NURS 419 Midterm

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A proposal might be eligible for an expedite review when: a. There is potential risk to human subjects. b. The study includes vulnerable populations. c. There is minimal risk to human subjects. d. There is no risk to human subjects.


T/F: Grand nursing theories were first introduced in the 1980s.


T/F: The purpose of research is to prove something is true.


Joanna Briggs Institute level of collaboration

International level

T/F: It is possible for a descriptive, qualitative study to be applied to practice


1. The Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki are international guidelines aimed at protecting the rights of human subjects. a. True b. False


1. The purpose of research question is to generate new knowledge, while the purpose of EBP questions is to make decision about patient care. a. True b. False


1. The standard of care or alternative interventions can be used as comparisons of interest in the PICOT model a. True b. False


1. The statistical test used for a case control study is the odds ratio. A. True B. False


A researcher is testing radiation doses in women with breast cancer. Ideally, the researcher should select the dose of radiation that obtains the desired effect with the least amount of side effects. Here the goal is to: a. Maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks. b. Provide standard care to protect subjects' rights to fair treatment. c. Coerce subjects to remain in a study to limit threats related to mortality. d. Protect the autonomy of individuals


A variable is an observation that can be measured by assigning a number to each dimension. a.True b. False


Cohort comparison designs allow researchers to draw conclusions about variables over time even though data were collected at only one point in time. a. True b. False


Disease can be described by all of the following except a. dimension b. person c. place d. time


Distribution of disease in a population is known as: A. Descriptive epidemiology B. Analytic epidemiology C. Count data D. Prevalence


Double-blind experimental designs have been used in health research to control for threats of reactivity. a. True b. False


If subjects during the study on condom use came of age to obtain a driver's license and get a job, it would be difficult to determine whether an increase in condom use was a result of the Independent Variable or of the subjects' increased ease of purchasing condoms for use. This condition indicates: a. Threat of maturation b. Threat of testing c. Threat of instrumentation d. Threat of oversight


Metaparadigm of nursing consists of: a.Person, environment, health, and nursing b. Person, care, environment, and health c.Person, health, medicines, and care d. Person, environment, medicines, and nursing


Model is a pictorial representation of the concepts and their interrelationships. a.True b. False


Multi-causality means: a. A problem with an outcome that has many causes b. A problem with several outcomes but one cause c. A problem with an unknown caused. d. A problem with unknown effects


Table of contents and indexes can be useful to narrow search for evidence. a.True b. False


_______________means all subjects in the sample (not the population) have an equal chance of being assigned to either the treatment or the control group. a. Random Assignment b. Random Sampling c. Randomization d. Random Collection


what is the degree to which the results of studies can be generalized to other individuals, settings or time called? a. external validity b. construct validity c. internal validity d. statistical conclusion validity


which is the researches ability to manipulate or regulate extranous variables known as? a. control b. manipulation c. bias d. probability


To promote EBP, which of the following strategies must be addressed? a. lack of commitment to EBP b. Lack of computer skills c. Lack of time d. Lack of value placed on research in practice

a b c d

Which ethical issues are associated with the development of research questions? (Select all that apply) a) Limited resources b) Respecting human rights c) Interests of the researcher d) Patient preferences

a b c d

learning to perform a quality literature review is essential for which of the following reasons? (Select all that apply) a. lays the foundation for writing quality undergraduate academic papers b. identifies gaps in current research c. provides the basis for making best practice decisions d. develops skills necessary for lifelong learning

a b c d

when designing a study, which of the following should the researcher consider? Select all that apply a. research question b. review of the literature c. theoretical framework d. study purpose

a b c d

which of the following can be used to identify researchable problems? select all that apply a. current nursing theories b. personal clinical experiences c. philosophical questions d. national initiatives

a b d

which of the following journals are considered scholarly journals? a. nursing research b. RN magazine c. American Journal of Nursing d. Journal of Nursing scholarship

a d

1. A widespread occurrence of a disease in a community or population that is in excess of what is expected. A. Endemic B. Epidemic C. Pandemic D. Temporal ambiguity


1. Justice is the principle of doing good a. True b. False


1. The model of EBP collaboration has __________ levels. a. Four b. Five c. Three d. Seven


7. Researchers use descriptive research design to establish causality (cause and effect between independent and dependent variables). a. True b. False


A problem statement doesn't identify what problem is addressed in the study a. True b. False


Cross-sectional designs are the research designs where researchers look back in time to determine possible causative factors; ex post facto. a. true b. false


Experimental designs have control groups. Quasi-experimental designs have which of the following? a. control groups b. comparison groups c. extranous groups d. peer groups


Factorial designs never allow researchers to manipulate more than one intervention during the same experiment. a. True b. False


How can nurses who use EBP best be described? a. as change agents b. as early adopters c. as innovators d. as laggards


In experimental designs, ______________ is considered to be the intervention, or treatment, that is being tested in an experimental study. a. Dependent variable b. Independent variable c. Independent and dependent variables d. Manipulation


Nightingale's conceptual definition of health would be: a.Metabolic efficiency b. A state of physical and mental well-being. c.An absence of disease. d. Reduction of the death rate


The statistical hypothesis stating that there is no relationship between the variables is: a. Directional hypothesis b. Null hypothesis c. Non-Directional hypothesis d. Research hypothesis


The type of study in which subjects receive more than one experimental treatment and are then followed over time is: a. Follow-up study b. Crossover designs c. Panel designs d. Trend studies


Theory, research, and practice should be developed in isolation a.True b. False


True Negative is when a screening gives a negative result despite the presence of the disease A. True B. False


a researcher plans to observe children in kindergarten class. Students have always been told to be on their best behavior when guests are present in the classroom. What is the greatest threat to external validity? a. construct validity b. hawthrone effect c. slection d. Interaction of treatment setting


what is a review that synthesizes only published articles to answer questions about phenomena of interest? a. narrative review b. integrative review c meta-analysis d systematic review


when a researcher assigns subjects to groups by tossing a coin, the research is using which technique? a. random selection b. random assignment c. bias d. within-groups design


Which of the following are secondary sources? a.AutoBiography b. Published articles based on previous publications c.Dissertation d. Comments from editors on a published article

b d

A quasi-experimental design where one group is measured prior to administering the intervention and then multiple times after the intervention. a. Preexperimental design b. Nonequivalent groups posttest only designs c. Time series design d. One-group posttest-only design


Deductive quantitative research is typically used to: a.Convey unique ideas or mental images. b. Measure variables. c.Test theory. d. Build theory.


Diseases that occur over long periods of time are known as: a. cyclical changes b. Intermittent trends c. secular trends d Short term trends


During a study examining nurses' job satisfaction, the union decides to hold a strike. This is which type of threat to internal validity? a. selection bias b. mortality c. history d. testing


How many types of true experimental design are commonly reported in the scientific literature? a. Four b. Five c. Six d. Seven


In an article, a nurse reads the following statement: This study aims to examine the effect of guided imagery on postoperative pain in adults. This statement is an example of a: A. Problem statement B. Research question C. Purpose statement D. Hypothesis


Quasi-experimental designs include which of the following essential components? a. Randomization, control group, and manipulation of the IV b. Randomization and control group c. Manipulation of the IV d. Randomization and manipulation of the IV


Using a question mark in a search word is an example of: a.Truncation b.Nesting c.Using wildcards d.Using stopwords


When extraneous variables influence and distort the relationship between the Independent Variable and the Dependent Variable, a. Bias results but does not affect the findings. b. The effect cannot be predicted. c. Bias results so that the findings are not really reflecting the true relationship. d. There won't be any serious effect.


which of the following is not a component of the definition of EBP? a. clinical expertise b. nursing research c. Organizational culture d. patient preference


A researcher is conducting a study to determine whether a radio advertisement about the importance of early detection for colorectal cancer increases the attendance of middle-aged men at a free screening. Which type of research is this an example of? Select all the apply a. Basic research b. Community base participatory action research c. Health services research d. Translational research

c d

which of the following are primary sources? a. biography b. systemic review c. research article d. dissertation

c d

Rank the evidence generated from the following designs from lowest to highest. a. experimental designs b. nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest c. one-group posttest-only d. nonequivalent-groups posttest-only

c d b a

the raw number of health phenomena under investigation

count data

1. Which of the following is an EBP performance criterion for nurse executive? a. Serves as coach and mentor in EBP b. Role models EBP c. Questions current practices d. Role models EBP in administrative decision making


All of the following are components of the epidemiological triangle except? A. agent b. environment c. host d. population


Diseases that spread around the world are known as: a. endemic b. epidemic c. international outbreak d. pandemic


Rigorous and systematic synthesis of research findings about a clinical problem is: a. Pilot studies b. Replication studies c. Case studies d. Systematic reviews


Translational research aims at: a. Linking research findings and law making b. Linking research and culture c. Linking research and commercial production d. Linking research findings to the point of care


Which of the following is associated with plagiarism? a.Keeping good notes b.Exploding c.Qualification d.Copyright violation


Which of the following is the statistical test used for a cohort study? A. Prevalence B. Odds ratio C. Incidence D. Relative risk


which of the following is not a purpose of nonexpiremental designs? a. describe phenomenon b. explain relationships c. predict relationships d examine causality


Which one is a threat to internal validity? a. Effects of selection b. Interaction of treatment and setting d. Interaction of treatment and history e. Statistical conclusion validity


What are the three components of the epidemic triangle?

environment, host and agent

All libraries use the same system for organizing their collections. True or False


All sources retrieved from the internet are applicable to EBP True or False


All useful resources on the web are free and accessible to all True or False


Any study that involves collecting data at multiple points in time is a longitudinal study. True or False


Concepts of the metaparadigm of nursing include: nursing, health, disease, social interaction, and persons. True or False


Screenings are done even when there is no treatment for the disease being screened true or false


T/F The Belmont report describes the necessity to effectively manage conflicts of interest


T/F IRB approval must be obtained for studies involving animals, foods, or drugs


T/F: When reading a quantitative research article, you would expect to see words being analyzed as data.


The threat of mortality is greater in cross-sectional designs than in longitudinal designs. True or False


all experiments must include a minimum of three groups of subjects true or false


descriptive epidemiology is used to investigate the determinants of disease true or false


in a factorial design, only one group of subjects is required because they act as their own control true or false


in nonexpiremental designs, researchers manipulate the IV to determine cause-and-effect relationships true or false


in retrospective designs, also known as ex post facto designs, the research manipulate the IV true or false


in the discipline of nursing, it is easy ti follow how knowledge has developed because theorists have carefully provided citations for their ideas true or false


researchers should design studies that are easy for subjects to participate in regardless of how much control over extranous variables is acheived true or false


researchers use correlations to determine if there are differences between two groups true or false


sensitivity describes the ability of the test to correctly identify people without the disease by negative results true or false


theory, research, and practice should be developed in isolation true or false


there are not ethical concerns for false negatives true or false


true or false: there are no difference between research questions and EBP questions


the number of new cases of disease in a population


APN what level of collaboration

individual nurse

Staff nurse level of collaboration

individual nurse level

AHRQ level of collaboration

national level

NINR level of collaboration

national level

Policy Committee level of collaboration

organizational level

Coronavirus originally is found in Wuhan, China. It is probably too late to contain the virus. Now hundreds of cases are found in several countries on several continents. This phenomenon is known as:


The term that describes the number of existing cases of disease in a population is known as:


the number of existing cases of disease in a population


a _____________ at the abstract level is comparable to a hypothesis at the operational level


a measure of disease frequency in a defined population over a specified period of time


Librarian level of collaboration

regional level

The term known as blank is the ability of the test to correctly identify people with the disease by positive test results


The ability of the test to correctly identify people without the disease by negative results is known as:


quantitative research typically __________ theory, whereas qualitative research typically ________ theory.

tests, builds

A false positive is when individuals are told they have the disease when in reality they do not true or false


Cohort comparison studies can save time because more than one group of subjects is studied. True or False


Giving credit to those who provide the basis for ideas is ethical practice. True or False


Knowing key terms used in an index can facilitate effective searches. True or False


Librarians are searching and system experts True or False


Nurses are encouraged to collaborate with researchers and theorists to expand nursing knowledge. True or False


T/F As the cycle of science continues, more middle range and practice theories will emerge that will be useful in clinical settings


T/F Informed consent is the hallmark of the Declaration of Helsinki


T/F a qualitative study fo adults that only involves tape recording interviews would likely receive an expedited review


T/F when there is conflict, the therapeutic imperative takes precendee over the research imperative


T/F: Each historical era contributed to the development of nursing science.


T/F: In the 1980s, DRGs were a driving force because they focused nursing research on cost-effectiveness.


T/F: Nursing research popular in the 1950s involved the study of nursing students.


T/F: Technological advances created a knowledge explosion that has a vastly influenced nursing research.


The purposes of nonexperimental designs are to describe, explain, and predict relationships. True or False


access to computers and technical resources is critical to link research to EBP true or false


as sensitivity of a test increases, specificity of the test decreases true or false


descriptive data are usually cross-sectional and can be collected through surveys and questionaries true or false


epidemiology is the study of disease in populations rather tan in individuals true or false


it would be unethical to expose individuals to asbestos to study the disease pattern true or false


nonexperimental designs can be used to develop and test theories true or false


nursings body of knowledges is dependent on the quality of research findings that are disseminated true or false


patients who are not in the intervention group must receive the usual standard of care true or false


tables of contents and indexed can be useful to narrow searches for evidence true or false


the solomon four-group design is more effective at controlling for the threat of testing than is the two-group pretest-posttest design true or false


true or false: the PICOT model is useful when considering EBP questions


true or false: the standard of care or alternate interventions can be used as comparisons of interest in the PICOT model


A concept at the abstract level is comparable to a ____________ at the operational level.


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