NT Exam 2

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Important Metaphor

"may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way." We're praying for them for salvation. To be quiet is not to be silent, but to take up the space God has given us to occupy and not taking up other people's places. To be quiet is to be doing what you're supposed to be doing: think of teacher and student. If the students try to teacher, then chaos ensues. Or if the teacher just sits in the back. Has nothing to do with better or best, but of the different social spaces we take of. The drama comes off well when we play our roles. Think of a beautiful dance. Think of a mom who was trying to be a best friend of her daughter. That is what a busybody is, getting out of the space. A family gets screwed up when the parents don't occupy their spaces as parents. Not put in our place, it's to take up our place. Only women bear children and to embrace childbearing is to embrace femininity and continue in faith, love, holiness, with self-control. Modesty is dressing in the way that is appropriate to the nature of your relationship to the opposite sex.

Character and Tone of the Letter of 2 Timothy

- "house" and "office" codes are lacking - familiarity with and appeal to Timothy's personal spiritual and familial background - consistent focus on Timothy - note depth of familiarity implied - me and you against the world situation enforces close links "This is a private, intimate conversation between a spiritual father and son in a time of dire crisis."

Unique parts of Ephesians

- Early unanimous attribution by the early church. - Subject matter and the character and needs of the audience can explain the differences from his other letters - Genius of Paul and small size of the corpus we have from him make it speculative to say he was not capable of the variation we see throughout this letters. On one side.. lack of warmth (no names mentioned), some good manuscripts lack "in Ephesus", and no clear purpose, general letter. On the other side... this is subjective; 6:20-21 is personal; reading without is too difficult (the sentence doesn't make sense); Paul is supplying a lack on their knowledge of the Triune God and his purpose.

Ephesians has two significant prayers. What did we suggest about Paul's prayers?

- Prayer for Insight into God's Purpose and Power: trying to get the Ephesians to understand that God loves them and blesses them in the heavenly realms; a God like this is foreign to them. What we need as a Christian is a deeper appreciation for what we already have in Christ. Three things they need: hope, the riches of God's glorious inheritance, and power for us who believe. - Prayer for Experience of God's Transforming Power: wants to show that despite the chains that God's plan is not being thwarted. The ancient world would have thought God not powerful or Paul cursed. We are united with Him and united with our brothers and sisters. Paul asks for strength.

What is important about the history of the church in Rome for our understanding of Romans?

- They are not established by Paul - Maybe started by Pentecost converts? - Jews and Christian Jews raise Rome's Ire: Claudius expels Jews from Rome in 49 CE. - Gentiles take over: SO what? - SITUATION AT TIME OF WRITING: Edict lapses; Jews return, Jew/Gentile Tension. They're fed up with the Jewish drama.

What are the types of crises the church is facing?

- They think they are on top of everything. - Spiritually immature - worldly - quarreling, arrogance: "I follow Apollos", "I follow Christ" - abusing the Lord's Table; class distinctions - sexually dysfunctional (this has more to do than with just cultural influence) - men are publicly becoming prostitutes. What they do sexually doesn't affect them spiritually. - chastity party; spiritual, shouldn't be sexual

2 Corinthians Paul

10, 11. His most autobiographical.

What caused the problem? Thessalonians

An apostle told some people that they were in the final stages of purposes of history and that you were the generation where it was all going to happen.


Author: Paul Recipients: Cretans through Titus; Fledgling Church - Product of Paul's "Fourth" Missionary Journey. "Left Unfinished". No leadership structure: leaders need time to mature to rise to the top. Poor cultural heritage (to 'Cretanize' is to lie/cheat). Learn Christian basics Titus: Spiritual Son & Valued Co-laborer Occasion / Date: Paul from Macedonia (mid 60s A.D.; there is a looming threat on the horizon

How did Onesimus come to be with Paul and why would he do that as a slave?

Background considerations (resolution of master/slave disputes): Flee upward to a social superior, flees to Paul as a social superior to Philemon

Why does Paul make this emphasis on the key verse that relates to the theme?

By attempting to coerce Gentiles who had believed in Christ to accept the Mosaic law, the Jewish Christians were implying that social privilege and human effort were integral to a right standing with God. They were also demonstrating a failure to grasp the utter sinfulness and helplessness of human ability or status. This approach sets aside grace and promotes bondage even as it distorts the community by introducing a baseless hierarchy of differing value. Paul asserts that all are hopeless, all are equally in need of God's undeserved favor, all are accepted on the basis of faith in Christ, all are equal before God, and all called to live in harmony with one another by the Spirit's power as his new creations.

What was the heresy that had the regard to Colossions?

Christ is going to be treated less as supreme. A Christ-demeaning Syncretism (possibly, Merkabah mysticism.) Christ is the beginning point, not the beginning, middle, and end.

What is the main problem at Philippi?

Dealing with Paul being in prison, especially since the idea of winning is not being in jail. Also, he's dealing with people who are in the military, who are wondering if he's in there because he did something wrong. Some people were preaching out of envy.

Roman Distinctives

Doctrinal Breadth General Revelation: the clear message to all such that all rejection of God is moral, not ontological (1:18...) Justification: a declaration of acquittal based on the gift of an alien righteousness (3:21-26; 4) Sanctification: set apart to become who you are in Christ. God on Trial (9, 10, 11)

1 Timothy: Pail or Paulinist?

Elements giving rise to the Tension 1. Vocabulary: appearance, Savior, and style (greater Latin influence) 1a. The problem with that is that his style is a little different in each letter depending on what is necessary. 2. Theology: standard themes (e.g. cross, flesh vs. Spirit) are missing and, if do appear, not Pauline (e.g. "faith" as object of belief & not a gift from God) 3. Historical fit: doesn't fit in Acts Could it be forgery? - Epistolary Pseudepigraphy was not accepted by Paul or the church. Tertullian said so. Explanation for these things; demands of a new situation: historical and theological, potential of the author, possible contribution of an Amanuensis, pseudepigraphy introduces more difficulties than it solves

What in Acts 19 is especially significant for understanding Ephesians?

Ephesus was renowned for its magic practices, the "dark arts". - Believed in the spirit world and experienced its activity - People lived in fear - Anyone could manage the treats (or gain the advantage) coming from the spiritual world with the right tools. Paul's response: - No need for their God AND magic. - Portrays God's good greatness and his purposes. - Elaborates on the implications of God's purposes for life - Prays for their ability to "live into" these truths.

What do we mean when we say Paul is Theocentric?

Everything is about bringing in a right relationship with everyone under Christ

What were the benefits of Roman citizenship?

Exempt from Military Duty Right to Roman Trial Right of Appeal Exempt from flogging Required Proof (documents)

How do we explain the relationship between Paul and Jesus?

Extends what Jesus reveals, not a commentator on what Jesus says. Paul also agrees with Jesus Conceptual Indebtedness and Revelatory Extension.

What is the key verse that relates to the theme?

Freedom and unity in Christ: 3:28-29 We are free from sin so we can love others and unite in Christ

Which books extensively treat Paul's concern for the church to embrace God's desire to heal the relationships between Jew and Gentiles (i.e. all people) as a central aspect of his redemptive plan?

Galatians, Romans, Ephesians

How does the situation of Titus differ from that of 1 Tim?

Generally less urgent Tone: "Titus is not repeatedly urged to "fight the good fight" or to "guard the deposit" or to give heed to his ministry. Few second person singular imperatives occur - none of the personal, encouraging kind of Titus himself, except perhaps 2:15. There are no mentions of endurance for Titus, no vocatives of direct address or appeal, few appeals to the faith or the truth, and only one tauta imperative (teach these things)

How does Paul respond to this problem in Timothy?

God as the Saving One has something to say. Attacks confident perversion of OT and attack asceticism, the greed that is apart of the perversion of the OT. A corporate focus is on God's purpose in salvation.

Theme of Ephesians

God's Plan is to bring all things to their Appointed End, "for the praise of his glory," in Christ through the Spirit 91:3-14). Paul wants to relate the universe - encompassing dimensions of the salvation plan of God to the experience of the believers as individuals and in community. If they can get just who God is and what He has been and is up to in Christ through the Spirit, they can be freed from their fears and freed to find joy and effectiveness as they come to understand who they are and get on board with what God is up to.

What is it that is so reliable in 2 Tim?

God's Word

In Titus, how does Paul designate the Christians and is its significance?

God's elect, chosen. Has to do with everything with His mercy and grace. You have been brought into his mission. Preparation: Connecting God's saving work to life to enable the church 1. to resist falsehood 2. to reflect the impact of the gospel on their corporate life, and 3. to have God's heart for their unbelieving neighbors Dense theological summaries that drive and support Titus' work (salutation, 2:11-14, 3:5-8) work in choosing elders (church leaders), promoting God's family rules, and orienting the church toward its mission in the world. Recalibrating the "good life" through the lens of God's saving work in Christ by the Spirit. The "good life" begins with transformation by the Spirit through belief in Christ and ushers forward into a life consistent with God's character and on mission with him.

What is over-realized eschatology and how did it affect the church?

Here is the same problem from 1 Corinthians!! Also in Titus Confused the relationship between the Resurrection with Christ at Salvation and the yet to be realized Future Resurrection! Effect: Indifference to Creation and God's Functional Design for Life in the Created World Attempt to live as if the future Resurrection, with its completion of salvation, had been fully realized. No marriage, Resurrection Menu, no role distinctions, no concern for effect of behavior on outsiders, law unto themselves: all chiefs and no Indians.

1 Thesselonians

Hope, and the Life of the Hopeful Paul Reveals God's Heart Integrity is the Currency of Ministry Largely Gentile Acts 17 - Date: Brief ministry: less than a month Little time for discipleship Could look like a "hit and run"

What do we mean by syncretism with regard to Colossians?

If you do these certain things, and if you deny these certain things, then, if you add Christ at the beginning, you will be saved. Merkabah mysticism: they wanted to be transported into the throne-room of God and participate in the worship of God with the heavenly beings.

What are the "three foci" of Paul's letter to the Romans and what was going on with regard to each of them?

Intro to establish credientials Reconciliation: Jew to Gentle and vice versa. Jerusalem Collection Underway

What does Paul do in his Introductory Thanksgiving sections?

Introduces theme and supporting sub-themes, confirms tone Teaches by example (what's good for the apostle is good for us) Anticipates exhortation Pastoral (ad hoc, according to the occasion) Liturgical (renders suitable for worship, public reading)

What had happened since 1 Cor. had been read?

It has been a year. Paul is writing from Macedonia. What had happened after 1 Corinthians: 1. Paul had visited Corinth (Painful Visit) 2. Paul's previous letter had had limited impact 3. "Super Apostles" had arisen and now plagued the church. 4. The integrity of Paul's ministry is now questioned. 5. Corinthian Church has ceased giving to Paul's Jerusalem Collection

What are the purposes of Romans with respect to these three foci?

Jerusalem Church: Prayer concerning reception of Gentile gift by Jerusalem Jews - This is not just a random request. It fits into Paul's goals for the Romans as well. Personal Ministry - Request for Prayer - Prepare them for a visit and to support him - Edify

What is the message of Philemon?

Letting the love of God in Christ penetrate your relationships

Key issues in Galations

No Hierarchy in Salvation Free to Love Flesh vs Spirit

Would Paul be happy with "homogenous" churches?


Titus: Nature of the Threat

Numerous Contacts with Problem at Ephesus - "think that godliness is a means to financial gain", "the kind who worm their way into homes" with "ruining whole households... for the sake of dishonest gain" - "myths and genealogies" from "teachers of the law" with "Jewish myths" and "Genealogies" - "teachers of the Law" and "law is good if one uses it properly" with "avoid.. arguments and quarrels about the law" - "having a form of godliness but denying its power" with "claim to know God but their actions deny him" Potential, not actual: air of preparation rather than engagement

What is the effect on the churches in Galatia?

Paul and Barnabas had gotten swept up into it. Jew/Gentile Division vs Christ-centered Unity Attacks on/Distrust of Paul Self-justification on Two Levels: a. works vs grace; bondage vs freedom

What do we need to know about the background of the book from the book of Acts? Colossians

Paul had not been there before. Paul is in Rome under house arrest. (Church is under attack; Epaphras sounds the alarm!)

What had Paul done that the Corinthians were pointing to as an indication of his character?

Paul had planned to come and then didn't show up. They believed that they couldn't trust his character and then don't trust his teaching.

Ephesians is a "prison epistle", what imprisonment is Paul writing from?

Paul is in prison in Rome in 60 AD.

How did the Super Apostles and 1st century Rhetors come all into play in the attitudes of the Corinthians toward Paul?

Paul is looking for the Corinthians' attitudes toward them. It reflects what they believe that they should look for. Think of a girl looking for a date. What she looks for is a reflection of herself. Also, they looked at him in the terms of the Rhetor and decided that since his speech was not a silver-tongue-kind of thing. Also, Paul wouldn't carry himself as an important person. Also, Paul said that he was sorry he didn't take their money! (Satire)

Why does Paul write to Timothy?

Paul is trying to authorize him in the face of the people he is going to be serving.

What is Paul doing in chaps 9-11 where he breaks into the book's flow of thought before returning to the "new life in Christ in practice" in chps. 12-16?

Paul is trying to prove that God has not broken his promises and that Paul is not giving a false gospel because most of the chosen race has rejected it. God's Word did not fail.

What is the theme of Colossians?

Paul is trying to show them who Jesus is and that Jesus Christ is supreme and needs nothing added to Him. Christ is Supreme (and, therefore, sufficicent). He is the beginning, middle and end of the Christian life!

What is Paul trying to re-configure in the Corinthians?

Paul is trying to, one, show how the ministry and God come together and what really matters. He's trying to prove that he is not a fake. Also, he is rebuking them for stopping their giving. Difficulties are not an indicator of curses. It is what God puts us through to train us, to bless others, and to grow closer to Him. It is a part of a broken world. We are supposed to focus on what is UNSEEN. It's an inward thing.

What are the things that Paul asks Philemon and the addresses of the letter to do that is so startling with regard to Onesimus?

Paul wants Philemon to extend the love that he has shown to so many others to Onesimus as well. Paul is asking him to see him as a social equal, a brother in Christ. He wants Philemon to treat Onesimus as if Paul himself had shown up.

Why does he wait until 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 to start exhorting them to do something?

Paul was trying to establish his credibility.

How do we use the commands of 4:2-9 to promote and strengthen community? (Philippians)

Paul's exhortations (practical helps toward Christlikeness in relationships) geared toward promoting and maintaining the Philippians' partnership with and in God's saving Purposes in Christ in the face of disunity in Philippi. To delight in the Lord means to love the Lord, to want an intimate relationship with Him. Enjoy Christ. If you love Christ, you will talk about Him. - the person that portrays Christ is looking to Christ for real satisfaction; they strive to rejoice in the Lord - Because they are contented in Christ, they can be gentle (reasonable) brothers and sisters. -Contented with Christ they are prayerfully at peace whether (relationally) "well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want" - Consumed with Christ these are people who are seers of the unseen - THEME: The God-Centered Other centeredness of the Lord Jesus Christ

Who is oppressing the churches in Galatia and what is the "false gospel" they are spreading?

People are adding to the gospel of Christ that is perverting. An addition that distorts. It's a false gospel. Jewish Christian: don't know true state of soul. They know Jesus, but Christ alone is not enough. Came from James. Don't see the Christian life as Paul sees it. (1:7, Acts 15:1) Pressuring and pressured by Jews (1:10, 6:12) Aggressive (4:17, Acts 15:1) They were perverting it by adding conditions. Also, to be a Christian, you must be a Jew. The idea is that you have two opposing sides and you try to bring the sides together instead of staying on God's Word.

How does the phrase "food for the stomach and the stomach for food, and God will destroy them both" relate to the issues at 1 Cor 6?

People were saying that food for the stomach and the stomach for food, they were together, they were going to be destroyed and should be looked at with contempt.

What about the 1st century understanding of gods and spiritual forces makes sense of Paul's stress on God's sovereignty and their need to know just who this God is that they have come to know in Christ?

People would curse each other and also do a lot of sorcery. Remember the occult practices and how the gods were extremely petty and would quickly destroy them if they put their mind to it.

Why does Paul refer to Christians as citizens of heaven? (Philippians)

Philippians was situated on a major Roman road, and a lot of people were proud of being Roman citizens. It was important for trade and military. Paul says this often to remind them the citizens of who they are.

Background to Timothy

Recipient: Timothy and the Church at Ephesus through Timothy Occasion / Date: Paul left Tim in Ephesus on way to Macedonia Paul's journey does not fit in Acts Paul travels after 1st imprisonment in Rome - West or East: which way did he go? Route reconstruction: first to Crete, then Macedonia, waylaid at Ephesus. From there, Paul goes on Alone. Timothy was left to deal with the problem in the Ephesian Church. From Macedonia with Love: Encourages Timothy to complete his task and gives guidelines for its completion. Troas takedown, all roads end at Rome. Did he ever get to Spain? Date: A.D. 63-65 Trouble-Makers: Immature People of standing becoming teachers in the church, Teachings based in law, wandered from the Truth, a key element of their teaching focus on the Resurrection. Theme: The Salvation Plan of the Savior God

What are the marks of genuine ministry that arise for 1 Thessalonians chapters 1-3?

Something happened to those who heard the Word of God. You didn't just say the right words, you follow Him today; He has grown and shaped you. The Marks: 1. came to them being persecuted and still preached despite opposition. 2. no trickery, fudging the truth, sexual exploitation, or flattery 3. Jesus, did I represent You well today?

Purpose at Philippi

Thanks for their partnership in the Gospel (Gods saving work in Christ by the Spirit - Unity: the byproduct of a common delight in Christ - Apologetic: defend his imprisonment as consistent with the furtherance of God's saving work in Christ by the Spirit.

Who is the "weaker brother" and how does he differ from the "professional weaker brother"?

The "weaker brother" is the person who has a weaker conscience, who believes that he is not able to eat something where technically he is free from it.

To whom is the book of Philemon addressed? Why is that significant?

The Characters and their relationship to one another: Philemon, Onesimus, Paul, and the Church that met in Philemon's house! This letter is addressed not only to Philemon but to the church that meets in his home! It is not a private correspondence.

Who is the householder/despot, who is the house, and what are the house rules?

The Master of the House: the Father. The idea is to make this as God's house. There is the Administration of God: the rules. You know you're a part of the family if you know the household rules. These shape the conduct of the household. Reflect and promote God's saving purposes by life and word.

How would the armor be explained?

The armor is when you are filled with God.

What is the relationship between the Super Apostles and 1st century Rhetors?

The character of the Super Apostles: 1. Unbelievers with a "different Gospel" 2. Belittled Paul 3. Arrogant 4. Living off of the church 5. Jews In the ancient times, they were popular speakers who were known as performers. Experience emotions and hear the silver tongue. As a Rhetor, you knew you were climbing the ladder when you were paid more money and had bigger crowds. These guys were expected to carry themselves as important.

Why does Paul go back to creation to re-orient the household?

The church is a body and our various parts belong to a whole. God's family.

What does this say about the church and pseudepigraphy in Thessalonians?

The church was very young and they were under persecution.

What does the conscience do? How does it relate to Paul's teaching on the weaker brother?

The conscience is something that tells about what a person believes is right and wrong. It is the moral compass, and while it can be wrong, violating it when you're trying to follow the Lord is wrong. Pushing people to violate that is wrong.

Is the imprisonment in 2 Tim the same as that in the "Prison Epistles"?

The death-row prisoner, Paul, to his "beloved son" in the faith, Timothy. With the other prison Epistles, Paul had to pay for stuff and was under house arrest. Philippians, Colossians, Ephesians, and Philemon are prison epistles

For Paul what is the relationship between ministry and integrity? Relate this to the first major sections in Corinthians.

The ministry and integrity is really important because what is done in your private life will show up in your public life. Your life will impact the ministry, it will impact your trustworthiness. Look at the content, not how they look and how they say it.

What is God's plan in the book of Ephesians?

The plan of God laid out in Ephesians has individual, corporate, and cosmic dimensions. Paul lays out this all-encompassing plan to re-situate the Ephesians believers so that they can see God for who He is and themselves for who they are.

What was the primary influence that shaped Paul, Judaism, or Greco-Roman world, and how?

The primary influence for Paul: God. He was streetwise, though, immersed in Greco-Roman Culture. Spoke three languages. Note: he strategically employed his status to advance the Gospel, not to chart the easiest course for himself. Paul was from Tarsus, where tent-making was very well-known. Tarsus was also a very intellectually high spot. Definitely Kosher: strong Jewish home, trained by and became a Pharisee, "no holds barred" to death commitment What changed was when Paul had a direct encounter with the Risen Christ. He became commissioned as Apostle to the Gentiles and become an author of 1/4 of the book.

What is the problem in Thessalonians and how does Paul address the problem?

The problem in Thessalonians is that people are worried that they are in the Day of the Lord. They are thinking about God's judgements on His enemies and also rescue His people. They stop working, get hungry, and then ask the church for help. Paul tells them to correct each other sternly and not feed them. Also tells them that the Day of the Lord is coming, but we are not in it.

What is the theme and key verse for the book? How does the key verse relate to the structure of the book?

Theme: The Just, by Faith, Shall Live; God's Program in Christ Defended, Explained, and Applied. Romans 1:16-17: I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."

How does the theme address the problems at Corinth?

Theme: Theology of the Cross and Spiritual Leadership (Seeing with the Father's Eyes) Paul is trying to help bring these two together by showing what really matters to God and what does not. What does it mean to be successful spiritually? A. What effects did my ministry produce? A spiritual leader: creating disciples of Jesus, not mini-thems. B. How did we carry out our ministry? We don't flatter; we tell you the truth even if it hits hard. C. What was our attitude? Our power is from God, not from us. D. What is the focus of ministry? Our focus is on Christ. E. What demonstrations of God's Imprimatur accompanied our Ministry? Signs, wonders, and miracles. (4:16-18): seeing if God is blessing you by material possessions. Difficulties are not an indicator of that.

Be able to recognize and explain Paul's theological distinctives.

Theocentric vision with its center-point in Christ. The Already/ Not Yet Tension The Crossway, already/not We live for God's glory, with the wisdom of Christ crucified, but we also live for my glory, live for the world's praise and feel its wisdom. Look to the cross for identity, for purpose, for meaning, for beauty, for priority, for devotion, for flourishing. The church is the balance of corporate and personal spirituality and witness.

To be a people of hope is to let the reality of the future shape the present, giving strength and direction for the present.


What is the 'central tenant' of the false views being promulgated in the church? How does this theological aberration relate to the behavior of the people?

They devalue the physical. They don't see how the spiritual works with the physical. Because of that, they were confident in their judgements. Since there isn't a whole lot about how heaven is going to work, the people had to make up rules. No marriage in heaven: so deny sexual desires altogether or that it doesn't matter anymore. "I have the right to do anything": male prostitution "It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman." "i follow Paul"...; "i follow Christ." "...there is no resurrection of the dead" "We all possess knowledge." "Food for the stomach and the stomach for food", and God will destroy them both." "Already you have all you want! Already you have become rich! you have begun to reign - that without us! How I wish that you really had begun to reign so that we also might reign with you!"

Why are some of the people idle? Thessalonians

They disengage because if they are at the cusp of the end, then maybe they should stop and wait for the Lord to return.

What is the 'central tenant' of the false views being promulgated in the church?

They got the Resurrection wrong. Over-realized eschatology: they're thinking that they arrived at their spiritual maturity and that they're ready. Eschatology: last things (Paul, already/not yet kingdom)

How does Paul emphasis on "redeemed, soul, and body," relate to the bad theology at Corinth?

They misunderstood that the body was a good thing, and that God was going to resurrect it. In that religion, they didn't want to resurrect the body.

What was the heresy that had effect of diminishing Christ? Colossians

They're making themselves gods by putting forth things to follow and then congratulating themselves on following them. Also, they're going for the vision itself, not God Himself. Puffed up with pride. Christ is not enough, you also need to do these things...

How is it that sexual sin is somehow uniquely "against the body"?

Think of Christ and the Bride. It deforms reflection of something amazing and beautiful. Your body is designed to show love and intimacy to another person in the covenant bonds of marriage. Whatever you do, you will take Christ into it. Stepping outside of the bonds that God has is abuse no matter what, because you are asking a person to be vulnerable with no covenant, no commitment.

To be armed with the armor of Eph 6 is to do what?

This is a metaphor to be filled up with Christ.

Why is Timothy not "timid Timothy"?

Timothy is a man that Paul can trust because he has an affection for the Lord that makes him stand out from the crowd. Timothy is having the life crushed out of him. He is trying to be so careful with the life he is living.

How does the portrait of Christ in Phil 2, as well as those of Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus address the problems at Philippi?

Using contrasting portraits: - Christ: who did not count his status as a thing to be grasped but emptied Himself and gave Himself up as a ransom for many. Willing to submit Himself to God to be a blessing to other people. Partnership in the face of attacks from within and with God's mindset. - Paul, Timothy, Epaphroditus are genuine copies. Fake copies: - Envious, competitive brothers - Judaizers Getting God right changes how I love others.

Explain Paul's already/not yet view of the Christian life.

We are saved and we have Christ's righteousness, but we struggle with sin and we're still dealing with our fallen state, our flesh. We're awaiting for the day that we are perfect.

What do we mean when we say that for Paul, theology interpenetrates ethics

We live for God's glory. We live for Christ's Praise and to Magnify Christ. This is the wisdom of Christ crucified. We look to Christ for identity, for purpose, for meaning, for beauty, for priority, for direction, for flourishing, and more. We need this because in the wisdom of the world, we live for our own glory and live for the world's praise.

What is this "paradox of strength in weakness" and how does it relate to Paul and the super Apostles?

When your weakness is on display, your inability, your frailty, that is when your best way to magnify God and draw attention away from yourself, that is when it is the very best.

Paul's Concerns in Romans

Will Jerusalem Jews take the gift from the Gentiles? Will they accept the Gentiles? Ready for new horizons for ministry Looking outward to Spain Ministry to the church at Rome "I need support to get to Spain"

What do we know about life in Corinth?

notorious. To Corinthianize was to be sexual immoral. They had a dock. Metropolitan mixing of culture. Every kind of culture and influence. Debauchery. 700,000

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