NIC1 Study Set

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A student refuses to participate in physical education classes. The student runs in circles and holds her ears the minute she enters the gym. Which components would be appropriate to include in a behavioral intervention plan for this student?

A description of the functions of the behavior A list of biological factors that may trigger the problem

A student with no hand control is completing a standardized vocabulary assessment that requires circling pictures of words. Which assessment accommodation would be appropriate for this student?

A scribe

Which application would provide appropriate encroachment for a gifted and talent student using a teacher-designed online learning environment focused on U.S. history?

A thematic unit created as an independent study course

A student with multiple disabilities, uses a wheelchair, and is nonverbal. He has limited use of his upper extremities. He was tested last year at his former school and was identified as having an intellectual disability. The teacher needs to develop a reliable way for this student to communicate in class. Which augmentative or asssitive technology may be used by the student?

A yes/no board to answer questions using eye gaze

A student is having difficulty with answering questions after a shared reading activity. Which strategy should the teacher use to determine whether the student needs accommodations in this subject area?

Analyzing the student's responses to determine a pattern of errors

A student in a classroom is unable to speak and is difficult to understand. Classify the tools as appropriate or inappropriate to use for enhancing the student's communication A Go Talk 9+


A student in a classroom is unable to speak and is difficult to understand. Classify the tools as appropriate or inappropriate to use for enhancing the student's communication A board with photos attached to it


A student in a classroom is unable to speak and is difficult to understand. Classify the tools as appropriate or inappropriate to use for enhancing the student's communication A speech Synthesizer


Tier 3

At this level of instruction students are expected to receive a minimum of 90 minutes per day of reading instruction in the classroom and 50 minutes of specialized intervention

Social Reinforcement

Attention or interaction is given to a student for displaying a desired behavior

A student is diagnosed with ADHD. In addition to multiple breaks, which set of accommodations is appropriate when this student is taking a standardized test?

Extended time and/or graphic organizers

A teacher has a highly gifted group of students and would like to facilitate problem-solving skills. The students are working through a unit on traditional folk tales and plan on presenting a short performance of their favorite talks to a group of younger children with hearing disabilities. Which strategy would encourage problem-solving skills in this group of gifted students?

Giving the students time to research information on hearing disabilities and then discuss ways to modify the performance to meet the needs of the audience

A student in a classroom is unable to speak and is difficult to understand. Classify the tools as appropriate or inappropriate to use for enhancing the student's communication An electronic page turner


A student loves art but has not been showing signs of difficulty using her fingers, especially when writing. A recent assessment of fine motor skills shows a three-year delay and a significant impact on academic performance. How should this student's teacher respond to the performance assessments of this student?

Initiate formal assessment procedures to determine whether the student is eligible for special education services.

A teacher and family discuss the various options for teaching English as a second language that are available to kindergarten student who is not proficient in English. The family chooses the district's immersion program for the student's instruction. Which two teaching strategies would be appropriate if the teacher uses a full immersion program for the student?

Instruction will not be designed around the student's native language and culture All classroom instruction will be provided in English

A student with Down Syndrome is not able to wash his hands. The sunset just stands at the sink with the water running but never uses soap or rubs his hands together. Which procedures are apart of applied behavior analysis and could be used to teach this student to wash his hands independently?

Interval Training Teacher Prompt

A student with rheumatic fever who is also mildly vision impaired

Low vision magnification system

An IEP has been prepared for a high school sophomore in a full inclusion program. The IEP calls for a number of accommodations in testing and instruction. The IEP tam chairperson has placed a copy of the IEP in the mailbox of each of the student's teachers. At the annual review, the team discovers that many of the accommodations have not been implemented. Which two actions should an IEP chairperson take to avoid this type of outcome?

Monitoring the implementation of the IEP on a regular basis Explaining the accommodations to the general education teachers

What is one characteristic of a student with Asperger syndrome?

Normal to advanced intellectual functioning.

What are two key components of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as they pertain to the education of students with exceptional needs?

State and local school districts must identify students who need special education services Parents or school districts who believe that a student with disabilities is not receiving appropriate education services may request a due process hearing

Tier 3

This level of instruction consists of highly specialized interventions that address the needs of the individual student. Approx. 5% of students will benefit from this level of instruction

Tier 1

This level of instruction is preventative, delivered in the general education classroom, and meets the needs of approximately 65%-75% of students

A student with a fine motor disability was having significant difficulty writing and composing paragraphs. The teacher recently changed the response mode for writing activities from using a pencil to using a computer. What is an appropriate way fro the teacher to monitor the success of this accommodation?

Using a rubric that assesses the writing level and other writing components

Which is an example of the appropriate use of person-first terminology?

"There is a child in Mr. Jones' class who uses a wheelchair."

A resource reading teacher has three migrant students in her pull-out program. The school year is almost over and the teacher must make sure all students have mastered the reading objectives on their IEPs. What is the most effective assessment to measure each student's reading level?

A curriculum-based assessment


Allowing the student to answer orally


Allowing the student to use a dictionary

A student with dwarfism with limited finger control

Alternative Keyboard

What is a strategy of discovery learning?

Arranging the learning environment to promote student exploration.

Which situation describes a student who might need accommodations to be successful in the classroom?

Bobby is highly distractible during large group instruction and can be disruptive.

A student has a behavioral disorder and is having difficulty understanding how to share with his peers. How can this teacher use technology to assist this student?

By having the student play a computer game that reinforces appropriate social interactions and prompts for correct answers

What are two assessment challenges faced by a student with a learning disability in basic reading?

Completing the mathematics reasoning section of an assessment Completing the reading comprehension section of an assessment

A student with very limited vision will be participating in a parent-child reading fair during non-school hours. The students will all be reading the same book to their parents during the fair. Which technological tool would facilitate universal design for this student?

Downloading an electronic copy of the book to a computer that has screen magnification

A student is being observed during kindergarten screening. The teacher observes many characteristics which may be of concern. Which observed characteristics may indicate an intellectual disability?

Errors in articulation

Which test is used to assess a communication disorder in the pronounciation of speech for identifying a student for special education services?

Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation, Second Edition

A student with cerebral palsy who is not able to use her hands

Head Pointer

A student is receiving special education services. The student knocked a friend's books off the desk. The teacher decides that extinction would be the most effective method to help this student learn to reduce the behavior. Which response is an example of how the teacher can use extinction to change the student's behavior?

Ignoring the student's undesirable behaviors

A student in a classroom is unable to speak and is difficult to understand. Classify the tools as appropriate or inappropriate to use for enhancing the student's communication A Screen Reader


How should a teacher determine a student's proficiency in English?

Initial screening when entering the district

Tier 2

Interventions at this level are delivered to small, homogenous groups with a 1:4 or 1:5 teacher to student ratio


Moving the student to a separate classroom

A teacher has referred an ELL student for special education services due to concerns with the student's reading progress. The student's parents do not agree with the assessment that is presented at the IEP meeting. What are the parent's rights in this situation according to due process?

Parents may request their child be tested in their primary language Parents may request an evaluation from someone other than the district evaluator

A student has suffered a traumatic brain injury that has resulted in poor coordination. The student gas difficulty using both hands together and often drops items. The student also experiences mild hearing loss in one ear and sometimes needs to have oral information repeated. Which two accommodations would meet this student's learning and accessibility needs?

Placing the student's desk near the teacher to enhance the student's ability to hear oral information Taping the top and bottom of the student's paper to the desk so they do not have to hold the paper while writing assignments

A 10-year-old has been bitten on the lower posterior arm by a dog, requiring several stitches. The child was just admitted to the hospital for 3 days of antibiotic therapy. When developing the care plan, the nurse identifies which nursing diagnoses as being the top 2 priorities?

Present levels of performance

A student with autism is given a functional behavior assessment (FBA). The student refuses to leave the hand dryer after he washes his hands in the bathroom. The FBA shows that the function of the behavior is sensory. Which behavioral intervention strategy would assist this student to leave the hand dryer based on the behavioral assessment?

Providing a soft cloth for the student to hold after they have used the hand dryer

Which is an example of a breach of confidentiality when working with students receiving special education services?

Publishing a class list outside the classroom door


Reading the questions to the student

What are two distinct characteristics of students with limited language proficiency?

Reduced or limited fluency in reading, writing, and speaking English Competency in the primary language may vary widely


Reinforce a student's successive approximations of a desired behavior

Prepackaged Principle

Reward of an activity that a student values after displaying desired behavior

A school needs to obtain information on a 2nd-grade student's ability to use community living skills in order to determine the next year's intervention goals. Which assessment would provide information on this student's community living skills?

Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised

A student with low vision will be working with a team to plan a dinner party and determine the cost of the groceries. The student has difficulty reading both printed pages and computer screens. Which two assistive technology devices would assist this student to complete this reading assignment?

Screen reader Talking calculator


Showing the student what to do

A student with a traumatic brain injury that caused blindness

Speech Recognition Software

Token Economy

Student is reinforced with objects that can be collected, saved, and used to purchase items in a class "store"

Sensory Impairment

The child has a hearing problem that is not correctable by a hearing aid

Behavior Disorder

The child has an intense fear of school that hinders learning

Autism Spectrum Disorder

The child has not made eye contact since infancy and is delayed in all developmental domains

Intellectual Disability

The child has severe cognitive delays and reduced adaptive behavior

Which two criteria must be met for a student to be eligible for special education services according to federal law?

The disability must be established by a trained professional The disability must adversely affect the student's academic performance

A teacher has started a new job teaching ELLs in a school that uses an immersion program Which two components of this learning theory does the teacher need to apply to develop the classroom instruction?

The only language of instruction is English The student is expected to maintain the pace set by their peers who are native English speakers

A student is currently on an IEP and has been suspended for 10 days this school year. The student recently came to school with a weapon and must be disciplined for the latest infraction. A change of placement has been suggested, but the parents refuse to consider the new program. Which legal policy must be implemented for this student?

The school authorities can remove the student from the current placement without parental permission for up to 45 days at a time.

A teacher notices that a student in the classroom is having great difficulty leaving one task and transitioning to another. The teacher thinks this difficulty may be due to the student's gifted abilities. Which characteristic observed during transitions would suggest that this student is gifted or talented?

The student ignores others when involved in a task

Two students are having school performance problems, and their English teacher is requesting assistance for them. They have performance below average and have need been referred for special services. What options would be essential in the prereferral for these two students?

The teacher should collect data such as daily grades and samples of the student's work The teacher should gather information regarding classroom behavior

A student diagnosed with ADHD is taking a multiple-choice test in science over the life cycle of butterflies. What is an appropriate accommodation for the teacher to provide this student?

The teacher should extend the time for the student to take the test

A school district with a high percentage of culturally diverse students has examined its data and noticed that students are disproportionately assigned to special education classrooms. Which district practice may be causing students to be placed disproportionately in special education classrooms?

Using assessments that avoid consideration of life experiences

A student has not been having difficulty in reading. The student is not currently receiving special education; however, poor performance in the classroom is a red flag that there may be some issues that need to be addressed. The school staff has been given a mandate from the district that they are to use a response to intervention (RTI) approach to resolve issues such as this. Which two steps occur in tier 1 of RTI?

Working with the student to determine the extent of the problem Putting in place universal supports that are available to all students

Which term allows a student with special needs extra time on a test?


A student has difficulty following directions, understanding information presented verbally, and answering questions. Which type of speech and language disorder might this student have?

receptive language disorder

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