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A concentration of mass so great and dense that no light can escape its gravitational pull is known as a


A hydrogen sulfide layer that begins about 200 feet below the surface and ends all life from that point downward gives its name to the


A light-year is defined as the


A solar system is


A thunderstorm develops in ______ stages.


About three-fourths of which planet's surface is covered by ironoxide dust?


According to the "Big Bang" theory, creation began about _______ billion years ago when a huge explosion sent dust and gas hurtling through space in all directions.


According to the "Big Bang" theory, when our solar system was forming the thermonuclear ____________ at the core of the proto-Sun released large amounts of energy and caused the proto-Sun to shine.


Adolph Hitler founded the Nazi Party in


After Pearl Harbor the U.S. had no choice but to build their offensive in the Pacific around


After the Battle of Salamis of 480 B.C., the great period of peace during which theater, sculpture, writing, and philosophy flourished is known as the


Battles of the Spanish-American War of 1898 spanned from the Caribbean to


Beyond the continental shelf, the ocean bottom drops off


a) Thermal front. b) Weather front. c) Front. d) Stationary front.


a) Tokyo b) Nagasaki c) Hiroshima d) Yokohamo


a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Six


a) Union forces b) German forces c) European forces d) Confederate forces


a) acceleration. b) force. c) mass. d) None of the answers are correct.


a) altocumulus. b) cumulus. c) nimbus. d) cumulonimbus.


a) appeasement. b) annexation. c) non-aggression. d) demilitarization.


a) cessation of aid from the former Soviet Union. b) ethnic conflict. c) poor economic conditions. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) cheap. b) light. c) rechargeable. d) None of the answers are correct.


Dry wood makes a good conductor.


Erosion is


Fog at sea is frequently formed through a process known as


In brightness and temperature our Sun is classified as


In what country is the largest refracting telescope located?




On what date was the American Navy first created?


One advantage the Japanese had at the Battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942 was


One of the most famous of all comets is __________ and generally appears every 75 years.


Operation Overlord was the code word for the invasion of


Personnel at the U. S. naval base at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica are involved with


Planets orbit the sun in a(n) _______ path.


Radar can be used to track both friendly and potentially threatening


Relative humidity and dewpoint are measured by using the


Some scientists believe it possible that the Moon


Stars can best be classified as:


Temperature in the stratosphere averages a fairly constant


The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo


The ________________ was placed in earth orbit in 1990.


The accord ending the Vietnam war was signed in 1973.


The democratic style of leadership means


The light giving "surface" of the sun is called the


The main U. S. naval bases on the East Coast of the United States are located at


The main cause of tides is


The main objective of the German U-boats in World War I were to


The main reason Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory was to


The most intense and violent of localized storms is the


The path of a body in flight is determined by


What specially trained force developed Henderson Field on Guadalcanal?


What word describes air flow outward from the center of a high-pressure area?


When Congress passed the Navy Act in 1794, the bill stated that naval shipbuilding would stop if


When James Madison became President in 1809 he


When North Korea invaded South Korea,


When a cadet is supportive of the organization or unit, he or she is showing


When a cold air mass collides with a warmer air mass, the cold air usually


Where do monsoon winds characteristically occur?


Which country tried unsuccessfully to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama from 1881-89?


Who was CNO during the 1962 Cuban missile quarantine?


Who was in charge of naval forces in Korea?


With Napoleon defeated in Europe, Britain was able to send more troops and ships to American waters in 1814. At this time they made damaging amphibious assaults in the Chesapeake Bay area on


With the Treaty of Paris in 1763, the war in North America between France and England ended. Who controlled the world's seas at that time?


Within a month of the invasion, the South Korean and American forces were making a last ditch defense in a small corner of the Korean peninsula called the


World War I began in Europe in 1914 when what two countries declared war on each other?


____________ is a device for measuring water temperature at different depths.


____________ is the change in velocity per unit of time.


_____________ is the quantity of material contained in a body.


__________________ in American newspapers, including publication of a letter by the Spanish Ambassador calling President McKinley "weak," whipped up American support for the Spanish-American war.


___________________ are the newest forecasting tools available to the meteorologist.


___________as well as liquids exert upward buoyant forces.


_________occurs when there is a change in the density or atmosphere in which the wave is traveling.


a) "Festung Europa." b) Stalingrad. c) French Morocco and Algeria. d) Salerno.


a) "Yellow Journalism" b) "U.S. Military Prepares For War" essays. c) "How America Is Preparing For War" essays. d) "Ill Treatment Of Cubans By The Spanish Government" essays.


a) 0 degrees F to 20 degrees F. b) 15 degrees F to 50 degrees F. c) 60 degrees F to 100 degrees F. d) -40 degrees F to -50 degrees F.


a) 10 degrees north and south b) 30 degrees north and south c) 45 degrees south and north d) 60 degrees south and north


a) 10 degrees north and south latitudes. b) 40 degrees north and south latitudes. c) 60 degrees north and south latitudes. d) 90 degrees north and south latitudes.


a) 10,000 miles b) 12,000 miles c) 14,000 miles d) 18,000 miles


a) 10/13/1775 b) 5/14/1776 c) 11/20/1777 d) 6/18/1778


a) 149,000 miles away b) 200,000 miles away c) 239,000 miles away d) 350,000 miles away


a) 15 b) 30 c) 23.5 d) 40


a) 1782 b) 1778 c) 1785 d) 1775


a) 1789 b) 1776 c) 1775 d) 1763


a) 1939 b) 1949 c) 1959 d) 1969


a) 20% b) 40% c) 60% d) 80%


a) 24 hours b) 36 hours c) 48 hours d) 60 hours


a) 25 degrees b) 32 degrees c) 100 degrees d) 212 degrees


a) 270000 b) 54000 c) 27000 d) 1000


a) 32 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit. b) 0 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. c) 32 and 212 degrees Celsius. d) -1 and 220 degrees Ceslsius.


a) 32 feet per second/per second. b) 64 feet per second/per second. c) 32 feet per second. d) 64 feet per second.


a) 41% b) 51% c) 61% d) 71%


a) 43 knots b) 53 knots c) 63 knots d) 64 knots and up


a) 5 b) 2 c) 1 d) 3


a) Admiral Charles Gridley, USN. b) Rear Admiral William Sampson, USN. c) Admiral David G. Farragut, USN. d) Commodore George Dewey, USN.


a) Admiral Chester Nimitz. b) Admiral Albert Fisher. c) Admiral James Thompson. d) Admiral Robert Mitscher.


a) Admiral Gettes b) Commodore Hertz c) Admiral Donitz d) Captain Stutgartt


a) Admiral Hyman G. Rickover b) Admiral George Anderson c) Admiral Chester W. Nimitz d) Admiral Michael W. West


a) Admiral Pasquale Cervera. b) Admiral William Sampson. c) Commodore Winfield Schley. d) Captain Alfred Mahan.


a) Admiral Porter, USN b) Admiral Mahan, USN c) Admiral Sims, USN d) Admiral Farragut, USN


a) Aerodynamic forces b) Gravity forces c) Drag forces d) Energy forces


a) Age of Alexander the Great. b) Renaissance. c) Golden Age of Athens. d) Western Civilization Age.


a) Alliance. b) Victory. c) St. Louis. d) Mitchell.


a) Almanac b) Star chart c) Atlas d) Celestial map


a) Always be friendly, courteous and tactful. b) Be consistent and fair in assigning duties. c) Know each person by name. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) America b) the Russian Commonwealth. c) The Persian Gulf d) All of the answers are correct.


a) American shipping interests in New England suffered economic disaster. b) farmers in the South and West suffered due to a lack of markets for their products. c) smuggling became widespread, draining tax income from the federal government. d) All three statements occurred.


a) Antarctic b) Atlantic c) Pacific d) Indian


a) Archimedes' Law b) Einstein's law of motion c) Einstein's Law of Relativity d) Bernoulli's Principle


a) Argentina b) Brazil c) Nicaragua d) Chile


a) Arleigh Burke, U.S.N. b) Chester W. Nimitz, U.S.N. c) Hyman G. Rickover, U.S.N. d) Alfred T. Mahan, U.S.N.


a) Asteroids b) Comets c) Aerolites d) Tektites


a) Asteroids b) Comets c) Meteoroids d) Aerolites


a) Atlantic. b) Pacific. c) Indian. d) Antarctic.


a) Attaches directly to a telescope, breaks up incoming light into its component wavelengths or colors to be photographed. b) Produces the rainbow of colors of a prism. c) Records the color bands of the spectrum. d) Determines the amount of hydrogen, helium, and the other elements that may be present.


a) Attorney General. b) UN Ambassador. c) White House Chief of Staff. d) Secretary of Defense.


a) Auroras Borealis. b) corona of the sun to be visible. c) sun to increase in luminosity. d) eclipse of the sun in the polar regions.


a) Australia b) Guam c) The Aleutian Islands d) Samoa


a) Australia. b) Andaman Islands. c) Austria. d) Aleutian Islands.


a) Austria and Serbia. b) Britain and France. c) Japan and Germany. d) France and Russia.


a) Britain and Germany. b) England and Germany. c) Germany and China. d) England and France.


a) Captain William Bainbridge, Constitution vs. Java b) Captain Steven Decatur, United States vs. Macedonian c) Captain Oliver Hazard Perry, Niagara vs. Detroit d) Captain James Lawrence, Chesapeake vs. Shannon


a) Caribbean Sea b) Caspian Sea c) North Sea d) Red Sea


a) Caribbean Sea b) North Sea c) Mediterranean Sea d) Black Sea


a) Carrier wave b) Undercurrent Wave c) Sound wave d) Radar wave


a) Celsius scale thermometer. b) Millibars. c) Aneroid barometer. d) Psychrometer.


a) Celsius=5/9 [F-32] b) Celsius=9/5 [32-F] c) Celsius=5/9 [F/32] d) Celsius=9/5F [-32+F]


a) Center of gravity and buoyancy b) Weight of the ship c) Center of buoyancy d) Waterline


a) Center of gravity b) Center of mass c) Center of density d) Center of buoyancy


a) Center of gravity b) Centerline c) Waterline d) Neutrally buoyant force


a) Cepheid star b) Galaxy of stars c) Shape of the star d) Pulsating star


a) Cervera b) Sampson c) Porter d) Cadiz


a) Cessation of aid from the Soviet Union b) Rebel Armies forced President Siad Barre to flee c) Clan warfare d) All of the answers are correct


a) Constantinople. b) Rome. c) Athens. d) Macedonia.


a) Distant moons in space b) Distant planets in space c) Distant suns in space d) Distant asteroids in space


a) Doolittle b) Nimitz c) Halsey d) Fletcher


a) Doppler Effect. b) Salinity. c) Wattage. d) Sound intensity.


a) Drug Trafficking b) Illegal Aliens c) Forest Fires d) City Riots


a) Dwight Eisenhower b) Richard Nixon c) John Kennedy d) Gerald Ford


a) Earth b) Mars c) Venus d) Mercury


a) F=ma b) A=fm c) M=fa d) F=m/a


a) Harry Truman b) Arthur Struble c) Walton Walker d) Dwight Eisenhower


a) Harry Truman b) Douglas MacArthur c) C. Turner Joy d) Dwight Eisenhower


a) He recommended that the Palaus and Yap be bypassed and ground forces be turned over to MacArthur. b) He requested additional troops to assist MacArthur with the invasion. c) He explained the Japanese had initiated a new "defense in depth" strategy. d) He advised Nimitz that he had lost most of his aircraft in air strikes against the central Philippines.


a) Heat b) Light c) Evaporation d) Loss of mass


a) Helium b) Carbon c) Oxygen d) Hydrogen


a) High pressure b) Topography c) Low pressure d) Heating


a) Hiroshima. b) Nagasaki. c) Tokyo. d) Yokohamo.


a) Hormuz. b) Malacca. c) Magellan. d) Good Hope.


a) Ht b) Hz c) HR d) HRZ


a) Hudson River Valley b) Colorado River Valley c) Potomac River Valley d) Tennessee and Mississippi River Valleys


a) India b) Korea c) Pakistan d) Ceylon


a) PM b) AM c) DW d) FR


a) Rigel b) Antares c) Alpha Centauri d) The Sun


a) Right semicircle when in opposite direction to the storm movement. b) Left semicircle when in opposite direction to the storm movement. c) Right semicircle when in the same direction as the storm movement. d) Left semicircle when in same directions as the storm movement.


a) Robert McNamara b) Robert Kennedy c) Dean Rusk d) George Anderson


a) Rome and Carthage b) Greece and Persia c) Arabs and Christians d) Spain and England


a) Russia b) United States c) Spain d) Germany


a) Saturn b) Jupiter c) Uranus d) Neptune


a) Saturn b) Mars c) Mercury d) Venus


a) Saudi Arabia. b) Syria. c) Kuwait. d) Israel.


a) Science b) Research c) Theories d) Scientific principals


a) Scientific principal b) Hypotheses c) Research element d) Theory


a) Search b) Rescue c) Fire control d) Special


a) Shooting star b) Fireball c) Black hole d) Elliptical star


a) Siderites b) Asteroid belt c) Fireball d) Aerolites


a) Spiral galaxy b) Nova c) Nebula d) Black hole


a) Stratosphere b) Ionosphere c) Troposphere d) Exosphere


a) Stratosphere. b) Exosphere. c) Chemosphere. d) Ionosphere


a) Submarines, destroyers, and experiments involving manned aircraft b) Submarines and flight experiments c) Submarines and destroyers d) None of the answers are correct


a) Submarines. b) USMC. c) B-29's. d) Aircraft Carriers.


a) The Milky Way b) Binary constellation c) Globular cluster d) The big dipper


a) The Sea of Tranquillity b) Copernicus c) Bailly d) Tycho


a) The World Trade Center, New York City b) The Pentagon, Washington D.C. c) Western Pennsylvania d) All of the answers are correct


a) ebb. b) high tide. c) flood. d) low tide.


a) evaporation. b) photosynthesis. c) green leaves of plants. d) the melting of both polar ice caps.


a) first b) second c) third d) fourth


a) goes through b) moves into c) rises over d) goes under


a) guyots. b) atolls. c) volcanoes. d) seamounts.


a) hand. b) cranks. c) pulleys and levers. d) computers.


a) hard work and pride. b) piracy and tribute payments. c) credit. d) borrowed money and loans.


a) he decided wars should be between European countries only. b) he believed the Navy should only protect the American coastline. c) he didn't want to use up their valuable fuel supply. d) building materials were too expensive.


a) height. b) appearance. c) elevation above ground. d) water phase (solid or liquid).


a) herring and sardines. b) cod, haddock, and ocean perch. c) shrimp and crabs. d) tuna.


a) high-energy protons and electrons. b) lower-energy particles. c) high electrons. d) high-energy neutrons.


a) highs and lows. b) migratory lows. c) stationary lows. d) sub-tropical lows.


a) hygroscopic nuclei b) precipitation c) advection d) coalescence


a) immigrant uphill run. b) slave trade. c) triangular trade. d) packet downhill run.


a) in selective foreign ports. b) in centrally located shipyards. c) in shipyards throughout America. d) in shipyards in New York.


a) increase. b) decrease. c) dwindle. d) are unmeasurable.


a) increases b) decreases c) stays the same d) decreases to dew point, then increases


a) infant Stage b) immature Stage c) mature Stage d) adult Stage


a) inspired Francis Scott Key to write "The Star-Spangled Banner." b) allowed President Madison and Congress to escape capture. c) aided in lighting the skies over Baltimore. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) invasion of Sicily. b) invasion of Casablanca. c) Battle of the Bulge. d) Battle of Stalingrad.


a) it will snow b) that rain will probably occur within twenty-four hours c) it will sleet d) nothing will occur


a) kelp. b) algae. c) sea plants. d) sea ferns.


a) lack of air. b) pressures of the water. c) utter darkness. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) leads to more demands. b) ends the problem. c) will help start peace talks. d) None of the answers are correct.


a) light reflected off the earth. b) relative positions of the sun, earth and moon. c) the moons motion in its orbit about the earth. d) Both light reflected off the earth and the moons in its orbit are correct.


a) limit on fuel storage. b) loss of manpower. c) increased number of surface escorts. d) increased cost of repairs.


a) more quickly than land. b) at about the same rate as land. c) more slowly than land. d) water does not absorb heat.


a) more than half of it freezes over each winter. b) they surround the south polar continent. c) the continental shelf of Antarctica is very narrow. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) movement of ships across the oceans. b) sea animal migration. c) mostly along the shore. d) movement of deep layers of water toward the surface.


a) one hundred b) one thousand c) one million d) two


a) one who deals in or applies make-up. b) one who is skilled in articles of costume. c) one who deals with the origin and structure of the universe. d) one who studies cosmopolitan areas of a country.


a) period. b) trough. c) crest. d) wavelength.


a) photosphere. b) magnetosphere. c) chromosphere. d) coronasphere.


a) photosphere. b) magnetosphere. c) coronagraph. d) chromosphere.


a) precipitation. b) advection. c) coalescence. d) hygroscopic nuclei.


a) preparing reports. b) giving awards. c) communicating. d) guiding.


a) presidents. b) coalitions. c) dictators. d) mobs of demonstrators.


a) privateering. b) racketeering. c) imprisonment. d) impressment.


a) protect American trade. b) establish a base. c) discuss trade secrets. d) determine a market for shipping.


a) providing opportunities for each person to develop their personal talents. b) increasing their workloads. c) allowing them to use their judgment. d) all of the answers are correct.


a) radiation. b) time. c) fusion. d) fusion fields.


a) raise money to pay its debts from the war with France. b) stop the colonies from becoming independent. c) discourage trade between England and the colonies. d) None of the answers are correct.


a) reading and writing. b) listening and speaking. c) both A and B. d) None of the answers are correct.


a) refraction. b) the Coriolis effect. c) erosion. d) convection.


a) regular inspections of personnel and equipment. b) insistence on discipline and efficiency. c) inactivity and boredom. d) a schedule that includes a mix of work and recreation.


a) rising moisture from the earth that condenses when it meets cooler air aloft. b) moisture from frozen carbon dioxide. c) ice crystal meeting silver iodide in the upper atmosphere. d) moisture droplets.


a) rum, slaves, and molasses. b) molasses, rum, and slaves. c) manufactured goods, lumber and salt fish, and raw materials. d) lumber and salt fish, naval stores, and raw materials.


a) sardines and anchovies. b) shrimp. c) codfish. d) lobsters.


a) satellites. b) aircraft. c) ships. d) None of the answers are correct.


a) slow separation of continents over time. b) erosion of continental seacoasts. c) pile-up of dirt caused by wind. d) floating across an ocean between continents.


a) small. b) average. c) large. d) huge.


a) tektite. b) meteorite. c) meteoroid. d) meteor.


a) tektites. b) aerolites. c) stellar fragments. d) meteors.


a) telling b) autocratic c) permissive d) democratic


a) the Coral Sea. b) the Philippines. c) Midway. d) the Java Sea.


a) the Sea of Tranquillity. b) Copernicus. c) Bailly. d) Tycho.


a) the Strait of Malacca . b) Suez Cannal c) Panama Cannal d) None of the above.


a) the atom b) the universe c) the solar system d) the zodiac


a) the sun, planets, and their moons. b) the middle of the body. c) a collection of nearby stars. d) the laws by which the sun moves in orbit.


a) trade winds. b) high clouds. c) polar fronts. d) thunderhead clouds.


a) tropical cyclone. b) hurricane. c) typhoon. d) tornado.


a) trough. b) wavelength. c) period. d) crest.


a) tsunami b) fetch c) swell d) breaker


a) twilight zone. b) lighted zone. c) bright zone. d) dark zone.


a) two parts oxygen to one part hydrogen. b) one part hydrogen to one part oxygen. c) one part oxygen to two parts hydrogen. d) two parts hydrogen to two parts oxygen.


a) type of SCUBA gear. b) Deep Submergence Rescue Vessel (DSRV). c) Floating Instrument Platform (FLIP ship). d) free-moving underwater research vessel similar to a submarine.


a) typhoons. b) hurricanes. c) baguios. d) impressions.


a) using tidal motion to turn turbines. b) using chemicals in tidal water. c) using temperature changes during tides. d) using water pressure changes during tides.


a) very gradually. b) suddenly. c) about 7 to 10 feet per mile. d) about 8 to 12 feet per mile.


a) very rapidly. b) very slowly. c) swiftly. d) fast.


a) wax. b) phase. c) shrink. d) wane.


a) will float. b) will sink. c) will achieve neutral buoyancy. d) will achieve negative buoyancy.


a) wiping out piracy in the Caribbean-West Indies area. b) establishing an anti-slavery patrol at the mouth of the Mississippi delta. c) providing escort for the U.S. whaling fleet. d) convoying merchantmen along the U.S. East Coast.


b) False


b) Health, Energy, and Optimism


c) earned.


d) Concern for People


"A body in motion tends to remain in motion in a straight line unless acted on by outside forces" is known as ______________.




A bathyscaphe is a


A tremendous source of environmentally friendly power that can satisfy the growing needs of all civilized mankind, if it could be economically harnessed, would be


A tsunami is


A typical hurricane that originates in the doldrums and follows a northeastward track from the Greater Antilles will spread destruction


Admiral David Dixon Porter, USN, was instrumental in putting together a brilliant staff, establishing an athletic program, and organizing the engineering and physics departments at which of the following institutions in 1865?


Admiral Farragut was an outstanding naval commander. What navy did he serve with during the Civil War?


Admiral Farragut's Union fleet moved up the Mississippi River in April 1862, taking heavy fire from Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip. As he moved through the midst of the Confederate defensive fleet, his action caused what city on the river to surrender?


After the Revolutionary War ended in 1783, what was one of the first acts of the new American government?


After the Revolutionary War, those citizens of the United States that lived inland


After the Sun, what star is closest to the Earth?


After the U.S. Marines fought their way out of encirclement at the Chosin Reservoir, the Navy successfully evacuated them and their equipment


Anything with a density less than water


At the beginning of World War I, what country set up a naval blockade that prevented the escape of German ships into the Atlantic?


At what angle to the sun is the earth inclined?


Balloons astronomy is playing a great part in the study of the universe.


Barometers may be graduated in either inches of mercury or _____________.


Boundaries of air masses of different temperatures that collide are called


During World War I, the U.S. Navy transported two million American troops into Europe without the loss of a single man or ship. What was the U.S. Navy's major mission during World War I?


During World War I, what was the main mission of the Channel Fleet?


During World War I, what was the main mission of the German fleet?


During World War II little effort went into improving or training in the Japanese


England and France felt that trade during the Civil War was far more important with the


England imposed a tax on the American colonies in order to


Entrance and departure from the Baltic Sea is through the


In September, 1939 Adolph Hitler's armies started World War II by invading


In a battle with British ships, John Paul Jones uttered the famous words, "I have not yet begun to fight!"


In what city is the major naval base on the west coast of the United States located?


In what country are the oil fields of Lake Maricaibo located?


In what year did France formally join America in her battle for independance?


In what year was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) formed?


In which body of water are most of the shrimp consumed in the United States caught?


Instead of meeting General Burgoyne in Albany in 1777, General Howe made an ill-advised decision to capture which city?


Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, figured that the Union's blockades would anger at least two major foreign nations that were buying goods from the Confederate States. What were the names of these two major nations?


Leadership depends upon


Submarines operate with:


Sunspots are visible because


The Communist South Vietnamese insurgents were referred to as the Vietcong. What was their official name?


The Confederates had designed the CSS Virginia with one purpose in mind. What was the purpose?


The National Security Act of 1947 created the


The asthenosphere is


The autocratic style of leadership is centered on the


The average distance from the Sun to the Earth, about 93 million miles, is called one


The chemical composition of water is


The naval officer who commanded the American Flying Squadron during the Battle of Santiago de Cuba in July 1898 was


Caught along the New England, Caribbean, and South African coasts are high-value


The rate at which work is done or energy is gained or expended is known as _____________.


The rate of motion in a given direction is


The third layer or environment of the ocean, which is a thick layer where no plants grow, is called the


The three basic cloud types are


Thermonuclear fusion occurs when


These objects look no larger than a single star, but they emit hundreds of times more energy than most galaxies.


Upwelling is


What aviation weather forecasts give conditions for landings and takeoffs at fields enroute?


What aviation weather reports pertain to weather conditions on successive stages of a flight?


Where is the largest single offshore mining operation in the world located?


Where is the world's largest steerable radiotelescope located?


Who developed the first hygrometer?


Who signed the document for the United States accepting the surrender of Japan?


Who took command of the Eighth Army after the death of General Walton Walker?


a) Antarctic. b) Indian. c) Atlantic. d) Pacific.


a) Courage b) Fairness c) Honesty d) Truthfulness


a) Cretes. b) Romans. c) Phoenicians. d) Greeks.


a) General Ulysses S. Grant b) General George G. Meade c) General Robert E. Lee d) General George Washington


a) Inner and Outer Van Allen radiation belts. b) magnetopause. c) Starfish ring. d) stable trapping region.


a) Intertropical Convergence Zone b) Sub-tropical High Pressure Belt c) Polar Frontal Zone d) Trade Belt


a) Ionic. b) An insulator. c) A conductor. d) Electron deficient.


a) Joseph Martin b) Harry Truman c) Douglas MacArthur d) Matthew Ridgeway


a) Jupiter b) Mars c) Neptune d) Saturn


a) Jupiter b) Mercury c) Saturn d) Pluto


a) Jupiter b) Neptune c) Saturn d) Pluto


a) New England topsail schooners. b) Packet ships. c) Clipper ships. d) Frigates.


a) New York City b) Boston c) Philadelphia d) Savannah


a) Newton b) Archimedes c) Plato d) Aristotle


a) Rain b) Hail c) Sleet d) Snow


a) Speed b) Distance c) Velocity d) Friction


a) The Caribbean b) The Gulf of Mexico c) The Grand Banks of Newfoundland. d) The Atlantic


a) The Crusades b) The Punic War c) The Trojan War d) The French and Indian War


a) The USS Kitty Hawk and the Nimitz b) The USS Lexington and the Enterprise c) The USS Kennedy and the Roosevelt d) The USS Coral Gables and the Arizona


a) The Western Atlantic Range b) The North Gulf Ridge c) The Maritime Boundry d) The Mid-Atlantic Ridge


a) U.S. Army was unable to contest them due to its weakness. b) U.S. Navy was out of range to oppose Soviet actions in that area. c) American public did not have the will to go to war or use the atomic bomb to stop them. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) Volume b) Friction c) Mass d) Sound


a) a year and a half. b) a day. c) a week. d) a month.


a) apparent magnitude. b) absolute magnitude. c) spectrum-luminosity rating. d) main sequence.


a) clusters. b) dwarfs. c) main sequences. d) Pulsating stars.


a) commercial fishing in the stormy waters along the East Coast. b) catching seals for their valuable fur. c) whaling, for lighting oil, whalebone, and other products. d) pirates and their hidden treasure.


a) completion of a railroad across the Isthmus of Panama. b) increased use of steamships for transoceanic commerce. c) the opening of the transcontinental stagecoach line from St. Louis to San Francisco. d) All of the answers helped cause the decline.


a) conductors. b) insulators. c) thermocouples. d) D electric cells.


a) convection. b) the Coriolis effect. c) rip currents. d) longshore currents.


a) decided to forgive and forget. b) chose to verbally attack the U.S. c) declared war on the U.S. d) stole money from other countries.


a) deflected b) reflected c) diffracted d) diffracted


a) dew. b) fog. c) frost. d) snow.


a) diffracted b) echoed c) refracted d) detected


a) ebb. b) flood. c) high tide. d) low tide.


a) ellipsoidal galaxy. b) spherical galaxy. c) irregular galaxy. d) spiral galaxy.


a) ended the Mexican War in February 1848. b) recognized U.S. annexation of the New Mexico-Arizona Territory and California. c) set the Rio Grande as the U.S. -Mexican border. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) establish new businesses. b) trade with foreign countries. c) vote. d) provide and maintain a navy.


a) examining water for mineral content. b) extracting mineral resources from sea animals. c) applying natural procedures for harvesting sea animals. d) applying farming methods to grow and harvest sea animals and plants.


a) greater than in air and increases with temperature. b) greater than in air but decreases as temperature increases. c) slower than in air and increases with temperature. d) slower than in air and decreases as temperature increases.


a) groin. b) levy. c) jetty. d) breakwater.


a) harsh and unfair. b) an orderly way of doing things. c) a trait only great leaders possess. d) commanding someone to do something.


a) miles per-hour. b) feet per-second. c) knots. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) naval battle. b) army battle. c) air battle. d) political battle.


a) naval operating bases. b) ship repair facilities. c) intelligence and weather units. d) communications stations.


a) neap tides. b) ebb tides. c) flow tides. d) spring tides.


a) shrimp and menhaden. b) halibut, shrimp, and tuna. c) blue crabs and cod. d) tuna and cod.


b) Set the best example possible


"For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction" is best related to


"Jumbo" oil tankers steaming from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and the United Arab Emirates to their major customer-nations in Europe /U.S. must go








































Because cyclonic winds in the Northern Hemisphere circulate in a counterclockwise direction, as you move in the same direction as the storm, winds in the left semicircle are known as the


Because leaders can not be everywhere all the time, it is frequently necessary for leaders to


Before the Dark Ages, the capital of the Byzantine Empire was located at _____________.


Before the Union forces left Norfolk, Virginia, early in the war, they were ordered to destroy many of their own vessels to keep them from being captured and used later by the Confederates. One of the vessels that was sunk was raised by the Confederacy was the


Benito Mussolini inspired Italian workers to build up the Italian military might, so that he could establish Rome as the center of


Between its first and last quarters when more than half of the Moon is visible, it is called (a)


Bright stars that expand and contract with a definit rhythum called cepheid stars are sometimes referred to as ______________.


By 1812, over 6000 American citizens were forced into the Royal Navy.


By far the largest of the world's oceans is the


By studying the core samples from the oceans, man can tell a great deal about the history of the oceans.


By the turn of the 20th century, Congress had accepted the policy that the United States should have a Navy powerful enough to


A ______ is the fundamental unit of a battery.


A _______ records the color bands in the spectrum and, when analyzed, it tells scientists which elements produced light.


A ______________ is a long, smooth wave coming from a distant storm.


A _______________ is a reasoned explanation for a scientific event.


A ________________ occurs when the moon passes through the shadow of the earth.


A boarding party from what U.S. ship captured and boarded a German U-boat?


A body traveling at Mach 1 is traveling how fast?


A building designed and equipped with astronomical and meteorological instruments, used to view natural phenomena, is known as a(n)


A chart that serves as a timetable for movement and location of planets is known as a(n) ___________.


A common name for the voltage produced by rubbing two materials together is


A cosmologist is


A cubic foot of water at the ocean's surface weighs about the same as a cubic foot from the bottom of the Marianas Trench because


A day or so after a new moon, the Moon is seen as a thin bow-shaped figure. What is this figure called?


A flesh-eating animal or mammal is referred to as


A freely falling body accelerates at the rate of


A goal of leadership is to develop good


A heavenly body, sometimes visible without a telescope, having large elliptical orbit around the Sun, is known as a


A low-pressure cell associated with the Polar Front and influenced by the Japanese Current refers to which of the following?


A major political and potential military problem for the United States in the Caribbean area for the past forty-eight years has been


A meteor that strikes Earth's surface is called a


A nebulae that is visible only because it is silhouetted against the stars behind it is known as a


A protracted war of attrition in the Persian Gulf area was fought from 1980 to 1988 between


A scale in which the face of the wind is indicated by numbers from 1 to 12 is named


A seismograph is


A significant feature of a battery composed of secondary cells such as an automobile battery is that it is


A star's brightness as seen from a standard distance called a parsec or 32.6 light-years is that star's


A strategic area from the standpoint of defending Allied shipping in the North Atlantic is known as the


A substance that has few free electrons is called


A sudden violent wind, often with rain or snow, is called a


A total eclipse of the sun is called a


A warm front is formed when a warm air mass _____________________ a cold air mass.


Admiral King's first instructions to Admiral Nimitz after he took command as the Commander and Chief of the Pacific Fleet were to cover and hold the Hawaii-Midway line and to maintain communications between the West Coast and


After the Civil War, the U.S. whaling industry stopped being of much importance in the United States mainly because of the


After the Naval Disarmament Treaty was signed


After the Navy succeeded in reopening the China trade in 1842, the next objective of American maritime and naval interest was to


Alfred Mahan predicted that America would win its 1898 war in the Caribbean in "about three months." European countries, however, believed that the United States would be defeated in a long war with


All effective leaders must be skillful in


All of the below are a result of the British government's orders in council EXCEPT


All of the following are aerodynamic forces on bodies in flight except:


All of the following are steps in the scientific method except:


All planets have moons with exception of


Allied assistance to Soviet forces during World War II went through the port of


Almost total change in the complexion of the Korean War occurred on 25 November 1950 when


Along with the United Nations, which of the following helped establish the Republic of Korea (ROK)?


Although General Arnold lost all of his ships in the Battle of Lake Champlain in 1775, it is considered a victory because it


Although the United States Congress outlawed American vessels from taking part in the slave trade as early as 1808, and defined this trade as piracy as late as 1820, anti-slave laws were seldom enforced because


America realized that in order to develop a strong, first-class Navy it had to build and control its ship projects


Amplitude modulation is abbreviated as __________


An East Coast hurricane will usually cause tidal flooding from


An air mass is a large body of air with


An object immersed in a fluid feels an upward force equal to the weight of the fluid being displaced by the object. This is known as ______________ for buoyant force.


Another name for the Ozone Layer is the


Anything with a density greater than water


Aquaculture involves


As a comet is heated more, dust and ionized gas particles are pushed away from the head by the pressure of the Sun's radiation. They move away and form a


As a result of the Chesapeake affair, Jefferson had Congress try to stop the drift toward war by


As maritime air moves over land, it tends to bring temperatures that are


As the result of Jefferson's embargo on raw materials and food to Europe,


Asteroids are generally found between these planets.


Astronomers believe that meteoroids originated from the fragments of a shattered planet within the


Astronomy is the study of _____________.


At new moon what is the alignment of the Earth, Moon, and Sun?


At one time man was prevented from going into the deep sea because of the


At what latitude are the Sub-tropical High Pressure Belts (called the Horse Latitudes) located?


Captain Richard Pearson commanded the British ship Sarapis in its famous battle with John Paul Jones on the Bonhomme Richard.


Captain Richard Pearson was placed in command of the British forces when General Howe was ordered back to England in 1778.


Certain bright stars expand and contract with a definite rhythm; thus they are called


Changes in weather are caused by


Charged atoms are called_________


Chemically, seawater is


Chemistry is the study of


Chunks of rock or metal orbiting in outer space are known as:


Cloud sequences may occur 1000 miles in advance of the front itself.


Clouds are formed by


Clouds are usually named according to their


Clouds have been leading lost seaman, navigators, and explorers to land since the days of the earliest seaman.


Comets are believed to be composed of


Concerning the flow of electricity, materials such as rubber, glass, and dry wood are known as


Continental drift is


Coring tubes are used to


Cumulonimbus denotes dense clouds whose thunderheads start at almost any altitude and may extend to heights of as much as


Dense puffy clouds with a beautiful cauliflower appearance are called


Developing ways to capture the Sun's energy is of great importance because


Discipline is


Drill teaches self-discipline because it


Due to the Coriolis effect in the northern hemisphere, what direction does the wind flow?


During World War I, the American shipbuilding industry built several thousand merchant ships to carry supplies and war material to


During World War II the Japanese occupied American territory in the


During World War II, Admiral Yamamoto was Commander in Chief of Japan's


During the Civil War, Charleston was not as important as a seaport city as it is today. In what state is Charleston located?


During the Cuban missile crisis, who was the Soviet Premier that branded the American charges as lies, and warned against any act of "piracy?"


During the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor one U.S. battleship exploded after a bomb set off her ammunition magazines. That ship was the


During the battles for Guadalcanal and New Guinea in late 1942, what was the major Japanese base in the Southwest Pacific?


During the new and full moons, the tides are highest and lowest because the forces of the sun and moon work together. The resulting tides are called


During the peak years, most clipper ships were used as


During the years between World Wars I and II, pacifists urged the country to


During which of the following conflicts was the Argentine cruiser General Belgrano sunk by a British submarine?


a) First Fleet. b) Second Fleet. c) Third Fleet. d) Sixth Fleet.


a) Fish b) Oil c) Sulfur d) Bauxite


a) Fission b) Isotopes c) Thermonuclear Fusion d) Bomb


a) Flagstaff, Arizona b) Chesire, England c) Green Bank, West Virginia d) Arecibo, Puerto Rico


a) Flight science b) Hydraulics c) Aerology d) Aerodynamics


a) Foot/pounds b) Volts c) Horsepower d) Joules


a) France and Spain b) Australia and Turkey c) England and France d) Poland and Germany


a) France and Spain b) England and Spain c) China and France d) Spain and Korea


a) France b) Britain c) Russia d) United States


a) France b) Germany c) Britain d) Russia


a) France b) Germany c) Italy d) Belgium


a) France b) Great Britain c) United States d) Soviet Union


a) France b) Spain c) England d) Portugal


a) France. b) Cuba. c) Spain. d) Korea.


a) France. b) Germany. c) Spain. d) Italy.


a) France. b) Italy. c) Poland. d) Czechoslovakia.


a) Freeboard b) Waterline c) Buoyancy d) Buoyant force


a) Freeboard b) Waterline c) Center of gravity d) Quarterdeck


a) French North Africa. b) Salerno, Italy. c) Anzio, Italy. d) Sicily.


a) Friction b) Energy c) Gravity d) Aerodynamic force


a) From an intelligence agent working for the CIA in Cuba. b) A Russian spy sold important information to the FBI on the launching pads. c) From photographs from high-flying U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) Frontal forecasting b) Organized weather observations c) General view of the weather d) Development of air-mass and polarfront theories


a) Fuel Tank Farm b) Aircraft hangers c) Both A&D d) Repair Yards and machine shops


a) G forces b) F forces c) G men d) F men


a) Galileo b) Leonardo da Vinci c) Vespucci d) D'Antonio


a) Galileo b) Leverrier c) Bjerknes d) Normandy


a) General Bailey b) General McAuliffe c) Admiral Hewitt d) General Eisenhower


a) General Colin Powell. b) General Norman Schwarzkopf. c) Admiral Frank Kelso. d) Admiral Jeremy Boorda.


a) General Eisenhower b) President Truman c) Admiral Nimitz d) General MacArthur


a) General MacArthur b) Chester Nimitz c) George Marshall d) Winston Churchill


a) General MacArthur b) President Truman c) Admiral Halsey d) Stalin


a) General Meade b) General Lee c) General Grant d) General McClellan


a) General Ulysses S. Grant b) Commodore Andrew Foote c) Admiral David G. Farragut d) None of the answers are correct


a) George Washington b) Benedict Arnold c) John Paul Jones d) Esek Hopkins


a) Georges Lemitre. b) Neil Armstrong. c) John Glenn . d) Alan Shepard.


a) Georgia to Mississippi. b) Florida to Louisiana. c) Virginia to Texas. d) New York to California.


a) Germany b) France c) Britain d) United States


a) Germany b) Japan c) Turkey d) Austria-Hungary


a) Germany, Britain and France b) France, Russia and Britain c) France, Germany and Austria-Hungary d) Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary


a) Germany. b) Italy. c) Japan. d) China.


a) Gibbous. b) Eclipsed c) Waxing d) Crescent


a) Glaciation b) Tidal currents c) Underwater currents and landslides d) All of the answers are correct


a) Glass plates do not curl and can be stored and handled with greater ease. b) Glass plates are less expensive than film. c) Film is less likely to take accurate pictures. d) Over time, pictures taken on film tend to fade and are no longer useful.


a) Go east around South Africa b) Go north across the Arctic Ocean c) Go across the Isthmus of Panama d) Go via the Intercontinental Waterway System


a) Grand Cayman b) Great Lagoon c) Grand Banks d) Fishing Haven


a) Great Barrier Reef. b) East Pacific Rise. c) Coral Sea Reef. d) Coral East.


a) Great Britain b) France c) Turkey d) Greece


a) Greece b) Italy c) Turkey d) Yugoslavia


a) Greece b) Turkey c) Portugal d) The Federal Republic of Germany


a) Greeks. b) Ottoman Turks. c) Moors. d) Romans.


a) Grenada b) Panama c) Iran-Iraq War d) Falklands War


a) Guadalcanal b) Timor c) Midway d) Saipan


a) Guadalcanal. b) Kiska. c) Savo Island. d) Port Moresby.


a) Guam b) Rabaul c) Tarawa d) Makin


a) Guam. b) Philippines. c) Midway. d) Pearl Harbor.


a) Guard the German coast from British attack and defeat units of the British fleet whenever possible b) Control the central agricultural areas of Europe c) Keep the English Channel safe for passage of British troops and supplies to France. d) Prevent the escape of German ships into the Atlantic


a) Gulf Stream b) migratory Lows c) Aleutian Low off Alaska d) Icelandic Low


a) Haley's b) Tommy's c) Bobby's d) Arthurs's


a) Halsey b) Nimitz c) Fletcher d) MacArthur


a) Hanseatic League. b) Pax Romana. c) Mercantile Theory. d) Mare Nostrum.


a) Harry S. Truman b) Dwight Eisenhower c) Robert McNamara d) McGeorge Bundy


a) Hunter-killer group b) Search and destroy team c) Strike force d) Kamikaze commandos group


a) Hurricane Andrew b) Hurricane Camille c) Hurricane Gilbert d) Hurricane Isabel


a) Inchon, to cut off North Korean forces in the south. b) Pusan, to break out of the North Korean encirclement. c) Wonsan, to destroy North Korean forces fleeing northward. d) Hungnam, to escape from North Korean and Chinese encirclement.


a) Inclination b) Revolution c) Rotation d) Tilting


a) Inner Van Allen Belt b) Outer Van Allen Belt c) Starfish Ring d) Stable Trapping Region


a) Invention of the hygrometer b) Development of the wind-measuring devices c) Invention of the thermometer d) Development of the barometer


a) Iran-Iraq War b) Vietnam War c) Grenada Invasion d) Falklands War


a) It contracts. b) Its volume remains stable. c) It becomes more dense. d) It expands.


a) It was the first major attempt to take home territory of an Axis nation. b) It was the last German offensive in the European-North African theater. c) It allowed the Allies to occupy Rome and break the German stranglehold on the Italian peninsula. d) It was the first Allied offensive operation in the European-North African theater.


a) Iwo Jima b) Peleliu c) Okinawa d) Leyte


a) Iwo Jima. b) Formosa. c) Leyte Gulf. d) Okinawa.


a) James Forrestal b) Elmo Zumwalt c) Robert McNamara d) Richard Nixon


a) James Forrestal b) George Marshall c) Douglas MacArthur d) Chester Nimitz


a) Japan b) Spain c) China d) America


a) Japan, Russia and France b) France, Britain and Russia c) Ottoman Empire, Germany and Austria-Hungary d) France, Germany and Austria-Hungary


a) Japan. b) New Zealand. c) the United States on behalf of the United Nations. d) Great Britain and Australia on behalf of the United Nations.


a) Japan. b) Taiwan. c) the United States. d) Korea.


a) Japan. b) Vietnam c) Australia and New Zealand. d) Answers A and C only.


a) Java Trench. b) South Sandwich Trench. c) Cayman Trench. d) Marianas Trench.


a) Java b) Midway c) Andaman d) Truk


a) John Kennedy b) Dean Rusk c) George Anderson d) Arleigh Burke


a) John Kennedy b) Dwight Eisenhower c) Richard Nixon d) Lyndon Johnson


a) John Paul Jones b) Benedict Arnold c) George Washington d) Jeremiah O'Brien


a) Joint Chiefs of Staff. b) Department of Defense. c) U.S. Air Force. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) Joy b) Ridgeway c) Clausewitz d) Almond


a) Kamikaze b) Truk c) Java d) Tokyo Express


a) Lake Maricaibo b) Pontchartrain Strait c) Panama Canal d) St. Lawrence Canal


a) Leyte b) Guadalcanal c) Saipan d) Peleliu


a) Lithosphere b) Tektites c) Mare d) Mascons


a) London, England b) Cannes, France c) Naples, Italy d) Antwerp, Belgium


a) London. b) Normandy. c) Casablanca. d) Rome.


a) Louisiana to Florida. b) Texas to Mississippi. c) Georgia to Virginia. d) Maryland to Massachusetts.


a) Low b) High c) Equal d) Does not matter


a) Lunar eclipse. b) Waning. c) Solar eclipse. d) Blackout.


a) MacArthur b) Walker c) Ridgeway d) Almond


a) MacDonald b) Hubble c) Monochrome d) Gerbile


a) Maintaining and supplying scientific research. b) Military opperations. c) Communications assistance for the Pacific Fleet. d) None of the above.


a) Make observations b) Conducting experiments c) Forming questions d) Maintaining theories


a) Manila Bay, Philippines b) San Juan, Puerto Rico c) Havana, Cuba d) Bremerton, Washington


a) March 1939. b) September 1939. c) July 1941. d) December 1941.


a) Mare Nostrum. b) Pax Romana. c) Golden Age of Athens. d) Crusades.


a) Mariana Islands b) Caroline Islands c) Marshall Islands d) All of the answers are correct


a) Mars b) Juno c) Pluto d) Jupiter


a) Mars b) Saturn c) Pluto d) Jupiter


a) Mars in the late 1960s, and Venus in the early 1970s. b) the Martian surface in the mid-1970s, sending back photos of the Martian terrain and conducting experiments to try to determine whether microbial life forms exist in the soil. c) Halley's Comet in 1986, confirming observations that the head of the comet is composed primarily of dirty ice. d) the Sun, the other planets, their satellites, and the space between them in the 1970s.


a) Marshall Islands b) Caroline Islands c) Mariana Islands d) All of the above.


a) Mass b) Power c) Volume d) Acceleration


a) Mass b) Volume c) Weight d) Friction


a) May day! May day! b) Climb Mount Niitaka! c) Tora...Tora...Tora. d) Nagumo! Tiaka!


a) Mechanical waves b) Electromagnetic waves c) Radar Waves d) Light waves


a) Mediterranean power. b) shipbuilding and trade. c) all European countries. d) advanced military weaponry.


a) Memphis b) Natchez c) Baton Rouge d) New Orleans


a) Mercury and Venus b) Mercury and Pluto c) Venus and Pluto d) Jupiter and Saturn


a) Mercury b) Jupiter c) Pluto d) Earth


a) Mercury. b) Earth. c) Saturn. d) Venus.


a) Mesosphere b) Chemosphere c) Exosphere d) Thermosphere


a) Mexico, Canada, West Indies and Cuba. b) Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Panama Canal. c) Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. d) Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean.


a) Mid-Atlantic Ridge. b) South Sandwich Trench. c) Puerto Rico Trench. d) Greenland-Iceland Gap.


a) Mistrals of southern France b) Tornadoes of south Florida c) Chinook Winds of southern California d) Foehn winds of the Swiss and French Alps


a) Moors b) Romans c) Phoenicians d) Persians


a) Morro Bay b) San Diego Bay c) Gulf of Baja d) Gulf of Alaska


a) Moslems. b) Byzantine Empire. c) Italian states. d) Spanish.


a) Mount Matsuyama b) Mount Suribachi c) Mount Yahagi d) Mount Nagaoka


a) Mountains stop the cloud movement b) Moisture rises from vegetation, meets cooler air and condenses c) Land is cooler than water d) There is no wind over the island


a) Mph b) Velocity c) Mach number d) Speed


a) Muammar Qaddafi b) Muhammad Duman c) Abu Kareem Muhammad d) Tariq Khalid Al-Fulan


a) Murphy's Law b) Newton's first law c) Galileo's first law d) Aristotle's second law


a) Nakhodka. b) Komsomolsk. c) Vladivostok. d) Sovetskaya.


a) Natchez b) Gretna c) New Orleans d) Baton Rouge


a) Navy Weather Service. b) National Meteorological Service Center. c) National Severe Storms Forecast Center. d) Aviation Weather Center in Kansas City Missouri


a) Neptune and Pluto b) Mercury and Venus c) Venus and Mars d) Uranus and Neptune


a) Neptune b) Jupiter c) Saturn d) Uranus


a) New York City, New York b) Paris, France c) Dayton, Ohio d) London, England


a) New states were not being admitted into the Union as slave states. b) The South didn't gain a majority of the total vote in 1860. c) The Democrats lost the election. d) None of the answers are correct.


a) Newport, New London, Norfolk, King Bay Georgia and Mayport. b) Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. c) New London, Philadelphia, and King's Bay. d) New Orleans, Norfolk, New York, and Gulfport.


a) Newton's first law of motion. b) Newton's second law of motion. c) Newton's third law of motion. d) Newton's theory of relativity.


a) Newton's three laws of motion b) Einstein's law of motion c) Newton's law of relativity d) Einstein's law of relativity


a) Newtons b) Joules c) Pounds d) Both Newtons and Joules are correct


a) Newtons b) Joules c) Pounds d) Both Newtons and Pounds are correct


a) Nikita Khrushchev b) Boris Yeltsin c) Mikhail Gorbachev d) Joseph Stalin


a) No one wants their private affairs pried into b) Many people like to talk about themselves to someone they trust c) The key to getting acquainted is a sincere and unselfish interest in the people being approached d) All of the answers are correct


a) Norfolk and Yorktwon, Virginia. b) Washington, D.C., and Norfolk, Virginia. c) Baltimore, Maryland, and Yorktown, Virginia. d) Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Maryland.


a) North Atlantic b) Gulf of Mexico c) Caribbean Sea d) Gulf of Alaska


a) North Atlantic b) South Atlantic c) Antarctic d) Arctic


a) Northeast b) Southwest c) Southerly d) Southeast


a) Northern, Baltic Fleets. b) Mediterranean, Barents, and North Sea Fleets. c) White, Black, and Mediterranean Sea Fleets. d) Barents, Baltic, and Caspian Sea Fleets.


a) Norwegian Sea. b) White Sea-Kola Peninsula. c) English Channel. d) Greenland-Iceland-United Kingdom Gap.


a) Okinawa and Japan. b) Taiwan and Okinawa. c) The Marshall Islands and the Philippines. d) Singapore and Taiwan.


a) One red pennant displayed by day b) Two red pennants displayed by day c) A single square red flag with black center during daytime d) Two square red flag with black centers displayed by day


a) One weapons system is sufficient to provide all aspects of national defense. b) A single chief of staff would create flexibility of response in any further war. c) There is an advantage to unified command in combat area due to overall battle coordination requirements. d) Economy is not likely to be enhanced since waste and duplication in military supply system cannot usually be reduced.


a) Operate merchant ships b) Patrol and convoy duty c) Protect the British fleet in the South Sea d) Deliver ammunition and supplies to the French forces


a) Operation Avalanche b) Operation Shingle c) Operation Husky d) Operation Overlord


a) Operation Deliberate Force b) Operation Restore Hope c) Operation Enduring Freedom d) Operation Desert Storm


a) Operation Deliberate Force. b) Operation Enduring Freedom. c) Operation Desert Storm. d) Task Force Ranger.


a) Operation Desert Storm b) Opperation Enduring Freedom c) Operation Iraqi Freedom d) Operation Desert Shield


a) Orbital b) Elliptical c) Arched d) Linear


a) Orbital period. b) Retrograde Motion. c) Eliptical movement. d) Axis rotation.


a) Osama Bin Laden and his al-Qaida network b) North Korea c) Pakistan d) Saudi Arabia


a) Outer core, lithosphere, core and crust b) Inner core, outer core, mantle and crust c) Crust, mantle, outer core and inner core d) Outer core, inner core, mantle and crust


a) Outstanding pay. b) Completing the job on time. c) Feeling that one's work is meaningful. d) Understanding the meaning of the job that must be done.


a) Overseas Recovery Plan. b) Truman Economic Aid Program. c) State Department Act. d) Marshall Plan.


a) Panama Canal b) Dardanelles Channel c) Turkish Straits d) Suez Canal


a) Panmunjon. b) Seoul. c) Wonsan. d) All of the answers are correct


a) Paris b) London c) Philadelphia d) New York


a) Parsecs. b) Parallax. c) Luminosity. d) One magnitude.


a) Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. b) Yokosuka, Japan. c) Seattle, Washington. d) San Diego, California.


a) Pennsylvania b) North Carolina c) South Carolina d) Virginia


a) Pensacola (Florida). b) Mobile Bay (Alabama). c) Gulfport (Mississippi). d) Pascagoula (Mississippi).


a) Philippines, Hawaii and Guam b) Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines c) Guam, Cuba and Puerto Rico d) Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Guam


a) Phoenicians. b) Greeks. c) Romans. d) Cretans.


a) Physics b) Chemistry c) Geology d) Zoology


a) Pilots favor this level for flying. b) Extremely high and deadly temperatures exist in this level. c) Troposphere is the end of our air ocean; beyond it is outer space. d) Determines the weather.


a) Pioneer 10 b) Galileo c) Explorer I d) Pioneer II


a) Pioneer 11 b) Galileo c) Explorer I d) Skylab


a) Pluto b) Venus c) Mercury d) Jupiter


a) Pluto, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars b) Mars, Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter c) Mercury, Mars, Saturn, and Pluto d) Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and Uranus


a) Polar b) Temperate c) Tropic d) Polar and Transitional


a) Polar south easterlies b) Prevailing winds c) Northeast d) Trade Winds


a) Portuguese. b) Spanish. c) English. d) Dutch.


a) Positive buoyancy. b) Negative buoyancy. c) Neutral buoyancy. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) President Abraham Lincoln b) President Jefferson Davis c) General Ulysses S. Grant d) General George Washington


a) President Truman b) President Kennedy c) President Carter d) President Eisenhower


a) President Truman b) President Kennedy c) President Eisenhower d) President Johnson


a) President Truman ordered the Joint Chiefs of Staff to take military action to aid South Korea. b) the Joint Chiefs named General MacArthur Commander-in-Chief of U.S Forces in the Far East. c) the Security Council of the United Nations condemned the invasion. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) Prevailing Westerlies b) Trade Winds c) Easterlies d) Doldrums


a) Prevailing Westerlies. b) Polar Easterlies. c) Northern Trades. d) Horse Latitudes.


a) Prevailing west easterlies b) Trade winds c) Polar easterlies d) The Doldrums


a) Prevent the escape of British ships into the Atlantic b) Guard the German coast from British attack and defeat Units of the British fleet whenever possible c) Control the central agricultural areas of Europe d) None of the answers are correct


a) Professional growth and job responsibilities b) Pride and mastery of the job c) Recognition d) All of the answers are correct.


a) Project Santa Fe b) Project Hollywood c) Project Phoenix d) Project Alamo


a) Proteins b) Zooplankton c) Nutrients d) Phytoplankton


a) Providing funds to rebuild the nation b) Providing funds to foreign nations c) Repaying foreign loans d) Providing other nations with food supplies


a) Psychrometer b) Anemometer c) Hygrometer d) Odometer


a) Psychrometer. b) Celcius. c) Airmass. d) Jetstream.


a) Pure method b) Scientific method c) Random theory d) Hypothesis


a) Pyongyang fell to the allies. b) the Wonsan operation failed to achieve its objective. c) Allied forces broke the Communist lines around Pusan. d) the Chinese Communists launched their first major offensive against the allies.


a) Quasars b) Sun-spots c) Supernovae explosions d) Pulsars


a) Rabaul. b) Moresby. c) Kiska. d) Murmansk.


a) Rabaul. b) Saipan. c) Port Moresby. d) Guam.


a) Radar b) Hunter-killer groups c) Kamikazi striking force d) High-frequency direction finding equipment


a) Radio detection and ranging b) Radio c) Radio ranging d) Radio detection


a) Radiotelescope b) Cassegrain reflector c) Photopolarimeter d) Spectrogram


a) Rain b) Thunder c) Lightning d) Hail


a) Rain. b) Fog. c) Steam. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) Rangoon, Burma. b) Darwin, Australia. c) Truk in the Carolines. d) Rabaul on New Britain.


a) Ratify the Versailles treaty. b) cut military spending. c) join the League of Nations. d) make peace with European nations.


a) Red Sea. b) Blue Sea. c) Black Sea. d) Yellow Sea.


a) Reduced long range nuclear arsenals b) Eliminated land based multi-warhead missiles c) Eliminated SSBNs d) Both A& B answers are correct


a) Resistance in ohms. b) Voltage in volts. c) Current in amperes. d) None of the answers are correct.


a) Rome b) Athens c) Carthage d) Macedonia


a) Rome. b) Phoenicia. c) Greece. d) Crete.


a) Route, and departing forecasts b) Optimum Track Ship Route, and flight forecasts c) Flight, and terminal forecasts d) Route, flight and terminal forecasts


a) Russia and Germany b) France and Germany c) Britain and Russia d) Germany and Britain


a) Russian freighters. b) German U-boats. c) Japanese submarines. d) Italian Navy.


a) San Francisco, California b) Whidbey Island, Washington c) San Diego, California d) Bremerton, Washington


a) Saratoga b) Lake Champlain c) Yorktown d) Ticonderoga


a) Secretary of the Navy b) Secretary of Defense c) Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff d) Secretary of the Air Force


a) Seoul Sanctuary. b) Yalu River Sanctuary. c) Pusan Perimeter. d) Korean Straits.


a) Siegfried Line. b) Gustav Line. c) Festung Europa. d) Iron Curtain.


a) Sir Francis Drake, Sir John Hawkins, and Martin Frobisher b) Lord Admiral Charles Howard, and the Duke of Medina Sidonia c) Bartholomeu Diaz, Vasco da Gama, and Christopher Columbus d) Don John, Ali Pasha, and Mark Anthony.


a) Slowness of American foreign policy to authorize adequate and timely training of a South Korean Army. b) Soviet training of a strong North Korean Army. c) Establishment of a puppet Communist military dictatorship in North Korea. d) Irresponsible U.S. State Department spokesman comments suggesting Korea was not important to American strategic defense.


a) Small Craft Warnings. b) Gale Warnings. c) Storm Warnings. d) Hurricane Warnings.


a) Smoke bombs b) Banzai charges c) Kamikazes d) Radio-controlled torpedoes


a) Snow b) Drizzle c) Heavy rain d) Thunderstorms


a) So Tripoli could not use her b) It was full of holes and was sinking c) France was ready to capture her crewmen d) To protect the citizens on shore


a) Solar fusion b) Fission process c) Nuclear fusion d) Hydrogen process


a) Solar spots b) Prominences c) Solar winds d) Sunspots


a) Solids b) Gases c) Minerals d) Newtons


a) Solomon Islands. b) Mariana Islands. c) Caroline Islands. d) Aleutian Islands.


a) Sound b) Vibrations c) Water waves d) Electromagnetic waves


a) South Africa and Chad. b) Nigeria and Egypt. c) Uganda and The Congo. d) Liberia and The Republic of Bangui.


a) Southern Europe b) Africa c) South and Southeast Asia d) South America


a) Spain b) England c) The United States d) France


a) Spain b) Great Britian c) United States d) France


a) Spectrum b) Magnitude c) Brightness d) Aptitude


a) Speed b) Acceleration c) Time d) Distance


a) Speed of sound b) Speed of light c) 6000 MPH d) 3000 MPH


a) Sputnik I b) Mercury III c) Gemini I d) Zotochi II


a) Star clouds b) Open clusters c) Moving clusters d) Globular clusters


a) Static electricity. b) Friction. c) Dynamic charge. d) Dry charge.


a) Storm warning reports b) Terminal forecast reports c) Flight forecast reports. d) Route, Flight, and Terminal reports


a) Storm warnings b) Flight forecasts c) Terminal forecasts d) Local forecasts


a) Stormspout b) Waterspout c) Dust devil d) Tornado


a) Strait of Gibraltar. b) Turkish Straits. c) Danish Straits. d) Strait of Sicily.


a) Strategic aircraft b) Mines c) Destroyers d) U-boats


a) Stratosphere b) Exosphere c) Troposphere d) Thermosphere


a) Suez Canal. b) Red Sea. c) Strait of Malacca d) All of the answers are correct.


a) Sun b) Moon c) Earth d) Stars


a) Sunlight b) Upwelling c) Large sea animals d) El Nino


a) Sunspots b) The moon's gravitational pull c) An attempt to achieve balance in atmospheric pressure due to unequal heating of the Earth's surface. d) Tidal shifts


a) Supergiants b) Giants c) Main sequence d) White dwarfs


a) Sweden and Norway b) Iceland and Japan c) Brazil and Argentina d) New Zealand and Australia


a) Swivel guns b) Iron armor plating c) Turret-fired guns d) All of the answers are correct


a) Synoptic meteorology b) Weather observation c) Aviation advancement d) Applied meteorology


a) Syria and Israel. b) Egypt and Israel. c) Iran and Saudi Arabia. d) Iran and Iraq.


a) Tarawa. b) Truk. c) Kwajalein. d) Saipan.


a) Task Force 58 b) Marine and army invasion troops c) Trained technicians and laborers d) Seabees


a) Telescope b) Spectrograph c) Magnifier d) Convex mirror


a) Telling b) Selling c) Joining d) Consulting


a) Temperature b) Atmosphere c) Water vapor d) Air


a) Teredos. b) Barracudas. c) Gribbles. d) Moray eels.


a) Terminal b) Flight c) Route d) Fog


a) Texas and Louisiana. b) Mississippi and Alabama. c) Louisiana and Mississippi. d) Florida and Alabama.


a) Texas had been admitted to the Union before the Rio Grande had been established as the state's southern border. b) an incident between U.S. and Mexican border troops resulted in a number of American casualties. c) President James K. Polk saw an opportunity to satisfy the nation's "maniest destiny." d) Mexico did not recognize the Treaty of Cahuenga between the Mexican defense forces in California and the American Armed Forces which had forced them to surrender.


a) The Atlantic Ocean b) The Gulf of Oman c) The Gulf of Mexico d) The Bahamas


a) The Battle for Stalingrad b) The Battle of the Berg c) The landings on Normandy d) Drake's defeat of Spanish Armada


a) The Blockade of German Submarine bases b) The Convoy System c) The Air Warfare System d) Gigantic minefields laid by the U.S. Navy to prevent U-boats from gaining access to the Atlantic


a) The Korean War. b) The defeat of the Nationalist Government on the mainland of China. c) The division of Indo-China into North and South Vietnam. d) The independence of India and Pakistan from Britain.


a) The Navy Weather Service b) The National Severe Storms Forecast Center c) The National Weather Service d) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


a) The Pacific Current b) The Ryukyu Current c) The Kuroshio Current d) The Canaries Current


a) The Red Chinese b) The Soviets c) The United Nations Allies d) The U.S. Navy


a) The Russian economy depleted its resources b) The American shipbuilding industry built thousands of ships to carry supplies to Europe c) British naval blockade gradually caused widespread famine and shortages of war material d) None of the answers are correct


a) The Second Battle of Lake Champlain. b) The Battle of New Orleans. c) Invasion of Washington D.C. d) The Battle of Baltimore.


a) The State Department b) United Nations c) Western European Allies d) President Eisenhower


a) The Strait of Gibralter b) The English Channel c) Trafalgar d) Off the coast of Brazil


a) The Sun is between the Earth and the Moon b) The Earth is between the Sun and the Moon c) The Moon is between the Earth and the Sun d) None of the answers are correct


a) The Treaty of Portsmouth b) The Great White Fleet c) The Treaty of War Plan Orange d) The Roosevelt Corollary


a) The USS Cole b) The USS Kennedy c) The USS Nautilus d) The USS Eisenhower


a) The United States Navy no longer existed as an effective fighting force. b) The Imperial Japanese Navy no longer existed as an effective fighting force. c) Both navies met their objectives but neither was victorious. d) The United States Navy lost the battle, but not the war.


a) The United States signed treaties with the Barbary states that stopped the need to pay tribute. b) The United States kept a Mediterranean Naval Squadron regularly deployed until the Civil War. c) The Navy ceased all operations in the Mediterranean Sea and returned to home waters. d) A U.S . Navy squadron operated from a base at Port Mahon, Minorca, against piracy throughout the Mediterranean.


a) The first operational nuclear reactor b) The Polaris missile c) New magnesium alloy capable of sustaining pressures at great depths d) The Navy's nuclear power training program


a) The fuel supply became depleted. b) Other ships joined the blockade. c) It ran aground and was captured. d) The USS Philadelphia was destroyed before it reached Tripoli.


a) The government couldn't tax the people. b) All the money was spent in the war. c) There wasn't a need for new ships. d) The shipbuilders were on strike.


a) The moon b) Earth c) Pluto d) The Sun


a) The number of lenses b) The precision of the lens or mirror c) The shape of the lens or mirror d) The area of its main lens or mirror


a) The polar regions b) The Doldrums Belt near the equator. c) The North African Current d) The trade winds


a) The sailors were told that the pay was good. b) They told the sailors they would get a percentage of the good captured. c) They began seizing seaman off U.S ships, claiming they were deserters from the Royal Navy. d) Recruits were told that they would have to serve two years.


a) The severe winter b) Delay due storm warning c) Gales and poor visibility d) A bad storm


a) The tornado's updraft b) The difference in pressure in the vortex of the tornado and the normal pressure of air trapped inside c) The high speed of the tornado's wind d) Wind shear


a) The winds of Gibraltar b) Mediterranean Cyclone c) The Mistral of Southern France d) The Santa Ana winds


a) Their remaining carrier air capability was destroyed. b) They lost their most capable commander. c) Their submarine forces were eliminated. d) The camaraderie between their men decreased.


a) There are many rivers feeding into the Persian Gulf. b) The Persian Gulf is very shallow. c) The Persian Gulf has very low salt content. d) None of the answers are correct.


a) Thomas Macdonough in the second Battle of Lake Champlain. b) Oliver Hazard Perry in the Battle of Lake Erie. c) General William Henry Harrison at the Battle of the Thames. d) Commander Robert Barclay in the Battle of Lake Ontario.


a) Threats b) Followership c) Constructive criticism d) Punishment


a) Thrust. b) Lift. c) Drag. d) Magnitude.


a) Thunderstorm b) Tornado c) Typhoon d) Lightning


a) To advance professional and scientific knowledge of the U. S. Navy, other world navies and the maritime industry b) To publish current event articles through journals like Proceedings c) To serve as a graduate program for commissioned officers of the Naval War College and the Naval Academy d) To advance professional training that pertains to only the U.S. Navy.


a) To destroy the Union's blockade b) To capture Union commercial goods c) To weaken the Union's economic strength d) All of the answers are correct.


a) To onload war goods from Europe for delivery to the Confederacy b) To ship Confederate goods to foreign ports c) To disrupt the Union's commercial shipping d) To damage the Union's whaling fleet


a) To stop English privateers from railding his ports b) To stop English privateers from raiding his ships c) To bring England back into the Catholic church d) All of the answers are correct


a) To tax incoming foreign shipping b) To stop all shipbuilding c) To limit the amount of goods shipped to foreign countries d) To build a United States Navy


a) To transport cargo b) To sail the rivers of the world c) To break the Union's blockade d) To destroy the USS Merrimack


a) Tokyo, Japan b) Pearl Harbor, Hawaii c) Atsugi, Japan d) San Diego, California


a) Tornadoes b) Typhoons c) Tsunamis d) Huricanes


a) Torque b) Ballast c) Density d) Buoyancy


a) Trapping b) Diffraction c) Refraction d) Reflection


a) Treaty of Lake Erie b) Treaty of Canada c) Treaty of Ghent d) Treaty of Peace


a) Treaty of the Spanish Armada b) Treaty of Paris c) Treaty of Salamis d) Treaty of Yorktown


a) True


a) True b) False


a) Truk b) Rabaul c) Midway d) Wake


a) Truman Doctrine. b) National Security Act. c) Marshall Plan. d) European Recovery Program.


a) Truthfulness b) Enthusiasm c) Tact d) Modesty


a) Tsunami b) Hurricane c) Tornado d) Anticyclones


a) Turkey. b) Spain. c) Greece. d) Canada


a) Turkish Straits. b) Danish Straits. c) Strait of Gibraltar. d) English Channel.


a) U.S Naval Meteorological and Oceanographic Centers (NMOCs) b) Newspapers c) Defense Mapping Agency d) National Weather Service


a) U.S. Naval Institute. b) U.S. Naval War College. c) U.S. Naval Academy d) U.S. Coast Guard Academy


a) U.S. Naval War College b) U.S. Naval Institute c) Harvard University d) U.S. Naval Academy


a) U.S. Naval War College. b) U.S. Naval Academy. c) U.S. Naval Institute. d) U.S. Air Force Academy.


a) U.S. Navy's fleet increased in size b) Lack of foreign support c) U.S. Navy's fleet was reduced in size d) Older officers required more pay


a) USS Cole b) USS Saratoga c) USS Wake Island d) USS Hornet


a) USS Constitution b) USS United States c) USS Constellation d) USS Hull


a) USS Guadalcanal b) USS Hornet c) USS King d) USS Yorktown


a) USS Indiana b) USS Olympia c) USS Maine d) USS Oregon


a) USS Missouri b) USS Pensacola c) USS New Jersey d) USS Lexington


a) USS Oregon. b) USS Massachusetts. c) USS Indiana. d) USS Maine.


a) USS Polaris b) USS Trident c) USS Aegis d) USS Nautilus


a) USS Reuben James. b) USS Arkansas. c) USS Repulse. d) USS Arizona.


a) USS Samuel B. Roberts b) USS Missouri c) USS Stark d) USS C. Turner Joy


a) USS Saratoga b) USS Langley c) USS Ronald Regan d) USS Forrestal


a) USS United States b) USS Chesapeake c) USS Hornet d) USS Constitution


a) USS Victory b) USS Lee c) USS Constellation d) USS Hull


a) USS Vincennes b) USS Maddox c) USS Ticonderoga d) USS Constellation


a) USS Williams b) USS Revere c) USS Washington d) Intrepid


a) USSR b) Korea c) Canada d) China


a) Union Navy b) Confederate Navy c) World Navy d) None of the answers are correct


a) Union forces b) European forces c) Confederate forces d) All of the answers are correct


a) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. b) People's Republic of China. c) Taiwan (Nationalist). d) Republic of the Philippines.


a) United States b) Soviet Union c) France d) Great Britian


a) United States b) Spain c) Colombia d) France


a) Unstable b) Stable c) Buoyant d) Ballasted


a) Updraft of warm, moist air into the atmosphere b) Water vapor cools and condenses into cloud c) Updrafts and downdrafts within the storm producing cloud d) Downdrafts take place of updrafts, and spread out


a) Venice b) Carthage c) Rome d) Spain


a) Venus b) Earth c) Mercury d) Mars


a) Venus. b) Mercury. c) Mars. d) Jupiter.


a) Veracruz under the command of General Winfeld Scott. b) Yerba Buena (San Francisco) under the command of CDR John Montgomery. c) Matamoros under the command of General Zachary Taylor. d) Monterey under the command of Commodore John Sloat.


a) Vibrations b) Radio c) Radar d) Light


a) Vice Admiral Graf Von Spee b) Vice Admiral Kurt Weil c) Vice Admiral Heinrich Heine d) Vice Admiral Reinhard Scheer


a) Vice Admiral Reinhard Scheer b) Vice Admiral Manfred von Richthofen c) Vice Admiral Graf von Spee d) Vice Admiral Schlichter von Koenigswald


a) Violent frontal system b) When warm moves over cold c) When neither warm nor cold air masses advance on each other d) The boundary between warm and cold


a) War with the Barbary States and Mexican War. b) Quasi-War with France and the War with Tripoli. c) Mexican War and the War with the Barbary States, 1801, to 1805. d) War of 1812 and the Algerian War of 1815 to 1816.


a) Warm-water ports b) Abundance of oil. c) Large human populations along coasts. d) All of the above.


a) Water b) Millibars c) Humidity d) None of the answers are correct


a) Water vapor cools and condenses into cloud. b) Rain falls heavily on the ground. c) There is frictional drag between the raindrops and the surrounding air. d) Clouds grow taller and taller.


a) Waterline b) Center of gravity c) Center of weight d) Ballast


a) Weather prediction and scientific research b) Science of weather c) Study of air current advantages d) Development of weather instruments


a) Weather satellites b) Weather ships c) Celsius thermometers d) Balloons


a) Weather, visibility and tides b) Availability of German reinforcements c) Layout and design of the landing areas d) Security of the plan of invasion


a) Western Europe, and NATO Allies b) the Western Pacific, and Japan. c) the Eastern Atlantic, and the Caribbean. d) Japan, and the Middle East.


a) Western Europe. b) North Africa. c) Australia. d) Siberia.


a) Will float. b) will sink. c) will achieve neutral buoyancy. d) will hover above water.


a) William Bennett. b) Benjamin Stoddert. c) Joseph Lawrence. d) John Adams.


a) Wind Scale. b) Anemometer Scale. c) Wind Gage. d) Beaufort Wind Scale.


a) Wonson. b) Pyongyang. c) Yalu. d) Seoul.


a) Yorktown, Virginia. b) Wilmington, North Carolina. c) Trenton and Morristown, New Jersey. d) Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts.


a) a dirt covering. b) the earth's shadow in space. c) the earth's magnetic field. d) the layer of the earth's interior between the crust and the core.


a) a flat region of the earth's crust. b) ancient artifacts used for eating. c) large flat circular rock formations. d) large segments of the earth's surface.


a) a gradual daily temperature change from hot to cold. b) no daily temperature change from hot to cold. c) a drastic change in daily temperature (243 degrees F to -261 degrees F). d) no daily temperature change.


a) a great sea wall produced by volcanic eruption. b) a great sea wave produced by earthquakes near or under the sea. c) earth movement that is caused by winds. d) a great sea wave that is produced by high winds.


a) a regional sea power. b) a global sea power. c) an insular sea power. d) a substandard sea power.


a) a science that deals with the seas. b) a science that deals with man's make-up. c) a science that deals with seagoing vessels. d) a science that deals with the way the rivers are used.


a) a vegetarian. b) carnivorous. c) herbivorous. d) None of the answers are correct.


a) a widespread desire by knowledgeable leaders to return to isolationism in foreign policy. b) a belief that the United Nations could solve whatever international problems might arise. c) the knowledge that the United States had a monopoly on the atomic bomb. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) abyss. b) height. c) summit. d) seamount.


a) acceleration. b) force. c) velocity. d) Newtonian motion.


a) adapting to technological developments. b) protecting America's growing overseas commerce. c) fighting the Barbary pirates. d) engaging in anti-slavery patrols.


a) advecting. b) converging. c) deflecting. d) diverging.


a) aerographer's mate. b) oceanographer. c) quartermaster. d) radar operations specialist.


a) affection for one's self. b) security skills. c) morale. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) agree on territorial water trade. b) stay together on all issues of the war. c) come to an agreement on arms limitations. d) respect the U.S.'s knowledge of military affairs.


a) air tactical command. b) surface fleet. c) submarine fleet. d) land forces.


a) air temperature, water vapor content, and pressure. b) atmosphere, wind, heat. c) atmospheric pressure, moisture. d) all of the answers are correct


a) air's temperature, pressure, and water vapor content. b) heat, pressure, cold and wind. c) cold air, warm air, pressure, and water vapor content. d) heat, pressure, wind, and moisture.


a) alleged sexual misconduct. b) end of the Cold War threat. c) The Tailhook scandal. d) More important domestic issues.


a) allows you freedom to go your own way. b) requires the unit to act as one person. c) is demanding and punishing. d) good conduct.


a) along the Yucatan Peninsula. b) along the southern Caribbean. c) throughout the Gulf of Mexico. d) along the eastern seaboard of the United States.


a) altocumulus, cumulonimbus, and altostratus. b) alto cirrus, altocumulus, and cumulonimbus. c) low, middle, and high. d) cirrus, cumulus, and stratus.


a) amount of basic research in nuclear power plants. b) large amounts of soil erosion from cultivated land. c) continuing increase in commerce and navigation. d) continued dumping of sewage and industrial waste into these waters.


a) amount of light recorded by a radio telescope. b) time it takes light to travel to Earth from a celestial body. c) wavelength of the rays of light and energy from space. d) cosmic distance that light travels in a year.


a) an apparatus used to measure and record earthquakes in the Earth b) an apparatus used to measure and record water movement in the oceans c) an apparatus used to measure and record air movement over the oceans d) an apparatus that can forecast Earth movement


a) an electric charge. b) electric current, or electricity. c) a negative charge. d) a unit of conductance.


a) as they cool they appear lighter than the hotter environment behind them. b) as they cool they appear darker than the hotter environment behind them. c) as they surface they take on a bright white color. d) as they surface their temperatures rise to one million degrees and they take on a bright orange appearance.


a) asteroid shower. b) gaseous tail. c) meteor shower. d) meteoroid shower.


a) astrognosy. b) observatory. c) planetoidal. d) lunar station.


a) atmospheric behavior. b) matter and how it changes under various conditions. c) the interaction between living organisms and their environment. d) ancient cultures.


a) attack France. b) attack U. S. Navy ships. c) attack merchant ships that were headed for Britain. d) attack British ships at night in the English Channel.


a) authorizing construction of more naval vessels. b) enlarging the army. c) stopping all exports of needed raw materials and food to Britain and France. d) establishing a naval patrol along the American coast.


a) aviation units. b) fleet flagships. c) combatant and auxiliary vessels. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) avoid confusion at the last minute. b) show Japanese tactical superiority. c) strike all parts of the harbor at once. d) hit only the off-duty patrol.


a) battleships and cruisers. b) weapons to be checked at strategic points at sea. c) arms sales to hostile countries. d) arms to be used only in time of war.


a) best for commercial fishing. b) important for the development of sea waves. c) outstanding for underwater navigation of submarines. d) hazards for the larger marine animals of the deep oceans.


a) bright nebulae. b) dark nebulae. c) planetary nebulae. d) galactic nebulae.


a) capable of being eroded. b) movement of water. c) the action or process of washing or wearing away. d) water measurement.


a) capture Cherbourg so supplies could be handled quickly. b) regain territories lost in the Soviet winter campaign. c) hold off the Axis until Allied reinforcements arrived. d) detain the German Afrika Korps.


a) capture General Douglas MacArthur. b) get the Americans in the stem of a "T" crossed by Japanese cruisers and battleships. c) put as much distance as possible between the Allied forces and the home island of Japan. d) Preserve the lifeline between Japan and the Indies and stop the American advance.


a) capturing the Italian fleet at Malta. b) transporting troops across the Rhine River in West Germany. c) transporting men and supplies to the beaches at Normandy. d) capturing Mussolini.


a) carrier aircraft replenishment system. b) underway replenishment logistic support system. c) Naval Construction Battalion. d) land-based air support system.


a) cause the moon to vibrate for extended periods. b) have severe tremors lasting only a few seconds. c) are non-existent. d) are new to this century.


a) caused the Japanese militarists to reduce their navy. b) reduced the sizes of the ships in all major navies. c) was intended to reduce fleet sizes of each major naval powers to a mutually agreeable 5:5:3 ratio. d) enabled the U.S. to reduce shipbuilding so as to save money during the Great Depression.


a) coastal fog. b) common fog. c) frontal fog. d) steam fog.


a) cod and flounder. b) salmon and pollock. c) red snapper. d) sardines and anchovies.


a) cold fronts. b) currents. c) electrical fuses. d) static electricity.


a) collapsed. b) closed for an indefinite period of time. c) rose to an all time high. d) was created.


a) collect water samples. b) collect ocean bottom sediments at different depths. c) collect gold from the bottom of the ocean. d) collect sands from the continental shelf and slope.


a) comet. b) asteroid. c) stellar fragment. d) meteor.


a) comets. b) an asteroid belt. c) tektites. d) asteroids.


a) complete Allied control of the air. b) the introduction of radio-controlled glide bombs which caused severe damage to the Germans. c) the surrender of the Italians at Malta. d) secure overland railroads.


a) concentrated in the northern hemisphere. b) considerably lower than those on earth. c) very smooth due to the constant bombardment from meter dust. d) concentrated in the southern hemisphere.


a) conductor of electricity. b) insulator of electricity. c) example of electrolytic action. d) electromotive force.


a) continental shelf. b) continental divide. c) continental drift. d) continental shift.


a) convergence. b) divergence. c) coriolis. d) pressure.


a) copper and cobalt. b) iron and nickel. c) zinc and silver. d) gold and platinum.


a) copper, aluminum, and silver wire. b) aluminum, copper and silver wire. c) copper, silver, and aluminum wire. d) silver, copper, and aluminum wire.


a) crescent. b) gibbous. c) new moon. d) full moon.


a) curving to the left b) curving to the right c) counter rotationally d) elliptically


a) dangerous semicircle. b) navigable semicircle. c) safety semicircle. d) semicircle of doom.


a) defeat any potential enemy. b) defend its newly acquired properties. c) defend the continental United States. d) defend any serious oppositions.


a) deploy the Sixth Fleet to the Mediterranean on a permanent basis. b) bring pressure in the United Nations to cause the Soviets to get out of northern Iran. c) assist in the economic reconstruction of Western Europe. d) begin the Cold War by confrontation with the Soviet Union and its satellites.


a) describe the boundary erected by the Soviets between the Western democracies and Communist satellites on the European continent. b) illustrate the opposition between the East and West in the Cold War. c) proclaim the establishment of an Allied defense line in Europe against further Soviet military advances. d) None of the answers are correct. The Soviets established the Iron Curtain to prevent Allied military advances into Eastern Europe after World War II.


a) destroy potential land-based air support for the Japanese forces in the Philippines. b) neutralize the supporting naval forces preparing for the invasion of Iwo Jima. c) ensure control of Formosa during the invasion of the Palaus Islands. d) divide the Japanese fleet and cut off their supply line from the Indies.


a) develop a faster, larger steamship to cross the Pacific. b) bring an ever-increasing number of immigrants to America to help develop the great Mid-West and Western part of the nation. c) open the trade door to Japan. d) seek better trade relations with the new nations of Latin America.


a) disc or pinwheel. b) kite. c) golf ball. d) football.


a) disintegration. b) demobilization. c) deterioration. d) decommissioning.


a) display of strength. b) disregard for pain. c) gentlemanly behavior. d) lack of harshness.


a) divergence b) supersonic c) turbulence d) convergence


a) economic growth. b) trade relations among nations. c) sea power. d) privateering.


a) electrical resistance high. b) electrical current low. c) electrical resistance low. d) distance from source voltage to load as far as possible.


a) electromagnetic waves b) space c) computer systems d) circuitry


a) ellipsoidal galaxies. b) absolute galaxies. c) spiral galaxies. d) irregular galaxies.


a) expanding-universe theory b) contracting-universe theory c) constricting-universe theory d) growing-universe theory


a) finance his war in Europe. b) keep England from controlling it. c) get America on his side to fight England. d) bankrupt the American Treasury.


a) fog. b) steam. c) snow. d) frost.


a) followership. b) leadership. c) knowledge. d) conditions.


a) forces the warmer air downward. b) displaces the warm air ahead of it upward. c) forms a stationary front. d) forms an occluded front.


a) freedom from danger and threats. b) affection, love, and friendship. c) food, water, and shelter. d) self-respect, status, and recognition by others.


a) freezing. b) moderate. c) mild. d) hot.


a) frequency b) amplitude c) speed d) cycle


a) frequency b) amplitude c) wave length d) cycle


a) friction and pressure. b) heat and light. c) chemical action and magnetism. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) frigates. b) trading ships. c) galleys. d) boats of war.


a) from negative potential to positive potential. b) from positive potential to negative potential. c) between like charges. d) in orbit around their nuclei.


a) frontal fog. b) "pea soup." c) radiation fog. d) "sea smoke."


a) gaseous tail. b) meteorite belt. c) asteroid belt. d) asteroid tail.


a) give up the war. b) call a truce. c) surrender. d) release the U.S. crewmen.


a) go to war with conventional weapons or withdraw economic assistance. b) stop demobilization or call on the United Nations. c) make a diplomatic protest or use the atomic bomb. d) withhold Marshall Plan assistance or call upon the NATO alliance.


a) has an exterior of hot molten rock. b) has a cold interior core. c) has a hot exterior shell. d) has deposits of water ice.


a) he believed Soviet nuclear involvement would start World War II if Chinese staging areas in Manchuria were bombed as advocated by MacArthur. b) he disagreed with MacArthur over the conduct of the Korean truce talks. c) MacArthur had been unsuccessful in defeating the North Korean Army in South Korea. d) he was charged with insubordination after he wrote a letter attacking Truman's policies on the war.


a) hunt to kill tactic. b) wolfpack tactic. c) circle and destroy procedure. d) "bear hug" operation.


a) hydrogen and oxygen. b) frozen gases and dust. c) nitrogen and sodium. d) frozen dust and carbon.


a) is used to form natural satellites. b) is lost in space. c) produces hydrogen. d) is trapped inside the Sun.


a) it was soon forgotten. b) all countries agreed to revoke it. c) all countries except the U.S. broke it. d) all countries including the U.S. broke it.


a) lack of experience in naval combat. b) the loss of her most experienced pilots. c) the death of Yamamoto. d) reinforcement of the ABDA defense command.


a) lead. b) copper. c) nickel. d) manganese.


a) leave innocent ships alone. b) the requirement for tribute payments to Tripoli was eliminated. c) discontinue trade with France. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) lines of communication open between Berlin and Pearl Harbor. b) Japanese from establishing bases on Bermuda. c) Germans U-boats from joining forces with Japanese submarines. d) sealanes open to Britain.


a) lithosphere. b) asthenosphere. c) outer core. d) core.


a) lobster. b) haddock. c) herring. d) codfish.


a) local forecasts b) outlook forecasts c) seasonal forecasts d) day to day forecasts


a) loss of many whaling ships to Confederate raiders. b) changing styles in dress and availability of suitable substitute materials. c) discovery of oil and natural gas in Pennsylvania. d) rapid reduction in the whale population due to improved hunting equipment.


a) lower cloud ceilings and cause rain to fall. b) convert cumulonimbus into cumulus clouds. c) artificially seed clouds and cause rain to fall. d) cause moisture-laden cirrus clouds to freeze into ice crystals.


a) luminescence. b) reflectance. c) photoreflection. d) reflectivity.


a) lunar eclipse. b) solar eclipse. c) magnetic eclipse. d) sunspot eclipse.


a) magnesium chloride. b) sodium chloride. c) magnesium sulfate. d) calcium carbonate.


a) magnitude. b) life span. c) color. d) size.


a) maria. b) mascons. c) tektites. d) poles.


a) mascons. b) tektites. c) breccia. d) atomic particles.


a) men. b) food. c) military supplies. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) metal and liquid b) water and dirt c) gas and dust d) light and wind


a) meteor belts. b) sun zones. c) auroias zones. d) asteroid belt.


a) morale. b) readiness. c) reenlistment. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) more about their basic needs. b) new skills and more challenging work. c) about others' personal business. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) national security. b) commercial prosperity. c) political aspirations . d) Answers A and B only.


a) nuclear energy. b) volcanic energy. c) tidal energy. d) solar energy.


a) nuclear power is the only other source of energy, and it is both dangerous and unreliable. b) wind and water power as energy sources are too expensive. c) nuclear energy is too expensive to use on a regular basis. d) the Earth will eventually run out of coal and petroleum.


a) observatory. b) reflecting telescope. c) spectrograph. d) radio telescope.


a) oceans, rivers, and plains. b) volcanoes, rivers, and craters. c) desserts, oceans, and mountain ranges. d) craters, mountain ranges, and plains.


a) oceans. b) mascons. c) lake beds. d) maria.


a) ohms. b) conductors. c) photoelectrons. d) ions.


a) oil. b) manganese. c) sulfur. d) phosphates.


a) oil. b) sands and gravels. c) aragonite and shells. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) orbital ellipse. b) plane of the ecliptic. c) orbital period. d) heliocentric path.


a) participation of followers. b) participation of the leader. c) teamwork to accomplish a goal. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) physical and chemical properties of the sea. b) speed of water as it moves. c) speed of sound in water. d) depth to the ocean bottom.


a) planetoids. b) satellites. c) meteorites. d) pulsars.


a) plants in a zoo. b) tiny animal life in the sea. c) tiny plant life in the sea. d) photosynthesis in the sea.


a) power and obedience. b) enforcement and tradition. c) excitement and performance. d) responsibility and accountability.


a) precipitation reports. b) local forecasts. c) route forecasts. d) terminal forecasts.


a) protect the supply lines to deployed forces. b) keep the sea lanes open to allies. c) protect foreign ports and coastal jetties. d) Answers A and B only.


a) protect the waters around this country. b) only provide services for this country. c) only provide aid when requested by other nations. d) have as a national goal to build a navy that would be second only to that of Great Britain.


a) proximity to the sun. b) moon's rotation. c) size. d) no atmosphere.


a) quick reinforcements from the mainland. b) well-trained pilots. c) U.S. intelligence. d) more strategic weapons.


a) radioactive elements within the cold earth gradually began to give off heat. b) proto-planets are formed by the accumulation of cold dusts from the region of space near the sun. c) hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium. d) forces in a spinning cloud flatten it into the shape of an enormous disk.


a) radiotelescopes b) Spectrograph c) reflecting telescopes d) Stroboscope


a) rain dust. b) "seeds." c) hydronuclei. d) hygroscopic nuclei.


a) rain. b) fog. c) steam. d) humidity.


a) relative humidity. b) condensation level. c) dew point. d) relative temperature.


a) requested that the navy be built in their area. b) didn't want to be taxed for a coastline navy. c) wanted the navy to clean up the coast. d) felt the navy should be used in shipping.


a) resulted in a strong movement toward isolationism in the United States. b) created hardship and unemployment over much of the world. c) caused Congress to withhold funds for expansion of the U.S. Fleet. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) scorpionfish. b) weeverfish. c) jellyfish. d) mollusk.


a) sea control. b) maritime strength. c) sea power. d) strength of the seas.


a) sea duty. b) liberty. c) an inspection. d) an attack drill.


a) self-control. b) individual readiness. c) being well-rested. d) good conduct.


a) self-respect, status, and recognition by others. b) freedom from danger and threats. c) affection, love, and friendship. d) food, water, and shelter.


a) severely damaged the British Fleet. b) saved Yorktown. c) slowed the British advance enough to allow the Americans time to regroup and train troops. d) resulted in retaking of Fort Ticonderoga.


a) shallow water at the edge of the sea. b) deep water seaward of the continental slope. c) water seaward of the low tide level and above the continental shelf. d) deep areas of the ocean that are above the berm line near the continental slope.


a) siderites effect. b) asteroid tail. c) luminous tail. d) tektite end.


a) signed an armistice. b) requested German reinforcements. c) evacuated the entire Italian fleet. d) sunk three Allied warships.


a) skyrocketed with new investments. b) taken a dip, but soon shot back up to the top. c) profitable times in the shipping industry. d) several periods of recession and labor unrest.


a) smuggling of slaves into the South was carried on by pirates with little local or federal hindrance. b) political pressures were exerted in Congress by Southern planters and New England slavers, both of whom profited from the trade. c) there was no cooperation between the United States and British governments' navies on anti-slavery patrol procedures. d) All answers are correct.


a) snow. b) rain. c) fast-flowing rivers. d) mountain lakes.


a) sodium and calcium. b) magnesium and bromine. c) potassium and flourine. d) boron and iodine.


a) solar distance unit. b) parsec. c) astronomical unit d) light year.


a) solidification of molten magma. b) magnesium and crystals. c) hot platinum. d) carbon.


a) spring b) fall c) winter d) summer


a) star groups. b) constellations. c) star lights. d) star clusters.


a) strato. b) nimbo. c) alto. d) cumulo.


a) stratosphere, troposphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. b) troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. c) mesosphere, troposphere, stratosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. d) thermosphere, mesosphere, troposphere, stratosphere, and exosphere.


a) strong. b) weak. c) neutral. d) strong in some parts of the world.


a) sun's energy. b) condensation process. c) Coriolis Effect. d) lowering of the cloud ceiling.


a) supernovas b) the lighthouses of space c) pulsar nebulas d) the phasing dots of heaven


a) tail. b) coma. c) tektite. d) aerolite.


a) the Cuban refugees. b) the Haitian refugees. c) revolutionaries in Puerto Rico. d) Communist Cuba.


a) the French underground. b) Allied forces. c) the Axis powers. d) the USSR.


a) the Ironbottom Sound. b) the Slot. c) the Marianas Turkey Shoot. d) the Tokyo Express.


a) the Kuroshio Current. b) the Gulf Stream. c) the North Equatorial Current. d) the Canaries Current.


a) the Martian surface. b) Jupiter. c) Halley's Comet during its swing through the solar system. d) Venus.


a) the North Koreans were almost certain to be there in great force. b) the tidal range made the grounded amphibious ships vulnerable to possible enemy capture. c) the Navy was unable to assist with naval gunfire support. d) Communist air forces were in a position to interdict the invasion force when it was still vulnerable on the beach.


a) the North Pacific. b) the South Pacific. c) the southwestern part of the North Pacific. d) the southeastern part of the North Pacific.


a) the Philippines. b) Spain. c) Japan. d) Korea.


a) the Russian States. b) the United States, Western Europe, and Japan. c) India, Southeast Asia, and Australia. d) Central and South America.


a) the Sun. b) Alpha Centauri. c) the Andromeda galaxy. d) Polaris, the North Star.


a) the United States agreed not to fortify Pacific bases west of Hawaii. b) the British agreed not to strengthen bases north of Australia or east of Singapore. c) the territorial integrity of China was "guaranteed" against encroachments by foreign powers. d) All answers are correct because the Japanese felt they were being made a third-rate naval power by the ratio provisions of the treaty.


a) the United States and Western Europe. b) the United States and South America. c) Western Europe and South America. d) United States and Canada.


a) the United States made peace with Algiers. b) all of the wood supply used to build ships ran out. c) the shipbuilders voted for a strike. d) a settlement was reached with France.


a) the United States, England, and Russia. b) Germany, Japan, and Italy. c) the German Afrika Korps only. d) the Vichy French only.


a) the chemical makeup of both is the same. b) water at the surface has a greater density than water at the bottom. c) water is nearly incompressible. d) water at the bottom has a greater density than water at the surface.


a) the dream of a country stretching from coast to coast had come true. b) the American people would have to assume great new responsibilities for a great new territory, as well as reap benefits from it. c) a Pacific naval fleet would be required to defend the West Coast and protect U.S. shipping on the oriental trade routes. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) the element of surprise. b) they had broken the U.S. code. c) they saw the American carrier force first. d) their pilots had more combat experience.


a) the evacuation of the entire population from the country for resettlement in controlled friendly areas. b) the Soviet back-down on their promises to President Nasser of Egypt to support coup d'etat attempts in his favor in the Middle East. c) the Soviet decision to start building up their Navy since they couldn't effectively oppose those naval operations. d) bad press as the result of public opinion against American intervention.


a) the lowest layer of land. b) the uppermost layer of the sea. c) the uppermost layer of the atmosphere. d) the uppermost layer of the Earth's mantle.


a) the rotation of the earth. b) winds. c) the moon. d) the sun.


a) the same temperature and pressure. b) the same humidity and pressure. c) the same temperature and humidity. d) None of the answers are correct.


a) the small nations of the world. b) only the United States. c) portions of Russia and Poland. d) the U.S. and all other major industrial nations.


a) theatrics. b) confidence. c) conciseness. d) organization.


a) through the Suez Canal. b) around the Strait of Bab el Mandeb. c) around the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. d) through the Strait of Gibraltar and around Japan.


a) tidal surge. b) tidal current. c) rip current. d) countercurrent.


a) to California. b) to the Pacific coast. c) to the Mississippi River. d) to Oklahoma.


a) to Pusan where they supported defenses on the perimeter. b) from Hungnam in a remarkable "amphibious operation in reverse." c) to Seoul where they successfully stopped the Chinese advance on the South Korean capital. d) from the Yalu River staging area to positions near Wonsan where they regained the allied offensive.


a) to protect American citizens in Havana. b) to protect American business interests in Havana. c) because of the Spanish-Cuban unrest. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) tornado. b) squall. c) hurricane. d) wave.


a) trans-Atlantic immigrant-passenger carriers. b) fast cargo-freighters from the East Coast to Panama. c) "China clippers" hauling luxury goods from Canton to New York. d) passenger-cargo ships from the East Coast to California during the Gold Rush.


a) tripled. b) doubled. c) halved. d) doubled twice.


a) typhoons. b) baguios. c) hurricanes. d) willy-willies.


a) ultra-reflecting telescopes. b) refracting telescopes. c) ultra-radio telescopes. d) radar telescopes.


a) unit. b) leader. c) command. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) urged Congress to pass a bill declaring an import embargo against harassing nations. b) declared war on France. c) declared war on England. d) tried to negotiate peace with France.


a) use force. b) stay put for awhile. c) call on France for assistance. d) bribe him.


a) volcanic ash. b) rain, snow, sleet and hail. c) dust. d) nuclear fallout.


a) warm air over Japanese Current meets the cold current from the Bering Sea. b) warm air over the Gulf Stream meets the colder inshore currents coming south from Greenland. c) colder air over the Gulf Stream meets the warm inshore currents moving eastward from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. d) All of the answers are correct.


a) warm temperature only b) cold temperature only c) a combination of warm and cold temperature d) clouds


a) was very strict. b) too easygoing. c) was short tempered. d) did not care for the outdoors.


a) water and solar energy. b) hygroscope nuclei and dust. c) water vapor and hygroscope nuclei. d) hygroscope nuclei and energy from the sun.


a) water power, coal, and petroleum. b) petroleum, solar power, and coal. c) nuclear energy, water, and coal. d) coal, nuclear energy, and petroleum.


a) watt b) thermocouple c) cell d) None of the answers are correct


a) withdrawal of Soviet missiles from Cuba. b) prevention of further build-up of Soviet IRBMs in Cuba. c) new Soviet determination to develop a navy sufficient to support their national objectives wherever and whenever required. d) demonstration of the ability of the Navy to protect our national security.


a) work. b) family. c) health. d) personal life.


a) your parents. b) military life. c) experience and training. d) regulations and hardship.


a) zones. b) fronts. c) slopes. d) areas.


a) zoology. b) marine biology. c) marine cycles. d) marine chemistry.


c) Loyalty


c) Personal Relations


c) delegate authority.


c) sense of responsibility.


d) All of the answers are correct.


Each of the services must maintain their own weather agency. For the Navy, this is the mission of the


Early warships, which were crewed by trained fighting men and propelled by oars as well as sails, were called


Early weather satellites began in 1960 with the


Earth receives less than one two-billionth (1/2,000,000,000) of the Sun's energy. The remainder of the Sun's energy


Earthbound moisture evaporates into the atmosphere as the result of the


Echo sounding is used to determine the


Electrically charged sunspot gases which escape the sun's chromosphere and enter the earth's atmosphere near the magnetic north pole cause the


Electromotive force may be produced by


Electronics is the basic study of _______________.


Erosion on the surface of the Moon takes place


Essential qualities of a naval leader include


Esteem needs consist of


Fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska and along the Washington and Oregon coast reap a great harvest of


Flags and pennants hoisted by the National Weather Service and other shore stations indicating the presence of unfavorable winds in excess of 55 mph (48 knots) are known as


Fog formation requires the presence of___________.


Fog formed by cold air moving over warm water is called


Fog that is caused by the evaporation of precipitation in December and January is called


Following the victory in the Mariana Islands, the Fifth Fleet was redesignated the U.S.


For a ship to have good stability it should have its center of gravity as ____________ as possible.


For many centuries after the fall of Rome in 476 A.D., Europe suffered in the turmoil of the Dark Ages while the Middle East, North Africa, and Eastern Mediterranean fell under the control of the


For weather conditions along a specific route, aviators usually refer to


Fort Fisher, North Carolina, was a key defensive location for what forces during the Civil Wawr?


Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip were established by the Confederates on the Mississippi River to protect the South's largest and most important port city. What was the name of that city?


Fragments of matter that are present in the atmosphere and essential to cloud formation are called


Frequency modulation is abbreviated as _______________.


From the U. S. military standpoint, the most important sea lanes are those between the United States,


From which direction do the winds blow during the Winter Monsoon?


Galaxies which have clearly defined, symmetrical shapes, ranging from spheres to ellipsoids are called


General Burgoyne surrendered at Saratoga, New York, in October 1777, after loosing 1,200 of his troops to American sharpshooters.


General MacArthur directed the occupation of Japan from his head quarters in


Geological plates are


Geosynchronous satellites, hovering ____________ miles above the equator at a fixed location, photograph an entire hemisphere every half an hour.


Giving in to demands for tribute and ransom usually


Great fog areas often occur off Newfoundland because the


Guyots are smooth, flat-topped seamounts that were leveled off by wave action.


Hail usually occurs in the _________________.


Halfway between the new and full moon, when the forces of the sun and moon are opposed, there is less difference between low and high tides. These tides are called


High group morale is usually the result of effective


High underwater plateaus with an abundance of marine vegetation are


Hollow rotary drills are used in deep water to obtain core samples thousands of feet long.


How are submarine canyons formed?


How did the United States identify the Soviet's ICBM launching pads under construction in Cuba in 1962?


How is frequency (Hertz) abbreviated?


How many atoms of hydrogen are in an ozone molecule?


If there is one key to successful leadership, it is probably ___________.


If weight is added high on a ship, the ship will be more prone to _______________.


In 1802, President Jefferson sent a squadron of ships to the Mediterranean Sea to


In 1803, Commodore Preble sent the USS Philadelphia to blockade the port of Tripoli. What happened to this ship?


In 1803, when Commodore Preble assembled his forces in the Moroccan port of Tangier, the Emperor of Morocco was impressed by Preble because of his


In 1804, Commodore Preble tried to convince the Bashaw of Tripoli to


In 1812, what was one major factor in Napoleon's defeat in Russia?


In 1862, the Union forces developed river gunboats which were the first ironclad vessels in the United States. In what river valley did these vessels see their first action?


In 1875, a professional association began publishing a leading journal entitled the Proceedings. It criticized the conditions of the fleet, pointing out both the commercial benefits and naval requirements for a strong American maritime force. This association is the


In 1886, Captain Alfred Mahan, USN, was appointed president of the


In 1894 Admiral Robert Peary found the largest meteorite ever in the western hemisphere. In what country was it discovered?


In 1901, Theodore Roosevelt became president after the assassination of President McKinley. Roosevelt believed that the U.S. Navy should


In 1914, construction was completed on the Panama Canal. What country built this canal?


In 1916, what more aggressive Admiral was given command of the German High Seas?


In 1921 a business recession affected


In 1929 the U.S. stock market


In 1941 the U.S. became involved in an undeclared war in the Atlantic against


In 1983, who attempted to take over the island nation of Grenada?


In 1986, a pair of Soviet reconnaissance probes conducted a close fly-by of


In 1991 civil war broke out in which Balkan country?


In 1992 NASA began using ___________________________ in a systematic search for any signals being broadcast in our galaxy.


In 1993 the U.S. and Russia signed the Strategic Arms Reduction and Limitations treaty (START II). This treaty


In 1995 Navy and Marine Corps planes from the carrier Theodore Roosevelt conducted air strikes against Serb military positions as part of


In 1996 the U.S. Marines were called on to evacuate U.S. nationals from


In 1998 apprehension arose over nuclear weapons tests conducted by India and


In August 1998, U.S. Embassies in what two African countries were destroyed by terrorist car bombs?


In August of 1780, when General Clinton returned to New York, he left General Cornwallis in command of British forces in the South.


In June 1947, Secretary of State George Marshall announced Truman's plan for reconstruction of European countries through their own efforts, supported by American economic aid. This plan, formally named the European Recovery Program, became known as the


In North America what is another name for air that flows around a high pressure center?


In October 1992 the UN established a no-fly zone, and safe areas around several cities in


In a process called "transpiration", huge amounts of water enter the air from


In aerodynamics, acceleration is often measured in terms of the standard acceleration of gravity and is commonly referred to as:


In another treaty following World War I, the U.S. agreed NOT to fortify Pacific bases west of (the)


In areas where high tide is common, twice daily the tide can sweep up a river in a


In his great adventure story, Moby Dick, Herman Melville wrote about the great New England industry of


In late January 1951, Ridgeway began a methodical drive toward the Han River, which culminated in the recapture of


In operating off "Yankee Station" in the Tonkin Gulf continuously for five years, the Seventh Fleet had at times on station there as many as five carriers.


In order for a submarine to surface once submerged it must force water out of its __________ tanks.


In order for units of the Ukrainian fleet to enter the Atlantic, they must transit the


In order to maintain high morale in a unit, the following must be present:


In order, the best conductors of electricity are


In probably the greatest natural catastrophe of history, a 1737 typhoon killed 300,000 people in the


In reference to the Cuban missile crisis, who was reported to have said, "We're eyeball to eyeball, and I think the other fellow just blinked."?


In regard to ship maneuvering, what is the most dangerous area in a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere?


In the 1920s and 1930s many politically troubled European countries were taken over by


In the 1920s the U.S. economy had


In the 1990s civil insurrections broke out in several African and Central European nations because of


In the 1990s the main reason for downsizing and consolidation of the U.S. Armed Forces was


In the 1990s, all branches of the armed services have been called on to fight what problem?


In the Indian Ocean, the Japanese Defense Perimeter was anchored by


In the Navy, when you are given authority, the two burdens that come with it are


In the atmosphere, traces of gaseous elements, such as helium, are present as far out as


In the battle of Lepanto in 1571, Christian forces defeated the


In the event of war in the Pacific, the U.S. Navy's task is to


In the fall of 2001, what operation was begun in Afghanistan by US and Allied military forces joined with Afghan rebels to rid the country of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terrorist organization.


In the first Battle of Bull Run on July 21, 1861, 50,000 troops of both armies fought in northern Virginia not far from Washington D.C. Which army won that battle?


In the late 1890s, America was preparing for war with


In the south, the Japanese Defense Perimeter included the


In the southwestern part of the North Pacific, most tropical cyclones are born between


In the summer, the United States is swept by air masses from


In the winter, what zones are jet streams over?


In the years leading up to World War II the U.S. restricted the sale of oil and scrap metal to


In what atmospheric layer are the Van Allen radiation belts?


In what body of water in the Pacific Ocean are the world's largest crabs caught?


In what city did the German delegation sign the unconditional surrender document, ending World War II in Europe?


Japan agreed to the Naval Disarmament Treaty when


Kidnapping men and forcing them into military service is defined as


King Philip II sent his Spanish Armada against England in 1588 for which of the following reasons?


Leaders can help to motivate subordinates by


Local lows often form directly below large


Lying in great belts and fields across the Pacific are chunks or modules of almost pure metals, the largest percentage of which is


Major fisheries along the northeast coast of the United States and Canada yield abundant catches of


Man knows more about outer space than he knows about the ocean.


Many additional missions to the planet _______________are planned over the next decade, perhaps culminating in a manned mission sometime before the year 2020.


Mariner reconnaissance spacecraft conducted orbital surveys of


Material that permits the free movement of a large number of electrons, such as copper wire, is known as a good


Meteoroids that enter the Earth's atmosphere are called


Middle clouds with bases beginning about 10,000 feet are denoted by the prefix


Missiles and aircraft use _______________ to maintain their flight paths.


Morale can be measured by inspections of personnel and their equipment.


Most of the sea's vegetation, salt water fish and marine animals live on the continental shelves.


Most of the shrimp, tuna, and lobster caught in the Indian Ocean are canned or frozen for sale in


Most of the world's energy needs are still being met with


Most people desire to learn


Most sea animals live in the


Motivation in the Navy can directly affect


Much of The National Weather Service's day-to-day activity is geared to the service of aviation through its


NJROTC leaders must get to know their subordinates. This personal quality of a leader is referred to as?


National wealth was measured by the amount of treasure in the royal vaults. The total wealth of the world was limited. To become richer and more powerful, a nation had to make some other nation poorer through capture of its trade and colonies. This was


Navy weather units are maintained with all major


Nearly all clouds are in what atmospheric layer?


New Zealand, New Guinea and Greenland are volcanic in origin.


Newton's _____ law of motion states that the acceleration of a body is directly proportional to force acting upon it.


Newton's second law of motion is expressed mathematically as __________.


North Vietnam captured South Vietnam in 1975


Nothing will destroy morale faster than


Objects in water float because of the principle known as ______________.


Oceanography is


Of the following, the National Security Council consists of the President, Vice-President, Secretary of State, and


Of the following, who became the first Secretary of Defense in 1947?


Of the following, who felt that no one weapon system would be adequate to provide for all aspects of national defense?


Offshore drilling on the Gulf Coast of the United States is off the shores of


Ohm's law maybe expressed as an equation I=E/R, where "E" represents:


Ohm's law maybe expressed as an equation I=E/R, where "R" represents:


On April 19, 1898, the United States Congress passed four resolutions concerning Cuba. Which of the following statements was NOT one of the resolutions?


On March 25, 1865, General Robert E. Lee launched his final attack on General Ulysses S. Grant's troops. Although Lee had suffered fewer losses, he surrendered a few weeks later because of a lack of


On September 1814, a night-long British naval bombardment of Fort McHenry guarding Baltimore


On an average the Moon is about how far from the Earth?


On the eve of September 8, 1943, just before the invasion of Italy at Salerno, the Italian government


On the spectrum-luminosity diagram, 98 percent of all stars presently observed by astronomers fall into what group?


On what island in the Indian Ocean has the United States built a naval communications station and air base?


One cause of erosion on the Moon is from crashing meteorites. These crashing meteorites spray the surface with broken rocks called


One force that all moving earthbound objects are subject to is ______________.


One goal for the Pacific war following the Casablanca Conference of January 1943 was to isolate


One of the best ways to start a conversation with a subordinate is to begin talking about the subordinate's


One of the key navigation chokepoints in the world is in the Indian Ocean at


One of the leading early scientists who was responsible for formulating a number of laws dealing with motion.


One of the major results of friction is:


Operation Chromite, probably the most daring amphibious assault ever planned, was conducted at


Operation Torch was the code word for the planned invasion of


Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm was conducted in 1990/1991 in response to Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's invasion of


Our alphabet is based on the alphabet of what ancient people?


Over 1,000 years ago a complex ecological fish-farming system was developed. In what country was this system developed?


Pairs of stars are called binaries or double stars. Larger groups of stars that are close together are referred to as


Phases of the moon are caused by


Physical features you can see on the surface of the Moon are


Power or energy exerted against a body in a given direction is known as:


Precipitation is


President Harding felt that the Allies should


President Jefferson did not favor building large seagoing ships because


President Truman dismissed General MacArthur from his leadership role in the Korean War because


Radio waves are ______ from the ionosphere, which is generally 30-250 miles above the Earth.


Realization of the American "manifest destiny" in 1848 meant that


Regarding the invasion of the central Philippines, Admiral Halsey sent Admiral Nimitz an urgent message. What was it?


Respect from subordinates must be


Scientists believe that what is now our solar system began about 4.5 billion years ago as a large cloud of ___________ from the Big Bang.


Scientists have divided the Earth into four shells or layers. From the center of the planet out to the surface, what are the names of the layers?


Scientists theorize that the moon's craters were formed by meteorites, volcanoes, or the bubbling action of molten moon rock.


Sea islands are formed by erupting


Sea power has a profound effect upon a nation's


Self-discipline begins with


Self-discipline is an orderly way of doing things that comes from


Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes are associated with these clouds:


Silver iodide crystals have been successfully used to


Since colonial days, the most important commercial fish species for Massachusetts fisherman has been the


Since full diplomatic recognition and exchange of ambassadors was achieved in 1979, United States relations have improved with the most populated nation on earth, the


Sir Isaac Newton is credited with the development of the


Small bodies revolving around the Sun, mostly between Mars and Jupiter, are called


Social needs consist of


Some smooth plains on the moon's surface are old craters filled with lava or volcanic ash. These are known as


Sometimes the Earth crosses a part of a former comet path. The tiny particles remaining from the comet then collide with our atmosphere, producing a


Sound waves can be bent or _________as they pass from one medium to another, if the densities are not too dissimilar.


Stars are classified according to their temperature and


Stars that are closely grouped stars, often found in areas where there are glowing masses of dust and gas are called?


Strong winter high-pressure circulations are located over Greenland, North America and


Submarine cables containing telephone and electric power, and underwater pipelines, have been attacked by shrimplike animals called


Sunspots have been known to last as long as


Super-heavy magnetic concentrations, probably massive bodies such as asteroids, lying beneath the lunar surface are called


Supergiants are stars 1 million times brighter than the sun


Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe during World War II was


Surface winds which flow into a center and rise define an area of


The "Age of Discovery" was referred to as being a new age of


The "Big Bang" theory was first proposed in 1927 by the Belgian astronomer


The ABDA Defense Command was formed during World War II by the United States (America), the British, Dutch, and


The American Revolution began at


The Antarctic seas are called circumpolar because


The Apollo 11 astronauts set up a moonquake detector at


The Assistant Secretary of the Navy credited with building up the U.S. fleet in the late 1800s was


The Atlantic Ocean consists of two basins roughly separated by an underwater mountain range called


The Barbary States economy was based on


The Battle of Hampton Roads was a major


The British were torn between two ideas on how to fight World War I with Germany. Which of the two plans did they use?


The CSS Alabama was built in a British port for a Confederate agent without the British government's approval. What was its purpose?


The CSS Hunley was a submersible vessel that was designed to pull a torpedo into the side of an enemy ship. Who developed this vessel?


The CSS Virginia and the USS Monitor fought in one of the greatest naval battles of the Civil War. Their battle opened a new book on naval tactics. What made both vessels so unusual during this time?


The Continental Congress was reluctant to establish a navy because they thought that "coastal cavalry" forces of the various colonies would suffice, and any continental Navy warships would be overwhelmed at sea.


The Declaration of Independence was signed July 4,


The Disarmament Conference which resulted in the Washington Naval Treaty


The Earth is closest to the Sun in the


The Earth's mantle is


The Emancipation Proclamation made a significant difference in European attitudes toward the Civil War. Although it did not stop slavery, it was still a great psychological move. Who gave the Emancipation Proclamation speech?


The Emancipation Proclamation of September 22, 1862, freed all slaves in the Confederate States as of January 1, 1863. In 1865 Congress added an amendment to the Constitution which ended slavery in the United States. What was that amendment?


The English unit for measuring the rate at which work is being done is known as _____________.


The German U-boat fleet suffered severe loses during World War II with 781 of 1,175 submarines sunk by Allied actions.


The German West Wall was known as the


The German submarines in World War II had to retreat after severe losses because of the


The Great Depression, which started in 1929


The Hawaiian Islands are a volcanic island chain.


The Inchon landing was fraught with danger because


The Japanese code words which meant that surprise attack had been achieved at Pearl Harbor were


The Japanese deployed midget submarines to attack Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.


The Japanese headquarters in the Marshall Islands during World War II were at


The Japanese objective in Leyte Gulf was to


The Japanese targets at Pearl Harbor were pre-designated to


The Japanese were defeated in the Battle of the Philippine Sea in June 1944. What was the principal effect of this defeat on the Japanese?


The Korean War truce talks took place at


The Lesser Antilles are the small islands bordering the eastern portion of which sea?


The Milky Way is a/an


The Milky Way takes on the shape of a


The Moon has no atmosphere. Thus there is


The Moon is actually a poor reflector of light, with what percentage of light reflected?


The National Weather Service is in the Department of


The Naval Disarmament Treaty called for limitations on the tonnage and armament of


The Navy Act of 1794 authorized the construction of six Frigates.


The Navy is called upon to help eliminate oil pollution in U.S. waters by working closely with the


The Navy's main training base for the US Atlantic Fleet in the Caribbean Sea area is located at


The North Atlantic Ocean began to form about 200 million years ago and the South Atlantic Ocean about 150 million years ago.


The Pasha of Tripoli agreed to a treaty that would release captive U. S. crew-members and


The Peace of Paris in 1783 gave the Americans a territory that extended west


The Punic Wars were between what two major powers?


The Russians defeated the Germans and turned the tide on the Eastern Front of World War II in the


The SPUTNIK, EXPLORER, and the MARINER series were names given to the first artificial


The Soviet Union was able to subjugate much of Eastern Europe in 1946 because the


The Sun's gravitational attraction is 270 times that of Earth; if possible a 100-pound keg of nails would weigh how many pounds on the Sun?


The Third Fleet conducted heavy attacks during World War II on Formosa and Okinawa to


The Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands is administered and defended by


The U. S. Third Fleet headquarters is located at


The U.S. Navy made its last direct contribution to the fight against Germany in World War II by


The U.S. Navy rating which specifically concerns itself with interpreting weather conditions for command use is the


The U.S. must import what % of its oil requirements?


The U.S. was going to have to put forth an effort in the Atlantic throughout World War II to keep the


The USS Maine was sent to Cuba


The Ukrainians have a fleet of naval warships based at Sevastopol on the


The Union Navy established naval blockades from


The United States acquired which of the following territories as the result of the peace treaty ending the Spanish-American War?


The United States adopted a policy change in 1947 which countered Soviet expansion into Greece and Turkey. This policy of containment was officially called the


The United States declared war in 1941 on Japan after the Japanese attacked the U.S. Pacific Fleet at


The United States has important mutual defense treaties with


The United States' military position during the pre-World War II years was


The United States, Canada, and its West European allies agreed in 1949 to create the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). In 1955 which country was permitted to join NATO?


The Vichy French forces of World War II were French forces aligned with


The Vietnam peace talks took place in Geneva, Switzerland.


The __________ is the number of cycles repeated during one second of time.


The __________ is the wave strength at particular points along the wave.


The ___________ is the length of a cycle expressed in distance units.


The ________________ of a star is its brightness as it appears to an observer on Earth.


The _____________________ is the geometric center of the portion of the ship's hull that is underwater.


The ability of a nation to defend her own sea communications and to deny the enemy the use of the sea to carry on a war is called


The amount of energy or power in a sound wave in any given location is called the________________


The amount of light a telescope can collect depends entirely on:


The amount of the force of gravity on a body at a given location is known as __________-


The area in which asteroids orbit the Sun is called the


The area which has more tropical cyclones than any other place on earth is


The average raindrop is ________ times larger than a cloud droplet.


The basic reason that the United States and Mexico went to war in 1846 was that


The battle off the Virginia Capes, when Admiral de Grasse drove the British fleet back to New York, made victory at the Battle of Yorktown possible.


The beginning phase of the Marine Hymn, "From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, "refers to USMC actions, respectively, in the


The book, The Influence Of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783, was written by


The bottom of the ocean is referred to as the deep ocean, the deep sea, the deep ocean basin or the


The cadet that demonstrates the leadership "Can do" attitude is demonstrating _____________as a leader.


The cadet that shows through their actions that they are true, honest, correct, straight forward and trustworthy demonstrates ____________________.


The cadet that uses this type of leadership demands a quick response.


The cadet who does not show self-magnification, not being boastful about oneself is demonstrating


The cadet who has the ability to see what must be done and takes care of obligations for his or her unit is showing a


The cadet who portrays confidence in oneself, mankind and a cause is showing he or she has ______________.


The captain of USS Nassau is preparing to get underway and receives a forecast of poor weather in his immediate operational area. Prior to departing port, he should ensure that the _______________ is well below the waterline.


The captain of USS Shreveport is underway and receives a forecast of increasingly poor weather in his area of operations. What should he do to make his ship more stable?


The center of a ship, around which the ship appears to move, is the ________________.


The chief task of the U.S Navy between 1815 and 1860 was


The circular flow of warm water cooling and sinking near the poles and cool water warming and rising near the equator is called


The closest star to the earth is


The commander of allied ground force in Operation Desert Storm was


The complacency of the American public following victory in World War II can be attributed to


The core of the Earth is made up of


The deepest part of the Pacific Ocean is the


The deepest spot in the North Atlantic basin is the


The direction of electron movement in any conductor is


The downward force applied against a body is known as _____________.


The drastic reduction in size of the U. S. Armed Forces after World War II was officially termed the post war


The effect that causes wind deflection due to the Earth's rotation is called the


The end of fighting in the colonies was marked by the British loss at


The entire ocean basin is made up of white sands.


The exploration of this planet by the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft is considered to be among the greatest scientific achievements of the twentieth century.


The fast decline of the clipper ships after 1855 was caused by


The fiery death of a meteor is generally known as a _____________.


The first Secretary of the Navy was


The first atomic bomb was dropped on what Japanese city?


The first great combat between carrier forces, with neither fleet ever coming into sight of the other, was the battle of


The first people known to use sea power were the sailors and traders of ancient


The first regular, scheduled ship service for passengers, mail, and freight between New York and England was provided by the


The first rule for a new leader is to


The first to seek new sea routes to the Indies and the Orient were the


The five principal layers of the atmosphere arranged from lowest to highest are


The flow of air at the surface in a high-pressure area is described as


The flow of electrical energy through a conductor is called


The following are all Navy radar general categories except:


The following heavenly body is classified as a star.


The forces that were protecting Charleston during the Civil War used a kind of war vessel made from old gunboats cut close to the water line and covered with iron plating. They were armed with a charge of gunpowder attached to the end of a long spar that protruded from the bo


The galaxy in which Earth and our known planets exist is _____________.


The gravitational force of the ________ keeps planets in their orbits.


The head of a comet usually containing a nucleus is known as a


The headquarters for the Russian Pacific Fleet is located at


The igneous rocks that are on the surface of the Moon were formed by


The imminent cause of the war with Spain was the explosion that destroyed the American vessel


The information gathered by most shipboard radar is presented and analyzed in a shipboard space called the


The key to America's offense in the Pacific during World War II was


The lack of gradual daily temperature changes and the absence of sound on the moon are a result of


The largest amphibious landing carried out by U.S. forces during the Mexican War took place at


The last major battle of the Pacific War was at


The last ships of the Confederate Navy were destroyed and the last major Southern port was closed by Admiral Farragut in August 1864 in the violent naval battle of


The law of inertia is better known as:


The line around a boat where the surface of the water meets it when it floats is known as the ____________.


The longest period of peace in world history was known as the


The low-pressure belt of the polar front zone lies how many degrees north and south latitude?


The lowest layer of the sun's atmosphere is called the


The lowest part of a wave is called the


The main reason for practicing a speech is for


The major cause of serious pollution problems in inland and coastal waters of the world is the


The major customer-nations of Arab oil are


The man given major credit for spearheading the Navy into the era of nuclear powered submarines and ships is Admiral


The means devised to keep U.S. carrier task forces and amphibious forces in operation far from established bases was the


The measure of the percentage of light reflected from a surface is called


The modern science theory of origin of the universe is called the "Big Bang Theory." What is another name for this theory?


The moon's diameter is 2160 miles, roughly ________ percent of that of the earth's.


The moon's mountains are


The most active volcanic basin on earth is located in what body of water?


The most beautiful and fastest sailing ships ever to cross the seas were the


The most common of all the plants in the sea are


The most common structure built to protect harbors is a line of concrete-reinforced big rocks called the


The most common substance other than water in seawater is


The most conspicuous crater on the Moon is located in its southern hemisphere. What is this crater's name?


The most extensive mining operations along the Atlantic seaboard of the United States are for


The most famous earthquake belt in the United States is found along the East Coast.


The most important commercial fishing operations in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico are for


The most important mining operations in the Atlantic Ocean's seas and gulfs are for


The most important ocean current affecting the United States and its entire Atlantic seaboard is called


The most poisonous of all fish is the


The most traditional trait of a leader is _______________.


The mountain ranges in the oceans are called ocean ridges.


The movement of a tide away from shore is called


The movement of a tide toward the shore is called


The movement of the Earth's land masses is known as the theory of


The name of the U.S. Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet, during World War II was


The name of the last ship left in the navy after the Revolutionary War was the USS


The nature of a star can be best determined from its ____________.


The naval battle that kept the Great Lakes and Northwest Territory for America was fought and won on 10 September 1813 by


The naval officer who led the American "Asiatic Fleet" to its great victory over the Spanish Navy in the Philippines in 1898 was


The newest satellites are equipped with radiometers and orbit at heights of 900 miles circling the earth approximately every two hours.


The newly signed Constitution authorized the United States Congress to


The ocean which has yielded the largest annual catches of fish and shellfish since 1970 is the


The officers serving under Commodore Preble didn't like him at first because he


The only chemicals currently taken from ocean water commercially are


The only options open to the United States to stop expansion of Soviet communism in the first few years after World War II were to


The original members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) were the West European allies, the United States and


The outer Van Allen radiation belts and the stable trapping region contains


The passage between the major Solomon Islands and Rabaul was nicknamed


The peace treaty ending the Revolutionary War was signed in


The planet closest to the sun is


The planet which can be seen as a bright early evening or morning star because of its orbit between the Earth and the Sun is


The portion of a ship that is above water is known as the ______________.


The post-war military alliances which were formed by the Western democracies on the one hand, and the Soviet-controlled states on the other, were, respectively, the


The pre-World War II foreign policy of Britain and France, in which they made territorial concessions to the Axis Powers in return for "promises of peace," was called the policy of


The presence of Altocumulus clouds means _________________.


The primary cause of Japan's ultimate defeat at sea in World War II was


The primary objective of Operation Torch was to capture ports in


The principal Russian naval fleets in Europe are the


The principal cargoes carried, in order, on the New England-West Africa-West Indies circuit were


The principal far-reaching result of the Cuban missile quarantine in 1962 was the


The principal objective of the landings at Normandy, beyond establishing the beachhead itself, was to


The principal political effect of U.S. naval amphibious operations in Lebanon in 1958 was


The process of cloud droplets combining with one another and falling as rain or snow is called _________.


The profitable trade carried on during the 18th to mid-19th centuries among New England, West Africa, and the West Indies was called the


The purest natural source of water is


The purpose of the Marshall Plan was to


The radio telescope can direct powerful radio beams at a celestial object, and then receive them when they reflect toward earth. Radiotelescopes equipped with such transmitters are often called


The rapid movement of Allied forces through France in World War II was possible mainly because of


The relative humidity of an air mass ___________ as that air mass cools.


The rough outer crust of the Earth which rides on the molten rock of the upper part of the mantle is called the


The science that deals with life and the contents of the seas is known as


The science that deals with the motion of bodies moving through air and other gases is known as ___________.


The scientific term used to describe how much of a material is present per unit of its volume is __________.


The second group to master the sea were the


The second layer of an ocean's light environment, which is violet in color, is the


The second stage of a thunderstorm is called the __________.


The second stage of a thunderstorm is characterized by both updrafts and downdrafts within the storm-producing cloud.


The source of lightning in thunderhead clouds is


The speed of missiles and other high speed aircraft is often expressed in terms of __________.


The speed of sound in water is


The strategic "chokepoint" in the sea route between Europe and East Asia is the Strait of


The strategic entrance to the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean is through the


The strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Western Hemisphere was __________________________.


The study of electricity began with the ancient___________


The study of forces, matter, and energy in various forms of interaction is


The sun's energy passes through space by the process of


The surface of the Moon is covered by breccia. There is also a layer of dust made up of tiny pieces of glass. What is this glass called?


The surrender document ending World War II in the Pacific was signed aboard what United States ship?


The tactic of several German U-boats coordinating an attack on a single merchant ship during WWII was known as what?


The temperature at which a given body of air reaches saturation is called


The term "Axis" was used to refer to


The term "Iron Curtain" was coined by Winston Churchill to


The term RADAR stands for __________________.


The term usually used to refer to the apparent backward motion of a planet in its orbit (as seen on earth) is


The three basic things to remember as you develop your leadership abilities are: know yourself, know your business, know your personnel.


The time it takes a planet to go around the Sun is


The top layer of an ocean's light environment is the


The top of a wave is called the


The total energy in any isolated system remains constant is known as the______________ principle.


The tremendous formation of coral which runs more than 1,250 miles along the coast of northern Australia is named the


The true beginning of the space age began in 1957 with the launch of


The true cause of electricity was found with the development of


The turning point in the Pacific War in June 1942 was the battle of


The two elements necessary for the formation of a cloud are


The usual reference to which the orbital planes of the planets are referred is the plane of the Earth's orbit about the Sun, called the


The whirling fountains of hot gases which come out of the sun's interior are called?


The wind belt which provides most of the general flow of air over the United States is the belt of


The world's busiest shipping lanes exist between


The world's heaviest bulk cargo traffic now flows in huge oil tankers to Western Europe from (the)


The worse defeat in U.S. naval history occurred off


Theodore Roosevelt led his regiment of cavalrymen into battle in 1898 in Cuba. These men were known as the


There are five approaches to leadership. Of the five, which one is the most autocratic?


There are huge numbers of charged particles which have been trapped by the Earth's magnetic field. These particles circle the earth in four doughnut shaped regions. Two are?


There are huge numbers of charged particles which have been trapped by the earth's magnetic field. These particles circle the earth in four doughnut-shaped regions. One region is man-made and three are natural. Which region was caused by a hydrogen bomb?


There are several styles of leadership. The ____________ style of leadership is centered on the leader.


There is only one way to lead others.


This admiral proposed a convoy system that greatly aided the British in getting merchant vessels past the German U-boats and into their ports during World War I.


This continent is of little or no strategic interest to the major nations because it lies outside major sea and air routes.


This ocean current flows northwestward from Japan's Ryukyu Islands.


This project's goal is to scan the 1,000 closest stars for all frequencies in the microwave region between 1.0 and 3.0 GHz, that might indicate intelligent origin. What is the name of this project?


Through what waterway does most of the surface cargo between Asia and Europe pass?


Tidal energy can be used to generate electricity by


To become a good leader, one must be able to communicate. The skills needed for communication is


To do his or her job, a leader must associate with seniors, peers, and the general public. These associations are called ___________ ___________.


To whom did the Japanese make their initial "peace feelers" to end the Pacific War?


To whom did the Russians surrender(late in 1917) during World War I?


Today, about one third of the world's oil production comes from what area?


Today, the telescope and its fine cameras are usually operated by


Traveling low-pressure cells which frequently interact with each other, such as polar air to the north and the maritime tropical air to the south, are referred to as


Tropical cyclones occurring east of the International Date Line in the Pacific or along the US east coast and the Gulf of Mexico are known as


Tropical cyclones that occur off the west coast of Australia are referred to as


Two ordinary thermometers mounted together on a single strip of material with the bulb of one covered by a water soaked wick is called a


U. S. naval facilities built in the Indian Ocean at Diego Garcia are principally


U.S. Naval operations in the Western Hemisphere between 1822 and 1826 were concerned mainly with


Under Theodore Roosevelt's leadership, the United States became


Under international agreement, wind speed is always given in


Water absorbs and loses heat


Water is in a liquid state between


Water vapor in the air is called


Water vapor that changes directly into ice crystals on contact with objects on Earth, without first changing into dew, is called


Water vapor that condenses on objects that have cooled below the condensation point of the air around it is known as


Waves, tides, and currents wear down and change coastal outlines in a process called


Weather is the condition of the


Weather is the condition of the atmosphere expressed in terms of


Weather maps are printed and distributed each week by whom?


What % of the Earth's surface is covered by water?


What American general was ordered out of the Philippines in March 1942 to take command of the defense of Australia?


What Far Eastern country was divided following World War II in accordance with the Potsdam Conference?


What Italian state became a great commercial and naval power during the Crusades?


What Pacific War island campaign cost the U.S. Marines the highest combat casualty rate (40 percent) of any amphibious assault in American history?


What Pacific island, held by the Japanese, allowed the home island defenses to be alerted when American bombers were enroute to Japan?


What President authorized the bombing of Hanoi and the mining of Haiphong Harbor?


What U.S. Destroyer had a large hole blown in her Port Side while in port at Yemen?


What U.S. ship fought in the two most famous Quasi-War battles with France?


What United Nations Operation intended to bring food supplies and restore some order to Somalia?


What action by the United States undoubtedly encouraged North Korea to try open agression by invading South Korea in 1950?


What action did France take in response to President Madison's action asking Congress to declare embargos against harassing nations?


What admiral did the Spanish government order to sail to the Caribbean to defend Cuba and destroy the American fleet in that region?


What are some job needs that the navy can fulfill?


What are the bands of easterly winds located at the surface and north and south of the Doldrums, popular with sailing vessels called?


What are the benefits of upwelling for marine life?


What are the leading indicators used to determine what kind of star will be "born?"


What are the units of force in the English system?


What are the units of force in the Metric system?


What are the winds between 60 degrees latitude and both poles called?


What are the winds called that prevail in both hemispheres between the equator and 30 degrees of latitude?


What are three steps in the atmospheric water cycle?


What are two of the weapons found to be effective in attacking the German U-boats in World War I?


What areas did the hijacked planes of September 11 impact?


What aspects of strategic importance cause U.S. Naval forces to operate routinely in the Indian Ocean?


What atmospheric layer is the ocean of air immediately above the Earth's surface?


What atmospheric layer lies just above the tropopause and extends to an altitude of about 30 miles?


What battle between Germany and Russia ended in a Russian victory and turned the tide on the eastern front during WWII?


What became the first official manmade object to pass beyond the boundaries of our solar system?


What causes closed homes and barns to explode as a tornado's vortex passes overhead?


What city is known as the birthplace of democracy in government?


What cloud is the lowest cloud type?


What countries made up the Allied Powers during World War I?


What countries made up the Central Powers during World War I?


What country did Panama revolt against during the early 1900s for its independence?


What country did not declare war on Japan until after the first atomic bomb was dropped?


What country granted independence to India, Pakistan, and Ceylon (Sri Lanka)?


What country invaded the Falklands in 1982?


What country launched the prototype of a modern battleship in 1873?


What country withdrew from military participation in NATO in 1966, though it still participates in political affairs?


What determines whether or not there will be precipitation?


What device is used to magnify the images of distant objects?


What do we call an extremely large and bright meteor that will probably end up as a large meteorite, landing somewhere on Earth?


What do we call low-lying clouds that nearly touch the surface of the Earth?


What do we call the style of leadership that means participation of followers, as well as the leader, in the leadership process?


What does every electronic device use for basic operation?


What effect did economic problems have on the U. S. Navy immediately after the Civil War?


What element is believed to account for ninety-three percent of all atoms in the universe?


What event reciently elevated tensions on US-Chinese relations?


What extension of the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 was proclaimed in 1904?


What factors led to anarchy and famine in the African state of Somalia?


What famous battle took place after the treaty ending the war of 1812 had been signed in Europe on Christmas Eve 1814?


What famous war was fought to secure control of the Turkish Straits in order to insure Greek control of the Aegean-Black Sea trade?


What four planets are referred to as the big four?


What general rules should be used by leaders when they build morale in their units?


What group of Europeans became the leaders of Western culture after the Greeks?


What happens to water as it freezes?


What heavenly bodies are invisible because of their relatively small size?


What heavenly bodies in our solar system are the most plentiful and number more than one hundred billion?


What is a major factor in the formation of mountain winds?


What is a stationary front?


What is a thermometer?


What is another name for the Cepheid variable?


What is convection?


What is it called when hydrogen gases are transformed into helium?


What is meteorology?


What is one complete sequence of the strength of a wave as it passes through a point in space?


What is regarded as the first step in development of meteorology as a science?


What is synoptic meteorology?


What is the area called that is located between the Polar Easterlies and the Prevailing Westerlies?


What is the basic continuous wave of a modulated wave called?


What is the best term for a tornado that forms over water?


What is the birthdate of the Marine Corps?


What is the boiling point of the Celsius scale?


What is the closest atmospheric layer to the earth?


What is the famous mountain located on Iwo Jima?


What is the final stage of a thunderstorm called?


What is the fishing area located off the coast of Newfoundland called?


What is the formula for changing degrees in Fahrenheit to degrees in Celsius?


What is the freezing point of water?


What is the main route for all sea traffic between the Atlantic and the Pacific?


What is the maximum wind velocity in a typhoon?


What is the method used by scientists in their investigations?


What is the most destructive oceanographic condition for marine life in the oceans of the world?


What is the most important strategic waterway in the Caribbean Sea?


What is the most profitable natural resource in the Mediterranean Sea?


What is the name of the destroyer allegedly attacked by NVN patrol boats in August 1964 that precipitated open involvement of the United States in the Vietnam War?


What is the name of the equipment used to measure wind speed and direction?


What is the name of the first U. S. nuclear powered submarine, commissioned in 1955?


What is the name of the infamous valley wind system that is always a concern for the 6th Fleet in the western Mediterranean Sea?


What is the name of the microscopic plants that start the food chain in the seas of the world?


What is the name of the only permanent low pressure area on Earth with light and variable winds?


What is the normal prediction period for local weather forecasts?


What is the primary base for support of US Naval Aviation in the western Pacific?


What is the smallest of all the major oceans?


What is the third largest ocean in the world?


What is the topmost layer or outer fringe of the atmosphere?


What island in the Dutch East Indies was the primary objective of the Japanese during World War II due to it's abundance of natural resorces?


What island in the Solomon Islands became the objective of both sides following the battle at Midway?


What islands were taken from the Japanese after WWII


What locale in the Carolines did Japan make into her "Pearl Harbor"?


What major combatants were out to sea during the attack on Pearl Harbor?


What man became the first President of Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union?


What mission was the last U.S. lunar landing in 1972?


What movement of the Earth around the sun causes the seasons?


What name was given to the Japanese operations that attempted to recapture the airfield on teh island of Guadalcanal?


What new technological development made possible the fleet ballistic missile submarine, the first of which was launched in 1959?


What new threat appeared for the first time in the Pacific War at Leyte Gulf?


What occurs when rain falls from warm air through a layer of freezing air?


What ocean has some of the most heavily fished areas in the world?


What operation was the first major attempt by the Allies to take home territory of an Axis nation?


What physical characteristic made submarines used in the Pacific different from the ones used in the Atlantic during World War II?


What physical conditions were most important to the planners of the Normandy invasion?


What planet is called the "red" planet?


What sea lies between the Suez Canal and the Gulf of Aden?


What ship was hit in 1987 by two Exocet missiles launched by an Iraqi aircraft, resulting in the loss of 37 members of the crew?


What shortcut eliminates some 8,100 miles of the otherwise 13,000 mile trip via sea routes from New York around the southern tip of South America to Los Angeles?


What should a leader remember when starting a conversation with a subordinate?


What signal best describes the small craft warning?


What spacecraft helped to rewrite the book on solar physics and our understanding of how and why the sun functions, and the effects the sun has on terrestrial weather and communication?


What spacecraft, named for the man who first documented the moons of Jupiter, arrived at Jupiter in Dec 1995 and took detailed observations of the planet and its moons?


What strategic target (s) was/were not destroyed by Japan at Pearl Harbor which allowed the U.S. to resume naval operations relatively soon after the attack?


What tactic caused Allied shipping losses from U-boat attacks to decline after May 1917?


What tactic did the English Navy use to get sailors to serve on their vessels in the early 1800s?


What term refers to the brightness of a star as compared to the brightness of the Sun?


What three attributes of a good leader cannot exist apart from each other?


What treaty in 1763 ended the war in North America between France and England?


What turned the tide of the war on land for the Allies in 1918?


What two aircraft carriers were out at sea during the Pearl Harbor attack?


What two countries continue to engage in whaling in the Antarctic Seas?


What two nations caused problems for the U.S. Navy between 1871 and 1875?


What two nations fought in "the Great Naval Battle of Jutland"?


What two planets are often refereed to as the twin planets?


What type of forecasts are used to plan local operations


What type of precipitation can be expected from stratus clouds?


What type of waves can travel through a complete vacuum?


What type of weather phenomenon usually occurs in the region near the equator where Trade Winds meet to form the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ICZ)?


What types of clouds do not leave shadows on the earth?


What types of forecasts are prepared for flight operations?


What was one of the major contributing factors for the tide of the war shifting to the Allies in 1918?


What was the first American nuclear submarine (In 1958) to reach the North Pole under the ice?


What was the first meteorological instrument?


What was the main focus of the Taft administration from 1908 to 1913 and even more in the early years of the Wilson administration?


What was the major political difference that caused the Southern states to break away from the Union in 1860?


What was the most pressing economic problem faced by the United States after the Civil War?


What was the name of Commodore Dewey's flagship during the Battle of Manila Bay in May 1898?


What was the name of the U.S. Navy's first aircraft carrier?


What was the name of the U.S. ship Commodore Preble sent to recapture or destroy the USS Philadelphia?


What was the name of the group that could attack with depth charges during World War II?


What was the name of the treaty that ended the War of 1812?


What was the outcome of the Battles for Leyte Gulf?


What was the primary objective of the U.S. Naval Institute at the time of its founding?


What was the purpose of the Great White Fleet?


What was the significance of the battle at Anzio?


What was the single most deadly weapon of defense used by the Germans along the Normandy beaches?


What weather warnings are included in scheduled broadcasts to both the fleet and the merchant marine?


What were some of the advances in naval technology made under Theodore Roosevelt's leadership?


When a star contracts, its internal pressure and temperature


When air masses of the same temperatures collide a front develops.


When did Hitler invade Poland setting off World War II?


When excessive weight is added high on a ship it tends to become ________________.


When naval units from either the Ukrainian Black Sea Fleet or from the U. S. Sixth Fleet want to move quickly into the Indian Ocean, they must go through the


When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, most of the U.S sailors were preparing for


When the Pasha of Tripoli refused to cooperate in the release of U.S. crewmen, Commodore Preble decided to


When the U.S. did not meet the tribute demands of the Pasha of Tripoli he


When the USS Maine was sunk by an explosion of unknown origin, it was in what harbor?


When the War of 1812 began, the Royal Navy significantly outnumbered the U.S. Navy in Men of War and Ships of the Line


When the visible moon begins to get smaller after the full moon, the moon is said to


When voltage is doubled and resistance is held constant, power is


When warm and cold air masses come together, the boundary between them is called a


Where did England defeat the combined fleets of Spain and France to become ruler of the Atlantic Ocean in 1805?


Where is the busiest and largest Atlantic port in Western Europe located?


Where was the last German offensive of World War II?


Where was the treaty signed that ended the war in Bosnia-Hezegovina?


Which Navy vessel did the British take four crewman from in 1807?


Which U.S. President helped Captain Rickover in the initial development of the world's first nuclear-powered submarine?


Which armed service was the most vocal in their criticism of other services during debates on unification of the services following World War II?


Which country agreed to a settlement of the Alaskan-Canadian boundary favorable to America, withdrew its naval squadron from the West Indies, and agreed to turn over exclusive control of the proposed Panama Canal to the United States?


Which general defeated the Union forces at the Battle of Chancellorsville and also moved north through the Shenandoah Valley and invaded southern Pennsylvania?


Which is the outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere?


Which is the smallest of the inner planets in our solar system?


Which leadership style tends to produce the best results over long periods of time?


Which of the following American warships of the War of 1812 was given the lasting nickname "Old Ironsides" because of the way her heavy oaken hull deflected British cannonballs?


Which of the following DID NOT help in defeating the German U-Boat offensive?


Which of the following Pacific island groups is part of the Trust Territories of the Central Pacific?


Which of the following authorized General MacArthur to proceed north of the 38th parallel in the fall of 1950 to destroy the North Korean forces?


Which of the following factors most significantly affects ship stability?


Which of the following forms on the forward edge of a fully developed cumulonimbus cloud?


Which of the following is a characteristic of the final stage of a thunderstorm?


Which of the following is a characteristic of the mature stage of the thunderstorm?


Which of the following is a former Japanese possession?


Which of the following is a member of the President's Cabinet?


Which of the following is a process by which tiny water droplets grow into large raindrops?


Which of the following is an example of mountain winds?


Which of the following kinds of waves can be felt by human beings?


Which of the following leadership skills may include putting a subordinate on report, reprimanding him/her, or not recommending them for advancement?


Which of the following momentous historical events in Asia resulted in the most significant Communist advance in the post-war years?


Which of the following motivating factors is considered most important?


Which of the following offered military aid and economic assistance in the amount of $200 million annually to South Vietnam in the 1950's?


Which of the following opposed the idea of a single Chief of Staff over all of the armed forces?


Which of the following served as Secretary of State during the Kennedy administration?


Which of the following statements best describes steam fog?


Which of the following statements best describes the aneroid barometer?


Which of the following statements best describes the spectrograph?


Which of the following statements concerning "unification" of the U.S. military services is correct?


Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning naval and maritime matters after the Algerian War of 1815-16?


Which of the following was a factor that allowed air-mass frontal forecasting to become highly developed?


Which of the following were English "seadogs"?


Which of the following, if any, is the reason there is a large variety of fish living in the Persian Gulf?


Which one of the five approaches to leadership is the most democratic?


Which planet has a mysterious "Great Red Spot" in its southern hemisphere?


Which planet has been described as a kind of solar system in miniature, displaying many of the fundamental processes connected with the formation and early evolution of our planetary system?


Which planet has moons upon which sulfur dioxide vulcanism and water ice were discovered by the Voyager spacecraft in 1979?


Which planet has rings that extend outward from 7,000 to 171,000 miles?


Which planet has the shortest orbital period?


Which planet is the fourth planet from the Sun?


Which planet is the largest in our solar system?


Which planet spins clockwise opposite its orbit around the Sun?


Which planet usually outshines everything in the night sky except the Moon and Venus?


Which planet was discovered by astronomers trying to learn why Uranus did not always travel its regular orbit?


Which two planets do not have satellite moons?


Which type of cloud first precedes a warm font?


Which types of clouds are referred to as "mare's tails"?


Which war in 1982 is credited for illustrating the need for revitalizing the US Navy after the post-Vietnam decline?


Which weather agency provides weather information to newspapers, radio, and television stations?


Who announced a halt to unilateral bombing of North Vietnam and invited Hanoi to the peace talks?


Who commanded the river boat squadron that demolished Fort Henry in February 1862?


Who consolidated the Pusan Perimeter in September 1950, and made it nearly impregnable?


Who cried out the immortal words "Don't give up the ship!" after being mortally wounded in battle during the War of 1812?


Who developed a system for organizing weather observations?


Who evacuated the inhabitants from the Tachen Islands to Taiwan in 1955?


Who gave the final order to drop atomic bombs on two Japanese cities?


Who is considered to be the mastermind of the September 11th attacks?


Who is the dictatorial leader of the North African Country of Libya?


Who led Maine backwoodsmen in the first American capture of a British ship?


Who led a force of all-volunteer pilots in a raid against Tokyo in April 1942?


Who made changes in the Navy such as liberal hair styles, beards, and civilian clothes on liberty, through a series of directives in the early 1970s?


Who made the statement during the Korean War, "There is no substitute for victory"?


Who received international acclaim for his published findings on maritime history and naval strategy?


Who relieved MacArthur of his Far East duties during the Korean War?


Who was President of the United States during the Red Chinese invasion of one of the Nationalist-held Tachen Islands in 1955?


Who was President of the United States when the Cuban missile crisis occurred in 1962?


Who was elected President in November 1952?


Who was given the oppertunity to conduct the first daylight landing in the Mediterranean during WWII?


Who was in charge of Germany's U-boat attack during World War II?


Who was in charge of the American troops at the battle of Lake Champlain in 1776?


Who was the commander of German surface forces in the Pacific when war broke out?


Who was the first commander of the Continental Navy?


Who was the general in charge of the Confederate land forces?


Who was the youngest man to reach the rank of captain in the short history of the US Navy?


Who were the participants in the famous Casablanca Conference?


Why are astronomical photographs taken on sensitive photographic glass plates instead of on film?


Why did Commodore Preble want to destroy the USS Philadelphia?


Why did President Jefferson Davis use privateers during the Civil War?


Why didn't the United States build any new ships after the Revolutionary War?


Why do clouds form above islands?


Why does the wind blow?


Why is the air circulation in the troposphere important?


Wires in an electric circuit are designed to keep


Zooplankton is defined as


______ occurs when a temperature inversion in the atmosphere holds cold air close to the Earth's surface.


_______ are strong, seaward-moving currents that occur along some shores.


_________ causes the spreading of radio waves behind obstructions.


_________ is the most common cause of sea waves.


___________ is the rate of motion in a given direction.


___________ occurs when a force acts through a distance.


_____________ uses highly sophisticated electronics to counter enemy electromagnetic waves.


______________ tends to right a ship when it rolls.


_______________ is the search for relationships that can be used to explain and predict how and why people, animals and things behave as they do.


a) 13 b) 31 c) 131 d) 113


a) 50 b) 30 c) 10 d) 15


a) 60 degrees Celsius b) -2 degrees Celsius c) 0 degrees Celsius d) 32 degrees Celsius


a) 7,000 feet. b) 20,000 feet. c) 75,000 feet. d) 99,000 feet.


a) 7/4/1775 b) 11/10/1775 c) 6/22/1777 d) 4/18/1778


a) 70% water. b) 85% water. c) 90% water. d) over 95% water.


a) 900 b) 9000 c) 22300 d) 2300


a) A U.S. Naval reconnaissance aircraft colliding with a Chinese jet fighter. b) The Boxer Rebellion and Supression c) The Tiananmen Square human rights violations. d) Answers A and C only.


a) A hydrothermograph b) A thermohydrograph c) A bathythermograph d) A hydrothermometer


a) A low-lying cloud, near or touching the surface of the earth b) Usually lifts before noon, having been "burned" away by the sun c) Indicates that clear and cold weather can be forecast d) Formed by air saturation


a) A shakedown cruise for the USS Oregon b) To demonstrate America's seapower to the world c) To deliver medical supplies and food to the British d) None of the answers are correct


a) About 11 percent b) 16-25 percent c) 26-35 percent d) Greater than 35 percent


a) Add weight topside b) Increase the number of personnel on watch c) Add ballast d) Decrease ballast


a) Americans could not trade in the West Indies. b) American exports to England were limited. c) British subjects could not buy American-built ships. d) Britain was prohibited to trade in the West Indies.


a) Amount of gases and cosmic dust which it gathers in formative stages. b) The position and temperature of other nearby stars in the universe. c) Gravitational attraction of nearby stars. d) Thermonuclear fusion products drawn from other stars.


a) An instrument used to measure distance b) An instrument used to measure temperature c) An instrument used to measure weight d) A musical instrument


a) Antarctica b) India c) Africa d) Asia


a) Anti-U-boat guns and depth charges b) Submarine chasers and amphibious ships c) Depth charges and submarine chasers d) Anti-submarine guns and hydrophones


a) Anzio, Italy b) Bastogne, Belgium c) Reims, France d) Berlin, Germany


a) Apollo 17 b) Pioneer 11 c) Mariner 1 d) Apollo 13


a) Apparent magnitude b) Absolute magnitude c) Apparent brightness d) Absolute brightness


a) Apparent weight b) Density c) Gravity d) Waterline


a) Authoritarian b) Position c) Democratic d) Drilling


a) Autocratic style of leadership. b) Democratic style of leadership, tailored to job requirements. c) Joining approach, in which the leader goes along with the majority. d) Telling approach, in which the group does not participate in the decision making process.


a) Automatic temperature change in rising or falling air b) Air heated by the Earth rises and is replaced by cooler air descending from higher altitudes c) Ocean of air immediately above the Earth's surface d) Transitional zone between the troposphere and near void of the stratosphere


a) Ballast b) Gravity c) Density d) Centerline


a) Barometer b) Hygrometer c) Thermometer d) Wind-measuring device


a) Bay of Campeche, Mexico. b) Bay of Bengal, India. c) Bay of Cadiz, Spain. d) Hudson Bay, Canada.


a) Benedict Arnold b) George Washington c) John Paul Jones d) Esek Hopkins


a) Benjamin Stoddert b) Stephen Decatur c) John Barry d) William Bainbridge


a) Bernoulli b) Einstein c) Newton d) Aristotle


a) Black Ball packets. b) New England topsail schooners. c) Square-rigged clippers. d) Frigates.


a) Black Sea b) White Sea c) Red Sea d) Yellow Sea


a) Black Sea. b) North Sea. c) Red Sea. d) Caribbean Sea.


a) Bosporus, Sea of Marmara, and Dardanelles in Turkey. b) Turkish Straits and Strait of Gibraltar. c) Suez Canal. d) Skagerrak and Kattegat.


a) Brazil b) Argentina c) Venezuela d) Columbia


a) Breakwaters b) Rip currents c) Longshore currents d) Surf


a) British Gilbert Islands. b) Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) c) Kurile Islands. d) Aleutian Islands.


a) Buoyancy b) Gravity c) Density d) Salinity


a) CSS Virginia. b) USS Virginia. c) CSS Columbia. d) CSS Norfolk.


a) California. b) Hawaii. c) Japan. d) Solomon Islands.


a) Canada. b) East Indies. c) Persian Gulf. d) South America.


a) Candor b) Greenland c) America d) France


a) Cape Hatteras b) Panama Canal c) Suez Canal d) Turkish Straits


a) Capsize b) Ballast down c) Loose momentum d) Become neutrally buoyant


a) Charged particles. b) Atomic theory of matter. c) Static electricity. d) Protons.


a) Charlie b) Communist Rebels c) Communist Nationalists d) National Liberation Front


a) Chemosphere b) Exosphere c) Thermosphere d) Ionosphere


a) Chemosphere b) Ionosphere c) Stratosphere d) Exosphere


a) Chester Nimitz b) Douglas MacArthur c) George Marshall d) James Forrestal


a) China b) Great Britain c) United States d) Canada


a) China. b) Russia. c) Afghanistan. d) Pakistan.


a) Churchill and Roosevelt b) Eisenhower and Roosevelt c) Churchill, Mussolini, and Eisenhower d) Roosevelt and Hitler


a) Cirrus Clouds b) Cirrostratus Clouds c) Altostratus Clouds d) Stratus Clouds


a) Cirrus b) Cirrocumulus c) Cirrostratus d) Altostratus


a) Clouds and hygroscopic nuclei b) Clouds and temperature c) Temperature and hygroscopic nuclei d) Advection and coalescence


a) Coalation b) Coalescence c) Convection d) Rainmaking


a) Color b) Shape c) Size d) Radar equipment


a) Combat Information Center. b) All Weather Decoding Center. c) Radar Decoding Center. d) Satellite Decoding Center.


a) Combined Fleet. b) Tactical Command. c) Strike Task Force. d) Submarine Fleet.


a) Comets b) Asteroids c) Meteoroids d) Planets


a) Commodore Stephen Luce, USN b) Admiral David Porter, USN c) Captain John Paul Jones, USN d) Captain Alfred Mahan, USN


a) Commodore Stephen Luce, USN. b) Admiral David Porter, USN. c) Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan, USN. d) Admiral David G. Farragut, USN.


a) Confederate Army b) Union Army c) German Army d) None of the answers are correct


a) Confederate States b) Union States c) Eastern States of the United States d) Western States of the United States


a) Consists of an accurately calibrated glass tube, filled with mercury. b) Always employed abroad ship. c) Contains a small metallic cell, which expands when pressure decreases and vice versa. d) Indicates variations in atmospheric pressure on a scale.


a) Convection, Adiabatic, and Transpiration b) Heat, Pressure, and Wind c) Evaporation, Condensation, and Precipitation d) Evaporation, Transpiration, and Convection


a) Core b) Photosphere c) Chromosphere d) Corona


a) Coriolis Effect. b) Cornelious Effect. c) Geostropic Wind Deflection. d) Sub-tropical High Pressure Belt.


a) Cristobal, Canal Zone. b) Gitmo Naval Base c) Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. d) St. Thomas, U. S. Virgin Islands.


a) Croatia. b) Serbia. c) Bosnia-Herzegovina. d) Spain.


a) Cuba was declared free and independent. b) Withdrawal of all Spanish forces was demanded. c) The president was directed to use American forces to force these resolutions. d) The United States declared that it would annex Cuba.


a) Cuba. b) Mexico. c) France. d) Spain.


a) Cuban-backed forces b) Panamanian-backed forces c) Nicaraguan-based forces d) Costa Rican-backed forces


a) Cumulonimbus b) Altostratus c) Stratus d) Cirrus


a) Cumulonimbus b) Cumulus c) Stratus d) Stratocumulus


a) Cumulonimbus b) Nimbostratus c) Cirrus d) Stratus


a) Cumulus b) Altocumulus c) Mature d) Dissipating or anvil


a) Cycle b) Wavelength c) Frequency d) Aptitude


a) David Porter. b) Theodore Roosevelt. c) John Long. d) David Farragut.


a) Davids b) CSS Hunley c) CSS Virginia d) USS Monitor


a) Dean Rusk b) Elmo Zumwalt c) John Kennedy d) Lyndon Johnson


a) Decayed nutrients are forced to the surface b) Decayed nutrients are forced to the bottom of the sea c) It causes high tides d) It causes low tides


a) Defense. b) Interior. c) Commerce. d) State.


a) Democratic b) Telling c) Permissive d) Autocratic


a) Department of Commerce and the Defense Mapping Agency. b) Federal Bureau of Investigation and Army Intelligence. c) Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Coast Guard. d) U.S. Merchant Marine and the Defense Investigative Service.


a) Department of Defense Meteorological Command. b) Department of Navy Meteorological Command. c) Naval Oceanography and Space Command. d) Naval Meteorological and Oceanography Command.


a) Department of Defense b) Army Air Corps c) U.S. Navy d) Marine Corps


a) Depend mainly on their Navy and amphibious operations b) Place the main British army on the continent to assist France and drive toward the heart of Germany c) Wait for the German forces to attack and then use air power d) Control the German land forces and aid France with military supplies


a) Destroyers b) Aircraft Carriers c) Battle Ships d) Ammunition ships.


a) Diego Garcia b) Bahrain c) Hawaii d) Guam


a) Discipline and efficiency. b) Close supervision by leaders. c) Complete freedom for all personnel. d) A complete understanding of the task at hand.


a) Earth and Mars b) Mars and Mercury c) Mars and Jupiter d) Saturn and Pluto


a) Earth and Mars. b) Mars and Saturn. c) Mercury and Venus. d) Mercury and Mars.


a) Earth b) Uranus c) Jupiter d) Saturn


a) Earth b) Venus c) Mercury d) Pluto


a) Earthquake b) Volcano c) Submarine Landslide d) Wind


a) Economic reform b) Trade recovery c) Domestic reform d) None of the answers are correct


a) Edward Ewen b) James Doyle c) Edward Almond d) Matthew Ridgeway


a) Egypt and Chad b) South Africa and Uganda c) Kenya and Tanzania d) Liberia and The Congo


a) Egyptians. b) Jews. c) Greeks. d) Europeans.


a) Electronic Warfare b) Anti Submarine Warfare c) Electronics d) Electricity


a) Eleventh b) Twelfth c) Thirteenth d) Fourteenth


a) Energy b) Friction c) Aerodynamic force d) Power


a) Energy b) Friction c) Work d) Motion


a) Enthusiasm b) Optimism c) Honesty d) Loyalty


a) Enthusiasm b) Optimism c) Tact d) Faith


a) Enthusiasm b) Optimism c) Truthfulness d) Loyalty


a) Ephemeris. b) Retrograde. c) Heliocentric path. d) Almanac


a) European Recovery Program and Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. b) North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Warsaw Pact. c) Eastern Europe Mutual Assistance Treaty and North Atlantic Treaty Organization. d) Marshall Plan and Warsaw Pact.


a) Exosphere b) Thermosphere c) Mesosphere d) Troposphere


a) Explorer 1. b) Hubble Space Telescope. c) Tiros Satellite. d) Transit Satellites.


a) Explorer I b) Mariner I c) Skylab d) Pioneer 11


a) FM b) FMOD c) AM d) FR


a) Faith b) Sense of Humor c) Health d) Courage


a) Fall in the Southern Hemisphere. b) Spring in the Western Hemisphere. c) Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. d) Summer in the Eastern Hemisphere.


a) Fidel Castro b) Nikita Khrushchev c) Joseph Stalin d) Gamal Nasser


a) Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. b) General Dwight Eisenhower. c) Admiral Kent Hewitt. d) British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.


a) Fifth Cavalrymen. b) Rough Riders. c) San Juan Warriors. d) Santiago Fighters.


a) Fired on American vessels b) Lifted all decrees against American vessels c) Declared war on vessels from England and America d) Delcared war on Russia for supporting America


"Nimbus" is a word that means:

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