Nonadaptive Evolution and Speciation

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1.) Some mutations occur in non-coding regions of DNA and do not seem to have any effect on the organism. Doberman and her pups, all the same. 2.) Some cause minor changes that really do not help or cause harm for the survival of the organism. A dog with one puppy a different color. 3.) Some cause harm and may result in the death of the organism - thus removing these harmful mutations from the gene pool. embryo floating 4.) Every once in a while, a mutation benefits an organism and allows it to survive better and pass on the change to future generations - the frequency of these mutations increases over time in the gene pool. 2 dobermans one is white and the other is brown.

4 different outcomes are possible due to mutations in egged/or sperm cells on the future generations, what are these?

B. A small number of individuals leaving a population. The candy in a bottle....

A bottleneck is best described as?

Founder Effect

A type of genetic drift in which small numbers of individuals leaves one population and establishes a new population, resulting in lower genetic diversity than in the original population from where they came.

Bottleneck Effect

A type of genetic drift that occurs when a population is suddenly reduced to a small number of individuals and as a result, alleles are lost from the population.

A. Stabilizing Selection

A type of natural selection in which organisms near the middle of the phenotypic range of variations are favored by the environment?

Nonadaptive evolution

Any change in allele frequency that does not by itself lead a population to become more adapted to its environment; the causes of this are mutation, genetic drift, and gene flow.

C. Longer intestines.

Cats show a few morphological differences from their wild ancestors. These include, slightly shorter legs, a small brain and what else?

Increases it.

Does gene flow increase or decrease genetic diversity?

Smaller populations

Does genetic drift have a bigger effect on small or large populations?

Over time genetic drift tend to decrease, as some alleles are lost completely, and others sweep to 100% frequency.

Does genetic drift increase or decrease the genetic diversity of a population?

A. hypothesized that traits acquired in ones lifetime are passed on to offspring.

How did Jean-Baptiste Lamarck incorrectly explain change in species over time?

D. On the basis of the ability to mate and produce fertile offspring.

How does the biological species concept defines a species?

C. Natural Selection

Mechanism of evolution caused by the environmental selection of organisms most fit to reproduce; results in adaptation to the environment.

Reproductive Isolation

Mechanisms that prevent mating (and therefore gene flow) between men beds of different species.

Munshi-South and his colleagues looked at the DNA from mice. What part oof the captured mice did they use to get tissue for DNA analysis?

Munshi-South and his colleagues looked at the DNA from mice. What part oof the captured mice did they use to get tissue for DNA analysis?

Mutations, genetic drift, and gene flow

Natural Selection is not the only mechanism of evolution. What are the 3 types of non adaptive evolution?

By mutations which continually introduce new allele into the population and by gene flow.

Once a population has lost genetic diversity because of genetic drift, there are only 2 ways genetic diversity can be introduced, what are they?

A. Short Tandem Repeats (STR)

One source of DNA information that was used to determine cat ancestry was microsatellites. What are microsatellites

Must rely on available variation.

Organisms of the past and organisms today eventually got extinct. We might ask why don't they just evolve in order to survive? Evolution does not happen because an organism "wants it to happen" or "needs it to happen". What do organisms need to rely on in order to evolve when their environment changes?

Genetic Drift

Random changes in allele frequencies of a population between generations; genetic drifts tend to have more dramatic effects in smaller populations than larger ones.

Biological species concept

The definition of a species as a population whose members can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.

Because a founding population is by definition small, there is a good chance that the particular alleles it carries will not be representative of the original population.

The founders effect often reduces genetic diversity. Explain why the genetic diversity of the new population is lower than the genetic diversity of the original population?


The genetic diversion of populations, leading over time to reproductive isolation and the formation of new species.

Geno Flow

The movement of alleles from one population to another, which may increase the genetic diversity of a population.

Hardy-Weinberg Principle

The principle that in a non-evolving population, both allele and genotype frequencies remain constant from one generation to the next.

Gene Pool

The total collection of alleles in a population

A flood that sweeps through the city killing many individuals. Clearing of the rain forests.

What are one natural and one human caused event that can lead to a bottleneck effect?

If they are changing then the population has evolved.

What can you say about a population whose allele frequencies are changing?


What causes new species to form?

B. Middle Eastern Wildcat

What is the common name of the subspecies that all domestic cats are related to?

B. "On the origins of species by means of natural selection"

What is the name of famous book written b y Darwin and published in 1859?

Whether a mutation is "good" or "bad" is seen in the light of whether it helps the species survive or not in their particular environment

What makes a mutation "good" or "bad"?

Genetic drift.

What type of nonadaptive evolution is represented by the bottleneck effect and the founders effect?

D. Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus

Which of the following are arranged in the order of most inclusive to least inclusive?

D. both a and b Founder effect and bottleneck effect.

Which of the following are example of genetic drift?

E. Bothe b and c It decreases genetic diversity and is a type of genetic drift.

Which of the following statements apply to the founders effect?

D. Cats have been successfully cloned, but dogs have not.

Which of the following statements dealing with dogs and cats are false?

Gametic Isolation

Which types of reproductive isolation stop different species from mating with one another? (This occurs BEFORE mating)

Hybrid infertility/inviability (goats and sheep. Horses and zebras.)

Which types of reproductive isolation stop the production off fertile offspring from 2 species that mate with each other? (Occurs AFETR mating)

These mistakes can create new alleles that benefit the individual by making it better to find food, avoid predators, and find a mate.

While mutations are rare, they are important. Why are random mutations important to a population?

Because closely related individuals are more likely to share the same alleles. The chance of 2 recessive harmful alleles coming together during mating is high.

Why does inbreeding have dangerous consequences on a population?

They both are mechanisms of evolution (they both change allele frequency over time). The key distinction is that, in genetic drift, allele frequency change by chance. Whereas natural selections alleles change by different reproductive successes.

Why is genetic drift a form of evolution? How does it differ from evolution?

They almost became extinct 10,000yrs ago when harsh conditions of the last ice age claimed the life of many large vertebrates on several; continents.

briefly explain how cheetahs serve as an example of the bottleneck effect? Why is genetic diversity important?

Alleles-p + q = 1 Genotypes-p2 + 2pq + q2 =1

the Hardy_Weinberg principle states that an equilibrium of genotype frequencies exists in a gene pool and may be represented by the mathematical formula

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