nutrients and the food groups

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Six groups of basic nutrients

1.) Carbohydrates: Carbs are sugars and starches that occur naturally in foods, mainly in plants. Nutritionists say that about half or two-thirds of your daily energy should come from carbs. 2.) Fiber: The parts of fruit, veggies, grains, and beans that your body can't digest. 3.) Proteins: Proteins are nutrients your body uses to build, repair, and maintain cells and tissues. They are made up of chemical building blocks called amino acids (there are 9 essential a.a.'s) 4.) Vitamins: Substances that help your body fight infections and use other nutrients, among other jobs. 5.) Minerals: Elements that help form healthy bones/teeth, and regulate body processes. 6.) Water: Water is involved in many of the body's functions.

"Good" Cholesterol

Also known as HDL, removes LDL (bad cholesterol) from arteries and dispose of it in the liver. Saturated fat can increase cholesterol.

Categorized: Complete proteins

Complete: All 9 essential amino acids (mainly animal sources): beef, pork, veal, fish, poultry, eggs, and most dairy products.

Categorized: Complex Carbs

Complex: Starch which exemplifies grains such as rice/pasta, dried beans, potatoes, and other starchy veggies.

Food Pyramid (MyPyramid)

Contains: Grains, Veggies, Fruits, Milk, Meats&Beans, and oils. Advice: Make 1/2 your grains whole, vary your veggies, focus on fruits, get your calcium from rich foods, go lean with protein (There are lean meats).

Categorized: Incomplete proteins

Does not have all 9 essential amino acids (mainly plant source): Nuts, peas, and dried beans. Usually have complementary combinations to complete all 9 essential a.a.'s


Each nutrient has a job to do for the human body. They are divided into six main basic groups including carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water.


Elements that help form healthy bones and teeth, and regulate certain body processes.

Categorized: Fiber

Examples: Raw fruits, veggies, and whole grains

Categorized: Cholesterol

Fatty substance found in blood - types HDL and LDL

Food General Categorization

Food can be divided into the following categories: Carbs, fats, and proteins. Diets should consists of 70% carbs, 20% protein, and 10% fat.


Helps digest and absorb food, regulates body temperature and blood circulation, and it carries nutrients and oxygen to cells. It also removes toxins and other wastes, cushion joints, and protects tissues and organs from shock and damage.

Categorized: Unsaturated fats

Liquid at room temperature (mainly plant sources): Olive oil, nuts, and avocados.


Nutrients your body uses to build, repair, and maintain cells and tissues.

Categorized: Protein - Why we need it

Play an important role in fighting disease since parts of your immune system are made of proteins.


Promote healthy skin and normal cell growth - carry vitamins A,D,E,K to your body needs. (Saturated fat - solid at room temperature and Unsaturated fat - liquid at room temperature.)

Categorized:Simple Carbs

Simple: sugar which exemplifies fruits, many veggies, milk, and milk products.

Categorized: Saturated Fats

Solid at room temperature (mainly animal source): butter, cheese, and fatty meats.


Substances that help your body fight infections and use other nutrients, among other jobs.


sugars and starches that occur naturally in foods, mainly in plants.


the parts of fruit, vegetables, grains, and beans that your body cannot digest.

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