NUTR 340

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Volume entering the small intestine: 8600 mL Volume entering the large intestine: 400 mL Volume leaving the large intestine: 150 mL What percentage of the water entering the small intestine is absorbed by the small intestine? In contrast, what percentage of the water entering the small intestine is absorbed by the large intestine?

-95% 3%

What is true about this pathway for forming ATP? Check all that apply.

-Compared to oxidative phosphorylation, this pathway can generate ATP more rapidly but also depletes glycogen stores more rapidly. -This pathway is typically used when oxygen delivery or oxidative phosphorylation capacity is exceeded.

For each dietary source listed below, decide whether it is a good source of water or a poor source of water. Dietary Sources Herbal teas -Grapes -Cucumber -Dried cherries -Barley

-Good source -Good source -Good source -Poor source -Poor source

Broken down into smaller molecules by bile salts


The table lists a number of strategies that may or may not help someone who is dehydrated. Decide whether the strategy should be adopted or avoided. Strategies -Stay in a sunny area -Dress in layers of clothes -Drink caffeinated beverages -Avoid physical activity -Lie down in a cool area

-No -No -No -Yes -Yes

Choose all of the essential fatty acids. Check all that apply

-Omega-3 fatty acid -Omega-6 fatty acid

Broken down by enzymes embedded in the cellular membrane of the intestinal wall cell

-Proteins -Carbohydrates

Must first be broken down into smaller units before it can be absorbed by the intestinal wall cell

-Proteins -Carbohydrates -Lipids

Identify the activities that would most likely improve an individual's cardiorespiratory fitness. Check all that apply.

-Swimming -Running

The table contains a list of pros and cons related to drinking water. Determine whether the factor is related to tap water, bottled water, or both. Pros -Likely to be safer for the environment. -Less likely to contain lead. Cons -The quality of water can vary depending on where it is sourced. -Not required to list the source of the water.

-Tap -Bottled -Both -Bottled

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by too much glucose buildup in the blood. In ---diabetes, this is because the target cells of the body's tissues fail to respond to insulin; in later stages of this type of diabetes, the --- begins to fail and eventually stops secreting the hormone insulin, which is required to decrease blood glucose levels. In --- diabetes, this is because there are --- number of beta cells available to secrete insulin; this results in an insufficient amount of insulin to meet the demands of the body.

-Type 2 -Pancreas -Type 1 - a decreased

In order for this synthesis to occur, a series of steps are necessary and any disruption in this process can result in a deficiency of vitamin D. With this in mind, choose the situations or conditions that could contribute to a vitamin D deficiency. Check all that apply.

-Wearing protective clothing and sunscreen when outdoors -Having kidney disease

As illustrated in the text's case study about Karen, a cross-country runner, the development of an eating disorder in a susceptible athlete can be most attributed to _____.

-all of these are correct a. parental pressure for perfection in the athlete b. coaches' comments about the athlete's weight c. media images of very thin models and actresses d. many factors, including training demands

The pancreas is an example of --- organ of the digestive system. Which of the following statements describes the general function of this type of digestive organ?

-an accessory -Secretes enzymes and other liquids that aid in the digestion and processing of food

Vitamins have many functions throughout the body. For example, vitamins C and E function as --- , the B vitamins function as --- and vitamin D is important for ---

-antioxidants -coenzymes -calcium regulation

Decreased activation of vitamin D will result in --- absorption of calcium in the small intestine and ---risk of inadequate bone mineralization.

-decreased -increased

According to the research, energy expenditure measured by --- remains the gold standard to guide nutrition therapy.

-indirect calorimetry

While switching between doing high-intensity push-ups, jumping jacks, and weight training, she notices that there is a burning sensation in her muscles. The burning is due to the buildup of --- in the muscle tissue, a result of her muscles supplying ATP ---

-lactate -anaerobically

Of the twenty amino acids utilized in the body, --- are considered essential , which means that the body does not produce enough to meet physiological needs and they therefore, must be obtained from the diet. A conditionally essential amino acid occurs when its synthesis is inhibited or does not meet physiological need during some pathophysiological conditions. When this occurs, a --- amino acid becomes a --- amino acid and therefore must be obtained from the diet.

-nine -non-essential -essential

The availability of --- allows the body to use --- and glycerol to make some non-essential amino acids.

-nitrogen -glucose

Given what you know about the characteristics of a deficiency disease, which of the following would be considered a deficiency disease resulting from inadequate levels of vitamin D? Check all that apply.

-rickets -osteomalacia

James is a 2-year-old African American boy who lives in Seattle. He was breastfed in his first year of life and, since this time, he has refused to drink milk or consume any other dairy products, as he does not like the taste. As a result, a recent checkup indicated that James has a disease called --- , or inadequate mineralization of his skeleton. This would be considered a --- deficiency that --- be treated with vitamin D supplementation.

-rickets -primary -could

The possible explanations for the lack of weight gain in the subjects include changes in the --- as well as --- that might account, in part, for the slight decrease in percent body fat in the high-protein diet group.

-thermic effect of exercise -nonexercise activity thermogenesis

a --- is a lack or shortage of a particular vitamin, and prolonged insufficiency can eventually lead to a --- characterized by harmful symptoms.

-vitamin deficiency -vitamin deficiency disease

If Gatorade G Series, Endurance Formula, contains 14 grams of carbohydrate per 8 ounces, how many ounces should a basketball player consume during the hour-long game?

0 to 16 ounces

How many portions of fatty fish per week are needed to meet omega-3 requirements?


Which food is more nutrient dense in vitamin C?

1 cup of orange juice with 110 mg vitamin C per 72 kcal

A person exercising in a hot and humid environment might lose how much fluid through sweating?

1 to 2 L per hour

Decide which are functions of water and which are not. -Acts to maintain body temperature -Protects against bacterial infections -Provides lubrication for organs

1) Function of water 2) Not a function of water 3) function of water

The amount of protein recommended daily for athletes in training on a kg of body weight basis is:

1.0 to 1.8 g.

For your male client who walks 30-60 minutes per day, which of the following would be his physical activity factor for the EER equation?


After training and performance, it is recommended that athletes drink approximately ___ of fluid per kg of body weight lost, beginning as soon after exercise as is practical.

1.5 L

The American Heart Association recommends ___ salt per day, whereas the federal government recommends ___ salt per day.

1.5 g; 2.3 g

Anaerobic glycolysis is the predominant energy system during physical activities that are ____ in length.

10 seconds to 2 minutes

The human body normally stores approximately how much energy as fat?

100,000 kilocalories

Approximately how much additional protein is needed per day to support the growth of 1 pound of muscle tissue per week (assume sufficient kcal and resistance exercise)?

14 g

It is suggested that a carbohydrate ingestion rate of --- g/hour with ~500 mL of fluid will likely lead to the greatest overall performance compared with supplementing only amino acids during acute strength and condition training sessions.


For adults performing moderate intensity exercise, ___minutes per week is recommended.


The EER was developed as part of the Dietary Reference Intakes for healthy adults at least ___ years of age.


Individuals should consume fluids containing carbohydrates and sodium after exercising continuously for approximately ____.

2 hours

A person loses approximately how much water per day?


Of the ___ amino acids required for healthy adults, ___ are considered indispensable because the body cannot make them and must get them from food.

20; 9

The recommended range of daily carbohydrate for athletes in training is:

3 to 12 g/kg.

Most people drink how many cups of coffee per day?

3-4 cups per person

Cynthia, a 55 kg woman, is training to run a marathon. How many grams of carbohydrate does she need during periods of heavy training?

330 to 550 grams per day

The age at which peak bone mineral density occurs is:

35 to 60 years.

If a food contains 350 Calories, how many kilocalories does it contain?


Research has shown that daily intake of caffeine under ________ mg does NOT result in dehydration; a 16 ounce cup of commercially brewed coffee contains about ________ mg of caffeine.

450; 300

To enhance ultra-endurance performance, the fat-adaptation diet should only be followed for how many days?


Results of this study indicate that self-perceived knowledge of supplement use increases with age such that Select --- percent of athletes claim to know the reasons for all of the supplements they are consuming by ages 19 to 25.


According to the report, ___ of adults are overweight in the United Kingdom, whereas ___ of adults are overweight in the United States.

61 percent; 66 percent

Now, choose the individual who is most likely to have type 2 diabetes:

A 62-year-old inactive man who is tired all the time

The precursor to ATP is:


In the Cori cycle or anaerobic glycolysis, --- is released to convert lactate to glucose, which is returned to the muscles for energy.


Lactate is able to provide raw material for ___ resynthesis in mitochondria of a wide variety of body cells.


While thiamin needs may be greater in athletes because of their higher ____ production compared to nonathletes, their consumption of high-quality ____ will more than meet the RDA for thiamin.

ATP; carbohydrates

What is the relationship between alcohol and depression?

Alcohol causes depression.

One reason exercise can cause weight gain is:

All of these are correct -Exercising can make you hungrier -Exercise can result in a sense of entitlement to eat unhealthy food -People might not be burning as many calories as they think

To help fill you up, a meal should contain which nutrients?

All of these are correct -Fiber -Protein -Healthy fat

Which statement is correct regarding a limitation of the present study?

All of these are correct. a. There was no true placebo group. b. It was not a cohort study. c. There was a small number of participants.

Which of the following most accurately describes the interaction of the three energy systems during exercise?

All three energy systems are active, but one system may be the predominant system providing energy depending on the demands of the exercise.

How do the terms eating disorder and disordered eating compare?

An eating disorder has specified criteria, but disordered eating is not well defined.

Which of the following statements about an athlete's dietary fat intake is true?

Athletes should determine carbohydrate and protein needs first, and then determine fat intake needs to maintain energy balance.

All of the following hormones are involved in appetite suppression EXCEPT ________.

Atkins diet

In the electron transport chain, the coenzyme, ---, passes hydrogen and electrons to oxygen to form water, which is essential to life.

B vitamin niacin

In understanding how much of a vitamin a person is getting, it's important to understand not only the amount of the vitamin present in food, but also the amount that can be absorbed and used. What is another term for this?


--- is a water soluble or hydrophilic vitamin that helps with a key step in the TCA cycle of giving 3-carbon pyruvate a fourth carbon.


Why does too large of a volume of food prior to exercise result in gastrointestinal distress?

Blood flow to the GI tract is decreased with the onset of exercise.

Which of the following statements about body weight is true?

Body weight does not give any information about body composition.

What is the organ destination of PYY to suppress hunger signals?


What designation is imperative for practicing sports dietitians?


Which health condition displayed trends similar to the general population, with increased incidence in men of older age groups?

Cardiovascular disease

Which of the following certifications does NOT require a bachelor's degree?

Certified Personal Trainer

What is a recommended practice to ensure adequate mineral status?

Consume adequate kilocalories daily.

Ultraendurance athletes want to ensure they are getting enough vitamins for proper antioxidant function. What do you suggest to them?

Consume fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to ensure a diet rich in antioxidant-containing foods.

Which of the following is true about mineral absorption?

Consuming an orange can increase iron absorption at the same meal.

Which major factor limits the use of the creatine phosphate energy system?

Creatine phosphate can be depleted.

Which is not a benefit of physical activity for older adults?

Decreased risk of injury

By what mechanism does caffeine most likely enhance endurance performance?

Decreases the perception of fatigue

What is a reliable and valid method of measuring energy expenditure up to a 3-week time period?

Doubly Labeled Water technique

How do whey and casein differ?

Each is comprised of different amino acids.

Precursor behaviors of eating disorders include all of the following EXCEPT:

Eating moderately in a healthy manner

What are the three distinct but interrelated factors associated with the Female Athlete Triad?

Energy availability, menstrual function, and bone mineral density

Complex carbohydrates contain all of the following, EXCEPT:

Excess calories

When planning dietary intake, athletes should first consider how much dietary fat would be needed.


The nutrition facts panel contains nutrient information required by which government agency?


A diet that contains 70 percent of total kilocalories as carbohydrates will provide the necessary amount of carbohydrates for an athlete.


A good diagnostic criterion for exercise dependence is the volume of exercise training (that is, frequency and duration of exercise).


Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) provides most of the energy to cells.


Anorexia athletica means that an athlete has a classic case of anorexia nervosa.


Athletes who consume high-protein diets are at risk for developing kidney disease.


Both carbohydrates and fats provide 4.2 kcal/g, whereas protein provides 9.4 kcal/g.


Coaches cause athletes to develop eating disorders.


Disordered eating and eating disorders affect only female athletes.


Elite endurance athletes do not develop hypertension, but lesser-trained athletes do.


In sports in which body weight must be moved or transported over a distance (for example, distance running), it is always a performance advantage to have the lowest weight possible.


Most athletes consume enough carbohydrates daily.


Most dietary supplements are effective for improving training and performance.


Percent body fat and fat mass can be precisely measured in athletes with a number of different methods.


Prediction equations used to determine Resting Metabolic Rate are precise and accurate without variability.


Processed foods tend to be more nutrient dense than unprocessed foods.


Resting oxygen consumption is the amount of energy per unit time required by the body to maintain a nonactive but alert state.


Strength athletes usually need protein supplements because it is difficult to obtain a sufficient amount of protein from food alone.


Sugars such as sucrose (table sugar) are unhealthy and should rarely be a part of an athlete's diet.


The body creates energy from the food that is consumed.


The body uses carbohydrates primarily in the form of fruit sugar, or fructose.


The current study found that a high-protein diet significantly affected body composition.


The most accurate method of measuring body fat for all athletes is underwater weighing.


The process of converting food into useful forms of energy is called potential energy.


There are many contradictions among diet and exercise recommendations that are issued by health promotion organizations.


To increase muscle mass, most athletes need a substantial increase in their usual protein intake.


Type 2 diabetes is caused by eating too much sugar.


Skeletal muscle is the primary site for protein metabolism and is the tissue that regulates protein breakdown and synthesis throughout the body.

False Skeletal muscle is an important site for protein metabolism, but the liver plays a primary role both in protein metabolism and its regulation.

Physical activity is responsible for the largest amount of energy expended during the day for the average adult in the United States.

False (it is resting metabolism which is 70% of the days energy expenditure in a sedentary adult)

The scientific unit of measure of energy is the calorie.

False (it is actually joules)

--- Is a hydrophilic or water soluble vitamin that is highly recommended for women to take during the childbearing years, especially if they are actively trying to conceive or couple potential conceive in the near future to prevent spina bifida in the baby.


Supplementation of which vitamin can mask a vitamin B12 deficiency, but will not prevent nerve damage from that deficiency?


Why is it important to have food and fluid after exercise?

Food and fluid help speed recovery.

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding intake when athletes are keeping a food record?

Food intake is underreported by females but not by males.

________ wreak havoc inside the body, but can be combatted/neutralized by ____.

Free radicals: antioxidants

Select whether each carbohydrate is a monosaccharide, disaccharide, or polysaccharide.

Glucose - Monosaccharide Lactose - Disaccharide Fiber - Polysaccharide

Which two monosaccharides constitute maltose?

Glucose and glucose

"Adequate calcium as part of a healthful diet, along with physical activity, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis in later life."

Health claim

"Diets low in sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure, a disease associated with many factors."

Health claim

Omega-3 fat protects against which chronic disease?


Omega 3 fatty acids:

Help to regulate inflammatory processes

Rachel, a collegiate figure skater, wants to consume a higher protein intake but is worried about the effects on her kidneys and bones. How would you advise her?

High-protein diets are not associated with kidney dysfunction or excessive loss of calcium; therefore, she can consume a higher amount.

An athlete is underwater weighed and is told that he is 13 percent body fat. How should he interpret this information?

His percentage of body fat is between 10.3 and 15.7 percent.

___ results in the formation of ___ fatty acids.

Hydrogenation; trans

The increase in mass or girth of the muscle due to an enlargement of its component cells is known as


Your friend Melissa wants to eat more healthily and reduce her risk of chronic disease development. Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendations, what can you suggest to your friend?

Increase fruit and vegetable consumption.

Too much salt consumption results in which of the following?

Increased blood volume

Which of the following is a true statement regarding creatine supplementation?

It allows strength and power athletes to sustain high-intensity training.

How does caffeine work inside the body?

It blocks the production of adenosine, telling the body "I'm wide awake."

Which of the following is true about lactate?

It is metabolized easily by other highly aerobic tissues in the body for energy.

They are found in a wide variety of foods

Lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins

--- is an enzyme that removed excess triglycerides from the bloodstream and put them into fat storage. This enzyme is found to have a higher rate of activity in obese individuals.

Lipoprotein lipase

The enzyme responsible for pulling circulating, excess triglycerides out of the bloodstream and placing them into fat storage is called

Lipoprotein lipase

Consuming tomatoes can protect skin from wrinkles from sun damage because they contain which of the following?


All of the following are components of the EER EXCEPT:

Medical history

In which sport are athletes likely to meet the criteria for anorexia athletica but rarely for anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa?

Mixed martial arts

Why do athletes who restrict their energy intake need more protein?

More protein will be burned for energy.

How many heart-related deaths worldwide are said to be related to consuming too much salt?

More than 1.5 million

How much of our body requirements of water do we get from food?

More than 1/3

Many myofibrils are found within an individual

Muscle fiber

What is the likely motivation for a person giving up soup after an extended illness?

Negative associations

Supplementing with folate, but not addressing a B12 deficiency, can mask a B12 deficiency by 'curing' the blood related issues, but not helping issues related to which system?


The chemical composition of proteins differs from carbohydrate or fat because of the presence of:


After the trial period described in the video, the twin who drank less water experienced which of the following change to her skin?

No major changes

Identify the following as a nutrient claim, a health claim, or a structure-function claim. (Note: There may be more than one type of claim.) "No sugar added"

Nutrient claim

Consumed in smaller quantities in the human diet


Includes the acids DHA and EPA


Higher ratio in avocado and soybean oil


Considering the body of scientific literature to date, what effect do dietary supplements have on performance?

Only a few have been shown to improve performance.

Made according to instructions provided by genetic material

Only proteins

Pepsin is required for digestion in the stomach

Only proteins

Why is iron not well absorbed from the intestinal tract?

Overabsorption of iron has potentially harmful physiological effects.

Which hormone is released after eating to help make you feel full?


--- refers to pale appearance seen in iron deficiency anemia because iron provides the primary pigment of red blood cells.


___ is needed for fat digestion in the small intestine, whereas ___ stimulates the release of fatty acids to be absorbed by fat and muscle cells.

Pancreatic lipase; lipoprotein lipase

Which of the following is true about athletes with type 1 diabetes?

People with type 1 diabetes can perform at a high level in competitive sports by properly managing food intake, blood glucose levels, insulin injections, and their exercise regimen.

Correlating well with underwater weighing to determine body fat mass, ____ uses air displacement.


Which of the following best describes the condition known as muscle dysmorphia?

Preoccupation and dissatisfaction with muscle size

Which of the following is true regarding athletes and upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs)?

Prolonged exercise increases risk for URTIs.

Which of the following causes a greater release of a hormone that makes you feel full after food consumption?


Subjects in this study were offered which of the following to ensure that they ate enough protein during the high-protein phase?

Protein powder

What is the purpose of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

Provide basic diet and exercise guidelines to promote health and reduce chronic disease risk.

How does Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) differ from basal metabolic rate (BMR)?

RMR is about 10 percent greater than BMR.

By eating a balanced diet and consuming a variety of foods, the majority of active and inactive people easily meet their daily protein needs. What is the most important consideration for someone trying to build muscle?

Regular strength training

Which of these represents a major role of protein in the body?

Remodel and build cells

Which component makes up the largest proportion of total energy expenditure?

Resting Metabolic Rate

Which food item is one of the best sources of omega-3 fat?



Saturated fat

Complete the following table that summarizes two of the main types of pancreatic cells, what hormones they secrete, and the effects of those hormones on blood glucose levels. Beta

Secretes Insulin Function of insulin- Decrease blood glucose

Complete the following table that summarizes two of the main types of pancreatic cells, what hormones they secrete, and the effects of those hormones on blood glucose levels. Alpha

Secretes glucagon Function of glucagon- increase blood glucose

Carbohydrates are made in plants, which use all of the following to trap energy in the bonds of carbohydrates, EXCEPT:


Why is it important to consume high to moderate glycemic-index carbohydrates immediately after exercise?

Stimulates a more rapid insulin response

"Improves memory"

Structure-function claim

"Omega-3 fatty acids promote eye and brain health."

Structure-function claim

The results of the study described showed which of the following?

The UV light caused less damage than when the trial started.

Of all the countries surveyed, which country was less likely to give up fast food?

The United Kingdom

How does the amount of ATP produced from the breakdown of one molecule of carbohydrate compare to the breakdown of one molecule of a fatty acid?

The amount produced via fat is about three and a half times greater.

When a bond of ATP breaks, what happens to the energy?

The energy is released

What does it mean when an active ingredient in a dietary supplement is standardized?

The same amount is found in each pill or tablet.

Which of the following is a true statement about physical activity and aging in general?

The total amount of physical activity as well as the intensity and duration of individual activities declines.

Why do athletes consume medium chain triglycerides (MCT) as a dietary supplement?

They are easily and quickly digested and absorbed compared to other fatty acids.

If a supplement contains 500 mg of magnesium, what is one of your concerns?

This is well above the tolerable upper intake level and puts a person at risk for toxicity.

Which of the following is not true about fat metabolism?

To "burn" more fat in a fixed period of time, a person should exercise at a low, "fat-burning" intensity.

____ is the process of the amino group removal from the amino acid, which allows the liver to make _____ from ______.

Transamination; dispensable amino acids; indispensable amino acids

A person's Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) can change in response to a variety of factors, such as age, food intake, and environmental temperature.


A possible explanation for the low rates of chronic disease reported by Masters athletes in this study is that only healthy individuals do weightlifting once they get older.


A sedentary lifestyle is associated with a higher risk for heart disease, certain types of cancer, and diabetes.


Athletes should experiment with different dietary strategies to determine which strategy is most effective for them and the specific event in which they are participating.


Based on the research presented, energy expenditure from CO2 measurements should NOT be considered an alternative to energy expenditure measured by indirect calorimetry in mechanically ventilated patients.


Being physically active helps to reduce disease risk even if a person is obese.


Carbohydrate treatment improved performance compared to noncarbohydrate intake during at least one exercise.


Carbohydrates can be stored in the body for later use and thus serve as a potential energy source for athletes.


Despite healthy body fat adiposity, most athletes who participated in the study indicated dissatisfaction with their body image.


Disordered eating and eating disorders are more likely to be seen among athletes in sports requiring a lean body.


Energy balance refers to the relationship between energy consumed and energy expended in a 24-hour period.


Energy for skeletal muscles to produce force for exercise comes from adenosine triphosphate (ATP).


Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) is based on age, gender, weight, height, and physical activity.


For athletes who want to restrict energy intake to lose body fat, the recommended time to do so is at the beginning of the pre-season or during the off-season.


In general, vitamin and mineral supplements are only effective in the case of a deficiency.


In prolonged endurance exercise, approximately 3 to 5 percent of the total energy used is provided by amino acids.


Indirect calorimetry determines energy content of expenditure by measuring changes in oxygen consumption, whereas the energy content of food can be measured by changes in thermal or heat energy, also called direct calorimetry.


Low levels of muscle glycogen and blood glucose are often associated with fatigue, particularly during moderate- to high-intensity, long-duration endurance exercise.


Researchers suggest universal recommendations can underestimate the need for salt of a considerable proportion of endurance runners.


Resting Metabolic Rate can be slightly altered because some components, including exercise, are under voluntary control.


The Canadian sport system has integrated sport teams that include coaches, a team manager, a high-performance sport director, physiologist, masseuse, physiotherapist, sport psychologist, team physician, sport dietitian, equipment personnel, and possibly a biomechanist.


The Doubly Labeled Water technique indirectly measures energy expenditure and allows individuals to participate in their normal, free-living activities.


The SI unit for energy is joule (J), kilojoule (kJ) is used to express energy in food, and 4.2 kJ is equal to 1 kilocalorie (kcal).


The components of Total Energy Expenditure (TEE) include physical activity, Thermic Effect of Food, and resting metabolism.


The energy source used by all cells in the body is adenosine triphosphate (ATP).


The intensity of lactate consumption by working muscles is determined by various factors, including muscle metabolic rate, optimal levels of intra- and extracellular pH, adequate blood flow, and fitness.


The key to eating nutritiously without consuming excess kilocalories is to choose foods that have a high nutrient density.


The relationship between oxygen consumption and exercise intensity is mostly linear, as one increases, the other also increases proportionally.


The three systems that replenish adenosine triphosphate (ATP) include creatine phosphate, anaerobic glycolysis, and oxidative phosphorylation.


To increase skeletal muscle mass, the body must be in positive nitrogen balance, which requires an adequate amount of protein and energy (calories).


"Food first, supplement second" refers to which of the following?

Try to obtain a sufficient amount of vitamins through diet but take a vitamin supplement to cover any vitamins that may be lacking when the diet is not rich in vitamins.

Which of the following is true regarding athletes and the consumption of an adequate amount of vitamin A from food?

Vitamin A intake generally reflects fruit and vegetable intake.

Is it possible for athletes to meet their nutrient needs without taking a vitamin supplement?

Yes, the diet must be nutrient dense, calorically adequate, and varied.

Your brother is a bodybuilder and seeking your advice. He wants to gain more muscle by consuming 3.5 g protein/kg/day. How would you respond to him?

You should not exceed 2.5 g protein/kg/day because you can surpass your body's ability to excrete ammonia, a by-product of protein metabolism.

A number of risk factors contribute to inadequate levels of vitamin D and increase the likelihood of developing a deficiency disease. Choose the image that depicts the individual at greatest risk for vitamin D deficiency.

Zeshawn is a 15-year-old African American boy who spends a lot of time outdoors competing on his high school track team.

The Certified Sports Nutritionist certification from the International Society of Sports Nutrition requires ____.

a 4-year undergraduate degree

The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 established ____.

a definition of dietary supplements

What is the effect of fructose consumption on blood glucose levels?

a lower glycemic response as compared to the glycemic response to glucose

What is the standard error of the estimate (SEE)?

a measure of the accuracy of predictions

According to the textbook, the word diet should be defined as:

a pattern of eating.

The nutrition goals of each mesocycle are:

a reflection of the intensity and volume of activity.

What is "creeping obesity?"

a slow gain of body fat as adults age

Assuming all are consuming a nutrient-dense diet, which athlete is likely to need a daily multivitamin?

a vegan athlete following a low-calorie diet

An increase in blood pressure and low-density lipoprotein, aggression, depression, reduction in testicle size, baldness, and growth of facial hair are side effect symptoms from using which supplement?

a. anabolic steroids

What is an example of a precursor to testosterone?

a. androstenedione

Because athletes require more _____, their needs for these nutrients should be determined before assessing remaining dietary needs.

a. carbohydrates and proteins

Physical activity has been shown to decrease the risk of diabetes by ____.

a. decreasing insulin resistance

An inappropriate recommendation for athletes who are eating too much fast food to meet the goals of their diet prescription is to ____.

a. eliminate fast food from the diet

Anorexia athletica differs from anorexia nervosa in that ____.

a. fat reduction is more related to performance than body image, and the DSM-5 does not include it as an eating disorder

An athlete diagnosed with celiac disease will need to follow a ____ diet.

a. gluten-free

To avoid some of the negative psychological effects of dieting, research suggests that you focus on ____.

a. improving your metabolic fitness

An important factor in determining if an athlete is exercising excessively is the ____.

a. individual's intent in doing the exercise

The IOC Medical Commission recommends that coaches ____.

a. not be involved in determining ideal body weight or composition

While all athletes are at risk, those who participate in sports in which success is ____ are more likely to develop eating disorders.

a. related to appearance

The best definition of energy is the:

ability to do work.

Additional energy can be provided and body fat can be made when amino acids are converted to

acetyl CoA

The body can use fat to produce ATP by converting fatty acids to ____, which can then proceed through ____.

acetyl CoA; the Krebs cycle

In general, Americans consume too much fat, which can be detrimental to athletic performance. All of the following are ways to reduce fat intake EXCEPT ______.

adding butter to a baked potato

Which of the following chemical compounds provides the direct source of energy for force production by muscle cells?

adenosine triphosphate

For the most part, typical/common U.S. diets naturally provide --- amounts of copper.


Adipose tissue is made up of both fat and the --- that store the fat.


What term refers to exercise that primarily uses the oxygen-dependent energy system, oxidative phosphorylation?


You perform an explosive, one-time movement such as a standing vertical jump and exert maximal effort. Fatigue does not set in from this single exertion, however, you become fatigued by jumping multiple times. Going all-out for as long as possible will deplete immediate ATP stores. Continuing efforts to jump must be fueled by an energy system that has sufficient oxygen.

aerobic metabolism

Not considered a nutrient although it provides energy


Which of the following are polysaccharides?

all -starch -fiber -glycogen

Through a process called gluconeogenesis, glucose can be made in the body from which of the following?

all of the above -glycerol -lactate -amino acids (ie- alanine)

What are the adverse consequences of inadequate fat intake?

all of the above -inadequate fat-soluble vitamin intake -inability to produce sex-related hormones -inadequate replacement of intramuscular triglycerides

Which of the following is (are) recommended for postexercise intake?

all of the above -low-fat chocolate milk -fruit-in-the-bottom yogurt -turkey sandwich

Which factors influence the development of an eating disorder?

all of the above Dieting Demands of training Psychological stress

How does regular aerobic exercise training increase oxidative capacity of muscle?

all of the above a. increase in the number of mitochondria b. increase in the size of mitochondria c. increase in the oxidative enzyme activity

What effect does iron deficiency anemia have on performance?

all of the above decline in aerobic capacity decline in endurance capacity decline in oxygen utilization

Scope of practice regulations:

all of the above. -help identify professional boundaries. -protect consumers. -protect credentialed professionals.

ATP is the common energy source for muscle and ____.

all other body cells

What is the amino acid pool?

amino acids circulating in the blood or fluid between cells

The rephosphorylation of ATP from ADP is an example of _____.

an endergonic reaction

Research supports the existence of a(n) ____ window for protein synthesis after exercise, so adequate protein should be consumed ____ after exercise.

anabolic; within 1 to 2 hours

Lactate is a metabolic waste product of ____ that can ____.

anaerobic glycolysis; be used by the liver as an energy source

Body fat that is distributed primarily in the abdominal area and is most often a characteristic of fat distribution in males is referred to as:


According to Erdman, there is no better way than to learn from --- , especially when it comes to sports nutrition.


A comprehensive nutrition periodization plan begins with:


Athletes need to carefully consider whether or not to consume dietary supplements in an effort to lose weight or body fat based on which of the following concerns?

asthma and nasal decongestion purity safety effectiveness

Ephedrine is known to be effective for:

asthma and nasal decongestion.

According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, how much activity should adults do each week if they engage in low-to-moderate intensity physical activity?

at least 2 hours 30 minutes

The behavior most associated with an increased risk of developing an eating disorder is ____.

b. exercise dependence

Rising obesity rates, along with increases in type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, has led to _____.

b. intense media coverage of body weight

All of the following hormones are involved in appetite suppression EXCEPT ________.

b. neuropeptide Y (NPY)

An athlete who is aware and diligent about replacing muscle glycogen after training and thinks about but does NOT obsess over food demonstrates what type of eating pattern?

b. normal eating

Iron deficiency anemia can impair athletic performance by _____.

b. reducing VO2max as a result of decreased oxygen transport

Exercise that stimulates the bone, such as ____, has been shown to ____ in young adults.

b. running; increase bone density

Amenorrhea is _____.

b. the absence or suppression of menstruation

Orthorexia nervosa (ON) is a(n) ____.

b. unhealthy obsession with healthy eating

The macronutrients that we consume are broken down through digestion and then absorbed in order to ultimately --- Metabolism is the set of chemical processes involved in utilizing these nutrients and maintaining life in all living organisms.

be used by the cells for energy

What are two factors associated with a lower percentage of body water?

being older and having a large amount of body fat

which of the following amino acid supplements has shown an improved performance during multiple bouts of high-intensity exercise as well as a single bout of exercise lasting greater than 60 seconds?


Because fat molecules do NOT mix easily with water, ___ is needed before they can cross the membranes of intestinal cells.


When deficient in both vitamin B12 and folate, supplementing with folate will help with all the --- signs and symptoms of deficiency, but not the nervous system. This is problematic as it can mask a vitamin B12 deficiency.

blood cell

Large, short-term energy deficits will achieve the goal of losing ____.

body weight through fat and water loss

The fat adaptation diet results in which of the following?

both an increase in fat consumption and insulin resistance

The appropriate amount of fat for training and performance depends on:

both overall energy need and macronutrient balance.

One possible strategy of increasing Resting Metabolic Rate is _____.

building muscle mass

A figure skater currently weighs 135 pounds with a current body fat percentage of 22 percent. Her desired body fat percentage is 18 percent. What is her target body weight in order to achieve this body fat percentage?

c. 128 pounds

Which of the following organizations/diet plans emphasizes the consumption of fish, nuts, and olive oil?

c. Mediterranean-type diet

When exercise intensity is above 75 percent VO2max, which of the following is true with respect to food intake during exercise?

c. The rate of absorption of carbohydrate-containing fluids will be slowed while the risk for gastrointestinal upset will be increased.

Endurance exercise has been shown to have an effect on lower blood pressure ____.

c. both long term and right after exercise

The major contributing factors to heart disease and cancer-related deaths include the following EXCEPT _______.

c. daily alcohol intake

When attempting to build muscle mass, an athlete may have to alter his or her diet to maintain positive ____.

c. energy and nitrogen balanc

The three interrelated factors of the Female Athlete Triad include all of the following EXCEPT ________.

c. exercise addiction

How do carbohydrate foods affect blood glucose and insulin secretion?

c. glycemic effect

What accounts for gymnasts' above-normal bone mineral density even when estrogen concentration and menstrual status are abnormal?

c. high-impact training

What is most important to keep in mind when planning an athlete's dietary goals and intake?

c. phase of the training cycle due to changing energy needs

After training or competition, an athlete should consume carbohydrates to _____ and should consume proteins to _____.

c. resynthesize muscle glycogen; build and repair muscle

When combined with caffeine, ephedrine is effective for ____.

c. stimulating the central nervous system

You would most suspect that an athlete is exercising excessively if he or she is _____.

c. using exercise to offset binge eating

excess absorption

calcium and iron

If David wants to increase his muscle mass, he should consume adequate ___ while continuing to ___.

calories and protein; weight train

Vitamin A toxicity ____.

can cause liver damage

Contains 4 kcals per gram is a major fuel source


The respiratory exchange ratio (RER) is a way of determining the body's metabolism of:

carbohydrate and fat.

The two factors needed to optimize muscle glycogen resynthesis after exercise are:

carbohydrate and insulin.

Distance athletes can avoid muscle fatigue by maximizing glycogen stores through ____

carbohydrate loading

Other than training, which of the following is likely to have the greatest impact on improved endurance performance?

carbohydrate loading

What legal and ethical strategy has been shown to be effective for increasing performance in endurance athletes?

carbohydrate loading

Before consuming sports drinks during an event, athletes should experiment with them during training because the ________ content of these drinks can increase ________.

carbohydrate; gastric distress

The respiratory exchange ratio (RER) is the ratio of ____ and is lower for ____ metabolism.

carbon dioxide produced to the oxygen consumed; fat

The weakest of all scientific findings are from which of the following types of studies:

case studies

What type of study focuses most on the analysis of a person or a particular situation?

case study

If a person is not consuming enough kilocalories (kcal) from carbohydrate or fat, protein will be used for energy. This is an example of _________.


Caffeine has several possible ergogenic effects on the body; however, its practical effect on performance is probably due to an increase in _____.

central nervous system stimulation

Most long-chain fatty acids are absorbed from the intestinal mucosal cells in what form?


Iron acts as a --- to many enzymes involved in making amino acids, collagen, hormones, neurotransmitters, and more.


The MyPlate graphic is intended to ____.

communicate the basics of a healthy diet

During physical activity, the three energy systems that rephosphorylate ATP from ADP ____.

continue to function with one system "turned up" depending on the activity conditions

Based on scientific research, what dietary supplement is effective in conjunction with vigorous training for increasing lean body mass in athletes performing repeated high-intensity, short-duration exercise bouts?


The 100-meter sprint in track, 40-yard sprint in football, shot put, and the clean and jerk Olympic lift all rely on ___ as their primary energy system.

creatine phosphate

Nutrition periodization refers to _____.

creating a nutrition plan that matches training

Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) can best be described as the:

current nutrient standard for individuals.

Based on postcompetition urine analysis, what is the maximum urine caffeine concentration allowed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)?

d. 15 mcg/mL

Young Canadian athletes are consuming dietary supplements for reasons related to which of the following?

d. All of these are correct*** a. Health b. Performance c. Recommendation of others

What is a good recommendation for athletes with regard to alcohol intake?

d. Binge drinking the day prior to performance may impair next-day performance.

All of the following are true about caffeine and performance EXCEPT ______.

d. caffeine consumption can improve aerobic metabolic metabolism by making it more efficient

Weight and body composition goals should be set upon which of the following?

d. sport, genetic predisposition, and individual characteristics

Exercise dependence is defined as an _____.

d. unhealthy preoccupation with exercising

What term is used on food labels that estimates the amount of certain nutrients needed each day?

daily value

A major disadvantage of anaerobic glycolysis use at a high rate is the resulting ____ in pH level, which can ____.

decrease; interfere with muscle force production

The mechanism by which caffeine most likely improves endurance performance is that it: Answer

decreases perception of exertion.

In the absence of a deficiency, as mineral consumption increases, the amount absorbed:


Why would an endurance athlete limit the amount of fat in a precompetition meal?

delays gastric emptying

The respiratory exchange ratio (RER) is a formula that can be used to _____.

determine the proportion of energy coming from carbohydrates and fats

A typical volume leaving the large intestine might be 150 mL. If the volume exiting the large intestine were 390 mL, then it would most likely indicate a case of


United States Pharmacopeia,, and NSF (Certified for Sport) are examples of which of the following?

dietary supplement certification programs that ensure good manufacturing practices by supplement companies

Vitamin excesses that reach the tolerable upper intake level are most likely to be caused by ____.

dietary supplements and fortified foods

Zinc is integral to many functions in the human body; consequences of deficiency can be severe. Zinc deficiency hinders --- and absorption, causing diarrhea, which further contributes to deficiency in zinc and other nutrients.


To lose body fat but maintain muscle mass, an athlete should:

do all of the above. -include strength training in his or her training plan. -restrict caloric intake. -ensure protein is at least 1.8 g/kg/day

The global weight program is a physical and _____ burden.


The needs of athletes in training are generally different from those of the general population in terms of ____.


Nutrient density is based on the relationship between:

energy and nutrients

Low energy availability is defined as a(n):

energy expenditure that routinely exceeds energy intake.

The production of force by a muscle fiber requires ____ in the form of ____.

energy; ATP

___ is when a vitamin is lost during processing but added back, whereas ___ is when vitamins that were never present before processing are added to the food.

enrichment; fortification

Genetic factors determine how susceptible a person is to developing obesity, but --- factors such as a consistently healthy lifestyle and healthy diet can play a significant role as well.


What stress hormone, secreted by the adrenal glands, is also known as adrenalin?


What cells are incapable of metabolizing glucose aerobically?


For some female athletes following a prolonged low-calorie diet, low circulating ___ can lead to ___.

estrogen; osteoporosis

Having a normal or optimal amount of water in the body, sufficient to support fluid balance and meet required physiological functions, would be termed:


Sports nutrition recommendations are currently ____.


What is the potential problem with mineral supplements that have high bioavailability?

excess absorption

Water only is an appropriate pre-exercise beverage for:

exercise lasting less than 60 minutes.

What term refers to chemical reactions that release energy?


A rule of thumb for endurance athletes is to drink as much water as possible.


Athletes should avoid caffeinated drinks because caffeine is a potent diuretic.


Athletes typically need to follow a very low-fat diet.


Exercise increases the usage of vitamins, so most athletes need more vitamins than sedentary people.


Now that sports beverages are precisely formulated, it is rare that water would be a better choice than a sports beverage for a trained athlete.


There is no room in the athlete's diet for fast foods.


To improve performance, endurance athletes should ingest caffeine because more free fatty acids are oxidized for energy and muscle glycogen is spared.


Vitamin supplements are better regulated than other dietary supplements because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration sets a maximum dose (amount) for each vitamin.


Vitamins provide energy.


A low-calorie, low-carbohydrate diet that results in ketosis is dangerous for athletes because it leads to the medical condition known as ketoacidosis.

false -The majority of athletes do not have diabetes, and ketosis in those without diabetes rarely leads to ketoacidosis. Such diets would not likely be advantageous for athletes, however, because the low-carbohydrate and low-caloric content is a factor that could undermine training and performance.

To lose body fat, it is best to perform low-intensity exercise, which keeps one in the fat-burning zone.

false -The most important factor for loss of body fat is total energy expenditure, regardless of the nutrient source.

Calorically dense, 20-35% of caloric budget


What tissue is approximately 10 percent water?


As the muscles proceed from rest to increased activity levels, the major fuel source shifts from ____ to ____.

fat; carbohydrate

A deficiency of carnitine in the body would result in fat metabolism decreasing for which of the following reasons?

fatty acids would not be transported properly into mitochondria.

An athlete's diet should be:


Along with calcium and vitamin D, what other minerals are involved in bone health?

fluoride, magnesium, and phosphorus

Energy is consumed in the form of ____ and transformed into different chemical forms that can be ____.

food; stored or used for immediate energy

An excess of ____ in sports drinks may leave the small intestine undigested and cause bloating and gas in the colon.


The primary structure of the protein determines its:


As a means of controlling appetite and cueing satiety, the ---hormone is regulated by intake.


Increases in which of the following signals results in an increase in appetite and food intake?


When blood glucose drops, ____ is released to stimulate the release of glucose stored as ____ glycogen.

glucagon ; liver

In what form is carbohydrate primarily transported throughout the body?


Some amino acids enter the TCA cycle directly and, therefore, are allowed to continue in the metabolic cycle to generate energy and


The end product of carbohydrate absorption is:


Which of the following two monosaccharides combine to form sucrose?

glucose and fructose

Polysaccharides are made up of ____ and are found in foods such as ____.

glucose; potatoes and grains

The amino acid considered conditionally indispensable in long distance runners is:


The preferred energy source by exercising muscle for the process of anaerobic glycolysis is:


For an athlete engaging in marathon running, which body systems are predominantly involved in energy production?

glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain

Among the energy nutrients, fat yields the _____ amount of energy at approximately _____ kcals/gram.

greatest; 9.4

Which sport is more likely to have athletes with disordered eating and eating disorders?


High bioavailability refers to a compound that:

has a high degree of absorption and utilization.

An advantage of the plethysmography method used to determine body composition is that it ____.

has good test-retest reliability

Stacy works as a "nutritionist." We can assume from this that she ____.

has not necessarily met any specific educational or licensure requirements

All of the following influence mineral absorption EXCEPT __________.


The ___ portion of hemoglobin contains ___, which carries ___ inside the red blood cell.

heme; iron; oxygen

What factor is most likely to increase an individual's risk of type 2 diabetes?

high sugar intake without weight gain

Of all of the athletes participating in the study, the prevalence of body image dissatisfaction was at the --- level of severity in the sports of gymnastics, rowing, and junior synchronized swimming.


Tracking weight fluctuation from day to day is most useful to an athlete as a way to monitor ____.

hydration status

What condition results from increasing core temperature and deteriorating thermoregulatory control?


A ___ solution is when the concentration of all solutes is greater outside than inside the cell, so water moves out of the cell, causing the cell to shrink.


Low blood sodium level is known as____.


Signals that stimulate the ____ cause feelings of hunger, which result in seeking out and consuming food, or satiety, the feeling of fullness that reduces the desire to eat.


Which of the following systems is highly dependent on protein because of rapid cell turnover?


Aerobic production of ATP can occur:

in the mitochondria in a process called oxidative phosphorylation.

All of the following are potential negative effects of chronic inadequate fat intake and energy restriction EXCEPT ________.

inadequate hydration replacement

One potential negative effective on long-term, extreme dietary fat reduction is _____.

inadequate replenishment of intramuscular fat

Duke University researchers found that caffeine consumption can ________.

increase risk of stroke

The most appropriate way for an athlete to increase his or her power to weight ratio is to ____.

increase strength training and maintain positive nitrogen balance

According to the current body of scientific research, what effect does exercise have on an athlete's vitamin requirements? Answer

increases the need slightly but supplementation not necessary

The amino acids that are most rapidly absorbed from the intestine are:

indispensable amino acids.

Energy conversion in humans is _____ with much of the energy expended as _____.

inefficient; heat

Lipids are a large group of substances that are --- in water. Many types of lipids with different structures and properties exist both in the body and in food.


What is the potential problem with consuming excess supplemental zinc?

interference with iron absorption

The intracellular lactate shuttle hypothesis suggests that the lactate-to-pyruvate conversion takes place within the ---of the mitochondria.

intermembrane space

In which compartment is the largest amount of body fluid stored?

intracellular fluid

In the present study, parathyroid hormone showed a/an ____ relationship to serum vitamin D.


A deficiency or an excess of what mineral impairs the immune system?


Which of the following is NOT classified as a macromineral?


A mineral that is under substantial hormonal control is:


The progression from normal eating to an eating disorder typically:

is a series of events accumulating over time.

Dehydration occurs when water excretion --- water intake. Individuals at risk include the elderly, infants, people exercising heavily for prolonged periods in the heat, and individuals suffering from both short and prolonged bouts of vomiting and diarrhea. Most problems associated with dehydration can be avoided if they are recognized and treated early. If left untreated, however, dehydration can lead to severe consequences including seizures, brain damage, shock, or even death.

is greater than

What is the SI unit of measure for energy?


According to the animation, the active, or usable, form of vitamin D, is synthesized in the ---


Maldigestion of the carbohydrate ____ can result in calcium deficiency.


Two factors that may be associated with hyponatremia include:

large losses of sodium in sweat and excessive water intake.

Epidemiological studies involve _____ numbers of subjects and are helpful in indicating _____ between variables.

large; associations

The hormone --- regulates appetite in response to body fat.


As ATP stores decrease, muscle cells produce ____ to prevent ____ depletion.

less force; ATP

Which of the following is the least nutrient-dense food?


Which of the following is an essential fatty acid, one that cannot be manufactured in the body?

linoleic acid

Which of the following are essential fatty acids?

linoleic and alpha-linolenic

Stress induced by exercise stimulates the release of hormones, including epinephrine, which results in ________.

lipolysis of triglycerides to release glycerol and free fatty acids

What is the enzyme found on the surface of blood vessels that catalyzes the release of fatty acids so they can be absorbed by fat and muscle tissue?

lipoprotein lipase

After absorption, amino acids are transported to the _____ to be metabolized.


As exercising muscle begins to take up glucose out of the blood, how does the body prevent blood glucose from declining too much?

liver releases glucose from stored glycogen and made by gluconeogenesis

For which of the following athletes would body composition be a major consideration for performance in their sport?

long jumper

Saturated fats have a --- potential for spoiling when exposed to oxygen or heated and unsaturated fats have a --- potential for spoiling when exposed to oxygen or heated due to their chemical structure.

low ; high

The two factors that best explain the increased risk for osteoporosis in elite female distance runners are:

low energy intake and low estrogen.

A low-carbohydrate diet is NOT recommended for a healthy endurance athlete because it could result in ____.

low glycogen stores, which would impair training and performance

A female figure skater consumes a low-calorie diet consisting of approximately 1,200 kcal daily. She says that she is taking a multivitamin supplement as an insurance policy. What is the multivitamin supplement insuring her against?

low vitamin intake

Proteins are one of the three --- found in the diet and important structural molecules in living organisms. Proteins help provide structure to cells and are the major component of enzymes that participate in biological reactions. While all macronutrients share similarities, proteins are different than both carbohydrates and lipids in important ways.


Percent usual body weight can be used to screen for _____.


All of the following nutrients are closely associated with bone health EXCEPT _____.


The ability to oxidize fat during physical activity would be of most value to a ____.

marathon runner

The highest amount of oxygen that can be utilized by the body is known as ____.

maximal oxygen consumption

Which of the following food groups is included in the Paleolithic Diet?


Muscle dysmorphia is most common in _____.

men who believe that their muscles are too small despite well-developed musculature

Adding weights to exercise can increase your _____ to burn more calories.

metabolic rate

Which of the following would not be an appropriate carbohydrate food choice for a vegan?

milk and yogurt

Some are environmental contaminants that can disrupt body functions


Regulation of dietary supplements in the United States is:


Essential fat refers to the _____ for men than for women.

minimum amount of fat necessary for proper physiological functioning and is lower

When the body is stressed by exercise, fat stored in adipocytes is:


Measuring weight on a daily basis is most useful to athletes who are trying to:

monitor hydration status.

Olive oil

monounsaturated fat

According to the video, ATP is the ____ form of energy for the body.

most usable

Exercising muscle prefers to use carbohydrate from:

muscle glycogen.

ATP in _____ is used to produce force and is replaced _____.

muscle tissue; very rapidly

The amount of energy (kcal) provided by the B-complex vitamins is:

non 4 kcal/g. 7 kcal/g. 9 kcal/g.

A common myth is that a person must eat red meat to get enough iron. There are also many plant sources of iron available. Iron derived from plant sources is called --- iron and is best absorbed with the consumption of vitamin C-rich foods.


Shelly, a cross-country runner, is looking for a food product to eat after a training session. Which would you recommend?

nonfat milk

A good source of carbohydrate for an athlete is ____ because _____.

oatmeal; it a whole grain food that contains fiber

All of the following are goals of fluid consumption during exercise EXCEPT _______.

overconsumption of water to ensure stores are at maximum capacity

Avoiding --- appears to be the most important means for preventing hyponatremia in the marathon and other endurance disciplines.


Vitamins B1, B2, and B3 are all involved in energy metabolism through ___ in the ___.

oxidation-reduction reactions; Krebs cycle

The primary function or purpose of the Krebs cycle is to:

oxidize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Indirect calorimetry works on the principle that:

oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production are related to energy expenditure.

The elevated oxygen consumption during recovery from an exercise bout is called the EPOC, or the:

oxygen debt.

As a person begins to exercise, there is a "lag time" between the onset of exercise and the ability of the aerobic energy system to fully meet the elevated energy requirement. This lag in oxygen consumption is referred to as _____.

oxygen deficit

The process of indirect calorimetry estimates energy expenditure by measuring the amount of ____ consumed and ____ produced.

oxygen; carbon dioxide

All of the following have hidden saturated fat EXCEPT ___________.


Current weight divided by usual weight multiplied by 100 is the equation for _____.

percent usual body weight

Competitive long-distance runners spend a portion of their yearly training time concentrating on running longer distances to improve their maximal aerobic capacity and endurance and another portion of their training time running shorter distances at higher intensity to improve their speed. This approach to training illustrates the principle of ____.


Which of the following is an anion involved in fluid balance?


Lipids that are manufactured by the body and can act as emulsifiers in food


The "energy out" factor that can be increased to the greatest degree is:

physical activity.

Hyponatremia resulting from exercise can cause a serious and sustained loss in _____ concentration to below 135 mmol/L.

plasma sodium

Corn oil

polyunsaturated fat

When more calories are taken in than expended energy balance is said to be


When nitrogen consumption is greater than nitrogen excretion, a person is in --- nitrogen balance


Choose the image of the person who would most likely be in this type of nitrogen balance.

positive nitrogen balance: A young baby/infant image

Muscle growth requires:

positive protein balance

Which of the following electrolytes might be deficient in the diet of a person from an industrialized country (for example, the United States)?


The term endurance athlete is generally interpreted to mean that the athlete:

predominantly uses the oxygen-dependent energy system.

Epidemiological studies point to an inverse relationship between physical activity and _____.

premature mortality

What is the mechanism for beta-alanine supplementation?

prevention of the breakdown of cartilage

Contains 4 kcals per gram and is a minor fuel source


Which of the following is NOT a basic function of minerals?

providing energy for metabolism

A diet with ample carbohydrate ensures an adequate supply of oxaloacetate because glucose produces --- during glyclolysis


Which of the following does NOT represent a complementary protein?

quinoa and stir-fried vegetables

The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) establish the daily intake of a vitamin that is ____.

recommended, with a built-in safety margin

The process of resynthesizing adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) is called:


o maintain skeletal muscle mass while losing weight, the athlete should focus most on _____.

resistance training

Fat is metabolized for energy most efficiently during ____ because it requires significantly more ____ to complete its breakdown.

rest; oxygen

Wearing uniforms and protective gear while exercising in the heat typically:

restricts the evaporation of sweat and results in body temperature rising.

What is a type of preformed vitamin A?


All of the following are ways to measure body composition, EXCEPT ____.

scale weighing

Which of the following is NOT an example of complementary proteins or mutual supplementation?

scrambled eggs with nonfat milk

Glucose and galactose are absorbed by ________, whereas fructose is absorbed by __________.

secondary active transport; facilitated diffusion

A deficiency in all of the following minerals can lead to anemia EXCEPT _______.


Inadequate intake of minerals such as _____ can impair immune response.

selenium and zinc

The proteins in the body are made of combinations of individual amino acids, known as the building blocks of protein. Amino acids are composed of a central carbon connected to a hydrogen atom, an acid group, an amine group, and a side chain. The --- is the group that varies for each amino acid.

side chain

Caffeine at levels that are equivalent to ________ cups of strong coffee consumed within 2 to 3 hours of competition has been banned by several sports-governing bodies, including the NCAA.

six to eight

An inverse relationship between body fat and performance is most likely to exist for a ____.

ski jumper

Absorption of food proteins takes place primarily in the:

small intestine.

Athletes lose ____ in sweat and urine. In order to compensate, most athletes should ____.

sodium, zinc, and copper; eat a healthy diet, which in most cases is sufficient to replace losses

The primary cation in extracellular fluid is:


Vitamins are split into two categories depending on their relationship with water - hydrophobic or hydrophilic. This is more commonly known as each vitamin's ---


Which of the following is associated with a significant reduction in Resting Metabolic Rate?


Lipids synthesized in the liver and used to make several important hormones


Protein digestion starts in the ____ with _____, which will begin to _____ the protein.

stomach; hydrochloric acid; denature

Proteins of muscle and connective tissue are ______ proteins, whereas hemoglobin is a _____ protein.

structural; transport

Hypokalemia is a result of ____.

substantial potassium loss without replenishment

Respiratory Quotient (RQ), although used in athletes to determine ____________, is highly variable and unpredictable in critically ill patients, limiting its validity as an indicator of energy substrate oxidation.

substrate utilization

Most athletes consume ____.

sufficient amounts of protein because they consume enough calories

The seasonal variation of vitamin D status correlates with

sunlight exposure

Research suggests that branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are effective for _____.

supporting immune function

Maintaining hydration during endurance events is most likely to be challenging due to _____.

sweat rates that exceed gastric emptying and absorption rates

As an individual's core temperature rises, the ____ glands are activated to reduce the body's ____.

sweat; heat load

In most sports less than 90 minutes in duration, the use of commercially available sports drinks to prevent body mass reductions > 2 percent is an effective strategy to prevent water and electrolyte imbalances because ________?

the amount of sweat produced is not enough to challenge body electrolyte homeostasis.

The glycemic index (GI) of a food refers to:

the blood glucose response to a food compared to a reference food

When blood calcium levels drop, the fast-exchange system kicks in, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) is secreted, which stimulates ____ and activates ____.

the kidneys to resorb calcium; calcitriol secretion

The term level of evidence refers to:

the relative strength of the collective body of research on a topic.

With respect to dietary reference intakes (DRI), athletes use _____ moderately active healthy people.

the same standards as

In nutrition science, the energy expenditure unit of measurement is expressed in terms of _____ production.

thermal energy

Which of the following is not part of the three-compartment model of body composition?

total body water

Which is the most effective intervention for enhancing performance?


The predominant fat in food and the body is:


Lipids that comprise about 95% of the fat you eat


At rest, the highest percentage of total energy expenditure is from fat and not carbohydrate.


In outdoor athletes, bone metabolism was higher in winter compared with in the summer-autumn season, and the levels in indoor athletes were higher in the winter-spring season compared with in autumn.


The amount of vitamins an athlete consumes is generally related to caloric intake.


The two major aspects of fluid balance are the volume of water and the concentration of the substances in the water.


Under most circumstances, athletes will not voluntarily drink enough fluid to account for all the water lost during exercise.


When antioxidant vitamins are consumed in excess, they act like pro-oxidants instead of antioxidants.


The disaccharide maltose consists of ____.

two glucose molecules

Which athlete would use protein as an energy source to the greatest extent?

ultra endurance athlete

The type of fat distribution that increases risk for metabolic syndrome is:

upper body obesity.

One form of insensible water loss is _____.


The creatine phosphate system is the predominant energy system during ____ exercise.

very high-intensity, short-duration

Oxidative phosphorylation is the predominant energy system during activities that are ____ in duration and ____ in intensity.

very long; low

a --- is an organic compound that must be obtained from the diet and is needed to sustain life.


The carotenoid beta-carotene is converted in the body to an active form of ____.

vitamin A

The intake of which vitamin is likely to be low in both sedentary and athletic populations?

vitamin D

Which antioxidant vitamin has been the subject of the most research in studies of athletes?

vitamin E

Some aid in blood clotting after a cut


Which vitamins are involved in antioxidant function?

vitamins E, C, and A

The most beneficial effect of exercise for blood lipid management is the effect on ____.

weight loss and maintenance

Percent weight loss compares _____.

weight loss with usual weight

The Health at Every Size movement does NOT support the use of:

weight-loss diets.

Dietary fiber is found naturally in ___

whole grains

Certain types of athletes, such as ____, often reduce their overall intake of ____, thus putting them at risk for vitamin deficiencies.

wrestlers; energy

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