NUR 222 Multiple Choice Questions

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what action would the nurse take when caring for a patient with stress

Provide referrals to mental health professionals

A nurse is using the World Health Organization definition of health to provide care. Which area will the nurse focus on while providing care?

Providing care that involves the whole person

Which member of the health care team would the nurse collaborate with to identify appropriate services for a 20-year-old female victim of domestic violence?

Social worker

a patient tells the nurse, "I am feeling sicker than yesterday", which action should the nurse take

clarify patients statement

patient tells nurse, "I am feeling sicker than yesterday" which action should the nurse take before calling rapid response team?

clarify patients statement

a patient tells the nurse there is no meaning to life and that he or she wants to see the end of it. the nurse asks the patient "Are you talking about suicide?" which communication technique is this?


the nurse asks the patient "when you tell me that you're having a hard time living up to expectations, are you talking about your family's expectations?" what therapeutic technique does this illustrate?


which ego-defense mechanism is being used by a patient whose mental conflict of psychosis is transformed into a physical symptom


which ego-defense mechanism would a patient with schizophrenia exhibit when they refuse to believe their diagnosis


which kind of crisis will the nurse identify when assessing a recently married patient who reports being stressed because of responsibility toward family and work saying "being single was better than being married"

developmental crisis

which aspect is focused on during secondary apprasial of a stress response?

different coping strategies available to a person with stress

which ego defense mechanism would a young patient with psychotic tendencies show if they beat up a younger sibling after getting frustrated with a caregiver?


which statement describes a patient who is in the precontemplation stage to quit smoking?

does not intent to quit smoking this year

which type of health care service is an example of tertiary care

intensive care

which description is applicable to therapeutic communication?

it is an approach used to demonstrate concern for the older adult's welfare

which statement made by nurse demonstrates patient-centered care while focusing on alleviating patients fear and anxiety

lets talk about the concerns you have about going home

which action describes a therapeutic communcation technique

listen actively, provide hope, acknowledge patients feelings

which component of the HBM describes a patient who is concerned about developing diabetes because a parent and grandparent have diabetes

perceived susceptibility of disease

which factor is a component of the HBM

perception of susceptibility of illness, likelihood that a person will take preventive action against a disease, perception of seriousness of illness

which level of prevention describes a patient who experienced a myocardial infarction 4 weeks ago and is currently participating in daily cardiac rehab


a patient whose height is 167 cm and weight is 75kg takes medication to manage arthritis. which tertiary prevention intervention would a nurse suggest

weight reduction, continuing medication, physical exercise

which statement made by the nurse while communicating with an adolescent will reduce the effectiveness of communication?

you like staying alone, don't you?

who needs a spiritual care provider

A patient questioning his/her role in life

who needs a case manager

A patient requiring care from multiple health professionals

who needs a social worker

A patient who has severe anxiety related to paying medical bills

Who needs a dietitian

A patient whose stress is manifested as weight gain

Which priority hypotheses demonstrate that the patient is experiencing an actual problem related to stress or coping?

Anxiety, stress overload

which statement is related to perception of susceptibility to an illness according to HBM

I'm worried about getting diabetes because my father has it

A female patient has been overweight for most of her life. She has tried dieting in the past and has lost weight, only to regain it when she stopped dieting. The patient is visiting the weight loss clinic/health club because she has decided to do it. She states that she will join right after the holidays, in 3 months. Which stage is the patient displaying?


A nurse is following the goals of Healthy People 2030 to provide care. Which action should the nurse take

Create social and physical environments that promote good health.

Based on the transtheoretical model of change, which is the most appropriate response to a patient who states, "Me, exercise? I haven't done that since junior high gym class, and I hated it then!"

I understand. Can you think of one reason why being more active would be helpful for you?

A 55-year-old patient comes to the clinic with weight loss, depression, and malaise. Which collaborative partner would be beneficial in assisting in the plan of care?

Mental health care provider

which goal related to stress and coping is written correctly

Patient will discuss strategies to cope with family violence with a social worker within 24 hours

Which priority hypothesis demonstrates that the patient could benefit from health teaching?

Ready to Learn

Which priority hypothesis demonstrates that the patient could possibly develop problems related to stress or coping?

Risk for Difficulty with Coping

Which goal is appropriate for a caregiver who is fatigued as a result of caring for a spouse with Alzheimer disease?

The caregiver will arrange for biweekly respite care

The nurse is caring for a patient who has been trying to quit smoking. The patient has been smoke free for 2 weeks but had two cigarettes last night and at least two this morning. What should the nurse anticipate?

The patient may return to the contemplation or precontemplation phase.

Which goal is appropriate and measurable for a recently widowed patient whose priority hypothesis is Ready to Learn regarding community resources?

The patient will attend a weekly bereavement support group.

which stage of behavioral change is a patient exhibiting when they join a fitness club and attend aerobics 3 nights a week


which stage is seen in GAS

alarm reaction, resistance, exhaustion

which action would the nurse perform when communicating with a cognitively impaired patient

ask one question at a time, use simple sentences to clarify, allow time for patient to respond

the nurse is using an interpreter to communicate with a patient, which action would hamper communication btwn patient and nurse?

asking the patient's family members to serve as interpreters

according to maslows hierarchy of needs which is the priority for an elderly woman with a fever who lives in a high-crime area

basic physiological

which nursing intervention is considered primary prevention for children younger than 10 years old?

explaining to children how to choose a nutritious diet

which nursing action addresses the most basic patient need according to maslow

feeding the patient, ensuring adequate fluid intake, assisting with bladder elimination

which communication technique is nontherapeutic and would be avoided during nurse patient interactions

giving false reassurance, responding aggressively, asking for explanation

which patient behavior reflects the contemplation stage of change

has started considering a change in their behavior

which activity is included in primary prevention?

health education programs, protection from occupational hazards, physical fitness activities

which activity is included in the secondary prevention of disease

individual and mass screenings, selective exams to cure and prevent disease process, provision of facilities to limit disability and prevent death

A nurse is using Maslow's hierarchy to prioritize care for an anxious patient that is not eating and will not see family members. Which area should the nurse address first

not eating

the mother of a 4 y/o reports her child has reverted to bed wetting and thumb sucking, what statement made by mother helps nurse understand reason for the condition

our family moved to a new home recently, i had a second child last month, my husband and i employed a caregiver for our child

which aspect of verbal communication improves its effectiveness?

pacing, intonation, vocabulary

in which stage of the transtheoretical model of change would a patient display defensive behavior when the nurse provides information about limiting alcohol use


client wants to lose weight, she removes all unhealthy snacks in the house what stage of change is she in?


a community flu vaccine clinic is an example of which prevention


a nurse is adminstering immunizations at health fair


which level of prevention would the nurse use when educating a family about the risks of lead based paint used in homes prior to 1978?


which concept describes the nurse providing information to a group of healthy adolescents about contraception and the risk of HIV

primary prevention

a patient was diagnosed with stomach cancer and became anxious after the diagnosis, which intervention would be helpful for this patient

promote measures to reduce anxiety, encourage the use of effective coping skills, encourage the patient to listen to music

which description best describes the manner in which various systems respond to stress

protect an individual from hard in the short term but cause negative responses over time

a patient has just been told that she has cancer, and she is crying. Which action facillitates therapeutic communication?

pulling the curtain to provide privacy, offering to discuss information about her condition, sitting quietly by her bed and holding her hand

which level in Maslow's hierarchy of needs is addressed when the nurse teaches the parents of a school age child the risks of physical and sexual abuse and ways to educate the child about them?

safety and security

which activity is classified as a secondary prevention

screening for disease, treating diseases at an early stage

which of following is an example of a secondary illness prevention

screening for type 2 diabetes

which level of prevention describes an individual who is obese and losing weight following a healthy low-calorie diet


which prevention level would describe a clinic nurse screening a patient for diabetes


when stating "I'm so very sorry about your condition; the nurse is exhibiting which communication technique

showing sympathy

which communication technique is nontherapeutic?


which statement describes appropriate uses of focusing as a therapeutic means of communication?

this method guides the direction of conversation to important areas, use focusing when the patient begins a vague conversation, avoid focusing if it interrupts the patient's important discussion

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