NUR 228 Exam 1 Quiz Questions

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A shared value found in nursing is:


What are some of the key characteristics of a nurse residency program?

Development of time management strategies, Opportunities for practicing clinical skills, Development of interprofessional communication skills, Collaboration with a dedicated nurse preceptor

Which of the following are advantages of using informatics in nursing?

Improved care coordination, Improved quality of care, Improved engagement of patients

True or false: Certification of nurses for specialized areas of nursing practice is a function of the state board of nursing.


True or false: If I know the values I have and choose to disregard those in any situation, I will have no ethical dilemma.


True or false: If a skill or task was not taught to you in your basic nursing program, it is not within your scope of practice.


True or false: Self-awareness is not needed in values clarification nor does it assist in giving quality care to patients.


A nurse's personal set of beliefs about people, the world, health, and nursing forms his or her:

Philosophy of nursing

Which professional value is least related to the ethical principle of justice?


Which statement is accurate regarding a Magnet hospital?

Nurses in Magnet hospitals demonstrate increased autonomy at all levels of the organization.

Which nursing theory focuses on the whole being rather than the sum of all the parts?

Orem's self-care deficit theory

If a nurse is involved in litigation, which of the following holds a nurse legally accountable for what a usual and prudent nurse would do in a particular patient care situation?

The nurse's state nurse practice act

In this week's episode, Amy faced an ethical dilemma because she didn't feel comfortable caring for a patient who was a "drunk driver." Her nurse manager reminded her about the ethical principle of beneficence by saying which of the following?

"You never want to be numb, or lose your compassion, even for those with whom you may have some ethical concerns."

The nurse manager knows to call the State Board of Nursing about which of the following scenarios?

A nurse has had a positive drug test.

In this week's Finger on the Pulse talk show podcast, work-life balance was discussed. Which document that guides nursing practice can help nurses develop this balance?

ANA Code of Ethics

When there are conflicts in nursing or patient values and treatment, a special group reviews the case. Which group is most likely to review these types of cases?

Hospital-based ethics committee

When feeling stressed, nurses should monitor their internal dialogue. Which statement is an example of affirming language that can improve internal dialogue?

I'm doing all I can.

Which decree is not a possible disciplinary action for a State Board of Nursing (SBN) to assign?


Which situations would involve the State Board of Nursing?

Referring a nurse to a treatment program for substance abuse, Determining if the action of a nurse was reasonable, Enforcing the nurse practice act

What is the focus of the NCSBN's Practice Act?


The nurse knows that which of the following is true of the role of the State Board of Nursing (SBN)?

The SBN regulates professional nursing practice by issuing professional licenses to qualified individuals.

What is the definition of values clarification?

The act of determining, examining, and developing values

Upon licensure, a registered nurse is allowed to practice in which of the following areas?

The nurse's primary state of licensure and compact states (if applicable)

True or false: Research validates and modifies theory, and theory helps identify important research questions


Nurse Flo provides five tips for job survival. Which of her five tips are also key strategies for developing a successful career map, allowing for ease of transition along one's career trajectory?

Using appropriate communication techniques, Using ADPIE to review your current position, Discovering your passion in nursing, Being persistent

A patient is told she has Stage 3 breast cancer. The patient asks the nurse what this diagnosis means. The nurse provides the patient with accurate, relevant information about Stage 3 breast cancer. This is an example of what value?


When experiencing an ethical dilemma you should do all of the following except:

talk louder to get your point across.

The nurse with strong values has a sense of what is right and good (ethical) in the nurse's life. Therefore, the nurse's way of doing things is ____________.

the best way for that nurse.

True or false: Demonstrating compassion to a patient who was recently diagnosed with a terminal illness is an example of beneficence.


True or false: Diligence is a professional value closely related to the ethical principle of nonmaleficence.


In this week's Talk Show podcast, nursing field correspondent Sam Scrubs gave the following examples of telehealth: two-way video, texting, telephone monitoring, and apps. What assessment techniques may be missed when using these technologies?

Inspection, Patient eye contact, Palpation, Patient nonverbal communication

In this week's podcast, Amy struggles with her nursing judgment. Which statement best describes why Amy experienced complicated feelings about caring for Chris?

Chris's son sustained significant injuries, and children are considered part of a vulnerable population

Which is not one of the four key concepts to King's nursing model?


A nurse delegates postoperative vital sign monitoring to the certified nursing assistant (CNA) on the floor. The RN checks with the CNA frequently to ensure the vital signs are within normal limits. This demonstrates what value?


"Try out the value choice by developing a plan of action and implementing it" is an example of which stage of the value clarification process?


True or false: The main function of a State Board of Nursing (SBN) is to punish nurses who are involved in illegal activities.


Nursing theory prior to the 1950s was principally based on the writings of which expert?


Which ethical principles are encountered by professional nurses in practice?

Nonmaleficence, Autonomy, Justice, Beneficence

Why are ethics important in 21st century nursing practice?

Nurses care for people who are living longer and often require complex medical care., Nurses face varied moral issues that also involve legal concepts.

The nurse advocates for the use of a complex, multi-stage treatment plan for a homeless patient with no insurance. This is an example of:


Nurse Flo encourages nurses to use the acronym ADPIE for problem solving. What does ADPIE stand for?

Assess, diagnose, plan, implement, evaluate

True or false: Nursing theory dictates exactly how a nurse practices. Until a theory can confidently be altered, changes in practice should be avoided.


This week's Talk Show highlights the dangers of driving home after working the night shift. Which dangers were mentioned?

Fatigue poses a safety threat to nurses., Fatigue increases the risk of adverse events., Fatigue poses a danger to patient care.

All nursing theories and models for practice contain the same four key concepts. These concepts include human beings, health, nursing, and ______.

human beings, health, nursing, environment

Nurses use the ANA's Scope and Standards of Professional Nursing when providing nursing care because it ensures that they are:

knowledgeable, safe, and comprehensive in providing nursing care

What will be the most significant contributor to the nursing shortage over the next decade?

Aging workforce

Which elements are included in every state's nurse practice act?

Authority and composition of a board of nursing, Standards and scope of nursing practice, Education program criteria, Title and license definitions

Professional nursing roles require the attainment of various degrees. Which of the following are degrees specific to nursing that are not used in other fields?


Which of the following levels of education qualify a person to take the professional registered nurse licensing exam?

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Diploma nursing program Associate Degree in Nursing

What factors influence how nurses identify with a nursing theory or model for delivering care to patients?

Beliefs, Behaviors, Values

The state board of nursing's nurse practice act (NPA) provides the board of nursing with the legal authority to do what in regards to an individual nurse's practices?

Ensure that each nurse follows the state nurse practice act

In this week's episode, Amy struggles with going home and letting go of the events of the day. What self-care measures could she apply?

Don't assume responsibility when you have none., Take a break from work when at home., Objectively evaluate the situation., Soul search.

Technology has the potential to enhance delivery of patient care. Which of the following technologic devices are commonly used by nurses in clinical areas?

Electronic badges, Pagers, Cell phones, Bedside computers

In this week's episode of A Year in the Life, Amy expresses the difficulty of keeping up with her work and managing her time. She says one thing that puts her behind schedule is the call bell technology her hospital uses; because nurses' response time to call bells is tracked, Amy interrupts whatever she is doing to answer call bells. Her manager suggests which helpful strategies?

Create a schedule of tasks, Reevaluate schedule throughout the shift

This week's Talk Show podcast noted that maintaining confidentiality of health information is critical when using EHRs. What aspect of EHRs best ensures confidentiality?


How does the ANA's Scope and Standards of Professional Nursing comply with one of the functions of a professional organization?

It provides means by which members of the profession can judge the competence of its members.

Which is not one of the ANA Standards of Professional Nursing Practice?


Which of the following is the legal authorization for nursing practice?


The state board of nursing for each state has many functions. They are responsible for licensure, creating the state's nurse practice act, and what other functions?

Monitoring nurses' practices according to the NPA

Alternatives to discipline programs offer which of the following to substance-abusing nurses as a deterrent from public notoriety or further punishment?

Monitoring, Support

What test do nurses have to pass in order to practice?


Each state has enacted an overarching law that guides nursing practice. What is this law called?

NPA (Nurse Practice Act)

Which nursing theory focuses on prevention being an intervention and views wellness and illness on a continuum?

Neuman's systems nursing theory

The ANA's Scope and Standards of Professional Nursing provides voluntary guidelines for nurses discussing which area?

Practice, Continuing education, Performance

A patient has a history of seizures. The RN caring for the patient notices that the patient's seizure medication has not been ordered during this hospital stay. The RN calls the provider and obtains an order for the medication to be given while the patient is in the hospital. This is an example of what value?

Preventing harm

Sue is orienting a new RN to the surgical floor. Sue states that she values arriving 15 minutes early so she can be organized prior to the start of her shift. This is an example of what stage of the value clarification process?

Prizing and cherishing

Health care organizations use electronic health records, or EHRs (also known as electronic medical records, or EMRs) to store patient information. EHRs generally include which features? (Select all that apply.)

Standard terminology, Automatic notifications, Data extraction features, Storage in a standard format

Which symptoms of stress are often unaddressed by nurses?

Appetite changes, Mood changes, Fatigue, Inability to concentrate

In this week's episode of "A Year in the Life," Amy encounters her patient Chris for the first time. Chris, who was driving under the influence, was in a motor vehicle accident. Chris's young son was also in the car. Amy struggles with taking care of Chris while also balancing her nursing judgment to do only good. What moral principle does this scenario primarily address?


Which nursing care delivery model allows for the use of critical pathways or clinical paths to guide care throughout the duration of a patient's stay, and potentially across care settings as the patient is discharged?

Case management

Amy is encouraged to work toward certification, in her case as a Trauma Certified Registered Nurse (TCRN). Which statement most accurately describes certification for nursing professional development?

Certification recognizes specialized knowledge, skills, and expertise

Tara shares with a coworker that she would like to connect with her patients in a more meaningful manner. The coworker tells her to take a deep breath as she enters the patient's room and be fully present to the needs of her patient. Tara tells her coworker she would try that new approach and see how it works. This is an example of which stage of the value clarification process?


What qualities or values are inherent to individuals who desire to be nurses?

Commitment to others, Compassion, Caring about people

Identifying that a patient has a 9-to-5 desk job, occasionally smokes cigars, and lives in a small low-income apartment relates to which of King's nursing theory concepts?


Individual and professional values influence the decisions made by nurses. These values are often used when difficult dilemmas arise. What type of situation involves the use of individual and professional values in order to create resolutions?


A nurse has been reported to the state board of nursing (SBN) for using illegal substances while providing nursing care. What actions could the state board of nursing take against the nurse? Select all that apply.

Revocation of the RN license, Suspension of the RN license, Restrictions placed upon the RN license

True or false: The State Board of Nursing in each state drafts its original nurse practice act.


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