NSCI 3543

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Diabetes within Native American population

2-4 times higher than normal pop

What food is Argentina best known for?


Aboriginal food of Australia is called?

Bush tucker

Majority of Americans of Filipino descent are what religion?


Arepas is a common food in what country?

Central and South America

What food in South America is a pastry filled with meat?


Many mainstream American worldviews such a family structure and view of food and health are close to what country?


Adaptive strategy used to process food in nonindustrial societies?

Foraging, horticulture, pastoralism

Israeli immigrants to the US most likely follow what religion?


Kashrut is the dietary laws for what religion?


Proper term for people living in the US from Mexico?


What country is associated with tortillas?


What is a concern in African American people especially during pregnancy?

Pica- eating dirt

In japan, sushi may be topped with raw fish or squid called ____


Smorgasborg originiated

Sweden; means buffet or feast

What cuisine is one of the hottest in the world?


What is curry?

a blend of a number of seasoning originated in India


a chartered organization with limited liability, transferability of shares, legal personhood, and indefinite duration


a person who seeks to eat foods produced only within a specified local or regional area

technology treadmill

a process in which falling unit prices force farmers to adopt costly new technologies to garner higher yields to replace lost income; however, the technology also creates an over supple of products that pushes prices down even further

low context culture

actual words are more important than who is receiving the message, how the words are said, or the nonverbal actions that accompany them

Omnivores paradox

attraction to new foods; preference to familiar foods

What is the law of meat and milk according to Judaism?

cannot be eaten at the same time

food desert

communities that lack full-line supermarkets, forcing typically low-income residents to make do with fast food and convenience stores or travel long distances to access a supermarket

Diet in South America is mainly _____ based.


The staple grain for Aztec, Mayan, and current inhabitants of Mexico and Central America?


Common Cherokee food

deer, cornbread, grape dumplings

American paradox

even though foods from throughout the world are available and often affordable, there is a need for consistency and conservatism

Which of the following are true for processing food in industrial societies?

farming is becoming more corporate, there is more of a delocalized system, it relies on decreasing number of farmers

Dairy products are most likely to be consumed by Middle Easterners (Turkey) as what?

fermented products like yogurt

Major core source of protein in Scandinavian countries?


What is clotted cream?

from Devonshire, slightly fermented thickened cream that is spread on scones and biscuits

In central Europe, vegetables are those that can be,,,

grown in cold temperatures and preserved by pickling, fermenting, or drying

True regarding the Mediterranean diet?

high in monosaturated fat

What is the preferred meat in the middle east?


food insecurity

limited access or lack of access to a nutritionally sound and culturally appropriate diet from reliable mainstream sources


marketing tactics that "blur the line between branding channels and everyday life"

What food is the most prohibited across cultures?


slotting fees

money food manufacturers pay to retailers in order to have their products displayed on the most valuable shelf space

high context culture

most of the meaning of a message is found in the context, not in the words

functional foods

one that purports to provide health benefits beyond its normal nutritional properties, typically because of added nutrients or other beneficial ingredients

Two important food in Yoruba (africa)?

pounded yams and melon soup

In Africa, sign of respecting someone of authority is

prostrating in men and kneeling in women

domestic outsourcing

purchasing products or services in order to shift work done in the home to people and businesses outside

category management

retail system in which retailers and manufacturers collaborate to determine the array of foods within a given category, such as pasta sauce, with hopes of maximizing the profit of each unit of shelf space

A meal in south Asia is not considered complete without?


What is considered a staple in the Native American diet?

squash, corn


the creation and promotion of meaning-laden symbols that represent particular products with compelling values and ideas

role loss

the disappearance of an important social role, leading to insufficient food production


the patterns that establish "what we eat, as well as how and why and under what circumstances we eat"


the pervasive lack of food that causes immediate physiological discomfort


the reduction of dissolved oxygen in water due to nutrient pollution that creates aquatic and marine dead zones

consumer sovereignty

the revered idea in capitalist culture that consumers should make their own free consumption choices based on their own unique tastes and wants, favoring the best and cheapest among competing selections

agrifood system

the set of vast, interlinked institutions and processes that transform sunlight, water, and soil into meaning-laden foods

feeding work

the sum of mental, emotional, and physical effort that goes into planning, provisioning, preparing and serving meals, as well as cleaning after them; includes knowing others' tastes and monitoring home food stores

Which food group is most extensively used in China?


What makes Japanese different from china and other Asian foods?

visual appeal

nutrient pollution

when excessive nitrogen and phosphorous enter bodies of water, prompting the overgrowth of algae and aquatic plants

genetic pollution

when unwanted genetic material contaminates crops through uncontrollable pollination

invisible labor

work that is invisible to its beneficiaries, either because it is performed in their absence or is largely emotional and/ or mental

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