Nutrition 5 - How to Eat

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What is Tip 1 of the Famous Secret 7?

1. The 20 minute meal

What are some tips on how to enjoy a meal fully?

- Wash your hands - Turn off Technology (close your computer, turn off the smart phone, turn off tablet) - Play music - Light a candle - Do an EBT check in - Give gratitude to your body for digesting the meal - Set your timer for twenty minutes or as much time as you have for the meal During the meal you breathe, take a bite, put your utensil down, chew slowly, swallow, breathe, and repeat. Repeat that until you are about 75% full.

What are the 5 stress levels and 5 tools that you utilize in EBT?

1. Feeling Great --> Sanctuary Tool 2. Feeling Good --> Feelings Check Tool 3. Feeling a little Stressed --> Emotional Housecleaning 4. Feeling Stressed --> Cycle Tool 5. Feeling very stressed --> Damage Control Tool

What are the Famous Secret 7 tips to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system while you eat?

1. The 20 minute Meal 2. EBT - Emotional Brain Training 3. Let Go of Utensils 4. Breathe Between Bites 5. Chew your Food and Eat with your Senses 6. Eat until Satisfied, but not Full. Eat when Hungry, but not Starving 7. Self Care

What are the 2 components of your relationship to Appetite?

1. What does it mean to have an appetite? 2. What does it mean to embrace an appetite? Some people fear their appetites, seeing it as something dangerous that must be controlled and maintained. BUT appetite is what keeps us alive! Appetite is a Biological Imperative We want freedom in our bodies and with food, but when we deny or invalidate the rightness and goodness of our natural appetites, then what we're doing is creating a jail cell that keeps us trapped. But since we are our own jailers, we get to decide: do we want to stay trapped or do we want to embrace the possibility that your appetite is right and good? Our appetites and desires are always leading us to the truth of who we are

What is Tip 2 of the Famous Secret 7?

2. EBT - Emotional Brain Training

How many times should you chew each bite of food?

20 - 30 times You don't have to always chew every bite thirty times, but you are sort of training yourself to chew more than you otherwise would. And putting your fork down and breathing between bites really helps you practice that.

What is Tip 3 of the Famous Secret 7? How does it help digestion?

3. Let go of Utensils It slows down your eating speed --> eat less It takes 20 minutes for your brain to send out signals of fullness, so by eating more slowly, you allow your brain to stimulate feelings of fullness Feeling Full = Less Eating Most Americans eat too fast, and as a result they take in too much food before they've realized that they've eaten enough

What is Tip 4 of the Famous Secret 7?

4. Breathe Between Bites

What is Tip 5 of the Famous Secret 7?

5. Chew your Food and Eat with your Senses

What is Tip 6 of the Famous Secret 7? How does it help Digestion

6. Eat until Satisfied, but not Full. Eat when Hungry, but not Starving Eat until 75% full Allows you to feel energized rather than weighed down Eat when you are 25% hungry Prevents you from overeating while in a state of starvation

What is Tip 7 of the Famous Secret 7? How does it help with digestion?

7. Self Care - Break away from routine, act naughty, do something fun/crazy Remember to Nourish your Inner Child People have their own mechanisms in place to rebel, but some can be outdated, dysfunctional, or self-destructive (e.g. many people rebel with food) The goal is to revise our strategies while still having the experience of rebelling

How do you eat with your senses? What are the benefits?

Be mindful and engaged Go through each sense and appreciate its experience What environment are you creating for yourself while you eat? Your digestive system and your metabolism work most efficiently when you allow yourself the entire process and sensual pleasure of eating. The more awareness and presence you bring to each meal, the less you need to eat no matter what the food is. The less awareness and presence you bring to each meal, the more you need to eat.

What happens when you do not eat with your senses?

Binge eating/Overeating Because of the Cephalic Phase Digestive Response (CPDR), the brain still wants to eat. It still craves that full, sensual experience of eating. This puts a whole new frame on binge eating and overeating and causes us to ask, is it really a problem with binging and overeating or is it a problem of presence and awareness? So if your client suspects she has an overeating problem, we want to suggest that actually, she might have an under-awareness problem, which is just more easily solved. The less awareness and presence you bring to each meal, the more you need to eat. The more awareness and presence you bring to each meal, the less you need to eat no matter what the food is.

What does being B.A.D. stand for?

Break away from routine Act naughty Do something fun/crazy

What Hormones communicate fullness? What else contributes to feelings of fullness?

CCK - Cholocystokinin Released by the intestines Leptin Produced by adipose/fat cells communicates with the brain about long-range needs and satiety based on the body's energy stores. Research suggests that leptin amplifies the CCK signals to enhance that feeling of fullness. Other research suggests that leptin also interacts with the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain to produce a feeling of pleasure after eating. Stretch receptors Activated as the stomach and small intestine fill with food. Signals brain directly via the Vagus Nerve

How can chewing help cravings for sweets?

Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth. What that means is the more you chew a complex carbohydrate, like a grain or a squash, the sweeter they get. Because the enzymes in your saliva are breaking down the complex carbs into sugars and releasing more nutrients, of course, for maximum absorption.

What is the Cephalic Phase Digestion Response (CPDR)?

Cephalic Phase Digestion Response (CPDR) describes all the stuff that's happening in your head when you encounter a meal. Researchers have estimated that as much as 30% - 40% of the total digestive response of a meal is in response to the Cephalic Phase Digestive Response—our total awareness of, and presence in, the eating experience. So the more we're aware and present while we're eating, we increase digestive power by 30% - 40%, increasing metabolism and nutrient absorption

Describe how to utilize the Cycle tool. What level of stress is it used on?

Cycle tool = Level 4 = Feeling stressed --> This is a moment of opportunity to weaken stress circuits and to build circuits that bring you joy. 1. Just the facts - No feelings State the facts about why you are feeling stressed. Continue until your feelings become very strong, then continue on. This stress offers a moment of opportunity to change the way you process the daily stress of life. 2. Begin the Natural Flow of Feelings. Express your feelings strongly for optimal rewiring. Feel your anger in your body, and then express it, using short, choppy statements (e.g., I feel ANGRY that... I CAN'T STAND it that... I hate it that...) 3. Discover your Unreasonable Expectation An unreasonable expectation is an old circuit that was encoded early in life or later on during stress. Once you know what it is, you can begin rewriting it. The new circuit is the opposite of the old one (e.g. "I have to be perfect" becomes "I am human.") 4. Discover a Reasonable expectation Your brain is very open to change now. This is a moment of opportunity! Type in and say (aloud or to yourself) your new expectation 10 times.

Describe how to utilize the Damage Control Tool. What level of stress is it used on?

Damage Control tool = Level 5 = Feeling Very Stressed Repeat these 3 lines over and over, out loud and then to yourself: 1. Do not judge (yourself or others) 2. Self-Care 3. Know it will pass

What are the famous secret 7 used for?

Describe how to activate the parasympathetic nervous system while you are eating

What is EBT? What is it used for?

EBT = Emotional Brain Training It is a way to reliably and consistently "digest" your emotions so you can get into a relaxed state before each meal. EBT is a science-based program that was developed over the last 30 years by Laurel Mellin, PhD. It integrates advances in neuroscience and stress physiology that rewires patterns of anxiety, depression, overeating, and unhealthy habits by using practical, easy-to-implement tools.

How does EBT work?

EBT = Emotional Brain Training The way it works is that you do a check-in once a day. Take a deep breath, check in with your feelings and ask yourself, "Right now, what is my stress level?" 5 levels of stress --> 5 tools to use Use these strategies to clear away the negative feelings and then become aware of the positive feelings that are underneath them. You're transitioning out of negative, stressful emotions and into positive, relaxed emotions, readying the body for food. Flow of emotions: Negative to Positive Start with feelings of Anger, sadness, fear, and guilt. Then move into feelings of gratitude, happiness, security, and pride Tip: write things down

Describe how to utilize Emotional Housecleaning. What level of stress is it used on?

Emotional Housecleaning = Level 3 = Feeling a little stressed --> use Emotional Housecleaning to clear away the negative feelings and to become more aware of the positive feelings that are under them. Complete the following sentences going from negative to positive: I feel angry that... I feel sad that... I feel afraid that... I feel guilty that I... I feel grateful that... I feel happy that... I feel secure that... I feel proud that I...

T/F: It is scientifically possible for the body to release weight or heal when it is under a stress response.

False It is scientifically impossible for the body to release weight or heal when it is under a stress response.

Describe how to utilize the Feelings Check tool. What level of stress is it used on?

Feelings Check Tool = Level 2 = Feeling good --> Be aware of your positive and negative feelings. Use the Feelings Check to get to State 1 Ask yourself, how do I feel? Negatives: Angry, Sad, Afraid, Guilty, Tense, Tired, Hungry, Full, Lonely, Sick Positives: Grateful, Happy, Secure, Proud, Relaxed, Rested, Satisfied, Loved, Loving, Healthy (Select three) Which of those is my strongest feeling? Your strongest feeling points to your most important need Ask yourself, what do I need? What is my corresponding need? Do I need support? To meet that need what support could I ask for?

What does it feel like when you are emotionally hungry?

Feelings are felt in the chest and heart Feel heavy, dull Feelings are really about stress somewhere in the Big 5 areas of life --> Self Love Many people will turn to food instead of satisfying their true desire because it is easier to overeat, diet, endure cravings, etc. because it is easier to deal with than it is to ask for, confront, or connect with a loved one, to admit a desire you have and ask to receive it.

Describe what the 20 minute meal is and how to do it

Goal is to make a meal last at least 20 minutes because this is how long it takes for the body to realize it is full. First, record how long it takes you to eat a meal. Next add 5 minutes of time to your next meals until you reach 20-30 minutes. Record how you feel, how long the meal took, how long it took you to feel full, and any "aha" moments. This is not about all or nothing—it's about developing a new habit or ritual for activating your optimal digestive power.

What are intestinal villi and what do they do?

Intestinal villi are like little loops on the inside of the intestines and their primary job is to absorb nutrients, including large quantities of oxygen to facilitate the breakdown of the meal. Blood lacks oxygen --> nutrient absorption decreases Blood has plenty of oxygen --> metabolism and nutrient absorption increases

What key nutrient speeds up your metabolism?

Oxygen Oxygen helps burn all of those nutrients in the body better. So, when you breathe more, you actually burn more.

What are the two branches of the Autonomic Nervous System?

Parasympathetic relaxes the body and turns on digestion Sympathetic turns off digestion when there's no food in your belly or when you're in a fight-or-flight stress response.

How does Chewing your food help digestion?

Physically breaks down food for optimal nutrient absorption Chewing sends vital signals to your body to start preparing for digestion. It starts the secretion of hormones, activates taste receptors, prepares your stomach lining for the secretion of hydrochloric acid, and prepares your pancreas for the secretion of enzymes and bicarbonate. The food gets more exposure to your saliva, which contains digestive enzymes necessary for the first phase of digestion. And saliva helps lubricate your food so its passage is easier on your esophagus. Another benefit is that chewing relaxes the the pylorus (the muscle at the base of your stomach that controls the passage of food into your small intestine). And saliva helps that muscle operate with more ease. It's also beneficial to dental health because chewing really strengthens your teeth and jaw, and helps prevent plaque buildup and tooth decay. It also discourages food-borne bacteria from entering your gut on larger food particles and, of course, an overgrowth of bacteria in your gut can lead to gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

What does it feel like when you are physically hungry?

Quiet, whispering, tiny growl from deep inside Felt in the stomach and the back Feel light Sensation = Lack of fuel --> Need Nourishment

Describe how to utilize the Sanctuary tool. What level of stress is it used on?

Sanctuary tool = Level 1 = Feeling great --> Deepen and strengthen that state of being present and with joy Take a deep breath. Maintain a good posture. Lovingly observe yourself. Connect with your sanctuary, the safe place within. Feel a wave of compassion for yourself. Feel a wave of compassion for others. Feel a wave of compassion for all living beings. Feel a surge of joy!

What is the difference between sensations and feelings?

Sensation = Physical Feeling = Emotional We need to learn to differentiate between an Emotional hunger (feeling) vs. Physical hunger (sensation)

What is the branch of the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) that most influences gastrointestinal function?

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) The ANS is responsible for stimulating the digestive process.

What are some common reasons why people overeat?

The D's: Deprivation, Denial, Dieting, Disconnection, Distraction we restrict food too much so that in our starved state we overeat. we disconnect from our bodies signals and don't listen to our hunger pains.

What dental tool can also help with cravings for sweets?

Tongue Scraper - enhances your sense of taste. Clears off deep deposits on the tongue, re-sensitizing your taste buds to enjoy the subtler taste of food.

T/F: Eating during stress (sympathetic nervous system dominance) will generally lead to digestive upset, decreased nutrient assimilation, and unwanted fat storage, which leads to weight gain.

True When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, the relaxation response turns on and healthy digestion, assimilation and calorie-burning capacity is amplified. The bottom line: Switch from eating in a state of stress to slowing down, savoring, enjoying, and making eating its own activity.

T/F: You can make huge strides in all sorts of health conditions with your clients if you can transform HOW they eat. Often, even more so than changing WHAT they eat.

True? - debatable you can be eating the highest quality superfood in the world, but if you're eating too fast, and you're not breathing during the meal, you're actually decreasing nutrient absorption and slowing down your metabolism. If you have a client that says, "I eat healthy but I can't seem to lose weight," the first place to check is her eating speed and whether or not she's in relaxation response when she eats. The more awareness and presence you bring to each meal, the less you need to eat no matter what the food is. The less awareness and presence you bring to each meal, the more you need to eat.

What's the "slowest eater" game?

Try to be the person at the table who finishes their meal last

Why might someone fear their appetite? What is a healthier way of relating to appetite?

We fear that if we let ourselves eat anything we want, that we will eat everything in sight and lose self control We believe that if we really allow ourselves to have whatever we want and succumb to that endless pit of desire, it will cause destruction But what if the opposite were true? Our body's wisdom will tell you exactly what to eat and how much is enough. In fact, consider that your body doesn't want to overeat We are all animals, and all animals have an innate sense of exactly what to eat to be healthy, lose weight, gain energy, and to feel better To heal your relationship with food and to lose weight sustainably, you must embrace the wisdom of your body and your appetite

What happens when you eat too quickly?

When people eat too quickly, they're not giving the hormonal cross talk system enough time to work Not only are they not knowing when they're full, but they're also not getting the feeling of pleasure that the brain is craving after eating, which causes the brain to say, "Eat more!" causes a stress response, nutrient absorption decreases

How many times should you let go of your utensils?

at least 3 times during the meal

What happens when you overeat?

weight gain feel weighed down, heavy, uncomfortable, sleepy, and less energy

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