New Testament Survey weeks 1-4

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Matthew is the only gospel which mentions the Greek word for


Where are Paul's major stops on his missionary journeys?

Corinth and Ephesus

In the phrase "New Testament," which of the following words is a synonym for "testament"?


Matthew emphasizes the role of Jesus as teacher by presenting the teachings of Jesus in _________ large blocks of material.


How does Luke describe the character of Jesus on the cross, especially when compared to Matthew and Mark

Forgiving and dignified

What label do scholars typically apply to Luke but not to the other Gospel authors


Among the four Gospels, only Matthew presents Jesus as speaking about the

Holy Spirit, the Church & the Kingdom of God.

Luke's birth narrative is unique in its use of


Jesus has a number of sayings in Johns gospel that begin with

I am

Which of the following does Dr. Shauf NOT suggest you do as you read the Gospels for this class?

Ignore what we've learned about the 1st century world.

How does the tone of Lukes birth account differ from Matthew

It is happier

Two terms important throughout the Sermon on the Mount are

Kingdom and Righteousness

What does Jesus say to some folks that bring a woman to Jesus who has been caught in adultery?

Let the one who is without sin cast the first stone

Jesus miracles in Johns Gospel are called


Luke frequently uses words related to what concept?


When Peter objects to the idea of Jesus dying, what does Jesus call Peter?


Against whom does Jesus make a series of harsh pronouncements, each beginning with "Woe to you...

Scribes and Pharisees

What was the result of the Maccabean revolt?

Selected Answer: Israel defeated the Seleucid and established its independence.

What happens to Mary Magdalene when she visits the tomb of Jesus?

She is met by Jesus himself, but she mistakes him for the gardener

What does a woman do with an expensive jar of perfume, shortly before Jesus is killed?

She pours the perfume on Jesus.

One thing that Matthew includes that Mark does not

The story of events surrounding the birth of Jesus


The surgical removal of the male foreskin; it was the physical sign of the covenant between God and Abraham.

Markan Priority

The view that Mark was the first of the Synoptic Gospels to be written and was one of the sources used by Matthew and Luke


any statement of divine blessing (though the term has come to be associated more specifically with the blessings offered by Jesus in Matt. 5:3-12 and Luke 6:20-23).

In Acts, where does the transition of Christianity from being a Jewish movement to being a Gentile movement mainly take place?

as a part of Paul's mission

Which activity does Luke' Gospel NOT emphasize Jesus doing?


What term refers to a list of books that are officially accepted as Scripture?


Syncretism religion

combination of two religious value systems. Ex. Latin America(Christian and Native)

In the second century, a prominent Christian named Tatian produced the Diatessaron, which was a

combined material from the four Gospels into one continuous narrative, eliminating the need for separate Gospels.

One word that describes Jesus' lifestyle is

itinerant : a person who travels from place to place.

In John's Gospel, the most important commandment of Jesus is

love one another

What does Jesus say about how to treat enemies

love them

What evidence from Acts suggests the author was a companion of Paul?

places where "we" language is used

Which of the following is not characteristic of the Pharisees?

practiced celibacy

Luke discusses

prayer worship food outcasts disadvantaged present availability of salvation

Which are important themes in Luke account of the events surrounding Jesus birth

prophecy and the Holy Spirit

What do text critics attempt to do?

reconstruct the original NT writings using available ancient manuscripts

A significant criticism of historical Jesus research made by many scholars is that

the many conflicting pictures of Jesus that result from the research point to a broad methodological problem

Which of the following is NOT a key event in Christianity becoming a Gentile movement in Acts?

the founding of the Roman church

The main idea of the insiders/outsiders theme is that

the insiders get more knowledge of Jesus' teaching and identity than outsiders do.

The insiders/outsiders theme is ironic in that

the insiders' privileges don't make them understand or follow Jesus better.

The Synoptic Puzzle/Problem has to do with

the relationships among the first three Gospels

In Christian tradition, the author of the Gospel of John is held to be

one of the original twelve apostles

In about what year was Jesus born?


What two phrases appear in Mark as a part of Jesus' apocalyptic message?

"Son of Man" and "Kingdom of God"


A Hebrew word meaning "law," referring to the first five books of the Old Testament.

When Jesus dies, who confesses him to be the Son of God?

A Roman Centurion

Dead Sea Scrolls

(Old Testament) a collection of written scrolls (containing nearly all of the Old Testament) found in a cave near the Dead Sea in the late 1940s

Jerusalem Temple

-The place where Yahweh dwelt and center of Jewish worship -2nd Temple -Jesus threw merchants out of the Temple court -Destroyed by Romans in 70 CE because of a Jewish uprising

How many of the original manuscripts of the New Testament do we possess today?


What conclusion is usually drawn about the ending of Mark?

16:9-20 probably was not a part of Mark's original ending.

In what century were all (or almost all) of the New Testament writings composed?

1st century A.D.


A dispersion of people from their homeland

What does Jesus curse?

A fig tree


A group of powerful and often wealthy Jews who were connected to the Temple priests and often disagreed with the Pharisees.


A literary form that relates past scriptural events to help explain and interpret present events.

John's gospel begins with

A poem connecting Jesus and God "the Word" that was with God and then became a human


A structured ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in a society.


A western Semitic language commonly spoken in Palestine, Syria, and Mesopotamia from the third century before Christ until AD 650. Aramaic was later replaced by Arabic.

Luke portrays Jesus as one who

A. fulfills expectations of Jewish Scripture. B. is similar to Hellenistic philosophers or benefactors. C. has features in common with mythological heroes.

The author of the Gospel of Luke also what other New Testament



An ancient Essene monastery on the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea. Near it were found the ancient Dead Sea scrolls.

Geographically, Matthew's Gospel is often thought to have originated in the city of


What religious perspective combines a radical dualistic outlook (clear distinction between good and evil) with a deterministic view of history (the idea that everything is proceeding according to a divine plan)?


Beloved Disciple (John)

Apostle who stayed by Jesus' side during the crucifixion and looked after Mary the Blessed Mother after Jesus died (and later ascended); was the first to recognize Jesus at the Second Great Catch of Fish

What language did Jesus and the other Jewish in the land of Palestine primarily speak?

Aramaic they spoke the language of the cities they lived in

Who conquered the northern kingdom of Israel?


Two major divisions of Gospel of John

Book of Signs and Book of Glory

The Samaritans

Descendants of a mixed population of Israelites who survived the Assyrian deportations and various pagan settlers imported after the northern kingdom fell and did not get along well with other Jews, despite similar beliefs.


Descendants of a mixed population of Israelites who survived the Assyrian deportations and various pagan settlers imported after the northern kingdom fell.

What term refers to Jewish living outside the traditional homeland of Palestine who were influenced by Hellenism?


What does Jesus say about swearing (vows)

Do not Swear at all

At the end of John, the resurrected Jesus has a conversation with Peter. What question does Jesus repeatedly ask Peter?

Do you love me?

What are the major groups of New Testament writings?

Gospels Acts Epistles Apocalypse

In what language was the New Testament originally written?



Greek translation of the Old Testament

What happens to Jesus' friend Lazarus?

He becomes sick and dies

In Jesus' Parable about the ten virgins how does the groom respond to the request of the foolish virgins (who do not have oil) to open the door

He does not know them

How does Thomas (one of Jesus' disciples) respond to the news of Jesus' resurrection?

He doubts it is true; asks to see proof of holes in hand

What happens to the young man named Eutychus when he listens to Paul preach?

He falls asleep and then falls out the window.

What does Jesus do after the Last Supper in John's Gospel?

He gives a long discourse preparing the disciples for his departure.

From reading the Gospel of Matthew, what can be surmised about the author?

He is a Jewish Christian, perhaps even a converted rabbi, writing a generation or more after the time of Jesus

What happens to Paul when he returns to Jerusalem in Acts 21?

He is arrested following the outbreak of a riot.

What is the first thing that Jesus does in Mark's Gospel?

He is baptized

In the parable about a wedding banquet what happens to the guest who shows up not dressed properly?

He is tied up and thrown out

In the Sermon on the Mount, in what way does Jesus reinterpret the Jewish Law?

He makes many commandments even harder to follow

What does Jesus do with some water while attending a wedding?

He turns it into wine

Knowing Luke's editorial tendencies, which three words in the following passage from Mark will not be found in the Gospel of Luke? "When Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, 'Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs'" (10:14).

He was indignant

In John, what does Jesus do to his disciples at the last meal he shares with them before his crucifixion?

He washes their feet

Which of the following figures play an important role in this pat of Matthew

Herod, wise men, the devil

What happened to the original kingdom of Israel?

It split into two kingdoms, both of which were conquered.

Which of the following it NOT true about the title "Christ"?

It was a common term in Greek mythology

What does textual criticism conclude about the story of the woman caught in adultery (John 7:53 - 8:11)?

It was not original to Johns Gospel

What city or town receives considerable attention in Luke?


How does Luke end his Gospel

Jesus Ascension to Heaven

Perhaps surprisingly, in Luke Jesus never connects salvation with what?

Jesus Death

Which of the following best expresses the definition of "the historical Jesus"?

Jesus as he can be determined by scientific historical research

What key theological idea about Jesus is asserted in John's prologue?

Jesus existed before becoming human

Which point about Jesus is presented more clearly and strongly in John's Gospel than in the Synoptic Gospels?

Jesus is God

Compared with the Synoptic Gospels, in John's Gospel:

Jesus is more open about his divine status.

The idea of the "Messianic Secret" is that

Jesus often tells people not to talk about him

What does NOT happen in Mark 1:1 - 8:26?

Jesus raises his friend Lazarus from the dead.

What does John emphasize about Jesus during the Passion account?

Jesus was in control of the events throughout

Which statement best expresses the distinctive chronology and geography of John's Gospel?

Jesus' 3-year ministry involves going back and forth between Galilee and Judea.

Both the Gospel of Luke ends and Acts begins with what story?

Jesus' ascension

"Torah" refers to:

Jewish scripture/Law

The Jewish idea of "covenant" could be offensive to non-Jewish in the Greco-Roman world because:

Jewish seemed to claim a privileged relationship with God.

Which of the following is NOT one of the Synoptic Gospels?


Living Water Discourse

John 4 A samaritan woman at a well

Mark begins his Gospel by telling of

John the Baptist

The first character to appear (not simply be mentioned) in Mark's Gospel is:

John the Baptist

What surprising role does Jesus ascribe to the twelve apostles in Matthew

Judges at the last judgement

Which statement best describes the presence and role of women in Luke's Gospel?

Luke emphasizes the involvement of women in the ministry of Jesus.

Which Gospel do most scholars think was written first?


Which Gospel was probably written first?


Which statement summarizes how Matthew's Gospel compares to Marks?

Matthew follows the same storyline as Mark but add in additional material

Four Gospels

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

One likely explanation for Matthew including Jesus harsh statements about the Pharisees is that

Matthews community was itself in conflict with Pharisaic Judaism

Which literary device occurs in John that creates a dramatic irony


What does Acts tell us of the outcome of the charges against Paul when he reaches Rome?


Which of the following is an important part of Jesus' Teaching in the Sermon on the Mount

Not focusing on things of this world

Tradition has identified Luke, the author of the third Gospel, as a physician, but what other occupation has been associated with this Gospel writer?


Jesus doe NOT teach with what in Johns Gospel


Mark's Gospel is often said to be dominated by

Passionate Narrative

Traditionally the author of Luke's Gospel has been held to have a companion


What character does NOT appear in Mark 1:1 - 8:26?


The last quarter of Acts covers

Paul's time in Roman custody

Among the four Gospels, Matthew shows the greatest interest in the role of


Which of the following are unique to Matthew's Gospel?

Peter trying to walk on water, Pilate not responsible for Jesus death, visit of the magi

Which of the following is NOT a major division of the New Testament?


Which two Hellenistic kingdoms ruled Israel?

Ptolemies and Seleucid

Scholars suggest that, in addition to the New Testament Gospels, there may have been a document they call


What experience of the Johannine community do many scholars see reflected in John's Gospel?

Rejection by the Jewish Community

To whom does Paul present speeches in Acts 25-26?

Roman rulers in the land of Israel

At what city does Paul end up in at the conclusion of Acts?


What animals does Jesus send a "Legion" of demons into?

Swine (pigs)

Which sources are considered to be the most valuable in doing research on the historical Jesus?


The Acts of the Apostles has been sometimes also called

The Acts of the Holy Spirit

What does Dr. Shauf suggest about how John's Gospel was written?

The Beloved Disciple provided written testimony that was later edited into the Gospel of John.

Among the four Gospels, only Matthew presents Jesus as speaking about

The Church

Which opponents of Jesus most readily submit to him?

The Demons

Which of the following is NOT part of Mark's portrayal of the disciples?

The Disciples faithfully proclaim the gospel

Matthew is thought to have used what source when he wrote

The Gospel of Mark

One important outcome of the First Jewish War against Rome (AD 66-70) was:

The Jerusalem temple was destroyed.

Which statement best describes the Jewish response to Christianity in its early days in Jerusalem?

The Jewish people are accepting but the Jewish leaders oppose Christianity

Which of the following is not included in Luke 1-4

The Magi: the story of the wise men who came to see the baby Jesus

Matthew's Gospel is often called

The Teachers Gospel

What Jewish group was radically anti-Roman and advocated armed rebellion against Roman forces?

The Zealots

What do the ending of the Sermon on the Mount and the very ending of Matthew Gospel have in common

The both emphasize the importance of keeping Jesus' teachings

How does Matthew portray of disciples compare with Marks

The disciples come across more positively in Matthew

Which of the following is true about how Jesus' parable of the Prodigal Son would likely have been understood by first-century hearers?

The elder son represented Israel

Which of the following most likely provided motivation for the writing of the Gospels?

The eye-witnesses to Jesus' life were dying out.

In the Parable of the Weeds and the Wheat where do the weeds come from

The farmer's enemy plants the weeds

Why do the disciples have a difficult time understanding Jesus' three passion predictions?

The idea of Jesus suffering strongly contradicted their expectations for the Messiah.

What happens when Jesus preaches a sermon in a synagogue at Nazareth

The people at the synagogue try to kill Jesus

What happens to the seven sons of Sceva when they try to use the names of Jesus and Paul in an exorcism?

The possessed man beats them up

To what does the word Hellenism broadly refer?

The prominence of Greek culture in the Roman Empire

The Gospel of Matthew ends with

The risen Jesus teaching his disciples

Why did Jewish in the diaspora tend to live in communities of their own?

Their religious beliefs made it hard to interact with non-Jewish.

Which statement is true about the four New Testament Gospels?

They interpreted the importance of Jesus for their own day.

What do Ananias and Sapphira do?

They lie about their generosity and die.

What request do John and James make of Jesus?

They want to sit at his right and left hand in his glory

Which of the following is a typical beginning of the "fulfillment citation?"

This took place to fulfill what was written...

Which is the probable reason for Matthew's use of the phrase "kingdom of heaven"

To avoid referring directly to God

Israelite religion is also referred to as



a day set apart to rest and honor God

What is the Q

a hypothetical source believed to have been used by Matthew and Luke

The Gospel of Matthew begins with

a list of ancestors of Jesus: Genealogy


a member of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity.

According to Matthew, in what way is God's abiding presence a reality on earth?

a reality on earth because God is present in Jesus, Jesus is present in the Church and the Church is present in the world.

For Luke, the salvation that Jesus makes available is

a reality to be experienced here and now

Essenes/Dead Sea Scrolls

a sect of Second temple Judaism that flourished in the 2nd century B.C. They discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls, which was found in their library. The dead sea scrolls contained documents from the Hebrew bible that were untouched.

John's Gospel refers to the opponents of Jesus as the Jews, which refers to

a specific rival religious movement in the first century

Eschatological Discourse

a speech by Jesus in Matthew 24-25 dealing with the end times, the second coming, and the final judgment.

Where does Jesus give his inaugural address

a synagogue in his home town

Matthew 5-7 contains material not in Mark at all. This material consists of

a very long speech of Jesus

Scholars generally agree that Luke's Gospel was written

after AD 70

Which of the following was an important factor in the development of Judaism out of Yahwism?

an increased commitment to monotheism

What does Peter see in a vision?

animals lowered on a sheet

Which of the following was NOT a key distinctive feature of Judaism in the Greco-Roman world?

consulting religious oracles

What causes many scholars to question whether the author of Acts was a companion of Paul?

differences in the portrayal of Paul in Acts compared to Paul's letters

In Matthew's Gospel Jesus regards the Jewish leaders as

evil persons closely identified with Satan

What motif is prominent in Luke's Gospel and probably functions to establish connections between the stories in the Gospel and the Christian gatherings in Luke's own time?


As an example of Matthew's affinity for structure and fondness of numbers, he cites twelve _______________ , perhaps playing on the number of tribes of Israel.

fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy

The zealots

had nationalistic and political goals.

In John's Gospel, Jesus's death is presented as

his glorification

The two stories of the feeding miracle in Mark illustrate especially well

how clueless the disciples often are in Mark.

The Gospels' accounts of Peter's denials of Jesus form one good example of what?

inconsistencies that are difficult to harmonize

The phrase binding and loosing in Matthew Gospel most likely refers to Jesus's (and so the churchs) authority to

interpret and apply the law


six statements of Jesus in Matthew 5:21-48 in which he states his own view over and against that which people "have heard said."

Which approach to dealing with the miraculous is generally agreed upon today as being the most useful?


Who goes to Jesus' tomb and finds it empty?

some women

The following are important methods used by scholars to study the New Testament?

source criticism, form criticism, redaction criticism

On what basis does Jesus say people will be judged, when he uses a metaphor of separating them like sheep and goats

that the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.

In John's Gospel, the word "Paraclete" is a special term for

the Holy Spirit

The most commonly accepted solution to the Synoptic Problem is called

the Two-source Hypothesis

John is the only one of the four Gospels in which Jesus is called

the Word

Jesus' preaching in Mark focuses on what?

the arrival of God's Kingdom

The opening scene in Acts 1 tells of

the ascension of Jesus into heaven


the building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious worship and instruction.

What are M and L?

the sources for the unique materials in Matthew and Luke

Which of the following does Luke tell us about John the Baptist

the story of his birth

What kind of relationship between the Father, Son, and disciples does Jesus emphasize in the Farewell Discourse?

the unity of all three

One reason for why Jesus is sometimes secretive in Mark is

to keep the crowds from being too much of a problem.

To whom an in what situation does the risen Jesus appear in Luke 24

two disciples while they are walking to Emmaus

When is the only time a character in Mark confesses Jesus as God's Son?

when he dies

Acts 15 tells of a council in Jerusalem that met to decide

whether Gentiles have to keep the Jewish law

How does Luke's Gospel end?

with Jesus ascending to heaven

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