

All the references that emphasize that Jesus is the embodiment of transcendent divine attributes have roots in the ________.

Old Testament

Jesus was able to teach and get his points across because everyone understood the _____.

Old Testament

The favorite teaching device of Jesus was the _____.


The central figure in Acts 13-28 is ___________.


The first missionary journey was made by ________ and _________.

Paul and Barnabus

Aeneas, who had been paralyzed for eight years was healed by ____________.


The person who announced the gospel of Jesus the Messiah at Pentecost was _________.


Among the first to take the gospel outside Jerusalem was ___________.


_____ designates the exercise of divine rule in human affairs.


In order to enter the kingdom of God, people must first _____.


The key truth for daily Christian living is the _________ - but for Paul this truth stands in close proximity to the word of the _______.


The dominant military and political power of the first century world was the ________.

Roman empire

Among those who persecuted Stephen was ___________, a man who later became one of the greatest advocates of Christ.


Before his conversion Paul was called...


Paul set out on a second missionary journey with _________; _________ joined him at Lystra, and _________ joined them at Troas.

Silas, Timothy, Luke

The man who offered John and Peter money for sharing their apostolic powers with him was __________.

Simon the sorcerer (acts 8:9-25)

Why does the Bible need interpretation?

So we can apply it to our lives, to lead us to worship God in the context of the church, and to equip us to share this knowledge with others.

Jesus' favorite self-designation was _____.

Son of God

The woman who was raised from the dead by Peter was named ________, which means ________.

Tabitha, Gazelle

Paul was born in the Hellenistic city of...


Jesus came not as a researcher or writer but as a ______ and ______.

Teacher, Preacher

What role did Antioch play in the life of Paul and the early church?

The church in Antioch was one of the primary missionary church in early Christianity. They supported Paul. Paul started all of his missionary journeys in Antioch.

Who are the Roman emperors mentioned by name in the New Testament?

Tiberius, Ceasar, Claudius, Nero, Domitian

List five questions that knowledge of the first-century Roman world can help answer.

Why were there such different reactions to the gospel? What effect did becoming a christian have on a person, or a whole family? What were the popular religions and outlooks? How was government set up at that time? Who was the authority?

What is xenophobia? What do the OT, Jesus, and Act 13-28 have in common in the way they address this problem?

Xenophobia is the unfounded fear of strangers or foreigners. The OT, Jesus, and Acts tell us to love our neighbors, whoever they might be. Acts is the account of how the Jews minister to the Gentiles, who were foreigners to the Jews.

A result of the generous yet stern gospel at the church's beginning was ________ among converts.

a high level of growth and social cohesion

How is Jesus' humanity emphasized in John?

a) traveling with his mother and brothers b) asking for a drink of water in Samaria c) crossing the Sea of Galilee in a boat d) spitting on the ground to make much for the blind man e) weeping over Lazarus' death f) washing his disciples' feet g) dying and being buried

After the Enlightenment, the Gospels were not considered to be the story of Jesus but only stories _____ Jesus.


After his arrival in Jerusalem at the end of his third missionary journey, Paul was _______.


The major condition affecting interpretation is the interpreter's position on the ________ of Scripture.


Central to redaction criticism are the redactors, who are the _____ and _______.

authors, ?

Why did Paul stress "the grace given to me" in his writings?

because he didn't deserve it or do anything to recieve it

Why did Philip and others first leave Jerusalem with the gospel message? See Acts 8:1, 4-5.

because of persecution

How can we determine which parts of Acts are descriptive and which are prescriptive?

by studying and reflecting on each individual passage in light of all Scripture and other relevant factors

Form critics focused on the _______ that kept Jesus' memory alive.


The first thing that was questioned about Christ was his ________.


Reinterpretation of deity and incarnation is called _______.


According to Enlightenment critics, Paul turned the gentle or revolutionary Jesus into an idealized ________ man.


Recovering the text's original meaning is called ________.


Fundamental to the Gospel of John is the principle of _______.


The philosophy of Stoicism stressed _________.


The who were most concerned about how the material of the Gospels passed through oral to written stages developed the method known as ________ criticism.


How does John emphasize Jesus' divine essence?

he emphasizes his divine qualities, focuses on Jesus as God's unique divine representative, shows Jesus as the fulfillment of all of Israel's and all humanity's hopes.

The theory and practice of interpretation is called ________.


Paul and the law both condemn _________.


For every believer, developing an appropriate hermeneutic should be a ________ process.


Paul's writings were all produced as a result of his ________ activity.


The aims for interpretation should be personal, doxological, and ________.


Part of handling the New Testament properly is understanding _______ _______ to it.

modern approaches

The criterion of ______ requires that the sayings of Jesus be found in more than one place in the Gospels.

multiple source attestation

What are some of the criteria used to establish Jesus' real words?

multiple source attestation, Palestinian environment, Aramaic language, dissimilarity, embarrassment, consensus of scholars, multiple forms of statement

The most influential religious belief in Rome was the belief in the __________.


Early Christians believed in the ________ of Christ and his _________ with God, a belief that quickly expressed itself as the doctrine of the Trinity.

person, oneness

There was also great influence from _________, which was much more religion-like than its modern counterpart.


In contrast to widespread ________ belief, Paul insisted that God is one.


The logic of redemption requires a _______ for the release of the prisoner.


A newer theory that focuses on what happens to the reader as he or she reads is called ______ theory.

reader response

Scholars like Augustine, Calvin, Luther, Bengel, and Wesley struggled to interpret the Bible in a ______ and intellectually __________ fashion.

reasoned, responsible

What was the primary theme of Peter's sermon at Pentecost (Acts 2)? What is its relevance today?

repentance, we are still called to repent and believe

An essential assumption for interpreting New Testament data is that the New Testament must be seen as divine __________.


Voltaire, Paine and Woolston helped destroy respect for the Bible's truth in Western society by encouraging excessive _______.


In order for Jesus to be historical, critical scholars believe they have to rule out the ______.


The set of problems that involve the relationship of the first three Gospels is know as the ________.

synoptic problem

Acts furnishes trustworthy ________ and not just reliable ___________ information.

teaching, historical

The disciples were never the same after ________.

the Pentecost

A rationalistic attitude began with scholars in universities and seminaries in ________.

the late 18th century

What was the connection between the miracles of the apostles and the message they preached?

the miracles they performed were from the God of the message they preached

During the early days of the Christian church, the most striking evidence that God was at work was demonstrated by _________.

the presence of the holy spirit

What is the "Synoptic Problem," and how did it arise?

the problems of the sources of Mt, Mk, and Lk.

What is meant by the term "pax romana"?

the term means Roman Peace- the relative peace in the area was perfect for the spread of Christianity

The Gospel of John covers a period of ________ years in the life of Christ.


Two factors that establish the common authorship of Acts and Luke are ancient ________ and similar _________ _________.

tradition, literary features

The fact that there is unity and diversity within the Divine Being eventually produced the Christian doctrine of the __________.


Acts employs a wide-ranging ___________.


In addition to the various methods to be used in interpretation, it is important to recognize the need for _________.


Paul was the primary founder of many assemblies of ________ and missions.


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