North Korea Study Guide

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Kim Il Sung

-"great leader" -first leader of NK -eternal president -instituted command system

Victor Cha

-American academic, author, former national foreign policy advisor and former director for Asian affairs -specializes in Asian countries and relations

How has the Kim dynasty established and maintained a cult of personality

-Appearance of modernity is important; peaceful city (cars, buildings, cellphones); praise EVERYWHERE; learning organization -make themselves seem like godlike figures to the public and make their people think NK is the greatest country

How does propaganda strengthen the regime

-Ensures that the people will listen and follow whatever the regime says, maintains absolute power over the people and minimize the chance for dissent -portrays a leader who stands up to opposition

How has the Kim Jong Un consolidated power

-He is the main ruler, dictatorship, he is in control of every aspect of NK: the military, the economy, the border, the information -He assassinated those who may have been a threat to his power (half brother and uncle)


-Legal market where people can buy necessities, put in place by Kim Jong-un to strengthen the economy enough to provide funding for the nuclear weapons program

What role does China play and why do they respond to North Korea the way they do?

-NK and China are not best friends, there's a deep historical bond between the two. NKs feel Chinese treat them with disrespect while the Chinese despise NKs. They are in a hostile relationship, neither can afford to leave the other -If NK continues to behave the way to does, that brings the focus off of China so they are free to do things they couldnt if the world wasn't so concerned with NK. If they break the sanctions and keep feeding NK the foods that they need, they won't need to respond to the sanctions and will continue their current behavior.


-NK black market -an illegal market where rare goods like info and outside products can be purchased -not authorized by the regime

Yeonmi Park

-North Korean defector and human rights activist who escaped to China before settling in SK -Young defector from NK -Listened to her speech about the black market generation of NKs, that the younger generations is not as influenced by the rhetoric that the regime is spewing -First generation to be alive when Kim il Sung was not in power, which plays a large role as to why this generation is not as influenced by the regime.

Who are North Korea's biggest trade partners and why would these countries maintain economic ties with North Korea?

-Russia: railway; invests in energy sector and gives hard currency to purchase foreign goods DICTATORS STICK BY DICTATORS -Only trades with China

How is Kim Jong Un similar and different from his father and grandfather

-Similar: dictatorship, establish authority, attitude of a murderer, echoed fathers actions in destroying nuclear plant, -difference: killed own family, more calculated and brutal, shows power to other countries, nurtured an oppressive state

How are South Korea and North Korea different

-South Korea has a market economy, very advanced nation, especially in technology, presidential republic -North Korea has a command economy, very little advancement, still mainly agricultural, complete dictatorship

How does Park's generation provide a threat to the regime

-They have more access and curiosity about the outside world. The propaganda used by the regime is not as effective in this generation. -Regime's propaganda doesn't match reality/apply to everyone -Propaganda more obvious -Outside media is setting NK free; therefore, the current regime is unstable. -Additionally, these are the people who are running and participating in the jangmadang, and they want to gain a profit and starting to ask questions

What has changed regarding the leadership of Kim Jong-il to Kim Jong-un?

-Un moves around publically with his wife -More consumer entertainment -No sign of serious economic reform -More rigid politics- much more similar to his grandfather Slowing moving is elders out of power (executed his uncle) -Ironic because when Un was first in power, it was predicted he would rely on these elders to help in making decisions for North Korea

Victor Cha's beliefs and warnings

-We underestimate NK -Claims of H-bomb may be more legitimate than we think -Even though the regime in unpredictable, we don't have to worry as much about them attacking us as we would worry about proliferation and their instability


-political and economic decisions apart of diplomatic efforts by countries/organizations against states to protect national security interests through a ban on trade or severing diplomatic ties. -For NK, sanctions are put in place to "teach lessons", letting them know that if they continue their nuclear programs, they will not be able to indulge in the riches of the rest of the world

Cult of personality

-regime used techniques to create idealized and worshipful images


-the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea. -one of most guarded and militarized borders in the world -splits the Korean Peninsula in half

What are main characteristics of Park's generation

-the first generation NOT under power of Kim il Sung 1. No devotion to Kim dynasty 2. Wide access to outside media and information 3. Campitalistic and individualistic

How has access to information changed over time

As the treatment of NKs has become more known, information has been smuggled into the country in forms of flash drives. This information can be accessed and purchased in the jangmadang.

Kim Jong Un

Current leader of North Korea

What was the purpose of the Six Party talks?

Designed to halt NK's nuclear program through negotiations with China, Russia, Japan, SK, and US during il's reign ('03)

What is most honorable thing you can do for Kim regime

Die for regime

What are the similarities/differences between the Donju and Jangmadang?

Donju is legal and exists to boost the NK economy where jangmadang is technically illegal and sells more contraband goods or necessities

How has US and NK relationscanged

Have always been very tense since the Korean War, NKs tend to blame US and capitalism for everything, US=villain. Tensions have eased slightly since the summits between Trump and Un

3 generation punishment

If caught and convicted of a crime (of nearly any kind), you, your children, and your grandchildren will be punished

Will sanctions (even with Chinese support) make a difference in NK's decision making?

It's hoped that increased sanctions will make it clear to North Korea that the way they are currently surviving is not sufficient. They haven't been effective because the scope of them are significantly lesser and the enforcement of said sanctions are not very tight. China has not enforced them enough.

How has NK changed overtime

Marketization, explosion of corruption, access to information, ideology erosion, and outflow of people

Current leader of south korea

Moon Jae in

What do they have(nuclear)? Should we be legitimately concerned with NK claims about striking the US?

NK claims to have a hydrogen bomb, most likely more than one. NK should not strike, because bombing the US would mean the end of NK.

What has come from the North Korea-US Summits?

Not much. Nothing set in stone, but the fact there was a connection between the two nations is a big start that could potentially lead to lifted sanctions and the eradication of the nuclear program in NK


Someone who completely abandons their country for another one with no intentions of returning

What does Yeonmi park call her generation

The black market generation "jangmadang"

How has North Korea developed a weapons program while people starve?

The money from the economy is going directly into the nuclear weapons program and not to the citizens who are desperately in need of help.

Nuclear Proliferation

The process of rapidly increasing amount of weapons in NK, testing the weapons, and refining entire nuclear program.

How does internet and media access differ in north korea

There is very little access to outside information. They have access to an "intranet" with 30 approved sites, completely controlled by the government. *related to cult of personality because the regime only allows for specific information access to decrease the chance for dissent.

6 Party Talks

US, North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, Russia. Aimed to find a peaceful resolution to the security concerns as a result of the North Korean nuclear weapons program


Unique brand of ideology, "self-reliance"; total independence in national life. Extreme isolationism

What kind of government does North Korea have



a network designed for the exclusive use of computer users within an organization that cannot be accessed by users outside the organization

Kim Jong Il

son of Kim Il Sung, became ruler of North Korea after his father's death. Father of Kim Jong Un

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