New Testament Chapter 19

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On what day did Jesus triumphantly enter Jerusalem? Upon what was he riding?

Palm Sunday and a Donkey

On the night that Jesus was betrayed, what were the disciples and Jesus celebrating?

Passover meal

Who were the disciples that Jesus took with Him when He was transfigured on a mountain?

Peter, James, and John

What is the significance of Jesus cursing the Fig tree?

Predicts the down fall of unfruitful Israel

What is the Olivet Discourse?

Prophet sermon that discussed the end of the age and the second coming

What day of the week have Christians traditionally recognized as the day on which Christ was crucified?


Jesus went through a series of trials before He was crucified. Before what two groups of people did Jesus have to appear? Why?

Jews living under the Roman Empire. -Jewish leaders -Roman leaders

Which disciple betrayed Jesus?


What is the reason form Jesus' miracles?

demonstration of who Jesus is and what he teaches

What extraordinary event happened at the time that Jesus was crucified? What was its significance?

-Veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom -Signified that Jesus' death opened the way into God's holy presence

What are the three kids of miracles?

1. Dunamesis (power) 2. Thaumasias (wonder) 3. Semeion (sign)

Jesus' opponents challenged Him on several fronts during this last week before the crucifixion. Name three areas where they challenged Jesus.

1. His authority 2. Area of taxes 3. resurrection

What are two examples of the miracles in John's Gospel seemingly more powerful than those in the synoptics?

1. In John's gospel Jesus doesn't just heal a bling man he heals a man born blind 2. Doesn't just heal a person he raises a person from the dead after 3 days

The student will be responsible for knowing the seven sayings of Jesus on the cross.

1. Luke 23:34 - "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" 2. Luke 23:43 - "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." 3. John 19:27 - "Here is your mother" 4. Mark 15:34 and Matthew 27:46 - "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me." 5. John 19:28 - "I am thirsty." 6. John 19:30 - "It is finished." 7. Luke 23:46 - "Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit."

What two events in the final months of Jesus' life clearly demonstrates that He is the promised Messiah of the Old Testament?

1. Raised Lazarus from the dead - demonstrates he has power over death 2. His triumphal entry - demonstrates he is the promised Messiah of the Old Testament

During the least year of Jesus' public ministry, opposition to Him came mostly from what three groups of Jewish religious leaders?

1. Scribes 2. Sadducees 3. Pharacees

During the summer of Jesus' last year of ministry, He twice withdrew from the Galilee region. Where did Jesus go when he left Galilee?

1. Tyre 2. Sidon 3. Bethsadia 4. Decapolis 5. Caesarea

What are two important questions that Jesus asked his disciples in Caesarea Philippi?

1. Who do the people say I am? 2. Who do you say I am?

While at the temple to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus repeatedly expressed two truths. What were these truths?

1. message was from God 2. He was from God

The student will be asked to know the events related to the raising of Lazarus form the dead.

1. the arrival - been in tomb for 3 days 2. the miracle - remove stone and raised from the dead 3. significance of the miracle - demonstrates he is the Messiah

What appears to be the appropriate year of Jesus' crucifixion?

33 A.D.

What time of the day was Jesus crucified? What time of day did He die?

9am and died at 3pm

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