New Testament Survey Unit 7 Test

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Ezekiel and Isaiah

Two prophets who gave insights into the rebellion that took place in the heavens were _____________________________________________________________________________


Unbearably intense, agonizing, torturing


Well filled; plentifully supplied


What king sought to kill Jesus when he heard from the wise men that the King of the Jews was born? Archelaus Herod Caesar Philip Felix

forgive obedience

When Job was willing to ___________________ his friends and pray for them, God was willing to restore and bless Job because of his _____________________________.


Where did Mary and Joseph flee to in order to protect the life of the young child, Jesus? Egypt Jerusalem Galilee Nazareth Asia

God's servant one of the finest men in all the earth

Which of these statements describe God's appraisal of Job? God's servant a wicked man unfaithful one of the finest men in all the earth


While on the cross, Jesus would not accept ________________________ to help alleviate the pain.


________________________________ is a clearing from criticism, censure, or suspicion.

Leviathan and Behemoth

______________________________________________________________________________are the names given to two gigantic creations of God mentioned in Job 40 and 41.


above or superior to all others; supreme in authority


being brought under control or authority


called the Lord the "God of all comfort"


care or benevolent guidance of God


coarse or crude language


confidence in God brings great reward


could comfort others with the comfort he received


disciple who betrayed Christ with a kiss


disciple who denied Jesus three times


encourages believers to trust God to direct their path

Pilate's wife

endured many troubling things in a dream

three friends

had to humble themselves and offer sacrifices


half-brother of Jesus who later believed


in a manner directly opposite to what is or might be expected


interchange and discussion of ideas in a frank and open way


king before whom Christ was tried


language that is irreverent, full of contempt, or blasphemous

Psalm 128

listed the blessings those who fear the Lord


made speechless with amazement


murderer who was released instead of Jesus

pride of life

offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if He would bow down and worship him


parts that occur just before and after a specified word or passage and determine its exact meaning


rebuked Job for saying he was righteous; advised him to repent quickly before he dies.


rebuked Job's three friends for their folly


set the example of submission to suffering by death


showed forgiveness by praying for his friends

lust of the eyes

sought to have Christ leap from the temple tower to exhibit a miracle before all Israel


spoke of the passion or suffering of Christ


spoke of the patience of Job


taught His disciples to forgive one another


to be reproachful or abusive in speech


to perplex with surprise, astonishment, or amazement

lust of the flesh

tried to get Jesus to turn stones into bread to satisfy His appetite


unbelieving disciple who saw the nailprints


was told a crown of righteousness awaited suffering


wrote that God is able to keep and present us faultless


wrote that a man is tempted when lured by his own desires


wrote that believers should not be alarmed at fiery trials

God blessed the work of Job's hands God increased Job's resources

How was God's favor given to Job according to the passage in Job 1? God strengthened Job's body God blessed the work of Job's hands God arranged circumstances so Job didn't have to work God increased Job's resources


It is sadly ironic that the Son of God was put on trial when He Himself was the __________________ of all the earth.


It is thought by many that Christ was beaten with _____ stripes.


Jesus experienced suffering only at the hands of those who hated him. True False


Jesus suffered a humble birth in a lowly stable in the town of: Nazareth Jerusalem Bethlehem Galilee Bethany


Jesus was misunderstood by Joseph and Mary when He told them He wanted to be about His Heavenly Father's business in the Temple at: Nazareth Bethlehem Jerusalem Jericho Antioch


Jesus was tried justly behind closed doors in a lawful manner. True False

Uz Edom Arabia

Job lived in the land of _____, a region at the south of ___________, and west of the great desert in ____________________.


Job lived to an age where he was able to see and enjoy ___________ generations of his descendents.


Job was smitten from head to foot with sore: cuts bruises scrapes boils


Job was suffering for some secret sin and was arrogant and foolish to plead his innocence.


Paul declared that lack of suffering brought him into closer fellowship with Christ. True False


Paul endured only physical suffering during his ministry. True False


Satan hindered Paul from visiting the Thessalonian believers. True False

Eliphaz Bildad Zophar

Select all that apply. Job's friends who heard what happened and came together to visit him in his grief were named ______________________________________________________________________________. Eliphaz Bildad Zophar Enoch


Set apart or rededicated as holy again


The content of Job reveals a vast resource of knowledge. True False


To incur means to acquire, usually through one's own actions. True False


a Pharisee who experienced personal loss

Mary Magdalene

first person to see the resurrected Christ


to mourn or grieve for; to feel or express deep sorrow

thanks victory

1 Corinthians 15:57: "But _____________________ be to God, which giveth us the ________________________ through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Abstain from evil

1 Thessalonians 5:22 says to "____________________________________________________________ all appearance of ____________"


A Christian is a person in whom God has created a new: body resolution soul spirit


A crown of _______________________ caused great suffering to the Lord Jesus Christ.


A genuine interest in God's creation is revealed in the content of Job. True False


A person who is subject to the lust of the flesh is called __________________ or fleshly.


A word meaning unimportant or trivial is the word _________________________________.

submissive trusting thankful

Adjectives that describe the attitude the Christian should have during suffering include: submissive doubting trusting thankful questioning


After Job was vindicated and his prosperity restored, what was he able to minister in a greater way to those who suffered? satisfaction comfort help love


All events have been forever set and cannot be changed. This is a teaching of: Fatalism Determinism Humanism


All events in the physical world and soul of humans are compelled by some previous spiritual or physical force or condition, which controls or determines everything that happens. This is a teaching of: Fatalism Determinism Humanism


Based on the assigned Scripture reading, of all Job's servants only ____________ escaped to tell him about the tragic events of one day.

tore his clothes shaved his head worshiped

Based on the assigned Scripture reading, what did Job do when he heard the disastrous news? cursed God tore his clothes wept bitterly shaved his head worshiped


Because of the sin of Adam, the whole human race experiences sorrow and pain. True False


Between a person and God, sin brings about a breakdown in: love attitude relationship fellowship


Christ is a help in times of trouble. True False

hunger tempted

Christ suffered _______________________ and thirst as He fasted and was _______________________________ by Satan in the wilderness.


Composed of many clashing elements


Confession of __________ removes the cause of spiritual suffering and clears the channel by which God is able to bless His children.


Confession of sin is for God's benefit. True False

one three

Eliphaz and Bildad each spoke __________ time(s) during each cycle, for a total of ________________ times each.


Every event that befalls a Christian will be used by God to bring glory to Himself and good for those who love Him. True False


Following His resurrection, Jesus did not endure any more suffering or disbelief. True False


God chastises believers in wrath and anger. True False


God declared that His original creation was very ______________.


God finally intervened in the debate and spoke directly to Job out of a ________________________________________


God only punishes guilty people so since Job was being punished, he should repent.


Guilt and condemnation are removed by confession of sin. True False

author faith joy cross throne

Hebrews 12:2: "Looking unto Jesus the ______________________ and finisher of our __________________; who for the __________ that was set before him endured the __________________, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the ____________________ of God."


How many years did Job live after his great trial of faith? 100 40 140 50


Humanity faces suffering because of a cursed earth and our own sinfulness. True False


In what realm does disease or injury most immediately bring suffering? physical mental emotional spiritual moral


Jeremiah had a similar complaint to Job's. True False


Jesus is the divine doctor for those who will pray to Him when they are sick. True False


Jesus learned obedience by the things that He suffered. True False

life friends

Jesus said, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his _______________ for his _________________________." (John 15:13)


Jesus was stripped naked and nailed to a Roman cross, becoming a curse for us. True False


Job cursed God and the day of his birth. True False

he had spoken as a foolish man from a limited understanding when he questioned God

Job finally concluded that: God was unfair for allowing Satan to torment him for no reason his suffering would only be temporary, and that things had to get better his friends were correct, there was sin in his life that he was being punished for he had spoken as a foolish man from a limited understanding when he questioned God


Job had sinned in demanding that the Creator of everything condescend to answer him.


Job maintained his innocence and righteousness throughout the debate. True False


Job was a patriarch who acted as a _______________ for his household, offering sacrifices on behalf of his children in the event that they cursed God.

the execution of God's justice in the earth the magnitude of God's works in providing for His creation

Job was awestruck with: the execution of God's justice in the earth the magnitude of God's works in providing for His creation his own righteousness, for not cursing God when others advised him to the wisdom of his friends in offering him advice


Job's cursing involved vulgarity and profanity against God. True False

to be allowed to die to be removed from suffering

Job's desire with respect to his intense suffering was: to be allowed to die to be removed from suffering to be able to obtain medical assistance to relieve the pain to be left alone so he could deal with his suffering by himself to be rewarded for all that he had been through


Job's friends came to mourn and: help out pray encourage comfort


Job's friends were not giving him the support he needed in this hard time. True False


Job's sufferings took place in a period of about how many months? six three fifteen nine


Job's three friends answered Job's question about why he was allowed to be born if his life would just end in suffering. True False

curse God and die

Job's wife caused him further suffering by telling him to: beg God for forgiveness curse God and die reject God and die pray and bless God


Man himself is capable of solving all his problems given enough time, wisdom, and scientific ability. This is a teaching of: Fatalism Determinism Humanism


Mental and emotional suffering can come through grief, fear, depression, and other tormenting experiences. True False


Paul stated that the suffering endured in this life is significant when compared with the reward. True False


Perhaps His greatest suffering resulted when His ________________________ rejected Him and turned away from Him while He was bearing our sins on the cross.


Peter stated that enduring suffering helps to strengthen Christians in their Christlike character. True False


Roman ruler who declared Jesus innocent

for material gain

Satan accused Job of following the Lord only: for material gain for spiritual reasons out of a deep love for God out of fear of God


Satan sought to overthrow God's throne and exalt himself. True False


Satan tempted God's human creation by using the root of his own downfall: lust pride rebellion deceit


Satan was instructed by God to save Job's: family wife life flesh

determinist secular humanist fatalist

Select all that apply. The Christian cannot be a ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ , because God has given him the right to choose life in Jesus Christ. determinist secular humanist fatalist saint

They had not been correct about God's motives and involvement in Job's suffering. They had not spoken what was right about Job.

Select the basic errors with which God charged Job's three friends: They had not been correct about God's motives and involvement in Job's suffering. They had not spoken up soon enough, letting Job suffer in silence for seven days. They had not agreed on what was wrong, rather each took his own opinion. They had not spoken what was right about Job.

Fatalism Determinism Humanism

Select the broad attitudes of the world with respect to life and suffering: Fatalism Pessimism Mysticism Determinism Humanism

a vast resource of knowledge a profound depth of thought

Select the characteristics influencing the style in which Job was written. a vast resource of knowledge a forceful and expressive Greek writing style a profound depth of thought a weak command of the language

brothers and sisters mother and father disciples Jewish religious leaders

Select the groups of people by whom Jesus suffered because of their unbelief, misunderstanding, and/or open opposition: brothers and sisters mother and father disciples Jewish religious leaders

to experience, go through or endure

Select the meaning of the word suffer found in: Matthew 27:19: When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him. to undergo punishment to sustain personal loss to allow, permit, or give leave to to experience, go through or endure to go through excruciating trauma resulting in death to the body

sheep and cattle children servants

Select the possessions of Job removed from him by the first tragedy. sheep and cattle wife children servants health

Job himself all that he has on every side his house

Select the things guarded by God's "hedge of protection," according to Satan's accusation of Job: Job himself all that he has on every side his house

had to offer sacrifices for their sin against God had to humble themselves before Job by having him pray to the Lord for their forgiveness

Select the ways in which Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar had to make restitution: had to give Job half of their possessions had to offer sacrifices for their sin against God had to make a vow to never offer their advice again had to humble themselves before Job by having him pray to the Lord for their forgiveness

that they be rightly related to Him that they be rightly related to each other

Select what God required of believers in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament: that they offer sacrifices for their sins that they pray for the forgiveness of their friend's sins that they be rightly related to Him that they be rightly related to each other

brought glory to Himself deepened the spiritual character of His servant abundantly rewarded His servant for his faithfulness

Select what the Lord worked together for good in Job's suffering which also apply to our lives: brought glory to Himself gave His servant everything he asked for deepened the spiritual character of His servant abundantly rewarded His servant for his faithfulness took away the pain during the suffering so Job wouldn't feel it


Suffering can't come from situations that we ourselves create. True False


Suffering only occurs in either a person's physical or mental being. True False


Suffering originated with Satan. True False


Temptation can lead to sin and then to death. True False


The Christian is not a ______________________, because he believes that a very personal God controls the events which befall him.


The Lord Jesus Christ is the High Priest for every believer. True False


The Lord Jesus Christ told His disciples to not be: fearful faithful alert watchful


The Lord Jesus Christ, as High Priest, makes constant ___________________________________________ for believers before the throne of God.


The Lord justified Job before his family and friends by blessing him with _______________ as much prosperity as he had before.

Flee lusts

The Scriptures warn us to "___________ also youthful _______________: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart." (2 Timothy 2:22)


The act of restoring to the rightful owner that which is lost or has been taken away is called ______________________________________.


The book of Job is one of the earliest Bible books written. True False


The debate between Job and his three friends took place in _____________ cycles.


The letter to the Hebrews explains that God must chasten or _____________________________ those who are His children.


The majority of the debate section in the book of Job is in prose form. True False

going astray

The psalmist in Psalm 119 declared that he had suffered as a result of: going astray disobedience forgetfulness deceit


The vocabulary in the book of Job is very limited. True False

reign with Christ

Timothy was told that suffering in this life qualifies the believer to: receive greater rewards than those who didn't suffer make up for some of his sins reign with Christ be forgiven


To depend upon or have confidence is to _________________.


To irritate, annoy, provoke


To lessen or make easier to be endured

tore their clothes sprinkled dust upon their heads sat down with him on the ground for seven days and said nothing

To show their concern for him, Job's friends: told him that everything would be okay tore their clothes sprinkled dust upon their heads sat down with him on the ground for seven days and said nothing offered him some of their oxen and servants to help him get back on his feet


To succor means to secure in place. True False


Today Satan uses every subtle and evil device to persuade, to tempt, and to destroy mankind. True False

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