Nov 16th APUSH quiz

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The largest group of whites in the South _______. A. owned no slaves B. owned between one and nine slaves each C. owned between ten and ninety-nine slaves each D. owned over one hundred slaves each

A. Owned no slaves

Which religious community focused on the power of patriarchy? A. Shakers B. Mormons C. Owenites D. Rappites

A. Shakers

Which of the following was not one of the effects of the cotton boom? U.S. trade increased with France and Spain. Northern manufacturing expanded. The need for slave labor grew. Port cities like New Orleans expanded.

A. U.S. trade increased with France and Spain.

Border ruffians helped to ________. A. chase abolitionists out of Missouri B. elect a proslavery legislature in Kansas C. capture runaway slaves D. disseminate abolitionist literature in Kansas

A. chase abolitionists out of Missouri

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Second Great Awakening? A. greater emphasis on nature B. greater emphasis on religious education of children C. greater church attendance D. belief in the possibility of a better world

A. greater emphasis on nature

What was President Zachary Taylor's top priority as president?A. preserving the Union B. ensuring the recapture of runaway slaves C. expanding slavery D. enlarging the state of Texas

A. preserving the Union

Why did John Brown attack the armory at Harpers Ferry? A. to seize weapons to distribute to slaves for a massive uprising B. to hold as a military base against proslavery forces C. in revenge after the sacking of Lawrence D. to prevent southern states from seceding

A. to seize weapons to distribute to slaves for a massive uprising

The first temperance laws were enacted by ________. A. state governments B. local governments C. the federal government D. temperance organizations

B. Local governments

Which of the following was not a component of the Compromise of 1850? A. the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act B. the admission of Kansas as a free state C. the admission of California as a free state D. a ban on the slave trade in Washington, DC

B. the admission of Kansas as a free state

Which of the following did not contribute to Lincoln's victory in the election of 1860? A. the split between northern and southern democrats B. the defeat of the Whig party C. Lincoln's improved national standing after his senatorial debates with Stephen Douglas D. the Constitutional Union party's further splintering the vote

B. the defeat of the Whig party

In the context of the antebellum era, what does colonization refer to? A. Great Britain's colonization of North America B. the relocation of African Americans to Africa C. American colonization of the Caribbean D. American colonization of Africa

B. the relocation of African Americans to Africa

The abolition of the foreign slave trade in 1807 led to _______. A. a dramatic decrease in the price and demand for slaves B. the rise of a thriving domestic slave trade C. a reform movement calling for the complete end to slavery in the United States D. the decline of cotton production

B. the rise of a thriving domestic slave trade

Why did southern expansionists conduct filibuster expeditions? A. to gain political advantage B. to annex new slave states C. to prove they could raise an army D. to map unknown territories

B. to annex new slave states

What famous Founding Father disowned his eldest son (illegitimate) for remaining loyal to Britain?

Ben Franklin

Which three Americans will be sent to Britain to negotiate a peace treaty?

Ben Franklin John Adams and John Jay

How was American morale shaken in 1780?

Benedict Arnold tried to give the British West Point - Traitor

Which community or movement is associated with transcendentalism? A. the Oneida Community B. the Ephrata Cloister C. Brook Farm D. Fourierism

C. Brook Farm

Which female reformer focused on women's roles as the educators of children? A. Lydia Maria Child B. Sarah Grimké C. Catherine Beecher D. Susan B. Anthony

C. Catherine Beecher

The controversy at the heart of the Ostend Manifesto centered on the fate of :A. Ostend, Belgium B. Nicaragua C. Cuba D. Louisiana

C. Cuba

Under the law in the antebellum South, slaves were ________. A. servants B. animals C. property D. indentures

C. Property

John C. Calhoun argued for greater rights for southerners with which idea? A. polygenism B. nullification C. concurrent majority D. paternalism

C. concurrent majority

Which of the following did William Lloyd Garrison not employ in his abolitionist efforts? A. moral suasion B. immediatism C. political involvement D. pamphleteering

C. political involvement

On what grounds did Dred Scott sue for freedom? A. the inherent inhumanity of slavery B. the cruelty of his master C. the fact that he had lived in free states D. the fact that his family would be torn apart

C. the fact that he had lived in free states

Transcendentalists were most concerned with ________. A. the afterlife B. predestination C. the individual D. democracy

C. the individual

Which British General was forced to surrender at Yorktown when surrounded by Washington, Rochambeau and the French navy?


What famous crossing took place on December 25, 1776 by Washington? What other future POTUS will be depicted in the same boat as George Washington at this famous crossing?

Crossing the Delaware; James Monroe

Which English philosopher did Jefferson use to invoke universal "natural rights"? (not in textbook)

John Locke

Which famous American said the following: "I have not begun to fight", but later he had to abandon his ship?

John Paul Jones

What did Thomas Jefferson call the most republican example of democracy in the colonies prior to the American Revolution?

New England town meetings and annual elections

As proof that the colonies were not seeking their independence what last ditch effort was passed in July 1775 which King George III rejected after the Battle of Bunker Hill. Why did he reject the colonies appeal?

Olive Branch Petition; The casualty rate at the Battle of Bunker Hill

What qualities did Washington posses which convinced the 2nd Continental Congress to choose him as the leader of the Continental Army?

Outstanding powers of leadership and immense strength of character, radiated patience, courage, self-discipline, and a sense of justice

Which famous American said the following: "Give me liberty, or give me death!"

Patrick Henry

What was Paine's definition of a republic?

Political society where power flowed from the people themselves

What document was the 1st formal declaration of independence by the colonies?

Richard Henry Lee's Resolution

Which country had joined with France in the War of Independence hoping to gain the trans- Allegheny area?


Which of the following was not a result of the Lincoln-Douglas debates? A. Douglas was elected senator of Illinois. B. Lincoln's national profile was raised. C. Citizens in both the North and South followed the debates closely. D. Lincoln successfully defended the principle of popular sovereignty.

D. Lincoln successfully defended the principle of popular sovereignty.

Why did William Lloyd Garrison's endorsement of the Grimké sisters divide the abolitionist movement? A. They advocated equal rights for women. B. They supported colonization. C. They attended the Seneca Falls Convention. D. They lectured to co-ed audiences.

D. They lectured to co-ed audiences.

Sylvester Graham's reformers targeted ________. A. the human body B. nutrition C. sexuality D. all of the above

D. all of the above

Which of the following was a focus of the new Republican Party? A. supporting Irish Catholic immigration B. encouraging the use of popular sovereignty to determine where slavery could exist C. promoting states' rights D. halting the spread of slavery

D. halting the spread of slavery

What major mistake did Britain make concerning the Loyalists?

Did not take full advantage of their loyalty

This treaty signed with the Iroquois will be the first between the United States and a Native American nation

Fort Stanwix

Which British general was defeated in October of 1777, which becomes the turning point of the American Revolution?

General Burgoyne

Which American hero might have caused the British to cede the Ohio River region?

George Rogers Clarke

What did George Washington do which gave the members of the 2nd Continental Congress hints that he should be elected Commander of the Continentals?

He wore his dress uniform

Even though Bunker Hill was a defeat, how did it affect the British?

Heavy casualties and forced them to consider the Hessians

Why was the battle in question #35 the turning point?.

The French decide to join the battle because the Americans prove they can defeat the British

By many accounts how much of the colonial population remained loyal to Great Britain during the Revolution?


After facing the British head-on in NY, what strategy did Washington implement which was not in the style of Old European Warfare?

The use of guerilla warfare—hit and run

Why was the military alliance with the French unique during the American Revolution?

They were a hereditary foe and Roman Catholic.

What was the other name given to the Loyalists in the American Revolution?


Place the following in chronological order: Treaty of Paris ending the Revolutionary War, Treaty of Paris ending the French and Indian War, Battle of Lexington and Concord, Battle of Saratoga, Declaration of Independence, Treaty of Fort Stanwix.

Treaty of 1763, Battle of Lexington and Concord, Declaration of Independence, Battle of Saratoga, Treaty of 1783, Treaty of Fort Stanwix.

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