New Testament -Rel 211

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"One sent forth." It was the title Jesus gave to the twelve whom he chose and ordained to be his closest disciples.

Dove--sign of

"The sign of a dove was given to John to signify the truth of the deed, as the dove is an emblem or token or truth and innocence"


"a rod for testing straightness" Now used to denote the authoritative collection of the sacred books used by true believers in Christ


"bread of the face" or "presence bread." 12 unleavened cakes placed in two piles on the Table of the same name.

Abraham--Covenant of

(1) Christ would come through his lineage (2) Abraham's posterity would receive certain lands as an eternal inheritance

High Priest

(1) an office in the Melchizedek Priesthood. Adam and all other patriarchs were high priests. (2) Under the law of Moses, the presiding officer of the Aaron Priesthood was called the high priest.


A Greek word meaning the five fold book; a name given to the five books that stand at the beginning of our Bible and that contain the Torah or law of Israel. Moses was the author.


A class of emasculated men attached to the courts of eastern rulers. Given positions as trusted officials.


A compilation of Jewish writing and tradition, literature rather than a single book, and consists of the Mishnah, or text, and the Gamara, or commentaries.


A consecrated man. A man under a vow to abstain from wine, from any cutting of the hair, and any contact with the dead.

Sermon on the mount

A discourse by the Lord to his disciples who were about to be sent forth on missions. Certain plain and precious information has not survived in the KJV account.


A family of Jewish patriots. Group left the church but through Judas --surnamed Maccabaeus-- the people came back.


A fortress in Perea above the northeastern shore of the Dead Sea. Where John the Baptist was imprisoned and beheaded.


A great fork with which grain was thrown up against the wind to separate it from the chaff.


A high mountain in the extreme northeast of the Holy Land. Visible from Galilee and as far south as Jericho. Probably that transfiguration took place here.

Olives--Mount of

A limestone hill east of Jerusalem. On the western side is the garden of Gethsemane. Place of prominent events of the latter days and second coming.


A political party among the Jews, supporters of this family. Opposed to Roman government and the Pharisees.


A pupil or learner. A name used to denote the 12 and all followers of Jesus Christ

Joseph Smith Translation

A revision of the KJV of the bible begun in 1830.


A stone. The Aramaic name given to Simon when he was called to be a disciple.


A title applied to all Israelites who remained settled in foreign countries subsequent to the decree of Cyrus.


A town on the northern end of the Sea of Galilee. At the time of our Lord, this district was one of the most prosperous and crowded in all Palestine. Many of the Lord's miracles where worked here and it is referred to as "his own city"


An Aramaic word meaning the anointed. Denotes the King and Deliverer whose coming the Jews were eagerly expecting.

By and by

An English term that in 1611 mean IMMEDIATELY.


An officer in the Roman army in command of 100 men, forming one-sixtieth part of a Roman legion.


Aramaic word meaning riches

Temple of Herod

Built during the earthly life of the lord. Visible from every part of the city.


Called "wise men." Righteous men sent on an errand to witness the presence of the Son of God on earth. Were able to see the star when others could not and knew its meaning


Chief subdivision of the Roman army, containing 6,000 infantry with a contingent of calvary

War in Heaven

Conflict that took place in the premortal existece among the spirit children of God. Issues involved such things as agency, how to gain salvation, and who should be the Redeemer.

Levirate Marriage

Custom of a widow marrying her deceased husband's brother or sometimes a near heir.


Divine direction and instruction; it includes the law, particularly the five books of Moses, and takes precedence over other books of the O.T. to most Jewish people.


Duty of highest importance. To taste another mans salt was to establish a claim on his protection.


Enemy of righteousness and of those who seek to do the will of God. The prince of this world, the adversary, son of the morning, the accuser


Father of David, and therefore ancestor of all the kings of Judah and also of Christ.


Father of a multitude. Founder of the covenant race.


Gift of God. Tax gatherer. His gospel was written for the use of Jewish persons in Palestine. His chief object is to show that Jesus is the Messiah of whom the prophets spoke.


God with us. Title given as a sign of Gods deliverance. Signified that Christ as God will be born into mortality of a virgin and will be among the people to save and redeem them.


Had a great contempt for the Jewish people and their religion. Passed a death sentence to Jesus even though he knew it was unjust.


Hebrews were ignorant of this until the Persian period. before that time weight was the issue. Drachme, stater, lepton, danarius, assarion, kodrantes.


High priest. Belgoned to the Sadducee party and took an active part in the attack made upon our Lord and his disciples


Hope for things which are not seen, but which are true. Principle of action and of power.


House of the poor. Home of Lazarus and of Simon. the village in which our Lord stayed during holy week.

Dead Sea Scrolls

In 1947 in an area known as Qumran, some significant rolls of leather and manuscripts were found


In N.T. time it was the most northerly of the three divisions into which Palestine west of the Jordan was divided. It contained some of the best land and the busiest towns of Palestine.


In the N.T. equivalent to "scribe," i.e. one who was by profession a student and teacher of the law, including the written law of the the Pentateuch and also "the traditions of the elders"


Ingredient in the holy incense for sacrificial purposes and was highly valued as perfume.


It is the N.T. (Greek) form of Elijah. Title for one who is a forerunner, for example, John the Baptist


It was their business to develop the law in detail and apply it to the circumstances of their time. Formed an influential part in the supreme court of the Sanhedrin. Rabbi was the title usually given them.


Jehovah is my God. Held the sealing power of the Melchizedek Priesthood and was the last prophet to do so before the time of Jesus Christ.

Antiochus Epiphanes

King of Syria. Resolved to try to crush all that was distinctive of Jewish nationality and worship


Large flying insects that destroy vegetation. Sometimes used for food.


Literally a house of the Lord. Only the home can compare with the temple in sacredness. Building and properly using a temple is one of the marks of the true Chruch in any dispensation.


Men who bought or farmed the taxes under the Roman government. Also used to describe those who actually collected the money. Detested by the Jews, any Jew who undertook the work was excommunicated.


My master. Jewish title for a teacher. Given to Christ.


Name given to certain declarations of blessedness in the Sermon on the Mount.They are interrelated and progressive in their arrangement.


Nowhere specifically commanded as a duty in the law. When we understand the relationship, it becomes distinctive on our part


Only name under heaven by which we can be saved


Originally denoted the district bordering the Mediterranean, inhabited by the Philistines. The Greeks and Romans used the name to denote the whole of southern Syria.

Pinnacle of the temple

Probably part of the roof on one of the temple porches overlooking the deep valley of the Kedron


Proper title given to all holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood. The term used in the N.T. is from the Greek "presybteros"


Put his wife and two sons to death. Kingdom divided for three sons--Archelaus, Antipas, and Phillip


Reconciliation of man to god. All shall rise from the dead with immortal bodies because of Jesus' atonement.


Recording of genealogy began with Adam and his immediate family.


Religious party among the Jews. They prided themselves on their strict observance of the law, and on the care with which they avoided contacts with things gentile.


Rock. Aramaic name is Cephas. One of the greatest of men.


Sect of jews not mentioned in the old testament. Practiced an ascetic form of life, abstaining from marriage, wine, and animal food


Something bitter. Often it denotes the juice of some bitter plant.


Sometimes used for guarding flocks, but usually held in aversion by the Israelites. Name is also applied to false teachers.

Names of Christ

Son of David, Son of Abraham, the Messias, Emmanuel, Rabboni, the Word, Joseph's son, the Carpenter

Anointed One

The English word Christ is from a Greek word meaning anointed, and is the equivalent of Messiah, which is from a a Hebrew and Aramaic term meaning anointed.


The Greek translation of the Old Testament. Most of the quotations from the O.T. in the N.T. are taken from this version.


The Hebrew bible, the Septuagint or Greek translation, and the Samaritan Pentateuch do not agree together


The Jewish senate and highest native court in both civil and ecclesiastical matters. Powers were extensive, for the Greek and Roman masters of the Jews granted them considerable amount of self-government.


The covenant or proper name of the God of Israel. It denotes the "Unchangeable one," the eternal I AM."

Jordan River

The most important rive of Palestine. Two most important events connected with this river are (1) the passage of the children of Israel and (2) the baptism of the savior

Law of Moses

The name assigned to the whole collection of written laws given through Moses to the house of Israel, as a replacement of the higher law that they failed to obey. By N.T. times among the Jews the law had become so altered it had lost much of its spiritual meaning almost to the point that the law was worshiped more than the lord.


The name given by Joseph to the savior of the world at his circumcision. The Greek form of the name Joshua or Jeshua, "God is help" or "Savior"


The official language of the Persian empire. It is most probable that Jesus and the twelve spoke this.


The ordinary dwelling. House of the Jews were brick, cemented with gypsum, and roofed with wooden beams.


The party consisted of old high-priestly families who came to the front during the Maccabean War. Powerful though quite small in numbers.


This law given soon after Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden. These continued until the death of Jesus, which ended the shedding of blood as a gospel ordinance.

Aaronic Priesthood

This priesthood was of lesser power and authority than the Priesthood of Melchizedek, and was used to administer the outward ordinances.

Brethren of the Lord

Title given to James, Joses, Simon, and Judas. Children of Joseph and Mary, born after Jesus' birth.


To apply oil or ointment to the head or the person. Sign of hospitality and of routine personal grooming.

Abomination of Desolation

To happen to Jerusalem when they are under siege. Latter-day judgements poured out upon the wicked wherever they may be.


Town of Libya on the northern coast of African. Home of Simon, who bore our Lord's cross.


Translated from Greek word apocalypse, meaning to make known or uncover.


Used to two ways: 1. to confess that Jesus is the Christ 2. Confession of sin. True repentance is always accompanied by confession.

Transfiguration -- Mount of

When the keys of the priesthood were given to Peter, James, and John. Occurred in October, 6 months before the death of Jesus. Few events in the Bible equal it in importance.

Wisemen of the East

Wise men, guided by a new star, came to Bethlehem to worship Jesus sometime after his birth. Prophets on a divine errand. NOT astrologers.


a mill consisted of two heavy flat circular stones. Top one moved and was used to grind grain into flour

Piece of Silver

a silver shekel, or stater. Thirty shekels was the price of a slave.


collection of writings that contain the records of divine revelation


darnel grass, a poisonous weed, until a certain point, is similar in appearance to wheat.


given to God. Anything dedicated to God.


in the KJV italics identify words that are necessary in English to round out and complete the sense of a phrase--but were not present in the Hebrew or Greek text of the manuscript used

Kingdom of Heaven

on earth, it is the church. The LDS church is this on earth.


or phylacteries. Strips of parchment rolled up and attached to bands of leather worn around the forehead or arm.


setting side by side, a comparison. John had none of these.


signifies and abode of departed spirits and corresponds to the Greek Hades.

Alexander (King of Macedon)

surnamed "THE GREAT" Ruler over empire stretching from Greece to Indus. Conferred important privileges on the Jews.


the valley of Hinnom. a place in which the refuse of the city was burned.

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